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Your Favorite Non-Fast Twitch Games [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Your Favorite Non-Fast Twitch Games

09-05-2010, 07:47 AM
I have a very limited appetite for the games where monsters pop out of the shadows and you need to have split-second reactions to avoid getting blown up. Games like that tend to stress me out as much as entertain me. I really like games where you can take some time to contemplate your moves, not just mash buttons and hope for the best.

Obviously there are all kinds of strategy games that can be played at your own pace, but I'm talking about stuff that still falls into the action genre.

Two recent games that I have really enjoyed are Portal (obviously) and Far Cry 2. Any other suggestions?

09-05-2010, 08:27 AM
I have a very limited appetite for the games where monsters pop out of the shadows and you need to have split-second reactions to avoid getting blown up. Games like that tend to stress me out as much as entertain me. I really like games where you can take some time to contemplate your moves, not just mash buttons and hope for the best.

Obviously there are all kinds of strategy games that can be played at your own pace, but I'm talking about stuff that still falls into the action genre.

Two recent games that I have really enjoyed are Portal (obviously) and Far Cry 2. Any other suggestions?

you want stradegy and action, get NCAA 11 or Madden

Space Edge
09-05-2010, 11:18 AM
Fallout 3 is a great game probably one of my favorites. I've played through it twice and I'm working on a third play through when I get bored with other games.

09-05-2010, 11:25 AM
I've been steering clear of Fallout 3. Every time I think about how much of my life I threw away on Oblivion, I get nervous about doing it again with what's been called a post-apocalyptic Oblivion.

Bob Impact
09-05-2010, 04:00 PM
What about an MMO?

09-05-2010, 04:16 PM
What about an MMO?

I guess I have the same reservations. I tend to get caught up in the more tedious aspects and waste hours upon hours and end up hating myself.

09-05-2010, 04:26 PM
I have sex with girls. Very slow...Some would say even mundane.

09-05-2010, 07:09 PM
i still enjoy playing old DOS, Nintendo, and even Commodore 64 games on occasion (just do a google search and you can find a lot of them for free). much less stressful, with lots of childhood nostalgia.

Space Edge
09-07-2010, 06:43 AM
You should check out Alan Wake it's a good game.

09-11-2010, 04:40 PM
I installed Fallout 3 and instantly five hours of my afternoon disappeared. :glurps:

09-12-2010, 02:57 PM
I put in another several hours today and hit a huge wall. The tedium of dungeon crawling and inventory management caught up with me fast.

I'm ready to start cheating, because I'd like to see how the game goes, but I really don't have the patience for this whole rigmarole.

Section 8
09-14-2010, 08:20 AM
It's an old PC game, but Deus Ex was awesome. There were multiple ways to go thru every level, you can shoot your way thru, stealth thru, hack thru. People have finished the game without killing off anyone other than the bosses. Others have killed everyone in game. There's an RPG element to it as well as you buy cybernetic upgrades to tweak your playing style.

Creepy Note: The opening of the game, which came out in 2000, says that the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists.

09-14-2010, 08:20 AM
If you increase strength, you can keep a more stuff on you. The game is really fantastic, you just need to sell and drop things a lot, you don't need to keep everything on you at all times. Also you can store stuff in your house

09-14-2010, 10:26 AM
It's an old PC game, but Deus Ex was awesome. There were multiple ways to go thru every level, you can shoot your way thru, stealth thru, hack thru. People have finished the game without killing off anyone other than the bosses. Others have killed everyone in game. There's an RPG element to it as well as you buy cybernetic upgrades to tweak your playing style.

Creepy Note: The opening of the game, which came out in 2000, says that the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists.

LOVED Deus Ex. That was one of my absolute favorite gaming experiences ever.

Now, as for creepy, take a look at the box for C&C Red Alert 2:

09-14-2010, 10:48 AM
If you increase strength, you can keep a more stuff on you. The game is really fantastic, you just need to sell and drop things a lot, you don't need to keep everything on you at all times. Also you can store stuff in your house

Yeah, since I complained about it, I've made a new character that's a little better geared to my preferences and am playing it incessantly again.

And I've made a resolution that I don't absolutely NEED to pick up every Steam Gauge Assembly that I find. If it's not $10/lb or so, I'm just going to forget about it. I'll keep one or two of each piece of junk in stock at my house, then worry about replenishing later.

There's a shitty little Diablo clone called Fate that had a really good system for inventory. They gave you a companion animal that could fight with you, but then you could also load it up with loot and send it to town to sell -- while you keep hacking and slashing. Short of just an unlimited inventory, that's the best system I've dealt with.

Quick question: Do your skill points increase with practice? For instance, in Oblivion, you could increase your Sneak by sneaking, Agility by jumping, Repair by repairing, etc.

09-14-2010, 10:57 AM
Any and all Paradox Interactive games. Especially the Europa Universalis series.

09-14-2010, 10:58 AM
I installed Fallout 3 and instantly five hours of my afternoon disappeared. :glurps:

Good games do that.

09-14-2010, 06:04 PM
Yeah, since I complained about it, I've made a new character that's a little better geared to my preferences and am playing it incessantly again.

And I've made a resolution that I don't absolutely NEED to pick up every Steam Gauge Assembly that I find. If it's not $10/lb or so, I'm just going to forget about it. I'll keep one or two of each piece of junk in stock at my house, then worry about replenishing later.

There's a shitty little Diablo clone called Fate that had a really good system for inventory. They gave you a companion animal that could fight with you, but then you could also load it up with loot and send it to town to sell -- while you keep hacking and slashing. Short of just an unlimited inventory, that's the best system I've dealt with.

Quick question: Do your skill points increase with practice? For instance, in Oblivion, you could increase your Sneak by sneaking, Agility by jumping, Repair by repairing, etc.

Your skills don't increase with practice, you have to find the skill books scattered amongst the world.

As for the companion carrying your stuff comment, if you liked that, you'll be pleased later in the game in Fallout (you can actually get sort of the same thing even at the beginning of the game). Not exactly the same, but something similar.

04-16-2011, 06:56 PM
Bumping this thread, as I'm in a gaming mood again and need some more suggestions.

Obviously Portal 2 is coming out soon, and that is 100% at the top of my list.

Here are some of my gaming activities since September; maybe they will help in pinpointing what I'm looking for in a gaming experience:

Fallout 3: I played as much as I'm probably ever going to -- I finished the main quest, then quested enough to get the cool weapons I wanted, then got tired of it. I installed New Vegas and never made it out of that first town.

Half Life 2: Played through the entire series. Really liked most of it. Hated Ravenholm at first. Too many fuckers jumping out of dark corners. But once I knew where the monsters would be, I was able to enjoy a really great level.

Dragon Age: Started a couple different characters, and played one far enough to start commanding a team of allies. It got way too complex for to play it right, and I got frustrated with it.

Starcraft 2: Played several maps, but once they started getting more challenging, I grew more and more nervous to start a new map. I take losing personally, and it's especially bad when I invest 90 minutes into a map, thinking I'm doing well, then get annihilated out of nowhere. I'm not cut out to be a rebel leader.

Civilization 5: Installed it, but it looked too complicated so I never actually played it.

Assassin's Creed: It took me a good 20 minutes and several trips online to figure out how to walk through the bitches carrying the jugs. Once I started playing, all the wacky key combinations made my hands hurt. Fuck that.

So is there anything out there that has a good immersive story, won't give me panic attacks, and is simple enough that your grandma can play?

04-16-2011, 07:04 PM
Civ 5 is actually very easy to play, if you play on the easiest levels. You basically just point and click.

04-16-2011, 07:28 PM
Reading this thread makes me hate that all I play is a gamecube.

04-16-2011, 07:33 PM

Battlefield of Duty 14: Modern Company Ops 4: I played several of these games. Some I finished, some I didn't. Some levels were fun, some sucked. Obviously none of them made a big impression on me.