View Full Version : Dallas cop detains man while mother-in-law dies
03-27-2009, 07:20 AM
This is a HUGE story in Dallas right now and it's had national coverage either because of the situation or because the 'victim' was an NFL player. Either way I thought I'd start a discussion.
I love ChrisTheCop and much of our police force and I feel bad that assholes like this make good cops look bad but this is ridiculous.
Everybody in every profession needs to use discretion and this cop did not. It's like the more he realized he was wrong, the more beligerent he got. He didn't want to admit he was in the wrong when that's the first thing he should have done when he realized the situation. They were at the DOOR of the ER for goodness sake and nurses kept coming out to verify his story. It makes me so mad and sick to think about being in this situation. He should have been at his wife's side during this most tragic event in their lives but instead he was dealing with a dickhead outside just because he couldn't let go of his pride and power. Ugh.
It's also unfortunate that the cop was white and the guy was black which to some adds a racial component to this story. He also happens to be a running back for the Houston Texans.
Sorry I can't embed the video since I'm at work but if you want to see the audio or video it's available out there.
As a storm of outrage gathered over his department, Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle called a news conference Thursday to apologize for the behavior of an officer who detained a distressed family outside a hospital emergency room.
Kunkle said Officer Robert Powell had been placed on paid administrative leave in connection with the incident last week, in which he stopped a family rushing to visit a dying mother, keeping them for 13 minutes to write a traffic ticket. The woman died before two of the family members were able to see her.
I gotta admit the cop looks like a punchable douche
03-27-2009, 07:54 AM
If only there was as much " outrage " and national coverage of the 4 police officers killed last week.
Sure the cop came off as a douche and handled the situation poorly to say the least but this guy was banging through stops signs like they weren't even there.
What would you say if he hit and killed somebody while doing that ?
Is his MIL's life worth more than others that guy could've put in harms way ?
If only there was as much " outrage " and national coverage of the 4 police officers killed last week.
Sure the cop came off as a douche and handled the situation poorly to say the least but this guy was banging through stops signs like they weren't even there.
What would you say if he hit and killed somebody while doing that ?
Is his MIL's life worth more than others that guy could've put in harms way ?
He stopped at a stop light and then went through when he saw there was no one coming. As for the 4 murdered policemen that does piss me off but I know what you mean
03-27-2009, 08:14 AM
If only there was as much " outrage " and national coverage of the 4 police officers killed last week.
Sure the cop came off as a douche and handled the situation poorly to say the least but this guy was banging through stops signs like they weren't even there.
What would you say if he hit and killed somebody while doing that ?
Is his MIL's life worth more than others that guy could've put in harms way ?
he didn't hit anyone, so move on with your hypothetical situation and worry about what did happen.
Was it speeding???? Reckless driving? Careless driving? no, so apparently at no time was anyones life in danger.
But honestly traffic cops aren't in that position because of their intellect...especially at this guys age.
03-27-2009, 08:19 AM
If only there was as much " outrage " and national coverage of the 4 police officers killed last week.
Sure the cop came off as a douche and handled the situation poorly to say the least but this guy was banging through stops signs like they weren't even there.
What would you say if he hit and killed somebody while doing that ?
Is his MIL's life worth more than others that guy could've put in harms way ?
Look, what happened there was truly awful and tragic. But he was a criminal and they were cops. Unfortunately that's part of their job and they deal with that reality every day. There's nothing that can be done about it. There are just some evil people and there are brave men and women who voluntarily try to protect us from that every day.
This is a teachable incident for cops and it can be avoided in the future. Really try to put yourself in their situation, if you mother was literally minutes away from dying wouldn't you do everything in your power to be by her side? He drove as carefully as he could while still rushing, he waited until it was clear to go, just ignoring the wait times.
03-27-2009, 08:21 AM
They should shoot this guy's mother, throw her in a room, and chain him to the doorway to have to watch her bleed to death.
Too extreme?
03-27-2009, 09:10 AM
I saw the entire unedited video last night.
I don't think anyone blames the cop for pulling him over. Or even trying to get the facts. Or even for writing him a ticket (which Ryan kept asking him to do).
But the cop just drags this out forever, even after knowing that time was precious, and goes on... and on... and on... about how he could tow the vehicle... cite him for fleeing... about how many violations he could arrest him for... and about how he could spend the night in jail...
Then, after over 15 minutes have elapsed... after another officer and a nurse try to get this guy to hurry up... he still takes his time, and starts preaching to Ryan about his "attitude"? And that "if you had just pulled over and explained the situation, that I probably would have just let you go"?
He did exactly that. He pulled over, got out (with a gun pointed at him, I might add), and explained the situation.
The "situation" should have been apparent within 30 seconds.
There's a distraught daughter and other female family member in the vehicle... and the patient's father.
This is not a group of young men using a bullshit excuse to get out of a ticket.
Like Ryan kept saying... just write the ticket, do whatever you have to, but do it quickly and let me be with my family.
03-27-2009, 09:30 AM
I think the more amazing thing is Ryan didnt either just ignore him and walk into the hospital, or that he didnt knock this fuckers lights out.
I got really fucking angry and clench-fisted when i read that story.
Judge Smails
03-27-2009, 09:34 AM
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03-27-2009, 09:34 AM
I gotta admit the cop looks like a punchable douche
03-27-2009, 09:37 AM
Wow. That is a close resemblance.
03-27-2009, 09:43 AM
he didn't hit anyone, so move on with your hypothetical situation and worry about what did happen.
Was it speeding???? Reckless driving? Careless driving? no, so apparently at no time was anyones life in danger.
Of course it was reckless driving. What else would running through stop signs be considered ?
Listen as much as it sucks laws don't come tp a stop just because somebody's facing a family tragedy.
Damn even cops have to " prceed w/ caution " when crossing intersections and going through lights responding to situations where they are actually needed.
It sucks that this guy dealt w/ what he had to deal w/ on a personal level but Dallas doesn't come to halt because of it.
I'm defending the initial stop and confrontation because I realize everything else could've been handled much better.
Hindsight's 20/20 but maybe if they had called 911 from a cell phone to let the dispatcher know the deal things could've be done differently.
I've heard people compare this guys right to not stop to the discretion women have to drive until they feel they are in a safe place. The difference isthe women usually don't continue to violate traffic laws while they look for that spot.
I think the more amazing thing is Ryan didnt either just ignore him and walk into the hospital, or that he didnt knock this fuckers lights out.
I got really fucking angry and clench-fisted when i read that story.
Again go back an read the story about the cops in California.
There's never any such thing as a routine traffic stop.
The first thing you would do is draw your weapon if a car you were following finally stopped and people jumped out.
03-27-2009, 09:45 AM
I realize it's difficult for many of you to do, but put yourself in the cop's shoes for a moment.
(Yes, I'm gonna defend him, but trust me, not in full).
You see an infraction, you put on your lights, the car isnt pulling over immediately (heightened suspicion that something's wrong, blood starts flowing),(is the car stolen, carrying guns or drugs? did they commit a crime somewhere? are they wanted?) when it does finally pull over, people start pouring out of the vehicle, and youre alone (more blood) They refuse your orders to get back in the car. They give you the excuse that youve heard before, "I was speeding and going thru lights because my mother's dieing". Yes, Ive heard it before, and it was a lie. Then you have to deal with a belligerent driver, refusing to cooperate. (Yes, he had his reasons, but you gotta admit he wasnt making things easy for the officer). Refusing credentials, even when advised he could be arrested if he doesnt comply, only taunting the officer to "do it". Again, putting yourself in the cops shoes, which I know is hard, so far in the video the officer did just fine.
Remember, we all think it's ALL awful because we know the outcome. The officer didnt know the true extent of the woman's condition until 5 minutes in, when a (supposed) nurse tells him about the code blue, which I ASSUME the officer understands what that means. Honestly, thats where I, in the situation wouldve sent everyone on their way. HOWEVER, the officer MAY have felt that he needed a paper trail for being out of jurisdiction (it is explained later that he crossed the patrol border) or he wanted to cover his ass for pulling over a black family; if he hadnt written a ticket, some would say, it just proves he pulled them over for being black and not because they committed an infraction. OR he may have really needed a ticket to fill his QUOTA, which leads me to another point:
His superiors are ridiculous. Instead of explaining the unfortunate situation as I have, they are throwing wood on the pyre by basically calling him an asshole, unprofessional, idiot. Saying they cant contain their emotions at viewing the video. Just who trained him? Just who orders him to write these summonses? Just who puts pressure on him if he doesnt perform?
Back to the video, when I get mad at the cop is when the nurse comes out and tells him, "she's dieing RIGHT now." That should have jarred him a little and, since he had started writing the tickets. said, "ok sir go ahead, I'll catch up to you" and given him the ticket inside later, or preferably, called his sergeant over and explained the situation to see how to void the tickets he had started.
All in all, was the cop wrong? YES! But the outrage is over the top. He didnt beat anyone, or even cuff anyone. He didnt call them the N word, nor are we to infer that he was even slightly racist at all. He was actually EXTREMELY polite, given the error in judgement he was making at the time. He was doing what he has been taught is his job, and yes, he did it a little excessively. But the cop that was there with him didnt appear to have any problem with it, until it became a big deal in the papers, and I dare say, nor would his superiors be apologizing violently if it wasnt a 'celebrity'.
And yes, I'm still pissed that this thread will have more responses than the Oakland PD thread. Cops who make mistakes are news, Dead cops are boring.
03-27-2009, 09:59 AM
I was waiting for you to reply.
03-27-2009, 10:01 AM
All in all, was the cop wrong? YES! But the outrage is over the top. He didnt beat anyone, or even cuff anyone. He didnt call them the N word, nor are we to infer that he was even slightly racist at all.
I was with you until this segment.
You can recover quite easily from someone calling you a bad word. You can even recover from getting beat up.
But the cop stole a moment from him that he'll never get back.
03-27-2009, 10:02 AM
Cant ya see? I was typing! lol.
and people, gentle reminder:
The cop didnt kill the man's mother in law!!!
03-27-2009, 10:05 AM
I was with you until this segment.
You can recover quite easily from someone calling you a bad word. You can even recover from getting beat up.
But the cop stole a moment from him that he'll never get back.
Or was it his erratic driving that stole that moment?
Had he driven normally, he wouldve been there in plenty of time to get a front row seat.
But he broke the law, and had to be dealt with.
03-27-2009, 10:06 AM
BTW, Chris, the cop is also being investigated for other unsavory behavior. Can you at least accept the fact that there's POTENTIAL that he might just be not a very good cop?
And you can't compare the dead cops in Oakland to this. They are getting just as much news time. Comparing threads to threads for media coverage is ridiculous. The story's "legs" are coming from the people who are protesting. It would have been a self-contained story because the perp died in the act of the crime.
03-27-2009, 10:07 AM
BTW, Chris, the cop is also being investigated for other unsavory behavior.
I am???!!!
03-27-2009, 10:11 AM
And you can't compare the dead cops in Oakland to this. They are getting just as much news time. Comparing threads to threads for media coverage is ridiculous. The story's "legs" are coming from the people who are protesting. It would have been a self-contained story because the perp died in the act of the crime.
and yes, there is potential that he's not a very good cop. But there's also potential that the doctors in that hospital suck too. Or potential that if the nfl player hadnt run the sign, the cop may have been available to save someone's life thru cpr and been a hero today.
And I'm not comparing the media coverage, necessarily. I'm comparing this board's reactions to these and similar stories.
03-27-2009, 10:11 AM
Or was it his erratic driving that stole that moment?
Had he driven normally, he wouldve been there in plenty of time to get a front row seat.
But he broke the law, and had to be dealt with.
Erratic driving?
He was stopped at a red light. He looked both ways and went through because there was no oncoming traffic.
He didn't know how much time he had. His wife was in the car. His main goal was to get his wife there.
The cop completely overreacted, and we are getting some insight into how the cop may operate with other people.
There is a customer service factor that comes with being a police officer, believe it or not.
03-27-2009, 10:14 AM
Erratic driving?
He was stopped at a red light. He looked both ways and went through because there was no oncoming traffic.
He didn't know how much time he had. His wife was in the car. His main goal was to get his wife there.
The cop completely overreacted, and we are getting some insight into how the cop may operate with other people.
There is a customer service factor that comes with being a police officer, believe it or not.
Thanks for telling me. I get that all the time from people; they know my job better than me. Wow.
And yes, violating traffic regulations is considered erratic. Just cause he's an nfl 'star' doesnt mean he's above the law. The cop had every obligation to stop him.
03-27-2009, 10:15 AM
And I'm not comparing the media coverage, necessarily. I'm comparing this board's reactions to these and similar stories.
How can the board react to that story? There's three reactions:
1) "I'm sorry those cops died."
2) "Officer Hege was a good person for being an organ donor"
3) "Those protesters are car-razy."
It's a discussion forum. The point of having a discussion is having opposing viewpoints, like we have right now. Did you honestly think someone was going to take Mixon's side and/or be anti-organ transplant?
There's simply not much to discuss. The thread would have as much content as a Birthday thread.
03-27-2009, 10:18 AM
Thanks for telling me. I get that all the time from people; they know my job better than me. Wow.
And yes, violating traffic regulations is considered erratic. Just cause he's an nfl 'star' doesnt mean he's above the law. The cop had every obligation to stop him.
I didn't say he was above the law. I didn't say he didn't deserve to be stopped. What I am saying is that the officer handled it completely and totally wrong, considering Moats was not very confrontational.
Should he get a ticket? Absolutely.
Should the officer have handled it differently? Absolutely.
And yes, customer service. I've had plenty of interactions with police officers, and there are some who are anti-social even when you are being as compliant as possible. See, there's two sides to your job: what you see, and what the public you serve see. Hence why I said "customer service".
03-27-2009, 10:20 AM
How can the board react to that story? There's three reactions:
1) "I'm sorry those cops died."
2) "Officer Hege was a good person for being an organ donor"
3) "Those protesters are car-razy."
It's a discussion forum. The point of having a discussion is having opposing viewpoints, like we have right now. Did you honestly think someone was going to take Mixon's side and/or be anti-organ transplant?
There's simply not much to discuss. The thread would have as much content as a Birthday thread.
There are 26 postings as of today on that thread.
Compared to 40 posting on a thread about whether Taylor Swift is hot or not.
Point being, everyone's got a viewpoint on everything, including "bad" cops, but not so much the good ones.
03-27-2009, 10:25 AM
I didn't say he was above the law. I didn't say he didn't deserve to be stopped. What I am saying is that the officer handled it completely and totally wrong, considering Moats was not very confrontational.
Should he get a ticket? Absolutely.
Should the officer have handled it differently? Absolutely.
And yes, customer service. I've had plenty of interactions with police officers, and there are some who are anti-social even when you are being as compliant as possible. See, there's two sides to your job: what you see, and what the public you serve see. Hence why I said "customer service".
Yes, there ARE 2 sides, which was the purpose of my post. You dont wanna see our pov, but want ME to see yours. I see yours. It's in the papers and on this board.
I'm also a civilian at times, in other parts of this country, and abroad. Ive been stopped by police. So Ive seen that pov. You sir, have never seen mine, which again is why I tried to explain via post.
And I thought the nfl guy was confrontational. As confrontational as he could have been? NO, but certainly confrontational. Thanks GOD he wasnt as confrontaional as he couldve been, or we wouldve seen the cop defending himself, and the public cant have that!
03-27-2009, 10:26 AM
And yes, I'm still pissed that this thread will have more responses than the Oakland PD thread. Cops who make mistakes are news, Dead cops are boring.
It's like that with everything, though. Negativity is what gets people's attention.
03-27-2009, 10:29 AM
Thanks for telling me. I get that all the time from people; they know my job better than me. Wow.
And yes, violating traffic regulations is considered erratic. Just cause he's an nfl 'star' doesnt mean he's above the law. The cop had every obligation to stop him.
To his credit, Moats never played the "I'm a NFL player" card. I don't think it was ever brought up at the incident.
03-27-2009, 10:30 AM
There are 26 postings as of today on that thread.
Compared to 40 posting on a thread about whether Taylor Swift is hot or not.
Point being, everyone's got a viewpoint on everything, including "bad" cops, but not so much the good ones.
Again, what kind of viewpoint can you have on a good cop?
As for people not paying their respects enough when a cop dies, it's mainly because there is an emotional disconnect. Oakland is very far away since the majority of us are on the other side of the country. Nobody can care about everyone who dies. Especially those who are in dangerous lines of work.
Granted, being a cop is a hard, sometimes thankless job that puts you in danger. But you can't expect a huge thread every time one passes away.
If there was, we'd have a Philly thread about 20 pages long.
03-27-2009, 10:33 AM
To his credit, Moats never played the "I'm a NFL player" card. I don't think it was ever brought up at the incident.
You dont have to say it to believe it.
And I'm not saying he does believe it, just saying it's possible.
Again, horrible outcome, but the death of this woman is not any cop's fault.
Interesting note: It's so important to be there to run thru the light, but once he's released,
the whole group just mozies on over to the hospital entrance.
Just sayin.
03-27-2009, 10:35 AM
Dallas is very far away since the majority of us are on the other side of the country. Nobody can care about everyone who dies. Especially those who are elderly.
Granted, being a cop is a hard, sometimes thankless job that puts you in danger. But you can't expect a huge thread every time FOUR pass away.
If there was, we'd have a Philly thread about 2 pages long.
Fixed...and the old lady passed away, the cops were MURDERED.
Fixed...and the old lady passed away, the cops were MURDERED.
03-27-2009, 10:39 AM
Thanks, that made me laugh. I needed that. Well, I'm off to work.
With every situation I face today, I'll ask myself WWFAOMD? What Would Freitag Approve Of Me Doing?
03-27-2009, 10:39 AM
There are 26 postings as of today on that thread.
Compared to 40 posting on a thread about whether Taylor Swift is hot or not.
Point being, everyone's got a viewpoint on everything, including "bad" cops, but not so much the good ones.
Like Tenbats pointed out, most threads thrive on discussion and differing viewpoints. The story about the police officers being killed is incredibly tragic, but it's also incredibly one-sided. Nobody here was going to look at that with the information available and look at it as anything but a tragic loss of 4 men needlessly killed doing their job. In short, everyone is basically in agreement that it was a horrible thing that happened. It should say more to you that nobody here turned that into a multi-sided discussion or an argument than tallying up imaginary karma points simply because the thread didn't get a lot of actual replies.
This thread presents an issue with many different sides and many different viewpoints, hence the discussion.
03-27-2009, 10:40 AM
I realize it's difficult for many of you to do, but put yourself in the cop's shoes for a moment.
It doesn't matter what he was feeling, or what the situation was. He's a cop, he's supposed to act in a professional manner. If he can't do that, he shouldn't be a cop.
03-27-2009, 10:42 AM
It doesn't matter what he was feeling, or what the situation was. He's a cop, he's supposed to act in a professional manner. If he can't do that, he shouldn't be a cop.
Wow. Thanks for reading the rest of my post...? Why do I even bother?
03-27-2009, 10:43 AM
I agree up until a point that the officer had to take the approach he did, but once a nurse AND a fellow officer are telling him the what the situation is he just became a jerk for no reason other than he could be.
03-27-2009, 10:44 AM
It doesn't matter what he was feeling, or what the situation was. He's a licensed driver, he's supposed to drive in a safe and responsible manner. If he can't do that, he shouldn't be a driver.
Well, NOW it makes sense.
03-27-2009, 10:44 AM
Goes with the job, chris. Them's the breaks. Sucks, but it is part of what you sign up for when you decide to support yourself by wearing that shield.
Me? I sit at a desk. I don't wear a gun, neither does anyone I deal with. Pretty sure I ain't gonna get shot on the job. You make your bed, sometimes you are made to sleep in it.
03-27-2009, 10:48 AM
We've officially beaten the Taylor Swift thread!! Yay.
03-27-2009, 10:54 AM
Well, NOW it makes sense.
The cop chose to be a dick. the man's mother in law was dying. people came out to explain to the cop. He could have just written a ticket. Instead, he chose to do this.
He did not act professional. in any other job, if you cant act in the manner appropriate to the job, you get fired. he deserves the same.
He'll get no sympathy from me. Do your fucking job
03-27-2009, 10:57 AM
There is a customer service factor that comes with being a police officer, believe it or not.
That customer service BS comes secondary to him protecting himself and people around him.
His first priority is to make sure who ever the hell is in that truck isn't jumping out with a weapon.
It doesn't matter what he was feeling, or what the situation was. He's a cop, he's supposed to act in a professional manner. If he can't do that, he shouldn't be a cop.
Are you saying that he had the right to pull him over but that he took it too far ?
It seems like the majority of the people here think this guy had every right to drive however he wanted to get to the end result.
So now we should allow everybody with either a real or presumed medical emergency to drive however they want ?
Goes with the job, chris. Them's the breaks. Sucks, but it is part of what you sign up for when you decide to support yourself by wearing that shield.
Exactly and if inconveniencing somebody means that you get to go home to your family then you've done your job.
This guy wasn't rushing up there to perform surgery or even donate an organ. He was going there to be by a woman's side as she passed away.
As rigid as that sounds and I'd never wanna be in the situation, that's all it was.
And you can't compare the dead cops in Oakland to this. They are getting just as much news time. Comparing threads to threads for media coverage is ridiculous. The story's "legs" are coming from the people who are protesting. It would have been a self-contained story because the perp died in the act of the crime.
It's getting more news now because of the protests to the memorial.
I found the orginal story burried on Yahoo and it was only bumped because there was a change in the status of one of the cops presumed to already be dead.
03-27-2009, 10:57 AM
I agree up until a point that the officer had to take the approach he did, but once a nurse AND a fellow officer are telling him the what the situation is he just became a jerk for no reason other than he could be.
This, I forgot about that point.
The cop had ANOTHER cop telling him to back down a bit, and the cop was still unprofessional.
03-27-2009, 10:59 AM
I found the orginal story burried on Yahoo and it was only bumped because there was a change in the status of one of the cops presumed to already be dead.
The incident happened either on Friday afternoon or Saturday, which is a dead news cycle period. It was on the front page of Fox News over the weekend, but as the story was self-contained (cops dead or brain dead, and perp dead) there wasn't that much more to report.
03-27-2009, 10:59 AM
The cop chose to be a dick. the man's mother in law was dying. people came out to explain to the cop. He could have just written a ticket. Instead, he chose to do this.
He did not act professional. in any other job, if you cant act in the manner appropriate to the job, you get fired. he deserves the same.
He'll get no sympathy from me. Do your fucking job
His job is to make sure that people obey the laws, traffic and otherwise.
His job isn't to console grieving victims.
I'd hate for one of you guys to be in a shit situation that needs police attention and have to wait because a cop is directing traffic so a civilian can get to the hospital to be w/ a dying relative.
03-27-2009, 11:01 AM
So Chris' new gimmick is editing quoted posts to present a straw man argument?
03-27-2009, 11:03 AM
His job is to make sure that people obey the laws, traffic and otherwise.
His job isn't to console grieving victims.
I'd hate for one of you guys to be in a shit situation that needs police attention and have to wait because a cop is directing traffic so a civilian can get to the hospital to be w/ a dying relative.
You're skewing what most people are saying. Most of us aren't saying he shouldn't have pulled them over. What is being pointed out is that he seemed to intentionally prolong the situation despite being advised by another officer and a nurse as to what was going on. He could have easily handled the situation and done his job much quicker than what ended up happening. He did everything he should do up until a point and then just drags it out for no reason other than he could.
03-27-2009, 11:04 AM
I've already agreed that he did way too much.
I just get the feeling from most that they think the cop should've used some ESP to know the totality of the situation.
03-27-2009, 11:07 AM
I've already agreed that he did way too much.
I just get the feeling from most that they think the cop should've used some ESP to know the totality of the situation.
Why do you get that feeling? No ESP is required. The nurse and another officer were telling him what was going on.
03-27-2009, 11:08 AM
So Chris' new gimmick is editing quoted posts to present a straw man argument?
Better than your old gimmick of saying you know their job better than they do (Ron Bennington, me... ). lol.
But no, it's a way to show the OTHER side, which you and Hippie are absolutely refusing to even try to see. Your prerogative of course, but dont come in here saying you have an informed opinion when you refuse to look at all sides.
My argument is quite solid, if youd only read it.
But, I'm only a cop...what could I POSSIBLY know about anything?
I'm sure it's someone's opinion on this board that I shouldnt even have an opinion.
03-27-2009, 11:09 AM
His job isn't to console grieving victims.
Isn't it? serve and protect.
03-27-2009, 11:10 AM
Isn't it? serve and protect.
I hope youre not serious. I'm waiting for an addition of a smiley face or something meaning youre joking.
03-27-2009, 11:10 AM
I'd hate for one of you guys to be in a shit situation that needs police attention and have to wait because a cop is directing traffic so a civilian can get to the hospital to be w/ a dying relative.
Or spending 15 minutes wasting time writing a ticket and berating someone while his relative dies not 100 yards away.
There is no justification for this bag of dick's behavior. Period. I don't care how many relatives you have on the job.
03-27-2009, 11:14 AM
Better than your old gimmick of saying you know their job better than they do (Ron Bennington, me... ). lol.
When in the BLUE HELL did I EVER... EVER say I knew more than Ron? You have this habit of putting words in my mouth.
But no, it's a way to show the OTHER side, which you and Hippie are absolutely refusing to even try to see. Your prerogative of course, but dont come in here saying you have an informed opinion when you refuse to look at all sides.
My argument is quite solid, if youd only read it.
But, I'm only a cop...what could I POSSIBLY know about anything?
I'm sure it's someone's opinion on this board that I shouldnt even have an opinion.
When did I say I'm not seeing the other side?
I'm not saying that he didn't break the law. I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished. I'm saying the cop was unprofessional.
03-27-2009, 11:16 AM
I hope youre not serious. I'm waiting for an addition of a smiley face or something meaning youre joking.
Uh, isn't one of the jobs of the police to inform next of kin? Don't you usually have some condolences for their loss? That's consoling a grieving person.
03-27-2009, 11:18 AM
Uh, isn't one of the jobs of the police to inform next of kin? Don't you usually have some condolences for their loss? That's consoling a grieving person.
I think the nfl guy kinda already knew.
Again, I appreciate your attempts at schooling me on something Ive been doing for almost 19 years, but allow me to do the same for you when it comes to posting, which you have been doing for quite a while....Follow the conversation.
03-27-2009, 11:21 AM
I think the nfl guy kinda already knew.
03-27-2009, 11:21 AM
When in the BLUE HELL did I EVER... EVER say I knew more than Ron? You have this habit of putting words in my mouth.
Sorry. I had you confused with one Matty Fridays. Disregard.
03-27-2009, 11:24 AM
Again, I appreciate your attempts at schooling me on something Ive been doing for almost 19 years, but allow me to do the same for you when it comes to posting, which you have been doing for quite a while....Follow the conversation.
So messageboard posting = Police work?
Awesome! I'm twice the cop you are!
03-27-2009, 11:25 AM
I realize it's difficult for many of you to do, but put yourself in the cop's shoes for a moment.
(Yes, I'm gonna defend him, but trust me, not in full).
You see an infraction, you put on your lights, the car isnt pulling over immediately (heightened suspicion that something's wrong, blood starts flowing),(is the car stolen, carrying guns or drugs? did they commit a crime somewhere? are they wanted?) when it does finally pull over, people start pouring out of the vehicle, and youre alone (more blood) They refuse your orders to get back in the car. They give you the excuse that youve heard before, "I was speeding and going thru lights because my mother's dieing". Yes, Ive heard it before, and it was a lie. Then you have to deal with a belligerent driver, refusing to cooperate. (Yes, he had his reasons, but you gotta admit he wasnt making things easy for the officer). Refusing credentials, even when advised he could be arrested if he doesnt comply, only taunting the officer to "do it". Again, putting yourself in the cops shoes, which I know is hard, so far in the video the officer did just fine.
Remember, we all think it's ALL awful because we know the outcome. The officer didnt know the true extent of the woman's condition until 5 minutes in, when a (supposed) nurse tells him about the code blue, which I ASSUME the officer understands what that means. Honestly, thats where I, in the situation wouldve sent everyone on their way. HOWEVER, the officer MAY have felt that he needed a paper trail for being out of jurisdiction (it is explained later that he crossed the patrol border) or he wanted to cover his ass for pulling over a black family; if he hadnt written a ticket, some would say, it just proves he pulled them over for being black and not because they committed an infraction. OR he may have really needed a ticket to fill his QUOTA, which leads me to another point:
His superiors are ridiculous. Instead of explaining the unfortunate situation as I have, they are throwing wood on the pyre by basically calling him an asshole, unprofessional, idiot. Saying they cant contain their emotions at viewing the video. Just who trained him? Just who orders him to write these summonses? Just who puts pressure on him if he doesnt perform?
Back to the video, when I get mad at the cop is when the nurse comes out and tells him, "she's dieing RIGHT now." That should have jarred him a little and, since he had started writing the tickets. said, "ok sir go ahead, I'll catch up to you" and given him the ticket inside later, or preferably, called his sergeant over and explained the situation to see how to void the tickets he had started.
All in all, was the cop wrong? YES! But the outrage is over the top. He didnt beat anyone, or even cuff anyone. He didnt call them the N word, nor are we to infer that he was even slightly racist at all. He was actually EXTREMELY polite, given the error in judgement he was making at the time. He was doing what he has been taught is his job, and yes, he did it a little excessively. But the cop that was there with him didnt appear to have any problem with it, until it became a big deal in the papers, and I dare say, nor would his superiors be apologizing violently if it wasnt a 'celebrity'.
And yes, I'm still pissed that this thread will have more responses than the Oakland PD thread. Cops who make mistakes are news, Dead cops are boring.
In case some of you missed it earlier, and think I'm defending this particular cop wholeheartedly. I was in the middle of making a point, then realized I already did that amazingly well earlier in the thread, so there ya go.
03-27-2009, 11:26 AM
So messageboard posting = Police work?
Awesome! I'm twice the cop you are!
Your reading comprehension continues to amaze me.
03-27-2009, 11:26 AM
Sorry. I had you confused with one Matty Fridays. Disregard.
No no no no Chris. You seriously think I'm gonna let you get away with an accusation like that?
There are very few people I respect more in the radio business than Ron Bennington. And I want you to SHOW ME where I said that I know more than Ron.
See, here's the funny thing.
The whole point of this thread is that the cop in Dallas was an arrogant goon. The message you are trying to broadcast that Moats had it coming, or not all cops are like that, but here's the problem -- you're coming off like an arrogant goon.
03-27-2009, 11:28 AM
No no no no Chris. You seriously think I'm gonna let you get away with an accusation like that?
There are very few people I respect more in the radio business than Ron Bennington. And I want you to SHOW ME where I said that I know more than Ron.
See, here's the funny thing.
The whole point of this thread is that the cop in Dallas was an arrogant goon. The message you are trying to broadcast that Moats had it coming, or not all cops are like that, but here's the problem -- you're coming off like an arrogant goon.
I learned it from you, ok? I learned it from you..sob sob.
03-27-2009, 11:28 AM
Your reading comprehension continues to amaze me.
It's really funny you keep harping on "reading comprehension" and "keeping up with the conversation" after your giant orange ball of fail in Yankee Thread 2.0.
03-27-2009, 11:29 AM
Interesting note: It's so important to be there to run thru the light, but once he's released,
the whole group just mozies on over to the hospital entrance.
Just sayin.
That's because she was already dead. They missed their chance already.
03-27-2009, 11:33 AM
It's really funny you keep harping on "reading comprehension" and "keeping up with the conversation" after your giant orange ball of fail in Yankee Thread 2.0.
The difference is, once it was pointed out to me the reasons for a new thread, I stopped, I believe I even apologized. You have yet to do that here, nor do I expect you to. Because your opinion is always the correct one. You refuse, even when hearing from a learned professinal in the profession being analyzed, to accept facts when they mean that your opinion is bs.
03-27-2009, 11:35 AM
That's because she was already dead. They missed their chance already.
I did not read or see that fact in the video.
I would expect had they been told that she died, they wouldve swung at this cop, or perhaps shown more emotion. Where did you get that info?
03-27-2009, 11:36 AM
I feel like a mod, but come on guys. Now you're arguing about shit that has nothing to do with this.
03-27-2009, 11:36 AM
That's because she was already dead. They missed their chance already.
Yes and that cop was the direct cause of that.
03-27-2009, 11:36 AM
Aggie for mod.
03-27-2009, 11:38 AM
I did not read or see that fact in the video.
I would expect had they been told that she died, they wouldve swung at this cop, or perhaps shown more emotion. Where did you get that info?
I'm just going off what was reported. Not positive if they knew before they went inside. From the story I linked:
The woman died before two of the family members were able to see her.
03-27-2009, 11:40 AM
Yes and that cop was the direct cause of that.
Seriously? It seems you're not paying attention. Mojo already explained it so I won't reiterate.
I was refuting Chris' point that if they were in such a hurry why weren't they rushing when it was finally over.
03-27-2009, 11:40 AM
well, yeah. Thats why everyone's outraged.
But you finally get released by the evil devil cop, and you can go see your mother in law for the last time, which was the reason you did all you did, and....mozey mozey mozey. And again, if it was a huge deal to see her, when youre told by the nurse off camera that she emotion? at all?
I dont get it.
03-27-2009, 11:46 AM
The difference is, once it was pointed out to me the reasons for a new thread, I stopped, I believe I even apologized.
Actually, you didn't. And the reasons had the pointed out several times, while you were making snarky remarks all the while about new threads being started.
You have yet to do that here, nor do I expect you to. Because your opinion is always the correct one. You refuse, even when hearing from a learned professinal in the profession being analyzed, to accept facts when they mean that your opinion is bs.
My opinion is BS?
My opinion is the cop acted unprofessional.
He detained him for over 10 mins. I may not be a cop, but even I know that threat assessment takes a whole lot less than that, especially when the person involved says he wants to go into the hospital.
You want to know why Moats stood there instead of walking into the hospital after the cop and the nurse told him to layoff? Because he probably realized that this guy could potentially screw up his career, especially after some of the things the cop said to him.
What possible reason, outside of threat assessment, can you give for the cop acting like that?
03-27-2009, 11:48 AM
Ive posted my post twice. Do you really need it a third time? No? Good. Cause I'm not gonna post it a third time! nyah.
03-27-2009, 11:51 AM
I rue the day I posted this thread. :wallbash:
03-27-2009, 11:54 AM
Actually, you didn't. And the reasons had the pointed out several times, while you were making snarky remarks all the while about new threads being started.
Just re-read the thread. And actually, although I made alot of "snarky"? comments prior to even being answered, once it was explained ONCE, I said:
ohhhhh. ok. I understand now. and wished you a good season. Never posting again.
So, youre not even reading your own thread before making statements.
It's a good thing youre here to tell this cop he was wrong.
03-27-2009, 11:57 AM
Nurse: "His mom is coding and they need him in order to do what they got to do, whoever Ryan is"
"They are doing a code blue on her, so she's dying, and in order for them to go ahead and resuscitate her, he has to sign the paper to do the resuscitation."
cut- don't know how much time passed
Second cop:
"That's the nurse right there, she says that she is dying right and she's wondering if we can get him up there before she dies."
His response: "Ok. I'm almost done." then spends 22 more seconds lecturing him.
Fuck firing him; I am wondering if there isn't some criminal negligence here.
03-27-2009, 11:57 AM
I rue the day I posted this thread. :wallbash:
Lol. No, it's a topic worthy of discussion, as others have pointed out.
03-27-2009, 11:59 AM
Nurse: "His mom is coding and they need him in order to do what they got to do, whoever Ryan is"
"They are doing a code blue on her, so she's dying, and in order for them to go ahead and resuscitate her, he has to sign the paper to do the resuscitation."
cut- don't know how much time passed
Second cop:
"That's the nurse right there, she says that she is dying right and she's wondering if we can get him up there before she dies."
His response: "Ok. I'm almost done." then spends 22 more seconds lecturing him.
Fuck firing him; I am wondering if there isn't some criminal negligence here.
That was the exact point that I got really mad at the cop.
But criminal negligence. Just a terrible error in judgment.
03-27-2009, 12:00 PM
I dont think that this story wouldnt get as much attention if the NFL player was white. Just saying.
03-27-2009, 12:02 PM
I dont think that this story wouldnt get as much attention if the NFL player was white. Just saying.
I havent really noticed a racial feel to the story; I think it's a story because he's in the nfl.
03-27-2009, 12:02 PM
i think that chris the cop
should arrest everyone
who has posted in this thread
(present company excluded)
03-27-2009, 12:02 PM
i think that chris the cop
should arrest everyone
who has posted in this thread
(present company excluded)
I'll only throw cuffs on Aggie.
03-27-2009, 12:04 PM
I dont think that this story wouldnt get as much attention if the NFL player was white. Just saying.
it never would've happened if he was white
03-27-2009, 12:06 PM
I'll only throw cuffs on Aggie.
I always wondered what that would feel like.
03-27-2009, 12:07 PM
That was the exact point that I got really mad at the cop.
But criminal negligence. Just a terrible error in judgment.
They could not resuscitate because of this cop and she died. Sounds pretty borderline to me. I would think, at a minimum, the Dallas PD is going to be writing a pretty fat check soon.
03-27-2009, 12:11 PM
They could not resuscitate because of this cop and she died. Sounds pretty borderline to me. I would think, at a minimum, the Dallas PD is going to be writing a pretty fat check soon.
He's the son-IN LAW..I doubt the hospital NEEDED him in there. The daughter was there!
MAYBE he was executor for some reason, but I dont think we can jump to that conclusion, even though a nurse says, "we need him in there to do what we're doing" I took that to mean, "say goodbye". Yes, it's easy to blame cops for everything...but what about the doctors??
03-27-2009, 12:16 PM
They could not resuscitate because of this cop and she died. Sounds pretty borderline to me. I would think, at a minimum, the Dallas PD is going to be writing a pretty fat check soon.
I think that would have been more widely reported if that was the case. I think they were just trying to get him in there with his wife. I in no way blame the cop for this woman dying or that they should take legal action. He broke traffic laws and that has consequences
I do however feel once he knew they weren't a threat, he should have compromised on how he followed through with writing the ticket, etc. Let him go in and then go up and deal with him after he's had his time. Something. It's just a shame all around.
03-27-2009, 12:19 PM
He's the son-IN LAW..I doubt the hospital NEEDED him in there. The daughter was there!
MAYBE he was executor for some reason, but I dont think we can jump to that conclusion, even though a nurse says, "we need him in there to do what we're doing" I took that to mean, "say goodbye". Yes, it's easy to blame cops for everything...but what about the doctors??
I think the video evidence is pretty clear. The cop was told that they needed him to fill out a form to resuscitate. Not "what we're doing". To fill out a form to resuscitate. It is very clear and not at all open to interpretation.
At that point the cop made a judgement call to ignore that information and the woman ended up dead.
Now I don't know what was going on in the hospital, but god help that cop if she died because the hospital was required not to resuscitate until he gave the OK.
03-27-2009, 12:21 PM
I think that would have been more widely reported if that was the case. I think they were just trying to get him in there with his wife. I in no way blame the cop for this woman dying or that they should take legal action. He broke traffic laws and that has consequences
I do however feel once he knew they weren't a threat, he should have compromised on how he followed through with writing the ticket, etc. Let him go in and then go up and deal with him after he's had his time. Something. It's just a shame all around.
Aggie, look at the tape: (starts at 2:35 in) "he has to do the paper for the resuscutation"
I will try to embed:
nevermind- I suck
03-27-2009, 12:28 PM
Fuck firing him; I am wondering if there isn't some criminal negligence here.
Are you f-ing serious ???
It's after a statement like that, actually just before it, where I think everything w/ merit on either side has been said.
It's such a ridiculously stupid statement that I can't even gain enough sense to " reply " to it.
But I'll try.
Hey maybe they can sue the city and also bring him up on civil rights charges ?
After all it was the city and the cop that not only made her sick AND caused her to die but they were negligent for not letting her son in law, and NFL RB not a doctor, get to her bedside.
03-27-2009, 12:31 PM
I think the video evidence is pretty clear. The cop was told that they needed him to fill out a form to resuscitate. Not "what we're doing". To fill out a form to resuscitate. It is very clear and not at all open to interpretation.
At that point the cop made a judgement call to ignore that information and the woman ended up dead.
Now I don't know what was going on in the hospital, but god help that cop if she died because the hospital was required not to resuscitate until he gave the OK.
They could not resuscitate because of this cop and she died. Sounds pretty borderline to me. I would think, at a minimum, the Dallas PD is going to be writing a pretty fat check soon.
Are you f-ing serious ???
Jim- see above. Look at the tape.
03-27-2009, 12:31 PM
They could not resuscitate because of this cop and she died.
First of all he allowed the dying woman's daughter to go and it is SHE who would make the decision on whether to resuscitate NOT her husband.
They don't need a quoram to resuscitate.
Actually I'm gonna call baullshit on your whole point as this lady was dying any way and nothing was gonna save her.
Maybe I'm wrong but please post a link to actual evidence that not allowing the SIP into the building lead to her not being kept alive.
03-27-2009, 12:37 PM
First of all he allowed the dying woman's daughter to go and it is SHE who would make the decision on whether to resuscitate NOT her husband.
They don't need a quoram to resuscitate.
Actually I'm gonna call baullshit on your whole point as this lady was dying any way and nothing was gonna save her.
Maybe I'm wrong but please post a link to actual evidence that not allowing the SIP into the building lead to her not being kept alive.
Jim- I am going by the video evidence linked above. The cop was told very clearly that the guy was needed to fill out a form to resuscitate. It is very clear, and again, not at all open to interpretation.
Whether this information is correct or not- I can't say. The cop chose to ignore it, the woman is dead, god help the cop if it was correct.
03-27-2009, 12:40 PM
It's his MIL, there's no way he's required to sign anything.
Plus she was dying so if they thought they could save her they would've.
It's not like being or not being on life support.
You think the humane thing to do would be to bring her back for 2 minutes so they can say " goodbye " ?
03-27-2009, 12:42 PM
It's his MIL, there's no way he's required to sign anything.
Plus she was dying so if they thought they could save her they would've.
It's not like being or not being on life support.
You think the humane thing to do would be to bring her back for 2 minutes so they can say " goodbye " ?
You're missing the point completely. The cop was told that he was needed, that a life was in the balance. He chose to ignore it to bust balls.
03-27-2009, 12:44 PM
It's his MIL, there's no way he's required to sign anything.
Plus she was dying so if they thought they could save her they would've.
It's not like being or not being on life support.
You think the humane thing to do would be to bring her back for 2 minutes so they can say " goodbye " ?
Unless they changed it so he was the decision maker. There are many legal reasons why they may have done this without a situation like this coming to mind. I didn't listen to all of the audio so I don't know the part he's referring to. I still think that this would have been more of a reported detail if it was true though. Let's hope it isn't.
03-27-2009, 12:50 PM
Just a terrible error in judgment.
That's how I feel. It's just a terrible tragedy, that yes, could have been avoided, but judgments like this are made every minute of every day by people in all walks of life. Just because this instant in on record, it shouldn't be used as an example for all policemen and their behaviors.
it never would've happened if he was white
He was pulled over because he ran a red light and there is no way the officer could have seen who was driving, and when I say who, I mean what color the driver was.
And to say that he would of just let the man go in once he got out of the truck and was white is a situation that could never be proven. To suggest would cast a racist light on the suggestion more so than the officer.
03-27-2009, 12:51 PM
... told that he was needed ...
To lay his life saving touch on her ?
The whole thing is h wanted to/nned to be there as she passed.
There was nothing at all medical that this guy was gonna do in that hospital.
Yes I don't know what's going on in the hospital, nor does anybody else posting here, but there's a lot of speculation based on the audio of a police car.
That woman was dying regardless of who, other than Jesus Christ himslef, walked into that hospital.
And it showed complete insensetivity on the cops part, and I'm sure after the fact he feels awful about it, but he was in no way negligent.
03-27-2009, 01:25 PM
That's how I feel. It's just a terrible tragedy, that yes, could have been avoided, but judgments like this are made every minute of every day by people in all walks of life. Just because this instant in on record, it shouldn't be used as an example for all policemen and their behaviors.
Definitely not. Hell, in this one incident right here you see another officer trying to do the right thing. This should be taken for what it is: one guy making some really bad decisions and abusing the authority of his position when he clearly knows he doesn't have to.
03-27-2009, 01:50 PM
And to say that he would of just let the man go in once he got out of the truck and was white is a situation that could never be proven. To suggest would cast a racist light on the suggestion more so than the officer.
i am being racist, i realize that. I realize that there is a difference in the way people treat people of different color. If ryan and the cop were the same color, the cop would have been more favorably inclined to help him, or at least less inclined to be a douche
03-27-2009, 02:29 PM
Yep. It's OBVIOUS this cop is a racist.
Listen to the tape. All those racial epithets especially after it was just him and the other cop.
Also note the color of the car. Awful.
I have a question that I don't know the answer to:
What if it was the cop's mother-in-law that was dying? Would he have just turned his lights on and traveled in a manner similar to that of Moats? And if questioned about his methodology of travel, would he have also been detained?
03-27-2009, 02:52 PM
I see your arguement Chris and agree that Moats was guilty of moving violations and deserved to be ticketed. But instead of his excuse of a dying mother-in-law, what if he had a PBA card? Would he have gotten away without a ticket?
03-27-2009, 03:59 PM
This comes down to a very simple fundamental fact for dealing with cops who pull you over. Never panic. Never interrupt them. Let them say whatever they feel they need to say. Let them think you might not be a danger. Don't argue with them. It just drags everything out and makes it worse for you. Cops are trained to deal with situations and everything you do can be interpreted as a threat- even something as innocuous as say, putting your hands in your pockets while in court for traffic violations. Keep those fucking hands present and visible.
Understandably, Moats was under extreme pressure and wasn't functioning at 100% for completely honest reasons. The cop's a dickhead for not just letting him go into the ER even after the nurse showed up. And his superiors are completely washing their hands of him in a way that disgusts me personally considering their probable hypocricy.
And from perspective, Moats was hardly driving that dangerously compared to the cop busting through two red lights himself (blinky lights don't make you invincible to oncoming traffic) just to pull Moats over, then make him stand there in front of the ER forever while the mother-in-law was dying.
All told, what a clusterfuck.
03-27-2009, 05:25 PM
Lets start by getting this out of the way, yes the officer in question acted like an idiot. He appears to be just about everything that gives us a bad name, but to say it is anything other than an officer acting like an idiot is a little foolish. It was one cop soap boxing, for whatever reason he was going to be a tough guy. A backup officer tried to expedite an end to the stop, but to be honest really didn't have the authority to end it, it wasn't his stop. I keep reading that it is part of our job to be "professional, and courteous", and it is, but what about everyone else? What about being courteous, or professional to in general to other, no less a police officer. Do you have to kiss our ass, no but we also don't need to be told to go fuck ourselves or treated like crap constantly. I can assure you that we are treated like crap, and bite our tongues a lot more than we "act unprofessional, or not courteous" to the public. I get it all the time, and I work in a small department, I can't imagine working where Chris is. Again the officer was out of line, absolutely, but that appears to be all it was, one cop acting like an idiot. Sorry if I ranted.
03-29-2009, 12:50 PM
Fixed...and the old lady passed away, the cops were MURDERED.
BTW, Chris... the woman who died was 45 years old. Breast cancer.
Also, the Dallas PD has put the officer on leave. Everyone's apologizing. It's looking more and more that Officer Powell is done.
03-29-2009, 03:59 PM
I know he's not a cop. But a cook died the other day. He was a good cook, the best cook I know. He'd of cooked you anything you want. And let me tell you this....
if it wern't for food of some sort.....All Ya'll would die.
I can't say the same for cops.
Well, unless he was a cooking cop.
03-29-2009, 04:44 PM
I am not sure if this is the video of this event, but in either case, what the fuck are these cops thinking?? I mean, the guy pulls into the parking lot of an Emergency room! I hope they sue these cops. Unbelievable.
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="210px" style="border:1px solid #C0C0C0"><tr><td style="padding:3px;border-bottom:1px solid #C0C0C0" bgcolor="#ececec" align="center"><a href="" title="Humor videos"><img src="" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td><font style="font:normal 10px Verdana"><b>Asshole Cop Detains NFL Player At ER While Mother in Law Dies</b></font></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><a href=" in_Law_Dies"><img border=0 src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td><font style="font:normal 9px Verdana">A Texas police officer has been placed on leave after stopping an NFL player who was rushing to see his dying mother in law in the hospital. More info <a href=>here .</a></font></td></tr></table>Get <a href="">humor videos</a> at <a href="">NothingToxic</a>
03-29-2009, 04:56 PM
If only there was as much " outrage " and national coverage of the 4 police officers killed last week.
Ok, here's why I hate this argument, why can't there be both? Why do people seem to assume the two are mutually exclusive? The outrage and the media coverage for police killings/assaults and police brutality or poor judgment like cases like this should be represented, why should one offset the other, it makes no fucking sense.
Moats: My mother in law is dying!
Asshole who will thankfully make a career change soon: That doesn't matter.(While he is laughing)
This guy also through the wife of Zach Thomas into jail for........ making an illegal u-turn.
03-29-2009, 05:16 PM
if someone was coming out to say he needed to sign paperwork to keep her alive, couldn't they just as easily brought the paperwork out? especially if it was life-or-death and the cop gave no indication of releasing him right away?
if someone was coming out to say he needed to sign paperwork to keep her alive, couldn't they just as easily brought the paperwork out? especially if it was life-or-death and the cop gave no indication of releasing him right away?
I don't know where that argument came from but that was never an issue. They just wanted to be there when she died. Moats wife ignored the cop and ran inside and was there. Moats missed it.
03-29-2009, 05:35 PM
I hope they sue these cops. Unbelievable.
Are you kidding me? Dismiss the ticket, of course. But awarding the guy damages? cmon
03-29-2009, 05:57 PM
Are you kidding me? Dismiss the ticket, of course. But awarding the guy damages? cmon
Exactly. If they had obeyed all the traffic rules, and because of that fact, were late to witness this event, would they be able to sue the city? Or if they had gotten into an accident on the way, sue the other driver? As far as I know, the family is of course mad, but not looking to sue.
03-29-2009, 05:59 PM
Exactly. If they had obeyed all the traffic rules, and because of that fact, were late to witness this event, would they be able to sue the city? Or if they had gotten into an accident on the way, sue the other driver? As far as I know, the family is of course mad, but not looking to sue.
And from what I read when it first happened, the football player originally wanted the cop fired, but later backed off that.
03-29-2009, 06:01 PM
And from what I read when it first happened, the football player originally wanted the cop fired, but later backed off that.
Understandable, given what he went through.
And glad he seems to realize now what many others cant.
Cops aint the cause of all of life's problems.
03-29-2009, 06:03 PM
Understandable, given what he went through.
And glad he seems to realize now what many others cant.
Cops aint the cause of all of life's problems.
Yeah, but this particular one was the obvious and willful cause of a pretty awful problem.
03-29-2009, 06:08 PM
Yeah, but this particular one was the obvious and willful cause of a pretty awful problem.
Actually a small player in the entire tragedy.
He'd be nothing without cancer, unlawful driving, poor notification procedures at the hospital, and bosses who demand action but back off when the media takes interest, and probably many many more circumstances and people.
03-29-2009, 06:12 PM
Actually a small player in the entire tragedy.
He'd be nothing without cancer, unlawful driving, poor notification procedures at the hospital, and bosses who demand action but back off when the media takes interest, and probably many many more circumstances and people.
And nobody has been saying none of that happened. Hell, I don't think anyone is saying they shouldn't have gotten the ticket. The bottom line is that none of it excuses how the officer went above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to abusing his position when he clearly knows what is going on, clearly knows he doesn't have to and has one of his own colleagues advising him to just drop it for the time being and take care of the ticket later. There was no need for what went down at that moment to go down, and the officer knew it. That's not saying everything is his fault, but he clearly had the most power in the way everything played out and he needlessly and purpoisely abused that power. There's nothing small about his part in the way it played out at all.
This comes down to a very simple fundamental fact for dealing with cops who pull you over. Never panic. Never interrupt them. Let them say whatever they feel they need to say. Let them think you might not be a danger. Don't argue with them. It just drags everything out and makes it worse for you. Cops are trained to deal with situations and everything you do can be interpreted as a threat- even something as innocuous as say, putting your hands in your pockets while in court for traffic violations. Keep those fucking hands present and visible.
Understandably, Moats was under extreme pressure and wasn't functioning at 100% for completely honest reasons. The cop's a dickhead for not just letting him go into the ER even after the nurse showed up. And his superiors are completely washing their hands of him in a way that disgusts me personally considering their probable hypocricy.
And from perspective, Moats was hardly driving that dangerously compared to the cop busting through two red lights himself (blinky lights don't make you invincible to oncoming traffic) just to pull Moats over, then make him stand there in front of the ER forever while the mother-in-law was dying.
All told, what a clusterfuck.
The biggest problem is that once the guy, his wife, and aunt say her mother, his mother in law is inside dying all that shit for him breaking a minor law goes out the window, if he still had doubts all he had to do was escort him into the hospital to check and once that was over offer condolences and back the fuck off. At that point any questioning the cop had is moot, he rolled through a red light, its not like he blew through it at 110mph.
Yeah, but this particular one was the obvious and willful cause of a pretty awful problem.This is the kind of cop that deserves to be fired, he was a complete douche and there is no reason for him to hold a badge.
This is coming from a guy who's sister has been a cop for 14 years, even she said he over reacted and handled it completely wrong but then again she is calm as ever and rarely gets worked up. And BTW, she has even been in an episode of COPS, it was hilarious.
03-29-2009, 06:35 PM
I don't know where that argument came from but that was never an issue. They just wanted to be there when she died. Moats wife ignored the cop and ran inside and was there. Moats missed it.
I think the reason why Moats dealt with the officer as long as he did is because he realized that if he made the situation worse, ESPN would blow this up to make Moats look like asshole NFL player of the week and he'd be looking at a conduct violation from Gooddell.
03-29-2009, 06:36 PM
Exactly. If they had obeyed all the traffic rules, and because of that fact, were late to witness this event, would they be able to sue the city? Or if they had gotten into an accident on the way, sue the other driver? As far as I know, the family is of course mad, but not looking to sue.
I don't think Moats has any intention to sue, but he does want Powell unemployed. Cannot say I blame him.
03-29-2009, 07:01 PM
I don't think Moats has any intention to sue, but he does want Powell unemployed. Cannot say I blame him.
I wouldnt blame him either, but what I find interesting is that he apparently has backed off that request, where others of us waaaaayyyy on the other side of the country, as someone said, are still taking it so personally.
Did the cop fuck up? YES. Does he need to be retrained? YES.
Did he use profane or racist language during the stop? NO.
Did he CAUSE the death or injury to anyone while performing his DUTY? NO.
He's been on the job for 3 years, a rookie by all means, he should be sent to sensitivity training, I would even suggest riding with a Senior partner for a year...
But FIRING? Silliness. He did his job in a manner that makes us uncomfortable, but he did what he felt was his job as far as I can tell.
That said, he also had some interaction with another nfl player's family member. If it turns out he ends up having some type of vendetta against the nfl, I'd then agree that he knew who he was pulling over/dealing with, and should be fired. But only then. But it doesnt appear from the video that he even knows who ryan moats is.
**Ryan Moats and his wife will be on GMA tomorrow morning to discuss the incident.**
03-29-2009, 07:03 PM
That said, he also had some interaction with another nfl player's family member. If it turns out he ends up having some type of vendetta against the nfl, I'd then agree that he knew who he was pulling over/dealing with, and should be fired. But only then. But it doesnt appear from the video that he even knows who ryan moats is.
Hell, I'm a big nfl fan, one of my guys is on the Texans, and I didn't know who moats was.
I wouldnt blame him either, but what I find interesting is that he apparently has backed off that request, where others of us waaaaayyyy on the other side of the country, as someone said, are still taking it so personally.
Did the cop fuck up? YES. Does he need to be retrained? YES.
Did he use profane or racist language during the stop? NO.
Did he CAUSE the death or injury to anyone while performing his DUTY? NO.
He's been on the job for 3 years, a rookie by all means, he should be sent to sensitivity training, I would even suggest riding with a Senior partner for a year...
But FIRING? Silliness. He did his job in a manner that makes us uncomfortable, but he did what he felt was his job as far as I can tell.
That said, he also had some interaction with another nfl player's family member. If it turns out he ends up having some type of vendetta against the nfl, I'd then agree that he knew who he was pulling over/dealing with, and should be fired. But only then. But it doesnt appear from the video that he even knows who ryan moats is.
**Ryan Moats and his wife will be on GMA tomorrow morning to discuss the incident.**
I dont give a shit about vendetta, there are plenty of people who have no business being in a position of authority over other people, they just cant handle the responsibility. I have been around them enough to know which ones do not have the right attitude to handle situations and this guy doesnt have the restraint needed to deal with those times.
1)Did the guy flee from him? No, it was a very short pursuit
2)Did the cop show zero compassion? Yes
3)Did he continue to act like a dick even after the situation was explained to him calmly? Yes
Add all that up and that is a cop that deserves to be fired, everyone was calm in the situation besides the cop and the daughter, she has an excuse, her mother was dying, what the fuck was his excuse?
Too many fucking times cops cover for this bullshit, my sister married a cop that was older than her and never realized how big of an asshole he was until he got caught smashing a guys window in that was harassing his girlfriend. Oh yeah he was cheating on her this whole time but they all covered for him, after the fact it was discovered he had other incidences like this but got them swept under the rug with him having desk duty. Needless to say the guy he terrorized that night got a nice settlement from the city and he got fired. There are some guys who do not need to be cops, this guy is one of them.
03-29-2009, 08:51 PM
Too many fucking times cops cover for this bullshit, my sister married a cop that was older than her and never realized how big of an asshole he was until he got caught smashing a guys window in that was harassing his girlfriend. Oh yeah he was cheating on her this whole time but they all covered for him, after the fact it was discovered he had other incidences like this but got them swept under the rug with him having desk duty. Needless to say the guy he terrorized that night got a nice settlement from the city and he got fired. There are some guys who do not need to be cops, this guy is one of them.
So yours, as mine, is a completely unprejudiced viewpoint.
However, if this officer's sister had been mistreated by a black man, and therefore thought all black men were evil, I'd have as much of a problem with that as I do with your reasons for why this guy should be fired.
You say cops get away with this shit, then explain something horrible that happened to your sister where the cop was punished...then fired! Sounds like he really got away with something there. Your sister's ex commited crimes, as you tell it. The Dallas cop did not.
03-29-2009, 09:00 PM
So yours, as mine, is a completely unprejudiced viewpoint.
Is this sarcastic?
03-29-2009, 09:00 PM
Is this sarcastic?
Finally. Someone gets me!
So yours, as mine, is a completely unprejudiced viewpoint.
However, if this officer's sister had been mistreated by a black man, and therefore thought all black men were evil, I'd have as much of a problem with that as I do with your reasons for why this guy should be fired.
You say cops get away with this shit, then explain something horrible that happened to your sister where the cop was punished...then fired! Sounds like he really got away with something there. Your sister's ex commited crimes, as you tell it. The Dallas cop did not.
You didnt follow the story too much, there were numerous other incidences swept under the rug for the same cop that if they were public knowledge she never would have married him. He didnt get fired until they had no choice and there was a lawsuit so they had to take action.
It never had to come to that point, there were many numerous incidents like this cop had where he abused his badge but in their mind it was a minor complaint so they didnt do shit. He had an attitude when he had that badge on just like this guy appears to have, there is already another incident coming out where he handcuffed another NFL players wife and took her to jail ( just because he could be a dick. Do you really want to keep defending this asshole? Once is a mistake, twice is a trend.
Cops should at least act human, they arent the end all, be all of the law, there is plenty of gray area in the law and you should know that if a guy has a good enough lawyer a guy can get off.
03-30-2009, 08:21 AM
Y Do you really want to keep defending this asshole?
Again, I'm not really defending this asshole, as I said initially, and repeatedly in this thread, my problem is with THIS board's attitude toward cops. It's the "we support the troops" angle.
We love the troops, and the cops, until they do their jobs, and god forbid they make a comes the pile dozer!
Also, although your revelation of the other nfl story is not new, I just read it... what did he do wrong there?
Are we just upset he's inconveniencing nfl families? Or, again as I mentioned earlier, are we trying to prove a vendetta against the nfl??
03-30-2009, 08:28 AM
Again, I'm not really defending this asshole, as I said initially, and repeatedly in this thread, my problem is with THIS board's attitude toward cops. It's the "we support the troops" angle.
We love the troops, and the cops, until they do their jobs, and god forbid they make a comes the pile dozer!
Except that yet again most of this thread has been directed towards this particular individual, but you keep generalizing semeingly everyone who posted as "anti-cop." There ae some who clearly have their issues with the police, but that doesn't dictate everything that was said in the thread.
03-30-2009, 08:31 AM
Except that yet again most of this thread has been directed towards this particular individual, but you keep generalizing semeingly everyone who posted as "anti-cop." There ae some who clearly have their issues with the police, but that doesn't dictate everything that was said in the thread.
true dat. But if it werent for some poster's pre-dispositions toward police in general, they wouldnt necessarily jump to some of the conclusions they have in this case.
03-30-2009, 08:35 AM
Okay, enough bad cop. Here's a good cop story.
Police: Gunman's wife worked at care home (
Stewart was stopped by a single shot to the chest fired by Justin Garner, a decorated police officer responding to a 911 call. Stewart wounded Garner, 25, three times in the leg as they traded gunfire in a hallway, McKenzie said.
"Whether he realizes it now, he will hopefully realize someday how many lives he has saved," McKenzie said of Garner. "A lot more lives would have been lost, I honestly feel, had he not done what he did. For certain."
03-30-2009, 08:41 AM
Okay, enough bad cop. Here's a good cop story.
Police: Gunman's wife worked at care home (
Stewart was stopped by a single shot to the chest fired by Justin Garner, a decorated police officer responding to a 911 call. Stewart wounded Garner, 25, three times in the leg as they traded gunfire in a hallway, McKenzie said.
"Whether he realizes it now, he will hopefully realize someday how many lives he has saved," McKenzie said of Garner. "A lot more lives would have been lost, I honestly feel, had he not done what he did. For certain."
Wait for it... "he didnt even give him a chance to surrender!' blah blah blah...
and hopefully the cop and the gunman are the same color.
All in all, nice try jujubees... but it doesnt get it's own thread???
03-30-2009, 08:58 AM
Wait for it... "he didnt even give him a chance to surrender!' blah blah blah...
and hopefully the cop and the gunman are the same color.
All in all, nice try jujubees... but it doesnt get it's own thread???
Chris, you have to be on of the most cynical people around. I was going to start a new thread about it but figured it would make more sense to put it here.
Again, I'm not really defending this asshole, as I said initially, and repeatedly in this thread, my problem is with THIS board's attitude toward cops. It's the "we support the troops" angle.
We love the troops, and the cops, until they do their jobs, and god forbid they make a comes the pile dozer!
Also, although your revelation of the other nfl story is not new, I just read it... what did he do wrong there?
Are we just upset he's inconveniencing nfl families? Or, again as I mentioned earlier, are we trying to prove a vendetta against the nfl??
Oh well then I am in the minority with you then, I always defend cops because I know they deal with a lot of shitheads and my sister is a cop and I know a lot of great guys who are cops but none of them have this kind of attitude.
My biggest problem is hes just being a complete dick, once to a guy who rolled through a red light to make it to the hospital and then to a little hispanic woman who's only crime was an illegal U turn in a new city and forgot paperwork. A few tickets and then let her be on her way, there was no reason to arrest her and the cops ended up agreeing with her.
I love most cops and realize that if you are pleasant with them and realize they are just doing their job you will not get treated like a dick, there are a few who are complete dicks and need to lose their badges. Those are in the very small minority but they do not need to hold badges.
03-30-2009, 09:05 AM
This thread must be crushing the Taylor Swift one by now.
03-30-2009, 09:07 AM
Chris, you have to be on of the most cynical people around.
Thank You.
Oh well then I am in the minority with you then, I always defend cops because I know they deal with a lot of shitheads and my sister is a cop and I know a lot of great guys who are cops but none of them have this kind of attitude.
I love most cops and realize that if you are pleasant with them and realize they are just doing their job you will not get treated like a dick, there are a few who are complete dicks and need to lose their badges. Those are in the very small minority but they do not need to hold badges.
Thank You.
This thread must be crushing the Taylor Swift one by now.
Thaaaaank you.
03-30-2009, 09:11 AM
I love most cops and realize that if you are pleasant with them and realize they are just doing their job you will not get treated like a dick, there are a few who are complete dicks and need to lose their badges. Those are in the very small minority but they do not need to hold badges.
I agree 100% with this statement.
I've gotten out of tickets a few times because I was 100% compliant and knew that cops do not want to approach a dark vehicle late at night. Hands on the wheel, dome lights on. When you make a motion, keep your hands in plain sight and tell the officer what you are doing at all times.
03-30-2009, 09:18 AM
I've gotten out of tickets a few times because I was 100% compliant and knew that cops do not want to approach a dark vehicle late at night. Hands on the wheel, dome lights on. When you make a motion, keep your hands in plain sight and tell the officer what you are doing at all times.
Good advice of course, but lemme ask you this.
If the cop still writes you a ticket, is he automatically a dick? Or is he doing the job we all pay him to do?
03-30-2009, 09:32 AM
Good advice of course, but lemme ask you this.
If the cop still writes you a ticket, is he automatically a dick? Or is he doing the job we all pay him to do?
If I'm deserving of the ticket, then I have no issues with getting the ticket.
Don't get me wrong, I think Moats should have gotten the ticket. My whole issue with this is that the police officer was 100% unprofessional and completely overreacted, even when it was obvious that Moats was not intoxicated and/or a threat.
03-30-2009, 09:51 AM
If I'm deserving of the ticket, then I have no issues with getting the ticket.
Don't get me wrong, I think Moats should have gotten the ticket. My whole issue with this is that the police officer was 100% unprofessional and completely overreacted, even when it was obvious that Moats was not intoxicated and/or a threat.
Exactly. There's no excuse for what the officer did.
03-30-2009, 09:54 AM
Exactly. There's no excuse for what the officer did.
Well...there's several excuses, some good, some bad, but none that suit you. And that's your opinion.
03-30-2009, 10:36 AM
Well...there's several excuses, some good, some bad, but none that suit you. And that's your opinion.
Any "excuse" that attempts to justify what he did implies that the other officer (and the nurse) was in the wrong trying to get him to back off and let the people go at that moment. So which one was in the wrong at that point in time?
03-30-2009, 10:58 AM
Any "excuse" that attempts to justify what he did implies that the other officer (and the nurse) was in the wrong trying to get him to back off and let the people go at that moment. So which one was in the wrong at that point in time?
Of course he was wrong, given what we know now, but at the moment HE thought he was right, I'm assuming, and there are several explanations as to why he thought that, which I have previously listed a few of.There are excuses for his behavior and there are excuses for The Moats' behavior. Yes, in the END, his actions proved more unfortunate than theirs, but as it was happening, he felt he was in the right.
I was watching Parking Wars, or some similar show the other day, where a traffic agent was writing a ticket, and this big gay guy came running out screaming, "oh my god! thats my mommy's car! I parked it! What should I do?! Dont ticket me please!!!" and started crying.
Luckily, the agent continued writing and placed the ticket on the car. A buystander told the gay guy, "you were way over the top, no one's gonna believe that" and the gay guy immediately stopped crying, and said, totally straight, "oh well, it was worth a try", and walked away laughing.
Just an illustration that just because people are saying something, it aint necessarily true, and by the time the nurse came out, the dallas cop had already began writing. Again, even then, he couldve altered his course, but he chose not to. Things are not as black and white when theyre occurring as they are a day later on video tape.
03-30-2009, 11:15 AM
Of course he was wrong, given what we know now, but at the moment HE thought he was right, I'm assuming, and there are several explanations as to why he thought that, which I have previously listed a few of.There are excuses for his behavior and there are excuses for The Moats' behavior. Yes, in the END, his actions proved more unfortunate than theirs, but as it was happening, he felt he was in the right.
I was watching Parking Wars, or some similar show the other day, where a traffic agent was writing a ticket, and this big gay guy came running out screaming, "oh my god! thats my mommy's car! I parked it! What should I do?! Dont ticket me please!!!" and started crying.
Luckily, the agent continued writing and placed the ticket on the car. A buystander told the gay guy, "you were way over the top, no one's gonna believe that" and the gay guy immediately stopped crying, and said, totally straight, "oh well, it was worth a try", and walked away laughing.
Just an illustration that just because people are saying something, it aint necessarily true, and by the time the nurse came out, the dallas cop had already began writing. Again, even then, he couldve altered his course, but he chose not to. Things are not as black and white when theyre occurring as they are a day later on video tape.
They're pretty clearly black and white given the information the officer had available to him at that moment from someone who worked at the hospital AND another police officer. It doesn't matter if he felt he was right...he was clearly wrong and the information was there as it was happening that showed he was wrong. He was right to act as he did initially and he would have and he was right giving Moats a ticket but he was clearly wrong unnecessarily dragging it out like he did with a nurse and another police officer there spelling out what was going on. There's no hindsight needed. He willfully and inentionally did the "wrong" thing with the information being clearly relayed to him by another police officer. That other officer is what is critical here...not Moats and his family's story, not even the nurse...that other officer. That's what makes this completely different than what you saw on Parking Wars. For me, this guy screwed this up in how he dealt wih information being given to him by another police officer.
03-30-2009, 11:32 AM
. For me, this guy screwed this up in how he dealt wih information being given to him by another police officer.
and again, I agree with you there. I think we've hit a point where we're just gonna keep repeating ourselves. lol. All I ask is, in the NEXT case where a cop makes an error in judgement, we refrain from remembering all of our past troubles with cops, and look at the situation without prejudice, remembering just cause it's on tv, doesnt mean it's worthy of being on tv. And just cause a cop makes a mistake, doesnt mean he needs to be strung up. For God's sakes, ceo's are getting bailed out by our government for making mistakes, and a lowly cop issues a ticket to the wrong guy, and we want him fired. He needs to learn from this, yes. But not to be fired.
Don Stugots
03-30-2009, 11:36 AM
if the football player had stopped the cops, this thread would only be 2 pages
03-30-2009, 11:43 AM
if the football player had stopped the cops, this thread would only be 2 pages
Well done.
03-31-2009, 02:08 PM
No one answered me if the video I posted was the same video, but if it was, the guy is pulling into a freaking hospital! What rational idea could the cop have for not seeing what was going on and backing off? If the womans death could be attributed to a delay in care because she was delayed admittance to the hospital, they have every right to sue the cops as far as I am concerned. Look at the video. The cop puts the sirens and lights on as the guy is turning into the lot of the hospital! If it was my mom, I would cause that cop nothing but fucking misery!! He was acting like an asshole too. The man was being civil and trying to restrain himself, and he showed himself to be the more adult in this situation. Think about this as if it was YOUR parent!!
03-31-2009, 02:46 PM
No one answered me if the video I posted was the same video, but if it was, the guy is pulling into a freaking hospital! What rational idea could the cop have for not seeing what was going on and backing off? If the womans death could be attributed to a delay in care because she was delayed admittance to the hospital, they have every right to sue the cops as far as I am concerned. Look at the video. The cop puts the sirens and lights on as the guy is turning into the lot of the hospital! If it was my mom, I would cause that cop nothing but fucking misery!! He was acting like an asshole too. The man was being civil and trying to restrain himself, and he showed himself to be the more adult in this situation. Think about this as if it was YOUR parent!!
I assume your video is the same one, but i watched the 1st one, and havent watched yours.
The traffic infraction actually happened a bit away from the hospital. The cop has to step on the gas a bit to even catch up to the violator. Yes, the car does eventually pull into the ER lot with the story of having a family emergency. Again, we can all see the tragedy because we know the outcome, but up to a point (where the nurse comes out and backs up the story), this guy is just doing his job. Remember--he doesnt know he's being told the truth, OR that "she's dieing" ACTUALLY means she's DIEING. And no, the dieing woman wasnt in the car! She was already admitted to the hospital, and waiting for her family.
03-31-2009, 03:09 PM
No offence intended Chris, but I can seriously see myself doing that. Imagine if the last few minutes if time you could have had with your dying loved one was cut short because of this scenario? Granted, if this is what happened, sure, the cop has a right to pull someone over, but once he sees the real situation, instead of detaining the guy, he should have helped them out. Right? In that video, the cop was being unreasonable. Its almost like he was more concerned with giving out a ticket than in the public good. Cops are suppose to be law enforcers, sure, but also public servants. They should be able to give up the chase if the chase turns out to be justified. The real worls is not black and white as the law seems to be and they should have the option to call off a chase.
I assume your video is the same one, but i watched the 1st one, and havent watched yours.
The traffic infraction actually happened a bit away from the hospital. The cop has to step on the gas a bit to even catch up to the violator. Yes, the car does eventually pull into the ER lot with the story of having a family emergency. Again, we can all see the tragedy because we know the outcome, but up to a point (where the nurse comes out and backs up the story), this guy is just doing his job. Remember--he doesnt know he's being told the truth, OR that "she's dieing" ACTUALLY means she's DIEING. And no, the dieing woman wasnt in the car! She was already admitted to the hospital, and waiting for her family.
The spelling police are issuing you a ticket. It's DYING. Seeing as you are a repeat offender we will be here for a while, i hope none of your loved ones are dying right now......
04-02-2009, 11:42 AM
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Most of this is a rehash, but at around 7:00, Mrs Moats says she would accept an apology from The officer, because he's a human being.
The people who actually went through this thing seem to be dealing with it better than we are.
04-02-2009, 12:00 PM
Most of this is a rehash, but at around 7:00, Mrs Moats says she would accept an apology from The officer, because he's a human being.
The people who actually went through this thing seem to be dealing with it better than we are.
Yeah, especially the Mayor and the PD Chief of Dallas, who told Powell to GTFO!
04-02-2009, 12:11 PM
this story reminds me of an old man that was rushing his wife to the hospital cause she was dying from a heartattack.
long story short, he's speeding to get her to the hospital, cop pulls him over and he stops cause he believes the cop can help him get to the hospital faster. Instead, the cop begins to use his authority and berates the man for being panicky and not corporating with the cops every command. All in the time this is happening, the mans wife dies in the front seat of the truck. The old man kept begging and telling the cop his wife is dying, she needs help and he did not give two shits about what the man had to say and then proceeded to give him threats and even a ticket. It was actually shown on one of those "Worlds Wildest" type shows like they show on TRUtv or Spike.....I felt so bad for the man that just lost his wife cause of this stupid cop that took his job way too seriously.
it's stories like this that make me wanna take a gun to the first law enforcement officer that uses their authority over the public in the wrong way.....I hope this 25 year old douche gets whats coming to him and that's about 100 black men stomping his brains in.
04-02-2009, 12:38 PM
Yeah, especially the Mayor and the PD Chief of Dallas, who told Powell to GTFO!
Politicians backing away from controversy? DO tell!
Their behavior in this matter sickens me. ALL the people who were THERE are reacting quite well, and rationally.
this story reminds me of an old man that was rushing his wife to the hospital cause she was dying from a heartattack.
long story short, he's speeding to get her to the hospital, cop pulls him over and he stops cause he believes the cop can help him get to the hospital faster. Instead, the cop begins to use his authority and berates the man for being panicky and not corporating with the cops every command. All in the time this is happening, the mans wife dies in the front seat of the truck. The old man kept begging and telling the cop his wife is dying, she needs help and he did not give two shits about what the man had to say and then proceeded to give him threats and even a ticket. It was actually shown on one of those "Worlds Wildest" type shows like they show on TRUtv or Spike.....I felt so bad for the man that just lost his wife cause of this stupid cop that took his job way too seriously.
it's stories like this that make me wanna take a gun to the first law enforcement officer that uses their authority over the public in the wrong way.....I hope this 25 year old douche gets whats coming to him and that's about 100 black men stomping his brains in.
Well, talk about rational. Yes, thats a fine response, and sadly, this board as a whole agrees with you. Silly and sad.
Also--those cop shows are generally pro-cop...are you sure you saw it on one of them? all? It's possibly true, but we really shouldnt be spreading urban myths in defense of shooting law enforcement officers. I'm sure youll be able to find it online if it exists.
How about this? Next time you see a police officer, THANK HIM (oh I know alotta peoples ass holes just puckered) for doing his job, despite everyone constantly telling him how they could do it better.
My point of my latest post was to show that the people INVOLVED are acting civilly, rationally, sanely, and to request that 'we' all start doing the same. And those are the first 2 responses. :wallbash:
04-02-2009, 01:10 PM
i dont think anyone on this board hates cops...i think the frustration you're seeing people reacting ot is that this cop was a douche and over used this authority. It's not an attack on Cops...its an "attack" on this bad cop. People are generally able to seperate the two. Give them some credit..unless you see people use the ALL COPS ARE... :blink:
04-02-2009, 01:22 PM
this story reminds me of an old man that was rushing his wife to the hospital cause she was dying from a heartattack.
I like the one where the guy gets pulled over for speeding and the next thing he knows he wakes up in a tub full of ice and his kidneys are gone.
04-02-2009, 02:02 PM
Yes, thats a fine response, and sadly, this board as a whole agrees with you. Silly and sad.
Wow... a cop that has a prejudice against a group of people "as a whole"?
Try actually reading the majority of the posts before you condemn all of us.
04-02-2009, 04:55 PM
i dont think anyone on this board hates cops...i think the frustration you're seeing people reacting ot is that this cop was a douche and over used this authority. It's not an attack on Cops...its an "attack" on this bad cop. People are generally able to seperate the two. Give them some credit..unless you see people use the ALL COPS ARE... :blink:
My post was based on years of observing this board, and it's reaction to these types of threads. Not just this one incident. To assume that there is not one cop hater among us would be impossible if you read even this one thread, but I have read many, and people just seem eager to side against the cop in any story. There are also many people on this board who appreciate cops. But those who dont outweigh those who do. Or so it seems to me.
Wow... a cop that has a prejudice against a group of people "as a whole"?
Try actually reading the majority of the posts before you condemn all of us.
Actually, I have indeed read every post in this thread, and in others like it. NOW may I condemn you? Your attempt at cleverness has failed.
04-02-2009, 05:06 PM
my apologies if this point was already made (i only scanned through the thread), but i'm sure cops hear "my mom is dying"-type excuses a million times from people lying to try to get out of tickets.
the cop may have been a bit insensitive, but i don't think he should've lost his job over this.
04-02-2009, 06:31 PM
04-02-2009, 07:23 PM
My stomach just turned. Awful news that such public pressure was put on this man for such a minor deal. Seriously, in the grand scheme of things, he fucked up. Fine. But to lose your job or be made to feel you should resign?
No one was hurt.
No civil rights were violated.
No property was damaged.
And to remind you all, the cop's actions DID NOT kill anyone.
AND the family said the apology was enough, but the media wanted more.
I wish this was yesterday so I could chalk it up to an april fool's joke.
I'll repeat myself for those of you who dont read entire threads, He should have been punished and retrained. Not fired or forced to resign. Sickening.
04-02-2009, 07:38 PM
I've said it before, we are the only profession that must do their job perfect all the time no matter what the situation is. Like Chris said, he fucked up, and needed to be retrained. How many people mess up every day at their jobs, treat people rude, and so on and nothing is done or said about it. It's ridiculous that he resigned
I've said it before, we are the only profession that must do their job perfect all the time no matter what the situation is. Like Chris said, he fucked up, and needed to be retrained. How many people mess up every day at their jobs, treat people rude, and so on and nothing is done or said about it. It's ridiculous that he resigned
I have had plenty of jobs and I got fired from one because I fucked up just once, shit happens.
Even though you may not like it that cops need to be perfect the public needs that perception and resigning may be the best thing he could do, it takes the focus off of him and will allow him to possibly get a job away from dallas or in a small town. He needs to cool his attitude if he gets another badge, its obvious from the way hes talking that he feels above the public with that badge.
04-02-2009, 08:26 PM
I have had plenty of jobs and I got fired from one because I fucked up just once, shit happens.
Even though you may not like it that cops need to be perfect the public needs that perception and resigning may be the best thing he could do, it takes the focus off of him and will allow him to possibly get a job away from dallas or in a small town. He needs to cool his attitude if he gets another badge, its obvious from the way hes talking that he feels above the public with that badge.
This guy will probably never work in law enforcement again. At any job he interviews for, the fact that he is a former officer who resigned because of this incident will hold him back. Maybe he shouldn't be a cop, there are plenty of officers out there that shouldn't be on the job for one reason or an other. And I never said i didn't like the fact cops need to be perfect, I was stating that that is the way it is. Where is the outrage when a doctor screws up, or lawyer, or anybody else that can have an affect on peoples lives. The fact is the majority of the time someone did something to bring us there, what ever the situation may be. We then have to handle it, and and do so in a manner that pleases everyone or our ass is in the hot seat. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world, but it is a stupid incident like this, and the reaction to it that blows my mind.
04-02-2009, 09:25 PM
This guy will probably never work in law enforcement again. At any job he interviews for, the fact that he is a former officer who resigned because of this incident will hold him back. Maybe he shouldn't be a cop, there are plenty of officers out there that shouldn't be on the job for one reason or an other. And I never said i didn't like the fact cops need to be perfect, I was stating that that is the way it is. Where is the outrage when a doctor screws up, or lawyer, or anybody else that can have an affect on peoples lives. The fact is the majority of the time someone did something to bring us there, what ever the situation may be. We then have to handle it, and and do so in a manner that pleases everyone or our ass is in the hot seat. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world, but it is a stupid incident like this, and the reaction to it that blows my mind.
Hear hear.
Suspect Chin
04-02-2009, 09:27 PM
I think the cop was 100% right in this case and I will try to explain why without repeating everything ChrisTheCop said.
Some people are saying that he should have let the guy go when he was told that the lady was dying, but he does let the passengers go into the hospital without any hassle. The cop probably should have searched and interrogated all the passengers, especially after they all hopped out of the SUV screaming and approaching his car.
And why should the cop believe whoever it was that told him about the "resuscitation form"? She really did not seem to know what she was talking about and as stated, cops get lied to several times a day. Furthermore, some sick people have a "Do Not Resuscitate" order that they sign before they get close to death. If they do not have a DNR, they are automatically resuscitated by the ER staff by default. There is no such thing as someone having to sign a form before they save the person--if this were true, ERs would lose way more trauma patients while waiting for a signature from the family.
Racism aside, I truly believe that the family put this nurse up to going out and telling the cop that BS in order to get the driver inside. She was obviously black and would empathize with the family. Think about it, would it make sense from a protocol standpoint to make family members rush to sign something while their loved one is gasping for air? No. They would save the patient and ask questions later. The black nurse was lying and the cop saw right through it.
That being said, imagine if the occupants were actually there to attack someone at the hospital and the cop didn't do his due dilligence and investigate the situation. He had to investigate and I think it was fair to let the women run inside while the driver explained himself outside. Believe it or not, it happens all the time that someone will get shot and if he lives, the shooters will go to the hospital and try to get at him in his hospital bed.
I didn't detect the cop acting like a dick at all in the video. He was actually a lot more patient than a lot of cops would be after having to chase someone through stop signs and have several people hop out of the car and yell at him. If the driver would have just cooperated, he would have been there to see her die.
04-03-2009, 01:17 AM
I hope I did not come off as a cop hater earlier. I am not. I do not think the guy should have resigned, willingly or not. If anything, maybe sensitivity training or whatever. I also agree that the baying for blood seemed o be coming from the board members and. The media not from the people involved. My only issue with the cop was he should have been able to swith between law enforcer to public servant if the situation seems to change from traffic stoop to life and death scenario. As soon as the people pull into the hospital, alarm bells should go off in his mind. Maybe we non cops are jaded by what cops hear all day, I'm not sure. We focus on the bad and ignore the good they do. .
04-03-2009, 01:22 AM
Cops don't need to be perfect. That's why the court system is in place.
04-03-2009, 03:01 AM
if the football player had stopped the cops, this thread would only be 2 pages
The public outcry for this stupid fucking story is ridiculous, the cop resigned unnecessarily, due to being browbeaten that his actions were out of line.
He followed the car after it did not stop, people were getting out of the vehicle, a vehicle HEAVILY tinted such that identification of the occupants would be unable. So people piling out of the car, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE GOING TO DO???? POLICE POINT GUNS AT UNCOMPLIANT PEOPLE, it is a matter of safety.
Next time your white ass gets pulled over, go an extra mile without stopping, then immediately get out of the car, I bet a gun is pointed at you.
Then 4 cops get shot by a guy in oakland and we get 2 pages of responses...
Cops don't need to be perfect. That's why the court system is in place.
They need to appear that way to the public though and be rational, I dont think anyone had a problem with the guy detaining them at first, its when the 2 nurses and the fellow officer came out to back up the guys story about the mother in law dying that most have a problem. The guy just has a bad attitude judging from his arrests but you can bet someone will give him another job and hopefully he has learned that he needs to dial it back a few notches when dealing with the public.
Just because you made a mistake doesnt mean he shouldnt or cant lose his job, its a glaring fuck up and most people would lose a job or suffer a huge demotion if something this big happened to them, lawyers are disbarred all the time, doctors lose their licenses all the time.
Its a fact of life, you fuck up you could be putting your livelihood at risk.
04-03-2009, 04:30 AM
Actually, I have indeed read every post in this thread, and in others like it.
If you "have indeed read every post in this thread", and still want to judge us "as a whole", then I go back to my original statement. There's an obvious prejudice against an entire group of people based on the posts of a few.
Yet you don't want us "civilians" to judge all cops based on the actions of a few of them?
There is an almost tangible "us against them" attitude with many police officers and deputy sheriffs that I've known, even in "off duty" situations, and your posts in this thread back that up.
No matter what anyone posts, your opinion of us "as a whole" is unchanged.
Whether you believe it or not, not all of us have negative opinions of all law enforcement officials. And not everyone prejudges or condemns all cops just because one makes mistakes that are caught on camera.
I think you're taking some of these posts a little too personally as if they are directed towards "ChrisTheCop", or "all cops" and not for what most are intended, which is against the actions of Robert Powell on the night of March 18th.
04-03-2009, 05:40 AM
That is fucking outstanding and a perfect ending to this story.
04-03-2009, 05:49 AM
Where is the outrage when a doctor screws up, or lawyer, or anybody else that can have an affect on peoples lives.
There is an entire industry based upon doctor screw ups. Ank any doctor about his malpractice insurance. And an entire court system to deal with lawyer fuck ups.
But you're right, cops are held to a higher standars than EVERYBODY else in the world. :wallbash:
04-03-2009, 07:53 AM
Powell had been placed on paid administrative leave following the incident, in which Powell lectured Moats, threatened to arrest him and ticketed him in a hospital parking lot after Moats's vehicle went through a red light en route to the hospital.
Yep, paid administrative leave. Ever get suspended and get PAID for it? What a punishment.
And if you "resign" don't you get to keep your pension too?
Where was the Dallas BIA? They should have been investigating this from the start. They should also be investigating if this Officer was told to behave like this from his superiors, and if so they should "resign" as well. The public can't trust these cops again until they can be sure all responsible parties are removed from the force.
Like it or not, Police need policing when they act like this. If I were a Police Officer I would speak out AGAINST this behavior so that the public knew I wasn't like this. Blue Walls need to be torn down, with Unions, and BIA needs better funding. Its a sad case, and its what most people remember about cops.
04-03-2009, 07:56 AM
How about this? Next time you see a police officer, THANK HIM (oh I know alotta peoples ass holes just puckered) for doing his job, despite everyone constantly telling him how they could do it better.
That old line works for EVERY industry Chris. You chose to be a cop so do the job for that sake, not too wait for people to throw palms at your feet.
04-03-2009, 08:36 AM
Doctors and lawyers lose their professions all the time due to public outcry at their performance? I know when they fuck up, they get sued BY THE PEOPLE THEY AFFECTED, boards protect them, and usually a money settlement is sufficient settlement.
Remember, the family involved was willing to accept an apology. The reason for this man's family no longer having a bread winner is due to the non participant public, media, and message board type people making others think that this man was the cause of all the Moats family problems.
He committed no crime! He violated no civil rights! He did not bring harm to any person!
04-03-2009, 08:42 AM
[QUOTE=ChrisTheCop;2199181]The reason for this man's family no longer having a bread winner is due to the non participant public, media, and message board type people making others think that this man was the cause of all the Moats family problems.
Um. No. The reason his family no longer has a bread winner is because he is an asshole with a history of inappropriate behavior.
04-03-2009, 08:45 AM
P.S. There is no pension after only 3 years.
Doctors and lawyers lose their professions all the time due to public outcry at their performance? I know when they fuck up, they get sued BY THE PEOPLE THEY AFFECTED, boards protect them, and usually a money settlement is sufficient settlement.
Remember, the family involved was willing to accept an apology. The reason for this man's family no longer having a bread winner is due to the non participant public, media, and message board type people making others think that this man was the cause of all the Moats family problems.
He committed no crime! He violated no civil rights! He did not bring harm to any person!
So in essence since a doctor didnt break a law he shouldnt be responsible for his fuck ups either, we send a patient home and say too fucking bad. Yeah he may have harmed him but it was an accident, not malicious just like this cop.
Oh and doctors and lawyers have the licenses stripped and their certificates taken away if they fuck up, it happens more than cops losing their jobs for being dicks. And the reason this guy was forced out was because even if he stays, he will be a target and a lightning rod for controversy.
Stop defending this guy and acting like cops should have their asses kissed at every turn, I respect cops but it was their career choice so if they dont like the fact certain criteria has to be met they can leave.
04-03-2009, 09:45 AM
dios mio.
Stop saying I'm asking for cops asses to be kissed!
I'm simply asking that we all stop pretending we know how to do their jobs,
and to RESPECT them for what they do. RESPECT does not mean throwing palms or flowers at our feet at every turn, RESPECT is what we should give every human being regardless of race, color, creed, or chosen profession. RESPECT is not jumping on the bandwagon of hate just because youve had a bad outing with someone of the same profession. RESPECT is not treating people as if theyve committed a terrible crime against humanity, simply because we now know facts that they didnt at the time, Monday morning quarterbacking is not RESPECT.
RESPECT would be to pay the same attention to threads where they do good, as to those where they do bad.
PS-- I dont understand your doctor scenario above. Can you please elaborate?
04-03-2009, 10:00 AM
Stop saying I'm asking for cops asses to be kissed!
Why are you asking for cop's asses to be kissed?
04-03-2009, 10:01 AM
Why are you asking for cop's asses to be kissed?
Why youuuu! I oughtta!!
04-03-2009, 10:22 AM
I respect most police officers.
I don't respect this guy.
Personally, I think firing is a bit much, but my sympathy is rather minimal since this was all in his hands and he had total control. It's a a mess of his own making.
04-03-2009, 10:23 AM
The public outcry for this stupid fucking story is ridiculous, the cop resigned unnecessarily, due to being browbeaten that his actions were out of line.
He followed the car after it did not stop, people were getting out of the vehicle, a vehicle HEAVILY tinted such that identification of the occupants would be unable. So people piling out of the car, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE GOING TO DO???? POLICE POINT GUNS AT UNCOMPLIANT PEOPLE, it is a matter of safety.
Next time your white ass gets pulled over, go an extra mile without stopping, then immediately get out of the car, I bet a gun is pointed at you.
Then 4 cops get shot by a guy in oakland and we get 2 pages of responses...
You seem to have completely missed what this was all about. Race didn't come into it, nor was the debate over Moats being pulled over in the first place.
04-03-2009, 11:20 AM
better served in this thread:
Chris, let me ask you this:
You're still defending this Dallas cop... can you bring yourself to defend Justin Volpe? Because unchecked, that cop's actions would have taken him down that road.
1) No one is denying Moats broke the law.
2) No one is denying that Moats should have been cited.
3) The main problem is the cop acted unprofessionally, and took a moment away from someone they'll never get back.
This is also not a random incident, as it's happened before.
Don't kid yourself that Moats forgives this guy, because he doesn't. You can be damn sure that the Texans, NFL Security, and other people were in his ear telling him to say that because they don't want to look unforgiving in this situation, especially considering how much the NFL works with local law enforcement.
You think, considering how upset Moats is on the video, that he suddenly has a change of heart?
If you act unprofessional, you should be reprimanded. Powell made the mistake of doing this, having it all caught on tape, and then getting released to local media.
Which makes me wonder - who got the video out there? Freedom of Information act initiated by the Moats, or did someone on the DPD leak this out?
04-03-2009, 11:21 AM
OK, let me ask you this.
You're still defending this Dallas cop... can you bring yourself to defend Justin Volpe? Because unchecked, that cop's actions would have taken him down that road.
That's quite a sooth youre saying!
But ok, Any one of us (civilians included) can go down a bad road. My point is that he should have been punished and retrained. Perhaps that is what would have happened had he not resigned. But he resigned due to the pressure brought on by his superiors, the media, and the public, and that pressure was a bit much for the situation, I feel.
04-03-2009, 11:28 AM
Don't kid yourself that Moats forgives this guy, because he doesn't. You can be damn sure that the Texans, NFL Security, and other people were in his ear telling him to say that because they don't want to look unforgiving in this situation, especially considering how much the NFL works with local law enforcement.
You think, considering how upset Moats is on the video, that he suddenly has a change of heart?
Again, no facts to support it. I watched GMA, they both stated they read his apology, but wanted one in person, and would accept it because he's a human being. They did not bring this to the media. They were just going to file a complaint, rightfully. The media brought it to them. Watch the GMA video again, as soon as Mrs Moats says she would accept the apology, the interviewer changes the subject quickly--my guess? because they didnt want the story to go away.
04-03-2009, 11:29 AM
That's quite a sooth youre saying!
But ok, Any one of us (civilians included) can go down a bad road. My point is that he should have been punished and retrained. Perhaps that is what would have happened had he not resigned. But he resigned due to the pressure brought on by his superiors, the media, and the public, and that pressure was a bit much for the situation, I feel.
Sometimes an example has to be set. Unfortunately it fell on former Ofc. Powell.
04-03-2009, 11:31 AM
Sometimes an example has to be set. Unfortunately it fell on former Ofc. Powell.
Too bad for him there werent any truly evil cops in the news the past few weeks to take the heat off of him. He's the example that has to be set merely because he made the papers.
04-03-2009, 12:33 PM
The media tried this cop and was wrong. He tried to do his job, yes denied the guy the ability to see his MiL in the final moments, but the football player broke the law. Was the officer an ass, yes. Was the player an ass, yes. Should there have been a middle ground, yes. Fault lies on all involved.
04-03-2009, 12:54 PM
People get fired all the time for acting unprofessionally at thier jobs. Those families go without "bread winners" also. As for Public Outcry, of course there is gonna be more of that with cops. First off, We pay thier salary (like it or not). Second, Your suppose to be a standard in the community. If I were a COP I would want this POS to be associated with me in a community I came to work in every day to do good in.
I still say Internal Affairs should be investigating this officers commanding officers to see if this was just a case of one cop doing wrong, or a group of poorly trained cops.
Your right he didn't commit a crime, the Moats did. Still I would like to think that an officer who is allowed to carry a gun in public is better trained and has a stronger opinion of himself then to be a petty as this officer was.
dios mio.
Stop saying I'm asking for cops asses to be kissed!
PS-- I dont understand your doctor scenario above. Can you please elaborate?
Stop saying that they all deserve respect just because they wear a badge, a few do not deserve respect and judging by his previous actions and his dug up blog this is one of the minority that deserves contempt from the public. Being a cop is a stressful and thankless job most days because people think you just sit around writing tickets and never actually catch criminals. I get what people bitch at, I have a sister who keeps trying to make Sargent so I hear their complaints but to act like cops have to be anything but super moral is just idiotic, people think cops should be like ozzie and harriet from the 50s and super nice. I understand thats not entirely realistic most days but guys like this give all of you bad names.
And what doctor scenario? Them getting sued or stripped of their license because they fuck up? It happens all the time, same as lawyers getting disbarred. It may take a few small instances or a couple of high profile instances before they get completely banned from practicing medicine, the doctor who lipoed kane's mom finally got his license stripped because he used poor judgment. It happens, but it just may not make the news, this guy will be fine and hopefully he learns to treat people with more respect in the future.
04-03-2009, 02:27 PM
You keep mentioning how we should repsect the police and I agree. But isn't respect a two-way street? This officier showed NO respect for Moats.
If only there was as much " outrage " and national coverage of the 4 police officers killed last week.
This is going to read cynically, but bear with me. The outrage over police doing bad things and criminals doing bad things will always be unequally biased against the police because the general public expects criminals to be total scumbags. Both incidents are tragic, but we live in a society that reacts more and more strongly to excessive police force against civilians than criminal actions against the police.
Even though the media reports many incidents of police corruption a month, the still public expects police officers to not be petty, not to be excessively violent, not to take bribes, and not to discharge their pistols unless it is absolutely necessary. Police corruption is still treated as a "dog-bites-man" story. I hope that cases of police corruption cases are never marginalized as being common, especially when the police officer(s) involved is guilty.
I do wonder if this story would mean anything if an NFL player weren't involved. Celebrities, after all, are more important than you or I. After celebrities, wealthy kidnapped white girls...
04-06-2009, 08:18 AM
better served in this thread:
This is also not a random incident, as it's happened before.
Don't kid yourself that Moats forgives this guy, because he doesn't. You can be damn sure that the Texans, NFL Security, and other people were in his ear telling him to say that because they don't want to look unforgiving in this situation, especially considering how much the NFL works with local law enforcement.
You think, considering how upset Moats is on the video, that he suddenly has a change of heart?
If you act unprofessional, you should be reprimanded. Powell made the mistake of doing this, having it all caught on tape, and then getting released to local media.
Which makes me wonder - who got the video out there? Freedom of Information act initiated by the Moats, or did someone on the DPD leak this out?
I always love your posts. You have these random imaginings and then post them as if they were fact. You have no idea why the guy accepted the apology. Just some shit you dreamed up about NFL security, the Texans and god knows who else. The when you do wonder about something. The conspiratorial wondering has been already answered. Moats made a complaint. The DPD reviewed the tape and released it. Not a big mystery.
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