Audio of Bitz' Band Pomoguamo : For your listening pleasure, here are a couple of songs from Intern Bitz' band Pomoguamo. They are "Evil People Rule The World" and "Pussy, Pot, and Punk Rock". (Unknown Size)
Bobo & Bitz - 'Your Mom's Beatbox' : Bobo & Bitz perform 'Yer Mom's Beatbox' - This is an alternate version of the song Bobo performed on March 4, 2005. It was recorded in one of the WJFK production studios and includes the vocal stylings human beatbox Bitz. (Unknown Size)
The Bitz Song : On March 9, 2005, the interns were supposed to submit commercial parodies for judging on the show. Somehow, the intern Bitz didn't hear the assignment correctly and instead submitted this quirky little autobiographical earworm. Although available as part of another segment in the file library, this particular download is a high quality version of the song absent any interruptions from the show. (Unknown Size)