View Full Version : Movies That Get Worse The More You Watch Them
07-25-2009, 07:40 AM
I really wasn't sure how to label this thread but the idea came to me while watching the Godzilla remake.
I remember when it first came I was so excited and had high hopes or it.
Obvioulsy after seeing the movie it was obvious that it was a piece of sh*t.
I mean I liked the look of the monster but it was not Godzilla as most would agree.
If this movie had been called something else, say Cloverfield, when it first came out it would've been more accepted I think.
There are so many things that make this movie bad that it's hard to pick one but I think it has to be the obnoxious fake New Yorker accents.
The worst of which belong to Hank Azaria's g/f and Hank Azaria.
The cringe effect of the g/f's accent makes me want to wish bad things on the actress in real life.
07-25-2009, 07:43 AM
I think Cloverfield would have been better if they called it Godzilla.
07-25-2009, 07:45 AM
I think The Departed would have still sucked just as much if they had called it Pity Oscar.
07-25-2009, 07:49 AM
the first time i watched NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET i had nightmares for 2 weeks(no kidding). i watched it the other day and man what a let down. i did see a young johnny depp(he was the kid that lived across the street and couldnt stay awake) so that was cool
07-25-2009, 07:50 AM
The Departed.
Really ?
I actually liked that flick. One of the ones I can prety much watch anytime it's on.
As for Cloverfield I still haven't seen it. Waiting for cable.
The second movie that came to mind is Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Obviously the movie has some great scenes/lines/appearances but as a movie I find that it sucks.
I guess I mostly hate it because as I watch it now that I'm older I see that Ferris is nothing more than a user dickbag.
He has no regard for what happens to anybody ( Sloan w/ school, Cameron w/ his dad's car ) as long as he has fun.
What an asshole.
By the way it's only a coincidence that the first 2 movies I mentioned both contain Matthew Broderick.
I really don't have anything against him other than his hag of a wife.
07-25-2009, 08:06 AM
I won't participate in a thread that bad mouth's Ferris Bueller
07-25-2009, 08:22 AM
I won't participate in a thread that bad mouth's Ferris Bueller
Face it he was a scumbag that probably went on to steal old people's pensions in some ponzie sceheme.
Hopefully he ended up in Joliet and became some dude's wife.
Really ?
I actually liked that flick. One of the ones I can prety much watch anytime it's on.
I really like The Departed in the theatre. Part of it might be that I really love Scorsese and loved the quality of the cast. However, each time I watch it I find a new flaw or new problem with the film.
To me its the definition of a movie that gets worse the more I watch it.
07-25-2009, 09:35 AM
American Beauty. Let's be honest...that movie is pretty fuckin' stupid
when hes playing with the electric car and goes "I rule!". Its just such an unrealistic, cartoony movie.
and I think that most "Best Picture" winners at the oscars are going to fall into this category. Movies like "Million dollar Baby", "Crash" (ok i didnt like it the first time), "Gladiotor", "A beautiful mind", "forrest gump", "dances with wolves" etc are all worse the more times you watch it. That is because the oscars are chosen the same year as the movies are realized, they will choose a film that has an emotional instant gratification when the truly great movies need to be viewed a couple of times and weigh on your mind for a bit of time before one can truly appreciated them.
07-25-2009, 09:57 AM
I really like The Departed in the theatre. Part of it might be that I really love Scorsese and loved the quality of the cast. However, each time I watch it I find a new flaw or new problem with the film.
To me its the definition of a movie that gets worse the more I watch it.
There are some weak points but to me they bothered me from the get go and don't get worse.
GreatAmericanZero, you make a good point about Oscar movies.
07-25-2009, 11:24 AM
Star Wars: Episode One "The Phantom Menace"
I remember seeing the trailer for it months before it was released. Some people bought a ticket to some Brad Pitt movie that stunk just to see the SW trailer. when it was over people applauded, some even standing up and yelling in anticipation.
The Star Wars machine was in full force everywhere you looked and this would most definitely be one of the years highlights. ANOTHER STAR WARS MOVIE!!!!
Then opening day came and the movie started. about 10 minutes in it hit me that this was going to be pretty bad. but I still had some hope. The worst part was the person who got us tickets got some for the next showing as well, thinking this was going to kick major ass. so I sat through back to back showings. With the exception of the Darth Maul parts, EVERYTHING about that movie royally sucked. Occasionally it'll be on TV when nothing else is on and i'll put it on because it's Star Wars, but it never lasts long.
indeed the more i end up watching it, the more my hatred for it grows.
go to hell Jake Lloyd, George Lucas, midi-chlorians, that never ending pod race scene and the equally as boring senate scene, Jar Jar quoting Stephanie Tanner and everything else in the dumbass movie.
07-25-2009, 11:35 AM
I won't participate in a thread that bad mouth's Ferris Bueller
How about Swingers?
07-25-2009, 11:35 AM
any porn
07-25-2009, 12:31 PM
any porn
Really I have some go to clips that always make me cum geysers.
07-25-2009, 12:44 PM
The second movie that came to mind is Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Obviously the movie has some great scenes/lines/appearances but as a movie I find that it sucks.
I guess I mostly hate it because as I watch it now that I'm older I see that Ferris is nothing more than a user dickbag.
He has no regard for what happens to anybody ( Sloan w/ school, Cameron w/ his dad's car ) as long as he has fun.
What an asshole.
I agree with all of this. A few years ago I bought the DVD at Costco since I hadn't seen it in a long time.
I had the same reaction about Cameron, he is MAJORLY fucked. His father will NEVER forget this. And why is Ferris so beloved by the other students at that school anyway?
I doubt I'll watch it again.
07-25-2009, 12:48 PM
Citizen Kane
08-29-2009, 03:39 PM
Im watching " Out For Justice " with Steven Seagal right now and I can't believe that I actually used to like this movie.
I don't know where to start in describing how bad it is.
The completely ridiculous " New Yorker " accidents, especially the one on Seagal's characters wife ?
The fact that a guy killed a cop in broad daylight yet is still traveling around in the same borrough ?
What a hunk of sh*t this is.
08-29-2009, 03:58 PM
Just about any Adam Sander movie where he does the Stud Boy/Billy Madison voice.
08-30-2009, 08:10 AM
I agree with all of this. A few years ago I bought the DVD at Costco since I hadn't seen it in a long time.
I had the same reaction about Cameron, he is MAJORLY fucked. His father will NEVER forget this. And why is Ferris so beloved by the other students at that school anyway?
I doubt I'll watch it again.
Yeah, it's a movie about a total douchebag who gets away with all kinds of shit because he's rich as hell.
It's such an '80s movie in that regard.
Im watching " Out For Justice " with Steven Seagal right now and I can't believe that I actually used to like this movie.
I don't know where to start in describing how bad it is.
The completely ridiculous " New Yorker " accidents, especially the one on Seagal's characters wife ?
The fact that a guy killed a cop in broad daylight yet is still traveling around in the same borrough ?
What a hunk of sh*t this is.
Its awfulness is what makes it great.
08-30-2009, 08:13 AM
How about Swingers?
well thats just plain kooky talk
08-30-2009, 08:15 AM
Unbreakable. I loved it at first, but the more I watch it, the more I wonder why Bruce Willis is constantly whispering and the incredibly slow/then uneven pacing of the film.
08-30-2009, 08:16 AM
Home Alone - first off the McCauley Caulkin acts like a spoiled little brat and has no respect for his elders.
Armageddon - Just so so blech
Independence Day
I Am Legend - How did the lady get onto the island - the bridges were destroyed and thetunnels were clogged. Why didnt he just hop on one leg to the car instead of crawling just so stupid
08-30-2009, 08:17 AM
Team America gets exponetially worse as you watch it again.
08-30-2009, 08:50 AM
Tropic Thunder - thought it was great in the theaters, and then on dvd not so much, but still funny. keeps losing its luster with every scene i see, and whenever I hear someone quote it
08-30-2009, 02:29 PM
Casino. Its the damn narrating, Shut up and act.
08-30-2009, 02:36 PM
08-30-2009, 03:06 PM
I'm surprised no one has made the obligatory "GAP" joke by now.
That being said - I'm voting for my wedding video.
08-31-2009, 04:18 PM
PURPLE RAIN. :thumbup: -------> :thumbdown:
08-31-2009, 04:26 PM
PURPLE RAIN. :thumbup: -------> :thumbdown:
But it led to the best halftime show in Super Bowl history.
08-31-2009, 04:29 PM
The Boondock Saints.
09-01-2009, 06:58 PM
Idiocracy. The more I watch it, the more I see that it's basically an endorsement of eugenics.
09-02-2009, 07:21 AM
Peter Jackson's King Kong.... The monkey ice skates, that says enough!!!
09-02-2009, 08:42 AM
Natural Born Killers. The first time I saw it, i thought it was flawed but at least interesting. The second time, I thought, "Well, this is kind of stupid." Around the third time I caught it on cable, I found it downright unwatchable.
09-03-2009, 06:05 AM
Dog day afternoon. When Pacino starts yelling " Attica! " I wish a sniper would put one right between his eyes.
They are robbing a bank. Innocent people just trying to get through the day have to deal with this band of assholes.
At the time, the story seemed very anti, very hip. Take em al out even Cazal, god love him
El Mudo
09-03-2009, 06:17 AM
Loved it when I saw it in the theatre, saw it on DVD again and it was underwhelming. A lot of Ferrell movies have that quality, where the first time I see them they're hysterical, but each subsequent viewing gets less and less entertaining.
09-03-2009, 07:27 AM
ANCHORMAN is on my comedy shortlist.
In terms of re-watchablity... I put it up there with COMING TO AMERICA and JOHNNY DANGEROUSLY.
09-03-2009, 07:52 AM
I dont watch Will Ferrel movies anymore. I liked alot of the early ones but his movies now are such shit. And I am tired of his look at me I am in my underwear running around (again). Last one was Talledega Nights - I was hoping that would be right up my alley but I was bored and couldnt wait for the end. Stupid ex laughed her ass off even at non funny stuff in that movie and I found myself not liking her as much after that.
09-03-2009, 08:08 AM
I actually love " Anchor Man ".
It's one of those movies people either love or hate.
I have the " ehhhh " reaction to both " Napolean Dynamite " and " Super Bad ".
Actually most Jonah Hill movies I think get worse.
This may rub a few people the wrong way but " Dark Knight " sucks more each time I watch it.
I think a lot of that has to do w/ my belief that Ledger's performance was WAY overrated.
I mean to me he was trying to be Nicholson's Joker. I can't get over that.
Nothing against Ledger because I liked him in " 10 Things I Hate About You ".
09-04-2009, 04:18 AM
Out of left field, but Total Recall gets worse and worse everytime you see it. The production values are terrible. At this point it looks homemade to me. It looks like the cheap ass set is going to fall over in the middle of the scene.
09-04-2009, 05:07 AM
Temple of Doom and Highlander.
09-04-2009, 05:15 AM
Out of left field, but Total Recall gets worse and worse everytime you see it. The production values are terrible. At this point it looks homemade to me. It looks like the cheap ass set is going to fall over in the middle of the scene.
I just netflixed Total Recall and still loved it. I also really like the production value- it's not CGI or anything but the dummies they use when people are suffocating on the Mars surface are great.
09-04-2009, 05:25 AM
I agree with realmen. I will sit and watch it whenever I get the chance. I wish they made more like this for pure escapist fun.
09-04-2009, 05:44 AM
The Boondock Saints.
Thats an easy fix you just have to watch it drunk and high.
And anything from M Night Shamilamadingdong
09-07-2009, 06:05 PM
I'm watching " Fast Times At Ridgemont High " now and while the whole movies not awful it does have some very, very bad parts.
I knew I always found it creepy that Jennifer Jason Leigh's character, who's 15, is trying to hook up w/ a 26 year old guy but now it all but makes me sick to my stomach.
It's worse with that filthy tramp Phoebe Cates egging her on to do it.
09-07-2009, 06:36 PM
Home Alone - first off the McCauley Caulkin acts like a spoiled little brat and has no respect for his elders.
Armageddon - Just so so blech
Independence Day
I Am Legend - How did the lady get onto the island - the bridges were destroyed and thetunnels were clogged. Why didnt he just hop on one leg to the car instead of crawling just so stupid
There's no such thing as boats in the I Am Legend universe
Godzilla is a good one to choose here
09-07-2009, 06:46 PM
Godzilla is a good one to choose here
It's the one that prompted me to start the thread :
I really wasn't sure how to label this thread but the idea came to me while watching the Godzilla remake.
I remember when it first came I was so excited and had high hopes or it.
Obvioulsy after seeing the movie it was obvious that it was a piece of sh*t.
I mean I liked the look of the monster but it was not Godzilla as most would agree.
If this movie had been called something else, say Cloverfield, when it first came out it would've been more accepted I think.
There are so many things that make this movie bad that it's hard to pick one but I think it has to be the obnoxious fake New Yorker accents.
The worst of which belong to Hank Azaria's g/f and Hank Azaria.
The cringe effect of the g/f's accent makes me want to wish bad things on the actress in real life.
09-07-2009, 07:17 PM
I just want to second the "any movie with Jonah Hill" in it...
He was brutal in "Funny People" - and he ruins Superbad for me because he is always so pissed off about everything.
I can watch Anchorman any time it is on...
Other movies that got way worse the second viewing:
Blue Chips
Office Space
Mallrats (the exact opposite of Clerks and J&SB)
Knocked Up
There Will Be Blood
Gone Baby Gone
Transformers (maybe the worst)
09-21-2009, 06:14 PM
OK so " Lethal Weapon " has just made my list as I'm watching it here on AMC.
I turned it on right when they show up at the hooker's house gets blown up.
So firstly they come to the conclusion that they are dealing with professionals when they notice the timer on the bomb was similar to those use by CIA mercenaries.
So then they question the kids and come to find out that the guy who was at the house had a Special Forces tattoo.
Why the hell would that be so shocking especially since they already knew that experts were involved ?
So then they use a helicopter to kill the business man and neither guy calls it in ?
I mean if they call it in I'm sure the LAPD could get a helicopter in the area and try and find the one with Joshua in it.
Maybe the absolute worst part, and this has always bothered me, is the whol desert scene.
So Riggs is this bad ass sniper who can make 1000 yard shots but he couldn't hear an old man sneaking up on him ?
He couldn't tell before hand that somebody, wearing a leather jacket and a turtleneck mind you, was hiding near him ?
Then he has the shot on Joshua lined up and he wastes time with the stupid saying ?
OK so now the General sneaks up on him and Riggs can't disarm him ?
Not even when they are walking back and the General is like a foot from him carrying an automatic weapon, a snipers rifle and a handgun ?
And to top of my new found hatred for this movie ....
" Go spit !! "
What the hell does that even mean ?
They're torturing you and that's the best you can come up with at the time ?
Oh sorry one more scene back to the desert.
Murthah has a grenade and threatens to kill all of the people in like a 40 yard radius ?
Really ? Is it a nuclear grenade ?
09-21-2009, 06:34 PM
Back to the Future trilogy.
i love it (yes, even the 2nd & 3rd movies), but every time i see them, i notice more and more plot problems and problems with the space-time continuum.
quick example: in the 3rd movie, when they blow-out the engine of the DeLorean that Marty takes from the 1950's to the 1800's, why not just get the DeLorean that Doc Brown stashed in the cave when he got sent back to the 1800's?? sure, "it'll never fly again", but it's still a working car.
another one: a guy tries to rape your chick, and years later you hire him to do auto-body work on your car?!?
still, i'll watch them any time they're on.
09-21-2009, 06:46 PM
Dog day afternoon. When Pacino starts yelling " Attica! " I wish a sniper would put one right between his eyes.
They are robbing a bank. Innocent people just trying to get through the day have to deal with this band of assholes.
At the time, the story seemed very anti, very hip. Take em al out even Cazal, god love him
God please tell me this is a joke post!
Dog Day Afternoon is a tremendous movie that is still great today.
09-21-2009, 07:32 PM
This may rub a few people the wrong way but " Dark Knight " sucks more each time I watch it.
I think a lot of that has to do w/ my belief that Ledger's performance was WAY overrated.
I mean to me he was trying to be Nicholson's Joker. I can't get over that.
Nothing against Ledger because I liked him in " 10 Things I Hate About You ".
I'm one of the people who could watch the Joker scenes on an endless loop, especially the first scene in the kitchen with all the mob bosses. On the whole though yeah the movie isn't as great as many make it out to be. I've probably seen it a dozen times by now and the last few I find myself just waiting for Ledger to be on screen then turning the DVD off after Batman hangs him out the window.
09-21-2009, 07:46 PM
This may rub a few people the wrong way but " Dark Knight " sucks more each time I watch it.
I think a lot of that has to do w/ my belief that Ledger's performance was WAY overrated.
I mean to me he was trying to be Nicholson's Joker. I can't get over that.
Nothing against Ledger because I liked him in " 10 Things I Hate About You ".
but Heath Ledger died before the movie was released, which means that his performance was brilliant and we should all kneel in awe of his acting skills.
don't you know anything about Hollywood??
09-27-2009, 10:19 AM
I just finished watching " The Fugitive " and it has now made my list.
As much as I loved Jones' character the 1st few times I watched the movie the character, specifically his dialog, grates on me now.
I also hate the scene where Kimball is leaving the hospital w/ the marshalls behind him, he gets his foot stuck in the automaic door, and Jones unloads a magazine at him.
Yeah because that's by the book.
It's always in the plan to shoot an unarmed fleeing suspect.
Then one of the Chicago PD guys gives the order to a guy in the helicopter to shoot Kimball on sight.
Silly and unrealistic.
09-27-2009, 01:44 PM
Dukes of Hazzard.
yes...when i went to the theaters and seen it, I enjoyed it.
what was I thinking..........:blink:
09-28-2009, 05:10 PM
I'm watching Van Wilder on Comedy Central at the moment and I cannot believe for the life of me that I laughed at this movie when I was 17. It is an utter pile of brutally unfunny dogshit. And I'm only ten minutes in.
09-28-2009, 05:22 PM
I just finished watching " The Fugitive " and it has now made my list.
As much as I loved Jones' character the 1st few times I watched the movie the character, specifically his dialog, grates on me now.
I also hate the scene where Kimball is leaving the hospital w/ the marshalls behind him, he gets his foot stuck in the automaic door, and Jones unloads a magazine at him.
Yeah because that's by the book.
It's always in the plan to shoot an unarmed fleeing suspect.
Then one of the Chicago PD guys gives the order to a guy in the helicopter to shoot Kimball on sight.
Silly and unrealistic.
Jones shooting at him is stupid but at the end don't the cops think he shot the Janitor from Scrubs on the train? They think he's a cop killer at that moment.
09-29-2009, 07:36 AM
Jones shooting at him is stupid but at the end don't the cops think he shot the Janitor from Scrubs on the train? They think he's a cop killer at that moment.
That's a good point but you'd still think SOP would be to bring him in alive.
09-29-2009, 08:42 AM
I guess this belongs here, but I call it "the best bad movie ever":
Mission to Mars.
It should have been great. Don Cheadle, Tim Robbins (and marginally Gary Sinese). The premise is interesting, the plot isn't terrible, the sets aren't bad.
And yet, it's a really bad movie. Really bad. But if I'm flipping down the dial and it's on, I'll watch for a while. I guess I keep hoping it will be better.
It never is.
09-29-2009, 09:14 AM
I have to admit that I enjoy this thread for Jim Beans take on a lot of these films. He makes me guffaw...
09-29-2009, 09:26 AM
I guess this belongs here, but I call it "the best bad movie ever":
Mission to Mars.
It should have been great. Don Cheadle, Tim Robbins (and marginally Gary Sinese). The premise is interesting, the plot isn't terrible, the sets aren't bad.
And yet, it's a really bad movie. Really bad. But if I'm flipping down the dial and it's on, I'll watch for a while. I guess I keep hoping it will be better.
It never is.
There hasn't been a good Mars movie made yet. Total Recall doesn't count.
09-29-2009, 10:04 AM
I have to admit that I enjoy this thread for Jim Beans take on a lot of these films. He makes me guffaw...
I'll take that as a compliment ... I think.
10-24-2009, 09:15 AM
I watched Delta Force last week and granted I probably haven't watched it in 20 years but that was crap.
They left behind enough equipment for an entire army.
And rockets on a motorcycle ? Really ?
Chuck Norris' only good movies were his first 5 or some.
All of the Mummy movies suck w/ the exception of the first one.
The 3rd, or is it 4th, with Jet Li, is absolutely heinous.
Brendan Fraser's one liners are so bad they make all of those uttered by Arnold and Bruce Willis sound damn near Shakespearean.
10-24-2009, 09:21 AM
Event Horizon does not hold up.
10-28-2009, 11:52 AM
Hopefully it hasn't been mentioned yet.......Open Water. And if it has been mentioned, Oh well it was that bad.
10-28-2009, 12:42 PM
Every and any Porn movie.......
once i batch, i need the variety of another film.
10-28-2009, 01:48 PM
Hopefully it hasn't been mentioned yet.......Open Water. And if it has been mentioned, Oh well it was that bad.
I've never been more scared by an awful movie.
10-28-2009, 07:17 PM
I thought Grandmas Boy was funny when I first saw it.
Now I want to choke myself out when it comes on.
10-28-2009, 07:58 PM
Return of the Jedi. It was pretty shitty to begin with, but I was bored and watching it on TV the other day and realized that Jabba the Hutt is really bad at his job.
11-04-2009, 06:27 AM
Major League
What a contrived boring mess this is after you've seen it 20 times and have actually played and followed baseball.
Dan 'Hampton
11-19-2009, 04:27 AM
Departed on FX again last night, thats bad enough, but godamn that movie gets worse and worse each time. Not a bit of good acting in it. And the F'n rat.
11-19-2009, 07:39 AM
Anything by Judd Apatow. I like the ridiculousness of most of his movies the first time I see them, then watch them again a year or two later-------Just not that good. Popular yes, but long lasting, no.
11-19-2009, 07:48 AM
Anything by Judd Apatow. I like the ridiculousness of most of his movies the first time I see them, then watch them again a year or two later-------Just not that good. Popular yes, but long lasting, no.
Very true.
I though Neil Watkins from accounting was TeeBone ?
11-19-2009, 08:11 AM
I though Neil Watkins from accounting was TeeBone ?
Love the Costanza shout-out
11-20-2009, 08:34 AM
I don't have to call you Koko or Gammy do I ?
01-21-2010, 01:04 PM
American Pie 2 was on the other night and while it still has some chuckles most if it is weak.
The whole scene w/ the 2 girls having their house painted is just silly.
So 2 chicks get dolled up in short, tight skirts and high heels to go down to 7-11 to get some Slurppies and a newspaper.
They then come back and decide they're gonna get into their bikinis and go to the beach.
Apparently in a house that big they still change in the same room and have to show each other the bikinis they are gonna wear.
Sure the Stiffler running around w/ the dildo thing is funny but most of that scene is useless and unfunny.
The rest of the movie pretty much sucks.
Oz and Kevin are too of the biggest queers ever in a movie.
They make the Shermanator seems normal.
01-21-2010, 01:19 PM
Major League
What a contrived boring mess this is after you've seen it 20 times and have actually played and followed baseball.
I don't think I could disagree more. I have seen it at least 20 times and I still love it.
02-18-2010, 01:26 PM
The Professional for so many reasons.
Firstly the whole relationship between Jean Reno's character and the girl is very creepy.
The extent of the supposed corruption in the plot is completely ridiculous.
Are we really supposed to believe that all of those policemen were part of Oldman's scam ?
Reno walks into a police station and kills a few guys, steals the girl and then leaves without a hassle ?
Just a dumb movie all around.
02-18-2010, 01:43 PM
Are we really supposed to believe that all of those policemen were part of Oldman's scam ?
It was Oldman and, 4 (5?) other cops. Totally believable. It's happened in real life plenty of times.
02-18-2010, 01:47 PM
What about all the SWAT guys towards the end ?
Are they inplying that they were just doing their job and thought that Reno's character was bad ?
I'll have to watch that part again now that they're showing it on cable.
But wasn't Oldman kinda running everything and wouldn't he not have the pull to bring in a SWAT team ?
I mean I'm guessing he was only a detective.
02-18-2010, 03:58 PM
The SWAT guys were there because a cop killer was cornered. They were not part of Oldman's corruption.
02-18-2010, 04:13 PM
I don't think I could disagree more. I have seen it at least 20 times and I still love it.
What he said.
02-18-2010, 05:26 PM
The Professional for so many reasons.
Firstly the whole relationship between Jean Reno's character and the girl is very creepy.
The extent of the supposed corruption in the plot is completely ridiculous.
Are we really supposed to believe that all of those policemen were part of Oldman's scam ?
Reno walks into a police station and kills a few guys, steals the girl and then leaves without a hassle ?
Just a dumb movie all around.
Hey guys, Jim is right, if you think there are corrupt cops out there go screw. They all serve and protect us duh.
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