View Full Version : Mothers day gift idea?
04-24-2009, 05:46 AM
I really want to do something nice for my mother in law this year. But, I am pretty budgeted.
She expects absolutely nothing but deserves everything.
any thoughts of something inexpensive to get a woman who oft gets over looked?
I would do some yardwork or something for her, but being preggo, I really can't.
I think she'd love a Beanie Cup.
04-24-2009, 05:48 AM
How about one of those photo projects -- like a calendar or something like that -- with a bunch of pictures of her granddaughter. They aren't that expensive, and I think you can order them through places like Snapfish.
You could even get silly about it and do a calendar with Julianna in season appropriate costumes for each month.
04-24-2009, 05:54 AM
How about a grandson? That's enough!
04-24-2009, 05:55 AM
Couldn't Dave get free flowers from the shows connection to
I like Mikeyboy's ideas too.
04-24-2009, 05:57 AM
mikeyboy has a good idea. When we went to Disneyworld on my M-i-L we took a bunch of pictures of the grandkids and created a photo book on Shutterfly, and gave them to her as a keepsake. She loves that book. If I remember right, it wasn't all that expensive (maybe $30 bucks?)
You guys live close enough to your in-laws that a webcam doesn't makes sense, does it? I'm getting my mom a webcam and installing skype so that she can see her grandkids online.
We're also framing some pictures we have of her with the kids.
04-24-2009, 05:59 AM
Start jumping up and down.
04-24-2009, 06:06 AM
I did a snapfish album for her for another reason....
Don't want to double up on the same gift.
Maybe a webcam, she has other grandkids now that aren't as close.
04-24-2009, 06:06 AM
I really want to do something nice for my mother in law this year. But, I am pretty budgeted.
She expects absolutely nothing but deserves everything.
any thoughts of something inexpensive to get a woman who oft gets over looked?
I would do some yardwork or something for her, but being preggo, I really can't.
Do a gay scrapbook of the fam. Go to AC Moore and buy those stupid rub on word things and adornments and stuff.
04-24-2009, 06:07 AM
I did a snapfish album for her for another reason....
Don't want to double up on the same gift.
Maybe a webcam, she has other grandkids now that aren't as close.
You better give her a primer on Arab Jackers
04-24-2009, 06:07 AM
maybe not a calendar, but a photobook with her and her grandkids in it.
on mypublisher you can even add a custom sleeve with text and all, you can write a nice little thank you or dedication to her in it and since it's a book it won't be put away after the year is over.
mypublisher also has the mothersday BoGo deal so you can keep one for Julez for her firts year of memories with grandma.
edit: never mind, just saw your other reply...
though I make one of these for my mom every year, just not for mothersday
04-24-2009, 06:10 AM
Maybe a webcam, she has other grandkids now that aren't as close.
Of course, Dave's siblings will need to have webcams too, but if they don't already, they can do that easily.
04-24-2009, 06:12 AM
i can't imagine she's overlooked by dave.
04-24-2009, 06:14 AM
how about just a nice spa mani/ pedi for both of you... no kids... a girls afternoon out
of course if she does that all the time anyway then it's not much of a treat... but I remember I loved doing that when I was prego cause I could no longer see my feet... and it was nice to just relax an afternoon with my mom.
or maybe if she likes a certain type of desert or cake, make it for her...
04-24-2009, 06:23 AM
Bejeweled Special Delivery Scissors
04-24-2009, 06:45 AM
how about just a nice spa mani/ pedi for both of you... no kids... a girls afternoon out
of course if she does that all the time anyway then it's not much of a treat... but I remember I loved doing that when I was prego cause I could no longer see my feet... and it was nice to just relax an afternoon with my mom.
or maybe if she likes a certain type of desert or cake, make it for her...
04-24-2009, 06:47 AM
You better give her a primer on Arab Jackers
Mods, I think this is a post of the day candidate. Thoughts?
04-24-2009, 06:49 AM
Mods, I think this is a post of the day candidate. Thoughts?
I agree, but anyone can record a LOTD on the LOTD thread.
04-24-2009, 06:51 AM
A friend of mine, who was also dealing with a budget made very cool bakers clay plaques for Mother's day and Father's day. She made the clay below rolled it out to about 1/2 inch thick and had her daughter put her hand prints in it. Then she found a poem or quotes about being a grand mother or grand father and wrote them in with the end of a paint brush. Then she baked them until they were done.
They turned out awesome and she didn't have to spend a great deal of money, plus it doubled as a nice low impact activity that she shared with her daughter.
( I think this will cost at most 5 dollars)
Baker's Clay Ingredients:
* 4 cups flour
* 1 cup salt
* 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 cup water
Mix together and knead until smooth. Add food coloring if desired. Make shapes and bake at 300 degrees until set and golden (1/2 hr to 1 hr). For a more golden appearance, paint with a beaten egg when it is almost done baking and looks dry. You can paint with egg twice or three times for a darker golden color. Don't use egg on colored dough. For colored dough, paint with shallac or laquer after baking. If cracks appear, patch with some slightly moister dough and continue baking.
* if you don't have food coloring I am sure Julianna would have fun coloring these with crayon or painting them with non toxic paint. After they have been baked of course.
04-24-2009, 06:53 AM
Maybe she thought you could give the manicure to Beanie?
04-24-2009, 07:00 AM
Maybe she thought you could give the manicure to Beanie?
no, I was more thinking that Dave could take Julianna and get both his mom and Casey a nice little pedicure.
I do realize that some spa's are very pricey, that's why I added the second suggestion of making a favorite cake or dessert for her.
04-24-2009, 07:04 AM
no, I was more thinking that Dave could take Julianna and get both his mom and Casey a nice little pedicure.
I do realize that some spa's are very pricey, that's why I added the second suggestion of making a favorite cake or dessert for her.
What do old people like to eat anyhow?
ellis island crumpets or some shit?
I can't really cook that well.
Good idea though.
04-24-2009, 07:04 AM
no, I was more thinking that Dave could take Julianna and get both his mom and Casey a nice little pedicure.
I do realize that some spa's are very pricey, that's why I added the second suggestion of making a favorite cake or dessert for her.
I can't even imagine how tight money is right now for them so a spa day, no matter how pleasant it would be would most likely not be realistic. Something simple is the way to go.
04-24-2009, 07:07 AM
What do old people like to eat anyhow?
gvac likes steak.
04-24-2009, 07:17 AM
What do old people like to eat anyhow?
ellis island crumpets or some shit?
I can't really cook that well.
Good idea though.
lol... I don't know her well enough to say what her favorite treat
and of course if you don't bake then the suggestion is kinda worthless...
I am not of much help with this cause I never got anything for Mothersday and we don't celebrate it with gifts and stuff in Germany... we just get together for a nice brunch or coffee and cake in the afternoon and give flowers (which are very cheap there compared to here)
gvac likes steak.
and no cheese- it upsets his old stomach and makes him shit like a shark
I can't even imagine how tight money is right now for them so a spa day, no matter how pleasant it would be would most likely not be realistic. Something simple is the way to go.
I did not say spa day, a pedicure is 25 bucks, mani/ pedi maybe 35... at least where I am...
and again, if she does that for herself all the time anyway then it is not special.
Now I just had an idea... since you have all these little videos of Julianna, maybe edit them all together and burn them to a DVD?
I sent my mom's bf a dvd with Lukas singing Happy Birthday last year and they loved it. It was super short but cause it had a menu and a picture slide show included it was a cheap and quick yet nice gift.
04-26-2009, 10:47 AM
I second Katja's dvd idea, that's something she can watch over again and show friends too.. you could also get julianna's handprints on paper, and get one of those companies that can make a magnet or coffee mug, or buy a frame and make your own pic collage... i have a feeling she'll be ok with just a grandson like one of the posters mentioned :)
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