View Full Version : Colonoscopy Prep (timeline)
07-02-2009, 02:43 PM
I have a colonoscopy scheduled for tomorrow (Friday, July 3rd)
The bowel needs to be clean in order for the colonoscopy to have a clear view of the lower portion of my intestine.
All day I have been on a clear diet:
Broth, non-red Jello, tea, water, Gatorade.
I have a prescription for the bowel prep, which consists of a big box that says MoviPrep on the outside.
Inside the box is an empty 1 liter bottle and a smaller box, and inside that smaller box is two packets of powder. In one packet, there are two other packets, labeled A and B.
I need to dump A and B into the empty liter bottle and fill the bottle with lukewarm water to dissolve the powder.
6:15 PM, I mixed MoviPrep and I caught a whiff of a lemony smell.
6:30 PM, I began drinking the solution, which was lemony flavored and kind of thick but not unpleasant (yet).
I have been sipping it as I write this and will see what will happen.
The instructions say that after the one liter bottle is empty, wait an hour and drink another liter of the other packet mixed with water as before.
So, essentially, the bowel prep started at 6:30 and it is now 6:45. and I am sipping and not having any feelings in my stomach (yet).
I already stocked the bathroom with several extra rolls of toilet paper and baby wipes and paper towels (just in case).
Tick Tick Tick Tick.....
07-02-2009, 02:44 PM
It's so ironic that you post this right after starting a thread about Twitter.
07-02-2009, 02:45 PM
I have a colonoscopy scheduled for tomorrow (Friday, July 3rd)
The bowel needs to be clean in order for the colonoscopy to have a clear view of the lower portion of my intestine.
All day I have been on a clear diet:
Broth, non-red Jello, tea, water, Gatorade.
I have a prescription for the bowel prep, which consists of a big box that says MoviPrep on the outside.
Inside the box is an empty 1 liter bottle and a smaller box, and inside that smaller box is two packets of powder. In one packet, there are two other packets, labeled A and B.
I need to dump A and B into the empty liter bottle and fill the bottle with lukewarm water to dissolve the powder.
6:15 PM, I mixed MoviPrep and I caught a whiff of a lemony smell.
6:30 PM, I began drinking the solution, which was lemony flavored and kind of thick but not unpleasant (yet).
I have been sipping it as I write this and will see what will happen.
The instructions say that after the one liter bottle is empty, wait an hour and drink another liter of the other packet mixed with water as before.
So, essentially, the bowel prep started at 6:30 and it is now 6:45. and I am sipping and not having any feelings in my stomach (yet).
I already stocked the bathroom with several extra rolls of toilet paper and baby wipes and paper towels (just in case).
Tick Tick Tick Tick.....
I hope you have plenty of toilette paper and more than one bathroom with some good reading material because here comes Niagra Falls!
07-02-2009, 02:50 PM
LOL Mojo
Booster, if need be, I also have a large painters bucket and black plastic garbage bags.
Hmmm... the 1st container is almost empty and I am starting to feel...something... Not a need to go poopie just yet, but like I know that it is not too far off....
07-02-2009, 03:04 PM
LOL Mojo
Booster, if need be, I also have a large painters bucket and black plastic garbage bags.
Hmmm... the 1st container is almost empty and I am starting to feel...something... Not a need to go poopie just yet, but like I know that it is not too far off....
Stay hydrated too, and if you have a shower head like Katja's you may want to have it on stand by.
07-02-2009, 03:10 PM
Yep, I got 2 gallons of Gatorade ready, but not sure if I should drink any yet. One liter of the prep is in me now. I do not know if I should be drinking anything else, but I am not too thirsty. I have gotten a few little twitches in my stomach. I do have the shower head that is on a flexible hose, and just in case, I put extra towels in the bathroom.. LOL
Drink water. Lots and lots of water...
07-02-2009, 03:25 PM
Yeah, but should I be drinking the water between the time I take the first container and the second one, which is suppose to be an hour later? It doesnt say it on the directions. Oddly.
7:20 now, still no need for the bathroom, and 10 minutes to go before the next liter of the prep solution. I have that one chilling in the freezer, maybe it will go down easier.
07-02-2009, 03:28 PM
Please, no more.
You have a choice here: to creep or not to creep?
07-02-2009, 03:33 PM
I hope it is the lemon gatorade that is the only one you should be allowed to drink during colonoscopy prep.
Your prep is way different than mine.
07-02-2009, 03:42 PM
7:40 I started the second liter. Just before it though, I went to the bathroom because I felt something that could have been a shart. But just a little bit came out. I have a feeling I am not far off.
The Gatorade I have is lemon. I did have lemon jello today and this prep tastes like lemon, so I think after this, I am going to be "done" with lemons for a while.
07-02-2009, 03:50 PM
7:50, I drank 2/3rds of the second liter at this point and it is thick and hard to get down. I may have to chug it to get the rest down. Still no immediate urge to go to the bathroom (yet).
07-02-2009, 03:55 PM
Stay hydrated too, and if you have a shower head like Katja's you may want to have it on stand by.
don't violate my showerhead!
07-02-2009, 04:01 PM
the best part is after the colonoscopy is over,
you fart constantly and you don't have to excuse yourself:thumbup:
07-02-2009, 04:13 PM
8:05 and BOMBS AWAY!
First I thought it would be just a little but, but suddenly, the floodgates opened and it was rough. I am sure more and more will come, but I did finish the prep and now am having some water and gatorade. The lemony taste is getting to me.
07-02-2009, 04:16 PM
8:05 and BOMBS AWAY!
First I thought it would be just a little but, but suddenly, the floodgates opened and it was rough. I am sure more and more will come, but I did finish the prep and now am having some water and gatorade. The lemony taste is getting to me.
wimp, real men get dehydrated
07-02-2009, 04:18 PM
Its 8:15 now and I am getting chills. Its also raining heavy outside and the thunder seems to echo in my bowels. I wish I could lay down now, but I am afraid I wont make it to the bathroom in time from my bed. Dont worry, my hands are clean, I am almost OCD about hand washing. These chills are making my teeth chatter.
Judge Smails
07-02-2009, 04:24 PM
I have a colonoscopy scheduled for tomorrow (Friday, July 3rd)
The bowel needs to be clean in order for the colonoscopy to have a clear view of the lower portion of my intestine.
All day I have been on a clear diet:
Broth, non-red Jello, tea, water, Gatorade.
I have a prescription for the bowel prep, which consists of a big box that says MoviPrep on the outside.
Inside the box is an empty 1 liter bottle and a smaller box, and inside that smaller box is two packets of powder. In one packet, there are two other packets, labeled A and B.
I need to dump A and B into the empty liter bottle and fill the bottle with lukewarm water to dissolve the powder.
6:15 PM, I mixed MoviPrep and I caught a whiff of a lemony smell.
6:30 PM, I began drinking the solution, which was lemony flavored and kind of thick but not unpleasant (yet).
I have been sipping it as I write this and will see what will happen.
The instructions say that after the one liter bottle is empty, wait an hour and drink another liter of the other packet mixed with water as before.
So, essentially, the bowel prep started at 6:30 and it is now 6:45. and I am sipping and not having any feelings in my stomach (yet).
I already stocked the bathroom with several extra rolls of toilet paper and baby wipes and paper towels (just in case).
Tick Tick Tick Tick.....
The one time I had a colonoscopy I went through all that. I followed the directions to a tee. Unfortunately it didn't work as well as planned because when I showed up the next morning they took an X-ray which showed I still had shit in me. Since they couldn't do the test they sent me home where I had to go through the whole process again. You think its fun once - try doing it two days in a row.
07-02-2009, 04:30 PM
don't violate my showerhead!
Its 8:15 now and I am getting chills. Its also raining heavy outside and the thunder seems to echo in my bowels. I wish I could lay down now, but I am afraid I wont make it to the bathroom in time from my bed. Dont worry, my hands are clean, I am almost OCD about hand washing. These chills are making my teeth chatter.
I bet the wife is keeping her distance.
07-02-2009, 04:48 PM
If I feel anything that gives me the feeling of a fart coming on, I am on the toilet in a heart beat! It is basically pissing out your ass! Sorry if this description upsets anyone. I am having a rough time people!
07-02-2009, 06:04 PM
10:00, I am not happy.
07-02-2009, 06:06 PM
If I feel anything that gives me the feeling of a fart coming on, I am on the toilet in a heart beat! It is basically pissing out your ass! Sorry if this description upsets anyone. I am having a rough time people!
Hey man, dont want to steal your thunder here, but this has been my life for the past two days! I didnt have to drink anything for it to happen either!
07-03-2009, 04:54 AM
I woke up abruptly in the middle of a dream last night, with the overwhelming urge to go to the bathroom, and u just made it there in time. Amazing how the body knows what's going on in the unconscious.
Since waking, I have gone a few more times, all watery. I hate this. I am hungry and thirsty and will not be able to drink or eat until it's over. My appointment us at 11:00. I'll probably be out for a half hour, then in recovery from the anesthesia for 45 minutes or so.
07-03-2009, 04:57 AM
7:40 I started the second liter. Just before it though, I went to the bathroom because I felt something that could have been a shart. But just a little bit came out. I have a feeling I am not far off.
The Gatorade I have is lemon. I did have lemon jello today and this prep tastes like lemon, so I think after this, I am going to be "done" with lemons for a while.
you make lemon into lemon aids
07-03-2009, 05:15 AM
Hopefully the shittles cease before your 4th plans.
10:00, I am not happy.
Neither are we.
Thanks for sharing.
07-03-2009, 05:37 AM
Ten more colonoscopies and you'll be down to a human weight.
07-03-2009, 06:16 AM
I am now outside my apartment waiting for my friend to bring me to have it doe, because you can't drive yourself. I keep feeling like I will need to "go" again and I wish she would hurry up and get here so I can get this over with. I am dying of thirst and my anxiety is very high. The appointment is at 11, oh well.
07-03-2009, 07:11 AM
If it was like mine, you're gonna get some good happy drugs :smoke:Won't care what they stick up your ass.
PS - Don't stop at Taco Bell on the way home afterwards, you will regret it.
07-03-2009, 08:42 AM
If it was like mine, you're gonna get some good happy drugs :smoke:Won't care what they stick up your ass.
Well, I woke up during a simultaneous endoscopy and colonoscopy. I may be the only straight guy who knows what a train feels like.
07-03-2009, 09:29 AM
Well, I am home now. It went well, and I had them rolling when I walked in and announced to the secretary that "my colon has arrived". The whole thing started after 11. They first got me into a room and had me disrobe and put on a hospital gown and the nurse took my vitals and had me sign approval forms. Then, the anesthesiologist came in and he was very funny, and hen asked me more questions and explained the procedure to me and then he walked me into the procedure room, which had a reclining bed/chair and there was a monitor and all kinds of tubes and stuff. The anesthesiologist then prepped my arm and put in an IV and the doctor came in and he started going through his preparation and I made sure they knew I wanted to feel "nothing" and they assured me I would not. He had me change my position on the table. The anesthesiologist gave me a shot of a milky looking drug and I watched him watching my face and he was asking me stuff, but the next thing I remember is coming out of it. I was groggy and felt like a hangover. But I was wheeled into the room I was in originally and rested a bit. I felt like I needed to fart and my ass did feel a little weird, but not bad. I saw that the nurse was going to come in and check on me, and on the table near me was a model of a lower intestine on a stand, and as she opened the door, I had the model in my hand like I was making believe I was on the phone with it and said "rectum? It damn near killed him!" and she laughed and I started playing around with her now and again.
The doctor came in and told me that he saw that I have hemoroids and that he saw two pockets in my colon that may eventually be a problem, but for now were not bad at all.
So, I got dressed and my friend took me home. Now, I am eating a light soup and drinking gatorade and will lay down shortly. I feel quite alert though.
07-03-2009, 02:49 PM
Something I forgot to mention. When I was about to be injected and asked the anesthesiologist what he was about to use on me, he asked if I heard of Michael Jackson, and I thought that was an odd answer, but he went on to explain that the drug he was about to inject me with is the same drug that had been found in Michael Jacksons home.
I was unaware of this, and so when I came home, right away I saw this ( headline. He said that whoever supplied that to him is about to get in very deep trouble. It knocks you out in moments. But whats weird is, there needs to be someone to administer something to get you out of it. Maybe whatever happened to Michael Jackson had something to do with this? Who knows. Just thought I would add that tidbit.
07-06-2009, 07:58 AM
I thought this thread was about a fancy new school, probably in Chelsea.
08-25-2009, 01:32 PM
about to fill up the prep container, chill it, and pray
08-25-2009, 02:22 PM
This stuff tastes like cherry flavored salt water. One 8oz down 3 more to go................................................ .
08-25-2009, 05:29 PM
Just look forward to the fentanyl. :)
08-25-2009, 05:34 PM
Just look forward to the fentanyl. :)
thats the only thing keeping me going. i am so hungry right now its crazy
posting from the shitter btw
08-25-2009, 05:41 PM
This stuff tastes like cherry flavored salt water. One 8oz down 3 more to go................................................ .
cherry flavored salt water sounds alot better than the lemon flavored salt water i had
08-25-2009, 05:43 PM
Wow, times have changed, when I had mine done 15 years ago, I had to eat all clear stuff and liquids for 3 days, then give myself daily enemas. It was great.
walking joint
08-25-2009, 05:51 PM
i went for an upper endoscopy last week and the last thing i remember before i passed out was the doctor saying, "your here for the colonoscopy, right"...apparently its his big joke. kind of funny thinking about it now.
08-25-2009, 06:00 PM
thats the only thing keeping me going. i am so hungry right now its crazy
just do the best you can were pulling for you.
08-25-2009, 06:08 PM
just do the best you can were pulling for you.
Is that a BEFORE or AFTER pic? I can't tell...
08-25-2009, 06:15 PM
the worst part is definitely the hunger and the fact that you waste your night sitting on the shitter. the actual shitting part is nothing (hell im used to it by now...... why do you think im getting the colonoscopy in the first place???)
im craving foods thats i would never normally eat. there is a fortune cookie on my desk that i want to eat so badly right now
08-25-2009, 06:27 PM
forget about the food, eat what you got left, go to bed, your almost there.
08-26-2009, 03:21 AM
sr71 was right about this stuff waking you up in the night. I slept well until about 4 when I woke up with the urge to go. I wasnt really as lucky as him as far as making it to the bathroom in time goes.........
The problem is, my appt is at 10 and my doc split up the two doses between last night and this morning. I'm not sure if that's common, but I did the first liter starting at 6pm last night, and I started the second liter this morning (supposed to be at 6am, but I overslept a little). So we'll see what happens. Hopefully I'm not still shitting on the way to the hospital
08-26-2009, 06:12 AM
I had to go with a co-worker (vice pres) during his colonoscopy due to the fact that he had no one to go with him. When he was getting released, they told him to only eat something like mashed taters or applesauce for the first couple meals. He said F that and we went to Cheddars and he ordered margaritas and nachos and chicken wings. He was fucked up after 1 marg and he fell of the curb when we were leaving. Next day he was back at the coal mine kicking ass though.
08-26-2009, 08:52 AM
Man I always forget how great coming out the anesthesia is. The first thing my doctor says to me is "SatCam, it's crohns" and I didnt have a care in the world. Then the nurse asked if she could get me anything and I told her she could get me a sammich but apparently that's not something they normally get for patients (bullshit!). Im always amazed at how well I did the two times I got put out, but whenever I have to get blood drawn I nearly loose my shit from the anxiety.
08-26-2009, 03:18 PM
The first thing my doctor says to me is "SatCam, it's crohns" and I didnt have a care in the world.
Fuck. Best of luck to you.
08-26-2009, 03:34 PM
Fuck. Best of luck to you.
Yea, thanks I need it. I've been living with it for the past 2 years unmedicated so Im honestly very used to the "shitty" and painful aspects of it. The reason I actually decided to get help was the anemia was so bad people would ask me if I was sick because I was so pale and after an 8 hour work day I would be about ready to collapse from exhaustion. Also I couldnt gain weight or build muscle, and thats not helping with my game........ And I came to terms with the fact that it can and will get worse if I wait longer to get it treated (Im very lucky that I havent gotten much worse since the day I had my first symptom spring of 2007)
Today's exercise was basically to prove to my doc that I needed meds (and to find out how bad I have it ---from my stomach to my asshole). He had a bet with his staff that I had celiac disease, which was a much too simple answer for what I was going thru
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