View Full Version : Report: Justice David Souter to retire
The Happening
07-19-2009, 11:41 PM
I think both extremes are to blame. Al Sharpton types that blame everything on race, and people like you and Mr. Cumia you think racism is a none issue. There is a reasonable middle ground. But, no one will discuss it intelligently. Your side screams "white guilt" as if the white male is oppressed and the media helps Sharpton turn every event into a circus taking away any credibility for a respectable black leader. I never said racism doesn't exist. It does, and always will. But it comes from all sides equally. Both black and white people are racist. The misconception by the the white guilt party is that only big bad white people are racist. As a white person, im tired of it.
Race is an issue on a smaller level among indiviiduals. Yea, it sucks that we still have racial tension. That exists no doubt. But why do white people get the blame for that all the time?
Besides individuals on both sides being small minded in their thinking, what are some giant racial issues our country needs to deal with?
The Happening
07-19-2009, 11:52 PM
Please. You were banned because you were attacking your opponents in your debate, and when I gave you a warning, you insulted me. I don't care if you're a liberal, conservative, moderate or nothing. If you're a douchebag ass who's violating the rules of the site by attacking others, you get banned.
I have no guilt, and don't care whether you think I have this guilt or not. Make your poinits without personally attacking others here. If you do, you get to keep making your arguments, if you don't, you'll get more time off. I was trying to help you lose your white guilt. I didn't attack you. I understand your very important status as a hall monitor on here, I really do. But lead the way oh great hall monitor and show everyone that you will have white guilt no more! Throw your "Fat Boys" CD's away. Burn your copy of "Don't Be A Menace While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood". Get rid of all your X hats. And stop laughing nervously at everything black people say.
Today is the first step into freedom Eli. You can do it!
07-20-2009, 03:12 AM
I never said racism doesn't exist. It does, and always will. But it comes from all sides equally. Both black and white people are racist. The misconception by the the white guilt party is that only big bad white people are racist. As a white person, im tired of it.
Race is an issue on a smaller level among indiviiduals. Yea, it sucks that we still have racial tension. That exists no doubt. But why do white people get the blame for that all the time?
Besides individuals on both sides being small minded in their thinking, what are some giant racial issues our country needs to deal with?
Racism doesn't exist equally. That is silly. If one side has more power; economically, socially, politically, they exert more racist pressure. Yes, blacks can be racist, but without any power it doesn't rise to the same level.
Making a public education in a low income area as good as a public education in a high income area would be a start.
Please stop with the "white guilt" nonsense. I have no guilt. I just want a society that gives every kid an equal chance, whether rich or poor, white or black.
It corresponds with my theory that Earth is made up of 97% douchebag.
Only 97%?
07-20-2009, 04:56 AM
I was trying to help you lose your white guilt. I didn't attack you. I understand your very important status as a hall monitor on here, I really do. But lead the way oh great hall monitor and show everyone that you will have white guilt no more! Throw your "Fat Boys" CD's away. Burn your copy of "Don't Be A Menace While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood". Get rid of all your X hats. And stop laughing nervously at everything black people say.
Today is the first step into freedom Eli. You can do it!
You're neither as clever nor as witty as you think you are.
And attacking people in your signature isn't any better than doing it in your posts.
07-20-2009, 07:21 AM
Thanks for bringing so much to the conversation.
Stop being such a pussy.
There, now I've added as much as you.
The Jays
07-20-2009, 07:22 AM
Only 97%?
The other 3% is carbon.
The Happening
07-20-2009, 08:37 AM
And attacking people in your signature isn't any better than doing it in your posts.
Way to take my sig away. What an insecure douche!
I had that as my sig for a while. It was made in a silly matter, just like all sigs are. Are we going to now take every sig literally?
The Happening
07-20-2009, 08:41 AM
Making a public education in a low income area as good as a public education in a high income area would be a start.
That's an economic issue. It's not a racial one. Millions of poor white kids go to shitty schools because they live in poor areas.
That's why you get called on your white guilt. You take something that doesn't have to do with race like shitty schools in poor areas, and twist it. You bring up the poor minorities, but neglect to mention the poor whites in this country who are going through the same struggles. At the very least be consistent. Try not to be so obvious with your white guilt.
07-20-2009, 08:45 AM
Way to take my sig away. What an insecure douche!
I had that as my sig for a while. It was made in a silly matter, just like all sigs are. Are we going to now take every sig literally?
Fine. Go ahead and put it back.
The Jays
07-20-2009, 09:02 AM
That's an economic issue. It's not a racial one. Millions of poor white kids go to shitty schools because they live in poor areas.
That's why you get called on your white guilt. You take something that doesn't have to do with race like shitty schools in poor areas, and twist it. You bring up the poor minorities, but neglect to mention the poor whites in this country who are going through the same struggles. At the very least be consistent. Try not to be so obvious with your white guilt.
Poor white people don't need to worry about shitty schools because they get home schooled.
07-20-2009, 12:41 PM
That's an economic issue. It's not a racial one. Millions of poor white kids go to shitty schools because they live in poor areas.
That's why you get called on your white guilt. You take something that doesn't have to do with race like shitty schools in poor areas, and twist it. You bring up the poor minorities, but neglect to mention the poor whites in this country who are going through the same struggles. At the very least be consistent. Try not to be so obvious with your white guilt.
I have always said that our biggest problem in America is between the social classes. However, from a hundred feet away can you tell me whether a person is poor or rich? Probably not. Can you tell me if they are black? Yes.
Just some advice. Every time you use the buzz word "white guilt" you will be labeled an ignorant ass. Keep using it, but realize that everything else in your statement will be ignored as more racist rhetoric.
People like to be around people like themselves. It is a scientific fact. So, if all managers are white, do you think it will be harder for a black person to get a job? The manager may not be overtly racist, but they will have more in common with a white prospect than a black prospect, or will subconsciously think they do, so they will hire the white person first.
Analogy. I am raised in a good family, get to go to all the best schools, get into Harvard, graduate at the top of class. Meanwhile, you are locked in a basement your whole life. The day I graduate, you are allowed out. Now, we both look for jobs. Do we both have a chance at a good job? Yes. The same chance? No. You and people like you think that the day blacks were given equal rights they should have sprinted and caught up with Whitey. It takes time and it takes government intervention to speed it up a little. Without government intervention it might happen, but it would take even longer.
The Jays
07-20-2009, 12:47 PM
Trick question. The day he's released, he dies due to a severe lack of melanin and skin pigmentation from years spent in the basement combined with third degree sunburns.
Trick question. The day he's released, he dies due to a severe lack of melanin and skin pigmentation from years spent in the basement combined with third degree sunburns.
Not only will he get the job, he'll get the girl!
07-20-2009, 06:16 PM
Poor white people don't need to worry about shitty schools because they get home schooled.
The Jays
07-20-2009, 07:26 PM
And they also have crystal meth to supplement their incomes when they get laid off from the Chik-Fil-A or the local convenience store.
07-20-2009, 09:19 PM
And they also have crystal meth to supplement their incomes when they get laid off from the Chik-Fil-A or the local convenience store.
way to stereotype
The Happening
07-21-2009, 12:41 AM
I have always said that our biggest problem in America is between the social classes. However, from a hundred feet away can you tell me whether a person is poor or rich? Probably not. Can you tell me if they are black? Yes.
The problem is between the social classes. But for some reason, you went with a racial angle here. People like you are sympathetic to the poor minorities in this country, but neglect to even make the millions of poor white people in this country a footnote in your list of concerns. Why is that? Because having sympathy for white people doesn't help you look very progressive to others now does it? Look past race man. Seriously. Yes, their are problems in poor areas with education, crime, and job rates. But those problems transcend race. They were the same problems poor white people were dealing with on their own years ago. It will always be a social class issue.
The Happening
07-21-2009, 12:50 AM
Analogy. I am raised in a good family, get to go to all the best schools, get into Harvard, graduate at the top of class. Meanwhile, you are locked in a basement your whole life. The day I graduate, you are allowed out. Now, we both look for jobs. Do we both have a chance at a good job? Yes. The same chance? No. You and people like you think that the day blacks were given equal rights they should have sprinted and caught up with Whitey. It takes time and it takes government intervention to speed it up a little. Without government intervention it might happen, but it would take even longer.
What a terrible and overdramatic analogy. But i'll grit my teeth and play along for a sec.
The government has stepped in to help speed along the process. That process has lead to millions of black people around the country holding high status jobs, including the President Of The United States.
And guess what? Millions of white people were stuck in that basement as well. Stop treating black people like puppies who are unable to be house trained. Black people are capeable of anything white people can do, and don't need to be thrown a bone. Stop blaming white people for everything. It gets old man.
07-21-2009, 02:57 AM
What a terrible and overdramatic analogy. But i'll grit my teeth and play along for a sec.
The government has stepped in to help speed along the process. That process has lead to millions of black people around the country holding high status jobs, including the President Of The United States.
And guess what? Millions of white people were stuck in that basement as well. Stop treating black people like puppies who are unable to be house trained. Black people are capeable of anything white people can do, and don't need to be thrown a bone. Stop blaming white people for everything. It gets old man.
Who created this society? Who controlled this society for 20 years? Take responsibility.
Of course it is possible for a black person to succeed. But, on a whole do you think it is the same chance as a white person? I say no, due to socio-economic factors, caused by institutional and individual racism. It is to society's benefit that everyone has an equal chance. I don't care about the individuals. What if Edison or Ford never got the opportunity to succeed?
The Jays
07-21-2009, 03:36 AM
way to stereotype
And they all attend KKK meetings on Tuesdays, Nazi Party meetings on Thursdays, and long for the days of slavery.
The Happening
07-21-2009, 08:13 AM
Who created this society? Who controlled this society for 20 years? Take responsibility.
Society is rough on white people also. Dude, your self hate is embarassing. Yes, black/white/hispanic all have the same chances to "make it" in society. Based on ECONOMIC status, do some people no matter what race they are have it more rough than others? Yes. But once again this is a social class issue, not a racial one.
What aspect of our structured society is set up to keep black people, and black people alone down? Without running around the question, just answer straight up.
The Happening
07-21-2009, 08:15 AM
And they all attend KKK meetings on Tuesdays, Nazi Party meetings on Thursdays, and long for the days of slavery. Don't forget about how they poison grape soda to help keep the black population down.
Society is rough on white people also. Dude, your self hate is embarassing. Yes, black/white/hispanic all have the same chances to "make it" in society. Based on ECONOMIC status, do some people no matter what race they are have it more rough than others? Yes. But once again this is a social class issue, not a racial one.
What aspect of our structured society is set up to keep black people, and black people alone down? Without running around the question, just answer straight up.
Alright...I agree with your stance that class is the most important thing in determining one's ability to achieve in society, but to dismiss the racial aspects of our society is just wrong.
It isn't self-hate that makes people identify the ills of past societies, but rather self-awareness.
I'm personally aware that I have had a rather smooth road compared to others, and that would be partially because of situations that I didn't control. I'm white and my parents allowed me opportunities to excel. Certainly I had to do the work, but to say that everyone even in my same socio-economic status has the same opportunities is just wrong in my opinion.
07-21-2009, 08:54 AM
Alright...I agree with your stance that class is the most important thing in determining one's ability to achieve in society, but to dismiss the racial aspects of our society is just wrong.
It isn't self-hate that makes people identify the ills of past societies, but rather self-awareness.
I'm personally aware that I have had a rather smooth road compared to others, and that would be partially because of situations that I didn't control. I'm white and my parents allowed me opportunities to excel. Certainly I had to do the work, but to say that everyone even in my same socio-economic status has the same opportunities is just wrong in my opinion.
I don't understand TH's argument.
TH, are you saying that race is not a factor in determining socio-economic status, or that the concept socio-economic status is unreliable?
Also, it's sort of silly that you think everyone that disagrees with you is doing so out of guilt. As was mentioned before, if you do have a valid point to make it's getting lost in this assumption.
07-21-2009, 10:00 AM
Society is rough on white people also. Dude, your self hate is embarassing. Yes, black/white/hispanic all have the same chances to "make it" in society. Based on ECONOMIC status, do some people no matter what race they are have it more rough than others? Yes. But once again this is a social class issue, not a racial one.
It's both.
I don't think anyone here is ignoring or dismissing poor white white people...I know I'm certainly not. What I've been attempting to point out is that how this is a class issue and a race issue. The information I was posting earlier in the thread was in effort to point out how poor non-white males (and this includes white women) face far more difficulties in what they can do to escape their poverty. Poor white males are ultimately just poor: everyone else are "poor and something else" that compounds their situation even more. Study after study for decades now clearly show that as a whole it is far more difficult for non-whites and women to get the same jobs as white males, much less paid equally. Those are significant factors that compound the overall issue of poverty. Poverty as a whole is a critical issue, but it cannot only be looked at as being the same across the board when ultimately it is not. Race and gender need to be considered because the information clearly shows that it is often much harder for non-whites and women to improve their economic status than white males. Poverty is not a problem that can only be appraoched with broad, sweeping initiatives that act as if everyone who is "poor" is in the same situation.
07-21-2009, 10:08 AM
I don't think anyone here is ignoring or dismissing poor white white people...
Those people are so poor, and so white.
07-21-2009, 12:51 PM
Society is rough on white people also. Dude, your self hate is embarassing. Yes, black/white/hispanic all have the same chances to "make it" in society. Based on ECONOMIC status, do some people no matter what race they are have it more rough than others? Yes. But once again this is a social class issue, not a racial one.
What aspect of our structured society is set up to keep black people, and black people alone down? Without running around the question, just answer straight up.
I wrote a long response than erased it.
Institutional racism is mostly, if not completely gone. Its effects still linger. If you don't think the racism of the past has not left scars on people that still linger I can't help you. A 20 year old, now 60, was called a nigger, had hoses and dogs turned on him by the police. How do you think that effects how he raises his kid?
Also I don't worry about "White Guilt." I am too busy suffering "Industrialization Guilt" for disliking how we exploit third world countries. Or "Higher Species Guilt" because I don't like seeing animals suffer unnecessarily. Or "Free From Birth Defects Guilt" for having sympathy for people with handicaps. I carry a heavy burden.
The Jays
07-21-2009, 05:39 PM
Society is rough on white people also. Dude, your self hate is embarassing. Yes, black/white/hispanic all have the same chances to "make it" in society. Based on ECONOMIC status, do some people no matter what race they are have it more rough than others? Yes. But once again this is a social class issue, not a racial one.
What aspect of our structured society is set up to keep black people, and black people alone down? Without running around the question, just answer straight up.
Dude, just face it, I'm a white dude, you're a white dude, you should be thankful because black people get it from all sides, Hispanics get it from all sides, Asians, less as much, but seriously, as white people, we have it easy, if society is rough on us, it's only when we're really fucking up, like when we cook crystal meth or drink ourselves to shit in trailers or eat til the forklift takes us out. No one's filling us with bullet holes when we reach for our wallets, no one is telling us to go back to Europe when we work a construction job off the books, and no one is making fun of us by making their eyes round and correctly pronouncing their r's and l's. This "white guilt" crap you keep accusing everyone of is weak and an attempt to dismiss the reality that we all hate each other other but we want to work on that. You already seem to think it's all good now, and it's not.
The Happening
07-22-2009, 12:14 AM
Dude, just face it, I'm a white dude, you're a white dude, you should be thankful because black people get it from all sides, Hispanics get it from all sides, Asians, less as much, but seriously, as white people, we have it easy, if society is rough on us, it's only when we're really fucking up, like when we cook crystal meth or drink ourselves to shit in trailers or eat til the forklift takes us out. No one's filling us with bullet holes when we reach for our wallets, no one is telling us to go back to Europe when we work a construction job off the books, and no one is making fun of us by making their eyes round and correctly pronouncing their r's and l's. This "white guilt" crap you keep accusing everyone of is weak and an attempt to dismiss the reality that we all hate each other other but we want to work on that. You already seem to think it's all good now, and it's not.
White people get filled with bullet holes all the time. Sometimes it's by black people who are robbing them because they are white. But somehow I bet you have an excuse for that.
Minorities make fun of whites all the time. Stop making this look like some giant one sided thing. It goes both ways.
I bring up white guilt because that's exactly what it is. Weak white people who watch too many movies, and hate their own people. They dime out their own people at the drop of a hat, in hopes of looking progressive to everyone else. It's fake. Race relations have gotten much better in this country, and you guys hate that. You hate that whites are the majority, it gives you a guilty complex for everything that goes wrong in society. But the white majority has done a ton to make things fair for all minorities. Instead of being this awful tyrant, the white majority has invented laws to protect minorities, because everyone is truly equal. Are their holes in the system society has laid forth? Absolutely! But those holes are also hurting white people, both poor and middle class. This isn't a race thing!
Stop with this white guilt shit you weak white assholes. You create the problem by making things seem worse then they really are. Jays is the perfect example. He brings up round eye jokes, black people go back to africa jokes, and minorities getting shot. I mean seriously, what an awful flow of white guilt shit. I pose you this question Jays. What happens more: White people committing crimes against black people? Or black people committing crimes against white people? It's a pretty simple answer, and not even close in numbers. But ofcourse, their is no outrage or cries of racism on that topic from you people. No, just excuses from you guys.
Another quick example of white guilt BS: This black author who was mistakenly arrested in his own home because their was a call of a robbery. We are going to hear to know end about racial profiling, and how race relations in this country are awful blah blah blah. But how do the actions of a few white police officers condem all white people? When a black person does something wrong racially we treat him as an individual. When a white person does something wrong racially, we condem the entire white race. The cops made a mistake. They do it with white people all the time. Stop making things such a big deal white guilt morons!
The Happening
07-22-2009, 12:23 AM
A 20 year old, now 60, was called a nigger, had hoses and dogs turned on him by the police. How do you think that effects how he raises his kid?
I have sympathy for that 60 year old, because he was treated like shit just because he was a different skin color. Society was structured unfairly against blacks back then. And it fuckn pisses me off that he had to go through that. But his kids don't have to go through that. They have as fair a shot as any white kid. That's where your white guilt comes into play. You are unable to seperate that 60 year old man who did get treated unfairly, with his 30 year old son who has had a fair shake. I didn't treat that 60 year old man like shit, and neither did you.
The Happening
07-22-2009, 12:30 AM
I don't understand TH's argument.
Also, it's sort of silly that you think everyone that disagrees with you is doing so out of guilt. As was mentioned before, if you do have a valid point to make it's getting lost in this assumption.
Stop nerd, that's not what i'm doing. I'm generalizing. If it hits to close to home for you i'm sorry.
I'm saying that im tired of hearing about how this white structured society is making blacks poor, when millions of whites have been and continue to be poor through out this countries history. Being poor wasn't invented when black people came to this country. This is a fucking social class issue!
Any man, no matter what race he is, can make it in this country equally. I understand that in the past this was not the case. But i'm taking about right now. Now the first thing you will say is that the poor blacks in this country have terrible schools, lots of crime, and poor job staus. Guess what the millions of poor white people in this country have? Poor schools, lots of crime, and poor job status. Get it?
The Happening
07-22-2009, 12:35 AM
Alright...I agree with your stance that class is the most important thing in determining one's ability to achieve in society, but to dismiss the racial aspects of our society is just wrong.
It isn't self-hate that makes people identify the ills of past societies, but rather self-awareness.
Yes, the past. I don't forget it either. It pisses me off. But I don't let it make me feel guilty, because I didn't do it. I am very aware of the struggles minorities faced in this country in the PAST. But this is now. And now they have a fair shake.
Ok, i'm open to hearing about these racial aspects of our society that are set up to hurt minorities. I'm a very open-minded person.
Based on the numbers game, sure it's a little easier for the majority then it is minorities from a standpoint of comfortability, security, and expression. But that's not something that has to do with the white man structuring society to be unfair to minorities in 2009. It's a numbers game, which extends to a human emotions game.
07-22-2009, 02:45 AM
Stop nerd, that's not what i'm doing. I'm generalizing. If it hits to close to home for you i'm sorry.
I'm saying that im tired of hearing about how this white structured society is making blacks poor, when millions of whites have been and continue to be poor through out this countries history. Being poor wasn't invented when black people came to this country. This is a fucking social class issue!
Any man, no matter what race he is, can make it in this country equally. I understand that in the past this was not the case. But i'm taking about right now. Now the first thing you will say is that the poor blacks in this country have terrible schools, lots of crime, and poor job staus. Guess what the millions of poor white people in this country have? Poor schools, lots of crime, and poor job status. Get it?
lol, nerd? What's wrong with you, man? Why can't you just be cool?
I guess there's no point arguing with you. You seem to have come to this conclusion and you are steadfast in keeping it.
The point is that the lower socio-economic status that was forced on blacks in this country for many decades cannot just disappear over night. Explicit racism has bread implicit racism. Every day, more walls are being bought down, but we are far from perfect and equal.
The Jays
07-22-2009, 03:50 AM
White people get filled with bullet holes all the time. Sometimes it's by black people who are robbing them because they are white. But somehow I bet you have an excuse for that.
Minorities make fun of whites all the time. Stop making this look like some giant one sided thing. It goes both ways.
I bring up white guilt because that's exactly what it is. Weak white people who watch too many movies, and hate their own people. They dime out their own people at the drop of a hat, in hopes of looking progressive to everyone else. It's fake. Race relations have gotten much better in this country, and you guys hate that. You hate that whites are the majority, it gives you a guilty complex for everything that goes wrong in society. But the white majority has done a ton to make things fair for all minorities. Instead of being this awful tyrant, the white majority has invented laws to protect minorities, because everyone is truly equal. Are their holes in the system society has laid forth? Absolutely! But those holes are also hurting white people, both poor and middle class. This isn't a race thing!
Stop with this white guilt shit you weak white assholes. You create the problem by making things seem worse then they really are. Jays is the perfect example. He brings up round eye jokes, black people go back to africa jokes, and minorities getting shot. I mean seriously, what an awful flow of white guilt shit. I pose you this question Jays. What happens more: White people committing crimes against black people? Or black people committing crimes against white people? It's a pretty simple answer, and not even close in numbers. But ofcourse, their is no outrage or cries of racism on that topic from you people. No, just excuses from you guys.
Another quick example of white guilt BS: This black author who was mistakenly arrested in his own home because their was a call of a robbery. We are going to hear to know end about racial profiling, and how race relations in this country are awful blah blah blah. But how do the actions of a few white police officers condem all white people? When a black person does something wrong racially we treat him as an individual. When a white person does something wrong racially, we condem the entire white race. The cops made a mistake. They do it with white people all the time. Stop making things such a big deal white guilt morons!
White people do NOT get filled with bullet holes all time; this example was based on true story of a black person in the midst of cops that felt he was a danger because he was black. You say that every gets a fair shake, yet you seem to have no problem racially profiling people based on your comments that black people commit more crimes that white people. Yes, race relations have gotten better, but you argue that they are totally cool now, and they're not.
Then you come and have the nuts to not argue your point proper and call people nerds, call the moderators nerd hall monitors, and the rest of us pussies. What the fuck is your problem? Seriously, what the FUCK is your problem? Do you want to have a fucking discussion or not? If you have a fucking point of view, express it, but stop it with your fucking name calling.
07-22-2009, 03:54 AM
White people get filled with bullet holes all the time. Sometimes it's by black people who are robbing them because they are white. But somehow I bet you have an excuse for that.
Minorities make fun of whites all the time. Stop making this look like some giant one sided thing. It goes both ways.
I bring up white guilt because that's exactly what it is. Weak white people who watch too many movies, and hate their own people. They dime out their own people at the drop of a hat, in hopes of looking progressive to everyone else. It's fake. Race relations have gotten much better in this country, and you guys hate that. You hate that whites are the majority, it gives you a guilty complex for everything that goes wrong in society. But the white majority has done a ton to make things fair for all minorities. Instead of being this awful tyrant, the white majority has invented laws to protect minorities, because everyone is truly equal. Are their holes in the system society has laid forth? Absolutely! But those holes are also hurting white people, both poor and middle class. This isn't a race thing!
Stop with this white guilt shit you weak white assholes. You create the problem by making things seem worse then they really are. Jays is the perfect example. He brings up round eye jokes, black people go back to africa jokes, and minorities getting shot. I mean seriously, what an awful flow of white guilt shit. I pose you this question Jays. What happens more: White people committing crimes against black people? Or black people committing crimes against white people? It's a pretty simple answer, and not even close in numbers. But ofcourse, their is no outrage or cries of racism on that topic from you people. No, just excuses from you guys.
Another quick example of white guilt BS: This black author who was mistakenly arrested in his own home because their was a call of a robbery. We are going to hear to know end about racial profiling, and how race relations in this country are awful blah blah blah. But how do the actions of a few white police officers condem all white people? When a black person does something wrong racially we treat him as an individual. When a white person does something wrong racially, we condem the entire white race. The cops made a mistake. They do it with white people all the time. Stop making things such a big deal white guilt morons!
One last time, stop with the insults or I'll ban you for good.
07-22-2009, 05:50 AM
Fuck the warning, he's gone now. He's clearly not going to break from his "rant and rave and insult everyone" mold.
07-22-2009, 05:59 AM
Fuck the warning, he's gone now. He's clearly not going to break from his "rant and rave and insult everyone" mold.
We seem to have quite a few people who come here to do that. It's weird. Why discuss anything if you're not interested in what the other side is saying?
07-22-2009, 06:00 AM
We seem to have quite a few people who come here to do that. It's weird. Why discuss anything if you're not interested in what the other side is saying?
Eh, I don't expect people to be open to other ideas, but it's tiresome to keep reading the same rant over and over and over again that's designed to just insult everyone he disagrees with and nothing else.
It's been way too long so I'm reposting:
"Oh no! Not Souter."
07-22-2009, 06:22 AM
Fuck the warning, he's gone now. He's clearly not going to break from his "rant and rave and insult everyone" mold.
Thunder stealer.
07-22-2009, 06:44 AM
It's my forum! I'll punch you in your head and stomach with my fists.
07-22-2009, 06:46 AM
It's my forum! I'll punch you in your head and stomach with my fists.
It's your forum? OHHH I'm sorry, King Mojo. Forgive us for posting in your forum.
07-22-2009, 06:46 AM
It's my forum!
Good point.
I'll punch you in your head and stomach with my fists.
HA! Good one.
07-22-2009, 06:47 AM
i'm takin mojo's ball and leaving
07-22-2009, 06:52 AM
It's your forum? OHHH I'm sorry, King Mojo. Forgive us for posting in your forum.
Pay your taxes or I'll grind your bones to make me bread.
07-22-2009, 12:35 PM
I have sympathy for that 60 year old, because he was treated like shit just because he was a different skin color. Society was structured unfairly against blacks back then. And it fuckn pisses me off that he had to go through that. But his kids don't have to go through that. They have as fair a shot as any white kid. That's where your white guilt comes into play. You are unable to seperate that 60 year old man who did get treated unfairly, with his 30 year old son who has had a fair shake. I didn't treat that 60 year old man like shit, and neither did you.
So, you don't think that 60 year old has an impact on his kids or his grandkids? You don't think the community's conscious is affected by a VERY RECENT PAST of overt institutional racism?
Yes, if a black kid grew up in a vacuum without any societal pressure he has the same chance as a white kid growing up in a vacuum. But, you can not ignore the environment they were raised in. The black kid was raised in an environment created by racism.
I HAVE NO GUILT. Let that go. I feel bad for poor white kids. Do I have middle class guilt?
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