View Full Version : Kill the Ground Zero Mosque
08-11-2010, 06:58 AM
just hack
i hope someone does it to christian churches now too just to see how gutfeld and fox news handles it
just disrespectful and childish
The mosque isn't being built to spite 9/11 victims. However, Gutfiled is building the bar (if you believe it is more than hype) to instigate muslims.
Are the Muslims near ground zero the only ones intolerant of gay rights?
08-11-2010, 07:47 AM
The mosque isn't being built to spite 9/11 victims. However, Gutfiled is building the bar (if you believe it is more than hype) to instigate muslims.
Are the Muslims near ground zero the only ones intolerant of gay rights?
Actually, from what I've read of the group building this community center -- and that's another stupid thing about this, the bulding ISN'T EVEN A FUCKING MOSQUE -- they're actually pretty liberal, and the imam has made a point of trying to build bridges between religions.
He's really one of the "moderate Muslims" that fucking retard Sarah Palin says should "refudiate" (very very sic) something like this.
08-11-2010, 07:53 AM
Actually, from what I've read of the group building this community center -- and that's another stupid thing about this, the bulding ISN'T EVEN A FUCKING MOSQUE -- they're actually pretty liberal, and the imam has made a point of trying to build bridges between religions.
He's really one of the "moderate Muslims" that fucking retard Sarah Palin says should "refudiate" (very very sic) something like this.
Since Republicans run on fear, the last thing they want to moderate Muslims. Look out Midwest, terrorists are everywhere.
08-11-2010, 08:02 AM
just hack
i hope someone does it to christian churches now too just to see how gutfeld and fox news handles it
just disrespectful and childish
It's f'n stupid.
Why wouldn't he start with this mosque? (
It was there before 9/11.
These guys have to put a disclaimer on their site: Please be advised that we are by no means affiliated with any other organization trying to build anything new in the area of downtown Manhattan.
08-11-2010, 08:58 AM
<table style='font:11px arial; color:#333; background-color:#f5f5f5' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='360' height='353'><tbody><tr style='background-color:#e5e5e5' valign='middle'><td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;'><a target='_blank' style='color:#333; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;' href=''>The Daily Show With Jon Stewart</a></td><td style='padding:2px 5px 0px 5px; text-align:right; font-weight:bold;'>Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c</td></tr><tr style='height:14px;' valign='middle'><td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'><a target='_blank' style='color:#333; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;' href=''>Municipal Land-Use Update - Ground Zero Mosque</a></td></tr><tr style='height:14px; background-color:#353535' valign='middle'><td colspan='2' style='padding:2px 5px 0px 5px; width:360px; overflow:hidden; text-align:right'><a target='_blank' style='color:#96deff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;' href=''></a></td></tr><tr valign='middle'><td style='padding:0px;' colspan='2'><embed style='display:block' src='' width='360' height='301' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='window' allowFullscreen='true' flashvars='autoPlay=false' allowscriptaccess='always' allownetworking='all' bgcolor='#000000'></embed></td></tr><tr style='height:18px;' valign='middle'><td style='padding:0px;' colspan='2'><table style='margin:0px; text-align:center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr valign='middle'><td style='padding:3px; width:33%;'><a target='_blank' style='font:10px arial; color:#333; text-decoration:none;' href=''>Daily Show Full Episodes</a></td><td style='padding:3px; width:33%;'><a target='_blank' style='font:10px arial; color:#333; text-decoration:none;' href=''>Political Humor</a></td><td style='padding:3px; width:33%;'><a target='_blank' style='font:10px arial; color:#333; text-decoration:none;' href=''>Tea Party</a></td></tr></table></td></tr></tbody></table>
08-11-2010, 09:01 AM
Greg Gutfeld To Open A Gay Bar Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men” (
A gay bar run by some dude from Fox News sounds like the worst gay bar ever.
08-11-2010, 12:24 PM
A gay bar run by some dude from Fox News sounds like the worst gay bar ever.
will they call it the purple parrot or the cage?
08-11-2010, 12:26 PM
will they call it the purple parrot or the cage?
08-11-2010, 12:52 PM
Some of the victims families are going to say that it is intentional that they are doing this, just as Im sure Muslims will say its antagonizing that they want to open a gay bar next to the Mosque/Islamic center.
I look at it this way. Whoever owns the property can build what they want. I look at this as a private property issue. I know some on the right will disagree with me on this but Private property rights trump idealogy
08-11-2010, 12:58 PM
Some of the victims families are going to say that it is intentional that they are doing this, just as Im sure Muslims will say its antagonizing that they want to open a gay bar next to the Mosque/Islamic center.
I look at it this way. Whoever owns the property can build what they want. I look at this as a private property issue. I know some on the right will disagree with me on this but Private property rights trump idealogy
Except you are twisting the truth. No one behind building the mosque has stated that they are doing it because of 9/11 or as a reaction to American imperialism. However, the people behind the bar are building it as a reaction to the mosque.
See the difference?
Of course, they can build what they want. But, because 9/11 victims don't want the mosque there is different than publicly stating they are building it to antagonize a group.
According to the American Family Association we shouldn't build a mosque anywhere in the United States (
Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero. This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government.
Each one is a potential jihadist recruitment and training center, and determined to implement the “Grand Jihad” of which Andy McCarthy has written.
So they go further:
Because of this subversive ideology, Muslims cannot claim religious freedom protections under the First Amendment. They are currently using First Amendment freedoms to make plans to destroy the First Amendment altogether. There is no such thing as freedom of religion in Islam, and it is sheer and utter folly for Americans to delude themselves into thinking otherwise.
Those who oppose a mosque anywhere in the United States simply do not understand our Constitution and are no better than the religious lunatics who attacked us on 9/11.
08-11-2010, 02:22 PM
Those who oppose a mosque anywhere in the United States simply do not understand our Constitution and are no better than the religious lunatics who attacked us on 9/11.
They are pretty stupid.
Though opposing a religion and acting with violence due to your opposition may be an unfair comparison.
They are certainly scum, though.
08-11-2010, 02:54 PM
Those who oppose a mosque anywhere in the United States simply do not understand our Constitution and are no better than the religious lunatics who attacked us on 9/11.
they're obviously wrong, but given their assumptions (again, wrong) the conclusions make sense. it's a huge stretch to compare them to suicide bombers.
08-11-2010, 03:06 PM
they're obviously wrong, but given their assumptions (again, wrong) the conclusions make sense. it's a huge stretch to compare them to suicide bombers.
I think what epo meant was that they stand for the same thing, agenda filled garbage, and being total ignorant idiots..
08-11-2010, 03:11 PM
I think what epo meant was that they stand for the same thing, agenda filled garbage, and being total ignorant idiots..
But having agenda filled garbage and murdering thousands based on your agenda filled garbage are two different things.
I'm not excusing the christian group. As stated before, they are scumbags. But saying things and acting violently based on the things you say are two completely different things.
08-11-2010, 03:13 PM
But having agenda filled garbage and murdering thousands based on your agenda filled garbage are two different things.
I'm not excusing the christian group. As stated before, they are scumbags. But saying things and acting violently based on the things you say are two completely different things.
epo is just the left's dude!
Why pay him attention?
08-11-2010, 03:38 PM
epo is just the left's dude!
Why pay him attention?
They both voted for Obama!
Barnaby Jones
08-11-2010, 04:12 PM
The Newsweek article about it all of this put it best: 9/11 happened "to" the people who go to this community center just as much as it did anyone else in NYC and America as a whole! It's the height of ignorance, fear and hatred to act like this wasn't a terrible, terrifying day for them and that they must somehow be punished or stopped from living their lives like anyone else here!
Barnaby Jones
08-11-2010, 04:18 PM
I think what epo meant was that they stand for the same thing, agenda filled garbage, and being total ignorant idiots..
Christian extremists in America are kept in check by the rest of the country! If they could run shit like Muslim extremists often end up being able to do then you bet your sweet bippy you'd be seeing people being killed for having differing faiths or having abortions or being gay and the like! And I said "EXTREMISTS," so relax before you think I'm talking about your stupid Aunt Edna who goes to church every Sunday! Faith-based intolerance and hatred all comes from the same mindset regardless of faith, and they're all just vaarying rungs on the same ladder! FUCK YOU, EXTREMISTS!
08-11-2010, 04:21 PM
The Newsweek article about it all of this put it best: 9/11 happened "to" the people who go to this community center just as much as it did anyone else in NYC and America as a whole! It's the height of ignorance, fear and hatred to act like this wasn't a terrible, terrifying day for them and that they must somehow be punished or stopped from living their lives like anyone else here!
I agree. Gay Muslims had 9/11 happen to them just like it happened to everyone else.
08-11-2010, 04:40 PM
Christian extremists in America are kept in check by the rest of the country! If they could run shit like Muslim extremists often end up being able to do then you bet your sweet bippy you'd be seeing people being killed for having differing faiths or having abortions or being gay and the like! And I said "EXTREMISTS," so relax before you think I'm talking about your stupid Aunt Edna who goes to church every Sunday! Faith-based intolerance and hatred all comes from the same mindset regardless of faith, and they're all just vaarying rungs on the same ladder! FUCK YOU, EXTREMISTS!
All you gotta do is look at history..
The catholic church did countless attocities against people who questioned them or even thought about it.
Then the church of England under Henry the VII, then his daughter Mary, dubbed "Bloody Mary".
Hell look at the IRA and the shit they did..
Not very much unlike what goes on with Muslim extreamists.
It all starts somewhere.
08-11-2010, 04:49 PM
Christian extremists in America are kept in check by the rest of the country! If they could run shit like Muslim extremists often end up being able to do then you bet your sweet bippy you'd be seeing people being killed for having differing faiths or having abortions or being gay and the like! And I said "EXTREMISTS," so relax before you think I'm talking about your stupid Aunt Edna who goes to church every Sunday! Faith-based intolerance and hatred all comes from the same mindset regardless of faith, and they're all just vaarying rungs on the same ladder! FUCK YOU, EXTREMISTS!
Which is good. They should be kept in check.
So your point is that extremists, regardless of creed, are bad. I agree with you and I think pretty much everyone in this thread would agree with you, too.
Granted, if I ever catch you talking about my SWEET Aunt Edna again you will be sure to get yourself a letter, sir. For that is the christian way.
Those who oppose a mosque anywhere in the United States simply do not understand our Constitution and are no better than the religious lunatics who attacked us on 9/11.
they're obviously wrong, but given their assumptions (again, wrong) the conclusions make sense. it's a huge stretch to compare them to suicide bombers.
In moral terms, its not a stretch.
Barnaby Jones
08-11-2010, 05:07 PM
Which is good. They should be kept in check.
So your point is that extremists, regardless of creed, are bad. I agree with you and I think pretty much everyone in this thread would agree with you, too.
Granted, if I ever catch you talking about my SWEET Aunt Edna again you will be sure to get yourself a letter, sir. For that is the christian way.
She's going down!
08-11-2010, 05:10 PM
She's going down!
Are you comming onto her now?!
You sexual deviant!
08-11-2010, 05:16 PM
Are you comming onto her now?!
You sexual deviant!
She is asking for it.
Barnaby loves pie!
08-12-2010, 05:08 AM
So many of the attacks on the "Ground Zero Mosque" (sic) have focused on the imam behind it. He has been attacked as a radical, and the Obama Administration has been ripped for using him on a Middle East speaking tour.
Yeah, what kind of crazy, sekrit Muslin socialist would hire this al-Qaida towelhead for anything?
If one were to hearken back to the halcyon days of the Bush Administration, one would remember that, when Bush adviser Karen Hughes was appointed Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy, the Bush Administration saw improving America's standing among Muslims abroad as a part of its national security strategy. And, as such, Hughes set up listening tours, attended meetings and worked with interfaith groups that -- shocking, by today's Republican standards -- included actual Muslims.
One of those people was Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
Contemporary press accounts indicate that Rauf and Hughes were part of the February 2006 U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha, Qatar. He was part of a delegation that met with her in March 2006 and held a joint press conference. A letter to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in November 2007 indicates that contacts with Hughes and Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns had continued apace.
And, of course, an interview with Foreign Policy in 2007 explored both the depths of his ongoing contact with the Administration and his so-called radical views.
"I have had meetings with Karen Hughes. However, I would welcome the opportunity to have further, deeper, and more nuanced discussions with other members of the Bush administration on how they need to understand religion and how it intersects with political affairs. To not understand the role of Islam and faith as a motivator is to be incapacitated in shaping a foreign policy that achieves the objectives of the United States.
The perception in the Muslim world is that the West wants to impose a secularism upon it, which to them is equivalent to the erasure of religion in society. As an American, I know that is not the intent of the United States at all. But thats the perception. The perception in America is that when people say they want an Islamic state, they want something like the Taliban. And that is not true at all."
This is total nonsense, and all efforts to block the building of this Mosque must end immediately. ?ref=fpblg
Contemporary press accounts indicate that Rauf and Hughes were part of the February 2006 U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha, Qatar.
What a shithole.
This is total nonsense, and all efforts to block the building of this Mosque must end immediately.
America is becoming like '30s era Germany. How long till we fire up the Rascal scooters and break some windows at 7-11s?
08-12-2010, 08:23 AM
Gingrich thinks we should follow Saudi Arabia's religious intolerance policy. Great idea. I hope the right comes into power soon.
08-12-2010, 08:28 AM
How long till we fire up the Rascal scooters and break some windows at 7-11s?
i'm in...
what's the address
of your gas station?
Gingrich thinks we should follow Saudi Arabia's religious intolerance policy. Great idea. I hope the right comes into power soon.
With the GOP, we're getting ever closer to turning this country into a theocracy like Saudi Arabia.
08-12-2010, 08:32 AM
With the GOP, we're getting ever closer to turning this country into a theocracy like Saudi Arabia.
You know that's silly.
08-12-2010, 09:02 AM
You know that's silly.
How is this silly?
GOP are only in support of "Christian, Bible rules"
Abortion, Anti Gay, Anti other religion, etc etc.
And like Barnaby stated, If they could, you better believe that they would go pretty damn far into inforcing those rules.
Saudi's the same with the Q'uran..
08-12-2010, 09:13 AM
How is this silly?
GOP are only in support of "Christian, Bible rules"
Abortion, Anti Gay, Anti other religion, etc etc.
And like Barnaby stated, If they could, you better believe that they would go pretty damn far into inforcing those rules.
Saudi's the same with the Q'uran..
Christian is not a religion, so which one religion is going to be running things?
08-12-2010, 09:22 AM
Christian is not a religion, so which one religion is going to be running things?
Christianity is a religion. It is broken into different branches. Just as the Islam religion has different branches.
As we know, you need to be a Protestant to be president. So, that narrows down which form of Christianity will reign.
However, I don't think the right wing will ever allow the government to get that radical. They use those talking points to get the religious right to the polls, but they don't really want to pass the laws.
08-12-2010, 09:28 AM
Christian is not a religion, so which one religion is going to be running things?
GOP: Bible based laws and rules
Saudi's: Q'uran based laws and rules..
A book is the base of both groups..
08-12-2010, 09:28 AM
GOP: Bible based laws and rules
Saudi's: Q'uran based laws and rules..
A book is the base of both groups..
Yep. Both wrong.
08-12-2010, 09:30 AM
Christianity is a religion. It is broken into different branches. Just as the Islam religion has different branches.
As we know, you need to be a Protestant to be president. So, that narrows down which form of Christianity will reign.
However, I don't think the right wing will ever allow the government to get that radical. They use those talking points to get the religious right to the polls, but they don't really want to pass the laws.
If enough people ask for it, they sure as hell will pass it into law.
The only diff is the base for the Saudi's is overwhelmingly Muslim, where as America though Christianity is the biggest, it has a big % of a combo of other religions.
08-12-2010, 09:35 AM
The only diff is the base for the Saudi's is overwhelmingly Muslim
they don't allow
other religions
so how could it be otherwise?
08-12-2010, 09:42 AM
Yep. Both wrong.
The Basic Law, in 1992, declared that Saudi Arabia is a monarchy ruled by the progeny of King Abd Al Aziz Al Saud. It also declared the Qur'an as the constitution of the country, governed on the basis of Islamic law.
It appears the Qur'an is the base of Saudi law. Unless, by "both" you were referring to something else.
08-12-2010, 09:42 AM
they don't allow
other religions
so how could it be otherwise?
They don't allow other religions because thats the thinking of 95+% of the people there.
If it was more spread out, then It would be different..
That is the whole point.
So pay attention Cletus Fox News
08-12-2010, 09:44 AM
Unless, by "both" you were referring to something else.
I meant the Qur'an and the Bible: both wrong.
08-12-2010, 09:47 AM
Even if the Sauid's wanted to change their stance, which they don't, they would have a hard time doing it because the idioligy and thinking has been in effect for so long as it pretains to the people there.
It would take a long, long time, If ever.
The Saudi Royal family is probably the most hypocritical people on the planet.
The make all these laws but follow none of them.
Bo Deadle (prob spelled his name wrong) Once said he ran security for one of their trips.
They did everything from drinking to drugs, to whores.
08-12-2010, 09:47 AM
I meant the Qur'an and the Bible: both wrong.
That's what i figured...
08-12-2010, 09:50 AM
I meant the Qur'an and the Bible: both wrong.
Still not following. Some context please. Why are they both wrong? Misspelling of Qur'an?
08-12-2010, 09:53 AM
Still not following. Some context please. Why are they both wrong? Misspelling of Qur'an?
GOP: Bible based laws and rules
Saudi's: Q'uran based laws and rules..
A book is the base of both groups..
What is bolded, is what is wrong.
08-12-2010, 09:53 AM
Still not following. Some context please. Why are they both wrong? Misspelling of Qur'an?
He means following them as laws for a country is both wrong..
08-12-2010, 09:56 AM
What is bolded, is what is wrong.
Saudi Arabia uses the Qur'an as its constitution, Islamic law is the basis for all their laws. So, I don't see how "Qur'an is basis of Saudi law" is wrong.
Even if the Sauid's wanted to change their stance, which they don't, they would have a hard time doing it because the idioligy and thinking has been in effect for so long as it pretains to the people there.
It would take a long, long time, If ever.
The Saudi Royal family is probably the most hypocritical people on the planet.
The make all these laws but follow none of them.
Bo Deadle (prob spelled his name wrong) Once said he ran security for one of their trips.
They did everything from drinking to drugs, to whores.
Yep. Not to mention the rampant homosexuality. That's what happens when you don't let the sexes mingle.
King 'Abdallah has been trying to make changes but it's very difficult because of the power the clerics have. He needs their support to maintain the legitimacy of Al-Sa'ud rule. That's the price that they paid for making that alliance with Muhammad Al-Wahhab.
If he was 20 years younger, I think things would happen more quickly.
08-12-2010, 10:01 AM
He means following them as laws for a country is both wrong..
Thank you.
08-12-2010, 10:04 AM
Yep. Not to mention the rampant homosexuality. That's what happens when you don't let the sexes mingle.
King 'Abdallah has been trying to make changes but it's very difficult because of the power the clerics have. He needs their support to maintain the legitimacy of Al-Sa'ud rule. That's the price that they paid for making that alliance with Muhammad Al-Wahhab.
If he was 20 years younger, I think things would happen more quickly.
They basicaly run that place like a max secuitiy prison...
08-12-2010, 10:04 AM
Yep. Not to mention the rampant homosexuality. That's what happens when you don't let the sexes mingle.
I know somebody who follows some people around here in this country, and almost all of the middle eastern diplomats living here under the guise of having a normal family, hit the gay porn shops in DC on their lunchbreaks.
08-12-2010, 10:05 AM
Thank you.
Do you get charged per word?
If I may, because I can write complete sentences, fully explaining my position.
"In both situations to use a holy book as a basis for a country's laws is improper."
Is that your position?
I thought you meant his statement was incorrect. See the confusion. You just repeating "both are wrong", did nothing to clear the confusion.
08-12-2010, 10:06 AM
I know somebody who follows some people around here in this country, and almost all of the middle eastern diplomats living here under the guise of having a normal family, hit the gay porn shops in DC on their lunchbreaks.
No different than our politicians. Sick queers.
08-12-2010, 10:07 AM
I know somebody who follows some people around here in this country, and almost all of the middle eastern diplomats living here under the guise of having a normal family, hit the gay porn shops in DC on their lunchbreaks.
Well then..
Maybe the gay bar next door isn't such a bad idea then....
08-12-2010, 10:07 AM
That was fun. But the bible is not the basis of our laws. Some laws may be influenced by it, but laws are influenced by all sorts of things n
08-12-2010, 10:08 AM
No different than our politicians. Sick queers.
Well then..
Maybe the gay bar next door isn't such a bad idea then....
They can all unite and talk about things there!
08-12-2010, 10:10 AM
That was fun. But the bible is not the basis of our laws. Some laws may be influenced by it, but laws are influenced by all sorts of things n
The whole point to this is, if they could they would.
If they could make laws strictly on the bible, they would.
But the diversity of the American population won't allow that to happen.
08-12-2010, 10:11 AM
That was fun. But the bible is not the basis of our laws. Some laws may be influenced by it, but laws are influenced by all sorts of things n...
Please insert more money to continue post.
I guess Mods are limited to a certain number of letters.
08-12-2010, 10:16 AM
Please insert more money to continue post.
I guess Mods are limited to a certain number of letters.
That was just Sailor being his racist self.
08-12-2010, 10:38 AM
Please insert more money to continue post.
I guess Mods are limited to a certain number of letters.
Ha, my stupid fat thumbs trying to double tap the space bar to get a period. I often get an errant n or b but usually catch it (iPhone, btw).
Yeah, I know...facts are boring. :(
08-12-2010, 11:25 AM
Yep. Not to mention the rampant homosexuality. That's what happens when you don't let the sexes mingle.
King 'Abdallah has been trying to make changes but it's very difficult because of the power the clerics have. He needs their support to maintain the legitimacy of Al-Sa'ud rule. That's the price that they paid for making that alliance with Muhammad Al-Wahhab.
If he was 20 years younger, I think things would happen more quickly.
This is a little off topic, but have you ever been to Dubai? Jeff wants to go, I don't because I don't want to get thrown in jail because I'm showing too music shoulder or touch a man in public. Are the laws as bad there? I've read conflicting things online.
08-12-2010, 12:08 PM
Ha, my stupid fat thumbs trying to double tap the space bar to get a period. I often get an errant n or b but usually catch it (iPhone, btw).
Yeah, I know...facts are boring. :(
Any post that involves a reference to an iPhone is exciting.
08-12-2010, 01:18 PM
This is a little off topic, but have you ever been to Dubai? Jeff wants to go, I don't because I don't want to get thrown in jail because I'm showing too music shoulder or touch a man in public. Are the laws as bad there? I've read conflicting things online.
I spent some time there in the early 2000's. Wasn't too bad then. You would see everything from women fully robed with medeival face sheild things to wearing western clothes. Dress appropriate for the situation, club gear ok for the club but maybe not the mall etc. I would always recommend a woman to have an escort when travelling in public abroad.
08-12-2010, 03:58 PM
This is a little off topic, but have you ever been to Dubai? Jeff wants to go, I don't because I don't want to get thrown in jail because I'm showing too music shoulder or touch a man in public. Are the laws as bad there? I've read conflicting things online.
Nothing's sexier than an exposed music shoulder.
08-12-2010, 05:52 PM
Nothing's sexier than an exposed music shoulder.
ha ha...
she must have been
trying to type 'muscular'
08-12-2010, 08:08 PM
Can we please get this thread back on topic?
2011 Ron and Fez Bar Night: Greg Gutfeld's Gay Bar.
08-12-2010, 08:19 PM
Can we please get this thread back on topic?
2011 Ron and Fez Bar Night: Greg Gutfeld's Gay Bar.
They attacked us on 9/11, in part, because of our tolerance of gays. Out of respect for the victims, and their annoyingly vocal families, I will not patronize a gay bar at ground zero.
08-12-2010, 08:20 PM
I spent some time there in the early 2000's. Wasn't too bad then. You would see everything from women fully robed with medeival face sheild things to wearing western clothes. Dress appropriate for the situation, club gear ok for the club but maybe not the mall etc. I would always recommend a woman to have an escort when travelling in public abroad.
did you happen to see any of the slave labor ( that's building that place?
smoke & mirrors. i bet those "world's biggest _____" structures will all crumble within 20 years...
08-12-2010, 08:22 PM
They attacked us on 9/11, in part, because of our tolerance of gays. Out of respect for the victims, and their annoyingly vocal families, I will not patronize a gay bar at ground zero.
These colors don't run Serpico! RED WHITE AND BLUE AND PURPLE!
08-12-2010, 08:36 PM
did you happen to see any of the slave labor ( that's building that place?
smoke & mirrors. i bet those "world's biggest _____" structures will all crumble within 20 years...
I have no doubt that dubai was built with sub-standard labor practices. But, I do not believe a word of Karen's story, so I can not give credence to the rest of that story.
For example, her husband will be out in 6 months, but she has to live in the Range Rover for 9 more months? The cellmate swallowed razorblades? Write a novel.
08-12-2010, 08:52 PM
I have no doubt that dubai was built with sub-standard labor practices. But, I do not believe a word of Karen's story, so I can not give credence to the rest of that story.
For example, her husband will be out in 6 months, but she has to live in the Range Rover for 9 more months? The cellmate swallowed razorblades? Write a novel.
yeah, her particular story has some fishy aspects, but do a google search (, and you'll find a boatload of stories about how dubai is being being built by imported labor lured in with the promise of big money that never materializes.
08-12-2010, 08:58 PM
yeah, her particular story has some fishy aspects, but do a google search (, and you'll find a boatload of stories about how dubai is being being built by imported labor lured in with the promise of big money that never materializes.
I have no doubt that Dubai is being built by slave labor. Much like our embassy in Iraq.
But what are the options? Union labor? NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a little off topic, but have you ever been to Dubai? Jeff wants to go, I don't because I don't want to get thrown in jail because I'm showing too music shoulder or touch a man in public. Are the laws as bad there? I've read conflicting things online.
I spent Christmas in Dubai five years ago. I always say that it's like the Vegas of the Middle East. Well...maybe Reno. It's all brand new and even with the economic downturn, they're still building at a crazy pace.
The problem there is more for singles than married folks. There was the story about the Brits who hooked up on a beach, were spotted by locals and arrested for public indecency or something like that. Although they have clubs for Westerners, they just don't want want the place turning into a brothel. If you're in Dubai, it's a little more laid-back (within reason) than the rest of the country. The key is to be mindful that although they serve booze, it IS a Muslim country and you have to be respectful of local customs. I don't think you and Jeff will have any problems. As for dress -- be modest. It's not only respectful of the locals, it's functional. That sun will burn you in minutes otherwise!
If you can swing it, I say go for it. It's a pretty cool place. The weather's great, the people are friendly. The big activity there is shopping: there are modern malls (Mall of the Emirates being the famous one) but check out the souqs where you can get cheap gold, carpets and pashminas.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
did you happen to see any of the slave labor ( that's building that place?
smoke & mirrors. i bet those "world's biggest _____" structures will all crumble within 20 years...
That's no different than any other place in the Middle East. The foreign workers get treated like shit there. Imagine having to do construction or lay asphalt in 120 degree heat.
08-16-2010, 07:53 AM
well, president tin-ear
really stepped in it
of course they have the
'legal-right' to build the mosque
but that does not make it
right to build it at that location
Shirley Phelps-Roper
has the legal "right"
to do what she does
but it is still deemed morally wrong
by good people
same with this mosque-rec center
in the shadow of ground-zero
these moslems are the new
Shirley Phelps-Roper
Barnaby Jones
08-16-2010, 08:02 AM
What is "morally wrong" about this mosque?
How far away should it be from Ground Zero? That's the answer the people opposed to this don't really seem to have. OK, 2 blocks is no good: how about 3? Or 4? 10 blocks? Or do we just cut to the chase and let them explain that they don't want the mosque anywhere in the city or in the country? AH-BOO.
08-16-2010, 08:05 AM
what's morally wrong
about Shirley Phelps Roper
protesting at funerals?
Barnaby Jones
08-16-2010, 08:10 AM
what's morally wrong
about Shirley Phelps Roper
protesting at funerals?
You have to ask why a bunch of people showing up to disrupt people's mourning of their loved ones by saying that they're burning in Hell and that "God hates fags" is "morally wrong?"
How is this similar to an Islamic community center that isn't even within sight from Ground Zero and the two have nothing to do with each other outside of this fake issue? Unless you think that the community center was being moved there to purposely antagonize or mock people over 9/11, which would be a really silly conclusion!
Terrible analogy, Dude!!
Donnie Iris
08-16-2010, 08:41 AM
what's morally wrong
about Shirley Phelps Roper
protesting at funerals?
Nice analogy.
I just got back from the 7-11 and they were out of unsweetened tea again. Fucking Nazis.
Charles Krauthammer's op-ed against the mosque. (
I don't buy the Manassas Battlefield analogy. That was more about preserving a historical site as well as preventing urban sprawl.
08-16-2010, 09:00 AM
I read Charles's piece. No mention of the mosque already there, which has been there before the towers were even built. It's insane. Moral cowards preaching a fictional threat, and too many Americans are blowing the chance to show their better than that, and smarter too.
Barnaby Jones
08-16-2010, 09:02 AM
Charles Krauthammer's op-ed against the mosque. (
I don't buy the Manassas Battlefield analogy. That was more about preserving a historical site as well as preventing urban sprawl.
That really is a terrible analogy!
That really is a terrible analogy!
I agree. It would only truly become sacred when Fez is buried there!
Barnaby Jones
08-16-2010, 09:08 AM
I agree. It would only truly become sacred when Fez is buried there!
So some time around Thursday?
08-16-2010, 09:26 AM
I read Charles's piece. No mention of the mosque already there, which has been there before the towers were even built. It's insane. Moral cowards preaching a fictional threat, and too many Americans are blowing the chance to show their better than that, and smarter too.
this is going to be
a very expensive project
do you know where the money
is coming from?
the answer is 'no'
follow the money
well, president tin-ear
really stepped in it
of course they have the
'legal-right' to build the mosque
but that does not make it
right to build it at that location
Shirley Phelps-Roper
has the legal "right"
to do what she does
but it is still deemed morally wrong
by good people
same with this mosque-rec center
in the shadow of ground-zero
these moslems are the new
Shirley Phelps-Roper
You simply don't seem to understand the guiding principles of America. Maybe you should move to a middle-eastern country that doesn't allow religious freedoms the way we do in America.
08-16-2010, 09:45 AM
You simply don't seem to understand the guiding principles of America. Maybe you should move to a middle-eastern country that doesn't allow religious freedoms the way we do in America.
can someone translate that,
08-16-2010, 09:54 AM
What is "morally wrong" about this mosque?
How far away should it be from Ground Zero? That's the answer the people opposed to this don't really seem to have. OK, 2 blocks is no good: how about 3? Or 4? 10 blocks? Or do we just cut to the chase and let them explain that they don't want the mosque anywhere in the city or in the country? AH-BOO.
Ding ding ding
Death Metal Moe
08-16-2010, 09:59 AM
can someone translate that,
You don't speak plain fucking English now either? If you're gonna play dumb we can certainly treat you as such.
His statement couldn't have been clearer. Try turning your prejudice down a few notches, you might hear something you've never heard before.
08-16-2010, 09:59 AM
can someone translate that,
You are just as big of an intolerant, hateful fucked head as many of the people in the Muslim countries that you hate..
You should move there and be amongst your ilk.
Clear enough?
08-16-2010, 10:11 AM
You are just as big of an intolerant, hateful fucked head as many of the people in the Muslim countries that you hate..
You should move there and be amongst your ilk.
Clear enough?
Friday would disagree
08-16-2010, 10:23 AM
friday and dude!
sittin in cat pee
08-16-2010, 10:26 AM
As long as they dont have a parade on Sept 11th - let em build.
As long as they dont have a parade on Sept 11th - let em build.
They'll be busy with 'Id Al-Fitr (the end of the fasting period of Ramadan).
08-16-2010, 11:52 AM
Friday would disagree
I hate those that deserve to be hated..
And she did things that warrented hate..
08-16-2010, 11:53 AM
The new BS going around (started by Beck of course), was that they were going to open the mosque on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. It was being reposted all over Facebook yesterday.
They're not even opening it for at least 3 years.
Pretty funny considering Beck himself scheduled one of his little rallies on the anniversary of MLK's I Have a Dream speech... but wait! He's now saying that God is the one that made that happen.
08-16-2010, 12:41 PM
Moral cowards preaching a fictional threat, and too many Americans are blowing the chance to show their better than that, and smarter too.
I'm sure a lot of them aren't connecting the dots to:
1) 50's Mcarthyism
2) internment camps of American Japanese citizens during WWII
3) Kent State
4) the pilgrims (religious freedom)
5) their own ancestors immigration experiences.
6) oh and those 2 things that they say Obama is taking away from them
- the constitution
- bill of rights
I guess they really dont like their freedoms...MORANS....:furious::wallbash:
08-16-2010, 12:43 PM
Pretty funny considering Beck himself scheduled one of his little rallies on the anniversary of MLK's I Have a Dream speech... but wait! He's now saying that God is the one that made that happen.
Beck is like early record producers who co-opted black music & styles as their own.
08-16-2010, 12:46 PM
Beck is like early record producers who co-opted black music & styles as their own.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Death Metal Moe
08-16-2010, 01:01 PM
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Finally, Glenn Beck has entertained me.
1st time for everything I guess.
08-16-2010, 02:42 PM
i'm almost scared what that was about...but is it safe to say...he could have said grape soda instead of mountain dew?
08-16-2010, 02:52 PM
Reid came out against the Mosque being there.
In a statement, Reid said the first amendment protects freedom of religion and he respects that, but the mosque should be built somewhere else. (
08-16-2010, 02:57 PM
its not a mosque...and even if it were...he's he's wrong twice.
08-16-2010, 03:01 PM
its not a mosque...and even if it were...he's he's wrong twice.
I just brought it up because he's a big time democrat who has gone against the President in this matter.
And AP said it is a cultural center as well as a Mosque.
Death Metal Moe
08-16-2010, 03:09 PM
Reid came out against the Mosque being there.
In a statement, Reid said the first amendment protects freedom of religion and he respects that, but the mosque should be built somewhere else. (
But he was kind enough to not give a reason why it shouldn't be there. Everyone is just saying "don't put it there." That's it.
I wish these morons would just say "we blame an entire religion for the actions of a few" like they REALLY think and drop the bullshit. But of course they wouldn't do that. Why would the be truthful?
08-16-2010, 03:19 PM
let em build it
then lets blow the fucker up
08-16-2010, 05:29 PM
what's morally wrong
about Shirley Phelps Roper
protesting at funerals?
Everything. That's why we should disallow the presence of Baptist churches near any cemeteries or other facilities that hold funerals.
08-16-2010, 05:31 PM
let em build it
then lets blow the fucker up
I really like Gutfelds idea by naming the Gay bar next to it the Turban Cowboy
Have a mechanical camel inside that place and it would be a blast. No pun intended
Barnaby Jones
08-16-2010, 05:35 PM
Typical WF hatemongering!
08-16-2010, 05:37 PM
What really gets me mad with either side of the argument is that not a stick of construction has been done on Ground Zero but nobody seems to care about that anymore, nope, let's all lose our minds about a mosque or cultural center or whatever.
New Yorkers, you have no one to blame but yourselves for that scar still being there.
Build something you weenies.
08-16-2010, 05:39 PM
Typical WF hatemongering!
Who the fuck is hatemongering? I never posted that the Cordba house shouldn't be built. Youre just using selective reading again.
Why is it that every other religion can be made fun of which I fully support but say something about Islam and its hatemongering. Please give it a rest
Death Metal Moe
08-16-2010, 05:42 PM
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
I know I quoted this earlier, but I just noticed. Glen Beck does a little Sieg Heil! with his hand as he's screaming like a madman about snack foods.
Fucking stupid cunt this guy is.
Death Metal Moe
08-16-2010, 05:43 PM
Who the fuck is hatemongering? I never posted that the Cordba house shouldn't be built. Youre just using selective reading again.
Why is it that every other religion can be made fun of which I fully support but say something about Islam and its hatemongering. Please give it a rest
Yea, this little coy game you think you're playing? You're not. You're not clever or cute or intelligent, you're a moron.
And for being a dope, you get this:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
08-16-2010, 05:49 PM
Yea, this little coy game you think you're playing? You're not. You're not clever or cute or intelligent, you're a moron.
And for being a dope, you get this:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
What is that suposed to be about? I said they can build the fucking Cultural center
Why are you getting on a high horse when you criticize and mock other religions, youre all over the place on this.
So It's not Ok for someone who owns property in that area to have a gay bar or a rib joint next to it? Everyone loves to talk diversity but they throw a shit fit when it doesnt suit their needs
08-16-2010, 05:51 PM
I know I quoted this earlier, but I just noticed. Glen Beck does a little Sieg Heil! with his hand as he's screaming like a madman about snack foods.
Fucking stupid cunt this guy is.
That's the elusive "Horizontal Heil!".
Hopefully Hanso will make a spasmolytic gif out of it.
08-16-2010, 06:04 PM
That's the elusive "Horizontal Heil!".
Hopefully Hanso will make a spasmolytic gif out of it.
Beck happens to be a lunatic. However why are people giving him so much attention and signifigance? He holds no power, Hes just an insane person with a giant blackboard
08-16-2010, 06:07 PM
Beck happens to be a lunatic. However why are people giving him so much attention and signifigance? He holds no power, Hes just an insane person with a giant blackboard
I couldn't tell you. I just responded to a post about a TV personality that I listened to on the radio about 8 years ago before he lost his mind. I have no idea what he does now.
08-16-2010, 06:10 PM
Beck happens to be a lunatic. However why are people giving him so much attention and signifigance? He holds no power, Hes just an insane person with a giant blackboard
Who doesn't love a strawman?
08-16-2010, 06:20 PM
I really like Gutfelds idea by naming the Gay bar next to it the Turban Cowboy
Have a mechanical camel inside that place and it would be a blast. No pun intended
I thought that was funny.
Death Metal Moe
08-16-2010, 06:24 PM
What is that suposed to be about? I said they can build the fucking Cultural center
Why are you getting on a high horse when you criticize and mock other religions, youre all over the place on this.
So It's not Ok for someone who owns property in that area to have a gay bar or a rib joint next to it? Everyone loves to talk diversity but they throw a shit fit when it doesnt suit their needs
Religion is worthless to me. What I don't like is people like you playing your little fucking horse shit game. Just say you hate Islam, don't dance around the subject. Just admit you blame all the members of a religion for what happened, at least I could respect your honesty.
It's the dishonesty that gets to me. That and the fact that you think you're being clever when you're a mouth breather.
Barnaby Jones
08-16-2010, 06:34 PM
Who the fuck is hatemongering? I never posted that the Cordba house shouldn't be built. Youre just using selective reading again.
Why is it that every other religion can be made fun of which I fully support but say something about Islam and its hatemongering. Please give it a rest
Take your own advice! You act like throwing out these tiny caveats somehow hide how you take every opportunity to insult and dehumanize any group or culture that doesn't match up with your myopic little lower middle class white American worldview!
It's cop out bullshit to act like it's cool to talk about this center/place of worship like it and the people there deserve to be mocked or denigrated. Why would they or any other religion deserve that kind of treatment? Regardless of someone's opinion towards religion, show a little fucking human decency for once!
08-16-2010, 11:24 PM
I read Charles's piece. No mention of the mosque already there, which has been there before the towers were even built. It's insane. Moral cowards preaching a fictional threat, and too many Americans are blowing the chance to show their better than that, and smarter too.
This is the part that really let's me down. Am I surprised? Not really, but I guess I hoped people would finally wise up a little and stop being pawns in political fringe issues only used to stir up the base.
I have to ask, if this is your base Republicans, how low can your party go?
08-16-2010, 11:36 PM
But he was kind enough to not give a reason why it shouldn't be there. Everyone is just saying "don't put it there." That's it.
I wish these morons would just say "we blame an entire religion for the actions of a few" like they REALLY think and drop the bullshit. But of course they wouldn't do that. Why would the be truthful?
Reid is wrong too and sounds like an idiot. However, I surely don't like the way more Muslims didn't speak out against the violence and make a more public stand against the attacks. I know there have been statements in the past, especially right after the attacks, but it's clear most either fear retaliation or just aren't interested in giving Muslims a different perspective on relations with the Western World. I understand this may sound somewhat ignorant, but in truth I don't think they stepped up even close to the amount I believe was needed. We still have a LONG way to go and this "issue" here is a clear example of the gap in understanding. In fact, this is part of the very expansion of Western friendly Muslim relations I speak of and many are speaking out against it in a blind uninformed manner.
08-16-2010, 11:37 PM
Everything. That's why we should disallow the presence of Baptist churches near any cemeteries or other facilities that hold funerals.
Perfect! :lol:
08-16-2010, 11:39 PM
What really gets me mad with either side of the argument is that not a stick of construction has been done on Ground Zero but nobody seems to care about that anymore, nope, let's all lose our minds about a mosque or cultural center or whatever.
New Yorkers, you have no one to blame but yourselves for that scar still being there.
Build something you weenies.
It's a microcosm of what is happening to the whole country if you think about it. Politicians turn everything into bullshit arguments and in the end nothing of substance ever gets done and needed changes never happen. (eg. our engery policy, health care, term limits, pacs, ....)
08-17-2010, 02:30 AM
What is that suposed to be about? I said they can build the fucking Cultural center
Why are you getting on a high horse when you criticize and mock other religions, youre all over the place on this.
So It's not Ok for someone who owns property in that area to have a gay bar or a rib joint next to it? Everyone loves to talk diversity but they throw a shit fit when it doesnt suit their needs
Now you fail at discourse, I will grant you an explanation but I don't think you will understand it
Do people criticize Christianity here? Yes they do, they do this because the majority of Americans of which this board is a microcosm are in fact Christian. When the Ron and Fez show is broadcast in Delhi or Jakarta and we get some more Hindu's or Muslim board members who wish to discuss the merits of their religion I am sure that myself and other will critique their beliefs as we have done to others.
08-17-2010, 02:41 AM
Now you fail at discourse, I will grant you an explanation but I don't think you will understand it
Do people criticize Christianity here? Yes they do, they do this because the majority of Americans of which this board is a microcosm are in fact Christian. When the Ron and Fez show is broadcast in Delhi or Jakarta and we get some more Hindu's or Muslim board members who wish to discuss the merits of their religion I am sure that myself and other will critique their beliefs as we have done to others.
Your schtick is getting really stale.
Youre the posterboy for hypocrisy when Christianity can be mocked , be made fun of but mock Islam and you get all caught up in a frenzy.
Islam is no better than any other religion, they believe in some of their own wacky shit just like every other religion does
08-17-2010, 02:47 AM
Your schtick is getting really stale.
Youre the posterboy for hypocrisy when Christianity can be mocked , be made fun of but mock Islam and you get all caught up in a frenzy.
Islam is no better than any other religion, they believe in some of their own wacky shit just like every other religion does
You clearly fail at comprehension
08-17-2010, 08:53 AM
You clearly fail at comprehension
And you fail at the difference of tolerant and being tolerated. NYC is being tolerant of the Mosque being built, but you will not tolerate a BBQ rib joint or something else that Islam forbids across the street.
I will say it again for you. The land that the mosque is being built on is private property and the owners can build that, but someone who owns land across the street or next to it cant open a business even if it offends Muslims?
Barnaby Jones
08-17-2010, 09:24 AM
And you fail at the difference of tolerant and being tolerated. NYC is being tolerant of the Mosque being built, but you will not tolerate a BBQ rib joint or something else that Islam forbids across the street.
I will say it again for you. The land that the mosque is being built on is private property and the owners can build that, but someone who owns land across the street or next to it cant open a business even if it offends Muslims?
How is it you repeatedly fail to comprehend even the most basic points? Where has anyone said that businesses can't be opened around the community center? How do you not see the difference between someone simply trying to open a rib joint or bar in a viable commercial area that happens to be near or next to the community center and championing the idea that a business specifically contrary to the faith of the community center should be installed with the main purpose of belittling or mocking or harassing them? You have to be able to understand this! You keep playing ignorant like you're bringing up innocuous points instead of rooting on the idea of businesses opening up there with the specific intention of harassing their neighbors!
08-17-2010, 09:30 AM
with the main purpose of belittling or mocking or harassing them?
that's exactly why
the "mosque" is being
placed there in the first place
you question everyone's motives
except for those behind
this outrage
Barnaby Jones
08-17-2010, 09:34 AM
that's exactly why
the "mosque" is being
placed there in the first place
you question everyone's motives
except for those behind
this outrage
The mosque is being built 2 blocks away from Ground Zero, where it cannot be seen from the site and vice versa, to belittle, mock and harass people? How does that work?
Trolling troll is trollish!
08-17-2010, 09:35 AM
Beck happens to be a lunatic. However why are people giving him so much attention and signifigance? He holds no power, Hes just an insane person with a giant blackboard
I know a lot of people who believe every word that comes out of his mouth, then repost it to Facebook.
Anyway, I watch The Soup because they show me all the lolz I need to see rather than having to actually watch these shows, and that's where I saw the clip.
I have no idea what he's talking about, I just think it's hilarious that he is angrily yelling MOUNTAIN DEW AND CHEETOOOSSSSSSS like it's the end of the world as we know it.
08-17-2010, 09:43 AM
How is it you repeatedly fail to comprehend even the most basic points? Where has anyone said that businesses can't be opened around the community center? How do you not see the difference between someone simply trying to open a rib joint or bar in a viable commercial area that happens to be near or next to the community center and championing the idea that a business specifically contrary to the faith of the community center should be installed with the main purpose of belittling or mocking or harassing them? You have to be able to understand this! You keep playing ignorant like you're bringing up innocuous points instead of rooting on the idea of businesses opening up there with the specific intention of harassing their neighbors!
Because this isn't Saudi Arabia or Iran. If the business next to or across the street from the mosque is legitimate then someone has a right to. All we hear about is their religious freedom. Fine!!!, thats their right to build a mosque, but you want that area to be some sharia law zone so no one can own a business contrary to Muslim beliefs. It goes both ways.
08-17-2010, 09:56 AM
Am I missing something here? Is some rib/bbq place trying to open by this mosque and can't?
08-17-2010, 09:58 AM
Am I missing something here? Is some rib/bbq place trying to open by this mosque and can't?
Many on this board who are non muslim say that the mosque should be built. I happen to agree with them. However they say its offensive that a bbq joint or anything that isn;t compliant with Islam should not be built anywhere near there. They are using freedom of religion and tolerance so it can fit their needs
08-17-2010, 10:02 AM
Who is saying its offensive? You are the only one continually talking about some non-existing, non-issue rib place.
08-17-2010, 10:09 AM
Many on this board who are non muslim say that the mosque should be built. I happen to agree with them. However they say its offensive that a bbq joint or anything that isn;t compliant with Islam should not be built anywhere near there. They are using freedom of religion and tolerance so it can fit their needs
Quote of anyone saying that anything that is not compliant with Islam should not be built there?
08-17-2010, 10:15 AM
Quote of anyone saying that anything that is not compliant with Islam should not be built there?
They are all taking offense just to the idea of a gay bar or bbq joint could be built there. Just like the people taking offense about the mosque. They believe it shouldnt be built close to ground zero
08-17-2010, 10:18 AM
Many on this board who are non muslim say that the mosque should be built. I happen to agree with them. However they say its offensive that a bbq joint or anything that isn;t compliant with Islam should not be built anywhere near there. They are using freedom of religion and tolerance so it can fit their needs
We take offense at you attempt at humor
Again you fail at comprehension
08-17-2010, 10:19 AM
They are all taking offense just to the idea of a gay bar or bbq joint could be built there. Just like the people taking offense about the mosque. They believe it shouldnt be built close to ground zero
Can you quote a post where someone said a gay bar or bbq joint shouldn't be built next to the Mosque?
Now, lets talk about this... would there be a difference between someone randomly just opening up a gay bar there, and someone purposefully opening a gay bar with the sole intent of antagonizing the people who are going to the Mosque? While it's not offensive, it's a dick move, agreed?
The BBQ joint certainly wouldn't be welcome -- but the gay bar might be for some.
08-17-2010, 10:22 AM
I will always welcome BBQ
08-17-2010, 10:25 AM
Can you quote a post where someone said a gay bar or bbq joint shouldn't be built next to the Mosque?
Now, lets talk about this... would there be a difference between someone randomly just opening up a gay bar there, and someone purposefully opening a gay bar with the sole intent of antagonizing the people who are going to the Mosque? While it's not offensive, it's a dick move, agreed?
Yes but it might be the same comparison to someone who lost a family member on 9/11. Their arguement could be that the mosque should be built uptown or in another borough.
I don't forsee people being hit with slabs of bacon on their way out of the mosque.
08-17-2010, 10:31 AM
Yes but it might be the same comparison to someone who lost a family member on 9/11. Their arguement could be that the mosque should be built uptown or in another borough.
I don't forsee people being hit with slabs of bacon on their way out of the mosque.
You're still not providing the backup to the claim you keep making that everyone here is against the building of BBQ Joints or gay bars next to the Mosque. You keep talking about it as if it's fact, but no one here said that.
You realize that there was already a Mosque there, right? Their argument would only hold water if the Mosque was maliciously being built at that location to somehow agitate 9/11 victims... which is bupkis fearmongering.
So point is: they are building a Mosque/cultural center there to use as a Mosque for Muslims in the community.
Person building said gay bar intends to do it SIMPLY to agitate the Muslims next door who are trying to mind their own business
Big difference, but end point is they both have the right to build there.
08-17-2010, 10:32 AM
Yes but it might be the same comparison to someone who lost a family member on 9/11. Their arguement could be that the mosque should be built uptown or in another borough.
I don't forsee people being hit with slabs of bacon on their way out of the mosque.
it isnt to me. let them build their community center ,which has a mosque planned on the top floor.
08-17-2010, 10:44 AM
The mosque is being built 2 blocks away from Ground Zero, where it cannot be seen from the site and vice versa, to belittle, mock and harass people? How does that work?
i don't suppose that you know
(because you don't like facts)
that the landing gear of
mohammed atta's plane
crashed through the very
building in question on 9/11
it is a 'victory site' for the moslems,
and that is why they selected it
you quislings are truly
Person building said gay bar intends to do it SIMPLY to agitate the Muslims next door who are trying to mind their own business.
Agitate...or entice? My point was that I'll bet you a few of those Muslims from that mosque might secretly duck into that gay bar. Many of them doth protest too much -- if you know what I mean.
08-17-2010, 10:56 AM
i don't suppose that you know
(because you don't like facts)
that the landing gear of
mohammed atta's plane
crashed through the very
building in question on 9/11
it is a 'victory site' for the moslems,
and that is why they selected it
you quislings are truly
So the mosque was damaged by the terrorists?
08-17-2010, 10:57 AM
You're still not providing the backup to the claim you keep making that everyone here is against the building of BBQ Joints or gay bars next to the Mosque.
He can't and he won't.
08-17-2010, 11:01 AM
Agitate...or entice? My point was that I'll bet you a few of those Muslims from that mosque might secretly duck into that gay bar. Many of them doth protest too much -- if you know what I mean.
and that seems to be how it is with a lot of the religions that condemn homosexuality. i hope one day religions will be more accepting (which doesnt necessarily mean playing "mighty real" during the services though that would totally rule :o)
08-17-2010, 11:11 AM
They are all taking offense just to the idea of a gay bar or bbq joint could be built there. Just like the people taking offense about the mosque. They believe it shouldnt be built close to ground zero
Where's the quote to back up this claim?
08-17-2010, 11:14 AM
i don't suppose that you know
(because you don't like facts)
that the landing gear of
mohammed atta's plane
crashed through the very
building in question on 9/11
it is a 'victory site' for the moslems,
and that is why they selected it
you quislings are truly
I love facts, which is why I don't spout out crap here on a regular basis. You are basically repeating everything being spewed on every RW blog right now with that "victory site" garbagio. How come the landing gear landing there makes it the victory site? What about buildings blocks and blocks away that got hit with debris, are those victory sites too?
Stop with the "moslem" crap too, it's childish.
08-17-2010, 11:34 AM
Bloomberg needs to be called out on his hypocrisy. Another one who yells out religious freedom, but Allah forbid theres salt or transfat in your food then he acts like the mini dictator that he is. Don't even dare light up in a bar or restaurant.
08-17-2010, 11:34 AM
here is an article i saw today on Salon (in know, that liberal rag). i would feel remiss if i didnt post it in its entirety, as it is a commentary on an interview. at the risk of it being tl;dr, here it is:
CNN anchor Don Lemon hosted a "debate" this weekend over the Park 51 Community Center in Lower Manhattan (misleadingly described everywhere as the "Ground Zero mosque") in which Lemon dropped his mask of journalistic objectivity completely and, in doing so, perfectly captured the crux of the ugly case against Park 51. This is the exchange he had with Eboo Patel, Executive Director of the Interfaith Youth Corps, after Patel explained that religious liberty and pluralism have been core values of America since the founding (video below; h/t Farhan Khan):
Lemon: Don't you think it's a bit different considering what happened on 9/11? And the people have said there's a need for it in Lower Manhattan, so that's why it's being built there. What about 10, 20 blocks . . . Midtown Manhattan, considering the circumstances behind this? That's not understandable?
Patel: In America, we don't tell people based on their race or religion or ethnicity that they are free in this place, but not in that place --
Lemon: [interrupting] I understand that, but there's always context, Mr. Patel . . . this is an extraordinary circumstance. You understand that this is very heated. Many people lost their loved ones on 9/11 --
Patel: Including Muslim Americans who lost their loved ones. . . .
Lemon: Consider the context here. That's what I'm talking about.
Patel: I have to tell you that this seems a little like telling black people 50 years ago: you can sit anywhere on the bus you like - just not in the front.*
Lemon: I think that's apples and oranges - I don't think that black people were behind a Terrorist plot to kill people and drive planes into a building. That's a completely different circumstance.
Patel: And American Muslims were not behind the terrorist plot either.
That sums it up about as well as anything I've heard. Nothing related to Muslims should be near Ground Zero, because it was Muslims generally -- not the handful of extremists -- who flew the planes into those buildings. It's just amazing that that last point from Patel even needs to be uttered, but it does. This campaign is nothing different than all of the standard, definitively bigoted efforts to hold entire demographic groups of people responsible for the aberrational acts of a small percentage of individual members*. Congratulations to CNN's Don Lemon for laying it all out in its naked clarity. This whole controversy is exactly that disgusting.
*emphasis mine*
08-17-2010, 11:37 AM
here is an article i saw today on Salon (in know, that liberal rag). i would feel remiss if i didnt post it in its entirety, as it is a commentary on an interview. at the risk of it being tl;dr, here it is:
*emphasis mine*
Lemon comparing apples to Oranges Ironic.
08-17-2010, 11:43 AM
This whole thing is fucking frstrating. I swear its amazing what people will believe. I surf Facebook just looking for more and more unfounded rumors on this and its everywhere.
And what the fucks up with that tag????
08-17-2010, 11:52 AM
here is an article i saw today on Salon (in know, that liberal rag). i would feel remiss if i didnt post it in its entirety, as it is a commentary on an interview. at the risk of it being tl;dr, here it is:
*emphasis mine*
So I guess no Japanese people should be allowed to live near Pearl Harbor
08-17-2010, 11:55 AM
So I guess no Japanese people should be allowed to live near Pearl Harbor
if you want to use the same logic that is being used to deny these people their cultural center, then yes.
and i think there is a shinto shrine near pearl harbor too
08-17-2010, 11:56 AM
So I guess no Japanese people should be allowed to live near Pearl Harbor
They need permission from 75% of the affected families.
08-17-2010, 12:30 PM
This whole thing is fucking frstrating. I swear its amazing what people will believe. I surf Facebook just looking for more and more unfounded rumors on this and its everywhere.
<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value=" x999999&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" x999999&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>
How long ago was it that people cried about political correctness and their want of freedom? If you start crying like a baby over this mosque you need to man up, princess.
08-17-2010, 12:50 PM
its hillllllllarious that the people who are spewing that obama wants to take away our freedums..(mispelled on purpose) are the ones who want other american's freedoms taken away.
Death Metal Moe
08-17-2010, 01:19 PM
Lemon comparing apples to Oranges Ironic.
You have absolutely no idea what you're even doing anymore.
08-17-2010, 01:31 PM
Stop with the "moslem" crap too, it's childish.
you should do some research
instead of parroting your buddies
Christiane Amanpour knows 1000 times
more than you do about islam
listen to her, starting at 1:00
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
08-17-2010, 01:37 PM
you should do some research
instead of parroting your buddies
Christiane Amanpour knows 1000 times
more than you do about islam
listen to her, starting at 1:00
A Muslim in Arabic means "one who gives himself to God," and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means "one who is evil and unjust" when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z. (
Why do you hate everyone?
08-17-2010, 01:40 PM
Why do you hate everyone?
why do you hate
christiane amanpour?
as a matter of fact,
why do you hate women?
and yourself?
08-17-2010, 01:48 PM
why do you hate
christiane amanpour?
as a matter of fact,
why do you hate women?
and yourself?
You are the one constantly using slurs. Didn't you just get banned for it? I thought you
08-17-2010, 02:07 PM
Lemon: I think that's apples and oranges - I don't think that black people were behind a Terrorist plot to kill people and drive planes into a building. That's a completely different circumstance.
Nothing to see here, move along.
08-17-2010, 02:07 PM
Where's the quote to back up this claim?
He can't and he won't.
08-17-2010, 02:29 PM
A Muslim in Arabic means "one who gives himself to God," and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means "one who is evil and unjust" when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z. (
Why do you hate everyone?
Way to selectively quote. The article isn't nearly as clear cut on the matter as you're making it out to be.
08-17-2010, 02:40 PM
He can't and he won't.
So you would have no opposition to a multi level Victorias secret, BBQ Rib joint and a Gay bar named "Suspicious Package" in the direct vicinity of Park 51 no matter how much it offends you and the Muslims?
Just admit it and get it over with!!!!
08-17-2010, 02:41 PM
Way to selectively quote.
that's his speciality
08-17-2010, 02:43 PM
You have absolutely no idea what you're even doing anymore.
Seriously who pissed in your cheerios? Youre a bitter person.
08-17-2010, 03:12 PM
Way to selectively quote. The article isn't nearly as clear cut on the matter as you're making it out to be.
that's his speciality
We all have our own style, I would think you, more than anyone, would appreciate it. How else can I express my individuality? You stole the "two words per line" gimmick, I selectively quote websites.
Death Metal Moe
08-17-2010, 05:25 PM
Seriously who pissed in your cheerios? Youre a bitter person.
Hmm, good come back. You really proved me wrong. You're an intelligent poster with well thought out points.
You're very dishonest and helping to do nothing but perpetuate a stereotype.
Like I said, I may have some respect for you if you just came out and said "I blame and entire religion for the actions of it's radicals."
Just say that, then we can go about calling every Christian a pedophile for the actions of a few and every Jew this and every Buhdist that, etc...
It'll be a great big clusterfuck of prejudice and ignorance.
08-17-2010, 05:37 PM
Hmm, good come back. You really proved me wrong. You're an intelligent poster with well thought out points.
You're very dishonest and helping to do nothing but perpetuate a stereotype.
Like I said, I may have some respect for you if you just came out and said "I blame and entire religion for the actions of it's radicals."
Just say that, then we can go about calling every Christian a pedophile for the actions of a few and every Jew this and every Buhdist that, etc...
It'll be a great big clusterfuck of prejudice and ignorance.
I have my criticisms with religion in general. I am not a religious at all
You can raise issue with me if I said they couldnt build it. I have repeatedly said they can
Death Metal Moe
08-17-2010, 05:44 PM
I have my criticisms with religion in general. I am not a religious at all
You can raise issue with me if I said they couldnt build it. I have repeatedly said they can
Yes yes, I know your game. No need to repeat yourself again, I've heard your line of bullshit.
Save it.
08-17-2010, 05:47 PM
Yes yes, I know your game. No need to repeat yourself again, I've heard your line of bullshit.
Save it.
Please elaborate
08-17-2010, 06:00 PM
Please elaborate
You fail at conversation
08-17-2010, 06:04 PM
You fail at conversation
You win at being a bad rash
08-17-2010, 06:07 PM
You win at being a bad rash
that's the worst attempt at an insult i think i've ever heard.
08-17-2010, 06:08 PM
that's the worst attempt at an insult i think i've ever heard.
he's not good enough to be called a pest
08-17-2010, 06:09 PM
You win at being a bad rash
The site has a daily fail limit and you are dangerously close to the daily max.
08-17-2010, 07:18 PM
I know this is a hot button issue. I admit to posting a lot about this. But why is this really getting all the attention? The economy is still in the shitter, foreclosures are still high, Afghanistan is an endless clusterfuck, unemployment is near 10% and we are still discussing this.
Most likely because August is a slow news month. If this was November there wouldnt have been this many replies to this thread
08-17-2010, 07:55 PM
Way to selectively quote. The article isn't nearly as clear cut on the matter as you're making it out to be.
there is a reason why all the rightie blogs spell it that way, its a sly way to slip in a slur.
08-17-2010, 08:01 PM
there is a reason why all the rightie blogs spell it that way, its a sly way to slip in a slur.
His use of "Molsem" makes me feel like I am arguing with Archie Bunker. Sad.
08-17-2010, 08:07 PM
What am I missing here? How is that a slur?
08-17-2010, 08:08 PM
What am I missing here? How is that a slur?
It was in the second line of the Newsweek article.
08-17-2010, 08:09 PM
What am I missing here? How is that a slur?
I don't get it either.
08-17-2010, 08:11 PM
What am I missing here? How is that a slur?
I'm on my phone, but tomorrow ill post more links. its considered derogatory by Muslims. not a coincidence that the majority of people who spell it that way don't care for muslims...
08-17-2010, 08:11 PM
It was in the second line of the Newsweek article.
Tricksy hobbitses.
08-17-2010, 08:11 PM
It was in the second line of the Newsweek article.
Well that explains it.
08-17-2010, 08:16 PM
Tricksy hobbitses.
Well that explains it.
Is it the way a majority of Americans spell or pronounce the word?
So, why, when he knows he is in the minority, does he continue to do it?
Perhaps it is just another childish way to express his individuality , I bet he has the coolest Myspace page, but I think it relates to his religious intolerance and bigotry in general.
Just a hunch.
08-17-2010, 08:26 PM
I often use Google news archive to tease out changes in the vernacular, and this is one of the most surprising ones I've found:
There's an insanely distinct line around 90-91 when "moslem" drops off the face of the earth. I'd be interested to know if there was some specific effort to make that change.
08-17-2010, 08:29 PM
I often use Google news archive to tease out changes in the vernacular, and this is one of the most surprising ones I've found:
There's an insanely distinct line around 90-91 when "moslem" drops off the face of the earth. I'd be interested to know if there was some specific effort to make that change.
wow...good for you
for actually to doing
research and introducing facts
that's a first around here
08-17-2010, 08:37 PM
You're a fucking nerd.
08-17-2010, 08:38 PM
wow...good for you
for actually to doing
research and introducing facts
that's a first around here
I knew you were stuck in the past, I didn't realize it was '91. Catch up old man.
Barnaby Jones
08-17-2010, 08:40 PM
wow...good for you
for actually to doing
research and introducing facts
that's a first around here
We're drowning in irony here!
08-17-2010, 08:41 PM
I often use Google news archive to tease out changes in the vernacular, and this is one of the most surprising ones I've found:
There's an insanely distinct line around 90-91 when "moslem" drops off the face of the earth. I'd be interested to know if there was some specific effort to make that change.
I'll guess, since it coincides with the first gulf war, that cultural awareness led to the change. Remember, at first one of the initiatives was called a crusade, until that was pointed out as possibly being misconstrued.
08-17-2010, 08:44 PM
Wow...good for you, for actually using proper syntax, grammar and punctuation.
I never do that around here.
True. So true.
08-17-2010, 08:46 PM
Im not endorsing that ad. Its blatantly pandering to idiots. But that being said, is it REALLY fucking necessary to put this mosque there? Really??? I mean, it reeks of trying to be so politically correct that it insults the families of the victims so as not to offend muslims.
Like it or not, muslims took down the towers. Doesnt matter if they are muslim extremists. They are still muslims and used their religion as an excuse. New Yorks a pretty big place, cant they just not put a mosque anywhere near there? Its not the same as putting a church because Christians didnt take down the towers. Its not about respecting religion, its about showing a little bit of respect to the families of the people that died there.
If a christian radical blew up an abortion clinic and killed 50 people, Id feel the exact same way if they decided to build a church next to the memorial site.
100% agree with everything you just said
08-17-2010, 08:47 PM
True. So true.
why did you put periods
after "True" and So True"?
neither is a sentence
08-17-2010, 08:51 PM
I'll guess, since it coincides with the first gulf war, that cultural awareness led to the change. Remember, at first one of the initiatives was called a crusade, until that was pointed out as possibly being misconstrued.
Little more digging:
Anyone have a password for Washington Times archives? I'd still like to know why it's considered offensive. Probably just "definition creep".
08-17-2010, 09:08 PM
Little more digging:
Anyone have a password for Washington Times archives? I'd still like to know why it's considered offensive. Probably just "definition creep".
Death Metal Moe
08-17-2010, 09:10 PM
Fuck Dude.
There, I said it.
08-17-2010, 09:12 PM
why did you put periods
after "True" and "So True?"?
neither is a sentence
Even with your sparse use of punctuation, you completely fuck it up.
08-17-2010, 09:14 PM
Fuck Dude!.
There, I said it.
Death Metal Moe
08-17-2010, 09:17 PM
Thank you sir, I made a mistake.
i hope one day religions will be more accepting (which doesnt necessarily mean playing "mighty real" during the services though that would totally rule :o)
What would Jesus vamp to?
08-18-2010, 05:54 AM
What would Jesus vamp to?
Be pale and really gay looking?
08-18-2010, 06:20 AM
i see that the mosque people
have shot down Governor Paterson's
attempts to graciously and amicably
resolve this issue
i understand their point...
this "no" is intended to
advance their goal
of respect and reconciliation
08-18-2010, 07:17 AM
Im not endorsing that ad. Its blatantly pandering to idiots. But that being said, is it REALLY fucking necessary to put this mosque there? Really??? I mean, it reeks of trying to be so politically correct that it insults the families of the victims so as not to offend muslims.
Like it or not, muslims took down the towers. Doesnt matter if they are muslim extremists. They are still muslims and used their religion as an excuse. New Yorks a pretty big place, cant they just not put a mosque anywhere near there? Its not the same as putting a church because Christians didnt take down the towers. Its not about respecting religion, its about showing a little bit of respect to the families of the people that died there.
If a christian radical blew up an abortion clinic and killed 50 people, Id feel the exact same way if they decided to build a church next to the memorial site.
I'd agree with you if the thing was AT Ground Zero, but its 2 & a half blocks away, is NOT within sight of even the farthest north corner of the site, so NO the evil Muslims won't be dancing on the World Trade Center site . You can go a half block from another building in Manhattan,and never know its there. Besides, once the Repubs are done stirring the shit up for the election, you'll be AMAZED how everybody will suddenly become tolerant. Do the Conservatives have anything besides fear & money to campaign on?
I'd agree with you if the thing was AT Ground Zero, but its 2 & a half blocks away, is NOT within sight of even the farthest north corner of the site, so NO the evil Muslims won't be dancing on the World Trade Center site . You can go a half block from another building in Manhattan,and never know its there. Besides, once the Repubs are done stirring the shit up for the election, you'll be AMAZED how everybody will suddenly become tolerant. Do the Conservatives have anything besides fear & money to campaign on?
Maybe Skeet did not know that. The anti crowd is doing a bang up job obscuring facts
08-18-2010, 07:31 AM
I think they should build this mosque in Shanksville, PA.
08-18-2010, 07:50 AM
So you would have no opposition to a multi level Victorias secret, BBQ Rib joint and a Gay bar named "Suspicious Package" in the direct vicinity of Park 51 no matter how much it offends you and the Muslims?
Just admit it and get it over with!!!!
Thank you, I rest my case.
08-18-2010, 07:55 AM
I'd agree with you if the thing was AT Ground Zero, but its 2 & a half blocks away, is NOT within sight of even the farthest north corner of the site, so NO the evil Muslims won't be dancing on the World Trade Center site
it is a PART of ground zero
the landing gear of the plane piloted
by mohammed atta crashed
into this site
the "right-wing" does not
need to gin this up...
regular, normal Americans
are really pissed off about this
So you would have no opposition to a multi level Victorias secret, BBQ Rib joint and a Gay bar named "Suspicious Package" in the direct vicinity of Park 51 no matter how much it offends you and the Muslims?
Just admit it and get it over with!!!!
Actually, in a gay bar, the packages probably wouldn't be that suspicious.
Barnaby Jones
08-18-2010, 08:05 AM
it is a PART of ground zero
the landing gear of the plane piloted
by mohammed atta crashed
into this site
the "right-wing" does not
need to gin this up...
regular, normal Americans
are really pissed off about this
If they're pissed about this then they're being foolish!
This isn't some new addition to NYC! These are long-time residents and members of the community who were affected and terrified by 9/11 just like every other citizen of NYC! If we use your tenuous logic, then there's really nowhere they could build a new center since debris from 9/11 basically coated the entire area! Trolling troll is desperate!
08-18-2010, 08:13 AM
it is a PART of ground zero
the landing gear of the plane piloted
by mohammed atta crashed
into this site
the "right-wing" does not
need to gin this up...
regular, normal Americans
are really pissed off about this
The real cause of the attack has been revealed; it was perpetrated by property developers. It's a great way to expand you property, because anywhere debris lands from a gigantic explosion becomes yours apparently. Maybe they can claim everything that the smoke plume touched as well.
08-18-2010, 08:40 AM
the "right-wing" does not
need to gin this up...
regular, normal Americans
are really pissed off about this
But what about the people in NYC, whose opinion actually matters in this case?
Nobody gives a shit about what someone from fucking Alabama thinks when it comes to building a mosque in lower Manhattan.
08-18-2010, 08:54 AM
But what about the people in NYC, whose opinion actually matters in this case?
Nobody gives a shit about what someone from fucking Alabama thinks when it comes to building a mosque in lower Manhattan.
Does it merit an investigation as called by Madame Speaker?
Look they have the religious freedom to build it, however people opposed it still have a right to be heard
NY is a pretty tolerant state but they voice their opposition to this as well
08-18-2010, 08:56 AM
I'd agree with you if the thing was AT Ground Zero, but its 2 & a half blocks away, is NOT within sight of even the farthest north corner of the site, so NO the evil Muslims won't be dancing on the World Trade Center site . You can go a half block from another building in Manhattan,and never know its there. Besides, once the Repubs are done stirring the shit up for the election, you'll be AMAZED how everybody will suddenly become tolerant. Do the Conservatives have anything besides fear & money to campaign on?
Maybe Skeet did not know that. The anti crowd is doing a bang up job obscuring facts
When I first posted that I knew it was NEAR ground zero, but not exactly where. And I still felt it just didnt need to be anywhere near it.
But after seeing all the bullshit being spread, and all the fucking morons just gobbling it up without even checking it, Ive changed my mind. Fuck it. Let em build. Looking at Facebook shows just how many people are stupid sheep. Its pathetic.
When I see people claiming: the building was a church that was destroyed, and the city wont give a permit to rebuild the church, but they will for a mosque.....or....the inauguration is scheduled for 9/11/11 I just shake me head at the stupidity.
One lady actually said to me "They should build their friggin mosque in Islam." I asked where that is on a map and she told me "Not in America!" :wallbash:
08-18-2010, 08:58 AM
One lady actually said to me "They should build their friggin mosque in Islam." I asked where that is on a map and she told me "Not in America!" :wallbash:
That was Lady!.
08-18-2010, 09:07 AM
NY is a pretty tolerant state but they voice their opposition to this as well
What about NYC? NY state has its share of rubes as well.
08-18-2010, 09:27 AM
What about NYC? NY state has its share of rubes as well.
This is from July but for NYC 52% oppose building of it.
The siena study didnt specify what parts of NY were polled but places outside of NYC like Westchester, Rockland and the Island are far from being classified as hayseeds
08-18-2010, 09:28 AM
This is from July but for NYC 52% oppose building of it. is so racist is so racist
Only heimeytown is
08-18-2010, 09:29 AM
This is from July but for NYC 52% oppose building of it.
the majority of Manhattan approves.
46 - 36 percent support among Manhattan voters
08-18-2010, 09:40 AM
This is from July but for NYC 52% oppose building of it.
The siena study didnt specify what parts of NY were polled but places outside of NYC like Westchester, Rockland and the Island are far from being classified as hayseeds
I knew SI would be overwhelmingly against it. Republicans will use this to get votes.
08-18-2010, 09:45 AM
I knew SI would be overwhelmingly against it. Italian-Americans will use this to get votes.
08-18-2010, 10:00 AM
Still protecting the Republicans? Let go. Worry about your new party. Resist the urge.
08-18-2010, 10:03 AM
Still protecting the Republicans? Let go. Worry about your new party. Resist the urge.
Oh sure the true conservatives like Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins and others in that category
08-18-2010, 10:11 AM
Oh sure the true conservatives like Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins and others in that category
What do they have to do with the Libertarian party? You are so confusing.
08-18-2010, 10:19 AM
i see that the mosque people
have shot down Governor Paterson's
attempts to graciously and amicably
resolve this issue
i understand their point...
this "no" is intended to
advance their goal
of respect and reconciliation
What is there to resolve? They own the property and have the RIGHT to build on it.
Maybe you think Rose Parks should have met with mayor of Montgomery and worked out the issue. And I'm sure if a poll was done when Parks sat in the front of the bus an overwhelming majority of people would have said she was wrong...
08-18-2010, 10:19 AM
I could care less what they build or where, but it is a travesty that religious buildings pay no taxes, get city garbage pickup and even get the "religious facilty" rate on their con-ed bill. Tax the church man
08-18-2010, 10:24 AM
I could care less what they build or where, but it is a travesty that religious buildings pay no taxes, get city garbage pickup and even get the "religious facilty" rate on their con-ed bill. Tax the church man
Agreed. I am sure the right would support this. Does their flat tax plans include taxing churches?
08-18-2010, 10:27 AM
Agreed. I am sure the right would support this. Does their flat tax plans include taxing churches?
Have no idea, do they?
Barnaby Jones
08-18-2010, 10:29 AM
I could care less what they build or where, but it is a travesty that religious buildings pay no taxes, get city garbage pickup and even get the "religious facilty" rate on their con-ed bill. Tax the church man
08-18-2010, 10:34 AM
Agreed. I am sure the right would support this. Does their flat tax plans include taxing churches?
Pay up Rev, Father, Rabbi, Imam
08-18-2010, 10:34 AM
I could care less what they build or where, but it is a travesty that religious buildings pay no taxes, get city garbage pickup and even get the "religious facilty" rate on their con-ed bill. Tax the church man
Im with you on that one.
08-18-2010, 10:39 AM
All of that shit should be taxed, I don't give a crap if it's christians, muslims or fucking wiccans
All of that shit should be taxed, I don't give a crap if it's christians, muslims or fucking wiccans
08-18-2010, 10:43 AM
I think an Allu Akhbar would be more sufficient since wea re discussing a mosque :lol:
I think an Allu Akhbar would be more sufficient since wea re discussing a mosque :lol:
Or "shukran".
Barnaby Jones
08-18-2010, 11:07 AM
Or "shukran".
Don't confuse him!
08-18-2010, 11:07 AM
Or "shukran".
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