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Libertarians back criminal for Governor. [Archive] - Messageboard


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02-17-2010, 11:31 AM

Yes, it's true. Libertarians think the laws of this country should be broken. They do not think the laws apply to them.
With complete disrespect for our country, and the law abiding citizens of NY, they support a convicted criminal for Governor.
The shame.

02-17-2010, 11:36 AM
they support a criminal for Governor.
The shame.
So has anyone who has supported almost any politician ever.

02-17-2010, 11:38 AM
i honestly don't see how this is a problem

02-17-2010, 11:39 AM
It's better than an immigrant. Am I right?

Didn't the libertarians have a presidential candidate every year but he was in jail?

02-17-2010, 11:40 AM
She has repaid her debt to society, no?

02-17-2010, 11:40 AM
So has anyone who has supported almost any politician ever.

Convicted criminal for Governor? Convicted of prostitution?
Even the lowly democrats wouldn't do that.
Why don't the libertarians support our legal system?

02-17-2010, 11:41 AM
It's better than an immigrant. Am I right?

Didn't the libertarians have a presidential candidate every year but he was in jail?

Who knows she might do a better job than Arnold is doing in CA

In all seriousness if I was a New Yorker she would have my "support" in other ways.

I voted for Barr in '08 dont believe he had any criminal record

02-17-2010, 11:44 AM
Who knows she might do a better job than Arnold is doing in CA

In all seriousness if I was a New Yorker she would have my "support" in other ways.

Because you think white criminals should be rewarded, while non-whites should be punished harshly.
Oh, the hatred that burns within you.
What other crimes do you support?

02-17-2010, 11:46 AM
Convicted criminal for Governor? Convicted of prostitution?
Even the lowly democrats wouldn't do that.
Why don't the libertarians support our legal system?

seems consistent with my understanding of the libertarian's stance on's not a crime without a victim...therefore, she is guilty of no crime...

02-17-2010, 11:47 AM
Because you think white criminals should be rewarded, while non-whites should be punished harshly.
Oh, the hatred that burns within you.
What other crimes do you support?

Clearly you didn't see the joke.

What make you think that? Madoff deserves everything he has coming to him. Son of Sam should have been put do death and I hope theres a hell and McVeigh is burning.

Your obsession with color is disturbing. but then again you progressives are obsessed with race

Are you that self loathing?

02-17-2010, 11:52 AM
It's better than an immigrant. Am I right?

Didn't the libertarians have a presidential candidate every year but he was in jail?

Lyndon LaRouche

02-17-2010, 11:52 AM
Clearly you didn't see the joke.
What make you think that? Madoff deserves everything he has coming to him. Son of Sam should have been put do death and I hope theres a hell and McVeigh is burning.
Your obsession with color is disturbing. but then again you progressives are obsessed with race
Are you that self loathing?

I cover myself in self-tanning every morning to protect myself from white-guilt.
So, you can joke about white criminals, but MUST rail against non-white criminals that are "illegal aliens living off my subsidizes while they have jackpot babies."
Now, I get the joke.

02-17-2010, 11:57 AM
I cover myself in self-tanning every morning to protect myself from white-guilt.
So, you can joke about white criminals, but MUST rail against non-white criminals that are "illegal aliens living off my subsidizes while they have jackpot babies."
Now, I get the joke.


Theres a difference. The white criminals who are citizens are paying the price for their crimes, the illegals are among us immune from any punishment from their crime of being here illegally

02-17-2010, 12:11 PM
I cover myself in self-tanning every morning to protect myself from white-guilt.
So, you can joke about white criminals, but MUST rail against non-white criminals that are "illegal aliens living off my subsidizes while they have jackpot babies."
Now, I get the joke.

It's kind of racist to assume all illegal immigrants are not white. Are white people above being illegal immigrants because of the color of their skin?

02-17-2010, 12:14 PM
It's kind of racist to assume all illegal immigrants are not white. Are white people above being illegal immigrants because of the color of their skin?

illegal, Russians, Irish, and Albanians living in NY.

kick them out too

Doctor Z
02-17-2010, 12:18 PM
What the fuck is a Libertarian?

02-17-2010, 12:24 PM
What the fuck is a Libertarian?

According to Thom Hartmann

"A Libertarian is a Republican who wants to smoke dope and get laid."

02-17-2010, 12:29 PM
plans to run on a platform of legalizing prostitution and pot, relaxing gun laws, and legalizing gay marriage

I don't have a problem with any of that. If I lived in NY, I'd vote for her.

02-17-2010, 12:31 PM
seems consistent with my understanding of the libertarian's stance on's not a crime without a victim...therefore, she is guilty of no crime...

So breaking laws is ok if there is no victim?
Interesting. Prostitution is a crime that hurts society. Illegal immigration is a crime that hurts society. But, neither usually have a direct victim.
Got it, libertarians and illegal immigrants are the same.

02-17-2010, 12:32 PM
So breaking laws is ok if there is no victim?
Interesting. Prostitution is a crime that hurts society. Illegal immigration is a crime that hurts society. But, neither usually have a direct victim.
Got it, libertarians and illegal immigrants are the same.

Libertarians can read and write.

Talk to the victims mowed down by drunken illegals, or raped or to the families murdered by them

02-17-2010, 12:33 PM
It's kind of racist to assume all illegal immigrants are not white. Are white people above being illegal immigrants because of the color of their skin?

WF rails only about hispanic illegals. So, that is what I am referring to.

He'll say, "I hate all illegals." But, any link or post he makes is filled with attacks on hispanics.

02-17-2010, 12:34 PM
Libertarians can read and write

Illegals can read and write. Is it a law that they have to read and write english? Oh wait, you don't care laws.

02-17-2010, 12:36 PM
Illegals can read and write. Is it a law that they have to read and write english? Oh wait, you don't care laws.

I want all illegals booted. The majority of crimes committed by illegals are from hispanic illegals.

When a drunk Japanese illegal crashes into an American family I will post it.

I did a google search in the news section for illegal immigrant crimes. Take a peek. Whats wrong? can't deal with reality?

Awwwwww Google hates hispanics

Many illegals can not read or write, they are illiterate in 2 languages.

02-17-2010, 12:42 PM
I'm glad that every single thread in this forum has turned into a thread about WF's feelings on illegal immigration.

02-17-2010, 12:46 PM
I want all illegals booted. The majority of crimes committed by illegals are from hispanic illegals.
When a drunk Japanese illegal crashes into an American family I will post it.
I did a google search in the news section for illegal immigrant crimes. Take a peek. Whats wrong? can't deal with reality?
Many illegals can not read or write, they are illiterate in 2 languages.

So, criminality is fine. Your problem is with literacy?
Maybe if Manson gets out he can run for the Libertarians in '12.
Libertarians- We Support Ever Citizen's Right to Commit Crimes.

So google dictates your opinion. Nice. Google "dinner" and let me know what you are eating tonight.

02-17-2010, 12:46 PM
Davis fan since day one.

02-17-2010, 12:47 PM
So, criminality is fine. Your problem is with literacy?
Maybe if Manson gets out he can run for the Libertarians in '12.
Libertarians- We Support Ever Citizen's Right to Commit Crimes.


02-17-2010, 12:47 PM
So, criminality is fine. Your problem is with literacy?
Maybe if Manson gets out he can run for the Libertarians in '12.
Libertarians- We Support Ever Citizen's Right to Commit Crimes.

He's made anti-illiterate comments before. Why do you continue this game wtih him? How do you not know his answers before he posts them?

02-17-2010, 12:49 PM
He's made anti-illiterate comments before. Why do you continue this game wtih him? How do you not know his answers before he posts them?

"Poke the Racist with a Stick" has always been may favorite game.

02-17-2010, 12:51 PM
"Poke the Racist with a Stick" has always been may favorite game.

There you go again, Have no defense and spew out racism. Ther are a lot of illiterate whites. You should have a show on MSNBC

I play crush the self loather with reality.

02-17-2010, 12:56 PM
There you go again, Have no defense and spew out racism. Ther are a lot of illiterate whites. You should have a show on MSNBC

I play crush the self loather with reality.

Illiterate whites? Really?

I was asked why I refer to non-white immigrants. I answered, because that is WF's concern.

Racist? Please, illuminate me.

02-17-2010, 01:01 PM
Quite a platform she is building. Should be quite popular with the hippies, thugs and sex addicts.

She plans to run on a platform of legalizing prostitution and pot, relaxing gun laws, and legalizing gay marriage. She claims to have the support of rapper 50 Cent, "Northern California pot growers," and, of course, rich former prostitution clients.

02-17-2010, 01:06 PM
Libertarians support employers using illegal immigrants. Does their evil know any bounds?

The Libertarian Party platform says: "Repeal all measures that punish employers for hiring undocumented workers. Repeal all immigration quotas".

02-17-2010, 01:20 PM
Libertarians support employers using illegal immigrants. Does their evil know any bounds?

The Libertarian Party platform says: "Repeal all measures that punish employers for hiring undocumented workers. Repeal all immigration quotas".

At what point does Serpico (and Jezo) get restricted to the board character threads?

02-17-2010, 01:25 PM
At what point does Serpico (and Jezo) get restricted to the board character threads?

Don't you think WF feels left out?
Or do you want to keep your "libertarian" buddy?

02-17-2010, 01:27 PM
Don't you think WF feels left out?
Or do you want to keep your "libertarian" buddy?

Date whoever you like. Why would I care?

02-17-2010, 01:28 PM
Date whoever you like. Why would I care?

So badmonkey supports same sex unions.
Good to know.

02-17-2010, 01:33 PM
So badmonkey supports same sex unions.
Good to know.

Why should they be protected from losing half their shit and paying alimony just cuz they're gay? I call bullshit!

02-17-2010, 01:34 PM
True libertarians don't support marriage. Government doesn't get a say in who we love.

02-17-2010, 01:37 PM
True libertarians don't support marriage. Government doesn't get a say in who we love.

wait, now the government is arranging marriages?!

02-17-2010, 01:43 PM
Ewwww...why is these even a thread?

Shes "considering" running for a marginal party, with virtually no chance of winning.

Who cares about this story other than how ridiculously hot this broad is?

Man up!

02-17-2010, 02:04 PM
Libertarians support employers using illegal immigrants. Does their evil know any bounds?

The Libertarian Party platform says: "Repeal all measures that punish employers for hiring undocumented workers. Repeal all immigration quotas".

Ron Paul is as libertarian as you can get, and he opposes open borders. As far as quotas Lets compromise.. less Mexican and Central American women they are hideous. More Colombian and Brasilian women they are heavenly. Who would you rather have here?

02-17-2010, 02:48 PM
The white criminals who are citizens are paying the price for their crimes

This is the funniest thing you've ever written on this board.

At what point does Serpico (and Jezo) get restricted to the board character threads?

Dude!, would badmonkey saying this be considered irony?

02-17-2010, 02:50 PM
Ron Paul is as libertarian as you can get

Except that he's a registered republican.

02-17-2010, 02:59 PM
Ron Paul is as libertarian as you can get, and he opposes open borders.

Ron Paul breaks from the Libertarian party platform on his immigration stance. If that means he is as "libertarian as you can get," fine.

A big assed, brown skinned woman in every bed.

02-17-2010, 03:00 PM
Lyndon LaRouche

Yeah that guy. Was way off thinking James Traficant.
Check out the rug on his wiki pic. The guys a real card. Got his own talk radio show now.

Bob Impact
02-17-2010, 03:17 PM
Ron Paul breaks from the Libertarian party platform on his immigration stance. If that means he is as "libertarian as you can get," fine.

A big assed, brown skinned woman in every bed.

Now THAT's change I can believe in!

02-17-2010, 03:38 PM
I like how this thread was created as an attack on WRESTLINGFAN, but the article was about the Libertarian Party, and the LP's stance on immigration is pro-immigration and pro-amnesty.

02-17-2010, 03:39 PM

Yes, it's true. Libertarians think the laws of this country should be broken. They do not think the laws apply to them.
With complete disrespect for our country, and the law abiding citizens of NY, they support a convicted criminal for Governor.
The shame.

How many people did Obama kill in wars this week?

02-17-2010, 03:48 PM
I like how this thread was created as an attack on WRESTLINGFAN, but the article was about the Libertarian Party, and the LP's stance on immigration is pro-immigration and pro-amnesty.
Exactly. WF claims to be a libertarian, but he doesn't support one of their main platforms. He is a shamed Republican.

How many people did Obama kill in wars this week?

I hope many and maybe some terrorists too. That will keep America safe. The more people we kill there, the less that come here.
WAR ON TERRORRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-17-2010, 05:04 PM
A big assed, brown skinned woman in every bed.

Just because they're brown, they have big asses? The racism on this board knows no bounds.

02-17-2010, 05:04 PM
How many people did Obama kill in wars this week?

At least 12 civilians

02-17-2010, 05:57 PM
Just because they're brown, they have big asses? The racism on this board knows no bounds.
I wouldn't have needed to say "big assed" if I thought that. Nevertheless, the racism is palpable.

At least 12 civilians

Nice work Barry. Not like that pansy GW running from combat.
I like a president who goes out and strangles "innocent" civilians when he is not furthering his social agenda.

Yes. I brought up GW. So?

02-17-2010, 06:11 PM
I wouldn't have needed to say "big assed" if I thought that. Nevertheless, the racism is palpable.

Nice work Barry. Not like that pansy GW running from combat.
I like a president who goes out and strangles "innocent" civilians when he is not furthering his social agenda.

Yes. I brought up GW. So?

Psst Being a street hustler in Chicago doesn't count as combat either

02-17-2010, 06:16 PM
Psst Being a street hustler in Chicago doesn't count as combat either

I have to believe that Chicago police would never patrol 1970s Alabama.
Or did GWB make Alabama save from the Red Menace?

The street hustler from Chicago achieved what no libertarian could.
Change I believe in. Higher Taxes. It's a change. And I believe it.

02-17-2010, 06:19 PM
I have to believe that Chicago police would never patrol 1970s Alabama.
Or did GWB make Alabama save from the Red Menace?

The street hustler from Chicago achieved what no libertarian could.
Change I believe in. Higher Taxes. It's a change. And I believe it.

Yes the street hustler, achieved in having massive deficits, years down the road, raising the debt ceiling twice only a year into his presidency, making things worse in Afghanistan, you are so naive that your taxes wont go up?

The mojo is gone, 2008 is such a distant memory

02-17-2010, 06:22 PM
Yes the street hustler, achieved in having massive deficits, years down the road, raising the debt ceiling twice only a year into his presidency, making things worse in Afghanistan, you are so naive that your taxes wont go up?

You are still so naive to think that taxes are your largest concern?
What taxes will you pay when you are unemployed?
What money should pay for wars?
What money should pay for our prisons?
What money should pay for police?
Let me guess, privatize it?

I didn't love paying taxes. I don't love paying for prostitutes either. But, if I want the services they provide I must pay for it.
Services include a society that cares for less fortunate, not just what you can get out of it.

02-17-2010, 06:25 PM
You are still so naive to think that taxes are your largest concern?
What taxes will you pay when you are unemployed?
What money should pay for wars?
What money should pay for our prisons?
What money should pay for police?
Let me guess, privatize it?

I didn't love paying taxes. I don't love paying for prostitutes either. But, if I want the services they provide I must pay for it.
Services include a society that cares for less fortunate, not just what you can get out of it.

I never said there should be no taxes, just the relevant taxes th fund the basics of government

These wars are quasi privatized remember that cmpany KBR and Blackwater now XE Corp? They hare getting huge subsidies and yes Barry continues to let these mercanaries operate

02-17-2010, 06:30 PM
I never said there should be no taxes, just the relevant taxes th fund the basics of government

These wars are quasi privatized remember that cmpany KBR and Blackwater now XE Corp? They hare getting huge subsidies and yes Barry continues to let these mercanaries operate

Trust me. I was against both wars. A full scale against terrorism is idiotic. Its like fighting termites with a rifle. I think allowing private companies to do military service is a disgrace. I don't know if pulling out is the answer. Will it leave both places worse than when we got there. We have a responsibility to at least not do more harm than good.

I do think social programs need to be better regulated. They are abused. But, there are good people that need help, especially kids.