View Full Version : O & A 16th-21st
west milly Tom
03-16-2009, 02:17 AM
Everything is not a conspiracy
west milly Tom
03-16-2009, 02:39 AM
The truth is out there.
west milly Tom
03-16-2009, 02:41 AM
The real reason we entered the Vietnam conflict was a fear of spreading communism. Wink wink
west milly Tom
03-16-2009, 02:55 AM
Goubley Mahata?
03-16-2009, 03:01 AM
Mornin silly geese.
west milly Tom
03-16-2009, 03:13 AM
Mornin silly geese.
Kat Von D :thumbup:...nice
Patrice: "Do you have one where your asshole is a winking eye?"
Patrice wants to nail Kat Von D.. I can definitely hear it in the jokes..
Jay Mohr in Studio! I wonder if he'll stick around for R&F?
03-16-2009, 05:20 AM
i am very sad that jayjay shows up for 0&a but not r&f... :(
bad form JayJay bad form!!!!
Dan 'Hampton
03-16-2009, 05:23 AM
i am very sad that jayjay shows up for 0&a but not r&f... :(
bad form JayJay bad form!!!!
Who says he won't appear on RnF.
03-16-2009, 05:26 AM
Who says he won't appear on RnF.
i do not believe that jayjay will hang out till 12pm...
03-16-2009, 05:38 AM
Jay is killing...
03-16-2009, 05:46 AM
Jay's doing impressions! :clap:
The same ones we've heard before. :dry:
Awesome. %2Fbeta%2Fimg%2Femoticons%2Fneutral.gif
Dan 'Hampton
03-16-2009, 05:48 AM
i do not believe that jayjay will hang out till 12pm...
Calling it now. Him and fez will face off today, live.
The Nature Boy
03-16-2009, 06:05 AM
Jay is an impression pioneer, because I've never heard a Tony Gwynn impression and his is brillant!
03-16-2009, 06:05 AM
funny man that jayjay is.
03-16-2009, 06:16 AM
His Tracey Morgan rules!
03-16-2009, 06:29 AM
Zach Galifianakis does rule.
03-16-2009, 06:30 AM
i thought they were gonna say jay looks like owen wilson
03-16-2009, 06:35 AM
Zach Galifianakis does rule.
03-16-2009, 06:37 AM
They would never have gone on this long with one guest on CBS. XM is the best
03-16-2009, 06:54 AM
Well this was fantastic today. I laughed hysterically. White baby on a keychain put me in stitches.
JayJay is awesome today... like they put their quarter in and the time never ran out...
03-16-2009, 11:10 AM
Calling it now. Him and fez will face off today, live.
nope....where is my free beer...
03-16-2009, 11:22 AM
Calling it now. Him and fez will face off today, live.
By "face off" do you mean Jay will talk to Fez like an adult and Fez will break into tears? Thats right, fezfez, I said it!
03-16-2009, 11:25 AM
What "movie" is Patrice O'Neil talking about? Sounds like a conspiracy project.
03-16-2009, 11:26 AM
What "movie" is Patrice O'Neil talking about? Sounds like a conspiracy project.
Some Alex Jones shit.
03-16-2009, 11:30 AM
Some Alex Jones shit.
Oooooooooohhhhhh for fuck's sake. Never mind.
03-16-2009, 12:10 PM
By "face off" do you mean Jay will talk to Fez like an adult and Fez will break into tears? Thats right, fezfez, I said it!
Sadly, Fez is not currently in a position where he can take any kind of conflict. I am betting that is why Jay wasn't on the show today - Fez would not be able to handle it so Jay stayed away.
It would be cringe radio instead of comedy radio if Jay rolled in to the Ron & Fez show. Jay was on fire and super-funny on O&A so why not just leave it at that.
Jay Mohr returns and Patrice O'Neil shows up today.
Good funny show today. :thumbup:
Obadiah 1329
03-16-2009, 03:28 PM
Probably just me but I think Patrice is unfunny. Loud? Yes. Incoherent? Usually. Eager to take offense when he is not sucking up to the celebrity comedian du jour? Of course. Unable to disengage from a tangent leading to nowhere? Mais oui. Humor is in the ear of the belistener, so I understand that most must disagree, but, jeez, he bores me silly.
Nattering Nabob of Negativity
03-16-2009, 04:46 PM
Jay Mohr returns and Patrice O'Neil shows up today.
Good funny show today. :thumbup:
I have to say it was the best show ever! I only wish Bill Burr, Colin (for real) and Jimmy were there...Well even Voss too!
I laughed so hard....I listened to the whole show and the complete reply...
NFL players net value was 1/2 tank full - runner up:huh:
Coast guard played marco polo - Runner up (that Mongo):smile:
White baby on a keychain - runner up (LOD any other day, except Jay was there):clap:
EVERYTHING out of Jay's mouth today - LOD :clap::thumbup:
03-16-2009, 04:52 PM
Probably just me but I think Patrice is unfunny. Loud? Yes. Incoherent? Usually. Eager to take offense when he is not sucking up to the celebrity comedian du jour? Of course. Unable to disengage from a tangent leading to nowhere? Mais oui. Humor is in the ear of the belistener, so I understand that most must disagree, but, jeez, he bores me silly.
Nattering Nabob of Negativity
you are correct is JUST YOU..:wacko:
03-16-2009, 05:06 PM
Probably just me but I think Patrice is unfunny. Loud? Yes. Incoherent? Usually. Eager to take offense when he is not sucking up to the celebrity comedian du jour? Of course. Unable to disengage from a tangent leading to nowhere? Mais oui. Humor is in the ear of the belistener, so I understand that most must disagree, but, jeez, he bores me silly.
Nattering Nabob of Negativity
just a wild guess... Canadian???
Patrice is funny, especially when thrown in with other great comedians. Sure he has his moments but he is definitely not unfunny to me.
Why are O&A running worst-of?
03-17-2009, 04:19 AM
Heading to Connolley's?
03-17-2009, 04:25 AM
Heading to Connolley's?
I'll leave now and be there in 8 hours.
Morning buddies :bye:
Trying to find a dentist to give me an appointment..motherfuck I'm in pain!
03-17-2009, 04:43 AM
Morning buddies :bye:
Trying to find a dentist to give me an appointment..motherfuck I'm in pain!
I got to the dentist this morning. I, too, am in motherfuck pain. Got an antibiotic though...and some pain meds. Flurf.
west milly Tom
03-18-2009, 02:23 AM
Morning sweeties :bye:
west milly Tom
03-18-2009, 02:53 AM
west milly Tom
03-18-2009, 02:58 AM
The intro bit is killing me
west milly Tom
03-18-2009, 03:05 AM
Long live David the Jew!
west milly Tom
03-18-2009, 03:13 AM
Enough about the paperwork project.
03-18-2009, 04:44 AM
03-18-2009, 04:46 AM
I f@#$ing hate David.
I want all of the other interns to get together and beat the f@#$ out of him with lead pipes.
Morning Buddies. Went to the dentist yesterday to be drilled and filled.. Still have a little pain, but I guess it takes a day or 2.
(yes I'm aware of how gay that sounds, but I stand by my post)
03-18-2009, 04:52 AM
fucking phoning it in today, huh?
03-18-2009, 04:54 AM
fucking phoning it in today, huh?
as opposed to?
03-18-2009, 05:12 AM
I f@#$ing hate David.
I want all of the other interns to get together and beat the f@#$ out of him with lead pipes.
I like when they goof on David, but the comedic value decreases the more he laughs with them. Colin's fascination with David and Scorch fills me with delight.
03-18-2009, 05:20 AM
I like when they goof on David, but the comedic value decreases the more he laughs with them. Colin's fascination with David and Scorch fills me with delight.
In VERY limited doses David can be OK, but today is absolutely retarded.
And why haven't any of the other interns brought up that DAVID DOESN'T HAVE A SCHOOL ANYMORE - David's internship is pointless because CSB freaking CLOSED.
In VERY limited doses David can be OK, but today is absolutely retarded.
And why haven't any of the other interns brought up that DAVID DOESN'T HAVE A SCHOOL ANYMORE - David's internship is pointless because CSB freaking CLOSED.
Yeah, good point.
Why didnt matt the intern just take his shoes in the bathroom and shit in them? There is no way I would shine that little faggots shoes.
03-18-2009, 06:20 AM
How long are they going to drag this out?!?!?! :furious:
Please just let the interns throw David a gang beat-down and get it over with...
03-18-2009, 07:10 AM
Ah the Edsel.
03-18-2009, 03:10 PM
David will forever owe you for recognizing his powerful entertainment value on your show.To the day he dies,with extra words before he takes his last annoying breath,and pops his head up yet again for another question in a monotone delivery whah oh no.(Whiner) It feels like I may be dying here at this point,I'm thinking possibly. Maybe I should CawL someone to share in my misery. Make the coffee ,executive intern.Leave Julie alone twisted perve wackenhut in the perve lounge office with your crumpled moist sweaty magazine. Calm yur breathing and zip that zipper. :ohmy::thumbup::laugh:
The problem is david only earns 34 seconds of air time a week.
west milly Tom
03-19-2009, 02:13 AM
Morning :bye:
west milly Tom
03-19-2009, 02:25 AM
Jimi bought into Obama's fake rage. Boo.
west milly Tom
03-19-2009, 02:41 AM
Opie set David up, omg that makes it so much funnier. What dicks, lol
west milly Tom
03-19-2009, 02:46 AM
Opie wouldn't lie to me, priceless.
west milly Tom
03-19-2009, 02:48 AM
Fatty made love to a cupcake...
west milly Tom
03-19-2009, 02:55 AM
I love how O&A p0wn3ed Fez. New radio war bit starting?
Jimmy with a Fatty Pneumonia reference.. nice!
03-19-2009, 04:29 AM
what did o&a say about fezzie today?
what did o&a say about fezzie today?
All I caught was they were talking about a chick in penthouse who had sand in her crack, and Jimmy said "I hope we won't have to hose her down, like Fatty Pneumonia"
03-19-2009, 06:03 AM
Every cruise I've ever been on has had a captain from that "weird Nordic area" of Italy.
03-19-2009, 06:06 AM
Who were O&A talking to in studio? Sounded like two women, but I wasn't sure.
Who were O&A talking to in studio? Sounded like two women, but I wasn't sure.
What the madam from the spitzer thing
03-19-2009, 06:15 AM
i love jason segal
03-19-2009, 06:17 AM
And why haven't any of the other interns brought up that DAVID DOESN'T HAVE A SCHOOL ANYMORE - David's internship is pointless because CSB freaking CLOSED.
Scruffy brought this up on the post-show yesterday. O&A are making their CSB interns "trainees", so they can do the same thing that interns do but they don't have to be tied to a school.
03-19-2009, 06:23 AM
Scruffy brought this up on the post-show yesterday. O&A are making their CSB interns "trainees", so they can do the same thing that interns do but they don't have to be tied to a school.
So, when are the "trainees" going to be allowed to flip the burgers on their own?
03-19-2009, 06:35 AM
id rather hear ron & fez interview jason segal
03-19-2009, 06:37 AM
the room sounds a little like gap
I don't know if it's the fact that they're just on satellite now, that they had a little fight and cleared the air and some lingering frustrations, or a combination of the two, but I'm enjoying listening to Opie and Anthony again for the first time in a long time.
03-19-2009, 02:53 PM
I don't know if it's the fact that they're just on satellite now, that they had a little fight and cleared the air and some lingering frustrations, or a combination of the two, but I'm enjoying listening to Opie and Anthony again for the first time in a long time.
I agree, though they could use a bit less David...the best David segment was the one on yesterday's R&F show.
I agree, though they could use a bit less David...the best David segment was the one on yesterday's R&F show.
Now ESD needs to get bum rushed out of OnA's show
west milly Tom
03-20-2009, 02:23 AM
Money bitches!
03-20-2009, 03:01 AM
Mornin..listen in jetblue terminal JFK...fucks charged me for over weight bags..THATS MY WIFE YOU CUNT.
west milly Tom
03-20-2009, 03:20 AM
Go yank out your plug, object.
03-20-2009, 04:10 AM
So, I read this thread and saw some positive stuff and decided to check the show out again and... it's still Sean Hannity hour. I'm being extremely honest. I just put it on for about 3 minutes and it's anti-Obama/anti-Liberal/anti-Al Sharpton. This type of radio is so amazingly boring to me. I'm going to randomly put the show on in a few hours and see what they're talking about.
That was me with the Filet-O-Fish/ VInny Brand thing. I was on hold but had to bail but the idea got through :thumbup:
03-20-2009, 04:14 AM
Ok. I can't wait a few hours, there's nothing I want to listen to on XM this early. I'm going to try now. Maybe it was just a random 3 minutes of a 5 hour show that I selected.
03-20-2009, 05:17 AM
oh no...i am already wringing my hands out.....Ron vs Dave II rumble in the jungle , thriller in manila
What the fuck are they doing?
03-20-2009, 05:44 AM
Whose Line Is It Anyway.......
Whose Line Is It Anyway.......
With Patty and Bobo :annoyed:
03-20-2009, 05:52 AM
Pretty boring so far. Rather have another David and Bobo show right now.
03-20-2009, 06:16 AM
Get there. Now. ;)
03-20-2009, 06:22 AM
Get there. Now. ;)
who is the chick?
03-20-2009, 06:27 AM
who is the chick?
Lisa Sparxx
03-20-2009, 12:53 PM
Me and Gvac enjoyed the hell out of this show. We're text buddies you know.
west milly Tom
03-20-2009, 12:59 PM
Bobo doing ant doing Bruce is radio gold.
03-20-2009, 02:25 PM
Whenever anyone did improv on O&A today it reminded me of that Simpsons episode when Homer gets hypnotized. "Hey everybody I'm a famous historian!!!"
03-20-2009, 03:38 PM
Whenever anyone did improv on O&A today it reminded me of that Simpsons episode when Homer gets hypnotized. "Hey everybody I'm a famous historian!!!"
Hey everybody, I'm Angie Dickinson!
I thought he said, "Hey marge, Im a chicken!"
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