View Full Version : Garage Sales and Estate Sales
05-17-2009, 11:26 AM
Gotta say this, I love them.
Today at an estate sale, I got a great wood table (3 feet wide - circular) for only 5 bucks. It currently resides on my back porch as it is weathered.
Also, I got an awesome painting from a local artist of an autumn scene. It is 2 feet tall by 4 feet wide and only cost 5 dollars as well (it's a bit beat up).
Third, I got a Linksys WTR54G wireless router in the box and working for only $ 7.50..
The estate sale was selling things for something like 70% off because the people who bought the house want to move in this week.
05-17-2009, 11:57 AM
Gotta say this, I love them.
Today at an estate sale, I got a great wood table (3 feet wide - circular) for only 5 bucks. It currently resides on my back porch as it is weathered.
Also, I got an awesome painting from a local artist of an autumn scene. It is 2 feet tall by 4 feet wide and only cost 5 dollars as well (it's a bit beat up).
Third, I got a Linksys WTR54G wireless router in the box and working for only $ 7.50..
The estate sale was selling things for something like 70% off because the people who bought the house want to move in this week.
what exactly is the question? (not you, greggy)
05-17-2009, 11:59 AM
I have never been to an estate sale, but I am intrigued by them. I want to start checking them out since I know a lot of knitters that have bought yarn and spinning wheels at them really cheap. I want a spinning wheel !!!!!!!!!!!
05-17-2009, 12:06 PM
I have never been to an estate sale, but I am intrigued by them. I want to start checking them out since I know a lot of knitters that have bought yarn and spinning wheels at them really cheap. I want a spinning wheel !!!!!!!!!!!
went to Panera Bread the other night and there was this Knitting Club get together, one of the girls actually had a spinning wheel with her. my first thought was of you
05-17-2009, 12:08 PM
never went to an estate sale, but a neighbor died and I found golf clubs in the closet
05-17-2009, 12:11 PM
went to Panera Bread the other night and there was this Knitting Club get together, one of the girls actually had a spinning wheel with her. my first thought was of you
Oh god, I know the group you are talking about!!!!!!!!!!! LOL they have their own thread over on Ravelry and they always talk about how they take over the Panera. There are a few other groups that stake out the various Barnes and Nobles. I always wonder what the people working at Panera think of all this, seeing these women dragging in spinning wheels and fleeces and such. I hope they at least buy stuff and tip the staff.
05-17-2009, 12:16 PM
Oh god, I know the group you are talking about!!!!!!!!!!! LOL they have their own thread over on Ravelry and they always talk about how they take over the Panera. There are a few other groups that stake out the various Barnes and Nobles. I always wonder what the people working at Panera think of all this, seeing these women dragging in spinning wheels and fleeces and such. I hope they at least buy stuff and tip the staff.
they don't take over the joint, they're squeezed in a corner at the back and I only saw the spinning wheel for the first time this past Thursday. (I eat there a lot)
and they only seem to be drink coffee, which does annoy the shit out of me when I see people taking up space for hours on end and all the buy is coffee.
05-17-2009, 12:23 PM
they don't take over the joint, they're squeezed in a corner at the back and I only saw the spinning wheel for the first time this past Thursday. (I eat there a lot)
and they only seem to be drink coffee, which does annoy the shit out of me when I see people taking up space for hours on end and all the buy is coffee.
Wow, they make it sound like their group takes the whole place over! I think it's very rude, especially if all they are doing is drinking coffee. I hate it when I can't find a seat to eat my lunch because a group is hanging out chitchatting.
05-17-2009, 12:32 PM
Wow, they make it sound like their group takes the whole place over! I think it's very rude, especially if all they are doing is drinking coffee. I hate it when I can't find a seat to eat my lunch because a group is hanging out chitchatting.
maybe they're talking about another location, the one I go to there are only about 8 of them tops. I know I've seen them gathering at other locations, like they're planning some kind of world domination through knitting.
05-17-2009, 12:36 PM
[QUOTE=foster;2260773 planning some kind of world domination through knitting.[/QUOTE]
We come in peace, bearing wooly sweaters :laugh:
05-17-2009, 12:40 PM
We come in peace, bearing wooly sweaters :laugh:
I would believe you, but there is a flaw in your little "Trojan Horse" of woolly sweaters,
why would someone need woolen products in the SUMMER!!!
05-17-2009, 12:46 PM
Dammit, you are on to us.
05-17-2009, 12:53 PM
now I expect you and your cohorts to surrender your knitting needles and turn yourselves in to a local craft store
05-17-2009, 12:55 PM
When I was in college we were all stoned driving around and found a garage sale and stopped. As we looked around we found a centerfuge that could hold about 60 test tubes. We bought it for 20 dollars and used it for all of our fraternity parties to mix test tube shots.
05-17-2009, 12:57 PM
When I was in college we were all stoned driving around and found a garage sale and stopped. As we looked around we found a centerfuge that could hold about 60 test tubes. We bought it for 20 dollars and used it for all of our fraternity parties to mix test tube shots.
what does that have to do with knitting....oh shit
sorry TC
05-17-2009, 01:09 PM
Ive never been into yard sales. But I think I might like an estate sale. Never been to one.
My best deal was probably an 8' x 4' 3 piece slate pool table. Just been re-felt, plus the balls, 5 cue sticks, a bridge, a stick rack, ball rack, chalk, brush, and powder all for $300. They needed to move it fast and I had the space. held onto it for 3 years before I was finally able to put it up, but it was worth it.
One man gathers what another man spills...
I can't wait to have an estate sale.
I want to get rid of everything I own.
Only then will I feel truly free.
05-17-2009, 02:56 PM
An old girl friends mother used to have a business that ran estate sales.(I've always thought that they were for the family to sell off your shit after you die)I've been to a few and found some great stuff.Try to go to the ones in the wealthier neighborhoods of course.The only way they could be more fun would be to have the family openly weeping in the living room while you finger through all of the departeds stuff.
05-17-2009, 08:04 PM
Not much into them, garage sales, never been to an estate sale though. I grew up with my mom and her friend packing me into the friend's VW Bug and then loading all of their finds on top of me in the back seat. It sucked, royally sucked. We had secondhand everything. Don't get me wrong...I am not "too good" for used stuff, but I like to buy brand new stuff when it goes on sale or at the end of the season.
My mom probably ruined me for life. Thanks Mom!
05-17-2009, 08:08 PM
lleeder loves garage sales.
05-18-2009, 04:48 AM
My house was part of an estate sale. The woman who owned it died and left it to her niece who had it on the market for a year before we bought it.
05-18-2009, 08:42 AM
I have never been to an estate sale, but I am intrigued by them. I want to start checking them out since I know a lot of knitters that have bought yarn and spinning wheels at them really cheap. I want a spinning wheel !!!!!!!!!!!
Garage sales around here are not great to go to but great to have. There are large groups of people from various communities that frequent garage sales each weekend, one can make a lot of money selling their no longer wanted crap.
Estate sales are better to go to, I can usually find some decent electronics for next to nothing. Bought a Dell computer from one a few years ago that was a year old, cleaned it up, and gave it to an under privileged family.
05-18-2009, 09:03 AM
Just been re-felt, plus the balls
05-18-2009, 09:04 AM
garage/estate sales are the shit.
copped me a new(er) lawnmower and extension ladder. figuring what good ones go for in HD vs what i paid, i figure i saved me about $300-300 that day.
05-18-2009, 04:12 PM
Will you two hook up and get this flirtation out of your system already? God! :)
I love garage sales and oddly, my wife, who is constantly on the hunt for sales merchandise, hates them with the burning red hot intensity of a thousand suns.
I'll be moving south soon.
I'm fairly sure I'll have an estate sale and try to unload as much crap as possible before I move.
I think I'll sell my guitars, amps, collectibles, furniture, just about everything.
I'll let you guys know if and when.
06-14-2009, 06:19 PM
I'll be moving south soon.
I'm fairly sure I'll have an estate sale and try to unload as much crap as possible before I move.
I think I'll sell my guitars, amps, collectibles, furniture, just about everything.
I'll let you guys know if and when.
post a list of what you're selling,
this way it save us a trip if you nothing good
06-14-2009, 06:23 PM
post a list of what you're selling,
this way it save us a trip if you nothing good
Gvac when you dying?
06-14-2009, 06:26 PM
im moving too but i dont think any one wants any of my crap!
06-14-2009, 06:30 PM
don't have packers pack your house they literally pack up everything. i can't wait to see how much mold grows on the loaf of bread:unsure: currently sitting in my storage unit.
Gvac when you dying?
Hopefully not for quite some time, but I'm moving in September.
I have a ton of old liquor decanters which were never opened. They're from the 60's and 70's when my dad owned a liquor store. I have no idea if they're worth anything, I just know that they've made every move with me for the past 20 years and I'm sick of them.
I've got tons of shit like that. I don't like displaying things because I despise clutter and dust so I'm just dumping everything.
06-14-2009, 06:36 PM
Hopefully not for quite some time, but I'm moving in September.
I have a ton of old liquor decanters which were never opened. They're from the 60's and 70's when my dad owned a liquor store. I have no idea if they're worth anything, I just know that they've made every move with me for the past 20 years and I'm sick of them.
I've got tons of shit like that. I don't like displaying things because I despise clutter and dust so I'm just dumping everything.
There is a bartender on here, isn't there? He would know about the decanters.
06-14-2009, 07:07 PM
Got any hats?
Denise Dean
06-15-2009, 12:46 PM
Got any hats?
Too poor to buy one at Walmart?
Denise Dean
06-15-2009, 12:47 PM
I loot garage sales to buy things that I can sell for my fix.
Its how I survive.
06-15-2009, 01:03 PM
I prefer pawn shops.
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