02-07-2012, 09:27 AM
I've enjoyed listening to Coast To Coast AM for many years. I am for the most part skeptical of any theory without solid proof, but I still enjoy the show as a means of entertainment. I like hearing people's made up ghost stories, paranoid schizos talking about mind and weather control, sensational UFO and creature stories, etc. These days the show tends to be more focused on politics and new age pseudo-science than paranormal entertainment. But occasionally one of the new hosts will have a show or topic that hearkens back to the glory days of Coast To Coast. The other night (I listen when I go to sleep, so I don't remember which host or guest it was) the subject of chemtrails came up.
If anyone who doesn't know what a chemtrail is, it is what normal people refer to as a contrail, the visible trail of condensation behind a jet aircraft. Chemtrail conspiracy believers theorize that "chemtrails" are the result of a secret government program that has chemicals being added to jet fuel in order to effect the population, control the weather, or some other dark process. These theorists often talk about how they don't remember seeing so many chemtrails in the past, or how chemtrails last a lot longer than they used to. These statements are never quantified with any data.
I looked up the origin of the word contrail on, which states that the word originated in 1940-1945 as a conjunction of the words condensation and trail. Wouldn't it stand to reason that there are more contrails in the sky as there is more jet traffic? I have not noticed contrails lasting any longer than they did when I was younger. I remember seeing contrails stretch across the whole sky when I was a kid.
What do you buffoons think of all this?
While thinking about it, enjoy this audio clip of Phil Hendrie lampooning Art Bell:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If anyone who doesn't know what a chemtrail is, it is what normal people refer to as a contrail, the visible trail of condensation behind a jet aircraft. Chemtrail conspiracy believers theorize that "chemtrails" are the result of a secret government program that has chemicals being added to jet fuel in order to effect the population, control the weather, or some other dark process. These theorists often talk about how they don't remember seeing so many chemtrails in the past, or how chemtrails last a lot longer than they used to. These statements are never quantified with any data.
I looked up the origin of the word contrail on, which states that the word originated in 1940-1945 as a conjunction of the words condensation and trail. Wouldn't it stand to reason that there are more contrails in the sky as there is more jet traffic? I have not noticed contrails lasting any longer than they did when I was younger. I remember seeing contrails stretch across the whole sky when I was a kid.
What do you buffoons think of all this?
While thinking about it, enjoy this audio clip of Phil Hendrie lampooning Art Bell:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>