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Another victory for same sex couples. [Archive] - Messageboard


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06-16-2009, 05:31 PM
AP source: Obama to extend benefits to gay workers
WASHINGTON, Tue Jun 16, 08:48 PM

President Barack Obama plans to extend health care and other benefits to the gay and lesbian partners of federal employees. White House officials say Obama plans to announce decision on Wednesday in the Oval Office. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the president had not yet made the announcement.

The move would give partners of federal employees access to health care and financial benefits such as relocation fees for moves. Officials say Obama would detail more details of the decision on Wednesday.

Another plus for Fezzie's side of the argument.
Give 'em hell, Big Cat!!

06-16-2009, 06:52 PM
Great. I guess we know what one of the discussions will be on tomorrow's show.

06-16-2009, 09:19 PM
Damn, I knew this would come. Then again I see nothing really wrong with it except we need legal civil unions first.

06-17-2009, 03:59 AM
It's a start.

06-17-2009, 05:55 AM
Damn, I knew this would come.


06-17-2009, 05:59 AM
One man cannot change our economic problems, but it's steps like this, along with the stem cell ban-reverse, that I'm glad Obama is in the White House. I'd like to think he'll continue to make these common sense changes that will help people personally throughout his presidency.