03-13-2009, 01:15 PM
This is a big game for wii owners who absolutely loved wii tennis.
Here is a preview from IGN. (
When I was still in school a couple years back and I first got a wii I totally got hooked on wii sports tennis. Me and my roommate would waste an hour or 2 every night just wack balls back and forth. (I'm going to pay for those words)
We had a blast with such a simple game and now this one seems to improve on the formula 10 fold. The controls sound tighter with the wii remote alone and now with the addition of wii motion plus it looks like this could be the definitive tennis game. I absolutely can't wait for June 16th when EA releases it.
Oh and John McEnroe is totally back with full short shorts and headband. bitches
Another sports game to look out for is Tiger Woods PGA tour 10.
Here is a preview from IGN. (
When I was still in school a couple years back and I first got a wii I totally got hooked on wii sports tennis. Me and my roommate would waste an hour or 2 every night just wack balls back and forth. (I'm going to pay for those words)
We had a blast with such a simple game and now this one seems to improve on the formula 10 fold. The controls sound tighter with the wii remote alone and now with the addition of wii motion plus it looks like this could be the definitive tennis game. I absolutely can't wait for June 16th when EA releases it.
Oh and John McEnroe is totally back with full short shorts and headband. bitches
Another sports game to look out for is Tiger Woods PGA tour 10.