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PLANET OF THE APES - rank 'em & discuss. [Archive] - Messageboard


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04-21-2009, 06:09 PM
I've been going on an old-movie binge recently. JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS.... THE TEN COMMANDMENTS... etc etc.

I've seen the OG version of PLANET OF THE APES a few times over the years and, of course, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Dare I waste a saturday and watch the sequels??

Those masks still look f'ing cool to me but, how are the actual movies?

04-21-2009, 06:10 PM
Uh, the movie or the planet?

04-21-2009, 06:15 PM
I saw all of them at once on a New Years day hungover/drunken binge and I loved them all so I think my opinion might be skewed, but the first is the best cause everyone will say that. But seriously it's true.

04-21-2009, 06:17 PM
Personally, if I am going to see guys in suits battling it out, it might as well be Japanese Monster films. Nothing beats a good marathon of Godzilla vs something...

Judge Smails
04-21-2009, 06:17 PM
Let's check out the official rankings:

04-21-2009, 07:10 PM
Charlton Heston one....decent.

Every other one, including the remake...horrendous.

Although, I do have a slight softspot for the bombworshiping human creeps in Beneath. They're pretty funny.

And then the fifth one is so bad, it's embarassing. The angry humans convert a school bus into their traveling monkey killing death mobile?? Really????

robot artist
04-21-2009, 07:52 PM
Watch the first two, and skip the other three. In fact, never see them.

When you get to the end of the second one, you'll see why it's time to stop. (I won't spoil it if you haven't seen the ending). And while it could never measure up to the brilliance and shocking originality of the first movie, Beneath does provide an entertaining conclusion to the storyline.

And you get even more of the hot Nova.

04-21-2009, 08:39 PM
Always loved the origin story with Ceaser and Ricardo Montalban(3?)..My fave after 1. Hated 2...too boring, and the Psychologist guy creeped me out.

04-21-2009, 10:09 PM
Let's check out the official rankings:

Ha...I love this and the major drop off between Godfather II and III. It gave me a good guffaw.

04-22-2009, 06:30 AM
Always loved the origin story with Ceaser and Ricardo Montalban(3?)..My fave after 1. Hated 2...too boring, and the Psychologist guy creeped me out.

it's a bit dated, but Conquest of the Planet of the Apes is really great, and i'm actually excited for the proposed remake ceasar, in 2011

04-22-2009, 06:35 AM
Battle for the Planet of the Apes is so bad that it's great.

04-22-2009, 07:42 AM
That ape makeup is the coolest.
Even the Burton remake.. all those years later... wasn't all THAT big of an upgrade.

04-22-2009, 07:47 AM
Watch the first two, and skip the other three. In fact, never see them.

When you get to the end of the second one, you'll see why it's time to stop. (I won't spoil it if you haven't seen the ending). And while it could never measure up to the brilliance and shocking originality of the first movie, Beneath does provide an entertaining conclusion to the storyline.

And you get even more of the hot Nova.

I'm sorry but the second blows too. They couldn't get Heston so another astronaut happens to land on the planet.

Stick with the first, and don't seek the rest. If they are on tv, go ahead and watch but don't seek them out.

04-22-2009, 07:51 AM
Charlton Heston one....decent.

I'm sorry but the second blows too. They couldn't get Heston so another astronaut happens to land on the planet..

Heston IS in the second one, Beneath the Planet of the Apes.

04-22-2009, 07:57 AM
Heston IS in the second one, Beneath the Planet of the Apes.

Yeah, you're right, but not for long and the whole second astronaut angle doesn't make sense.

04-22-2009, 09:26 AM
Sorry, it's been a little while since I saw them in Order..which was the one where Cornelius and Zeira go back in the space ship? That one I hated. I loved the one after it with Ceaser. Some of them had not so great make up..if you look in the background..some of the extras are actually wearing cardboard ape masks!..I think it was from ones made from the Tv series.

07-24-2009, 04:09 PM
I just bought, and watched, the original with Charlton Heston. I was either going to post this here or in the old "Movie Logic" thread.

So Taylor (Heston) and the other astronauts crash-land on a strange planet - OK. They walk across barren waste land until they discover some foliage - OK. They discover humanoids, but don't seem surprised by that - OK. The apes come to round them up, that's shocking - OK. They aren't surprised that there is corn there, or horses, or saddles, or that the apes have rifles - OK.

But why did it take Taylor to the end of the movie, when he sees the remains of the Statue of Liberty, to realize he was back on Earth? Shouldn't he have had a clue when the apes were speaking English?

Anyway, still a very good movie. I would recommend buying it.

07-26-2009, 10:09 AM
I just bought, and watched, the original with Charlton Heston. I was either going to post this here or in the old "Movie Logic" thread.

So Taylor (Heston) and the other astronauts crash-land on a strange planet - OK. They walk across barren waste land until they discover some foliage - OK. They discover humanoids, but don't seem surprised by that - OK. The apes come to round them up, that's shocking - OK. They aren't surprised that there is corn there, or horses, or saddles, or that the apes have rifles - OK.

But why did it take Taylor to the end of the movie, when he sees the remains of the Statue of Liberty, to realize he was back on Earth? Shouldn't he have had a clue when the apes were speaking English?

Anyway, still a very good movie. I would recommend buying it.

This is classic movie-logic -or the lack thereof.

I know this is a hack bit but, even when I was 10 years old... I was always bothered by the fact that Lois Lane could not recognize that Clark was Superman just because he put on a pair of glasses, AND SHE WAS A FUCKING INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST!
I'm more ready to believe that Supes was an alien that had super strength. Hell... I'm strong as fuck on the moon, ya know?

With that first ape movie, I'm more willing to believe that apes have a functioning society. And that they have language. And that they wear clothes.... etc... but the fact that Heston doesn't know he's on Earth is just too much.

Good masks though.

07-27-2009, 06:39 AM
I bought the box set last year of all the movies and it was a good time watching them - although I haven't got around to the last one, Battle For The Planet Of The Apes.

The first one, even with Heston's ham-handed performance, is the best of course. I liked some parts of Beneath, but the whole singing to the bomb scene - and it's way too long - really kills it for me. Escape wasn't very good - or plausible given the timeline in the first two movies - so it's really forced.

But I do like Conquest - especially at the end when Cesar is giving that speech while the city burns. It's pretty bad ass.

Marc with a c
07-27-2009, 06:40 AM
never seen none of them.