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Your electric bill woe's [Archive] - Messageboard


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08-13-2009, 04:17 PM
After this morning I guess I owe my family an apology! I threatened to kill all of them over a $200 TECO bill...

I just cannot wait to hear what Anthony has for a August bill...especially with two weeks vacation

I say $3250 +/- $100

08-13-2009, 04:20 PM
our bill was close to 500 so i quit my job and took one for less money

08-13-2009, 04:21 PM
Anthony is managing to rack up these massive power bills while this is happening. (

Slack demand for electricity across the U.S. is leading to some of the sharpest reductions in power prices in recent years, offering a break for consumers and businesses who just a year ago were getting crunched by massive electricity bills.

On Friday, the nation's largest wholesale power market serving parts of 13 states east of the Rockies is expected to report that electricity demand fell 4.4% in the first half of the year. That helped to push down spot market prices by 40% during the first half of this year.

08-13-2009, 04:30 PM
I almost died when mine was near $200 this year. If I had one ten-fold I would spontaneously combust.

Patient zer0
08-13-2009, 04:42 PM
insane how his elec bill can be so high.
im looking to buy a home in dec early jan, and the mortgage will be 1300-1500. wtf!
he has to much money and oh so little time. poor old man

08-13-2009, 04:45 PM
Why would I give a flying fuck about the size of Anthony's utilities bill?

08-13-2009, 06:22 PM
He has LIPA. I don't doubt how high his bill is each month. LIPA are a bunch of money vampires, sucking as much from your wallet as possible. Us customers (which is almost all of Long Island because LIPA is allowed to operate a monopoly) are still paying for a nuclear reactor that was started up and then never allowed to go on-line because all the people in the area around it screamed that their kids would be born with two heads.

08-14-2009, 11:55 AM
800 sq ft apartment, Phoenix, AZ: $300 electric bill. Why? A/c has been jacked up for months and landlady wouldn't have it looked at until it stopped working. Now with a new unit, i hope my bill goes down.....way down....or i will set the place on fire.

Dougie Brootal
08-14-2009, 12:00 PM
800 sq ft apartment, Phoenix, AZ: $300 electric bill. Why? A/c has been jacked up for months and landlady wouldn't have it looked at until it stopped working. Now with a new unit, i hope my bill goes down.....way down....or i will set the place on fire.

might get a little hotter then...

08-14-2009, 12:04 PM
moved from a 750 sqft. condo to a 4BR house with a pool...

I'm scared of what my new electric bill will be..:sad:

08-14-2009, 12:06 PM
Who is this Bill Woe, and why has he taken my electric?

08-14-2009, 12:15 PM
Yeah LIPA is gonna be double what you think a bill should be if you don't have LIPA.

I pay $399/month balanced bill