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08-23-2012, 03:35 PM
can he be any worse than obama

08-23-2012, 03:38 PM
yes. from things im hearing, very much so

08-23-2012, 03:56 PM
can he be any worse than obama
Depends on how bad you think "Obama" has been.

08-23-2012, 05:28 PM
Maybe it's time to start the Romney-Best President Ever? and Romney-Worst President Ever? threads.

08-23-2012, 05:33 PM
Hopefully Romney knows Generals are not in the Navy

08-23-2012, 05:35 PM
Maybe it's time to start the Romney-Best President Ever? and Romney-Worst President Ever? threads.

ahhh might prolly wanna wait til he wins the election

08-23-2012, 05:47 PM
can he be any worse than obama

What's wrong zildy? What has obama done to you?

08-23-2012, 06:37 PM
Hopefully Romney knows Generals are not in the Navy
I'm sure Boehner has already drafted up a vote of no confidence to bring to the house floor in another great use of Congressional time.

08-23-2012, 06:44 PM
Even If someone has never served in the armed forces they know that the US navy has admirals.

Obama is Commander in chief and he does not know this?

Plus he couldn't spell Ohio. Maybe Oiho is the 57th state

08-23-2012, 06:46 PM
ahhh might prolly wanna wait til he wins the election

University of Colorado hasn't been wrong yet.

08-23-2012, 06:55 PM
University of Colorado hasn't been wrong yet.

do they do predictions or something

08-23-2012, 07:02 PM
do they do predictions or something

always-accurate predictions:

08-23-2012, 07:03 PM
do they do predictions or something

Since the 1980 Election. I think they have Romney getting 320 Electoral votes

08-23-2012, 07:12 PM
Not for nothing, but once the candidates were announced, Ive predicted who would win every election since 1980. It wasnt really hard to do. The only one I even had doubts about was GW's 2nd term.

I dont trust any politicians but if Romney wins I think this country is going to be in ALOT of trouble.

08-23-2012, 07:12 PM
always-accurate predictions:

Since the 1980 Election. I think they have Romney getting 320 Electoral votes

Except for that minor problem that they just recently changed their prediction model. Of course details aren't important when Mr Bain has nothing else to run on.

08-23-2012, 07:30 PM
If Obama gets reelected, does he blame himself ?

08-23-2012, 07:49 PM
Not for nothing, but once the candidates were announced, Ive predicted who would win every election since 1980.

big deal...disneyspy has
gotten them all right
since 1789

BTW, who are you predicting
this year, kreskin?

08-23-2012, 07:51 PM
Not for nothing, but once the candidates were announced, Ive predicted who would win every election since 1980. It wasnt really hard to do. The only one I even had doubts about was GW's 2nd term.

I dont trust any politicians but if Romney wins I think this country is going to be in ALOT of trouble.
Just 99% percent of it.

08-23-2012, 10:04 PM

Put Jebus back in office

08-23-2012, 10:35 PM
big deal...disneyspy has
gotten them all right
since 1789

BTW, who are you predicting
this year, kreskin?

Obama again.

08-24-2012, 12:19 AM
Obama again.

i hope the public is smart enough and energized to vote this way but i think we've turned into what the japs say we are,a nation of fat, lazy, stupid americans

08-24-2012, 08:12 AM
Romney won't win. I have to much optimism of our fat, lazy, stupid people.

08-24-2012, 09:37 AM
Romney won't win. I have to much optimism of our fat, lazy, stupid people.

i think there was a chance until Romney seemed to decide he didnt want to win. Then he started saying and doing all this dumb shit and making an ass out of himself all the time. I really think he is tryin to lose.

Maybe they think if obama can win, they can come in after 8 years of damage and save the day or something, but it really seems like he stopped trying

08-24-2012, 11:12 AM
i think there was a chance until Romney seemed to decide he didnt want to win. Then he started saying and doing all this dumb shit and making an ass out of himself all the time. I really think he is tryin to lose.

Maybe they think if obama can win, they can come in after 8 years of damage and save the day or something, but it really seems like he stopped trying
A really would be an ultimate fuck-you to the GOP if Romney decided to tank this thing just to get back at them for treating him like a diseased leper.

08-24-2012, 11:19 AM

Put Jebus back in office

The Black Jebus is in office

08-24-2012, 11:32 AM
Mitt Romney this morning: "No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know this is the place I was born."


I can see it now. They'll do a WWF/DX invasion of WCW angle at the RNC where Romney accompanies that Arizona Sheriff and Trump to the White House and they stand outside with bullhorns demanding to see the real birth certificate.

08-24-2012, 11:34 AM

Romney hasn't a shot in hell

08-24-2012, 11:34 AM
If Obama gets reelected, does he blame himself ?

No like you he will blame illigals and liberals

08-24-2012, 11:50 AM
Mitt Romney this morning: "No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know this is the place I was born."


I can see it now. They'll do a WWF/DX invasion of WCW angle at the RNC where Romney accompanies that Arizona Sheriff and Trump to the White House and they stand outside with bullhorns demanding to see the real birth certificate.


does king even still announce it, i havent watched in forever. Michael cole?

08-24-2012, 11:53 AM
i think there was a chance until Romney seemed to decide he didnt want to win. Then he started saying and doing all this dumb shit and making an ass out of himself all the time. I really think he is tryin to lose.

Maybe they think if obama can win, they can come in after 8 years of damage and save the day or something, but it really seems like he stopped trying

That's because you're living in NJ. The 1% are spending boatloads of cash in the swing states. Nobody gets to where Romney is (or to be fair, Obama as well) without being willing to sell their mothers to the North Koreans for food if it would help them win.

They are playing for keeps. They just don't care about the NY area since it's already decided.

08-24-2012, 11:54 AM
That's because you're living in NJ. The 1% are spending boatloads of cash in the swing states. Nobody gets to where Romney is (or to be fair, Obama as well) without being willing to sell their mothers to the North Koreans for food if it would help them win.

They are playing for keeps. They just don't care about the NY area since it's already decided.

i just mean in general about the things he says in interviews and his little rallies and shit. And the dumb ways he tries to play things off he doesnt wanna get into. Neither of them really run any ads around here cause they pretty much know whats the deal.

08-24-2012, 12:11 PM
Mitt Romney this morning: "No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know this is the place I was born."

this is no doubt a set-up
for what is to come:

word on the street is
someone got hold of
obama's college records,
where he claimed to have
been born in Kenya

should be interesting...

08-24-2012, 12:18 PM
Obama campaign: Romney = A felon, racist, plutocrat, tax cheat, kills people with cancer hates dogs.

Romney: Cracks birth certificate joke.

Media to Romney: "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

08-24-2012, 12:19 PM
this is no doubt a set-up
for what is to come:

word on the street is
someone got hold of
obama's college records,
where he claimed to have
been born in Kenya

should be interesting...

Interesting or a pathetic act of desperation?

08-24-2012, 12:24 PM

does king even still announce it, i havent watched in forever. Michael cole?

King and Cole on Mondays. Booker T and Cole on Smackdown I think.

this is no doubt a set-up
for what is to come:

word on the street is
someone got hold of
obama's college records,
where he claimed to have
been born in Kenya

should be interesting...

08-24-2012, 01:09 PM
this is no doubt a set-up
for what is to come:

word on the street is
someone got hold of
obama's college records,
where he claimed to have
been born in Kenya

should be interesting...

Word on the street. Hahahahahahahaha will you fucking racists never get over the fact you have a black President? Theres no taking that away. Even if by some miracle they prove he was from Kenya, youre never getting back those 4 years you had a nigger as your president. Live with it.

08-24-2012, 01:13 PM
i just mean in general about the things he says in interviews and his little rallies and shit. And the dumb ways he tries to play things off he doesnt wanna get into. Neither of them really run any ads around here cause they pretty much know whats the deal.

Im with you. Ive said it since the Republican primay debates. Im almost convinced they have no idea how to fix this country without pissing off all the red neck bible thumping hillbillies they need to get elected. Its so much easier to just try to fight every move Obama makes to help the country and then blame him when things arent better.

If he really wanted to win, he never wouldve picked Ryan as his running mate. Thats gonna cost him scores of women. Even in the hayseed states. Between that, his talent to piss off every foreign nation he steps foot in, and the fact he refuses to turn over his tax returns (And people bitch about Obamas birth certificate, talk about a warning sign someones hiding something), I really dont think he wants the job.

08-24-2012, 01:21 PM
this is no doubt a set-up
for what is to come:

word on the street is
someone got hold of
obama's college records,
where he claimed to have
been born in Kenya

should be interesting...

What street?

08-24-2012, 01:41 PM
What street?

Ask his brother George, the one he wont help

08-24-2012, 01:44 PM
Im with you. Ive said it since the Republican primay debates. Im almost convinced they have no idea how to fix this country without pissing off all the red neck bible thumping hillbillies they need to get elected. Its so much easier to just try to fight every move Obama makes to help the country and then blame him when things arent better.

If he really wanted to win, he never wouldve picked Ryan as his running mate. Thats gonna cost him scores of women. Even in the hayseed states. Between that, his talent to piss off every foreign nation he steps foot in, and the fact he refuses to turn over his tax returns (And people bitch about Obamas birth certificate, talk about a warning sign someones hiding something), I really dont think he wants the job.

What Ideas does Obama have to fix the country? Someone paying for someone elses contraception? He's had 3 1/2 years and his record is atrocious. Obama had a majority in both houses for over 2 years. The excuses are running out.

How many years of tax returns are sufficient? What amount meets your standards ?

Lets make a deal. Obama releases those fast and furious docs and Romney releases more years.

08-24-2012, 02:32 PM
What's wrong zildy? What has obama done to you?

Dog I'm not a big political guy at all, But That Obama care shit is real bad that alone is enough for me.

08-24-2012, 02:45 PM
What street?

I don't know, but this dude might live on it...

What Ideas does Obama have to fix the country? Someone paying for someone elses contraception? He's had 3 1/2 years and his record is atrocious. Obama had a majority in both houses for over 2 years. The excuses are running out.

How many years of tax returns are sufficient? What amount meets your standards ?

Lets make a deal. Obama releases those fast and furious docs and Romney releases more years.
The nerve Obama couldn't straighten out in two years what it took the previous administration to fuck up over nearly a decade... What a incompetent. How dare he think that adverting a depression, rescuing the auto industry, passing health care, ended one war and killing the man responsible for 9/11 would be nearly enough to warrant this country handing him the reigns for four more years.

08-24-2012, 02:46 PM
Dog I'm not a big political guy at all, But That Obama care shit is real bad that alone is enough for me.
How so?

How has it negatively effected you?

08-24-2012, 02:57 PM
How so?

How has it negatively effected you?

He's for less coverage that costs more?

08-24-2012, 03:16 PM
He's for less coverage that costs more?

Hannso exactly as for me personally It's cost less for me to be on my Wife's insurance than mine at my job. and I make more than Her. anyway like I just think his time is up. I'll survive whoever wins. :wink::smoke::drunk:

08-24-2012, 03:37 PM
Dog I'm not a big political guy at all, But That Obama care shit is real bad that alone is enough for me.


08-24-2012, 03:41 PM
I don't know, but this dude might live on it...

The nerve Obama couldn't straighten out in two years what it took the previous administration to fuck up over nearly a decade... What a incompetent. How dare he think that adverting a depression, rescuing the auto industry, passing health care, ended one war and killing the man responsible for 9/11 would be nearly enough to warrant this country handing him the reigns for four more years.

You have already been repudiated on the GM bailout and Obamacare
Turrism isn't over and we are still pussies when it comes to air travel. Hate to break the news but Bin Laden won.
We were evicted out of Iraq due to a deal made in 2007 and we ain't leaving AfPak

08-24-2012, 04:30 PM
Obama campaign: Romney = A felon, racist, plutocrat, tax cheat, kills people with cancer hates dogs.

Romney: Cracks birth certificate joke.

Media to Romney: "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

maybe cause the obama shit is actually based on facts?

08-24-2012, 04:32 PM
You have already been repudiated on the GM bailout and Obamacare
If something if false no matter how many times you say something doesn't make it true. Especially when members of the very party calling for the repeal of the last four years don't know enough about the legislation passed to realize when they are actually suggesting solutions to people's problems that have already been implemented by it (

But yeah, Obama is the 'inept' guy...

08-24-2012, 04:35 PM
maybe cause the obama shit is actually based on facts?
Facts are just lies repeated over and over again at the top of your voice... (

08-24-2012, 04:43 PM
maybe cause the obama shit is actually based on facts?

Oh like Stephanie Cutters claim this is a better recovery than during reagans 1st term?

08-24-2012, 04:46 PM
If something if false no matter how many times you say something doesn't make it true. Especially when members of the very party calling for the repeal of the last four years don't know enough about the legislation passed to realize when they are actually suggesting solutions to people's problems that have already been implemented by it (

But yeah, Obama is the 'inept' guy...

A 25 billion dollar loss on the GM bailout is how you measure success?

You set the bar lower than this president

08-24-2012, 04:48 PM
The bigger the recession the bigger the recovery. We are treading at barely 2% and that number is always revised down.

But let's give the guy another chance . He's likable

08-24-2012, 06:09 PM
The bigger the recession the bigger the recovery. We are treading at barely 2% and that number is always revised down.

But let's give the guy another chance . He's likable

Ill give the democrats another 5 chances before Id let another Republican into the White House after the way GW destroyed this fucking country. I dont get you. Yopu swear you dont like either party, which really neither do I. But im not blind. Are you really blind to the fact that Bush left this country with 10 trillion dollars more debt then it had when he took office? Really?

And guess what? Youre fucking right I want taxpayers to pay for other peoples abortions. Im a taxpayer and I say FUCK YEA we should. Id rather pay for 20 abortions than have to take care of another welfare kid, something else your party loves to bitch about. Welfare aint going nowhere. No matter how much you cry about it, no President is ever going to let poor mothers not get government assistance. No matter how black they may be and no matter how lazy their asses are. So if we have to pay for something, Ill take the abortions. You dumb motherfuckers should be rallying behind this and youre to stupid to know it.

Also, on the subject of healthcare. Obamas plan helps my mom get affordable healthcare so she doesnt have to kill herself at 60 years old in a job she cant do. Thats good enough for me and anybody that dont like it can suck my balls.

08-24-2012, 06:19 PM
Ill give the democrats another 5 chances before Id let another Republican into the White House after the way GW destroyed this fucking country. I dont get you. Yopu swear you dont like either party, which really neither do I. But im not blind. Are you really blind to the fact that Bush left this country with 10 trillion dollars more debt then it had when he took office? Really?

And guess what? Youre fucking right I want taxpayers to pay for other peoples abortions. Im a taxpayer and I say FUCK YEA we should. Id rather pay for 20 abortions than have to take care of another welfare kid, something else your party loves to bitch about. Welfare aint going nowhere. No matter how much you cry about it, no President is ever going to let poor mothers not get government assistance. No matter how black they may be and no matter how lazy their asses are. So if we have to pay for something, Ill take the abortions. You dumb motherfuckers should be rallying behind this and youre to stupid to know it.

Also, on the subject of healthcare. Obamas plan helps my mom get affordable healthcare so she doesnt have to kill herself at 60 years old in a job she cant do. Thats good enough for me and anybody that dont like it can suck my balls.

No ones disputing the fact that Bush left a mess, However Obama has racked up 5 trillion in new debt in 3.5 years and we aint out of the ditch. We are already paying for welfare kids including the kids of the fence hoppers. So you think somebody has the right to an abortion but not the responsibility to pay for it. Dont worry Abortion isnt going anywhere. If Mitt becomes president, Hes not going to sign an executive order. Dont worry about his SCOTUS picks. Everyone went batshit crazy over Roberts but he threw everyone a bone.

A president with a set of balls. Something Romney doesnt have even if he is elected wont say enough with the feds paying for it, If your state wants to be a welfare dump youre on your own.

Does Obamacare let EVERYONE get healthcare? Thats another pipe dream that people like you always fall for. The same fucktards who cant run a railroad youre going to trust with a new entitlement. Fucking Gullible sheep!!!

Never mention the Dems taking over Congress in 2007 and helping to cause the shitstorm. hack!!!

08-24-2012, 06:26 PM
Even after Obamacare was passed it still wasn't good enough as most supporters wanted total single payer.

The biggest criticism of Obama here is that he isnt to the left of Castro

08-24-2012, 06:51 PM
Ill give the democrats another 5 chances before Id let another Republican into the White House after the way GW destroyed this fucking country. I dont get you. Yopu swear you dont like either party, which really neither do I. But im not blind. Are you really blind to the fact that Bush left this country with 10 trillion dollars more debt then it had when he took office? Really?

And guess what? Youre fucking right I want taxpayers to pay for other peoples abortions. Im a taxpayer and I say FUCK YEA we should. Id rather pay for 20 abortions than have to take care of another welfare kid, something else your party loves to bitch about. Welfare aint going nowhere. No matter how much you cry about it, no President is ever going to let poor mothers not get government assistance. No matter how black they may be and no matter how lazy their asses are. So if we have to pay for something, Ill take the abortions. You dumb motherfuckers should be rallying behind this and youre to stupid to know it.

Also, on the subject of healthcare. Obamas plan helps my mom get affordable healthcare so she doesnt have to kill herself at 60 years old in a job she cant do. Thats good enough for me and anybody that dont like it can suck my balls.

Like it or not, half of this country is against abortion. How is any politician gonna decide to make them pay for them?

08-24-2012, 06:58 PM
Dog I'm not a big political guy at all, But That Obama care shit is real bad that alone is enough for me.

mitt romneys plan in Mass for healthcare was almost the same as obamas. They are so similar, you really basically should just not be here if you dont want that

08-24-2012, 07:05 PM
No ones disputing the fact that Bush left a mess, However Obama has racked up 5 trillion in new debt in 3.5 years and we aint out of the ditch. We are already paying for welfare kids including the kids of the fence hoppers. So you think somebody has the right to an abortion but not the responsibility to pay for it. Dont worry Abortion isnt going anywhere. If Mitt becomes president, Hes not going to sign an executive order. Dont worry about his SCOTUS picks. Everyone went batshit crazy over Roberts but he threw everyone a bone.

A president with a set of balls. Something Romney doesnt have even if he is elected wont say enough with the feds paying for it, If your state wants to be a welfare dump youre on your own.

Does Obamacare let EVERYONE get healthcare? Thats another pipe dream that people like you always fall for. The same fucktards who cant run a railroad youre going to trust with a new entitlement. Fucking Gullible sheep!!!

Never mention the Dems taking over Congress in 2007 and helping to cause the shitstorm. hack!!!

maybe because the ditch was so fuckin deep its really really tough to get out of.
I love this shit. You know who you should blame? GOVERNMENT

Maybe if these assholes actually thought for themselves and didnt just vote against good ideas or for bad ideas cause its the party idea, things would be different. If we didnt have deadlocks cause no one would do whats right. And im talkin both sides.

Maybe things woulda been fixed faster, and cheaper, if the repubs didnt cockblock everything they possibly could and drag shit on as long as fuckin possible. Maybe the dems wouldnt give wise concessions cause the repubs didnt wanna play ball.

The point is its all fucked up. Id rather have someone who is lookin out for people like me, the MAJORITY, as opposed to some asshole who is gonna fix the shit for the 1% of rich people on the expense of EVERYONE else.

and some people also need to wake up and realize that the government set up everything for you to make your money. Set the game up for rich people to go do their shit and get more rich. Maybe you guys should stop crying about paying taxes to support the system that allowed you to make that much money in the fuckin first place.

08-24-2012, 07:06 PM
Like it or not, half of this country is against abortion. How is any politician gonna decide to make them pay for them?

last i checked, the governments religious beliefs werent supposed to have to do with how they ran the state or country. I love that we have boiled this all down to abortions.

Well guess what, some of us wont wanna pay so some rich lady can have her life saved cause she put too much fuckin botox in her face, but we will have to pay for that too. Small price to pay for getting to live in a system that allows you to succeed

08-24-2012, 07:09 PM
last i checked, the governments religious beliefs werent supposed to have to do with how they ran the state or country. I love that we have boiled this all down to abortions.
Well guess what, some of us wont wanna pay so some rich lady can have her life saved cause she put too much fuckin botox in her face, but we will have to pay for that too. Small price to pay for getting to live in a system that allows you to succeed

"We" haven't boiled anything down, you brought it up. I just told you why I don't think it's gonna happen. No politician is going to take that risk and alienate half the country.

08-24-2012, 07:10 PM
"We" haven't boiled anything down, you brought it up. I just told you why I don't think it's gonna happen. No politician is going to take that risk and alienate half the country.

i responded to people talkin about abortions. Your quote before wasnt from me

08-24-2012, 07:19 PM
"We" haven't boiled anything down, you brought it up. I just told you why I don't think it's gonna happen. No politician is going to take that risk and alienate half the country.

Its not half the country. Right now Id say the country is pretty split republican and democrat. But Id bet there are alot more Republicans that are pro choice than there are Democrats that are pro life.

Wanna see a surefire way for a pro lifer to switch to pro choice? Watch them get pregnant from or impregnate a one night stand that they dont like or have no feelings at all for. See how quick they would decide that maybe abortion isnt all that bad.

I still dont get why people vote based on it though. How many years have we had pro-life presidents since Roe vs Wade? Has ANY of them ever tried to ban abortion? No. Will they? No. So why do hayseeds still vote based on their stance on this? Its like asking them what their favorite football team is and voting based on that.

08-24-2012, 07:25 PM
maybe because the ditch was so fuckin deep its really really tough to get out of.
I love this shit. You know who you should blame? GOVERNMENT

Maybe if these assholes actually thought for themselves and didnt just vote against good ideas or for bad ideas cause its the party idea, things would be different. If we didnt have deadlocks cause no one would do whats right. And im talkin both sides.

Maybe things woulda been fixed faster, and cheaper, if the repubs didnt cockblock everything they possibly could and drag shit on as long as fuckin possible. Maybe the dems wouldnt give wise concessions cause the repubs didnt wanna play ball.

The point is its all fucked up. Id rather have someone who is lookin out for people like me, the MAJORITY, as opposed to some asshole who is gonna fix the shit for the 1% of rich people on the expense of EVERYONE else.

and some people also need to wake up and realize that the government set up everything for you to make your money. Set the game up for rich people to go do their shit and get more rich. Maybe you guys should stop crying about paying taxes to support the system that allowed you to make that much money in the fuckin first place.

Again Obama had a majority Democratic controlled congress for 2 years.

Agreed it is all fucked up. Im not arguing against that. We have too much corporatism from Agriculture to war and yes youre right. Both parties are guilty. We have both sides still wanting us in Afghanistan and still wanting to prosecute a failed drug war.

Its not the taxes, Its to where the taxes are going to which is a problem for me. Do you think Obama and the democrats are looking out for you? Romney isnt neither is Obama. Both are puppets of the banks and the defense contractors.

08-24-2012, 07:30 PM
I still dont get why people vote based on it though. How many years have we had pro-life presidents since Roe vs Wade? Has ANY of them ever tried to ban abortion? No. Will they? No. So why do hayseeds still vote based on their stance on this? Its like asking them what their favorite football team is and voting based on that.
A two thousand year old book tells them to.

08-24-2012, 07:38 PM
Again Obama had a majority Democratic controlled congress for 2 years.

Agreed it is all fucked up. Im not arguing against that. We have too much corporatism from Agriculture to war and yes youre right. Both parties are guilty. We have both sides still wanting us in Afghanistan and still wanting to prosecute a failed drug war.

Its not the taxes, Its to where the taxes are going to which is a problem for me. Do you think Obama and the democrats are looking out for you? Romney isnt neither is Obama. Both are puppets of the banks and the defense contractors.

I agree with you on this. I just feel Romney will be looking out for me even less than Obama.

08-24-2012, 07:42 PM
Its not half the country. Right now Id say the country is pretty split republican and democrat. But Id bet there are alot more Republicans that are pro choice than there are Democrats that are pro life.

Wanna see a surefire way for a pro lifer to switch to pro choice? Watch them get pregnant from or impregnate a one night stand that they dont like or have no feelings at all for. See how quick they would decide that maybe abortion isnt all that bad.

I still dont get why people vote based on it though. How many years have we had pro-life presidents since Roe vs Wade? Has ANY of them ever tried to ban abortion? No. Will they? No. So why do hayseeds still vote based on their stance on this? Its like asking them what their favorite football team is and voting based on that.

here's why and it's easy:

they hope that eventually
republican presidents will
get to appoint SUPREME COURT
justices...enough to overturn R v W

and I can't hate the pro-lifers
they believe a fetus is a PERSON
of course they're against abortion

and recent polls are pretty consistent:
50% of americans call themselves "Pro-life"
and 41% "pro-choice"

08-24-2012, 07:47 PM
Again Obama had a majority Democratic controlled congress for 2 years.

Agreed it is all fucked up. Im not arguing against that. We have too much corporatism from Agriculture to war and yes youre right. Both parties are guilty. We have both sides still wanting us in Afghanistan and still wanting to prosecute a failed drug war.

Its not the taxes, Its to where the taxes are going to which is a problem for me. Do you think Obama and the democrats are looking out for you? Romney isnt neither is Obama. Both are puppets of the banks and the defense contractors.

i agree with all this too a point. I just think, with wear i stand, that the democrats, and how they run things, have better ideas than repubs. neither one is right about everything, of course. Do I think Obama is lookin out for me, probably not. But I KNOW Romney wont be. At least obama is trying to do some things to help the majority of people, which is what you are supposed to do in government. And I know Romney wont.

Do I think Obama is doing a great job, no, not at all. Im not stupid, I know he isnt a fuckin great president. And im not happy with him over alot of BS, most notably raiding more medical weed places than anyone ever despite swearing he wouldnt be doing any.

08-24-2012, 07:50 PM
I agree with you on this. I just feel Romney will be looking out for me even less than Obama.

Look I know Romney wont look out for the everyday citizen who aint in the club. Obama will say that he wants more people in but when they get there hes got a sign that reads KEEP OUT.

BOTH dont give a fuck.

08-24-2012, 07:53 PM
A two thousand year old book tells them to.

It still marvels me how much power religion has over everything. Honestly, it seems like it doesnt matter, but look at stupid Tim Tebow. NO ONE SHOULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THIS GUY. but they love him cause he is religious, even though they have NO IDEA he is of the church of his father and they teach all this crazy BS. LOVE HIM, CAUSE HE LOVES JESUS.

Science means nothing. Rights mean nothing. Freedom means nothing. Not to the crazy bible people (im speaking specifically of the ones who allow it to run everything they do and try to make people that way or they go to hell. Most people who are religious and dont push it on others are fine). What sucks so much is that it runs everything. Imagine how far we could have come in medicine if religious values didnt block stem cell research for so fuckin long.

And seperation of church and state is impossible. Religion, when you are really into it, governs you life and how you think and your ideals and you cant help but have that influence the way you think about and vote on things. i almost dont blame the people for governing that way cause they have no choice.

08-24-2012, 07:53 PM
Zygotes are legal people my friend.

08-24-2012, 07:55 PM
here's why and it's easy:

they hope that eventually
republican presidents will
get to appoint SUPREME COURT
justices...enough to overturn R v W

and I can't hate the pro-lifers
they believe a fetus is a PERSON
of course they're against abortion

and recent polls are pretty consistent:
50% of americans call themselves "Pro-life"
and 41% "pro-choice"

there is a similar sentiment to this among people who want marijuana legalized to some degree. The thinking is democrats will get on enough liberal judges to eventually overturn the BS laws that rob the government of billions of dollars and steal thousands and thousands of jobs from americans

08-24-2012, 07:56 PM
Look I know Romney wont look out for the everyday citizen who aint in the club. Obama will say that he wants more people in but when they get there hes got a sign that reads KEEP OUT.

BOTH dont give a fuck.

but at least with obama, in this example, let us get to where we at least know where the club is. Maybe we cant get to the club, but we got alot better chance of gettin to where we can actually see it.

Romney is gonna keep moving the fuckin club so we never know where it is, and try to kick us down further from it on the trips in between

right now i think the club is in the Cayman Islands

08-24-2012, 08:03 PM
It still marvels me how much power religion has over everything. Honestly, it seems like it doesnt matter, but look at stupid Tim Tebow. NO ONE SHOULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THIS GUY. but they love him cause he is religious, even though they have NO IDEA he is of the church of his father and they teach all this crazy BS. LOVE HIM, CAUSE HE LOVES JESUS.

Science means nothing. Rights mean nothing. Freedom means nothing. Not to the crazy bible people (im speaking specifically of the ones who allow it to run everything they do and try to make people that way or they go to hell. Most people who are religious and dont push it on others are fine). What sucks so much is that it runs everything. Imagine how far we could have come in medicine if religious values didnt block stem cell research for so fuckin long.

And seperation of church and state is impossible. Religion, when you are really into it, governs you life and how you think and your ideals and you cant help but have that influence the way you think about and vote on things. i almost dont blame the people for governing that way cause they have no choice.

in regards to religion. I think there will be a female president before there will be an Atheist Agnostic or a Deist.

08-24-2012, 08:07 PM
History isn't on his side either. The last two Republican businessmen who became president? Hoover and W. Bush.

08-24-2012, 08:08 PM
History isn't on his side either. The last two Republican businessmen who became president? Hoover and W. Bush.

we might as well let ross perot give it a try. or Ron Paul

or that fuckin vampire guy

08-24-2012, 08:14 PM
we might as well let ross perot give it a try. or Ron Paul

or that fuckin vampire guy
I'm still bummed Giuliani never really got a crack at it.

08-24-2012, 08:15 PM
I'm still bummed Giuliani never really got a crack at it.

maybe bloomberg will run and ban everything

08-24-2012, 08:19 PM
maybe bloomberg will run and ban everything
That fucking hobbit. There would be gigantic flowerpots in every mainstreet in America.

08-24-2012, 08:24 PM
That fucking hobbit. There would be gigantic flowerpots in every mainstreet in America.

id put weed seeds in everyone

08-24-2012, 08:31 PM
id put weed seeds in everyone

If you put them next to the big gulp machines you got my vote.

08-24-2012, 08:32 PM
I'm still bummed Giuliani never really got a crack at it.

He might get a cushy cabinet job if Romney wins. Maybe DHS Sec ?

08-24-2012, 08:39 PM
maybe bloomberg will run and ban everything

half glasses of champagn at every inauguration party

08-24-2012, 08:43 PM
maybe bloomberg will run and ban everything

Hopefully people can still buy their cigarettes on the reservations

08-24-2012, 08:48 PM
If you put them next to the big gulp machines you got my vote.

honestly, if i ever ran, most people would prob end up voting for me so long as they arent super religious or still hung up on this weed is worse than alcohol BS

08-24-2012, 09:08 PM
You brought up the boil down to abortion thing well there is this.

RNC platform is anti-abortion that has no exceptions for rape

And this was brought out after the Akin deal

08-24-2012, 09:32 PM
You brought up the boil down to abortion thing well there is this.

RNC platform is anti-abortion that has no exceptions for rape

And this was brought out after the Akin deal

and democrat platform
is for PARTIAL BIRTH abortion

that's right, the baby's
already on the way out
when they kill it

08-25-2012, 08:13 AM
here's why and it's easy:

they hope that eventually
republican presidents will
get to appoint SUPREME COURT
justices...enough to overturn R v W

and I can't hate the pro-lifers
they believe a fetus is a PERSON
of course they're against abortion

and recent polls are pretty consistent:
50% of americans call themselves "Pro-life"
and 41% "pro-choice"

I dont fault them for being pro-life, I fault them for feeling everyone else should be FORCED to be pro-life. They may hope the Supreme Court will someday overturn R v W, but do they really believe that will EVER happen? Because it wont. Thats like hoping that one day we can bring segregation back. It just wont happen. Because politicians are smart enough to know that the first surburban teenage white girl that dies from a back alley abortion because its been banned will bring an epic shitstorm down on them from the public. Its a pipe dream. And one that Republicans exploit because if it wasnt an issue they would lose thousands of voters. I just cant believe these dummies still dont see this.

08-25-2012, 08:16 AM
i agree with all this too a point. I just think, with wear i stand, that the democrats, and how they run things, have better ideas than repubs. neither one is right about everything, of course. Do I think Obama is lookin out for me, probably not. But I KNOW Romney wont be. At least obama is trying to do some things to help the majority of people, which is what you are supposed to do in government. And I know Romney wont.

Do I think Obama is doing a great job, no, not at all. Im not stupid, I know he isnt a fuckin great president. And im not happy with him over alot of BS, most notably raiding more medical weed places than anyone ever despite swearing he wouldnt be doing any.


Im sorry, I just dont make enough money to vote Republican.

08-25-2012, 08:25 AM
I dont fault them for being pro-life, I fault them for feeling everyone else should be FORCED to be pro-life. They may hope the Supreme Court will someday overturn R v W, but do they really believe that will EVER happen? Because it wont. Thats like hoping that one day we can bring segregation back. It just wont happen. Because politicians are smart enough to know that the first surburban teenage white girl that dies from a back alley abortion because its been banned will bring an epic shitstorm down on them from the public. Its a pipe dream. And one that Republicans exploit because if it wasnt an issue they would lose thousands of voters. I just cant believe these dummies still dont see this.

what if the abortion laws were extended to include 2 year olds? I think you'd be against that, and I don't think you'd ever stop being against it because in your mind that would be murder. The people who are against abortion believe that it is murder, just as strongly as you would if it was 2 yr olds, so of course they want their ideals forced on everybody.

08-25-2012, 08:38 AM

Because I dont give a fuck about Politics. Snoogans knows everything about everythig, the ball is in his court.:bye:

08-25-2012, 08:39 AM
Because I dont give a fuck about Politics. Snoogans knows everything about everythig, the ball is in his court.:bye:

the man is a god

he's omnipresent

08-25-2012, 09:00 AM
Because I dont give a fuck about Politics. Snoogans knows everything about everythig, the ball is in his court.:bye:

in that case, vote obama. Trust us.

08-25-2012, 09:01 AM
the man is a god

he's omnipresent

except when it comes to picking guys in EPL fantasy. oh jelavic has a groin strain, better sit him.

Oh whats that? He scored? Of course he did

08-25-2012, 09:09 AM
except when it comes to picking guys in EPL fantasy. oh jelavic has a groin strain, better sit him.

Oh whats that? He scored? Of course he did

yeh I hate those injury reports almost never right

25% chance of playing

guy plays 90 minutes plus stoppage

08-25-2012, 10:36 AM
New Jersey is going for Obama and that's that. My vote will mean nothing here (I'm not voting for Romney and I'm not positive if I'll write in someone or vote for Gary Johnson. Probably go for Johnson.)

08-25-2012, 10:40 AM
New Jersey is going for Obama and that's that. My vote will mean nothing here (I'm not voting for Romney and I'm not positive if I'll write in someone or vote for Gary Johnson. Probably go for Johnson.)

i know nothing of Gary Johnson other than the fact he wants to legalize weed and I know that only cause I read it on NORMLs website.

08-25-2012, 10:47 AM
i know nothing of Gary Johnson other than the fact he wants to legalize weed and I know that only cause I read it on NORMLs website.

Political positions of Gary Johnson. (

He's obviously not going to get elected, but it's a real shame.

08-25-2012, 11:12 AM
i know nothing of Gary Johnson other than the fact he wants to legalize weed and I know that only cause I read it on NORMLs website.

Im voting for him. His other platforms are to end the military occupations and toning down the police state IE DHS and Homeland security

08-25-2012, 11:18 AM
Political positions of Gary Johnson. (

He's obviously not going to get elected, but it's a real shame.

Im voting for him. His other platforms are to end the military occupations and toning down the police state IE DHS and Homeland security

maybe things are just fucked up enough in this country that this guy can steal 10% and get a 3rd voice into the debates and overall big time scene next election. We definitely need something, and as the current leaders on both sides continue to fuck the dog, the sentiment might grow where eventually these other voices can make some real noise

08-25-2012, 11:19 AM
oh shit, i just saw a picture of him. I didnt realize that it was the old New Mexico governor. I watched a couple documentaries, one on the drug war, that he was featured prominently and he really impressed me. I actually thought a time or 2 that i wouldnt mind this guy taking a couple shots at POTUS. Fuck I wish I had caught on to this sooner. I really wanna try to make some noise for this guy

08-25-2012, 11:35 AM
maybe things are just fucked up enough in this country that this guy can steal 10% and get a 3rd voice into the debates and overall big time scene next election. We definitely need something, and as the current leaders on both sides continue to fuck the dog, the sentiment might grow where eventually these other voices can make some real noise

He should be in the debates. Hes a candidate of a legitimate 3rd party. Who sets the rules for debates? Is it the federal election committee?

08-25-2012, 11:44 AM
He should be in the debates. Hes a candidate of a legitimate 3rd party. Who sets the rules for debates? Is it the federal election committee?

i have no idea. i just remember when i was a kid that the news would always say ross perot got in the debates cause the party had received at least 10% of the popular vote in the previous election. I fuckin love this guy. Im just about on point with all this shit. I know he has no chance this time but if he can get enough of the message out and get in the next debate, maybe in 4 years he has a shot. He seems to just honestly go with what he thinks makes the most sense for the people, and alot of his shit falls in a way that i can see people from both sides gettin behind this guy

08-25-2012, 11:52 AM
The nerve Obama couldn't straighten out in two years what it took the previous administration to fuck up over nearly a decade... What a incompetent. How dare he think that adverting a depression, rescuing the auto industry, passing health care, ended one war and killing the man responsible for 9/11 would be nearly enough to warrant this country handing him the reigns for four more years.

Then he shouldn't have promised to do so in his first term -- or end up being a one-term president.

08-25-2012, 11:54 AM
And guess what? Youre fucking right I want taxpayers to pay for other peoples abortions. Im a taxpayer and I say FUCK YEA we should. Id rather pay for 20 abortions than have to take care of another welfare kid, something else your party loves to bitch about. Welfare aint going nowhere. No matter how much you cry about it, no President is ever going to let poor mothers not get government assistance. No matter how black they may be and no matter how lazy their asses are. So if we have to pay for something, Ill take the abortions. You dumb motherfuckers should be rallying behind this and youre to stupid to know it.

:clap: Well, pay for abortions or for sterilizations.

And abortion rights aren't going away either: not one pro-life President since 1973 has even DARED to make that happen.

08-25-2012, 11:56 AM
we might as well let ross perot give it a try. or Ron Paul

or that fuckin vampire guy


That state should become its own country again.

08-25-2012, 12:05 PM
eventually enough people are gonna get sick and tired of this 2 party sham and well have a viable third option

hopefully it happens sometime soon and in my lifetime

08-25-2012, 12:13 PM
oh shit, i just saw a picture of him. I didnt realize that it was the old New Mexico governor. I watched a couple documentaries, one on the drug war, that he was featured prominently and he really impressed me. I actually thought a time or 2 that i wouldnt mind this guy taking a couple shots at POTUS. Fuck I wish I had caught on to this sooner. I really wanna try to make some noise for this guy

I'm glad I was able to help you remember. He's spot on with pretty much spot on with all the issues for me. He was a hell of a governor in, too.

08-25-2012, 07:01 PM
:clap: Well, pay for abortions or for sterilizations.

And abortion rights aren't going away either: not one pro-life President since 1973 has even DARED to make that happen.

Yea I know I said that. Thank God too. Im sorry, but for a single guy that likes to get laid, abortions are the greatets thing out there. They can literally save a guy from a lifetime of misery. I speak from experience.

08-25-2012, 07:10 PM
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

08-26-2012, 06:18 PM
... And abortion rights aren't going away either: not one pro-life President since 1973 has even DARED to make that happen.

Couldn't disagree more. If Justice Ginsburg checks out during a Romney presidency ( & let's face it she's old & sick) he will definitely replace her with an "Originalist" to buy off the Baby Jebus screamers which would add one vote to the existing three (Scalia, Thomas & Alito) itching to overturn Roe leaving Kennedy & Roberts, an old Catholic & a middle-aged Catholic as the defenders of the constitutional right of a woman to control what goes on in her uterus. If you like those odds you should use Powerball as your retirement strategy.

To all my libertarian buds out there I have this $0.02 of advice: Don't believe for a second that you'll have a lot of influence if the GOP takes over. Power will get divvied up between the religious nuts and the Koch Bros. posse and, like the liberals and intellegensia who thought it would be a good idea to help overthrow the Czar and the Shah, you'll be up against the wall right next to us liberal motherfuckers in no time at all.

08-26-2012, 06:37 PM
# of anti abortion laws passed : 900+ and counting.

08-27-2012, 03:14 AM
Couldn't disagree more. If Justice Ginsburg checks out during a Romney presidency ( & let's face it she's old & sick) he will definitely replace her with an "Originalist" to buy off the Baby Jebus screamers which would add one vote to the existing three (Scalia, Thomas & Alito) itching to overturn Roe leaving Kennedy & Roberts, an old Catholic & a middle-aged Catholic as the defenders of the constitutional right of a woman to control what goes on in her uterus. If you like those odds you should use Powerball as your retirement strategy.

To all my libertarian buds out there I have this $0.02 of advice: Don't believe for a second that you'll have a lot of influence if the GOP takes over. Power will get divvied up between the religious nuts and the Koch Bros. posse and, like the liberals and intellegensia who thought it would be a good idea to help overthrow the Czar and the Shah, you'll be up against the wall right next to us liberal motherfuckers in no time at all.
So then we can get rid of Social Security and Medicare too? Sweet!

08-27-2012, 06:45 AM
So then we can get rid of Social Security and Medicare too? Sweet!

I double dog dare you to say that out loud at an AARP convention. I'm pretty sure I can get a video of that to go viral.

And no, you can't bring any of your fancy DoD prototypes with you for protection either.

08-27-2012, 07:11 AM

That state should become its own country again.

Rick Perry was talking about Texas seceding from the union when Obama first got elected. Bill Maher had a joke along of the line of "if it happens it will make me rethink my position of not having a wall along the border".

08-27-2012, 08:06 AM
I double dog dare you to say that out loud at an AARP convention. I'm pretty sure I can get a video of that to go viral.

Why not? They can't hear anyway.

And no, you can't bring any of your fancy DoD prototypes with you for protection either.


08-27-2012, 08:20 AM
Rick Perry was talking about Texas seceding from the union when Obama first got elected. Bill Maher had a joke along of the line of "if it happens it will make me rethink my position of not having a wall along the border".

Texas and the SW are practically Mexico. Lets sell that land to them and we can pick up PR, Guam and other US territories and admit them to the union

08-27-2012, 10:11 AM
Maybe we can take that money from selling the land to the south and get Nova Scotia too. Then we can get our hands on that Oak Island money pit and whatever is at the bottom of it.

08-27-2012, 10:13 AM
Texas and the SW are practically Mexico. Lets sell that land to them and we can pick up PR, Guam and other US territories and admit them to the union

Exactly what I was thinking when I posted that... :unsure:

08-27-2012, 10:19 AM
Maybe we can take that money from selling the land to the south and get Nova Scotia too. Then we can get our hands on that Oak Island money pit and whatever is at the bottom of it.

we would prob never get to the bottom. idiots would just keep drowning at high tide

08-27-2012, 12:02 PM
we would prob never get to the bottom. idiots would just keep drowning at high tide
I know how to get to it. I just need the financial backing.

08-27-2012, 05:19 PM
I know how to get to it. I just need the financial backing.

i have a couple ideas myself. I dont know why they never just clogged up the tunnels at the entrance. Im sure we have ways to figure out where they let out

08-27-2012, 05:38 PM
i have a couple ideas myself. I dont know why they never just clogged up the tunnels at the entrance. Im sure we have ways to figure out where they let out
I think I remember they said they're way out in the bay somewhere. They tried using dye or something but couldn't pinpoint some of the tunnels.

08-27-2012, 06:09 PM
I think I remember they said they're way out in the bay somewhere. They tried using dye or something but couldn't pinpoint some of the tunnels.

maybe they should try using oil

08-27-2012, 09:13 PM
You brought up the boil down to abortion thing well there is this.

RNC platform is anti-abortion that has no exceptions for rape

And this was brought out after the Akin deal

Republican party platform to target ‘hardcore’ porn

08-28-2012, 03:48 AM
Republican party platform to target ‘hardcore’ porn

Not the Russian rape porn! Fez and closeted Republicans will be heartbroken!

08-28-2012, 12:44 PM
Someone on FB didnt want a Romney Presidency

08-28-2012, 02:22 PM
Pipebomb.... (

08-28-2012, 04:03 PM

09-06-2012, 03:23 PM
Will the presidential nominees expecting to carry their home state in this year's Presidential Election please step forward... NOT SO FAST MITT!!! ( %7Cs)

Maybe speaking out in favor of bankrupting their biggest industry wasn't the best way to win them over?

09-06-2012, 05:17 PM
Will the presidential nominees expecting to carry their home state in this year's Presidential Election please step forward... NOT SO FAST MITT!!! ( %7Cs)

Maybe speaking out in favor of bankrupting their biggest industry wasn't the best way to win them over?

michigan hasn't voted republican
since 1984...
and that was a fluke landslide year

09-06-2012, 11:42 PM
oh thank christ almighty,i am so sick of the fucking romney ads running every fucking commercial break,i developed a true hatred for him just because they showed a fake debate between him and the president where he seemingly kept making points even tho he wasnt even the republican nominee yet and the debates haven't even happened yet

fuck romney in his stupid ass

09-07-2012, 05:34 AM
oh thank christ almighty,i am so sick of the fucking romney ads running every fucking commercial break,i developed a true hatred for him just because they showed a fake debate between him and the president where he seemingly kept making points even tho he wasnt even the republican nominee yet and the debates haven't even happened yet

fuck romney in his stupid ass

Romney just did a huge ad buy and didn't purchase time in Michigan, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.

You and I get a little bit of a break...

09-07-2012, 01:05 PM
Mitt Romney endorses this guy ( Yeah.

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) participated in a radio debate with Democratic challenger Christie Vilsack last night, and was given a chance to explain a comment ( he made in May comparing immigrants to dogs. But instead of apologizing, or even explaining how he simply misspoke, King told the audience that the comment was really meant as a compliment, and that anyone who interpreted it as an insult — namely, everyone — was simply motivated by partisanship and incapable of cooperation:

KING: …This American vigor that we have that comes from legal immigrants who came to this country with a dream — we get the cream of the crop of every donor civilization on the planet — and people that can take a compliment and turn it into an insult are not going to be constructive working across the isle. But that’s what that was, was a compliment. And everyone who was there that heard that knows that.

Bob Impact
09-07-2012, 01:46 PM
working across the isle.
For fucks sake.

09-07-2012, 01:54 PM
John Lewis predicts separate drinking fountains and lunch counters

Still waiting for the video and audio of people calling him a Nigger and Barney Frank a fag the day Obamacare was passed.

09-07-2012, 02:03 PM
Still waiting for the video and audio of people calling him a Nigger and Barney Frank a fag the day Obamacare was passed.

if you'd like--
for a reasonable facsimile--
i can put on blackface
and then record this

Dan 'Hampton
09-07-2012, 02:16 PM
[QUOTE=WRESTLINGFAN;3009873]John Lewis predicts separate drinking fountains and lunch counters

You're a hack.

09-07-2012, 03:58 PM
[QUOTE=WRESTLINGFAN;3009873]John Lewis predicts separate drinking fountains and lunch counters

You're a hack.

Going backwards in time means segregation hack

What will be next? Fauxahontas Liz Warren predicting women in Massachusetts will be tried for witchcraft?

09-07-2012, 04:04 PM
Fauxahontas Liz Warren predicting women in Massachusetts will be tried for witchcraft?

Princess Spitting Bull

09-07-2012, 04:18 PM
John Lewis predicts separate drinking fountains and lunch counters

You're a hack.

Of course WrestlingFan is a hack. It takes a real piece of shit to go after an iconic Civil Rights activist who took beatings in the name of equal rights.

09-07-2012, 04:46 PM
Dry up Epo. No ones writing off what happened to him 50 years ago however it doesn't give him carte Blanche to make those comments

Hey guess what?

Those troops in Abu Ghraib were dodging IEDs and bullets however did they have the right to make ass pyramids?

You're even more angry post recall.

Show some tact

09-07-2012, 05:35 PM
Dry up Epo. No ones writing off what happened to him 50 years ago however it doesn't give him carte Blanche to make those comments

Hey guess what?

Those troops in Abu Ghraib were dodging IEDs and bullets however did they have the right to make ass pyramids?

You're even more angry post recall.

Show some tact

He's simplying pointing out the systematic and blatantly obvious approach by this wacko GOP, which is attempting to restrict voting rights of millions of citizens in this nation via bullshit Voter ID laws.

Everyone knows that Voter ID isn't necessary to stop "fraud", its necessary to stop poor minorities from voting.

John Lewis is right to call this bullshit out.

09-07-2012, 05:38 PM
epo, why are you always
so angry?

09-07-2012, 09:11 PM
epo, why are you always
so angry?

maybe cause he has to talk to people like you

09-07-2012, 09:46 PM
Just show your NRA card.

Dan 'Hampton
09-08-2012, 05:24 AM
I read this thread in lieu of talking to my father in law.

Dan 'Hampton
09-08-2012, 05:28 AM
Just show your NRA card.

I wouldn't. Mitt is anti gun. It's a pain in the ass to legally aquire firearms. Thanks to Mitt.

09-08-2012, 09:44 AM
I wouldn't. Mitt is anti gun. It's a pain in the ass to legally aquire firearms. Thanks to Mitt.

Nothing wrong with exploring all sides of issues it worked wonders for John Kerry and we got to see what a great windsurfer he is.

09-08-2012, 12:37 PM
John Lewis predicts separate drinking fountains and lunch counters.

I wish it those things would come back. Maybe then I could enjoy going to the movies.


09-08-2012, 12:54 PM
I wouldn't. Mitt is anti gun. It's a pain in the ass to legally aquire firearms. Thanks to Mitt.

Come to Gun friendly CT.

Oh wait, its anti gun here too

09-08-2012, 01:44 PM
But I keep reading about murders in New Haven.


Dan 'Hampton
09-08-2012, 06:32 PM
Ct is a shithole. I avoid going there at all costs.

09-08-2012, 11:40 PM
Ct is a shithole. I avoid going there at all costs.

Once you get below Bridgeport and Waterbury its not all bad

Dan 'Hampton
09-09-2012, 03:18 AM
Too close to the Mason Dixon line for my liking. I'd rather stay in western mass, home of hippies with guns.

09-13-2012, 09:42 AM

09-13-2012, 10:03 AM

That sounds like slang for a vagina.

09-17-2012, 02:51 PM
I don't know if you've seen the "Little Face" Mitt stuff....but for some reason it cracks me up everytime...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

09-17-2012, 03:01 PM

Introducing our first contestant... MITT ROMNEY!

Alright Mitt. For $100 we'll start of with an easy question... Which of the following should you always do before bad mouthing nearly half the voters in the country to a room full of your constitutes?

A) Comb your hair
B) Straighten your tie
C) Have your wife talk first about how much she loves women
or D) Make sure no one is recording what you say

"Well... My instant reaction is A, maybe a little C... No, I will say A final answer..."

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Oh I'm sorry... The correct answer was D. Make sure no one is recording... I'm sorry, thank you for playing Mitt. e.png

"Oh well. That's ok. I had fun!"

09-17-2012, 04:34 PM
I wish they wouldve caught him dropping an N bomb in there. You knopw thats what he was talking about. Probably wouldnt have even affected his numbers.

09-17-2012, 04:45 PM
I don't know if you've seen the "Little Face" Mitt stuff....but for some reason it cracks me up everytime...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I don't know why either. To each their own, I guess.

09-17-2012, 05:02 PM
I don't know why either. To each their own, I guess.

what's with the douche
name change?

09-17-2012, 05:04 PM
fuck you keithy and your silly name change for causing me to have the same thought as fuckin Dude.

Ill be in the shower for a couple hours now

09-17-2012, 05:05 PM
A) Comb your hair
B) Straighten your tie
C) Have your wife talk first about how much she loves women
or D) Make sure no one is recording what you say

That's wrong...

A) should have been
"Dye your hair"

B) Would become
"Comb your hair"

and so on

09-17-2012, 05:07 PM
fuck you keithy and your silly name change for causing me to have the same thought as fuckin Dude.

Ill be in the shower for a couple hours now

where you'll be jerkin' off
to thoughts of me

09-17-2012, 05:09 PM
where you'll be jerkin' off
to thoughts of me

thinkin of you jerkin off cause Obama won the election again

09-17-2012, 05:11 PM
thinkin of you jerkin off cause Obama won the election again

that's fine with me...
as long as you're thinkin'
about me when you jerk off

which it seems you are

09-17-2012, 05:35 PM
that's fine with me...
as long as you're thinkin'
about me when you jerk off

which it seems you are

i dont jerkoff in the shower, for your information. In fact, as a dude you should know its REALLY stupid. All it needs is to get within 5 inches of a hair somewhere and its like fuckin magnet glue.

09-17-2012, 05:54 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

09-17-2012, 06:10 PM
I think its not good for him that those were released but Obama had that guns and religion audio which looked like it would offend Joe Lunchpale in the rust belt but he still won

A lot of white people fall into that category which Mitt droned on about but there is probably a large percent who wants Obama out

09-17-2012, 06:16 PM
I think its not good for him that those were released but Obama had that guns and religion audio which looked like it would offend Joe Lunchpale in the rust belt but he still won

A lot of white people fall into that category which Mitt droned on about but there is probably a large percent who wants Obama out

yea but along with the minories he probably wasnt gonna get, he just alienated alot of white people who prob dont like obama or would have voted for romney.

Also, I think he makes alot of the people who didnt like either, and werent even going to vote, more likely to go vote for obama just cause they think romney is terrible

09-17-2012, 06:27 PM
I think its not good for him that those were released but Obama had that guns and religion audio which looked like it would offend Joe Lunchpale in the rust belt but he still won

A lot of white people fall into that category which Mitt droned on about but there is probably a large percent who wants Obama out

There's a difference. Obama was certainly insulting and condescending to many people but he was talking in the context of helping them.

Romney just flat out said half the country is stupid, lazy and he doesn't care about them.

09-17-2012, 06:54 PM
There's a difference. Obama was certainly insulting and condescending to many people but he was talking in the context of helping them.

Romney just flat out said half the country is stupid, lazy and he doesn't care about them.

If nothing else, it re-energizes Obama's voting base. I've already gotten a fundraising e-mail from the Obama campaign with Romney's quote in it.

Seriously, that could be one of the stupidest things a Presidential nominee has ever said. It makes you wonder what other shit he spews when he thinks no one is recording.

09-17-2012, 06:54 PM
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09-17-2012, 06:58 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well, Obama just wrapped up re-election. 538(Nate Silver's blog, which is as close to 100% accurate as it gets when it comes to predicting) predicts Obama with a 75% chance to win with 305 electoral votes.

09-17-2012, 07:01 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

man what a shit load of nothing. He managed to avoid actually talkin about anything

and FIND A COMB. The left side of your hair being all disheveled is seriously distracting, mitt

09-17-2012, 07:02 PM
Well, Obama just wrapped up re-election. 538(Nate Silver's blog, which is as close to 100% accurate as it gets when it comes to predicting) predicts Obama with a 75% chance to win with 305 electoral votes.

sadly, by fuckin friday, half the voters in the country will probably have forgotten about ANYTHING that happened before thursday

09-17-2012, 07:02 PM
”All my fans are S.O.B's.” - Mitt ”Gabbo” Romney

09-17-2012, 07:05 PM
i bet you obama gets all excited reading the paper every morning to see what dumb shit mitt did this time. Its probably like penthouse forum to him

09-17-2012, 07:09 PM
Mitt really does wanna lose this race. He should be up by at least 15 pts. He might be just as bad as McCain

09-17-2012, 07:11 PM
Mitt really does wanna lose this race. He should be up by at least 15 pts. He might be just as bad as McCain

i dont get how he is even still close in the polls. He must have naked pictures of every person west of the Mississippi

09-17-2012, 07:16 PM
i dont get how he is even still close in the polls. He must have naked pictures of every person west of the Mississippi

Damn that extended patriot act

Some have him only 2 or 3 pts down but within the M.O.E.

09-17-2012, 07:21 PM
Damn that extended patriot act

Some have him only 2 or 3 pts down but within the M.O.E.

Rasmussen, every day for the last week in their rolling 7 day polling had romney like 3-4 points UP. EVERY other poll i saw had obama like 3 or 4 points up, with the exception of this one retarded one that had him at like 68%.

Is Rasmussen a right leaning polling site, or is he just callin some dumb people?

09-17-2012, 07:23 PM
Rasmussen, every day for the last week in their rolling 7 day polling had romney like 3-4 points UP. EVERY other poll i saw had obama like 3 or 4 points up, with the exception of this one retarded one that had him at like 68%.

Is Rasmussen a right leaning polling site, or is he just callin some dumb people?

Rasmussen always favors Republicans more. been that way since at least the last Presidential election.

09-17-2012, 07:26 PM
Rasmussen always favors Republicans more. been that way since at least the last Presidential election.

i never looked at it til like 8 days ago just checkin all polls and it was the first on google

09-17-2012, 07:30 PM
Rasmussen always favors Republicans more. been that way since at least the last Presidential election.

and he was right on the money
in 2004 and 2008

09-17-2012, 07:35 PM
i dont get how he is even still close in the polls. He must have naked pictures of every person west of the Mississippi

The overall number doesn't mean shit. When you break it down by states, Romney is getting his ass kicked.

09-17-2012, 07:35 PM
and he was right on the money
in 2004 and 2008

Yeah, because his polls somehow suddenly become accurate right before the election.

Either way, a poll of polls is always more accurate than any single poll. Five Thirty Eight is probably the best site for polling and analysis. The guy who runs it used to work for Baseball Prospectus and uses the same kind of statistical analysis he used for them to analyze polling data. In 2008 his models correctly called 49 of 50 states.

09-17-2012, 07:44 PM
Yeah, because his polls somehow suddenly become accurate right before the election.

um, because that's when
the undecideds decide

and 538 is for the 420 crowd

09-17-2012, 07:47 PM
um, because that's when
the undecideds decide

and 538 is for the 420 crowd

FAIL! I've never done 420.

09-17-2012, 07:50 PM
I think its not good for him that those were released but Obama had that guns and religion audio which looked like it would offend Joe Lunchpale in the rust belt but he still won

A lot of white people fall into that category which Mitt droned on about but there is probably a large percent who wants Obama out

Joe Lunchpale?

09-17-2012, 07:51 PM
If nothing else, it re-energizes Obama's voting base. I've already gotten a fundraising e-mail from the Obama campaign with Romney's quote in it.

Seriously, that could be one of the stupidest things a Presidential nominee has ever said. It makes you wonder what other shit he spews when he thinks no one is recording.

To be fair, he says some pretty retarded shit when he knows he's being recorded, too.

09-17-2012, 07:53 PM
i dont get how he is even still close in the polls. He must have naked pictures of every person west of the Mississippi

You underestimate the retardation of people.

I know people who still say "job creators" without a hint of fucking irony, and think Mitt is one of them. It's astounding.

09-17-2012, 07:59 PM
i never looked at it til like 8 days ago just checkin all polls and it was the first on google

Just go here...don't waste your time with national polling:

09-17-2012, 08:03 PM
I don't know if this belongs here, but whatever.

Question 3 in Mass is about medical marijuana. Vote Yes means you're ok with it.

Apparently the vote no people forgot to buy the website (

09-17-2012, 08:21 PM
I don't know if this belongs here, but whatever.

Question 3 in Mass is about medical marijuana. Vote Yes means you're ok with it.

Apparently the vote no people forgot to buy the website (

this site is fuckin PHENOMENAL

Have you stopped to wonder why the last time the Boston Red Sox won the World Series was in 2007? The answer is quite simple: It’s because Massachusetts voted decriminalization marijuana in 2008.
There’s a reason they were eating fried chicken in the clubhouse. There’s a reason that there is a huge “420″ sign painted in center field, right below a “Giant Glass” sign.

There’s a reason the Red Sox are in last place this season. And the reason is MARIJUANA.

09-17-2012, 08:23 PM
FAIL! I've never done 420.

apparently you arent with the Red Sox then

09-17-2012, 08:46 PM
There's a difference. Obama was certainly insulting and condescending to many people but he was talking in the context of helping them.

Romney just flat out said half the country is stupid, lazy and he doesn't care about them.

But Corps. are people-so there is that.

09-17-2012, 08:49 PM
You underestimate the retardation of people.

I know people who still say "job creators" without a hint of fucking irony, and think Mitt is one of them. It's astounding.

Some think he got OBL

09-18-2012, 04:04 AM
this site is fuckin PHENOMENAL

Did the Sox ownership put that out there? Because it would be consistent with them blaming everyone else for this shitty season.

09-18-2012, 04:05 AM
Mitt really does wanna lose this race. He should be up by at least 15 pts. He might be just as bad as McCain

No, McCain was the smart guy who picked a retard. Romney is the retard who picked a smart guy.

09-18-2012, 07:08 AM
No, McCain was the smart guy who picked a retard. Romney is the retard who picked a smart guy.

I dont know how smart Ryan is.

All I have seen from him is stupid lies and speaking like he is talking to five year olds.

Then again most of his voters are five year olds.

09-18-2012, 07:13 AM
I dont know how smart Ryan is.

All I have seen from him is stupid lies and speaking like he is talking to five year olds.

Then again most of his voters are five year olds.

I knew it. Voter fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-18-2012, 07:49 AM
No, McCain was the smart guy who picked a retard. Romney is the retard who picked a smart guy.

I dont know how smart Ryan is.

All I have seen from him is stupid lies and speaking like he is talking to five year olds.

Then again most of his voters are five year olds.

Compared to Palin, he's a Mensa member.

09-18-2012, 08:28 AM
So I'm reading more about this quote:

In the video, Romney says that 47 percent of Americans are “dependent on government” and that they think “they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”

Romney adds that his job “is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

and he's right. That's why certain states and cities will vote Democrat til the end of time.

09-18-2012, 08:41 AM
and we're almost to the point where those people are the majority and they will nvr vote to end it

09-18-2012, 08:52 AM
so what about romney goin on and on about palestinians now?

09-18-2012, 09:18 AM
I think this was all timed.

That tape was from May. With the awful jobs numbers, More attacks on US troops from Afghans we are supposed to be training and our Embassies being burned and general unrest in the Muslim world was to divert attention from all those factors

Brilliant move I must say. Get the attention off those events and have the country talk about this tape for a week and a half.

Im sure there will be trash talking about flyover country at the Jay Z fundraiser. Candidates throw stuff like that at their big donors

09-18-2012, 09:49 AM
So I'm reading more about this quote:

and he's right. That's why certain states and cities will vote Democrat til the end of time.

No, everything he said is ridiculous, cynical, elitist bullshit. 47% of the country may not pay income tax but they sure as fuck pay plenty of state, local and payroll taxes. And many of them pay a high percentage of their income in taxes than Romney pays. They aren't fucking freeloaders. Of course there are people out there who will vote for whoever thinks they will keep free shit floating their way but it's not a lot of people and certainly not 47%. 47% of this country don't think their victims. They DO take responsibility for themselves. And Mitt Romney and all of his wealthy donors can go fuck themselves. I am really fucking tired of dealing with what I have to deal with, working my ass off, and then having people like Mitt fucking Romney saying me, and people like me are what is wrong with this country, that all I look for is handouts, that my political decisions boil down to "who will give me more." Just because people don't make a lot of money doesn't mean they don't work hard, just because what they make isn't enough to live on doesn't make them them freeloaders. Everybody contributes. And fuck Mitt Romney for thinking that him and his class of people are individualistic supermen who single handedly drive this country while the rest of us contribute nothing and hang on their coattails.

09-18-2012, 09:55 AM
In regards to federal aid, I remember seeing the red states get the most.

I dont know what he was trying to accomplish, maybe gin up the rust belt white working class votes

09-18-2012, 10:00 AM
In regards to federal aid, I remember seeing the red states get the most.

I dont know what he was trying to accomplish, maybe gin up the rust belt white working class votes

Mitt Romney will probably get 95 electoral votes from ‘moocher’ states. Obama will probably get 5. (

09-18-2012, 10:02 AM
No, everything he said is ridiculous, cynical, elitist bullshit. 47% of the country may not pay income tax but they sure as fuck pay plenty of state, local and payroll taxes. And many of them pay a high percentage of their income in taxes than Romney pays. They aren't fucking freeloaders. Of course there are people out there who will vote for whoever thinks they will keep free shit floating their way but it's not a lot of people and certainly not 47%. 47% of this country don't think their victims. They DO take responsibility for themselves. And Mitt Romney and all of his wealthy donors can go fuck themselves. I am really fucking tired of dealing with what I have to deal with, working my ass off, and then having people like Mitt fucking Romney saying me, and people like me are what is wrong with this country, that all I look for is handouts, that my political decisions boil down to "who will give me more." Just because people don't make a lot of money doesn't mean they don't work hard, just because what they make isn't enough to live on doesn't make them them freeloaders. Everybody contributes. And fuck Mitt Romney for thinking that him and his class of people are individualistic supermen who single handedly drive this country while the rest of us contribute nothing and hang on their coattails.

I'm sorry. I was thinking of my uncle who was one of the 47%.

09-18-2012, 10:09 AM
i heard that half the 47% who dont pay taxes is actually retired people over the age of 65 who dont pay taxes cause they dont work anymore

09-18-2012, 10:11 AM
i heard that half the 47% who dont pay taxes is actually retired people over the age of 65 who dont pay taxes cause they dont work anymore

That would explain Florida and South Carolina on the above map.

09-18-2012, 03:10 PM
Since Mitt says corporations are people can we add GM as part as that 47% ?

09-18-2012, 04:24 PM
No, everything he said is ridiculous, cynical, elitist bullshit. 47% of the country may not pay income tax but they sure as fuck pay plenty of state, local and payroll taxes. And many of them pay a high percentage of their income in taxes than Romney pays. They aren't fucking freeloaders. Of course there are people out there who will vote for whoever thinks they will keep free shit floating their way but it's not a lot of people and certainly not 47%. 47% of this country don't think their victims. They DO take responsibility for themselves. And Mitt Romney and all of his wealthy donors can go fuck themselves. I am really fucking tired of dealing with what I have to deal with, working my ass off, and then having people like Mitt fucking Romney saying me, and people like me are what is wrong with this country, that all I look for is handouts, that my political decisions boil down to "who will give me more." Just because people don't make a lot of money doesn't mean they don't work hard, just because what they make isn't enough to live on doesn't make them them freeloaders. Everybody contributes. And fuck Mitt Romney for thinking that him and his class of people are individualistic supermen who single handedly drive this country while the rest of us contribute nothing and hang on their coattails.


In regards to federal aid, I remember seeing the red states get the most.

They did that bit on The Daily Show.

09-18-2012, 08:46 PM
Someone paid 50k just to set up the cam to record his BS talking point turned into a speech.

09-18-2012, 08:47 PM
No, everything he said is ridiculous, cynical, elitist bullshit. 47% of the country may not pay income tax but they sure as fuck pay plenty of state, local and payroll taxes. And many of them pay a high percentage of their income in taxes than Romney pays. They aren't fucking freeloaders. Of course there are people out there who will vote for whoever thinks they will keep free shit floating their way but it's not a lot of people and certainly not 47%. 47% of this country don't think their victims. They DO take responsibility for themselves. And Mitt Romney and all of his wealthy donors can go fuck themselves. I am really fucking tired of dealing with what I have to deal with, working my ass off, and then having people like Mitt fucking Romney saying me, and people like me are what is wrong with this country, that all I look for is handouts, that my political decisions boil down to "who will give me more." Just because people don't make a lot of money doesn't mean they don't work hard, just because what they make isn't enough to live on doesn't make them them freeloaders. Everybody contributes. And fuck Mitt Romney for thinking that him and his class of people are individualistic supermen who single handedly drive this country while the rest of us contribute nothing and hang on their coattails.

Well stated :clap:

09-18-2012, 09:07 PM
He killed Friendlys inc that bastard (the fundraiser)

09-18-2012, 09:10 PM
What I don't understand is, how can he possibly think that ALL people in that 47% support Obama. Does he honestly believe that NONE of that 47% are right wing Christians, or rednecks who think Obama is evil?

09-19-2012, 06:09 AM
Someone paid 50k just to set up the cam to record his BS talking point turned into a speech.

He should have worn a pimp suit like that guy from Breitbart did

09-19-2012, 07:15 AM
Someone paid 50k just to set up the cam to record his BS talking point turned into a speech.

That looked like the hired help to me.

Revenge of Fight Club!

09-19-2012, 07:44 AM
He killed Friendlys inc that bastard (the fundraiser)

Who killed the Newport Creamery?

09-19-2012, 08:36 AM
Romney is an (RRRRRRRR)!!!!!

09-19-2012, 09:56 AM
so what about romney goin on and on about palestinians now?

Basically he was saying that the Jews and Arabs have been at war forever and that the Arabs dont want peace

09-19-2012, 09:58 AM
Basically he was saying that the Jews and Arabs have been at war forever and that the Arabs dont want peace

i know what he said, fool. I was just tryin to get people talkin about it

09-19-2012, 10:01 AM
If the Palestinians should be mad at anyone it should be their fellow Muslims , the Ottomans (Turks)--they ruled the Mideast longer than anyone.

09-19-2012, 10:19 AM
If the Palestinians should be mad at anyone it should be their fellow Muslims , the Ottomans (Turks)--they ruled the Mideast longer than anyone.

No they should be mad at Fatah. For years, Arafat his cronies hoarded all the money the Arab countries gave to help the Palestinians build their own nation. That's why they finally turned to HAMAS.

09-19-2012, 10:24 AM
No they should be mad at Fatah. For years, Arafat his cronies hoarded all the money the Arab countries gave to help the Palestinians build their own nation. That's why they finally turned to HAMAS.

We can partially thank Dubya for that. Spread democracy. Democracy brought in Hamas and they control Gaza

Was Fatah an offshoot of the PLO ? I remember they were behind a lot of the terrorism in the 80's specifically the Achille Lauro incident.

09-19-2012, 10:25 AM
Carters revenge ?

09-19-2012, 10:40 AM

09-19-2012, 11:20 AM
James Carter IV looks like
a big fat peanut-eating
hillbilly-incest baby
who likes to get raped
in the ass by moslems
after a hard day at
occupy wall street

09-19-2012, 11:27 AM
Arrrr, me barnacles have more depth than ye.

09-19-2012, 12:37 PM
The first post 47% poll came out today in Wisconsin. Obama went from a 3-5 point lead to a 14-point advantage.

The question isn't whether Romney is going to lose. The question is how much will he crush other candidates down-ballot.

09-19-2012, 01:30 PM
The first post 47% poll came out today in Wisconsin. Obama went from a 3-5 point lead to a 14-point advantage.

The question isn't whether Romney is going to lose. The question is how much will he crush other candidates down-ballot.
Never underestimate the absent-mindedness if the modern American. This election is way too early to call

09-19-2012, 03:58 PM
Who killed the Newport Creamery?

He creamed all the way to the bank after robbing Friendlys of their pensions.

Mitts speech said something about those people fear him, yes they do he has done the same with pensions and this puts people in the spot he is calling them out on. He adds to the overall cycle.

09-20-2012, 04:16 AM
The first post 47% poll came out today in Wisconsin. Obama went from a 3-5 point lead to a 14-point advantage.

In Wisconsin? No big surprise.

09-20-2012, 07:13 AM
In Wisconsin? No big surprise.

That's just about the percentage Obama won with in 2008. I'm starting to think that he could have some serious coat tails this time around

I'm looking at those candidates (Scott Brown & Linda McMahon) already divorcing themselves from Romney and thinking that's a smart play at this point.

09-20-2012, 07:17 AM
That's just about the percentage Obama won with in 2008. I'm starting to think that he could have some serious coat tails this time around

I'm looking at those candidates (Scott Brown & Linda McMahon) already divorcing themselves from Romney and thinking that's a smart play at this point.

Yeah but that's different because as you no doubt already know, Republicans in New England (pretty much an extinct species) are libertarian for all intents and purposes.

09-20-2012, 07:31 AM
I'm looking at those candidates (Scott Brown & Linda McMahon) already divorcing themselves from Romney and thinking that's a smart play at this point.

Brown up 6% against the
lying-sack-of-shit fake injun

but of course, the poll
must be biased rren/srvc=home%26position=0

09-20-2012, 07:33 AM
Yeah but that's different because as you no doubt already know, Republicans in New England (pretty much an extinct species) are libertarian for all intents and purposes.

True, but the timing is strikingly in like with Romney's dive in the polls. If a few others in swing races (Ohio, Nebraska, Wisconsin) ditch Mitt it would be a total GOP clusterfuck.

09-20-2012, 07:33 AM
Rats jumping off a sinking ship:

Tim Pawlenty quit as co-chair of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign on Thursday to become one of Wall Street's top lobbyists in Washington. Pawlenty, a former governor of Minnesota, will lead the Financial Services Roundtable.
The move came with Romney's campaign struggling to find its stride with just seven weeks left before Election Day. Polls show the former Massachusetts governor running neck and neck with President Barack Obama in a contest both sides predict will be very close. But Romney's campaign has been grappling with a video showing him seemingly writing off Obama supporters as having a "victim" mindset and being reliant on government handouts. And Republicans outside the campaign have been grumbling that the campaign needs a shot in the arm.

09-20-2012, 09:00 AM
Brown up 6% against the
lying-sack-of-shit fake injun

but of course, the poll
must be biased rren/srvc=home%26position=0

Send more wampum, firewater and beads to her campaign

09-20-2012, 10:34 AM
Brown up 6% against the
lying-sack-of-shit fake injun

but of course, the poll
must be biased rren/srvc=home%26position=0
The false Indian heritage thing many people have critized from Elizabeth Warren doesn't make a load of sense to me. There are many people, Black Earl included, who have been told by one or all of their relatives that they are distantly related to Native Americans. I could see how a person could live his or her entire life without pursuing hard evidence about their lineage (especially since most ancestry websites are linked to The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints). If she claimed, ”I was acknowledged by the Apache nation five years ago,” and was lying, I could see the problem. She is claiming that some uncle or grandparent claimed Cherokee lineage. I had neighbors, during my youth, who claimed the same thing.

09-20-2012, 10:37 AM
The false Indian heritage thing many people have critized from Elizabeth Warren doesn't make a load of sense to me. There are many people, Black Earl included, who have been told by one or all of their relatives that they are distantly related to Native Americans. I could see how a person could live his or her entire life without pursuing hard evidence about their lineage (especially since most ancestry websites are linked to The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints). If she claimed, ”I was acknowledged by the Apache nation five years ago,” and was lying, I could see the problem. She is claiming that some uncle or grandparent claimed Cherokee lineage. I had neighbors, during my youth, who claimed the same thing.

she used it, though
to further her career

she claimed at Harvard
to be a "minority"
with all the perks that
go with that

everyone you know has
"a nigger in the woodpile"
somewhere back in their ancestry

09-20-2012, 10:40 AM
she used it, though
to further her career

she claimed at Harvard
to be a "minority"
with all the perks that
go with that

everyone you know has
"a nigger in the woodpile"
somewhere back in their ancestry

Who are you quoting?

Did Mitt Romney use this term at one of his private fundraisers?

09-20-2012, 10:42 AM
i love the fact that their are people like dude who think and say this kinda shit without any hesitation cause they 100% believe its right.

what a bunch of fuckin embarrassments

09-20-2012, 10:56 AM
what a bunch of fuckin embarrassments

ever seen one of your videos?

09-20-2012, 10:58 AM
Who are you quoting?

Did Mitt Romney use this term at one of his private fundraisers?

no, that is an old
and beloved expression
which is not considered insulting
in any way

09-20-2012, 11:17 AM
no, that is an old
and beloved expression
which is not considered insulting
in any way

It's an old expression. I'm not so sure about it not being insulting and beloved though.