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Turn the Page and put something new in your life story. [Archive] - Messageboard


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03-15-2009, 12:04 PM
Had a real rough time this week, rougher than I can remember actually. Interviewed for a cool gig the week before and I thought it was just a matter of time before I get the call saying "HEY YOUR HIRED". It's been over a week and no call. Long story short the second gig I had lined up was a shoe in till my Dr. did not want to give me medical clearence since she had not seen me in over ten yrs. In 1 week, 2 jobs down the drain. I was at home just being miserable, just really felt burnout, basically at the end of the road or so I thought.
I went out Satuarday night, took alot of coaxing but it happened. For the next 6hrs. it wasn't a recession, it was a resurrection. I went out with friends that i've known for over ten years and just kicked back, had some drinks (didn't pay for a single 1) and just reminesced about great times that have spanned over a decade. We cracked some jokes, heard some great music and talked to some cool young ladies from Queens, bagged me a phone number and will be placing a phone call tonight.
I'd be honest in my assesment if I said before Satuarday night I had hit rock bottom. Then you realize that the best investment you can ever make in life is people. The memories alone and the experiences that i've gone through with my buddies is more than enough to make me realize its been a great run why not keep it moving. Yeah i'm in the shitter right now but no ones flushed. I woke up this morning, bills were still there and i'm still unemployed but I've got a phone number in my jean pocket and maybe something new to add to my life story. Plus I got an old lady that wakes up everyday with some serious health condtions that doesn't bitch or complain she just keeps smiling, providing guidance, love and a home, I owe her and my friends a great deal the best way to pay them back is shrug of the loses and give them great memories. My success is theres and as I learned last night when I take a hard loss we all take it but its great to know you just have people there. Peace and Happiness good buddies,

03-15-2009, 01:48 PM
Hey Johnny, don't give up on either job yet either. It's a harsh market out there for a ton of people, but you should keep pushing in a professional manner about it if you really want either. My suggestion is to pop an email to the person you interviewed with or a contact in the process (you should always ask for contact info / a business card at the end of an interview). Do a simple check in/still very interested and excited about the job reach out.

There are a TON of things that may have happened that you wouldn't get info on.
For example, I had a VERY long wait from my second interview and third and also thought I may have been out of the process. I put out a low key feeler/still interested email out there with another thank you to see if I could get some info about the process. Soon after I found out the hiring manager's mother just passed and things really took a back seat as expected. Eventually things got moving again and I ended up getting the gig.

My point is this, you never know what may be holding up the process but it can't hurt to keep in touch. It's key not to push it too much, but an email here or there is still very professional in my mind.

Good luck kid.

03-15-2009, 04:55 PM
Keep that head up. I was lost for a bit and then a friend who I loved hanging with got me a new spot. It happens, you just have to keep looking.

Drunky McBetidont
03-15-2009, 04:59 PM
sounds like shit will soon be poppin' for you.

get in the studio and record some high society goodness for us, brother.:smile:

03-15-2009, 08:19 PM
Awesome post bro!

03-15-2009, 09:22 PM
Hang in there!


Really though..don't get discouraged..keep head high and keep trudging on. You are right about the people in your life.

03-16-2009, 08:02 PM
Sometimes a good night out with friends reminds you that no matter how bad you have it, there are people out there that are going through alot worse.

Hang in there and have faith and in time it will work out, it always does.

Ive been worried becuase this is looking like a really hard year financially (lost a family member that helped contribute and that was 20k for this year GONE). So as Ive been worried about the upcoming summer (2 of my 4 jobs go on hiatus) I just got some great news back from my taxes. Feels like a huge load lifted from my shoulders. Just gotta have faith brother.

03-17-2009, 04:47 AM
Wow Johnny.You can get pretty deep huh?

Seriously,good luck brother.The economy has alot of peoples gigs blowing up.Keep plugging at it and remembering what is really important.You're gonna be fine buddy.