05-14-2009, 03:26 PM
On Saturday, June 6th, Mr. Sherwin Sleeves will be participating in the "Thing in Spring (" - a folkapolooza kind of music and arts show in Peterborough, NH.
This won't be like the play, but more like a live version of the AMV podcast with the old man reading an original story accompanied by two very fine bands The Low Anthem (, and Redwing Blackbird (
This will start around 6:30 at Fellowship Hall (,+NH&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&cid=0,0,12361177914082736129&ei=v6cMSoHRN4iW9gSI38DQDw&ll=42.880398,-71.947253&spn=0.008506,0.016179&z=16).
This won't be like the play, but more like a live version of the AMV podcast with the old man reading an original story accompanied by two very fine bands The Low Anthem (, and Redwing Blackbird (
This will start around 6:30 at Fellowship Hall (,+NH&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&cid=0,0,12361177914082736129&ei=v6cMSoHRN4iW9gSI38DQDw&ll=42.880398,-71.947253&spn=0.008506,0.016179&z=16).