3/8/02 - Billy Staples' Craps on Al Dukes' Paycheck part 3 of 3 : March 8, 2002 - Billy Staples agrees to replicate a "Fat Guy stunt" from the O&A Show (he previously performed the stunt on former O&A staffer Spaz) and craps on Al Dukes' paycheck. Also includes the Power Hour with Jersey girls. (Unknown Size)
3/8/02 - Billy Staples' Craps on Al Dukes' Paycheck part 2 of 3 : March 8, 2002 - Billy Staples agrees to replicate a "Fat Guy stunt" from the O&A Show (he previously performed the stunt on former O&A staffer Spaz) and craps on Al Dukes' paycheck. Also includes the Power Hour with Jersey girls. (Unknown Size)
3/8/02 - Billy Staples' Craps on Al Dukes' Paycheck part 1 of 3 : March 8, 2002 - Billy Staples agrees to replicate a "Fat Guy stunt" from the O&A Show (he previously performed the stunt on former O&A staffer Spaz) and craps on Al Dukes' paycheck. Also includes the Power Hour with Jersey girls. (Unknown Size)