View Full Version : Worst gimmicks ever in wrestling!!!
The Game
01-26-2002, 02:48 PM
To me, the worst gimmick ever is a tie: the Gobbly-gooker and Norman Smiley. I can't stand Norman!!!
Honorable mention goes to Michael "I'm very gay" Cole.
what do you people think?
01-26-2002, 03:22 PM
Well I know the most used wwf gimmick on the board...HHH
I wanna change my name to Terra Ryzin!
The Cerebral Assassin of the RNF message board!
01-26-2002, 03:34 PM
Koko B Wear , The Genius , & Brutus the Barber Beefcake. crush the rush! I rule you fool!
The Game
01-26-2002, 03:56 PM
Well it goes to show you, HHH is the man, with one of the coolest nicknames.
By the way, I'm a big fan of Booker T as well, but "G.I. bro is also a lame gimmick. What was he thinking letting WCW turn him into that character. What do you think?
The Game
01-26-2002, 04:03 PM
UGH!!!! I forgot about Koko B. Ware, one of the biggest losers in wrestling history. At least The Genius was kind of funny but he's still under his brother Savage's shadow.
Beefcake, the man of a thousand crappy gimmicks. i.e. The booty man!!! UGH!!!!
01-26-2002, 04:24 PM
Awesome, let's see how many more people we can have on this board as HHH/The Game.
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Thanks Fallon for the sig!
01-26-2002, 04:26 PM
Don't forget about Ravishing Rick Rude
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"She must have stolen the stars and set them in her eyes, she blinds me with a smile and everything is alright" (Bigwig)
01-26-2002, 05:09 PM
Ravishing Ric Rude was a great gimmick.
The Goon was a horrible gimmick. Viscera was bad too.
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01-26-2002, 05:12 PM
1. Outback Jack
2. Nailz
3. Bushwackers
Fat "FN" Frank
Jersey All Pro Wrestling
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This message was edited by FatFrankJAPW on 1-26-02 @ 9:16 PM
You mean besides "Lightning" Lou Diamond?
Using Master P and the no limits soldiers. I still find it funny that he made money off of a Red Neck like Ted Turner.
The Goon.
Xanta Claus.
Naked Mideon.
Kamala II
Galagher (I know it's not wrestling but he's almost as annoying as Carrot Top)
Carrot Top.
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
01-26-2002, 05:53 PM
Naked Mideon was cool, normal Mideon sucked.
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<b>That F'n Good! <a href="">WWFallon</a></b>
01-26-2002, 05:56 PM
Long Live Naked Mideon!
picture is too big and is screwing up the allignment
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This message was edited by PanterA on 1-27-02 @ 4:12 PM
01-26-2002, 06:05 PM
the Fake Diesel and the Fake Razor Ramon . . . and Doink (the real and the fake one)
<i>DarkHippie: Annoying, in any dimension</i>
Naked Mideon did nothing but come out and dance in his Fag Bag. How is that a good gimmick?
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
The Game
01-26-2002, 06:13 PM
LOL!!!! I have to agree. I never thought about Mideon in two different versions: normal and naked.
By the way,
Newsflash: Michael Cole loves the Chuck and Billy gimmick!
Gee, I wonder why!
01-26-2002, 06:15 PM
How could I forget about,
Big Boss Man
The Ding Dongs
and Spazz =0)
Fat "FN" Frank
Jersey All Pro Wrestling
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01-26-2002, 06:17 PM
Barry Horowitz. It was the worst when he started becoming popular. He then came out with the jacket with the hand on the back of it representing him tapping his back.
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The Game
01-26-2002, 06:20 PM
The Ding Dongs???
01-26-2002, 06:22 PM
I know you were a Lou Diamond fan ;)
please dont post pictures larger then 400 width
Fat "FN" Frank
Jersey All Pro Wrestling
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This message was edited by PanterA on 1-27-02 @ 4:14 PM
Who the fuck are the Ding Dongs?
And Spaz (only 1 z, the wwf never signed him) wasn't a gimmick. Remember when one of the Hass' gave him the DVD at the school, he complained for a while after that.
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
01-26-2002, 06:27 PM
LOL how could I forget about Spaz.
Although the picture brings back memories of Spaz getting cut open with a hacksaw it is way to big. sorry.
Fat "FN" Frank
Jersey All Pro Wrestling
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This message was edited by PanterA on 1-27-02 @ 4:11 PM
Yeah, I'll always have a soft spot for Lou Diamond. But he was never the same after the Sickness split.
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
01-26-2002, 07:04 PM
Akeem still rates high with me, although the WWF put out some real crap in the early / mid 90s.
Norman Smiley is a sad case. He's a great wrestler, and worked well as a tecnico in a lot of the lucha feds, but to get over in WCW he had to play a screaming nancy boy. Oh well, I cheered for you, Norman. Big Wiggle Style.
As for the Ding Dongs....EASILY the worst gimmick ever. You had to see them to believe them. I submit to you, from a Scott Keith rant (NWA Clash of the Champions 7), his explanation of the Ding Dong phenomena:
George South & Cougar Jay v. The Ding-Dongs. And you thought the Ding-Dongs were just a tall tale that young promoters got told about by their mothers at night to keep them from trying out bad gimmicks on decent wrestlers. Nope, they really existed and they debuted on this show. The scary thing is that Ding-Dongs were actually the IMPROVED version of a Jim Herd brainfart. See, Herd's big idea to spruce up the company in 1989 was to start marketing to children and using some of the cheaper talent to portray wrestlers who would get the kids to come out. So his first plan was to take a couple of jobbers and give them hunchback gimmicks, and have them bring a big bell out to ringside like Quasimodo had in the book. They'd presumably be called the Hunchbacks of Notre Dame University or something equally cerebral. Okay, now here's the really high-concept part of the plan: Because they're hunchbacks and have these big humps on their back, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to pin them, because their shoulders could never be on the mat, right? Okay, so this idea actually makes it to the drawing board stage and Herd goes to Ole Anderson to implement it, and they get into a big argument about it, because Ole thought it was total horseshit and they could be beaten in 10 seconds flat by anyone. Herd wanted to know exactly how you could pin them if they were hunchbacks? Ole responded that you didn't pin them, you pushed them over on their hump and then put them in a spinning toehold until they submitted. So there went that idea before anything could be done with it. But, Herd reasoned, the BELL was a ratings winning idea just waiting to be exploited. So Herd took Joel and Fred Deaton, dressed them in orange bodysuits with little bells taped to their legs, and gave them a big bell for the outside man to ring while the other guy wrestled. And thus the Ding-Dongs were born. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. And as everyone except Jim Herd predicted, not 4 seconds after making their initial entrance, the Ding-Dongs were completely booed out of the building. As for me, the burden of having to sit through a Ding-Dongs match was offset by the pleasant surprise of seeing old-time Crockett jobbers Jay & South for the first time in a long while. And by the way, I'd highly recommend tracking down the Ding-Dongs initial appearance on the NWA Power Hour around the same time, because Jim Cornette was the color commentator and he just completely BURIED them for the entire match and bitched about how stupid he felt even covering the match. The actual match here is secondary to the backstory, so suffice it to say that the Ding Dongs squash the jobbers and finish them with a vanilla double-team finisher (flying kneedrop and flying elbow combo) at 3:26, before fading quietly into the long history of stupidity that is WCW. Jim Ross and Bob Caudle basically apologize in-depth to all the fans still watching and bury the whole concept after the match, which almost makes up for him shilling beer and pizza in the second match. Of course, the next month they started having sponsors buying turnbuckles, which led to such lines as "And Luger goes hard to the Coors Light turnbuckle!", but such is life in Corporate America when you're owned by Ted Turner. «*
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
WWFallon = YOUR Emperor of Kings!
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
01-26-2002, 07:07 PM
Terry "The Red Rooster" Taylor, "The Narcissist" Lex Lugar, Booty Man, Duke "The Dumpster" Drose.
Cake or Death? Uh, I'll have the cake please.
Oh My God. Thank god I either never saw them or blocked it out of my memory. I think we have our winners right there. But I guess that's what most of the late 80's/ early 90's wrestlers were, just big old telletubbies.
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
Captain Stubing
01-26-2002, 07:22 PM
Issac Yankum, DDS. Like Glen Jacobs, aka Kane, could spell DDS...
Fezaesthesia - Prognosis poor...
01-26-2002, 07:40 PM
Ugh wait there is more, remember
1. Crush
2. The Coach
3. JL Hopper
4. Kurgan
5. Lu Bugora
Fat "FN" Frank
Jersey All Pro Wrestling
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Which Crush Frank?
Crush of Demolition?
Konah Crush?
Or Mr. Fuji's/Clarence Mason's Evil ex-con Crush that once kicked Steve Corino's ass when he was posing as a HBK fan?
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
This message was edited by Hosp on 1-27-02 @ 12:01 AM
01-26-2002, 07:54 PM
I miss That site was always good for a laugh.
I forgot to mention the WORST gimmick ever used by indy wrestler Chris Champion (and he's used a bunch of bad ones) - Kowabung, the wrestling ninja turtle.
Yes, it's as bad as it sounds. Thank God it was just used for comedic purposes, and wasn't serious. Unlike the Ding Dongs.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
WWFallon = YOUR Emperor of Kings!
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
RF Godfather
01-27-2002, 02:34 AM
Tank Abbott, Gillberg, and those freaks (Kurrgan, Earthquake as Golga, Luna, Sable and ICP)... what a waste of time oh yeah some luchadores!
Thanks ManDrew! Take it easy like a Sunday morning, Clarkey!
The Game
01-27-2002, 06:01 AM
I'm suprised nobody mentioned:
"The Shockmaster"! Who probably had the most horrific debut for a wrestler by tripping over through the entrance set wall, while in the process had his mask come off, which by the way is nothing more than a stormtrooper helmet! What an Idiot! Before that, he was Tugboat, another crappy gimmick.
Honorable mention also goes to Kevin Nash's first gimmick as "Oz" from a wizard of Oz themed gimmick. WCW in the Early to mid-90's sucked donkey balls!
Now can you Dig that!!!
I mentioned the shockmaster interview a few weeks ago. It was on Flair's interview show "A Flair for the gold" and I think it was the L.O.D. introducing him against Psycho Sid and Harlem Heat (when they were still known as Kane and Kole). Even after he tripped and the helmet rolled to their feet, they still acted terrified of him. It was the greatest interview ever. But he never wrestled as Shockmaster. They made him like a clumsy uncle or something,
Anyone remember Norman the Maniac?
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
The Game
01-27-2002, 06:33 AM
Thanks for the info. By the way, here's another crappy gimmick, remember S.D. Jones ( special delivery ). What the hell does he deliver?
Now can you Dig that!!!
Hey, lay off S.D., he used to date a woman on my grandfathers block and he was really cool. And that was more of just a bad nick name then gimmick. It's not like he came out dressed like a postal worker.
Repo-Repo-Repo man.
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
01-27-2002, 07:02 AM
I cant believe you guys havnt mentioned...Kwang,Aldo Montoya,Mantaur,Friar Ferguson,D.o.a.,Men on a Mission,Johnny Polo,Maxamillion Moves(very obscure),The Who
Can anybody tell me where you guys get those pics of the South park looking wrestlers?
The Cerebral Assassin of the RNF message board!
01-27-2002, 07:02 AM
I cant believe you guys havnt mentioned...Kwang,Aldo Montoya,Mantaur,Friar Ferguson,D.o.a.,Men on a Mission,Johnny Polo,Maxamillion Moves(very obscure),The Who
Can anybody tell me where you guys get those pics of the South park looking wrestlers?
The Cerebral Assassin of the RNF message board!
poop tosser
01-27-2002, 07:43 AM
how about the repo man and the good people
01-27-2002, 08:46 AM
Norman the Lunatic and Friar Ferguson were two really horrible gimmicks used by Mike Shaw, who I've talked about in the Trivia thread. Shaw was a good worker, who got stuck with a ton of bad gimmicks. His most infamous one was the dreaded Bastion Booger!
How about Max Moon? It was a gimmick originally conceived for Konnan, but he ditched the WWF shortly after arriving (which pissed off the brass, and caused bad blood which still exists today). Then they gave the gimmick to old AWA favorite Paul Diamond, but it sort of all faded away shortly afterward.
One of my favorite bad gimmicks was Ballz Mahoney as Xanta Claus. God, that was awful!
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
WWFallon = YOUR Emperor of Kings!
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
01-27-2002, 09:06 AM
Hey, The Game, i think we talked about this a few months back!
By the way you guys, i take no responsiblity for thegame's actions. just b/c i know him doesnt me i'll agree with him.
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Thanks to WWFallon for the sig!
The Game
01-27-2002, 02:12 PM
Hey impactplayer2k1,
I didn't know this was your yard!
Oh well, Tinkle, Tinkle, Tinkle!!!
Now can you Dig that!!!
01-27-2002, 05:03 PM
worst gimmicks:
1:El Dandy,Silver King....
2:The Oddities
3:the F.B.I.
4:the Nation of Domination
5:los Boricuas
6:the Goon
7:the Varsity Club
9:the Public Enemy
In a world of lies it is the man who tells the truth who must be silenced!
01-27-2002, 05:47 PM
Buzzkill, WCW's weird version of the Road Dogg.
<IMG SRC="">
<b>That F'n Good! <a href="">WWFallon</a></b>
01-27-2002, 06:35 PM
You did not just say that about El Dandy & Silver King, Mexico's finest!
Tell me you did not just say that!
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
WWFallon = YOUR Emperor of Kings!
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
The Game
01-27-2002, 07:30 PM
Yes, he did!
Now can you Dig that!!!
RF Godfather
01-28-2002, 04:51 AM
Kaientai, Crash Holly, The Truth Commission, the nWa invasion of the WWF, Rockabilly, Vincent, Sparkplug Holly.
Thanks ManDrew! Take it easy like a Sunday morning, Clarkey!
02-01-2002, 03:26 PM
Already mentioned, but Outback Jack has to be the worst. They hyped this guy for like a year, and I think he was losing right from his first matches. Worse, no one cared.
Now S.D. "Special Delivery" Jones is the opposite. This guy is a classic. Always a fan favorite, always came close to beating even the biggest of the villains, always falling short of a victory...S.D. Jones ALWAYS delivered a great match, and we all loved him for it.
Now I'm starving
What are they gonna do now?
02-01-2002, 08:16 PM
This is easy.....
1. Robocop vs Hoursemen
2. Dan Arquet
3. LOD's Puppet manager Rocko
4. Jay Leno
5. DQ for tossing over top
6. Fake Undertaker
7. That Damn Hummer
8. Oklahoma
9. Gobblegobler
10 Anything with Mae
David the Franchize
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
02-01-2002, 08:25 PM
These are "old school", I'm sure the Heckler would be able to relate real well, but back in the day you had:
Chief Jay StrongBow - he had the sleeper hold and only the Chief could awake his victim
Stan The Man Stasiak - he had the "heart punch" He belt you one in the chest and you were done
Haystacks Calhoun - he went about 5'8, 400 - he would get your head between his legs and shake his ass
Some Baron Von something guy - he had the claw once he got your face in his claw grip, you were done
just a few :)
<img src="">
02-01-2002, 10:26 PM
I can't believe no one even mentioned Barry Windham as the Stalker.;)
Did you just bad mouth Baron Von Rashke? A kid on my grandfathers block used to have his tshirt before wrestlers sold t-shirts.
How could no one have mentioned the worst gimick of all?
WCW started by just showing a symbol and saying it is coming.
Then the rumors started that it had something to do with Kevin Nash.
Then they just showed the symbol and the word Glacier for about 2 months.
Then they showed the Symbol with the word Glacier and then a shadow and random body parts doing some martial arts for about 6 weeks.
FInally the Nash Rumors die.
Then he debuts. And sucks ass with his snow storm in the arena and for some reason, Tony Schiavone mentioning the rest of his family were cops and he bucked the trend and studied martial arts.
Then they brought in other Mortal Kombat rip offs Mortis (Kanyon) and Wrath (Brian Clark) to make it more "exciting".
God, why did I ever watch wrestling?
Then the rumor of Eric Bischoff having a clue never took off.
<center></center><center>In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- what we want most to be we are.</center><center>1/18/02 J&H Never Forget</center>
This message was edited by Hosp on 2-2-02 @ 3:12 AM
02-02-2002, 05:26 PM
How about The Shockmaster. His entrance started with a bad Ole Anderson voice over, followed by him breaking through the wall wearing a silver glitter covered Stormtrooper helmet, promptly followed by him tripping over the scenery, falling down and his helmet falling off revealing none other than "Tugboat" Thomas. "Hoooooooooo" Yeah, great, thanks. Reeeeal intimidating. While I'm at it:
Repo Man
Will Sasso vs. Bret Hart
And I was never a fan of Sgt Slaughter as an Iraqi sympathiser.
White people are so scared of blakjeezis
The Game
02-02-2002, 07:00 PM
I'm amazed everyone forgot about "The Yeti"!!! A Yeti is supposed to be another name for the abodimal snowman. Instead, He's freaking Imotep(the mummy)!
Honorable mention goes to:
Johnny B. Badd and Wildman Marc Mero, Marvelous Marc Mero.
Marc Mero F'N BLOWS!!!
Stand Back!!! There's a Hurricane coming!!!
02-02-2002, 07:06 PM
C'mon! Don't talk bad about the BARON!!!
Glacier was awful. God, it would have been different if the guy had any talent, but he was just pitiful. I was thankful when they brought in Mortis (Kanyon) and Wrath, and even to a lesser extent, Ernest Miller, because at least those three were passable.
The Shockmaster's entrance was maybe the most inadvertently funny moment in all of pro wrestling. If you look closely at Sting & Davey Boy, they're trying their hardest not to laugh out loud.
God....someone had to bring up the Robocop appearance. Forget what everyone says about WCW - THAT was the lowest point (if you forget Arquette). Capitol Combat 90 - Robocop as the "special enforcer". Everyone must have been taking massive amounts of narcotics around that time.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
WWFallon = YOUR Emperor of Kings!
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
OL Dirty Jr
02-03-2002, 02:11 AM
booty man def up there and the gay duo of bill and chuck
<img src="">
The Game
02-05-2002, 08:59 PM
Yeah I do agree Chuck and Billy is next in line for worst gimmick.
But Michael "my frosty gay hair-do is queer" Cole is still in the lead.
<IMG SRC="http://www.your-image's-URL">
The Game
02-05-2002, 08:59 PM
Yeah I do agree Chuck and Billy is next in line for worst gimmick.
But Michael "my frosty gay hair-do is queer" Cole is still in the lead.
<IMG SRC="http://www.your-image's-URL">
02-06-2002, 05:41 AM
Anything from G.L.O.W.
<img src="" width=300 height=100 >
02-06-2002, 05:53 AM
What about the crap that was Duke the Dumpster Drosi or Tugboat? They sucked. Also I hate the current version of DDP. Those teeth are not a good thing.
Later days
RF Godfather
02-06-2002, 05:55 AM
What about Lenny and Lodi!
Thanks WWFallon for this hot sig!
<marquee>"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." **Sir Arthur Conan Doyle** </marquee>
02-06-2002, 09:29 AM
MAE YOUNG.... ANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where the love meets the hate.
the rollercoaster ride you've been waiting for. this ain't your muthers hallmark cards.... no roses are red hear... shall we begin
02-06-2002, 09:36 AM
where the love meets the hate.
the rollercoaster ride you've been waiting for. this ain't your muthers hallmark cards.... no roses are red hear... shall we begin
02-06-2002, 10:28 AM
What about Glacier. His intro would be longer than the time it took for him to get his ass kicked. Gilberg was a great gimmick, especially at the Royal Rumble that one time.
02-06-2002, 10:43 AM
Ok i have a few of the worst wrestling gimmicks...
Bob "sparkplug" Holly, He has been mentioned several times already. Thank God for self-motivation, weights and steroids.
The Nasty Boyz, they totally sucked. Or maybe I was expecting more nastiness out of them. I felt that they were ten years two late to be used as a wrestling gimmick.
Two that were introduced by Harvey Whippleman were Big Bully Busick and Adam Bomb. I mean bomb had potential, large man, good wrestling skills, etc. But like all potentials, it remained that potential...
And for the finally, remember that little nerdy Sol Rosenberg (Jerky boy reference) guy that used to hang out at ringside and got picked on by Money Inc. (Another bad gimmick that was used all wrong IRS should have been against DiBiase), I believe the nerdy guys name was Irwin....Oyyyyyy Vey what a bad gimmick. All these were at the height of the bad/early 90's period of the WWF...
"My father would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark and accuse cheasnuts of being lazy...I assure you there is nothing like a shrown scrotum"
Thank you WWF Fallon for the sig
02-09-2002, 12:37 PM
Irwin R. Shyster. Not as bad as Isaac Yankem, but boy did that gimmick get old.
Sergeant Slaughter turning heel and siding with the Iraqis during Desert Storm. Um, OK... good heat, I'll give him that, and it was timely (and a nice reversal of his Iron Sheik feud so many years ago) but I thought it was ultimately dumb.
The Fabulous ROOUUUUUUUUGEAU Brothers in the early 90s. "We're from Canada! We love America! We're from Canada! Right, my brother? Yes, my brother!" I never understood that one, anyway.
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