02-21-2002, 09:12 AM
Today i was sitting in class and i got called to the office
I though i was gogin to get introuble or someone in my family was dead (but there werent)
MY gidance consuler Mrs Wilber wanted to talk wiht me about what am i goign to do with my life after High school i first though I wanna rock but since she was still talkign i didnt want to bother her
She ask so what abotu it
I said i wanan make money
she said how
I said with ym skills
She said What are your skills
I said my cleaver ness my creative ness and dancing skills
Theni say I DONT KNOW
causei dont and she need to knwo cause they have to Do tests on me cause im in a prgram called IEP witch is indepent education program cause i have leanring dissabilyty and what not well any wHoo
Why does everyone one else i knwo know what there doing but me
And also She told me i need to pratice using phones cause i suck at phones and i need pratce
i havent written this much since i got hit in the nut in gym class wiht a hocky ball
What do any of you knwo abotu this
number 333 its the way to be
This message was edited by Sheeplovr on 2-21-02 @ 1:24 PM
I though i was gogin to get introuble or someone in my family was dead (but there werent)
MY gidance consuler Mrs Wilber wanted to talk wiht me about what am i goign to do with my life after High school i first though I wanna rock but since she was still talkign i didnt want to bother her
She ask so what abotu it
I said i wanan make money
she said how
I said with ym skills
She said What are your skills
I said my cleaver ness my creative ness and dancing skills
Theni say I DONT KNOW
causei dont and she need to knwo cause they have to Do tests on me cause im in a prgram called IEP witch is indepent education program cause i have leanring dissabilyty and what not well any wHoo
Why does everyone one else i knwo know what there doing but me
And also She told me i need to pratice using phones cause i suck at phones and i need pratce
i havent written this much since i got hit in the nut in gym class wiht a hocky ball
What do any of you knwo abotu this
number 333 its the way to be
This message was edited by Sheeplovr on 2-21-02 @ 1:24 PM