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does it bother you girls? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : does it bother you girls?

02-24-2002, 09:05 AM
hey i'm just curious of what the fight night girls thought of all the hooping and hollering they endured at thefight does it ever makeyou feel bad or is it as ego inflating as it seems? also if you see a guy at fight night yelling and acting all crazy while he looks at you does that disqualfy him for a date or even talking to ya?

striving towards the goal that one day i will meet one of the girls and they'll be my friend with privliges. i'd say which one i like the best but i just read the no drooling post so i'll refrain:)

02-24-2002, 09:03 PM
hmmm, i mean on the surface its very very very flattering. The "show me your tits" stuff is annoying and also brings you down to the reality that your just another pair of breasts. but its cool its fun. ITs a trip too, i have never had anyone ask for my autograph before so you feel like a celebritey for a few hours. I think if a guy is waaayyy to into and freaking out thats alittle too much. but if hes just clapping or screaming a bit its cool, i wouldnt count them out

Lisa Croft
02-25-2002, 09:00 AM
The "show your tits" chant is annoying, but I know full well what's going to happen when I dress the way I do, so I have no right to complain. As long as nothing gets physical (ass-grabbing, etc.) none of it really bothers me.

Jackie Sloan
02-25-2002, 09:23 AM
Lisa Lara Croft...Jackie Sloans' dream girl...relax Pantera, ain't dissin'...great job at the fight Lisa

SECRET SHAME: lives in a florida trailer park with big fat Mama

02-25-2002, 09:53 AM
haha yea i cant really complain about the chants when i had my ass hanging out and i shirt full of slits so you can see my tah tahs. lol.. its pretty much all in good fun

02-25-2002, 09:54 AM
It hought they were chantign Boshavicks

i thought it was a cummunist thing

number 333 its the way to be

02-25-2002, 07:23 PM
For what its worth I only saw the pictures and my compliments to all the RF ladies. They have always made the show even better than it is.

I have been a fan of Clare since I heard you on O and A. The knife thing is awesome. Another fetish on my list to try.

Melissa love your personality.

Anyway keep up the fun

Dam I need a life.

OPPS Did I say that outloud?

This message was edited by scorpion on 2-26-02 @ 10:25 AM

02-25-2002, 07:32 PM
Why do I get the show your tits chant?

<embed src="" width=300 height=100>
Censored, Because I'm a Responsible Moderator, who fucks children in the ass.

french bread pizza
02-25-2002, 08:14 PM
yeah i'm with the other ladies..the show your tits thing was annoying but as long as that's as far as it goes it was cool.

and yes , clare, i was fully flattered to have someone ask for my autograph too..i am still actually in shock.

i have nothing witty to add.

Poison Ivy
02-25-2002, 09:06 PM
Why do I get the show your tits chant?

I thought it was always the "Show your ass" chant for you Pooter...

<img src= width="300" height="100"> <br><marquee><font face=comicsansms color=mediumpurple> Do you ever put your arms out and spin and spin and spin? Well that's what love is like. Makes your heart race, turns your world upside down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You can't see whats happening to the people around you...You can't see that you're about to fall... </font></marquee>

sexy bastard
02-25-2002, 11:28 PM
i havent been to one of the events, but i mean number one for you ladies to go up there dressed like that is a sign of wow i mean i guess its a little flattering cause these ladies have great bodies, but us guys still should be respectful and not say show your tah tahs you know.
and giving autograghs has happened to me once it was in times square and a couuple of tourists read my poetry and recognized my picture and asked me for my autogragh..its kinda cool and flattering in that aspect...

the epitame of masculinity (yeah right)

02-26-2002, 06:13 AM
the one time i got asked for my autograph some tourists thought i was some ugly merengue singer
i'll make this plea here too though someone make a rfgirls site already please?
that show your tits thing is as tired as every one screaming what after every sentence. when lisa croft came out it was pretty loud i figured her and pantera were gonna mop the foor with the whole lot of them that woulda been cool...ah maybe next time

<img src=>
striving towards the goal that one day i will meet one of the girls and they'll be my friend with privliges. i'd say which one i like the best but i just read the no drooling post so i'll refrain.
furies forever the warriors were pussies