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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Battlefield: Bad Company 2

12-03-2009, 09:41 AM

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Ok, so I know what you are thinking: I have Modern Warfare 2, and that's all I need.

I thought that, too. Until I was offered to Beta test both MAG on PS3 and this game. I tried MAG first, and it was alright........lots of improvement needed and the graphics all kinda bled into eachother.

Then I start playing this game. I am familiar with the series because I really really enjoy playing Battlefield 1943. This game BLEW me away with how much fun it is. I have spent more time playing this game then Modern Warfare 2 recently. Not so much of a "campfest", better weapons and item management, great squad work, and the vehicular combat is top notch. On top of that, they have dedicated servers, which was promised with MW2 but dropped at the last moment. Kinda lame on Activisions part.

I can't recommend this game enough. EA is going all out with this series, and the new announcement of the revamped and promised best FPS Medal of Honor ( game.

So Call of Duty/Modern Warfare vs. Medal of Honor/Battlefield. Should be pretty awesome.

Coming out February/March 2010.

12-03-2009, 11:15 AM
I'll prob pick it up. MW2 is getting a little old already

12-03-2009, 04:38 PM
I will get this. The first one was graphically amazing, and it was very fun to play.

12-03-2009, 04:42 PM
I will get this. The first one was graphically amazing, and it was very fun to play.

I never played the first one. What did you like and dislike about it?

Cuz this game is friggin' amazing. THe graphics are awesome, squad play is really great, and the vehicles and weapons really are good and accurate. There are the four classes: Assault, Engineer, Medic, and Recon. Pretty balanced stuff, and if you have a squad of aall four you can rack up TONS of points if you stick together.

12-03-2009, 05:11 PM
I never played the first one. What did you like and dislike about it?

Cuz this game is friggin' amazing. THe graphics are awesome, squad play is really great, and the vehicles and weapons really are good and accurate. There are the four classes: Assault, Engineer, Medic, and Recon. Pretty balanced stuff, and if you have a squad of aall four you can rack up TONS of points if you stick together.

Well I didn't play multiplayer in the first one (I didn't have the connection at the time), but the single player campain you were part of a rogue squad of commandos that goes off the grid to find a shipment of gold to steal. It was very funny as well as intense, very good balance. The physics were awsome with almost anything being destructable! The only complaint was too short.

03-01-2010, 12:39 PM
Comes out tomorrow, and I'm so stoked.

FYI: I have played the first one, and didn't like it but this defitely is better then MW2 for me. It is just much better all around in every way I feel.

Everyone should give it a try, and put some time into it. You're gonna think it is great.

03-01-2010, 01:14 PM
I played the multiplayer demo, I was not impressed. It looks great, but I don't like the controls compared to MW2, and the gameplay just didn't seem all that tight.

I'll still give it a chance though.

03-01-2010, 02:47 PM
The first game was average overall. The campaign was alittle stale, running point to point and killing clusters of enemies. The multiplayer was great but not nearly as good as it could have been. This new game looks to be a great improvement over the first and I can't wait to full experience it.
Vehicles, environmental distructability, and strong squad based gameplay is what makes Battlefield Bad Company different and in my opinion a far better and more enjoyable gaming experience then MW2. The destruction adds a very strategic game element and working as a team to dominate the battlefield is a great feeling altogether.
From what I've seen, heard, and played of BC2 I think it could be my favorite war time first person shooter yet. The controls are tight, the weapons are varied and cool, the multiplayer modes are a blast, and the campaign is much more cinematic and grand.

I preordered on Amazon. Does anyone know if they ship out right away?

03-05-2010, 03:20 PM
I played for a bit last night. The controls are similar to MW2, but the player movements are more sluggish/realistic.

I could see this game taking up a lot of my MW2 time for a while

Space Edge
03-06-2010, 10:53 AM
I like the single player campaign much better the MW2 but I don't really like the multiplayer. I only played one round of the multiplayer so I'll give it another shot.

03-07-2010, 02:32 PM
I absolutely love the gameplay in both the multiplayer and single player but trying to play the multiplayer the last few days has been a nightmare. I've been losing connection in the middle of every battle forcing me to lose all my points gained. Today I haven't even been able to get on. I wait for 5-10mins and it just says "Server Full". It amazes me that they shipped this game without preparing for everyone to go online with it.
I believe they had an extremely successful and length beta out that should have allowed for all these issues to be worked out. I bet they are running around like mad men trying to fix this issue and I appriate it but they should have had this all ironned out before launch.

03-08-2010, 04:23 AM
I need to pick this up. Reviews are good. I'm sure it will suck up plenty of my time

03-08-2010, 04:54 AM
I was waiting for the DL content to come out for MW2 but after watching thos videos i think i may have to pick this game up.


03-08-2010, 01:26 PM
This game is really starting to upset me. The online multiplayer is a mess right now.
I'm finally getting games started, but I play through 20-30mins on a rush map and then the game crashes before my scores are registered. I lose all the points I've accumulate in that play time. It's even more upsetting when you are trying to level up your sniping skillings.
Do you know how hard it is to get 10+ sniper kills in a game? :wallbash: ugh

Is anyone else having this problem?

Space Edge
03-09-2010, 10:59 AM
Finished the campaign going to give the multiplayer another shot.