11-06-2008, 05:32 AM
Official Website: Champions Online (
Release Date: 2009
Beta Test Sign-Up (
Cryptic Studios, coming off from their successful City of Heroes and City of Villians game and the now cancelled Marvel Universe MMO, have created Champions Online for both the Xbox 360 and PC. It's based on the old table-top game Champions (, and will feature a unique Hero System where you can custom create superheros/supervillians with custom looks and custom powers. Custom. A good example of the type of hero/villian features you can mix, with examples:
the Brick - slower hand-to-hand fighter who relies more on raw strength and tougher defenses (Incredible Hulk)
the Energy Projector - primary combat ability is a ranged attack, which, despite the name, is not necessarily energy-based (Cyclops)
the Gadgeteer - abilities based on technological devices (Brainiac 5)
the Martial Artist (or martist for short) - lightly-armored hand-to-hand combatant who fights with skill, quickness, and agility (Daredevil)
the Mentalist - abilities target the mind, not the physical foe (Professor X)
the Metamorph - abilities involving changes in shape and/or size (Morph)
the Mystic - trained in the use of magic, or with abilities or items with magical properties (Doctor Fate)
the Patriot - an embodiment of his or her nation (Captain America)
the Powered Armor - a variant of a Gadgeteer, who uses an "all-in-one" gadget worn as armor (Iron Man)
the Speedster - with abilities based around movement (Flash)
the Weaponmaster - with expertise at using a particular type of weapon (Green Arrow)
Pics: More Screenshots here! (
Trailer: More here! (
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Anyone else checking this out? I am going to since it is coming out on 360. Could be something cool to hop into every once in a while. I haven't played an MMO since Final Fantasy XI.
Release Date: 2009
Beta Test Sign-Up (
Cryptic Studios, coming off from their successful City of Heroes and City of Villians game and the now cancelled Marvel Universe MMO, have created Champions Online for both the Xbox 360 and PC. It's based on the old table-top game Champions (, and will feature a unique Hero System where you can custom create superheros/supervillians with custom looks and custom powers. Custom. A good example of the type of hero/villian features you can mix, with examples:
the Brick - slower hand-to-hand fighter who relies more on raw strength and tougher defenses (Incredible Hulk)
the Energy Projector - primary combat ability is a ranged attack, which, despite the name, is not necessarily energy-based (Cyclops)
the Gadgeteer - abilities based on technological devices (Brainiac 5)
the Martial Artist (or martist for short) - lightly-armored hand-to-hand combatant who fights with skill, quickness, and agility (Daredevil)
the Mentalist - abilities target the mind, not the physical foe (Professor X)
the Metamorph - abilities involving changes in shape and/or size (Morph)
the Mystic - trained in the use of magic, or with abilities or items with magical properties (Doctor Fate)
the Patriot - an embodiment of his or her nation (Captain America)
the Powered Armor - a variant of a Gadgeteer, who uses an "all-in-one" gadget worn as armor (Iron Man)
the Speedster - with abilities based around movement (Flash)
the Weaponmaster - with expertise at using a particular type of weapon (Green Arrow)
Pics: More Screenshots here! (
Trailer: More here! (
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Anyone else checking this out? I am going to since it is coming out on 360. Could be something cool to hop into every once in a while. I haven't played an MMO since Final Fantasy XI.