View Full Version : I saw a dead body
02-09-2002, 07:00 AM
Dude, I was down by new brunswick on friday and I passed by a motorcycle accident. There was only one police car there and I saw a body lay lifeless on the ground covered with a sheet with blood soaking through and a foot hanging out from underneath the sheet. I started to hurl.
So, how was your week?
let me know.
02-09-2002, 07:08 AM
Let's when i did my internship with a police dept. i saw a total of 3 dead body's... the first one i saw was on my very first day... i was stuck in a house for over 3 hrs waiting for the medical release... then i saw what happens when a motorcycle tries to take on a car.. losers two young fellows that i saw get gutted by way of an autopsy....
The new Governor of the Moon
02-09-2002, 07:30 AM
in my late teens i volunteered for my local emergency room and was an EMT for the ambulance squad. so i have seen my share a dead bodies. the worst was a pregnant woman, 8 months or so a long, who had had a heart attack. we arrived at her apt and the medic bagged her and had me start CPR. i continued CPR on the way to ER. by the time we arrived it was determined there was no way to save the mother but the ER doc performed a c-section and saved the child. not being able to do anything to save that childs mother ruined me for weeks.
more recently in NYC i was at the 34th street station of the A line. across the platform i noticed a train was stopped half way up the platform. i looked down towards the track and the wheels of the first car. someone had jumped. their head was caught and cracked open between the wheel and the track.
(sorry to be so depressing)
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02-09-2002, 07:44 AM
i saw a dead crack head in the abandond pool at a park around the the block from my house.his pants were half way down and his peesh was out.anybody else ever see dead crackhead peesh?its a strange thing.
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02-09-2002, 08:30 AM
Oddly enough I also saw a dead body in New Brunswick once. It was in front of The Hub liquor store on French St. Some guy had been beaten to death in a fight, and I was driving by before anyone got there and saw him lie dead on the sidewalk. There were even people around sorta gawking. I heard sirens coming, so I knew at least someone had been called, so I went about my business. For the next few weeks, there was a bunch of candles and flowers people would leave in that spot and the blood stains took forever to wash off the sidewalk. It was pretty creepy.
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02-09-2002, 08:33 AM
damm getting beat to death.that must have been some sick sight to look at.
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<I>I see dead people; all the time.</I>
When I was 16, I broke my knee at school playng football and was taken to Jacobi Hospital's emergency room. Over the next 5 hours I got to watch the 8 month old baby die. I never found out what was wrong with it (Like I'd pull the mother over and ask her), but it was the most painful thing I've ever had to watch. And on a side note, while all of that was going on, and I was laying there in pain, and Orderly came up to me, gave me a thumbs up, and told me I had the coolest x-ray he saw in 6 months.
Fuck Jacobi
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
02-09-2002, 10:54 AM
I want to see a dead body. I really do. and not like heart attack dead but the type of dead that will make you cry.
"My review of 2001 the year is the same as my review of 2001: A Space Odyssey- overlong, hard to follow, and only enjoyable if you're really really stoned." - Lewis Black
"a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"- joseph stalin
02-09-2002, 11:00 AM
you're fucked up
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This message was edited by Jennitalia on 2-9-02 @ 3:34 PM
02-09-2002, 11:02 AM
I watched my grandma die in a dimly-lit hospital room that smelled of disinfectant. That's my experience seeing a dead person and I don't care to see another one again.
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02-09-2002, 11:10 AM
I work in hakensack NJ, theres a few homless people who are always around the main St. area. One day on break a friend & i go out to grab some eats & he notices a homeless man sleeping on a bench, problem was he was in the same position as when he saw him in the morning. We got worried & yelled at him to wake up, nothing happened, my friend then shook him & he was as hard as a rock according to him, we called the Cops who came by & told us he was dead. that really sucked, I hope old boy is in a beter place now. RIP ol'timer.
Excomunicated Reeshy
02-09-2002, 11:20 AM
Now I can honestly say that I don't like you- there is nothing about you that is good. To say that you want to see a dead body sickens me to my stomach! You are one sick bastard!!!
I hope I never get to meet you in person!
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This message was edited by Excomunicated Reeshy on 2-9-02 @ 3:27 PM
Ralphy Ramone
02-09-2002, 11:51 AM
You should not have looked at it!Now you will be cursed to walk this earth until You die.
02-09-2002, 12:51 PM
hmm lets see...I've seen family members right before they die (my great grandmother, my nana, and my dad's aunt). I felt so bad when I saw my nana, I couldnt even look at her without crying..and I didnt want her to see me cry so I had to leave. Then at the funeral my cousins were dressed like whores...but thats another story.
I saw the EMT's bring my neighbor out of the house..she was dead, but they were still doing cpr..till they get her in the ambulance so the little kids wouldnt think that she was dead. And my friend was high one day and licked a dead guy..but Im trying to forget about that moment. Ugh Death sucks!! :(
The Valentine of erole.
I'm a 16 yr old girl from L.I. :D
-+-Forever feeding the addiction known as!!-+-
Proud to be part of the Family!
Excomunicated Reeshy
02-09-2002, 04:31 PM
want to see a dead body. I really do. and not like heart attack dead but the type of dead that will make you cry
Hey Sickboy -can you explain this or will you just hide behind some asshole quote?
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02-09-2002, 07:17 PM
all righty, I want to see a dead body. I'm not just talking about a corpse like someone whose heart stops, I want to see a body with a bit of blood, possibly a bit of organs. you'll probably say "you won't say that when you see it" but right now I do and that's how it goes.
"My review of 2001 the year is the same as my review of 2001: A Space Odyssey- overlong, hard to follow, and only enjoyable if you're really really stoned." - Lewis Black
"a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"- joseph stalin
opm * chick
02-09-2002, 07:51 PM
I saw a car accident on my way to Florida when I was 12, and traffic was really really slow, u know how people just love to stare at car accidents, and 2 bodies were laying like 10 feet in front of the car, and I tried not to look at it but I took a quick peek, all I remember is how bright the blood was and this woman crying over the bodies.
last weekend a boy in my school named Matt died because he ran into a tree on his bike, and I couldn't do to the wake because I don't think I could have handled seeing him there like that, after sitting next to him at school almost every day. No I definatly could never handle that.
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<center>I hug the drugdealers</center>
02-09-2002, 08:03 PM
The only person I've seen is my Mom. After she passed they left her in the Hospital bed til I came to see her, about 40 minutes after she passed. I brought my two daughters in as well, they were very close and regardless of her appearance, she was their Nanny...
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"I don't need a whole lots of money, I don't need a big fine car"
02-10-2002, 11:34 AM
Ikea, if you want to see dead bodies, go to a grave and start digging.
let me know.
02-10-2002, 02:45 PM
IkeaBoy is really starting to disturb me(I say "starting"?) I saw my Grandfather dead...after he had been embalmed and trust me...That was bad enough...I am sure Reeshy can help you out if you really want to see some dead mangled bodies...But don't be surprised if you are looking in the mirror...
What makes your comment even worse is that you go to NYU!!!!
Probably less than a mile from GROUND FUCKING ZERO!!!
I hope you fall into a hole and are unable to climb back out...You twisted f!
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Excomunicated Reeshy
02-10-2002, 04:35 PM
Thank you Jersey Rich,
My sentiments exactly.
Ikeaboy , you have to be one of the most disturbed people that I have heard of on this board!!
I have seen hundreds of bodies in all sorts of conditions and each and everyone of them still makes me sick to my stomach.
you have to be one of the sickest fucks that ever posted on this board. One more thing Sickboy- don't post on any thread where I appear - that's my personal ban!!!
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This message was edited by Excomunicated Reeshy on 2-10-02 @ 9:24 PM
02-10-2002, 04:52 PM
he's just trying to act as if he's some sort of bad-ass...if he ever did see a dead body, he'd probably make a poopie in his pants
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Excomunicated Reeshy
02-10-2002, 05:03 PM
That's funny, Jenny.
I happen to think that Ikeaboy is a piece of shit!!
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02-10-2002, 05:07 PM
Can Poopies make poopies?
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02-10-2002, 05:32 PM
oh i'm not tryiung to be a badass i truly do want to see a dead body.
"My review of 2001 the year is the same as my review of 2001: A Space Odyssey- overlong, hard to follow, and only enjoyable if you're really really stoned." - Lewis Black
"a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"- joseph stalin
Excomunicated Reeshy
02-10-2002, 05:37 PM
all kidding aside- I can actually arrange a tour of the Bellevue City morgue for you- I would really like to see your face when you lose your lunch, you fucking loser!
E-mail me if you got some balls , Sickboy but I doubt I will hear from a pussyboy like you!!!! ASSHOLE!!
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02-10-2002, 06:04 PM
Can you make ONE post that doesn't involve Ikeaboy? I'm starting to think you're obsessed.
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02-10-2002, 06:10 PM
Hey Skidmark...wanna fight?
Is that better?
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02-10-2002, 06:12 PM
Rich, you're too pretty for me to mess you up.
And I'm sorry, but that constant bickering thing is really getting old between those two.
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Excomunicated Reeshy
02-10-2002, 06:29 PM
who are you referring too?
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02-10-2002, 06:46 PM
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Bring it on beeotch!
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02-10-2002, 06:52 PM
One of my friends was shot in the middle of the street in my town. I was down the street, and we heard the gunshots and screaming, and my friends and I ran up - my friend was dead in the street. We didn't know it was gonna be him. It was some fucked up shit.
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<font size=-2><a href="">Email Me</a> or <a href="aim:goim?screenname=angrymissybaby1&message=ISMELL!!!!!EEEEEEEEE!">IM Me</a>
For some reason after reading this thread, I want to go watch "Stand By Me".
And Jersey Rich, your name says it all, no one from Jersey can be a tough guy. Bring it on!
<h6>kidding of course, I haven't been in a fight since the 5th grade.</h6>
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
02-10-2002, 08:14 PM
Reeshy, I was refering to the constant BS between you and Ikeaboy. If there's a beef between you two, take it to email. And if you have a problem with me saying so, then email me also.
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02-10-2002, 08:44 PM
as much as i'd like to i don't exactly trust going on a morgue tour with you reeshy
"My review of 2001 the year is the same as my review of 2001: A Space Odyssey- overlong, hard to follow, and only enjoyable if you're really really stoned." - Lewis Black
"a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"- joseph stalin
02-10-2002, 08:44 PM
hey ikeaboy
i'm new and i don't even know you....but everytime i have come onto this board you seem to be logged on....i guess you feel you have ownership
i haven't personally lost any human being in my life....but i know of those who have....several of my friends lost family members on sept 11th....and if you think it's interesting to see a dead body than you have no grasp of the pain and suffering it can cause
death is sad....death hurts and it leaves a permanent scar to those it leaves behind and it is forever
you are supposed to be in lower manhattan? i can hardly believe that with your attitude
to look upon death as a cool thing to observe takes you down a notch in everyone's book i would think
certainly in mine....not that you would give a fuck what i think...but i just couldn't keep quiet about this
sometimes trying to be so outrageous just doesn't can backfire
maybe you are a candidate for med school...plenty of cadavers for you to play with
just my two cents for what it's worth...flame on
Big Jim
02-10-2002, 09:45 PM
When I was 15 I was shooting video in the grandstands at Wall Stadium, a car race track in my hometown. A Car flipped over the guardrail and struck the flagman, killing him. I witnessed that, and to make it worse have it on video. He was nearly decapitated. This was back in 1995.
Dumb Donald was so dumb. Instead of praying to God at church, he prays to... <img src = ""> Thank you Jersey Rich for this sig!SEEEEEYUH!!
02-11-2002, 05:27 AM
as much as i'd like to i don't exactly trust going on a morgue tour with you reeshy
pussy ;)
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Why not Ikea? You wold have 200 people here knowing that you are going, plus it's not like the two of you wold be alone. If you're so into it it's the perfect opportunity.
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
02-11-2002, 07:41 AM
i realize that this is none of my business, but i just feel really compelled...
what business is it of anyone's to pass judgement on what ikea or anyone else wants to say/do? maybe he really is a sick fuck and has some serious problems, but that's his deal. maybe he's just saying stuff that he thinks people will find offensive to stir up some heated conversation on the board for once. the point is, i wouldn't really want people saying shit about me just becasue i had an unpopular opinion - even if it was about something that people felt very strongly about. i get the feeling that ikeaboy coulnd't care any less about this, but it bothers me...
the moon it leaves silver but never sleep
and then the silver turns to grey
oh, stay with me, arienette, until the wolves are away
02-11-2002, 08:38 AM
i dont mean to be rude, but it shouldnt offend you, it had nothing to do with you. and anyway, it's a message board, why would anyone take anything seriously or care about other's opinions of you. ikea is free to express his own opinion, and most of it i agree, is to create some sort of controversy, but we're just as free to express our opinions of how we feel about his response, because maybe these responses are also just made to create some type of contraversy. as long as it goes along with whatever rules are on the board. i dont know him from a hole in the wall, and when i call him pussy it's all in fun ;)
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This message was edited by Jennitalia on 2-11-02 @ 2:01 PM
02-11-2002, 09:16 AM
yeah, i guess you're right... down with ikeaboy!
the moon it leaves silver but never sleep
and then the silver turns to grey
oh, stay with me, arienette, until the wolves are away
02-11-2002, 10:37 AM
it doesn't bother me when i'm called a pussy i can see very well why you'd call me it and it doesn't bother me. I still stand by that I wouldn't go on the morgue tour with reeshy but I'd still very much like to see a mangled mess that used to be a living breathing creation.
"My review of 2001 the year is the same as my review of 2001: A Space Odyssey- overlong, hard to follow, and only enjoyable if you're really really stoned." - Lewis Black
"a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"- joseph stalin
When I was a little younger than I am now....I was in a gang and we used to see dead bodies all the time. I became desensitized(spelled right?) which is a horrible thing. For some reason I think people shouldn't have to see dead people unless it's unavoidable....there's just something weird about it....sorry if that sounds dumb.
02-11-2002, 06:24 PM
Ikea you are a sick F*&(*. I guess you have never been to a funeral home and seen a person in a coffin. It is not a pretty sight. I lost my dad last Feb and next week will be the anniversary of his death. I saw him in ICU right before we had them pull the plug and it is not a pretty sight. You feel so helpless because you know there is nothing you can do.
I could not imagine being a paramedic pulling up on a car accident or a shooting victim and to have to stay cool under pressure to try and save these people.
Seeing someone die or someone who is dead is nothing like in the movies Ikea it is real and it sucks. Wait till the day someone close to you passes you won't think it is cool.
We want Ron and Fez live in DC.
02-12-2002, 01:47 AM
I must say I agree with Ikea.. Ive always wanted to see a dead body..
My friends bio teacher was going to hook me up with an autopsy viewing.. I dont know what it is.. Its not like I would get off by watching it.. I probably would feel sad and creeped out by it.. Its just, bah, I dont know how to explain.. carry on.
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<marquee><font size=-2 color=red><b>There is no such thing as hell.<b></font></marquee><font size=-2 color=red>
<marquee direction="right" ><font size=-2 color=black><b>But you can make it if you try.b></font></marquee>
The Blowhard
02-12-2002, 05:27 AM
This thread is silly. Reeshy has a right to be pissed. Death is never funny, and being on the NYPD, well, my many friends and relatives on the job have seen things that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Ikea is young, and he will mature one day, the day that someone who is near and dear to him dies a horrible death. Trust me, I was the same way as a teen.
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Brick Jesus
02-15-2002, 06:11 AM
Okay, I know this is an old thread at this point but I gotta tell this story. I've seen two dead bodies, not like relatives at wakes, like fucked up stuff.
One was when I was a kid and some guy was ripping down one of the main roads here doing like 90 on his little kawasaki rice rocket motorcycle... right as a garbage truck was turning. He goes under the truck, literally gets his block knocked off and his helmet with his head still in it was just rolling down the street.
The other was my friend and me on a road trip. We left early, and we were getting on the I-80 at like 4AM and it was really foggy. At one point we see a car on the side of the road with the emergency flashers on, and we didnt think anything of it, we figured he hitched or walked the 5 miles or whatever to the rest stop. But about a mile up we saw something just laying in the road, we thought it was a bear or a deer or something until we realized it was wearing a black and red jacket.
It was pretty messed up.
Disclaimer: The comments of Brick Jesus do not represent the feelings or opinions of any normal individual.
02-15-2002, 10:15 AM
I very much respect the dead... not the person that is dead, but the relationships that die with death...
The person that is no longer breathing air in his/her human body is no longer feeling pain.. so I don't feel sorry for him/her... but when I see a dead body I automatically think of others who are affected by the loss... that's what bothers me most about death... is the pain everyone else has to go trough because of the loss.
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02-15-2002, 10:36 AM
I just find it ironic that this thread is about death, yet it's still alive. THIS THRED STILL ALIVE!
let me know.
Prince Neptune
02-15-2002, 11:08 AM
I'm a Gulf War Vet (USMC) "OOH RAH!" and I saw alot of dead mangled and burnt bodies in Kuwait. I also served in Africa in 93 (Operation Restore Hope) a few months before "Black Hawk Down" took place and saw alot of dead bodies there, but what really sticks with you is the SMELL OF DEATH, once u smell u never forget.
Molester of mermaids and seafairing maidens
02-15-2002, 11:47 AM
So have I, one of my friends got arrested, by beating some guy , repeatedly over the head until he died. He was attempting to mug someone. Since he did thatm I think hes a major asshole, and he deserved to be locked up.
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