Ron & Fez: Animated Christmas Intro : Here was our first test for the hopefully to be produced Ron & Fez animated series. Thanks to Fluffernutter for the animation. (Unknown Size)
Circus Boy In Harlem As Clinton! : This is funny, he goes to some guy who thinks he's a complete psycho, but like a true american he takes anything that's free. (Unknown Size)
Circus Boy In Harlem As Clinton! With Little Kids : I'm sure this is probably illegal but he gives them to these kids who's mom is actually encouraging the kids to smoke. She even asked me for a lighte (Unknown Size)
Lizzy Grubman - Bowling For White Trash Crash Pack!!! : Here's a zip of several video clips of the actual bowling, and the subsequent crashes (gutter balls). The idea is simple, back the SUV into some doll (Unknown Size)