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07-21-2010, 08:48 AM
I ask because morality is something that is dictated by a greater sense of right and wrong, but if someone had a greater sense of right and wrong wouldn't they have to believe in something greater than themselves, which would in turn make them a believer in something supernatural, which would go against the concept of atheism? I was hoping an atheist could explain their ideas of morality.. not get insulted and leave the thread.

No, I don't agree with that. I hate the whole "how can you be a good person without a God to answer to?" crap.

Basically, I treat others the way I like to be treated. Not because God tells me to in a book, becuase I don't like being treated like shit, so I don't do it to others.

You don't have to believe in a God or something supernatural to decide what you think is right or wrong, you can just base it on personal feelings.

07-21-2010, 08:52 AM
No, I don't agree with that. I hate the whole "how can you be a good person without a God to answer to?" crap.

Basically, I treat others the way I like to be treated. Not because God tells me to in a book, becuase I don't like being treated like shit, so I don't do it to others.

You don't have to believe in a God or something supernatural to decide what you think is right or wrong, you can just base it on personal feelings.

Exactly. If we needed a God to answer to, we might as well throw out our judicial system and replace it with Shariah law.

07-21-2010, 08:57 AM
Exactly. If we needed a God to answer to, we might as well throw out our judicial system and replace it with Shariah law.

The only thing AJ answers to is beer.

07-21-2010, 09:23 AM
The dangers of seeing America as a 'Christian nation'

07-21-2010, 09:57 AM
No, I don't agree with that. I hate the whole "how can you be a good person without a God to answer to?" crap.

Basically, I treat others the way I like to be treated. Not because God tells me to in a book, becuase I don't like being treated like shit, so I don't do it to others.

You don't have to believe in a God or something supernatural to decide what you think is right or wrong, you can just base it on personal feelings.

Well there is a difference between agnostic and athiest. The difference doesn't matter to some, but someone who is interested in religion would like to make the distinction.

The argument over if there is a God in the sky or that you have something inside of you, a compass that points the way, is a semantic one.

07-21-2010, 10:15 AM
The dangers of seeing America as a 'Christian nation'

more appropriate link (

07-21-2010, 10:50 AM
I was talking to Spoon on this issue a couple days ago..

We came up with an example of what God is made out to be in Religion..

Geroge Stienbrenner..

A crazy power hungry white man who wants you to worship him.
You should be privlaged to work for him.
He is always right

When you do good, he may or may not chose to reward you.

If you do not, you are humiliated and fired.

Sprinkle in some charitable things here and there and bam, he is a great guy.

That was you Kev. I just kept hearing Miami, no chance, way....idiots.

07-21-2010, 10:53 AM
I was talking to Spoon on this issue a couple days ago..

We came up with an example of what God is made out to be in Religion..

Geroge Stienbrenner..

A crazy power hungry white man who wants you to worship him.
You should be privlaged to work for him.
He is always right

When you do good, he may or may not chose to reward you.

If you do not, you are humiliated and fired.

Sprinkle in some charitable things here and there and bam, he is a great guy.

To compare George to the God of the Bible is way unfair to George

07-21-2010, 10:55 AM
But going through life I just chose to believe in God in my own way.

So you blew up people in the local market without taking your own life?! Fuck Kev, I'm not religious either but I truly believe you should have stuck with the plans as originally written up. Just saying.

07-21-2010, 10:56 AM
To compare George to the God of the Bible is way unfair to George

Yah nobody would have listened to George at all if he didn't have money.

07-21-2010, 11:01 AM
Well that I've seen with my own eyes. Religion is set up to have one set of believers look down their nose at non-believers and even believers of a different version of your "truth" so to speak.

Just look at the Protestants and Catholics. They even kill each other in a few parts of the world.

Ahh, it's such an enlightened system. Truly designed by divine hands. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Ur example just shows how entrenched religion is with man and his struggle for power and financial control. They didn't battle on principles, bc they are VERY similar based on the same book/son of God, it was all based on control, land, power and finances.

07-21-2010, 11:01 AM
but if someone had a greater sense of right and wrong wouldn't they have to believe in something greater than themselves, which would in turn make them a believer in something supernatural, which would go against the concept of atheism?

Morality and following laws of society are two different things. Why would you, say, give to chairty? And why help a friend in need? What makes you make that decision?


No, I don't agree with that. I hate the whole "how can you be a good person without a God to answer to?" crap.

Basically, I treat others the way I like to be treated. Not because God tells me to in a book, becuase I don't like being treated like shit, so I don't do it to others.

You don't have to believe in a God or something supernatural to decide what you think is right or wrong, you can just base it on personal feelings.

foodcourtdruide, listen to Missy... because your questions, dare I call them, are, like you said, innane.

07-21-2010, 11:06 AM
Ok Moe. I'm sorry you feel this way. Maybe one day you'll open your mind up to things a little more and see that religion has done a lot of good for many people as well. Violence caused in the name of religion is not necessarily a function of religion.

There is a difference bt having to "open your mind up to things a little more" and having someone actually change your mind. He may have been and or is very open to your claims yet just not convinced. Perhaps man should do a better job selling the divine versus putting a bad stamp on it in all forms.

07-21-2010, 11:10 AM
There is a difference bt having to "open your mind up to things a little more" and having someone actually change your mind. He may have been and or is very open to your claims yet just not convinced. Perhaps man should do a better job selling the divine versus putting a bad stamp on it in all forms.

Just ask John Waters...

07-21-2010, 11:17 AM
So a system works better where the minority's beliefs are put upon the majority ?

Come on, that's just stupid. The system works better when nobody's beliefs trumps others and you're free to do as you like. So if you're Jewish and would like to close up shop on Sat, do it. If you're Christian and would like to do the same on Sunday, do the same. However, it's not kosher in my mind to force anything like "blue laws" on any society.

07-21-2010, 11:18 AM
Just ask John Waters...

You want to lick his stache dont' you ?! :blink:

07-21-2010, 11:25 AM
Yeah my problem with Atheists is that they claim to follow a moral code of good and evil. Which if you don't beleive in a higher power clarifying good vs evil then you are by default making yourself into the deity and making those decisions on your own, which would not make you/them an Atheist.

No it doesn't. Your logic is way off.

07-21-2010, 11:27 AM
The public schools close for most ( if not all ) Jewish holidays but don't close for all Christian ones.

Wow that statement isn't true at all either. If we got even some of the Jewish holidays off, those kids would be off a whole lot more. It's fine to me if those kids miss those days as well too based on their belief, just don't expect the rest of the world to stop with you.

07-21-2010, 11:33 AM
I guess all sects are different. We have a concept of a "mystic law" and a respect for all living things. We believe that everyone has a "buddha nature," which we all share. Thus to commit any type of slight against anyone is just as committing that slight towards ourselves.

Also, because of Karma, we will inevitably be retributed for any evil we commit.

"buddha nature" and Karma is where it gets sketchy, explain

do humans have a common thread based in genetics, sure, but you take it to another level.

karma as a whole is clearly a flawed concept unless one seemingly fulfills it themselves. I think we can pretty much throw that concept in the shitter if you truly analyze it.

07-21-2010, 11:40 AM
I agree with you. However, I explained Karma, everyone being a buddha as potential reasons for doing good, correct? What reason would an Atheist have? Could someone believe in a "greater good" and still be an atheist?

Who said atheist believe in a "greater good", let alone in reference to a being as you seemingly have done here? Hell, atheists also make good and bad choices based on the what's right and wrong based on simple logic. Believing in a "greater good" is not something that drives people in the agnostic or atheist world. It seems you don't understand the concept that some people don't need a written code or guideline to dictate or guide their lives, much less without some explanation that wraps everything all up in a way we should just follow versus research and evolve.

07-21-2010, 11:43 AM
I ask because morality is something that is dictated by a greater sense of right and wrong, but if someone had a greater sense of right and wrong wouldn't they have to believe in something greater than themselves, which would in turn make them a believer in something supernatural, which would go against the concept of atheism? I was hoping an atheist could explain their ideas of morality.. not get insulted and leave the thread.

I act in a moral manner because I put myself in the shoes of others so to speak. I don't hurt people because I would not want people to hurt me. I am friendly and nice because I know it sucks when people are mean and unfriendly towards me. I only have one shot on this earth and I would rather spend my time doing good than fucking with other people and their shit.

07-21-2010, 11:50 AM
Who said atheist believe in a "greater good", let alone in reference to a being as you seemingly have done here? Hell, atheists also make good and bad choices based on the what's right and wrong based on simple logic. Believing in a "greater good" is not something that drives people in the agnostic or atheist world. It seems you don't understand the concept that some people don't need a written code or guideline to dictate or guide their lives, much less without some explanation that wraps everything all up in a way we should just follow versus research and evolve.

And who is doing the research and evolution? Evolution is not aconcious choice that an organism makes, it is something that happens seemingly at random and science does not have a concrete answer for why it happens.

The research can not be done by one person. This then gets into the FCD idea that there are "sacred" texts of research. I would bet cash money that most people do not do this research that you speak of and take what they are told by scholars or con-artists on faith.

07-21-2010, 11:52 AM
The dangers of seeing America as a 'Christian nation'

"Demographics give a clear answer. In 2008, 76 percent of Americans called themselves “Christian.” That’s down 10 percentage points since 1990, but it’s still an overwhelming and defining majority. Meanwhile, just 1.6 percent of Americans professed to be agnostics or atheists, more than double the amount in 1990. "

This stat is obviously very off. I think it's like in Japan where people simply answer the temple they have been associated with at some pt in their lives, we Americans often put the label of our past or parents on ourselves as if it was our lineage such as having German or Korean ancestors. I would not only think more people live with an agnostic type belief system, but a much smaller percentage of Americans are actually Christian. I can honestly say most of the people I know to be Christians are so in a very questionable way.

07-21-2010, 12:02 PM
more appropriate link (


07-21-2010, 12:09 PM
And who is doing the research and evolution? Evolution is not aconcious choice that an organism makes, it is something that happens seemingly at random and science does not have a concrete answer for why it happens.

The research can not be done by one person. This then gets into the FCD idea that there are "sacred" texts of research. I would bet cash money that most people do not do this research that you speak of and take what they are told by scholars or con-artists on faith.

Or they can read and analyze what is out there and judge it for themselves, as opposed to following a code based on interpretations on what they can't explain. Evolution is not some random event either, as we seek out our partners in life and traits that help your species survive and adapt to changes continue on as those that don't are weeded out and die off.

07-21-2010, 12:09 PM
Evolution is not aconcious choice that an organism makes, it is something that happens seemingly at random and science does not have a concrete answer for why it happens.


Huh? Of course science has an answer for why evolution happens... do I really need to explain? Mutations-> some deleterious, some beneficial-> those that are beneficial give a selective advantage-> those advantageous "mutations" are passed on to more offspring...:wallbash:

07-21-2010, 12:24 PM
If you build it, they will come.

07-21-2010, 12:44 PM
And who is doing the research and evolution? Evolution is not a conscious choice that an organism makes, it is something that happens seemingly at random and science does not have a concrete answer for why it happens.

Start here. (


07-21-2010, 12:54 PM
And who is doing the research and evolution? Evolution is not aconcious choice that an organism makes, it is something that happens seemingly at random and science does not have a concrete answer for why it happens.

All cells in every multicellular organism has programmed cell death. All cells replicate itself through DNA. DNA doesn't copy itself perfectly all the time for any number of reasons. Sometimes that causes an advantageous mutation, which as said causes that particular organism to have an easier time living over its peers and thus propagate its genes easier.

The thing to really keep in mind is how long it took for things to evolve. It's a process that has taken millions of years. It's a nearly incomprehensible amount of time but over that period organisms were able to go from single cell to what we have today.

07-21-2010, 01:12 PM
All cells in every multicellular organism has programmed cell death. All cells replicate itself through DNA. DNA doesn't copy itself perfectly all the time for any number of reasons. Sometimes that causes an advantageous mutation, which as said causes that particular organism to have an easier time living over its peers and thus propagate its genes easier.

The thing to really keep in mind is how long it took for things to evolve. It's a process that has taken millions of years. It's a nearly incomprehensible amount of time but over that period organisms were able to go from single cell to what we have today.

Not true, my uncle had a dinosaur can opener like the Flintstones. He cohabited with some T-rex's when God put them all here straight off the Mayflower.

TriceraPops! ( :lol:

07-21-2010, 01:19 PM
Not true, my uncle had a dinosaur can opener like the Flintstones. He cohabited with some T-rex's when God put them all here straight off the Mayflower.

TriceraPops! ( :lol:

I thought God planted dinosaur bones to test our faith. Tricky little devil, I mean God.

07-21-2010, 01:22 PM
I thought God planted dinosaur bones to test our faith. Tricky little devil, I mean God.

"You're testing my faith, dude"

07-21-2010, 01:54 PM
Huh? Of course science has an answer for why evolution happens... do I really need to explain? Mutations-> some deleterious, some beneficial-> those that are beneficial give a selective advantage-> those advantageous "mutations" are passed on to more offspring...:wallbash:

All cells in every multicellular organism has programmed cell death. All cells replicate itself through DNA. DNA doesn't copy itself perfectly all the time for any number of reasons. Sometimes that causes an advantageous mutation, which as said causes that particular organism to have an easier time living over its peers and thus propagate its genes easier.

The thing to really keep in mind is how long it took for things to evolve. It's a process that has taken millions of years. It's a nearly incomprehensible amount of time but over that period organisms were able to go from single cell to what we have today.

Or they can read and analyze what is out there and judge it for themselves, as opposed to following a code based on interpretations on what they can't explain. Evolution is not some random event either, as we seek out our partners in life and traits that help your species survive and adapt to changes continue on as those that don't are weeded out and die off.

Yes I understand what evolution is, thank you for recapping though. As to why it happens is where the mystery is.

I can google as well as anybody. From your pbs site Serpico

Humans face, for example, new diseases like HIV/AIDS that can greatly impact survival and reproduction. Human populations may also be undergoing evolutionary changes of which we're not yet aware.

The extinction of just one species can dramatically impact many others, and like all creatures, humans rely heavily on other species. It is therefore impossible to predict how we might ultimately be affected by a mass extinction.

07-21-2010, 02:01 PM
Yes I understand what evolution is, thank you for recapping though. As to why it happens is where the mystery is.

No, the why is NOT in question either. You need to google some more crispy.

07-21-2010, 02:08 PM
No, the why is NOT in question either. You need to google some more crispy.

Tell me oh wise one, why did the single cell organism start to reproduce sexually and why does natural selection favor one group over another? Why are there mutations, viral inclusions, telomere changes and some specialized cell changes?

07-21-2010, 02:41 PM

07-21-2010, 02:43 PM
simple survival

07-21-2010, 02:47 PM
Yes I understand what evolution is, thank you for recapping though. As to why it happens is where the mystery is.

No, there is no mystery to the why. The why and the how are the same thing in this case. Why does it happen- because DNA can be mutated, and some mutation provide a selective advantage under certain conditions. That is how evolution occurs.. That is why evolution occurs.

07-21-2010, 02:57 PM
simple survival

No, there is no mystery to the why. The why and the how are the same thing in this case. Why does it happen- because DNA can be mutated, and some mutation provide a selective advantage under certain conditions. That is how evolution occurs.. That is why evolution occurs.

oh thats why.


07-21-2010, 03:00 PM
Because the Illuminati want it to be that way.

07-21-2010, 03:04 PM
Because the Illuminati want it to be that way.

Well, with all the great minds we have on this board and their vast amounts of research and understanding of the natural world the illuminati had better watch out!

07-21-2010, 03:07 PM
Instead of natural selection, which is bound to throw people into a fury, why not use gravity as your example? It exists, we understand nearly everything there is to know about it...except why it's there in the first place.

07-21-2010, 03:10 PM
Instead of natural selection, which is bound to throw people into a fury, why not use gravity as your example? It exists, we understand nearly everything there is to know about it...except why it's there in the first place.

survival stupid. without gravity we would float into space and die.

07-21-2010, 03:11 PM
... Sometimes that causes an advantageous mutation, which as said causes that particular organism to have an easier time living over its peers and thus propagate its genes easier.

this ....AGAIN and my statement is pretty easy to understand. Hell, take off the first word and you have ur answer. If you're confused, as most are that use grade school terms like "Fail" to claim false victories in a debate/discussion, do some research. The why is not even close to random. How about you tell me why you think it's random that natural selection selects species and animals within species to continue based on their specific environment and other factors? It's not random that a more efficient plant at retaining water continues to live in an arid climate, or eagle's with better vision to locate prey. Specific examples are literally endless, I'm not sure how you miss this. Surely God didn't poke someone's genes over millions of years to give us the opposable thumb and other animals the prehensile tail. If so, I'm going to rethink his ability to make this world in 6 days while resting on the 7th.

07-21-2010, 03:14 PM
survival stupid. without gravity we would float into space and die.

Well we can get deep into quantum or theoretical physics all we want but you'll just drop back to the 5th grader mentality of asking why and if the question isn't answered. Bc you don't understand it, it has to be bc of GOD right?

07-21-2010, 03:15 PM
this ....AGAIN and my statement is pretty easy to understand. Hell, take off the first word and you have ur answer. If you're confused, as most are that use grade school terms like "Fail" to claim false victories in a debate/discussion, do some research. The why is not even close to random. How about you tell me why you think it's random that natural selection selects species and animals within species to continue based on their specific environment and other factors? It's not random that a more efficient plant at retaining water continues to live in an arid climate, or eagle's with better vision to locate prey. Specific examples are literally endless, I'm not sure how you miss this. Surely God didn't poke someone's genes over millions of years to give us the opposable thumb and other animals the prehensile tail. If so, I'm going to rethink his ability to make this world in 6 days while resting on the 7th.

Oh its not just me that misses this, oh great thinker and scientist but the great minds at the journal of evolutionary philosophy have missed it as well. You should pop on over there and straighten those dim-wits out.

After the widespread acceptance of the theory of evolution, scientists began to ask ... if sexual reproduction is so complex and biologically expensive, then why is it so much more common than asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction would never have begun to evolve, and would never have continued to evolve to become as sophisticated as it is today in many plants and animals, unless it offered a significant evolutionary advantage.

As to what this advantage might be, however, is still the subject of continuing debate in the scientific community. Theories about the evolution of sex have proven to be very difficult to test experimentally, and so the answer is still very much open to speculation.

07-21-2010, 03:16 PM
Tell me oh wise one, why did the single cell organism start to reproduce sexually and why does natural selection favor one group over another? Why are there mutations, viral inclusions, telomere changes and some specialized cell changes?

Natural selection favors survivors, the most efficient. Before there was programmed cell death, there were natural disasters. The most adaptable organisms survived and prospered while others died out from the cataclysm.

As far as mutations, there's always radiation. We're bombarded with it constantly and our cells can for the most part repair the damage with the normal limited doses we receive now. Early Earth received much a ton more radiation than it did now. It wasn't a quick process for sure -- it took over several billion years for life to go from simple, single cell forms to multicellular. Once programmed cell death and sexual reproduction (a form of DNA repair, unbelievably important for life in a hostile environment) happened, evolution quickened its pace. Life no longer relied on only the environment to challenge it, now there was competition within life itself. If you look at a to scale timeline, you'll see the massive increase in the types of life that happened after apoptosis and sexual reproduction became prevalent.

07-21-2010, 03:18 PM
Yeah my problem with Atheists is that they claim to follow a moral code of good and evil. Which if you don't beleive in a higher power clarifying good vs evil then you are by default making yourself into the deity and making those decisions on your own, which would not make you/them an Atheist.

Which leads to the other argument that there are laws and they are just following the law, which then makes the court/judge/police officer your higher power and it all just gets silly. Not to mention the fact that 99% of everyone in America today bows down to the belief in the almighty dollar and the faith of our economic system.

The POV of the Atheist is that religion is not needed to know good/evil..right/wrong. Most of what is put into text or otherwise on this matter is not subject to religion alone. Then there is trail and error. If a kid sticks a fork on an outlet and gets shocked. That kid should know better the next time.

07-21-2010, 03:18 PM
Natural selection favors survivors, the most efficient..

wrong see above

07-21-2010, 03:22 PM
Oh its not just me that misses this, oh great thinker and scientist but the great minds at the journal of evolutionary philosophy have missed it as well. You should pop on over there and straighten those dim-wits out.

After the widespread acceptance of the theory of evolution, scientists began to ask ... if sexual reproduction is so complex and biologically expensive, then why is it so much more common than asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction would never have begun to evolve, and would never have continued to evolve to become as sophisticated as it is today in many plants and animals, unless it offered a significant evolutionary advantage.

As to what this advantage might be, however, is still the subject of continuing debate in the scientific community. Theories about the evolution of sex have proven to be very difficult to test experimentally, and so the answer is still very much open to speculation.

First off, philosophy and science aren't one in the same. Isn't that painfully obvious? I guess not. Also, you continue to go into different subsets of ideas in order to somehow prove you're right. It doesn't. Even on this point, both still exist (less on the asexual side), but it's clear that there are many advantages to mixing genes from an evolutionary sense. To continue in one direction only, as asexual reproduction does, severely limits a species and makes it much more vulnerable. One simple virus or bacteria could wipe out a whole species among many other examples. The why again is clear.

07-21-2010, 03:23 PM
wrong see above

think you might want to re-read that article

07-21-2010, 03:26 PM
First off, philosophy and science aren't one in the same. Isn't that painfully obvious? I guess not. Also, you continue to go into different subsets of ideas in order to somehow prove you're right. It doesn't. Even on this point, both still exist (less on the asexual side), but it's clear that there are many advantages to mixing genes from an evolutionary sense. To continue in one direction only, as asexual reproduction does, severely limits a species and makes it much more vulnerable. One simple virus or bacteria could wipe out a whole species among many other examples. The why again is clear.

think you might want to re-read that article

so clear that it is open to speculation? Nice. I have taken many courses on biology, chemistry and biochem thank you. I wish you would do some reading and admit you are off base here.

07-21-2010, 03:26 PM
think you might want to re-read that article

Ha, I was just going to post some quotes from the article.

"Sexual reproduction would never have begun to evolve, and would never have continued to evolve to become as sophisticated as it is today in many plants and animals, unless it offered a significant evolutionary advantage." <--There's your why right there again. They may question the advantage of it, but not why.

07-21-2010, 03:27 PM
First off, philosophy and science aren't one in the same. Isn't that painfully obvious? I guess not. Also, you continue to go into different subsets of ideas in order to somehow prove you're right. It doesn't. Even on this point, both still exist (less on the asexual side), but it's clear that there are many advantages to mixing genes from an evolutionary sense. To continue in one direction only, as asexual reproduction does, severely limits a species and makes it much more vulnerable. One simple virus or bacteria could wipe out a whole species among many other examples. The why again is clear.

That and there's no built in DNA repair as well as denying any advantage to a community.

07-21-2010, 03:28 PM
so clear that it is open to speculation? Nice. I have taken many courses on biology, chemistry and biochem thank you. I wish you would do some reading and admit you are off base here.

yes, u may need to take ur own advice

quick question, are you religious?

07-21-2010, 03:28 PM
Ha, I was just going to post some quotes from the article.

"Sexual reproduction would never have begun to evolve, and would never have continued to evolve to become as sophisticated as it is today in many plants and animals, unless it offered a significant evolutionary advantage." <--There's your why right there again. They may question the advantage of it, but not why.

Now I know you are not reading what Im saying and just arguing to argue even though you are clearly wrong. yeah I quoted that paragraph originally, and if you continue to the next two paragraphs you would be proven wrong, again..

07-21-2010, 03:29 PM
yes, u may need to take ur own advice

quick question, are you religious?

yes, have you ever researched evolution before reading the link I posted 10 minutes ago?

07-21-2010, 03:31 PM
Crispy did you even read the fucking article you linked?! It literally backs up nothing you are stating and point by point gives you a plethora of answers to your question. Here's a clue, don't just google something and then link it bc it comes up under whatever heading you searched. Read the article in it's entirety and realize you just made the opposite point.

07-21-2010, 03:32 PM
Crispy did you even read the fucking article you linked?! It literally backs up nothing you are stating and point by point gives you a plethora of answers to your question. Here's a clue, don't just google something and then link it bc it comes up under whatever heading you searched. Read the article in it's entirety and realize you just made the opposite point.

yes I read it. you are wrong!

07-21-2010, 03:35 PM
so clear that it is open to speculation? Nice. I have taken many courses on biology, chemistry and biochem thank you. I wish you would do some reading and admit you are off base here.

If it wasn't more efficient, it would be the exception rather than the rule. If it isn't an advantage, it goes away. Life doesn't like having anything unnecessary and it gets rid of it as soon as possible, or re-purposes it.

Look at how fast bone and muscle deteriorate in astronauts. Body sees it doesn't need all the unnecessary muscle mass or bone mass. What do you think it does with it? What evolution forces it to do: get rid of it. It won't exactly happen in our lifetime but at some point humans won't have some of our vestigial features as they slowly fade away.

07-21-2010, 03:37 PM
Now I know you are not reading what Im saying and just arguing to argue even though you are clearly wrong. yeah I quoted that paragraph originally, and if you continue to the next two paragraphs you would be proven wrong, again..

you can throw fail and wrong again out all you want, but you continue to make points against your own argument

I not only read your post, i read the article and yes posted that paragraph as a point

it's not clear what the main advantage was, but all were advantages and some people argue which propagated the change in evolution. It's not a question of if it was advantageous, but of question of which drove the process if not all in an additive way.

Enough with the reverse claims as you have no idea what my background is and I don't know yours. Still, I'm not here calling you a high school drop out bc you disagree no matter how inane your argument seemingly is.

07-21-2010, 03:38 PM
yes I read it. you are wrong!

loud doesn't mean your right

keep yelling and saying nothing

07-21-2010, 03:40 PM
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07-21-2010, 03:41 PM
So gaps in knowledge equal God did it?

07-21-2010, 03:43 PM
So gaps in knowledge equal God did it?


07-21-2010, 03:47 PM
First off, philosophy and science aren't one in the same. Isn't that painfully obvious? I guess not. Also, you continue to go into different subsets of ideas in order to somehow prove you're right. It doesn't. Even on this point, both still exist (less on the asexual side), but it's clear that there are many advantages to mixing genes from an evolutionary sense. To continue in one direction only, as asexual reproduction does, severely limits a species and makes it much more vulnerable. One simple virus or bacteria could wipe out a whole species among many other examples. The why again is clear.

From the article you supposedly read...

One of the more popular alternative theories for the evolution of sex is the idea that sexual reproduction generates greater genetic diversity. This would be particularly important in rapidly changing environments, where some variations might be wiped out by new conditions while other variations might be better adapted to survive.

Perhaps the most common form of this theory is the 'Red Queen Hypothesis' which says that greater genetic variation gives sexually reproducing species better resistance to rapidly adapting diseases and parasites. As valid as this hypothesis may be, it gets an undeserved amount of attention, probably because it is one of the few theories for which there might be some valid experimental evidence.

The problem with this theory is that the connection between sexual reproduction and genetic diversity is tenuous, because the diversity of a population would depend on its mutation rate rather than its mode of reproduction. For a given mutation rate, sexual reproduction would actually decrease the diversity of a population by converging towards the most successful genetic traits. The only reason why the diversity of an asexual population would be lower is because evolution would select individuals with the lowest mutation rate in order to reduce the accumulation of harmful mutations

It is not a clear advantage. There is nothing clear about the evolution of sexual reproduction.




07-21-2010, 03:49 PM
From the article you supposedly read...

It is not a clear advantage. There is nothing clear about the evolution of sexual reproduction.





What is your belief behind this issue?

07-21-2010, 03:49 PM
So gaps in knowledge equal God did it?

No. Im refuting the Atheists research everything and that we know all there is to know about evolution theory, put forth by Mr Spoon and defended by these other mongoloids.

07-21-2010, 03:50 PM

What is your belief behind this issue?

I believe what pretty much all of the scientific community beleives. Evolution occurs but we don't know why.

07-21-2010, 03:51 PM
Oh its not just me that misses this, oh great thinker and scientist but the great minds at the journal of evolutionary philosophy have missed it as well. You should pop on over there and straighten those dim-wits out.

After the widespread acceptance of the theory of evolution, scientists began to ask ... if sexual reproduction is so complex and biologically expensive, then why is it so much more common than asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction would never have begun to evolve, and would never have continued to evolve to become as sophisticated as it is today in many plants and animals, unless it offered a significant evolutionary advantage.

As to what this advantage might be, however, is still the subject of continuing debate in the scientific community. Theories about the evolution of sex have proven to be very difficult to test experimentally, and so the answer is still very much open to speculation.

The fist part of this is way off base. Reproduction itself is almost a science at this point. We don't even need each other. Then there is cloning and gnome to name a few.

07-21-2010, 03:52 PM
I believe what pretty much all of the scientific community beleives. Evolution occurs but we don't know why.

So we dont know why, what does that prove or disprove on the argument that a God exists?

And I dont think anyone has ever stated we know everything there is to know about evolution

07-21-2010, 03:53 PM
Again you are ignorant and loud. They are trying to conclude what the advantage was/is, not question if it is. This THEORY is one of THOUSANDS out there and a factor in the overall argument, not the point. HOW DON'T YOU GET THAT!?

07-21-2010, 03:56 PM
No. Im refuting the Atheists research everything and that we know all there is to know about evolution theory, put forth by Mr Spoon and defended by these other mongoloids.

Ok, now your being a fucking dickbag and completely lying. So now I, among others claimed to research EVERYTHING, and KNOW ALL there is to know about evolutionary THEORY! HA!! You're just a fucking joke at this point. Keep throwing out the dicky comments tough guy, you have no argument so it's all you have.

07-21-2010, 03:57 PM
Just a small point being atheist does not require one to be an expert in evolutionary biology. I figured out that there probably wasn't a god way before I ever learned about evolution

07-21-2010, 03:57 PM
I believe what pretty much all of the scientific community beleives. Evolution occurs but we don't know why.


yeah thank fucking god no one knows that it is a response to environment or competition

07-21-2010, 03:59 PM
I believe what pretty much all of the scientific community beleives. Evolution occurs but we don't know why.

and on another note, let me ask you this: Why are all the dinosaurs gone but some other life remained?

If only we knew why

07-21-2010, 03:59 PM
It seems you don't understand the concept that some people don't need a written code or guideline to dictate or guide their lives, much less without some explanation that wraps everything all up in a way we should just follow versus research and evolve.

You are in denial, or am I reading this wrong too?

07-21-2010, 04:00 PM
You are in denial, or am I reading this wrong too?

obviously you are

07-21-2010, 04:01 PM

yeah thank fucking god no one knows that it is a response to environment or competition

and on another note, let me ask you this: Why are all the dinosaurs gone but some other life remained?

If only we knew why

Why do you think you know more than the scientists doing research on the subject? Oh I think I know why, internet scholar!

07-21-2010, 04:02 PM
obviously you are

good one. when faced with overwhelming facts change the subject!

07-21-2010, 04:03 PM
Again you are ignorant and loud. They are trying to conclude what the advantage was/is, not question if it is. This THEORY is one of THOUSANDS out there and a factor in the overall argument, not the point. HOW DON'T YOU GET THAT!?

And yet you claim the answer is clear. HOW DO YOU NOT GET THAT???

07-21-2010, 04:06 PM
Why do you think you know more than the scientists doing research on the subject? Oh I think I know why, internet scholar!

uh it isn't knowing more, it's knowing what you were taught back in middle school

Sorry you didn't make it past the 6th grade?



07-21-2010, 04:06 PM
good one. when faced with overwhelming facts change the subject!

I answered your fucking idiotic post asshole. I wasn't the one who changed the subject from religion explaining it all, to natural selection not having a reason, to asexual vs sexual reproduction and finally getting away from the fact it's deemed to be advantageous, just not 100% clear what drove the process. Ok, got it, I change topics by answering yet another hyperbole loaded statement.

It's not a good one, it's topical and concise. Now go back to yelling false victory chants. You're comical at best right now.

07-21-2010, 04:07 PM
And yet you claim the answer is clear. HOW DO YOU NOT GET THAT???

last time, those are different questions so yes you are thick

07-21-2010, 04:07 PM
uh it isn't knowing more, it's knowing what you were taught back in middle school

Sorry you didn't make it past the 6th grade?



your explanation is truly that of a 6th grader.

07-21-2010, 04:08 PM
Hey everyone why does the ground become damp after it rains?

Scientists believe that the ground becomes damp, but no one knows why.

07-21-2010, 04:08 PM
your explanation is truly that of a 6th grader.

your moms forehead is so big she dreams in imax

Seriously, you're one of my favorite trolls of all time

07-21-2010, 04:09 PM
I answered your fucking idiotic post asshole. I wasn't the one who changed the subject from religion explaining it all, to natural selection not having a reason, to asexual vs sexual reproduction and finally getting away from the fact it's deemed to be advantageous, just not 100% clear what drove the process. Ok, got it, I change topics by answering yet another hyperbole loaded statement.

It's not a good one, it's topical and concise. Now go back to yelling false victory chants. You're comical at best right now.

Oh so it offers an advantage but we don't know what it is. Yes now I see that you were right. It is so clear, I feel foolish.

07-21-2010, 04:10 PM
your moms forehead is so big she dreams in imax

Seriously, you're one of my favorite trolls of all time

and you are an idiotic douchebag. Not my favorite one, though.

07-21-2010, 04:12 PM
A neat study of modern evolution is the coelacanth fish.

Thought to have been extinct long ago they still show up on occasion. Said to be millions of years old. And has a limb/fin on its side.

07-21-2010, 04:13 PM
Now don't you wish you would have stayed on topic back on page 3?

07-21-2010, 04:15 PM
once we have evolution hashed out between the creationists and the darwinists the mosque deal will be a CINCH

07-21-2010, 04:16 PM
once we have evolution hashed out between the creationists and the darwinists the mosque deal will be a CINCH


07-21-2010, 04:26 PM

You and your evolution. Now go play on a megamouth shark.

07-21-2010, 04:31 PM

Did the lizard survive? It was asking about evolution. And why it took place.

07-21-2010, 04:45 PM
That's just Stampee chew toy for when Bart is away.

07-21-2010, 05:21 PM
once we have evolution hashed out between the creationists and the darwinists the mosque deal will be a CINCH

Why don't you try going over reading comprehension before moving on to a complex concept like evolution.

07-21-2010, 05:28 PM
Why don't you try going over reading comprehension before moving on to a complex concept like evolution.

Scientists don't know why you made this post. They accept that you did, however.

07-21-2010, 05:30 PM

You and your evolution. Now go play on a megamouth shark.

I thought it was Chocki.

07-21-2010, 05:43 PM
Scientists don't know why you made this post. They accept that you did, however.


07-21-2010, 06:09 PM

at what point did you think that people would realize evolution occurred if no one realized the reason for it?

"all the dinosaurs died, sucks for them. why are birds so similar to dinosaurs? ah fuck it, who knows, some shit happened but why about the reasons we're just going to extrapolate data without having any purpose"

07-21-2010, 06:18 PM
at what point did you think that people would realize evolution occurred if no one realized the reason for it?

Two words:
Comedy Gold:down:

07-21-2010, 06:19 PM
This thread has gone through 14 pages of serious evolution, but nobody knows why.

07-21-2010, 07:52 PM
nothing reinforced my hatred of religion more than recently moving to Bergen county only to discover the malls are closed on fucking Sunday. I don't give a crap if you worship some guy on the sky, just don't fuck with my ability to shop

07-21-2010, 08:06 PM
You are in denial, or am I reading this wrong too?

Wow. You are thick or just afraid to admit defeat.

Scientists know why evolution happens. However, they do not know the conditions that necessitated each and every change. So, when you cite articles that say "they don't know why this or that change occurred." It is referring to the specific environment that the change took place in. They know the change was an advantageous response, they just don't know what particular advantage it gave and in response to exactly what.
They know the rules, but they can't predict every outcome, there are too many variables. Especially if you are talking about ancient species or very old changes.

07-21-2010, 08:22 PM
Wow. You are thick or just afraid to admit defeat.

Scientists know why evolution happens. However, they do not know the conditions that necessitated each and every change. So, when you cite articles that say "they don't know why this or that change occurred." It is referring to the specific environment that the change took place in. They know the change was an advantageous response, they just don't know what particular advantage it gave and in response to exactly what.
They know the rules, but they can't predict every outcome, there are too many variables. Especially if you are talking about ancient species or very old changes.

Well Ive got my theory about your intelligence but if your so god damn sure then answer the questions that spoon so spectacularly failed to do.

Tell me oh wise one, why did the single cell organism start to reproduce sexually and why does natural selection favor one group over another? Why are there mutations, viral inclusions, telomere changes and some specialized cell changes?

and because it happens or radiation or the "environment" are all answers that may get you through GED prep, they don't get to why it happens.

There are many mechanisms that are part of "evolution". Asexual vs sexual reproduction is just one of them. And no they don't know if it is advantageous for one over the other. There are theories as I have pointed out and they all have their flaws.

07-21-2010, 08:29 PM
What about the weak nuclear force, smart guys?

07-21-2010, 08:50 PM
What about the weak nuclear force, smart guys?

someone watched through the wormhole! Always makes me chuckle how the scientists say learning about atoms is using a watch to smash another watch to see what is inside and how it works.

The search for the higgs boson is always kind of a bummer since America almost had one that would have made the LHC look like a slingshot in comparison. Now all that is over firmly in Europe with America a distant second.

Very much looking forward to the next one on dark matter. As odd as anti-matter is, dark matter is just utterly fascinating. We know it is there because of how much stuff is missing in the universe. I can't even begin to fathom the math behind that.

I hope they show a lot on the neutrino detectors, totally goddamn amazing. They sort of look like the torture room from Brazil in a way.

07-21-2010, 09:02 PM
too many mosquetos

07-21-2010, 09:07 PM
The search for the higgs boson is always kind of a bummer since America almost had one that would have made the LHC look like a slingshot in comparison. Now all that is over firmly in Europe with America a distant second.

I say good riddance! We don't need any ancient Catholic doomsday cults stealing a bunch of antimatter and blowing us all to bits.

07-21-2010, 09:09 PM
Ground Zero Mosquetel

07-21-2010, 09:15 PM
Ground Zero Mosquetel
But I know for sure that if we met up eye to eye
A little wine would bring us closer, you and I
`Cos you`re right, hypocrisy will be the death of me
And there`s an i before e when you`re spelling ecstasy
And you, you two . . . . . . . .

07-21-2010, 09:15 PM
Well Ive got my theory about your intelligence but if your so god damn sure then answer the questions that spoon so spectacularly failed to do.

and because it happens or radiation or the "environment" are all answers that may get you through GED prep, they don't get to why it happens.

There are many mechanisms that are part of "evolution". Asexual vs sexual reproduction is just one of them. And no they don't know if it is advantageous for one over the other. There are theories as I have pointed out and they all have their flaws.

Socrates, may I ask you a question? Thanks.
Why in your opinion does evolution happen?

07-21-2010, 09:32 PM
Ground Zero Masque?

07-21-2010, 10:29 PM
On a side note, that Evolution song by Pearl Jam was the first time I really stopped being interested in anything new they put out.

07-21-2010, 10:41 PM

Doctors say baby Nmachi Ihegboro is not an albino and attribute her appearance to an unknown genetic mutation.

07-22-2010, 05:44 AM
nothing reinforced my hatred of religion more than recently moving to Bergen county only to discover the malls are closed on fucking Sunday. I don't give a crap if you worship some guy on the sky, just don't fuck with my ability to shop

Ramadan is the worst. Everyday is like Sunday, EVERYTHING closes and it's "family-only" (no single men allowed in stores/restaurants). That's just super when you're trying to just get something to eat.

I've done 2 of those in the Middle East. Never again.

07-22-2010, 05:51 AM
Ramadan is the worst. Everyday is like Sunday, EVERYTHING closes and it's "family-only" (no single men allowed in stores/restaurants). That's just super when you're trying to just get something to eat.

I've done 2 of those in the Middle East. Never again.

Poor Chris Tanley. :(

07-22-2010, 06:51 AM
Ground Zero Masque?

Ground Zero Mask

07-22-2010, 07:20 AM

Doctors say baby Nmachi Ihegboro is not an albino and attribute her appearance to an unknown genetic mutation.

They stole Norberg's bit.

07-22-2010, 08:13 AM

Doctors say baby Nmachi Ihegboro is not an albino and attribute her appearance to an unknown genetic mutation.

They either stole that kid or she is lying. That baby is too Aryan for Hitler.

Barnaby Jones
07-22-2010, 09:05 AM
Ramadan is the worst. Everyday is like Sunday

Every day is silent and gray?

I didn't know the Muslims were big Morrissey fans!

07-22-2010, 02:16 PM
They could have gave that baby a white name.

08-03-2010, 06:27 AM

JUST IN: Vote clears way for mosque near Ground Zero. NYC Commission says existing building can be torn down. Stay with HLN.

08-03-2010, 06:45 AM

JUST IN: Vote clears way for mosque near Ground Zero. NYC Commission says existing building can be torn down. Stay with HLN.

I think a fitting way to tear it down would be to fly a plane into the existing structure.

08-03-2010, 07:06 AM
I think a fitting way to tear it down would be to fly a plane into the existing structure.

I'd like to see some thermite paint used as well.

08-03-2010, 11:32 AM
Ironic is that the Cordoba house will be built and there will still be a 16 acre hole in the ground a couple of blocks away.

08-03-2010, 11:41 AM
Ironic is that the Cordoba house will be built and there will still be a 16 acre hole in the ground a couple of blocks away.

or all part of
the obama plan

08-03-2010, 02:02 PM
Mayor Bloomberg Stands Up For Mosque (

Brilliant speech.

Click the link for transcript.

Mayor Bloomberg, Council Speaker Christine Quinn and 10 religious leaders of various faiths journeyed to Governors Island this afternoon to show their support for the proposed mosque and community center near the World Trade Center site. With the Statue of Liberty in the background, the mayor gave what sure sounded like one of his most heartfelt speeches ever. He's usually a technocrat, and often comes across that way, but today's speech was a stirring declaration of principle. He even got choked up at one point.

08-03-2010, 02:12 PM
Mayor Bloomberg Stands Up For Mosque (

Brilliant speech.

Click the link for transcript.

A jew and a lesbian. Lets see how tolerant the Muslims are about those 2

Bloomberg is a piece of shit plain and simple.

He bans smoking in restaurants and bars and gets the rules changed in his favor telling the people of NY to drop dead after they voted for term limits.

Mosque or not hes just another scumbag politician. Fuck him

08-03-2010, 02:26 PM
A jew and a lesbian. Lets see how tolerant the Muslims are about those 2

ha!...their attitudes
would be hilarious
if they weren't
so dangerous

self-loathing jews
and homosexuals
should not be making
decisions for the rest of us

08-03-2010, 02:30 PM
A jew and a lesbian. Lets see how tolerant the Muslims are about those 2

2 wrongs make a right?

08-03-2010, 02:53 PM
Dude and WF the 1-2 punch of stupidity

08-03-2010, 02:57 PM
Partial List of Muslim 9/11 Victims:
Samad Afridi
Ashraf Ahmad
Shabbir Ahmad (45 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and 3 children)
Umar Ahmad
Azam Ahsan
Ahmed Ali
Tariq Amanullah (40 years old; Fiduciary Trust Co.; ICNA website team member; leaves wife and 2 children)
Touri Bolourchi (69 years old; United Airlines #175; a retired nurse from Tehran)
Salauddin Ahmad Chaudhury
Abdul K. Chowdhury (30 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Mohammad S. Chowdhury (39 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and child born 2 days after the attack)
Jamal Legesse Desantis
Ramzi Attallah Douani (35 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
SaleemUllah Farooqi
Syed Fatha (54 years old; Pitney Bowes)
Osman Gani
Mohammad Hamdani (50 years old)
Salman Hamdani (NYPD Cadet)
Aisha Harris (21 years old; General Telecom)
Shakila Hoque (Marsh & McLennan)
Nabid Hossain
Shahzad Hussain
Talat Hussain
Mohammad Shah Jahan (Marsh & McLennan)
Yasmeen Jamal
Mohammed Jawarta (MAS security)
Arslan Khan Khakwani
Asim Khan
Ataullah Khan
Ayub Khan
Qasim Ali Khan
Sarah Khan (32 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Taimour Khan (29 years old; Karr Futures)
Yasmeen Khan
Zahida Khan
Badruddin Lakhani
Omar Malick
Nurul Hoque Miah (36 years old)
Mubarak Mohammad (23 years old)
Boyie Mohammed (Carr Futures)
Raza Mujtaba
Omar Namoos
Mujeb Qazi
Tarranum Rahim
Ehtesham U. Raja (28 years old)
Ameenia Rasool (33 years old)
Naveed Rehman
Yusuf Saad
Rahma Salie & unborn child (28 years old; American Airlines #11; wife of Michael Theodoridis; 7 months pregnant)
Shoman Samad
Asad Samir
Khalid Shahid (25 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald; engaged to be married in November)
Mohammed Shajahan (44 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
Naseema Simjee (Franklin Resources Inc.'s Fiduciary Trust)
Jamil Swaati
Sanober Syed
Robert Elias Talhami (40 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Michael Theodoridis (32 years old; American Airlines #11; husband of Rahma Salie)

08-03-2010, 03:06 PM
Dude and WF the 1-2 punch of stupidity

Selective reading I see

Guess you didnt read where I said If they want to build a mosque they can

Bloomberg spouts out opportunity and tolerancewith his drivel meanwhile the shrimp acts like a mini dictator. Fuck the people he can do whatever he wants. The people voting for term limits don't mean shit

08-03-2010, 03:06 PM
Partial List of Muslim 9/11 Victims:
Samad Afridi
Ashraf Ahmad
Shabbir Ahmad (45 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and 3 children)
Umar Ahmad
Azam Ahsan
Ahmed Ali
Tariq Amanullah (40 years old; Fiduciary Trust Co.; ICNA website team member; leaves wife and 2 children)
Touri Bolourchi (69 years old; United Airlines #175; a retired nurse from Tehran)
Salauddin Ahmad Chaudhury
Abdul K. Chowdhury (30 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Mohammad S. Chowdhury (39 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and child born 2 days after the attack)
Jamal Legesse Desantis
Ramzi Attallah Douani (35 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
SaleemUllah Farooqi
Syed Fatha (54 years old; Pitney Bowes)
Osman Gani
Mohammad Hamdani (50 years old)
Salman Hamdani (NYPD Cadet)
Aisha Harris (21 years old; General Telecom)
Shakila Hoque (Marsh & McLennan)
Nabid Hossain
Shahzad Hussain
Talat Hussain
Mohammad Shah Jahan (Marsh & McLennan)
Yasmeen Jamal
Mohammed Jawarta (MAS security)
Arslan Khan Khakwani
Asim Khan
Ataullah Khan
Ayub Khan
Qasim Ali Khan
Sarah Khan (32 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Taimour Khan (29 years old; Karr Futures)
Yasmeen Khan
Zahida Khan
Badruddin Lakhani
Omar Malick
Nurul Hoque Miah (36 years old)
Mubarak Mohammad (23 years old)
Boyie Mohammed (Carr Futures)
Raza Mujtaba
Omar Namoos
Mujeb Qazi
Tarranum Rahim
Ehtesham U. Raja (28 years old)
Ameenia Rasool (33 years old)
Naveed Rehman
Yusuf Saad
Rahma Salie & unborn child (28 years old; American Airlines #11; wife of Michael Theodoridis; 7 months pregnant)
Shoman Samad
Asad Samir
Khalid Shahid (25 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald; engaged to be married in November)
Mohammed Shajahan (44 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
Naseema Simjee (Franklin Resources Inc.'s Fiduciary Trust)
Jamil Swaati
Sanober Syed
Robert Elias Talhami (40 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Michael Theodoridis (32 years old; American Airlines #11; husband of Rahma Salie)

you forgot to list
the dead hijackers

08-03-2010, 03:18 PM
get of your high horse

08-03-2010, 03:19 PM
you forgot to list
the dead hijackers

They were not hijackers. They were misunderstood airline passengers

08-03-2010, 03:26 PM
get of your high horse

say, that's a good idea....
the militia movement
should open a recreation center
next to the Murrow Building

you'd be all for that

08-03-2010, 03:29 PM
What if a Statue of James Earl Ray was put up near the site of MLKs death to promote unity btwn whites and blacks.

Death Metal Moe
08-03-2010, 03:38 PM
When you grasp for straws, do you ever actually get any?

08-03-2010, 03:43 PM
my cousin died on 9/11. he worked for windows on the world. i am perfectly fine with this mosque being built. my family is as well.

08-03-2010, 03:47 PM
Partial List of Muslim 9/11 Victims:
Samad Afridi
Ashraf Ahmad
Shabbir Ahmad (45 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and 3 children)
Umar Ahmad
Azam Ahsan
Ahmed Ali
Tariq Amanullah (40 years old; Fiduciary Trust Co.; ICNA website team member; leaves wife and 2 children)
Touri Bolourchi (69 years old; United Airlines #175; a retired nurse from Tehran)
Salauddin Ahmad Chaudhury
Abdul K. Chowdhury (30 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Mohammad S. Chowdhury (39 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and child born 2 days after the attack)
Jamal Legesse Desantis
Ramzi Attallah Douani (35 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
SaleemUllah Farooqi
Syed Fatha (54 years old; Pitney Bowes)
Osman Gani
Mohammad Hamdani (50 years old)
Salman Hamdani (NYPD Cadet)
Aisha Harris (21 years old; General Telecom)
Shakila Hoque (Marsh & McLennan)
Nabid Hossain
Shahzad Hussain
Talat Hussain
Mohammad Shah Jahan (Marsh & McLennan)
Yasmeen Jamal
Mohammed Jawarta (MAS security)
Arslan Khan Khakwani
Asim Khan
Ataullah Khan
Ayub Khan
Qasim Ali Khan
Sarah Khan (32 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Taimour Khan (29 years old; Karr Futures)
Yasmeen Khan
Zahida Khan
Badruddin Lakhani
Omar Malick
Nurul Hoque Miah (36 years old)
Mubarak Mohammad (23 years old)
Boyie Mohammed (Carr Futures)
Raza Mujtaba
Omar Namoos
Mujeb Qazi
Tarranum Rahim
Ehtesham U. Raja (28 years old)
Ameenia Rasool (33 years old)
Naveed Rehman
Yusuf Saad
Rahma Salie & unborn child (28 years old; American Airlines #11; wife of Michael Theodoridis; 7 months pregnant)
Shoman Samad
Asad Samir
Khalid Shahid (25 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald; engaged to be married in November)
Mohammed Shajahan (44 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
Naseema Simjee (Franklin Resources Inc.'s Fiduciary Trust)
Jamil Swaati
Sanober Syed
Robert Elias Talhami (40 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Michael Theodoridis (32 years old; American Airlines #11; husband of Rahma Salie)

so, you're saying it was an inside job, mr ventura?

08-03-2010, 03:48 PM
so, you're saying it was an inside job, mr ventura?


08-03-2010, 04:27 PM
Partial List of Muslim 9/11 Victims:
Samad Afridi
Ashraf Ahmad
Shabbir Ahmad (45 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and 3 children)
Umar Ahmad
Azam Ahsan
Ahmed Ali
Tariq Amanullah (40 years old; Fiduciary Trust Co.; ICNA website team member; leaves wife and 2 children)
Touri Bolourchi (69 years old; United Airlines #175; a retired nurse from Tehran)
Salauddin Ahmad Chaudhury
Abdul K. Chowdhury (30 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Mohammad S. Chowdhury (39 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and child born 2 days after the attack)
Jamal Legesse Desantis
Ramzi Attallah Douani (35 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
SaleemUllah Farooqi
Syed Fatha (54 years old; Pitney Bowes)
Osman Gani
Mohammad Hamdani (50 years old)
Salman Hamdani (NYPD Cadet)
Aisha Harris (21 years old; General Telecom)
Shakila Hoque (Marsh & McLennan)
Nabid Hossain
Shahzad Hussain
Talat Hussain
Mohammad Shah Jahan (Marsh & McLennan)
Yasmeen Jamal
Mohammed Jawarta (MAS security)
Arslan Khan Khakwani
Asim Khan
Ataullah Khan
Ayub Khan
Qasim Ali Khan
Sarah Khan (32 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Taimour Khan (29 years old; Karr Futures)
Yasmeen Khan
Zahida Khan
Badruddin Lakhani
Omar Malick
Nurul Hoque Miah (36 years old)
Mubarak Mohammad (23 years old)
Boyie Mohammed (Carr Futures)
Raza Mujtaba
Omar Namoos
Mujeb Qazi
Tarranum Rahim
Ehtesham U. Raja (28 years old)
Ameenia Rasool (33 years old)
Naveed Rehman
Yusuf Saad
Rahma Salie & unborn child (28 years old; American Airlines #11; wife of Michael Theodoridis; 7 months pregnant)
Shoman Samad
Asad Samir
Khalid Shahid (25 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald; engaged to be married in November)
Mohammed Shajahan (44 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
Naseema Simjee (Franklin Resources Inc.'s Fiduciary Trust)
Jamil Swaati
Sanober Syed
Robert Elias Talhami (40 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Michael Theodoridis (32 years old; American Airlines #11; husband of Rahma Salie)
That's a lot of suicide bombers. No wonder the supporting steal gave way.

08-03-2010, 04:55 PM
Heaven's supply of virgins must have gotten dangerously low on that day.

08-03-2010, 05:41 PM
What if a Statue of James Earl Ray was put up near the site of MLKs death to promote unity btwn whites and blacks.

Depends on whether or not illegal immigrants were to build the hypothetical statue.

Barnaby Jones
08-03-2010, 06:56 PM
Can Dude! and WF come up with any more half assed analogies that make them look even more dumb than usual? Stay tuned!

08-03-2010, 08:19 PM
we let you into our country, we let you wear your stupid head dresses, we let you spout your hate speech, we let you brainwash our children, now you want to build a place of worship in lower manhattan?

Fuck the Catholic Church

08-03-2010, 08:21 PM
Now I just read in Yahoo news that theyre using illegal immigrant labor to build the mosque, the architect who design it just got gay married, and the first 10 worshipers get free abortions

08-03-2010, 08:46 PM
Now I just read in Yahoo news that theyre using illegal immigrant labor to build the mosque, the architect who design it just got gay married, and the first 10 worshipers get free abortions

sign me up! this place sounds like a party!

08-04-2010, 06:05 AM
Now I just read in Yahoo news that theyre using illegal immigrant labor to build the mosque, the architect who design it just got gay married, and the first 10 worshipers get free abortions

I've got good information that the Jews are behind it all.

08-04-2010, 06:09 AM
What if a Statue of James Earl Ray was put up near the site of MLKs death to promote unity btwn whites and blacks.

Please tell me this was a joke.

08-04-2010, 06:39 AM
Please tell me this was a joke.

it isn't, but the more apt comparison would be "what if james earl ray's distant cousin from his mothers side had a statue erected at the motel"

08-04-2010, 07:29 AM
OK lets talk about diversity and understanding. They build a mosque which I will reiterate they have every right to the following should open near/next to the mosque.

A gay bar, strip club, all you can eat barbecue joint, a liquor store.


08-04-2010, 07:31 AM
OK lets talk about diversity and understanding. They build a mosque which I will reiterate they have every right to the following should open near/next to the mosque.

A gay bar, strip club, all you can eat barbecue joint, a liquor store.



08-04-2010, 07:36 AM
OK lets talk about diversity and understanding. They build a mosque which I will reiterate they have every right to the following should open near/next to the mosque.

A gay bar, strip club, all you can eat barbecue joint, a liquor store.


I'm so lost. What is your point? What on earth do any of these things have to do with eachother?

08-04-2010, 07:38 AM
I'm so lost. What is your point? What on earth do any of these things have to do with eachother?

NYC is tolerant of all faiths , cultures etc. Islam forbids those establishments I think the leaders of the mosque should be as tolerant well. Didnt they say they want brotherhood and harmony ?

08-04-2010, 07:38 AM
You do know there's already a mosque much closer to the WTC site than this one will be, right?

This is completely a show to get the rubes all worked up. It's about as blatant and ugly a display of politicians cashing in on bigotry as I've seen in a while.

08-04-2010, 07:49 AM
You do know there's already a mosque much closer to the WTC site than this one will be, right?

This is completely a show to get the rubes all worked up. It's about as blatant and ugly a display of politicians cashing in on bigotry as I've seen in a while.

It's amusing how NYC is pretty liberal, but conservatives fight tooth and nail to defend it so long as something is even tangentially related to 9/11.

08-04-2010, 08:07 AM
You do know there's already a mosque much closer to the WTC site than this one will be, right?

This is completely a show to get the rubes all worked up. It's about as blatant and ugly a display of politicians cashing in on bigotry as I've seen in a while.

you question the motives
of the protestors

why don't you question
the motives of those
building the mosque?

08-04-2010, 12:30 PM
In NYC Bloomie has focused his attention to a war on transfat and a war on tobacco.

I really hope all the traffic & noise blocks out the adhan aka call to prayer. How I wish someone would open up the 72 virgins Gentlemens club next to the Cordoba house

08-04-2010, 12:50 PM
I really hope all the traffic & noise blocks out the adhan aka call to prayer.

There won't be one.

08-04-2010, 01:06 PM
You do know there's already a mosque much closer to the WTC site than this one will be, right?

This is completely a show to get the rubes all worked up. It's about as blatant and ugly a display of politicians cashing in on bigotry as I've seen in a while.

And the new building won't even be a true mosque. It's going to be a cultural center with a prayer room.

08-04-2010, 02:26 PM
And the new building won't even be a true mosque. It's going to be a cultural center with a prayer room, a bomb factory, and a room to cut off women's noses and ears.


Fillmore Slim
08-04-2010, 03:01 PM
you question the motives
of the protestors

why don't you question
the motives of those
building the mosque?

I already know the answer. They need a bigger mosque.

This new mosque is replacing an already existing mosque that they have out grown.

08-04-2010, 03:13 PM
Right, but you're ignoring one key issue. God doesn't exist and their religion is a futile pastime.

How come no one's brought that up yet?

08-04-2010, 04:31 PM
Right, but you're ignoring one key issue. God doesn't exist and their religion is a futile pastime.

How come no one's brought that up yet?

Apparently logic in a religious discussion is illogical.

08-04-2010, 06:57 PM
I just think it is funny that the same people that blast Christianity or constantly talk about a "woman's right to choose" on this board are the same people who are defending this. While I think it is spitting n the face of survivors and their families, they have the right to build this if the city allows and there is nothing and public or private entity can do about it.

08-04-2010, 07:13 PM
the man crush for Bloomberg and his speech is pathetic and laughable

08-04-2010, 07:24 PM
I just think it is funny that the same people that blast Christianity or constantly talk about a "woman's right to choose" on this board are the same people who are defending this. While I think it is spitting n the face of survivors and their families, they have the right to build this if the city allows and there is nothing and public or private entity can do about it.

How funny do you think it is? Like, are you cracking up while you're reading it? Are there tears coming to your eyes because you think it's so funny?

Also, I like how you put a woman's right to choose in quotations, like it's supposed to mean something else.

08-04-2010, 07:34 PM
While I think it is spitting n the face of survivors and their families,

What about the Muslim survivors and their families?

08-04-2010, 07:35 PM
wow this issue is so stupid and old

08-04-2010, 07:43 PM
I know how Bloomberg can be opposed to this.

If they have designated areas to smoke out of a hookah :lol:

08-04-2010, 07:45 PM
How funny do you think it is? Like, are you cracking up while you're reading it? Are there tears coming to your eyes because you think it's so funny?

Also, I like how you put a woman's right to choose in quotations, like it's supposed to mean something else.

Yes, yes and I am glad you enjoyed the post, thats why we are all on here

08-04-2010, 07:45 PM
What about the Muslim survivors and their families?

They were part of the conspiracy.

08-04-2010, 07:46 PM
I know how Bloomberg can be opposed to this.

If they have designated areas to smoke out of a hookah :lol:


You're a present day Dickie Goodman.

08-04-2010, 08:01 PM
wow this issue is so stupid and old

It's amazing. What century is this?

08-04-2010, 08:04 PM
It's amazing. What century is this?

it really is, but unfortunately not surprising

08-04-2010, 08:26 PM
it really is, but unfortunately not surprising

coming from someone
who makes fun
of hispanics

08-04-2010, 08:28 PM
I make fun of everyone.

08-04-2010, 08:43 PM

You're a present day Dickie Goodman.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 09:11 AM
I just think it is funny that the same people that blast Christianity or constantly talk about a "woman's right to choose" on this board are the same people who are defending this.

How is this supposed to make any kind of sense?!?

08-05-2010, 09:13 AM
How is this supposed to make any kind of sense?!?

Sense??? You're in the wrong thread for that my friend.

Maybe check out the Immigration thread?

08-05-2010, 10:00 AM
Heres more diversity for the area next to Cordoba House.

The worlds largest Kosher deli

08-05-2010, 10:29 AM
I'm betting the Cordoba Mosque would be a hell of a lot more tolerant of what the neighbors might be than a Catholic Church or an Evangelical Church. And on that note as an atheist I'm infinitely more comfortable around muslims than I am christians.

08-05-2010, 10:30 AM
Heres more diversity for the area next to Cordoba House.

The worlds largest Kosher deli

good idea!

wrestlingfan, i've been
wondering why the moslems
picked the name "Cordoba"
for this "mosque"

do you have any idea
why they chose that name?

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 10:34 AM
good idea!

wrestlingfan, i've been
wondering why the moslems
picked the name "Cordoba"
for this "mosque"

do you have any idea
why they chose that name?

What a meeting of the minds! Too funny!

I'm sure the conclusion you'll reach is that they must all be big Chrysler fans!

08-05-2010, 10:37 AM
I just think it is funny that the same people that blast Christianity or constantly talk about a "woman's right to choose" on this board are the same people who are defending this. While I think it is spitting n the face of survivors and their families, they have the right to build this if the city allows and there is nothing and public or private entity can do about it.

How is this supposed to make any kind of sense?!?

I read it three times and can't make heads or tails of it.

08-05-2010, 10:38 AM
do you have any idea why they chose that name?

Cordoba is one of the historical cities that bridged the gap between the Christian and Muslim world of Europe. They could have gone with Istanbul or Palermo just the same.

08-05-2010, 10:40 AM
Cordoba is one of the historical cities that bridged the gap between the Christian and Muslim world of Europe. They could have gone with Istanbul or Palermo just the same.

i didn't ask you...
'cause you
make things up

08-05-2010, 10:41 AM
I read it three times and can't make heads or tails of it.

If you believe abortion should be legal, you think muslims are great.

Death Metal Moe
08-05-2010, 10:45 AM
I read it three times and can't make heads or tails of it.

Don't even bother to give them the courtesy of figuring out their drivel. They have no point except scare tactics and prejudice.

I wonder if they work for FOX News?

08-05-2010, 10:46 AM
good idea!

wrestlingfan, i've been
wondering why the moslems
picked the name "Cordoba"
for this "mosque"

do you have any idea
why they chose that name?

The smell of Knishes would be great.

From what I've heard Cordoba was the city in Spain where the Muslims 1st took over and ruled for over 700 years, thats where they built a mosque. Typically when theres a muslim invasion and conquest they build a mosque

08-05-2010, 10:46 AM
i didn't ask you...
'cause you
make things up



did they

name it co
ba then

why not


mosque of the

9/11 was

08-05-2010, 10:48 AM
I'm betting the Cordoba Mosque would be a hell of a lot more tolerant of what the neighbors might be than a Catholic Church or an Evangelical Church. And on that note as an atheist I'm infinitely more comfortable around muslims than I am christians.

Just dont go to Mecca or Tehran and say that, they wont be so tolerant

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 10:49 AM
The smell of Knishes would be great.

From what I've heard Cordoba was the city in Spain where the Muslims 1st took over and ruled for over 700 years, thats where they built a mosque. Typically when theres a muslim invasion and conquest they build a mosque

You are a cowardly, hateful little shit stain! It really is funny how terrified you are of nearly everyone who doesn't look or live like you! Keep trembling, pussy!

08-05-2010, 10:51 AM
Just dont go to Mecca or Tehran and say that, they wont be so tolerant

Maybe that's why those who will worship at the Mosque in NYC are here.

08-05-2010, 10:51 AM
I wonder if they work for FOX News?

You know they watch it.

08-05-2010, 10:57 AM
You are a cowardly, hateful little shit stain! It really is funny how terrified you are of nearly everyone who doesn't look or live like you! Keep trembling, pussy!

Go back and read where I said that they can build the mosque. Again selective reading from a self hating oaf like you. There are some jokes about Muslims and like a self righteous douche your panties get in a bunch.

Whats hateful about posting historical facts dumbass?

Or maybe youre upset that when the Moors were driven out, it was turned into a Cathedral

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 10:58 AM
Go back and read where I said that they can build the mosque. There are some jokes about Muslims and like a self righteous douche your panties get in a bunch.

Are you upset that the Moors were driven out of Spain?

Everyone stopped buying your excuses a long time ago!

08-05-2010, 11:00 AM
Go back and read where I said that they can build the mosque. Again selective reading from a self hating oaf like you. There are some jokes about Muslims and like a self righteous douche your panties get in a bunch.

Whats hateful about posting historical facts dumbass?

How dare your beliefs not fit into my preconceived notions about you!

08-05-2010, 11:02 AM
Everyone stopped buying your excuses a long time ago!

Calm down, eat a pulled pork sandwich and have a cold beer

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 11:03 AM
When the only person who ever agrees with you or backs you up is Dude!, you're wrong! Always! About everything!

08-05-2010, 11:06 AM
When the only person who ever agrees with you or backs you up is Dude!, you're wrong! Always! About everything!

Quit having a shi'ite fit

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 11:06 AM
What a sad hack!

08-05-2010, 11:09 AM
will this ground-zero "mosque"
operate under sharia law?

08-05-2010, 11:09 AM
WF & Barnaby:

Settle down ladies, or you'll both be looking for a new call to prayer.

08-05-2010, 11:13 AM
What a sad hack!

What is bothering you?

I never voiced an objection to the Cordoba house. People trash Christianity on this board constantly. Im not religious at all so it doesnt bother me. Make a joke about Islam and you throw a hissy fit.

I call out Bloomberg for being a showboating fraud and it upsets you? Again the SOB gave a lip quivering false teary eyed speech about freedom and he acts like a wanna be dictator

08-05-2010, 11:18 AM
Since the terrorists supposedly hate us for our freedoms, let's show them how free we are by putting the mosque in-between the deli and the abortion clinic.

Suck on that level of freedom bitches!

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 11:26 AM
What is bothering you?

I never voiced an objection to the Cordoba house. People trash Christianity on this board constantly. Im not religious at all so it doesnt bother me. Make a joke about Islam and you throw a hissy fit.

I call out Bloomberg for being a showboating fraud and it upsets you? Again the SOB gave a lip quivering false teary eyed speech about freedom and he acts like a wanna be dictator

You're so full of shit! You're always spouting these disingenuous little catch-alls that are supposed to justify how 99% of the rest of your posts are just intolerant, dehumanizing garbage! You try to dismiss everything as just a joke or try to play it off like you're seeing all sides of an issue when you're just always wrapped up in the same myopic bullshit time and time again that allows you repeatedly talk shit about everyone you view as lesser than you! You reek of bullshit and nobody is buying your gimmick!

Barnaby Jones
08-05-2010, 11:28 AM
will this ground-zero "mosque"
operate under sharia law?

You're such a fucking moron! Why do you want to punish and insult Muslims in America when most of them ended up here trying to escape that sort of crap! Go fucking die!

Let me guess, I'm about to be banned when worthless, hateful cowards like Dude! and WF are tolerated time and time again! Yeah, real smart! Fuck off, mods!

08-05-2010, 11:32 AM
Let me guess, I'm about to be banned when worthless, hateful cowards like Dude! and WF are tolerated time and time again! Yeah, real smart! Fuck off, mods!

They're hardly tolerated, but they're playing you to give into personal attacks. I already warned you. Come back tomorrow and try not to fall for their delusions.

08-05-2010, 11:32 AM
WF & Barnaby:

Settle down ladies, or you'll both be looking for a new call to prayer.

Im trying to have a debate and hes going to psychotalk world. Its like hes got a fatwa on me or something

08-05-2010, 11:33 AM
You're such a fucking moron! Why do you want to punish and insult Muslims in America when most of them ended up here trying to escape that sort of crap! Go fucking die!

Let me guess, I'm about to be banned when worthless, hateful cowards like Dude! and WF are tolerated time and time again! Yeah, real smart! Fuck off, mods!

Get off the high horse already. You laugh at all the christianity jokes... shows your double standard.

08-05-2010, 11:36 AM
Jewish Leaders Gather to Support Ground Zero Mosque (

08-05-2010, 11:38 AM
when people have no knowledge
or facts to support an argument
they resort to name-calling

tsk tsk

08-05-2010, 11:47 AM
Maybe that's why those who will worship at the Mosque in NYC are here.

Exactly, that's why a lot of people left Europe to flee to America. Europe was fucking crazy town the same way a lot of Africa and Asia are fucking crazy town now. That's exactly how my family ended up in North America. The Catholic Church and the French monarchy decided 'hey lets kill all the Calvinists" and everyone who wasn't hardcore orthodox Catholic rolled out of the country or was murdered.

08-05-2010, 12:09 PM
People "bash" Christianity on this board?

08-05-2010, 12:11 PM
Get off the high horse already. You laugh at all the christianity jokes... shows your double standard.

No one except for dude has ever thought you were funny.

Death Metal Moe
08-05-2010, 12:28 PM
You're such a fucking moron! Why do you want to punish and insult Muslims in America when most of them ended up here trying to escape that sort of crap! Go fucking die!

Let me guess, I'm about to be banned when worthless, hateful cowards like Dude! and WF are tolerated time and time again! Yeah, real smart! Fuck off, mods!

I wish you hadn't done that, those 2 fucking cunts are gonna think they won something now.

08-05-2010, 12:38 PM
I wish you hadn't done that, those 2 fucking cunts are gonna think they won something now.

People with opposing views have to be called that?

Theres no claim of victory at all. He brought ithe ban on himself, I was trying to point out that its ok here to criticize/joke and call out christianity but say something about Islam all of a sudden its hateful.

It doesnt bother me what people say about religion believe in what you want to, or choose not to, I am not religious but to go over the top like that because its Islam is hypocritical on BJs part

The Cordoba house really doesnt affect me. Its basically going to be a Muslim version of the 92nd St Y

08-05-2010, 12:50 PM
No one except for dude has ever thought you were funny.

I've laughed at some of his jokes.

08-05-2010, 12:51 PM
You know who was great? Barnaby Jones. I miss him.

08-05-2010, 01:29 PM
Jewish Leaders Gather to Support Ground Zero Mosque (

Jewish community leaders gathered at the site of the proposed mosque and community center -- called the Cordoba Initiative

With it's soft Qur'rantian leather

08-05-2010, 01:34 PM
Who's going to decide on the tennants in all the newly developed buildings? Will their business practices be held to a different standard?

You might as well ban all Men's bathrooms in a 1/4 mile radius just to make sure we are really covering ourselves.:wallbash:

08-05-2010, 02:10 PM
Let me guess, I'm about to be banned when worthless, hateful cowards like Dude! and WF are tolerated time and time again! Yeah, real smart! Fuck off, mods!

FINALLY! Jonesy gets it! :lol:

Not you though AJ, ur one of the good ones! :wink:

08-05-2010, 02:17 PM
No one except for dude has ever thought you were funny.

That depends, funny how?

Funny like a clown? (

08-05-2010, 02:18 PM

With it's soft Qur'rantian leather

The SMALL Chrysler!? :wacko:

08-05-2010, 02:32 PM
FINALLY! Jonesy gets it! :lol:

Not you though AJ, ur one of the good ones! :wink:

The rules are simple. No personal attacks. We are civilized here.

*polishes monocle*

08-05-2010, 02:35 PM
Who's going to decide on the tennants in all the newly developed buildings? Will their business practices be held to a different standard?

You might as well ban all Men's bathrooms in a 1/4 mile radius just to make sure we are really covering ourselves.:wallbash:

Nah as someone who is pro small government, I think that government should decide where and what buildings can be built.

08-05-2010, 02:41 PM
fuck all you bitches!!

08-05-2010, 02:46 PM
The rules are simple. No personal attacks. We are civilized here.

*polishes monocle*

monocle huh?

FUCK YOU hipster! I would never personally attack anyone here.

08-05-2010, 02:47 PM
monocle huh?

FUCK YOU hipster! I would never personally attack anyone here.


08-05-2010, 02:48 PM

hey fuck you too drunky!

thanks for the great dvd

08-05-2010, 04:31 PM
With it's soft Qur'rantian leather

How did you hacks let this gem go by uncelebrated? I'm marching it straight into LOTD.

08-06-2010, 04:05 AM
Or maybe youre upset that when the Moors were driven out, it was turned into a Cathedral

You mean the Moops.

08-07-2010, 05:35 AM 8%2F05%2Fmuslims_infiltrate_pentagon

Army Chaplain Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad, the first Muslim chaplain to serve in the military, read a verse from the Koran at the memorial service at the Pentagon on Thursday, exactly one month after the attack. Muhammad, who became a chaplain eight years ago and works at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, ministered to rescuers in front of the smoldering Pentagon after the attack.

That is pretty funny. Wonder why Fox News didn't see it fit to try to make some money off of. Did people in here who were against the "Ground Zero Mosque" not plan on buying gold or NASCAR tickets or whatever else they try to sell during their commercials? Where's the outrage over this mosque, right in the very beating heart of our military.

08-07-2010, 11:55 AM 8%2F05%2Fmuslims_infiltrate_pentagon

Army Chaplain Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad, the first Muslim chaplain to serve in the military, read a verse from the Koran at the memorial service at the Pentagon on Thursday, exactly one month after the attack. Muhammad, who became a chaplain eight years ago and works at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, ministered to rescuers in front of the smoldering Pentagon after the attack.

That is pretty funny. Wonder why Fox News didn't see it fit to try to make some money off of. Did people in here who were against the "Ground Zero Mosque" not plan on buying gold or NASCAR tickets or whatever else they try to sell during their commercials? Where's the outrage over this mosque, right in the very beating heart of our military.

This article is as stupid as the idiots criticizing the mosque in New York. The building in New York is designed to be an actual mosque. Conducting an occasional Muslim ceremony at the Pentagon does not turn the Pentagon into a mosque. In the Pentagon, there is a non-denominational prayer room. Following the logic of this article, the Pentagon could therefore be considered a cathedral or temple.

Or, one can consider any airport or hospital in the U.S. to be a mosque since they have the same type of prayer room.

08-07-2010, 12:12 PM
I'm not religious, but I am designating the storage area underneath a bay window bench in my house as a mosque.

08-10-2010, 03:45 PM
Greg Gutfeld To Open A Gay Bar Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men” (

“So, the Muslim investors championing the construction of the new mosque near Ground Zero claim it’s all about strengthening the relationship between the Muslim and non-Muslim world.

As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque – after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law – who can stop them?

Which is, why, in the spirit of outreach, I’ve decided to do the same thing.

I’m announcing tonight, that I am planning to build and open the first gay bar that caters not only to the west, but also Islamic gay men. To best express my sincere desire for dialogue, the bar will be situated next to the mosque Park51, in an available commercial space.

This is not a joke. I’ve already spoken to a number of investors, who have pledged their support in this bipartisan bid for understanding and tolerance.

As you know, the Muslim faith doesn’t look kindly upon homosexuality, which is why I’m building this bar. It is an effort to break down barriers and reduce deadly homophobia in the Islamic world.

The goal, however, is not simply to open a typical gay bar, but one friendly to men of Islamic faith. An entire floor, for example, will feature non-alcoholic drinks, since booze is forbidden by the faith. The bar will be open all day and night, to accommodate men who would rather keep their sexuality under wraps – but still want to dance.

Bottom line: I hope that the mosque owners will be as open to the bar, as I am to the new mosque. After all, the belief driving them to open up their center near Ground Zero, is no different than mine.

My place, however, will have better music.”

08-10-2010, 07:15 PM
remember that whole freedom of religion thing in that constitution thing?

nah, I don't, kill the muzzies

Barnaby Jones
08-10-2010, 08:19 PM
Greg Gutfeld To Open A Gay Bar Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men” (


08-10-2010, 08:29 PM
Greg Gutfeld To Open A Gay Bar Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men” (

just hack

i hope someone does it to christian churches now too just to see how gutfeld and fox news handles it

just disrespectful and childish

08-10-2010, 08:32 PM
Greg Gutfeld To Open A Gay Bar Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To ``Islamic Gay Men`` (

More than a few Priests will attend that..

08-10-2010, 08:38 PM
More than a few Priests will attend that..

Nah, it's not a daycare gay bar.

08-10-2010, 08:40 PM
Nah, it's not a daycare gay bar.

I dunno. Arab men and Catholic priests seem to have that much in common.

08-10-2010, 10:08 PM
More than a few Priests will attend that..

you never miss a chance
to take a shot at Christians

08-10-2010, 10:30 PM
just hack

i hope someone does it to christian churches now too just to see how gutfeld and fox news handles it

just disrespectful and childish

Gutfeld seems to be very pro gay rights. As does most of the people on Red Eye.

I don't find this disrespectful. And I'm not against the Mosque.

08-10-2010, 11:44 PM
you never miss a chance
to take a shot at Christians

Little known fact, Kevin is an Albanian Cardinal.

Albanian President Alfred Moisiu & Cardinal Kevin unveiled the new bronze equestrian statue of Albania's national hero, Gjerge Kastrioti, known as Skanderbeg, on the grounds of St. Paul (Albanian) Church last Sunday.