View Full Version : Women that owns Cats"sss"
05-02-2001, 07:12 PM
Why is it that some women owns like tons of cats?.. I went to a customer's house today and this lady(single I would imagine) had like 5 cats for each room of the house(it was a big house too).. and she didn't take care of the house, so there would be tons of cat hair all over the place... I hate that crap.. anyway.. is it that they are single and they need some motivation to go on with life?... are they just going crazy that they think they are gonna die soon and having cats makes them feel better? please give me your opinion.. I'm about to back to that house and set them cats free.
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05-02-2001, 07:55 PM
I don't know...I've got a couple of theories on this, but none seem entirely satisfactory or universal...but here's the one I'll throw out there:
It seems that women with an abnormal amount of cats have problems with their ability to reproduce, be it the fact they can't have children or they never had the opportunity, or the opportunity came and went. They seem to replace that maternal instinct, that need to care for something that is solely theirs with the cat.
05-03-2001, 12:24 AM
DANILO - Regarding people with tons of cats, I looked in the DSM 4 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition) for psychiatric disorders. Here is the quote verbatim "Just plain nuts!"
For more cat nuttiness check out Here's a nice passage from that site...
"If you do not have a cat, and a stray comes along, it is because you have a need for one in the home at that particular time. The stray has volunteered to help you and has sought you out. Thank the cat for picking your household for its work..The cat came to you for a reason, unknown to you on the physical level, but in the dream state you can see it and the reason for their appearance at that time, if you want to know it. Sometimes there is a karmic debt it must pay back to you. It may have eaten you in another lifetime and must make it up to you by protecting you in this lifetime. ."
"In the days of Atlantis, the healers used crystals in their work. The crystals were used as a transmitter for healing. When the healers visited outlying villages, they could not use their crystals for the people were very suspicious of them and thought they were using black magic. Since they were not permitted to use the crystals, the healers would carry a cat with them as it performed the same function as the crystal. The people were not afraid of cats and they willing allowed them into their homes. So, the cat has been used numerous times in the healing arts."
05-03-2001, 11:10 AM
Here is the quote verbatim "Just plain nuts!"
-I think that sums it up... thank you very much HK.
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-I AM THE ONE-</font></font></center>
This message was edited by DANILO on 5-3-01 @ 3:11 PM
05-07-2001, 08:44 PM
Thank you. Thank you Horde King for finding that online magazine article. To think I've been living all this time in ignorance. Here I was, happily planning to come back in my next life as a cat... have food brought to me, sleep 16 hours a day, look at everybody else disdainfully... and now I find out that they have JOBS to do! That they have to WORK! I gasp at the horror of it all. Thank you for saving me from that life, HK. I would have been making a terrible mistake.
;) And on a slightly more serious note... did you read any of the comments left about the story? This was my favorite: "it is all true,and i know this because im wiccan!!!" Further proof that there are idiots in ANY group.
Now, I must go yell at my three cats and force them to stop neglecting their duties!
05-07-2001, 08:52 PM
KATETHEWITCH - Your post made me literally LOL. Great post!
05-08-2001, 12:23 AM
Your post made me literally LOL.
That's only fair, since your posts have frequently made me chuckle, giggle, chortle, laugh, guffaw, and occasionally do a spit take all over my computer screen. I bow before the king. ;)
05-08-2001, 06:56 AM
i like cats
but i only want one kitten
then i want a pug and a rottie
ok im going crazy, dont mind me
<img src="">
my very own baby, Danilo, made this sig pic for me...kisses
05-08-2001, 08:34 AM
I think that anyone who has more than three cats should be shot. No offense, though.
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