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Gran Torino-----New Eastwood [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Gran Torino-----New Eastwood

10-24-2008, 05:37 PM
This could almost be Dirty Harry: Retired, either way I will probably be lining up the first week to see it.

10-24-2008, 05:49 PM
I saw this trailer today before Pride and Glory, I'll definately be seeing it even though Clint Eastwood's acting eroded with his age IMO.

10-24-2008, 05:58 PM
Personally, I'm stoked.

12-20-2008, 02:05 PM
I just watched this, amazing!! After really being disappointed at crash, this was sort of a proper remake. Its everything that it should have been. Eastwood was great and the storyline wasn't so far off to be unbelievable.

12-20-2008, 02:18 PM
damn didnt realize it was out yet

def will check it out

Johnny Manf
12-22-2008, 03:53 AM
i saw it last week and didnt think it was anything special. clint is great and its really funny but not really anything to rant and rave about. just go see it to laugh at clint being racist to every single person he meets. he's grumpy old man to the max.

12-27-2008, 05:58 PM
My review. I give it a 73/100.

I enjoyed this movie, but I had to turn my brain off and enjoy this film on the same level I would a horror movie or a slasher film. The complexity of the story doesn't go far beyond Dirty Harry movies or Die Hard. The good guys do what good guys do and the bad guys do what bad guys do. Every character (except Eastwood) has the same level of complexity as characters you'd find in a high school student's creative writing assignment.

Eastwood fits his role great. He basically plays a retired Dirty Harry, and it's extremely entertaining. The movie has its funny moments and Eastwood shows his surprisingly good comedic timing. Unfortunately, good acting begins and ends with Eastwood. The other characters seem lost in trying to make Hmong culture look exciting.

I constantly found myself being drawn out of the film. For example, there are a few scenes where Hmong culture is explained in great detail. These scenes may have been an essential part of the story, but the dialogue felt like it was lifted from a Wikipedia article.

Overall, I was surprised the same person who directed Million Dollar Baby and Mystic River directed this. The symbolism and story were rather formulaic and the complexities and "smartness" of the films mentioned above were missing.

01-06-2009, 06:40 AM
The script is great and Clint has a part that's perfect for him yet different enough from what he has done to help define him as a man and a screen icon. One of Clint's best performances as an actor. It's weakness was the direction was a little slack in parts.

01-06-2009, 08:40 AM
Clint was great, the rest of the cast not so much.

What a Cranky racist bastard!

01-06-2009, 08:52 AM
Funniest comedy of the Winter Season

im not sure if its supposed to be so funny

01-06-2009, 09:19 AM
am I seriously supposed to take clint eastwood as a bad ass now? I would kick the fuck out of him if he messed with me, nevermind an entire fuckin gang

01-06-2009, 10:55 AM
am I seriously supposed to take clint eastwood as a bad ass now? I would kick the fuck out of him if he messed with me, nevermind an entire fuckin gang

01-11-2009, 06:55 AM
Funniest comedy of the Winter Season

im not sure if its supposed to be so funny
Our theater was laughing their ass off, even the black folks, they didnt laugh at all though when he called the black thugs "spooks" all of a sudden they were offended, gook, zipperhead, beaner was fine but dont dare call a black guy a slur. Amazing.

am I seriously supposed to take clint eastwood as a bad ass now? I would kick the fuck out of him if he messed with me, nevermind an entire fuckin gang
Yeah Im sure clint could probably kick most of this boards ass and not even break a sweat.

Clint is the man.

01-11-2009, 06:56 AM
Yeah Im sure clint could probably kick most of this boards ass and not even break a sweat.

Clint is the man.

I'll beat him with his walker

01-11-2009, 07:45 AM
What a dumb fucking movie.

It's like Death Wish, but aged about 86 years and with a car and made incredibly boring and somehow even dumber.

The acting stunk, the action stunk...Eastwood stinks. With the exception of Letters from Iwo Jima, his movies have been average to terribe since he peaked with Unorgiven.

Stop it, Clint. You used to be great.

01-11-2009, 07:49 AM
What a dumb fucking movie.

It's like Death Wish, but aged about 86 years and with a car and made incredibly boring and somehow even dumber.

The acting stunk, the action stunk...Eastwood stinks. With the exception of Letters from Iwo Jima, his movies have been average to terribe since he peaked with Unorgiven.

Stop it, Clint. You used to be great.

You know Warners just gives him 75 million and says go make a movie.

Yea I heard he shoots everything one scene and pockets the rest of the money

01-11-2009, 08:01 AM
Well played.

01-11-2009, 05:48 PM
What a dumb fucking movie.

It's like Death Wish, but aged about 86 years and with a car and made incredibly boring and somehow even dumber.

The acting stunk, the action stunk...Eastwood stinks. With the exception of Letters from Iwo Jima, his movies have been average to terribe since he peaked with Unorgiven.

Stop it, Clint. You used to be great.

This from the guy who defended waynes world? Please, the movie was great and Im sorry there were no babeolicious jokes or sing alongs with queen in this movie. It will have a long award run so prepared to be disgusted.

01-11-2009, 05:50 PM
This from the guy who defended waynes world? Please, the movie was great and Im sorry there were no babeolicious jokes or sing alongs with queen in this movie. It will have a long award run so prepared to be disgusted.

How is it great? THE PREMISE IS BULLSHIT. No feeble old man would be able to mess with 1 25 year old, nevermind a whole gang of them, and still live. Unless this movie ends with 7 Asians beating Clint to death, its a bullshit movie

01-11-2009, 05:57 PM
If the movie is anywhere near as in your face and preachy as "Crash" then I have no interest in seeing it.

I understand.

Racism is bad.

I'm not a 7 year old who needs it constantly pounded into my head. It's degrading after awhile.

I still can't believe that movie won an Oscar. I guess this one will too.

01-11-2009, 06:01 PM
If the movie is anywhere near as in your face and preachy as "Crash" then I have no interest in seeing it.

I understand.

Racism is bad.

I'm not a 7 year old who needs it constantly pounded into my head. It's degrading after awhile.

I still can't believe that movie won an Oscar. I guess this one will too.

Sometimes Gvac and I still find common ground.

Crash is such a wretched piece of shit.

01-11-2009, 06:05 PM
Sometimes Gvac and I still find common ground.

Crash is such a wretched piece of shit.


01-11-2009, 06:08 PM

One of the few movies I've walked out of being REALLY angry over it, and not for any of the reasons that Paul "Hacksaw" Haggis wanted. It's a such a lazy, on-the-nose, meaningless piece of nothing that so desperately wants to be importan but says NOTHING and has all the depth and subtlty of a shitty afterschool special.

It's fitting that he wrote Median on Entourage and it turned out to be a giant piece of shit.

01-11-2009, 06:11 PM
One of the few movies I've walked out of being REALLY angry over it, and not for any of the reasons that Paul "Hacksaw" Haggis wanted. It's a such a lazy, on-the-nose, meaningless piece of nothing that so desperately wants to be importan but says NOTHING and has all the depth and subtlty of a shitty afterschool special.

It's fitting that he wrote Median on Entourage and it turned out to be a giant piece of shit.

Man, did you hit the nail on the head. Afterschool special indeed. I heard people (and even friends of mine) absolutely raving about "Crash" so I went to see it.

When I left the only thing I could think was "they got me. Great joke."

It really was one of those Emperor's New Clothes things when it won the Academy Award. I couldn't believe so many people saw something I didn't.

01-11-2009, 06:12 PM
One of the few movies I've walked out of being REALLY angry over it, and not for any of the reasons that Paul "Hacksaw" Haggis wanted. It's a such a lazy, on-the-nose, meaningless piece of nothing that so desperately wants to be importan but says NOTHING and has all the depth and subtlty of a shitty afterschool special.

It's fitting that he wrote Median on Entourage and it turned out to be a giant piece of shit.

i dont think he wrote it. I think he just was going to direct it at first before Warners fucked Vince

01-11-2009, 06:31 PM
Man, did you hit the nail on the head. Afterschool special indeed. I heard people (and even friends of mine) absolutely raving about "Crash" so I went to see it.

When I left the only thing I could think was "they got me. Great joke."

It really was one of those Emperor's New Clothes things when it won the Academy Award. I couldn't believe so many people saw something I didn't.

On the plus side, it seems like far more people hate it these days than can stand it.

01-11-2009, 06:57 PM
How is it great? THE PREMISE IS BULLSHIT. No feeble old man would be able to mess with 1 25 year old, nevermind a whole gang of them, and still live. Unless this movie ends with 7 Asians beating Clint to death, its a bullshit movie
Yes Im sure you are 100% correct, youre a big bad ass and can kick everyones ass, I bet the people who end up getting their asses handed to them when they break into these 80 year olds houses think the same thing till they clock them. Not every 80 year old is feeble and if you fuck with the wrong one they will hand you your ass.

If the movie is anywhere near as in your face and preachy as "Crash" then I have no interest in seeing it.

I understand.

Racism is bad.

I'm not a 7 year old who needs it constantly pounded into my head. It's degrading after awhile.

I still can't believe that movie won an Oscar. I guess this one will too.

Its not preachy, he never apologizes for being being racist, hell up until the end hes calling them slopehead and zipperhead, it was a good film and this I also hated crash, that was formulaic and fucking hack, this was far from it.

01-11-2009, 08:59 PM
My review. I give it a 73/100.

I enjoyed this movie, but I had to turn my brain off and enjoy this film on the same level I would a horror movie or a slasher film. The complexity of the story doesn't go far beyond Dirty Harry movies or Die Hard. The good guys do what good guys do and the bad guys do what bad guys do. Every character (except Eastwood) has the same level of complexity as characters you'd find in a high school student's creative writing assignment.

I think the ending of the movie gives the storyline more complexity than a Dirty Harry film.

01-11-2009, 09:43 PM
Was there really awful acting throughout? I mean - like you and some friends made a video for health class in high school. ( I may have one of those lying around on VHS)

I saw the last 10 minutes of that movie and cringed more than once at some of the delivery of lines. Clint is talking tough about killing gooks to a kid at one point and completley loses his line and then just picks back up and - that' sthe scene. That's what they kept - it was pretty obvious.

Oh - and the cops and the kid - "that's my friend" ... these actors need to be more like a James Woods in the Simpsons.

01-11-2009, 09:44 PM
Yes Im sure you are 100% correct, youre a big bad ass and can kick everyones ass, I bet the people who end up getting their asses handed to them when they break into these 80 year olds houses think the same thing till they clock them. Not every 80 year old is feeble and if you fuck with the wrong one they will hand you your ass.

I dont think there is a chance in hell that in a fight Clint Eastwood hands me my ass. Sorry. Maybe if I was walkin around and he just ran up and hit me, MAYBE. But if its a straight fight that Im ready for, Ill kick the fuck out of that old bastard.


01-12-2009, 05:54 AM
Why are we dancing aorund the obvious conclusion here?

SP1! clearly has had his ass handed to him by an 80-year-old.

01-12-2009, 06:47 AM
Shouldn't this thread be called Gran Torino-----OLD Eastwood?

01-12-2009, 06:57 AM
I'd give it an 85/100 at least .Eastwood has always dealt with culture wars so well. The one problem is that when he's dong that PERFECT growl,or kicking some ass,you can't help but think of Dirty Harry. If he had picked an unknown to play the old man, he'd probably get an Oscar . As it is, you EXPECT the old guy to kick ass, because.....well, he's Clint Eastwood.

01-12-2009, 05:31 PM
I dont think there is a chance in hell that in a fight Clint Eastwood hands me my ass. Sorry. Maybe if I was walkin around and he just ran up and hit me, MAYBE. But if its a straight fight that Im ready for, Ill kick the fuck out of that old bastard.

Ok spoiler He never fought the whole gang, only one fat little chink and Im pretty sure anyone could kick his ass the way clint did, other than that it was guns pulled to get the upper hand

Why are we dancing aorund the obvious conclusion here?

SP1! clearly has had his ass handed to him by an 80-year-old.
Yes he did, he caught me banging his 79 year old wife.

But that still doesnt change the fact that you have shit taste in movies.

01-12-2009, 05:33 PM
But that still doesnt mean you have shit taste in movies.

You're right, it doesn't mean that. Thank you for the kind words, Grumpy Gus.

01-12-2009, 06:18 PM
The kids in this movie were horrible actors.

01-12-2009, 06:48 PM
I found this is be a pretty strong Eastwood film, not as strong as Changeling or Million Dollar Baby, but pretty damn solid overall.

01-13-2009, 07:34 AM
The kids in this movie were horrible actors.
Yeah if I had a complaint that would be it

I found this is be a pretty strong Eastwood film, not as strong as Changeling or Million Dollar Baby, but pretty damn solid overall.
I wasnt a big fan of million dollar baby, I cant stand the way hillary swank acts, and I cant get over the fact she ruined the karate kid films.

01-16-2009, 02:15 PM
The acting stunk, the action stunk...Eastwood stinks. With the exception of Letters from Iwo Jima, his movies have been average to terrible since he peaked with Unorgiven.

Stop it, Clint. You used to be great.

Mystic River is almost flawless. Way better than Letters.

Gran Torino was not a good film at all. Every character in this was so one dimensional it was laughable. Then, they would act out of character even though it was so poorly defined. That's hard to do. The last half hour was ok but on the whole, it was pretty terrible.

And Clint singing at the end will win the Oscar for 'most douche-chill inducing moment' in cinema.

01-16-2009, 02:38 PM
Mystic River is almost flawless.

I must respectfully disagree. Everyone in that movie is trying out-act each other at a minimum level of 11 out of 10. Half the cast makes Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever seem like the measure of dignity and restraint.

01-16-2009, 02:42 PM
They outacted each other to a Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor Oscars.

01-16-2009, 02:47 PM
They outacted each other to a Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor Oscars.

Joining the illustrious ranks of Roberto Benigni and Marisa Tomei.

I actually don't think it's a bad film...I just didn't see what the hype was about. Every other film Eastwood does after Unforgiven seems to automatically get lazy Oscar hype.

01-16-2009, 02:50 PM
I agree with you on that level. Hollywood loves Clint so they give Million Dollar Baby best picture even though I think it was sappy shit. I would have picked Mystic River over Lord of the Rings their year.

I could see arguing the acting if 1 won an Oscar but they both did. I thought Penn was superb and Robbins was very good. Love the flick. Hated Gran Torino.

01-16-2009, 02:52 PM
I agree with you on that level. Hollywood loves Clint so they give Million Dollar Baby best picture even though I think it was sappy shit. I would have picked Mystic River over Lord of the Rings their year.

I could see arguing the acting if 1 won an Oscar but they both did. I thought Penn was superb and Robbins was very good. Love the flick. Hated Gran Torino.

Penn was the one that mainly killed it for me, and I'm a big fan. He seems to get pretty shameless when he guts it out for his "Oscar" roles, like this and I am Retarded.

01-16-2009, 02:54 PM
I agree with you on that level. Hollywood loves Clint so they give Million Dollar Baby best picture even though I think it was sappy shit. I would have picked Mystic River over Lord of the Rings their year.

Jesus, rough selection that year:

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Lost in Translation
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Mystic River

I would pick LiT, though pretty halfheartedly.

01-16-2009, 02:55 PM
I agree with you again about everything but this movie. Agree to disagree sir, agree to disagree

01-18-2009, 08:48 AM
I tapped out 25 minutes in. Too flat and too much grunting. It took a lot of strength to even get to the 25 minute mark.

01-19-2009, 11:45 AM
saw it over the weekend - i couldn't stop laughing nor my dad.

01-20-2009, 06:38 PM
I had never heard the term zipperhead before. where does it come from, what does it mean?

01-20-2009, 07:54 PM
I don't know but I was disappointed in the none use of 'wallbiter'. that is my personal favorite asian slur.

01-25-2009, 01:32 AM
Yeah Im sure clint could probably kick most of this boards ass and not even break a sweat.

Clint is the man.

Damn skippy! Clint was "old" when he did Every Which Way But Loose and Hamburger Hill, but he was in as good a shape as Stalone was in Rocky. Clint's a fitness machine and has been for 30 years now. In the scene where he's pulling the freezer up the stairs you can see he's still got triceps like Lance Armstrong's thighs. And old man strength is probably the only strength that can compete with retard strength. Clint Eastwood would pound all of our pussy asses like Japanese schoolgirls.

If the movie is anywhere near as in your face and preachy as "Crash" then I have no interest in seeing it.

I understand.

Racism is bad.

I'm not a 7 year old who needs it constantly pounded into my head. It's degrading after awhile.

I still can't believe that movie won an Oscar. I guess this one will too.

Crash was a retarded liberal's wet dream about racism in America. It was a piece of shit. But, while the racism is amusingly shocking in the beginning of Gran Torino, if you're paying attention you'll see that Eastwood's character's racism is only a superficial symptom of his bigger problem - after his horrific wartime experience and the demons it's left him with, he's angry and disappointed with the world and obsessively needs people to prove themselves to him, including his friends and family. He has friends that he obviously cares about - the barber and construction superintendent - and they use racial epiteths affectionately with each other. It's just what they do. It's odd, and pretty unrealistic, that the young Hmong kids, raised in a much more sensitive and cautious time, can so easily overlook his epiteths, but it does serve the story's plot: that these are isolated people surrounded by evil and recognize qualities of a person's decent character when they see it. Eastwood's racism is only words deep - what's in his heart is much more egalitarian; it's bitterness.

In the end, the movie is very little about racism, but about character and honor and, of course, redemption. The racism is an obstacle for the viewer to learn to examine and recognize as genuine or not, and if not, to see what's really happening in the character's heart. Except for a few cliches this is a brilliant story that deals with issues go beyond American pop-political obsessions like racist stereotypes. Too bad most Americans won't see past the racism and see this movie as the anti-Crash that it really is.

And I would have liked just as much if they had called it: "Dirty Harry 6: Lawn Patrol".

02-26-2009, 11:21 PM
Funniest comedy of the Winter Season

im not sure if its supposed to be so funny

we finally watched it & said the same thing. it was pretty funny intentionally or not. i liked it. all of the other actors except for clint were horrendous, but i kind of appreciated it. i don't know if the movie would have had the same effect with real actors.

If the movie is anywhere near as in your face and preachy as "Crash" then I have no interest in seeing it.

I understand.

Racism is bad.

I'm not a 7 year old who needs it constantly pounded into my head. It's degrading after awhile.

I still can't believe that movie won an Oscar. I guess this one will too.

this movie is in no way like crash. this one was actually enjoyable to watch. it wasn't preachy at all & all of the racism is what made the movie so funny. crash was just a piece of shit. i can't believe that people love that movie so much.

02-26-2009, 11:45 PM
I had never heard the term zipperhead before. where does it come from, what does it mean?

from urban dictionary:

1. zipperhead 580 up, 88 down
A derogatory term used in reference to people of Asian descent.

It is said to have been coined during the Korean war by frontline troops whom had run over enemy troops in jeeps.

The soldiers claimed that the tire tracks from the jeeps left a pattern resembling that of a closed zipper along the corpse.

2. Zipperhead 230 up, 182 down
A racial slur coined by US soldiers during Korean War because if Asians were shot in the head with high-powered weapons, their heads would split as if you unzipped them.

west milly Tom
03-02-2009, 02:16 PM
Just saw this movie. It was awesome. Best movie I've seen since Children Of Men last year. I even cried when the chic got brought in after the drive by. Bad thing was I was watching it with two of my male friends and my chic and I was the only one. Lol really great movie.

Dan 'Hampton
11-28-2009, 05:47 AM
Finally saw this last night. I enjoyed it. Wasn't fantastic, but overall enjoyable. ESD as the priest really took me out of those parts.