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Christie and the GWB lane closings. [Archive] - Messageboard


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01-09-2014, 12:07 PM
Today he gave the mea culpa and fired his deputy chief of staff. In the short run this will be the main story but for 2016 it probably won't hurt him. From what I saw in his presser I don't think he was personally involved.

01-09-2014, 12:14 PM
It's Jersey. The highways are always jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive.

newport king
01-09-2014, 12:18 PM
Of course he knew. Im pretty sure this woman doesnt just have some sick vendetta against the mayor of Fort Ree for no reason.

01-09-2014, 12:20 PM
Of course he knew. Im pretty sure this woman doesnt just have some sick vendetta against the mayor of Fort Ree for no reason.

Are you Asian?

01-09-2014, 12:21 PM
I wouldn't think he would be that crazy to have an involvement especially that he was a former prosecutor and Atty Gen for NJ

He went to Ft Lee to apologize , but the Mayor didn't want any part of him

01-09-2014, 12:28 PM
I wouldn't think he would be that crazy to have an involvement that could be traced back to him personally especially that he was a former prosecutor and Atty Gen for NJ

He went to Ft Lee to apologize , but the Mayor didn't want any part of him

Fixed that for ya.

Why do people in this country even bother talking politics anymore? It is a pointless exercise.

If you're right-leaning, then the pols who act like they are right-leaning are the good guys to you, all evidence to the contrary be damned. Same goes on the left. The two sides just wind up talking past each other in sound bites. It's Kabuki theater.

01-09-2014, 12:29 PM
It's Jersey. The highways are always jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive.

I appreciated it.

01-09-2014, 12:35 PM
It's Jersey. The highways are always jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive.

I appreciated it.

Of course he knew. Im pretty sure this woman doesnt just have some sick vendetta against the mayor of Fort Ree for no reason.

Are you Asian?

This too. :laugh:

01-09-2014, 12:48 PM
Are you Asian?

Racist, but funny. :laugh:

01-09-2014, 01:21 PM
Racist, but funny. :laugh:


newport king
01-09-2014, 02:03 PM
Are you Asian?

Have you ever BEEN to Fort Lee? Its like Pyongyang. Thus calling it Ree

newport king
01-09-2014, 02:06 PM
According to the 2010 census, 38.4 percent of Fort Lee’s population is Asian. Nearly a quarter of the residents are Korean. Along Main Street, a hardware store and pharmacy share space with a Chinese restaurant, a new Korean chicken place and an Asian bakery. In the Linwood Plaza strip mall, space formerly filled by a Kings supermarket now holds a Korean Super H Mart.

01-09-2014, 02:20 PM
i'm delighted to see that
self-absorbed fat fuck squirm

he has a history of being
petulant and vengeful...
maybe he didn't order this
particular event, but his attitude
allowed his staffers to think
their boss would be fine with it

it's just like obama's IRS scandal...
using the government to intimidate

01-09-2014, 02:31 PM
Have you ever BEEN to Fort Lee? Its like Pyongyang. Thus calling it Ree

More like Seoul. Nobody starving like in Pyongyang

01-09-2014, 02:52 PM
More like Seoul. Nobody starving like in Pyongyang

There you go.
Because capitalism/conservatism/right wing whatever works, right?
And communism/ liberalism/left wing whatever is evil to the core, right?
Except, the thing is, EITHER philosophy would work, purely. Or, NEITHER will work, once they involve actual people.

01-09-2014, 03:00 PM
There aren't people looking to jump the 38th parallel into the north.

No system is perfect, However look at the differences of the North and South.

01-09-2014, 03:27 PM
There aren't people looking to jump the 38th parallel into the north.

No system is perfect, However look at the differences of the North and South.

None whatsoever?
Family or any other loved ones be damned?
Please cite the scientific, peer-reviewed study that proves your assertion, or admit it is more idealogical nonsense.

01-09-2014, 03:33 PM
What point are you trying to make? Do you believe that life is better in the north?

Metrics on GDP, per capita income and other factors prove me right

newport king
01-09-2014, 03:40 PM
More like Seoul. Nobody starving like in Pyongyang

Way to trample the joke.

01-09-2014, 04:37 PM
you shouldnt have even explained the joke. You shoulda just left it for the people who did get it, like me.

On a side note, would anyone happen to know if Christie (assuming they found out he knew) and/or his aids would be able to be held criminally responsible for injuries and such suffered as a result of this?

I saw some story about someone who called an ambulance and died because they couldnt get attention in time because of this traffic jam shit. Wouldnt that be criminal negligence or something?

01-09-2014, 05:43 PM
you shouldnt have even explained the joke. You shoulda just left it for the people who did get it, like me.

On a side note, would anyone happen to know if Christie (assuming they found out he knew) and/or his aids would be able to be held criminally responsible for injuries and such suffered as a result of this?

I saw some story about someone who called an ambulance and died because they couldnt get attention in time because of this traffic jam shit. Wouldnt that be criminal negligence or something?

No, because there are hungry people in North Korea.

01-09-2014, 05:49 PM
There aren't people looking to jump the 38th parallel into the north.

None whatsoever?
Family or any other loved ones be damned?
Please cite the scientific, peer-reviewed study that proves your assertion, or admit it is more idealogical nonsense.

What point are you trying to make? Do you believe that life is better in the north?

Metrics on GDP, per capita income and other factors prove me right

What point WAS I trying to make??

I merely asked you to prove YOUR assertion. Instead, you deflected.
Well done, sycophant.

01-09-2014, 06:50 PM
you shouldnt have even explained the joke. You shoulda just left it for the people who did get it, like me.

On a side note, would anyone happen to know if Christie (assuming they found out he knew) and/or his aids would be able to be held criminally responsible for injuries and such suffered as a result of this?

I saw some story about someone who called an ambulance and died because they couldnt get attention in time because of this traffic jam shit. Wouldnt that be criminal negligence or something?

i had similar thoughts…or lost production/wages lawsuits…missed meetings and or anyone who got into an accident AFTER the bridge can blame an artificial hold up that put them in that situation.

01-09-2014, 07:16 PM
I saw some story about someone who called an ambulance and died because they couldnt get attention in time because of this traffic jam shit. Wouldnt that be criminal negligence or something?

Woman says lane closings were not involved in mother's death. (

01-09-2014, 08:36 PM
Woman says lane closings were not involved in mother's death. (

Much as I loathe lawyers, if this daughter had just shut her mouth , she might have had some good settlement/hush money coming her way.I'm sure she had lawyers beating down her door.

However,the good reporter in Jersey will be looking as to where this fired deputy chief of staff gets her next job. Cause if its a good paying one worth a lot of money ,she got paid off to shut the hell up.

Also,an interesting story on the Maddow show tonight..The lane closings might not have been to fuck up that Fort Lee mayor at all, but instead to fuck up the senator who covers Fort Lee, as she is the one who was putting the screws to one of Christie's Supreme Court judges . Christie was SUPER pissed about this on Aug 12,and the next day the e-mail goes out to fuck up the toll booths.

01-10-2014, 04:05 AM
What point WAS I trying to make??

I merely asked you to prove YOUR assertion. Instead, you deflected.
Well done, sycophant.

Even if you have never watched a minute of Bloomberg news or CNBC it's known that the south is much more prosperous.
As far as the 38th parallel it's almost impossible to cross either way as that border is one of the most militarized on earth

Many people leave the north via China.

Does that satisfy your demand for explanation?

01-10-2014, 04:10 AM
Can I ask a stupid question???? When the fuck did all this stuff happen? I had no clue. When was this major back up happen? I really have not heard of any of this until the story broke.

I really need to be more awake.


01-10-2014, 04:14 AM
Happened back in early September, there were some small reports about it in December but shit really hit the fan a couple of days ago

01-10-2014, 04:35 AM
Happened back in early September, there were some small reports about it in December but shit really hit the fan a couple of days ago

Ok thanks...I know it hit a few days ago..but did not know when the whole traffic thingy happened. Hmmm wonder if anyone is doing the same thing with the Staten Island boro president..oh wait the Staten Island express way has sucked for YEARSSSSS.


01-10-2014, 04:47 AM
Today he gave the mea culpa and fired his deputy chief of staff. In the short run this will be the main story but for 2016 it probably won't hurt him. From what I saw in his presser I don't think he was personally involved.

Wow WF, giving a politician a free ride.

If it had been Obama you would have blamed him for the backup, the big pot hole on the GWB and the airplane landing on the Thruway.

01-10-2014, 04:50 AM
The lawsuits have begun:

North New Jersey residents sue Gov. Christie, state over George Washington Bridge gridlock (

One plaintiff claims she had to pullover and vomit because of the bridge lane closures.

Oh, the horror!

01-10-2014, 04:55 AM
The lawsuits have begun:

North New Jersey residents sue Gov. Christie, state over George Washington Bridge gridlock (

One plaintiff claims she had to pullover and vomit because of the bridge lane closures.

Oh, the horror!

I do that every time I cross the Outer Bridge....going from SI to NJ...oh...excuse me


01-10-2014, 05:15 AM
On the bright side, this must have brought in tons of business to this place! (

01-10-2014, 05:43 AM
i had similar thoughts…or lost production/wages lawsuits…missed meetings and or anyone who got into an accident AFTER the bridge can blame an artificial hold up that put them in that situation.

I was reading the Reddit post on this, and there was a local person who owns a business that had something to do with 911 nodes. His company is fined $25k every hour they are late to fix a node or some shit. He was fined $100k due to the traffic snarl that day. He said he was going to sue the State

01-10-2014, 06:57 AM
Wow WF, giving a politician a free ride.

If it had been Obama you would have blamed him for the backup, the big pot hole on the GWB and the airplane landing on the Thruway.

I'm not giving him a free ride. He wasn't aware but I said this is going to hurt him short term. Also This scandal isn't like the ones that Barack is overseeing. A few lanes closed over the GWB isn't the same thing as the NSA scandal or IRS. I've never said Obama is in the oval office scanning thru RF.NET

Christie isn't blaming his predecessor or talk radio. I am not a big time supporter of Christie but at least he's taking responsibility and fired 2 people.

Obamacare has been a clusterfuck, yet Sebelius is still on the job. Barack must beloving this because it deflects the latest awful jobs numbers only 74k created in December, the rate ticked down to 6.7% because people are giving up.

01-10-2014, 07:54 AM
On the bright side, this must have brought in tons of business to this place! (


01-10-2014, 08:01 AM
On the bright side, this must have brought in tons of business to this place! (


Is there an inside joke here I don't get?

My wife grew up about a mile from that place. Everytime we get together with her old high school buddies, that's where we meet up. :drunk:

01-10-2014, 08:04 AM
Psst...AJ, don't tell leeds anything about it. It'll seem more mysterious and it's fun to keep someone out of the loop.

01-10-2014, 08:04 AM
We used to do some board meet-ups there back in the day.

EDIT: Too late!

01-10-2014, 08:05 AM
Psst...AJ, don't tell leeds anything about it. It'll seem more mysterious and it's fun to keep someone out of the loop.

We used to do some board meet-ups there back in the day.

EDIT: Too late!

Dang it AJ! You roon all my fun!

01-10-2014, 08:09 AM
Dang it AJ! You roon all my fun!

Bros before smurfs.

Oof. That was so bad, I smacked myself.

01-10-2014, 08:10 AM
Bros before smurfs.

Oof. That was so bad, I smacked myself.

Self-discipline is the most effective.

01-10-2014, 08:16 AM
I'm not giving him a free ride. He wasn't aware but I said this is going to hurt him short term.

you really believe he didnt know about it? How stupid are you? So his people just up and did this on their own and thought it would be a good idea without any feedback from the top? STOP IT.

And if you want to rail about obama, there is a thread for that. Stop being retarded.

01-10-2014, 08:21 AM
you really believe he didnt know about it? How stupid are you? So his people just up and did this on their own and thought it would be a good idea without any feedback from the top? STOP IT.

And if you want to rail about obama, there is a thread for that. Stop being retarded.

He was going to crush Buono in the elections regardless. Would one mayors endorsement for her really make him want to close lanes to one of the busiest crossings in the country?

I don't think he'd be that dumb in this age of emails and paper trails.

01-10-2014, 08:28 AM
He was going to crush Buono in the elections regardless. Would one mayors endorsement for her really make him want to close lanes to one of the busiest crossings in the country?

I don't think he'd be that dumb in this age of emails and paper trails.

he didnt have a paper trail. But if you think he legit new nothing about it, you are insane. Esp when, if he actually didnt know, he probably found out when trying to find out why traffic was so bad at the bridge.

Also, how do you know thats why he did it? Thats what the news is saying it was. But the emails from his people never actually say that. Coulda been the senator like someone else said. Coulda been a ton of reasons. But Im pretty sure Christie knew what was going on long before he claims to have found out about it

01-10-2014, 08:36 AM
he didnt have a paper trail. But if you think he legit new nothing about it, you are insane. Esp when, if he actually didnt know, he probably found out when trying to find out why traffic was so bad at the bridge.

Also, how do you know thats why he did it? Thats what the news is saying it was. But the emails from his people never actually say that. Coulda been the senator like someone else said. Coulda been a ton of reasons. But Im pretty sure Christie knew what was going on long before he claims to have found out about it

I heard this morning that they are looking into emails.

Why would someone who was going to win by about 40 pts in a huge landslide want to jeopardize his career as well as a possible 2016 run over some Mayor who would not endorse him?

01-10-2014, 08:40 AM
Why would someone who was going to win by about 40 pts in a huge landslide want to jeopardize his career as well as a possible 2016 run over some Mayor who would not endorse him?

See Richard Nixon, 1972.

01-10-2014, 08:59 AM
Why would someone who was going to win by about 40 pts in a huge landslide want to jeopardize his career as well as a possible 2016 run over some Mayor who would not endorse him?

why would someone
who Mitt Romney chose to give
the keynote speech at the convention
not mention Mitt's name even ONE time?

because he was paying him back
for not selecting him as VP.

christie is an extremely vindictive
and fat piece of mafiosa-wannabe garbage
and this is great fun to watch

01-10-2014, 10:43 AM
why would someone
who Mitt Romney chose to give
the keynote speech at the convention
not mention Mitt's name even ONE time?

because he was paying him back
for not selecting him as VP.

christie is an extremely vindictive
and fat piece of mafiosa-wannabe garbage
and this is great fun to watch

But how do you really feel about it Dude?

01-10-2014, 11:18 AM
If Christie came out and said he did it, thought it was funny and would do it again, it STILL wouldn't be the story they're making it out to be.

01-10-2014, 12:15 PM
But how do you really feel about it Dude?

i can't wait for the day that we again
see his fat gut extending out five feet
over the jersey shore, where he
has gone to embrace a federal official...

only this time, it's not obama he'll embrace;
it'll be a federal marshall, come to handcuff
his royal fatness and take his fat ass to
a double-wide prison cell.

01-10-2014, 05:16 PM
If Christie came out and said he did it, thought it was funny and would do it again, it STILL wouldn't be the story they're making it out to be.

this is what I thought. Dem orgs are sending out petitions now trying to get the guy removed from office. Ok, I understand this is a seriously dick move, and if i had been effected I would be seriously pissed, maybe even sue if it was monetary or what not.

But, is it really THIS BIG a deal? The guy has done shit like this 100 times. They had an article with a half page list of all the shit he has done to spite people who didnt endorse him or whatever. I can understand how the optic could effect his career and ability to earn trust and votes in the future, but can they really throw him out for this?

I dont think its that crazy, but I also think the guy is a moron and has horrible policies. So I wouldnt mind seeing him go

01-11-2014, 06:07 AM
you really believe he didnt know about it? How stupid are you? So his people just up and did this on their own and thought it would be a good idea without any feedback from the top? STOP IT.

And if you want to rail about obama, there is a thread for that. Stop being retarded.


01-11-2014, 06:11 AM
this is what I thought. Dem orgs are sending out petitions now trying to get the guy removed from office. Ok, I understand this is a seriously dick move, and if i had been effected I would be seriously pissed, maybe even sue if it was monetary or what not.

But, is it really THIS BIG a deal? The guy has done shit like this 100 times. They had an article with a half page list of all the shit he has done to spite people who didnt endorse him or whatever. I can understand how the optic could effect his career and ability to earn trust and votes in the future, but can they really throw him out for this?

I dont think its that crazy, but I also think the guy is a moron and has horrible policies. So I wouldnt mind seeing him go

I wouldn't get too excited about online petitions. They are about enhancing data and third party groups pushing an agenda.

Overall from a political perspective it's about driving the optic as nobody knows how far this will go.

01-11-2014, 09:26 AM
I'm not giving him a free ride. He wasn't aware but I said this is going to hurt him short term. Also This scandal isn't like the ones that Barack is overseeing. A few lanes closed over the GWB isn't the same thing as the NSA scandal or IRS. I've never said Obama is in the oval office scanning thru RF.NET

Christie isn't blaming his predecessor or talk radio. I am not a big time supporter of Christie but at least he's taking responsibility and fired 2 people.

Obamacare has been a clusterfuck, yet Sebelius is still on the job. Barack must beloving this because it deflects the latest awful jobs numbers only 74k created in December, the rate ticked down to 6.7% because people are giving up.

PERFECT!! Christie abused the office and was completely pett, or at least people under him did probably at his push, and your major take on it is it will hurt him some election wise…BURN!!!! Then you turn around and go off on any and everything Obama..SWEET!!!!

01-11-2014, 09:29 AM
you really believe he didnt know about it? How stupid are you? So his people just up and did this on their own and thought it would be a good idea without any feedback from the top? STOP IT.

And if you want to rail about obama, there is a thread for that. Stop being retarded.

answer is VERY! WF is VERY stupid and a biased, racist stupid at that

and yah, glad someone else noted his uncontrollable urge

01-11-2014, 09:29 AM
He was going to crush Buono in the elections regardless. Would one mayors endorsement for her really make him want to close lanes to one of the busiest crossings in the country?

I don't think he'd be that dumb in this age of emails and paper trails.

yes, wf, it's FUCKING STUPID AND PETTY…and yes, politicians can be, especially THIS guy

01-11-2014, 09:31 AM
I heard this morning that they are looking into emails.

Why would someone who was going to win by about 40 pts in a huge landslide want to jeopardize his career as well as a possible 2016 run over some Mayor who would not endorse him?

again, it wasn't solely about WINNING the election, but spite and anger you fuckwad

01-11-2014, 09:31 AM
See Richard Nixon, 1972.


01-11-2014, 09:34 AM
why would someone
who Mitt Romney chose to give
the keynote speech at the convention
not mention Mitt's name even ONE time?

because he was paying him back
for not selecting him as VP.

christie is an extremely vindictive
and fat piece of mafiosa-wannabe garbage
and this is great fun to watch

that lines up perfectly
careful, showing your true "character" under it all now
stop being so on point

01-11-2014, 09:34 AM
If Christie came out and said he did it, thought it was funny and would do it again, it STILL wouldn't be the story they're making it out to be.

yah, bc it would be different

you're so on top of it

01-11-2014, 09:38 AM
this is what I thought. Dem orgs are sending out petitions now trying to get the guy removed from office. Ok, I understand this is a seriously dick move, and if i had been effected I would be seriously pissed, maybe even sue if it was monetary or what not.

But, is it really THIS BIG a deal? The guy has done shit like this 100 times. They had an article with a half page list of all the shit he has done to spite people who didnt endorse him or whatever. I can understand how the optic could effect his career and ability to earn trust and votes in the future, but can they really throw him out for this?

I dont think its that crazy, but I also think the guy is a moron and has horrible policies. So I wouldnt mind seeing him go

yet all the dems have to do is link him to NJ and its corruption and he's all but sunk nationally. Christie wanted to do the exact opposite and this may be small in a normal person's mind, but the rest of this country he now just looks like the next corrupt piece of shit NJ politician meant to stay there. Both sides absolutely kill an issue to death when they THINK it favors them, just look at the GOP with Benghazi STILL, or anything WF says…yah yah yah, independent.

01-11-2014, 09:38 AM
I wouldn't get too excited about online petitions. They are about enhancing data and third party groups pushing an agenda.

Overall from a political perspective it's about driving the optic as nobody knows how far this will go.

and makes sure the REST of the country hears it and retains it.

03-27-2014, 03:57 PM
Oh, Christie's hand-picked lawyers say the Governor is clean. The public is supposed to believe that?

03-27-2014, 05:10 PM
Oh, Christie's hand-picked lawyers say the Governor is clean. The public is supposed to believe that?

yeah, it's like Holder
investigating the IRS
or fast and furious

03-27-2014, 08:48 PM
Oh, Christie's hand-picked lawyers say the Governor is clean. The public is supposed to believe that?

I'm always wary about those kind of selections when dealing with an investigation.

I happen to believe them, but having an outside source say it would of course look better.

I guess I also just don't really care about this. I'm sorry it screwed up some people's commute but give me a break. It's not a big deal.

03-27-2014, 09:27 PM
It's the abuse of power issue keithy, not the extra 2 hour commute which in itself shows he'll stick it to his own constituents just to play fucking games.

03-27-2014, 11:07 PM
It's the abuse of power issue keithy, not the extra 2 hour commute which in itself shows he'll stick it to his own constituents just to play fucking games.

I get that. But until something comes out that shows that he was involved and knew about it then I'll just think it was a stupid blunder on his part for not knowing.

I'm also just bored with the story too.

03-28-2014, 06:59 AM
he knew

is it current news worthy of constant coverage on msnbc, of course not

yet he knew and should get shit on it

03-30-2014, 02:40 AM
Looks like Christie is getting an early start for 2016. He flew out to Vegas to kiss the ring of Sheldon Adelson

03-30-2014, 05:44 AM
Looks like Christie is getting an early start for 2016. He flew out to Vegas to kiss the ring of Sheldon Adelson

From all indications he's Sheldon's pick. This should be fascinating.

03-30-2014, 07:25 AM
That's until Jeb goes out to woo him

03-30-2014, 09:46 AM
I get that. But until something comes out that shows that he was involved and knew about it then I'll just think it was a stupid blunder on his part for not knowing.

I'm also just bored with the story too.

A friend of mine who is involved with Republican politics in Iowa and another one who is involved with Democratic politics in south Florida both told me basically the same thing. Christie is considered a RINO and isn't trusted but the more the media goes after him on this issue, the stronger he looks as a candidate.

Both of them are bored with the story too.

03-30-2014, 10:57 AM

03-30-2014, 11:33 AM
A friend of mine who is involved with Republican politics in Iowa and another one who is involved with Democratic politics in south Florida both told me basically the same thing. Christie is considered a RINO and isn't trusted but the more the media goes after him on this issue, the stronger he looks as a candidate.

Both of them are bored with the story too.

Being "bored" with the BridgeGate story doesn't mean it's over. In fact I would bet there is way more to come.

03-31-2014, 04:29 PM
Adelson is already controlling Christie. He mentioned the term occupied territories for Gaza and West Bank and immediately had to apologize for saying that.

03-31-2014, 07:06 PM
Jeb bush huh

04-01-2014, 05:21 AM
Jeb should take his mothers advice.

04-01-2014, 05:27 AM

04-01-2014, 05:45 AM
She is pro choice.

04-01-2014, 07:07 AM
310 million people in this country and our choices might be Clinton or Bush.


04-01-2014, 07:36 AM
310 million people in this country and our choices might be Clinton or Bush.


or ted cruz and elizabeth warren...
even more pathetic

04-01-2014, 08:19 AM
Warren in a second.

04-01-2014, 08:21 AM
I'd vote for Warren Haynes.

04-01-2014, 08:35 AM
I'd vote for Warren Haynes.
Slide guitar beats saxamaphone any day!