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Are we vegatarians??? [Archive] - Messageboard


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01-07-2002, 12:14 PM
I have a friend whose mom is a vegetarian and she said people are naturally herbivores. I think it's crap. Is it true?

-Norman Schwartzkoff

"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain

"Neitzche is dead"

01-07-2002, 12:17 PM
Pure malarkey. The fact that we have incisors (the teeth that resemble fangs) is proof that we were intended to rend flesh from the bone. Herbivores have a head full of molars for eating mush...we don't. Tell your friends mom to go back to California with the rest of her hippie friends!

<img src="">

Thanks, Rooster Sucks!

01-07-2002, 12:34 PM
Why did she say it?

number 333 its the way to be

01-07-2002, 01:35 PM
Well, I think the shape of our teeth is determined by the food we eat.

My brother said that isn't true because we have gall bladders. I forget the reason he gave, but it was something about gall bladders only being necessary for meat-eating animals.

Are there any animals that are true omnivores?

-Norman Schwartzkoff

"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain

"Neitzche is dead"

01-07-2002, 01:52 PM
Well, I think the shape of our teeth is determined by the food we
You've got it backwards, my man. We were designed a specific way, just as cars are designed to run on a certain type of fuel. Do you think if you had nothing but molars you could force yourself to eat meat and develop bicuspids and incisors? Not likely. Just like a shark could not survive solely on seaweed, it has been made to tear flesh and digest it. Us too.

<img src="">

Thanks, Rooster Sucks!

01-07-2002, 01:58 PM
Well, I think the shape of our teeth is determined by the food we eat.When baby's teeth are growing in they're pretty much on formula and mush. And they still grow in the shape needed to eat meat and stuff like that. Explain that.

If you're talking about evolution then yes, we've evolved by eating meat.

<img src="">
"My review of 2001 the year is the same as my review of 2001: A Space Odyssey- overlong, hard to follow, and only enjoyable if you're really really stoned." - Lewis Black
"and I spent 14 years as a nuke"- <a href="">CAPALERT</a> Guy on Harry Potter- Reviews, Jesus Style

01-07-2002, 02:10 PM
If we weren't supposed to eat animals, they wouldn't be made out of meat.

<img src= width="300" height="125>

This message was edited by skidmark on 1-7-02 @ 6:48 PM

01-07-2002, 02:23 PM
If we weren't supposed to eat animals, they would'nt be made out of meat.
And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the definitive answer! Skidmark, I love you, man!

<img src="">

Thanks, Rooster Sucks!

01-07-2002, 02:48 PM's a stolen quote from Homer

<img src= width="300" height="125>

01-07-2002, 02:58 PM's a stolen quote from Homer
Now I only love you even more.

<img src="">

Thanks, Rooster Sucks!

01-07-2002, 06:13 PM
We are omivores not carnivores or vegetarians. Our teeth are uniquely shaped to be able to efficiently eat plants and annimals.

True vegetarians, like gorillas, evolved to have broad flat teeth with lots of cusps so as to best grind (and thereby more easily digest) the vast amount of foliage they need to eat every day to survive.

True carnivores, have mostly pointed teeth so as to best rip and tear flesh. Examples are baboons and tigers.

We weren't created onmnivores, we evolved that way. Some species developed the strategy of getting their calories by eating large quantities of plants. Other species developed the strategy of eating much less, but higher calorie and energy rich meat. We evolved the best strategy of all - being able to eat both. No doubt this was due to eras when there was scarce amount of both types of food available. Species who can eat any available food have a distinct survival advantage.

Anthropologists argue that civilization was only possible because we are omnivores, although some have pointed out that it is much more efficient to eat foods directly instead of using them to feed animals which we then eat.

GNM - Some types of evolution (a temporary increase in phenotype for example) can occur in a short time, but for major changes like jaw structure it takes millions of years.

01-09-2002, 12:02 PM
Screw R&F. They stole my conversation completely. From now on, it's just Mason & Kolinsky for me. ;)

-Norman Schwartzkoff

"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain

"Neitzche is dead"