View Full Version : Nick DiPaolo is an ass
08-06-2009, 07:06 PM
Angry White Guy is soooo boring...
08-06-2009, 07:08 PM
To me Nick is just like Janeane Garafolo they are so obsessed with there beliefs that they are no longer funny ( to me that is ).
As a white guy in his 30's I just don't feel the oppression that he always talks about.
If you don't get the oppression then you're a white guilty lib. I personally feel sorry for most white guys though, I mean it isn't fair that they can't say the word nigger. Do you know how upsetting that is for Ant & Nick.
This is my answer to you.
08-06-2009, 07:08 PM
its nice that the yanks could finally get a win against the sox. now i can listen to sports radio for what it was intended, to plan inside jokes for me and text buddies.
smiler grogan
08-06-2009, 07:10 PM
Hey, why am i dragged into this post? Now I see what Nick is talking about, I just aint got no rights no more. It is haRd being a white guy.
08-06-2009, 07:12 PM
its nice that the yanks could finally get a win against the sox. now i can listen to sports radio for what it was intended, to plan inside jokes for me and text buddies.
Ever going to work me into one of those calls?
08-06-2009, 07:19 PM
Ever going to work me into one of those calls?
Attention whore. :thumbdown:
08-06-2009, 07:23 PM
08-06-2009, 07:37 PM
He'd sooner work fez's balls into his mouth
Sick freak
MC Pee Pants
08-06-2009, 08:57 PM
Nick is a funny fucking dude when he isnt complaining about being white all the time. He says nigger in his stand up. I really enjoyed his show on FreeFm, hes a quick mother fucker. IF this thread is strictly about him bitching about being white then I agree.
08-07-2009, 08:28 AM
Nick is obssessed with race as much as anyone I have ever heard.
On the topic of white people being shown as criminals him and ant actually fucking said that what you see and hear on TV effects you so it matters. You morons. That is exactly what Al Sharpton fucking says everytime he goes after someone. I could not believe I heard the phony cliche on the Opie and Anthony show.
08-07-2009, 08:44 AM
Nick is a funny fucking dude when he isnt complaining about being white all the time. He says nigger in his stand up. I really enjoyed his show on FreeFm, hes a quick mother fucker. IF this thread is strictly about him bitching about being white then I agree.
I agree his Free FM show was funny... Even though I agree with him on hardley anything the show was entertaining... If the format would have lasted he would been booted in time for going over the line
08-10-2009, 08:46 AM
Nick is obssessed with race as much as anyone I have ever heard.
On the topic of white people being shown as criminals him and ant actually fucking said that what you see and hear on TV effects you so it matters. You morons. That is exactly what Al Sharpton fucking says everytime he goes after someone. I could not believe I heard the phony cliche on the Opie and Anthony show.
That bugged the shit out of me because whenever they get in trouble the first thing they say is that it doesn't affect you because it's only on the radio. He basically backed their suspension, Imus's firing and any other radio firing. This shows the emptiness of their thinking and the racism behind it. They aren't actually mad that what is shown is not factually correct, they are mad because they don't see more black people being locked up in those shows.
Death Metal Moe
08-10-2009, 08:57 AM
He lost me when he was screaming about how people make movies for women. Sorry bro, there are movies geared towards blacks, families, women, stoners, musicians, comic book fans, etc.
It's not always some huge social experiment/conspiracy/conditioning. Sometimes, it's just a movie. He was screaming about that new Julia Child movie. Who really cares that much? Ya know why they make movies like that? They make money. If whatever he likes made the most money Hollywood would make more of those kinds of movies.
It's really a story of caring about something you don't need to go see just to have something to scream about. I like Nick and look forward to hearing him on O&A again but on that topic he lost me. It was tiring to hear him screaming at that lady who called in to stick up for the movie and women's movies in general.
08-10-2009, 09:12 AM
When I hear Nick on O&A, I feel like I'm listening to my dad's rants. Not a compliment. He can be funny when he isn't complaining about blacks and bitches, but I usually don't have the patience to wait for him to get to the funny stuff.
When I hear Nick on O&A, I feel like I'm listening to my dad's rants. Not a compliment. He can be funny when he isn't complaining about blacks and bitches, but I usually don't have the patience to wait for him to get to the funny stuff.
Nick is funny, but for some reason (probably Anthony) he spends his time on O&A screaming about how women are portrayed in commercials as geniuses and men are retards then follows that up with complaining about how he wants to live in the days where Muslims and people who look like Muslims are profiled at our nation's airports, and to complete the trifecta he complains about how black people commit the lion's share of crimes in America but are not represented by Hollywood on shows like Law and Order.
Forget about the notion that Hollywood would just rather hire names for the ratings bump and the TV networks likely assume that black faces won't sell advertising. Forget about how the "Madison Avenue" ad agencies only want to sell to two demographics women (who they assume make the majority of the buying decisions in the family) and wealthy white guys (I mean, do you honestly enjoy luxury car commercials?).
08-10-2009, 07:09 PM
IF this thread is strictly about him bitching about being white then I agree.
Yes, that's why I started it. Nick is a funny guy when he isn't being Angry White Guy.
Space Edge
08-10-2009, 08:36 PM
I saw Nick do stand up on Saturday night and he was very tame, didn't go with the angry white guy thing. I was surprised to be honest.
08-10-2009, 08:42 PM
I saw Nick do stand up on Saturday night and he was very tame, didn't go with the angry white guy thing. I was surprised to be honest.
he has a very different persona at times. last week i heard a show on 770 AM (wabc) where he guest hosted and he was just a normal dude
08-10-2009, 09:15 PM
I saw Nick do stand up on Saturday night and he was very tame, didn't go with the angry white guy thing. I was surprised to be honest.
Was he funny?
Death Metal Moe
08-10-2009, 10:27 PM
Was he funny?
To be fair Nick is very funny. I'm sure he put on a good show.
08-10-2009, 10:31 PM
law & order is a show for white folks, for the most part. the drug dealers on the corner are all minorities, but the murderers (since a large part of them are domestic issues) will tend to be white folk. there's no conspiracy there, nicky.
08-10-2009, 10:35 PM
law & order is a show for white folks, for the most part. the drug dealers on the corner are all minorities, but the murderers (since a large part of them are domestic issues) will tend to be white folk. there's no conspiracy there, nicky.
the show IS pandering though
08-10-2009, 10:36 PM
the show IS pandering though
to whom?
08-10-2009, 10:48 PM
to whom?
middle america
Space Edge
08-11-2009, 04:10 AM
Was he funny?
To be fair Nick is very funny. I'm sure he put on a good show.
He we very funny didn't go down the race road like he did the other few times I have seen him and he did a bunch of new material since he was playing in the back of some restaurant in Jersey with only 20 or so people there.
MC Pee Pants
08-11-2009, 07:23 AM
He we very funny didn't go down the race road like he did the other few times I have seen him and he did a bunch of new material since he was playing in the back of some restaurant in Jersey with only 20 or so people there.
Death Metal Moe
08-11-2009, 08:09 AM
He we very funny didn't go down the race road like he did the other few times I have seen him and he did a bunch of new material since he was playing in the back of some restaurant in Jersey with only 20 or so people there.
Near the end of the show he was on O&A ask him if he's appearing anywhere and he said something along the lines of "Yea somewhere on Route 46 in Jersey." He said it in such a way that I thought he was joking around. Then he gave the plug, some restaurant in Pinebrook, NJ on Route 46 that is doing comedy now.
It was just weird because I see he's a national act going around the country, just check his website. I guess I wasn't aware of the comedy scene, this might be common. It just sounded bad.
08-11-2009, 11:18 AM
middle america
08-11-2009, 11:43 AM
i thought it was a joke i didn't get.
08-11-2009, 12:25 PM
For years, Law & Order, which is filmed in Manhattan, advertised its episodes as being “ripped from the headlines,” a claim Wolf and it’s stars still make in interviews. But instead of depicting reality, Wolf’s scriptwriters take high-profile crimes, and replace the bad guys with whites. According to NYPD crime reports, over 89 percent of suspects in violent crimes are black or Hispanic, Law & Order would have you believe very differently.
Here are some recent episodes with their real life inspirations and how Law & Order made them ‘politically correct’.
In “Teenage Wasteland,” an episode that originally aired on February 7, 2001, the true case of a group of black teenagers who ordered Chinese food, and murdered the delivery man, is turned into a group of middle-class, white kids.
“Myth of Fingerprints” (November 14, 2001) tells of a white, female forensics chief whose years of false testimony has sent many innocent men to jail. One of those innocents was murdered in prison, resulting in the official’s conviction for manslaughter.
This episode was clearly based on the real case of former Oklahoma City supervising forensic chemist Joyce Gilchrist, nicknamed “black magic,” based on her longtime success at bringing about convictions. On September 25, 2001, as Ken Raymond reported the following day in the Oklahoman, “Oklahoma City Police Chief M.T. Berry … fired forensic chemist Joyce Gilchrist, whose lab techniques and testimony have been under scrutiny by federal, state and local investigators for several months.
For years, Gilchrist’s critics claimed she had falsified evidence and given false testimony, which caused 23 men to be sentenced to death, eleven of whom were executed. Note, however, that Joyce Gilchrist is black, and unlike the fictional white official, has never been prosecuted.
“Sheltered” which aired May 14, 2003, seven months after the October, 2002 Washington, D.C. sniper case was closed with the arrest of suspects John Muhammad and Lee Malvo, L&O dramatized the case, but with the shooter as re-written as a white non-muslim.
“Smoke” (May 21, 2003) opens with the death of a child, whose adoptive father, a famous entertainer, had dropped him, while dangling him from a hotel room window. The detectives eventually discover that the entertainer would also arrange for underage boys to accompany him to his mansion, where he would sexually violate them. Instead of a Michael Jackson character the Law & Order villain was re-written to be a caucasian comedian.
“Foul Play” (May 1, 2002) Danny Almonte was the 14-year-old Dominican fraud who — through the connivance of his father, Felipe de Jesus Almonte, and Bronx-based, Dominican Little League coach Rolando Paulino — passed himself off as a 12-year-old, in order to play in the 2001 Little League championships. In the Law & Order version the coach became a blond-haired, white man, who is somehow convicted of a murder committed by the player’s father.
In “Open Season” (November 20, 2002), a William Kunstler-like defense attorney is murdered while celebrating the acquittal of a guilty-as-hell black defendant for shooting a white policeman. The killer, a member of a white supremacist group, then uses his defense attorney to unwittingly pass along information to his co-conspirators, who murder a prosecutor in another state. The defense attorney is charged with aiding and abetting the supremacists, before she is shot by a female supremacist.
Note that the real basis of the episode was the indictment of radical attorney, Lynne Stewart “with helping terrorist conspirator Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman maintain contact with the outlaw terror organization Islamic Group [IG] from behind the bars of a federal prison,” as Mark Hamblett wrote in the July 23 New York Law Journal, resulting in the 1997 murder of 62 people by IG in Luxor, Egypt. Sheik Abdul Rahman, is the convicted ringleader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The most serious charges against Stewart were dismissed in July.
In “Kid Pro Quo” (April 30, 2003), the dedicated director of admissions at a tony private school, is murdered by her corrupt, racist boss. The victim sought to get a deserving but poor black girl admitted, but was overridden by the boss, who’d taken a bribe to accept the inferior child of a Jewish pornographer.
And then there’s the homophobia angle. In the real world, Manhattan is, with San Francisco, one of the two most gay-friendly areas in America. But not in L&O’s alternate universe. In “Girl Most Likely” (March 27, 2002), a private school student murders her lesbian lover, in order to hide the fact that she is gay.
In “Patriot” (May 22, 2002), a pale, blonde-haired former special forces officer kills a Muslim immigrant he had surveilled, and whom he suspected of being a terrorist. The prosecutor presents the imaginary patriot as a monster, even as the story suggests that the dead man WAS a terrorist.
The show which debuted in 1990 is the longest running drama in the history of prime television. Shows like Law & order where the killers fit the politically correct agenda of their writers do have an impact on society. Terrorists in movies are rarely if ever Muslims and street criminals are rarely if ever of color. Unfortunately an unintended victim of political correctness is the truth or at least some sense of reality. This problem is not just limited to the TV show Law & Order, throughout the entertainment world there is an upside down world of criminals have nothing to do with real life.
This upside down world is ten times more likely to have the bad guy be a corrupt American official than a Muslim terrorist. The black helicopter crowd is alive and well, and they are writing the make believe crap you watch every night.
Here is an episode list I compiled for reference:
Season # Air Date Episode Name Killer Name (actor) Ethnicity Background
16- 1 21-Sep-05 Red Ball Dwight Jacobs White Shoplifter
16- 2 28-Sep-05 Flaw Lorraine Dillan White Con Artist
16- 3 5-Oct-05 Ghosts Johnny Zona White Golf Shop Clerk
16- 4 12-Oct-05 Age of Innocence Harlan Dwyer White Reverend
16- 5 19-Oct-05 Life Line Patterson Drucker White Son threatened by gang
16- 6 2 Nov 05 Birthright Gloria Rhodes White Nurse
16- 7 9 Nov 05 House of Cards Victor Verhaeghe White Father
16- 8 16-Nov-05 New York Minute Nathaniel Prentiss White Minuteman
16- 9 23-Nov-05 Criminal Law Leland Barnes White Businessman
16-10 30-Nov-05 Acid Jason Corley White Jealous Boyfriend
16-11 7 Dec 05 Bible Story Barry Speicher White Businessman
16-12 11-Jan-06 Family Friend Bob Cerullo White Police man
16-13 18-Jan-06 Heart of Darkness Gerald Ruane White Brother
16-14 8 Feb 06 Magnet Greg Loomis White Rich white student buying test answers from
hispanic student
16-15 1 Mar 06 Choice of Evils Allison Ashburn White Housewife
16-16 8 Mar 06 Cost of Capital Sophie Keener White Executive Girlfriend
16-17 22-Mar-06 America, Inc. Kevin Boatman White Military Contractor
16-18 29-Mar-06 Thinking Makes It So Mitchell Lowell White Kidnapper
16-19 5 Apr 06 Positive Dr. Andrew Copelan Black Doctor
16-20 3 May 06 Kingmaker Eric Lund White Chief of Staff
If nothing else the show is absolutely guilty of not hiring enough minority actors to play bad guys.
proof (
Space Edge
08-11-2009, 09:35 PM
Near the end of the show he was on O&A ask him if he's appearing anywhere and he said something along the lines of "Yea somewhere on Route 46 in Jersey." He said it in such a way that I thought he was joking around. Then he gave the plug, some restaurant in Pinebrook, NJ on Route 46 that is doing comedy now.
It was just weird because I see he's a national act going around the country, just check his website. I guess I wasn't aware of the comedy scene, this might be common. It just sounded bad.
Yeah the guys who promoted the show they rent a room and pretty much pay him to show up. They do shows in odd places but get some good names and the promoters are friends with most of the comics (both of them also do standup). It wasn't that bad of a place just a weird spot for a comedy show. It was kinda cool because he worked some new material out. Tickets were like 30 bucks but I didn't have to pay so I didn't care but they do shows all over Jersey.
08-11-2009, 09:50 PM
He is an ass...still...not as unbearable as andrew dice clay
08-11-2009, 09:50 PM
How stupid is it to get mad at TV shows for not being real...
Life's too short to give a damn...
Nick DiPaolo needs to worry about stuff that matters...
This doesn't...
08-12-2009, 05:04 AM
proof (
an explanation was already given. it's a show aimed at white people.
08-12-2009, 11:37 AM
an explanation was already given. it's a show aimed at white people.
I don't get how a show is pandering to "Middle America" by depicting more white criminals.
Besides, all it shows is how lame a show L&O is. The truly great cop shows out there have rarely shied away from depicting the criminals as often being non-white.
08-12-2009, 03:42 PM
Nick plays the white persecution card more often than I like, but I still think he's one of the funniest guys out there, bar none.
08-12-2009, 04:09 PM
I don't get how a show is pandering to "Middle America" by depicting more white criminals.
Besides, all it shows is how lame a show L&O is. The truly great cop shows out there have rarely shied away from depicting the criminals as often being non-white.
good point, wouldn't middle america want to see more black criminals to validate their world-view?
i don't think they shy away from it. like i pointed out, the regular criminals (those who do it for a living: dealers, robbers, etc) are usually minority. the killer is usually not a mass murderer (they would be white too) but just some joe who lost his fuckin' mind and killed his boss, or wife, or friend, etc. since they're a one-time guest star for the show, they want someone who their target demo can relate to; someone that looks like them.
08-12-2009, 04:13 PM
good point, wouldn't middle america want to see more black criminals to validate their world-view?
no, because of white guilt, they see a show that shows minorities as the majority of criminals as racist. so they show minorities as the victims of crimes but rarely as the doers of crimes
08-12-2009, 04:34 PM
no, because of white guilt, they see a show that shows minorities as the majority of criminals as racist. so they show minorities as the victims of crimes but rarely as the doers of crimes
I think your idea of "Middle America" is horribly mistaken.
08-12-2009, 04:50 PM
I think your idea of "Middle America" is horribly mistaken.
its not even my point of view! im just trying to argue dipaolos side. ill admit there are holes.
but he has a bit of a point
and heres why, tv and movie execs are now selling their products on a nationwide or even worldwide scale. everyone is a target audience, so making any minority a villain can result in you losing that demographic.
however if you make the bad guy a white, non religious guy no one becomes offended because a white person complaining of being portrayed as a criminal is seen as acting 'superior' to the other races.
08-12-2009, 05:06 PM
but he has a bit of a point
and heres why, tv and movie execs are now selling their products on a nationwide or even worldwide scale. everyone is a target audience, so making any minority a villain can result in you losing that demographic.
however if you make the bad guy a white, non religious guy no one becomes offended because a white person complaining of being portrayed as a criminal is seen as acting 'superior' to the other races.
Sometimes, but not usually.
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