View Full Version : R&F XM Listening Thread--9/3/08
09-03-2008, 09:20 AM
Ichiban, Steve Warshak the inventor of Enzyte and smilin Bob sentenced to 25 years for fraud.
But, but.... Mine got bigger. Really it did...
Well, it's might be possible that my hands got smaller. But at least it looks bigger :smile:
Warren Peace
09-03-2008, 09:21 AM
Super Bowl MVP Kyle Orton
Cleophus James
09-03-2008, 09:21 AM
I'm still punch drunk from the '06 World Championship so that dulls the pain a bit.
09-03-2008, 09:22 AM
Isnt OJ's trial in Vegas starting soon?
Never, ever say anything bad about Kenny!!!!!
Oh and jerry jones wears the worst toupee of any person since howard cossell
09-03-2008, 09:25 AM
Never, ever say anything bad about Kenny!!!!!
Oh and jerry jones wears the worst toupee of any person since howard cossell
A certain other radio show I listen to send a post-surgery picture of Kenny Rodgers to the website 'guys who look like kenny rodgers' website and they turned it down cause it didn't look enough like him. :flush:
09-03-2008, 09:25 AM
yay! my work internets are finally fixed!
i missed a lot of show :o
09-03-2008, 09:26 AM
Underwood-Simpson Catfight
a giddy up $$$'s on Carrie!
King Hippos Bandaid
09-03-2008, 09:28 AM $$$'s on Carrie!
in my fantasy, Underwood dominates Jessica, then a run in by Ashlee, then it leads to a three way
mmm incest is hot when its not you
09-03-2008, 09:28 AM
But, but.... Mine got bigger. Really it did...
Well, it's might be possible that my hands got smaller. But at least it looks bigger :smile:
On one of the Penn & Teller Bullshit shows they had a guy from Craigs List take it for two weeks, and used a ruler on him to measure pre and post medication.
No difference.:sad:
Those ads always irked me because it seems incredible that the government would let them advertise like that knowing damn well the product is akin to snake oil in the modern era.
yay! my work internets are finally fixed!
i missed a lot of show :o
Midnight replay?
09-03-2008, 09:30 AM
Fez post-facelift:
Not as bad as Shaboobu Fez:
09-03-2008, 09:32 AM $$$'s on Carrie!
how the hell do you get a WHEEL off with a BAT!!!!???!?!!?!??!??!!!1
09-03-2008, 09:35 AM
somebody buy this for earl
Cleophus James
09-03-2008, 09:35 AM
how the hell do you get a WHEEL off with a BAT!!!!???!?!!?!??!??!!!1
HAHA I was wondering the same thing.
09-03-2008, 09:35 AM
how the hell do you get a WHEEL off with a BAT!!!!???!?!!?!??!??!!!1
If you are a sassy and empowered woman, you can do anything.
In Earl's defense he might not have seen Dave naked due the fact he's translucent
09-03-2008, 09:38 AM
Midnight replay?
i cant... with the start of classes,i have to get into work earlier :(
09-03-2008, 09:38 AM
steel worker. goes without saying...
Cleophus James
09-03-2008, 09:38 AM
Fuck you Dave. It takes a bachelors degree for meteorology. To do sports you need to read well.
of course unless you're a hot chick, then nothing matters.
Mark It Zero
09-03-2008, 09:39 AM
I don't mind being "a little gay"...the stereotype is pretty good here in the DC Metro area:
handsome, in shape, well groomed, good sense of design.
With the exception of kissing boys, it seems like a good deal. :laugh:
09-03-2008, 09:40 AM
Dave is as gay as anyone on this show
09-03-2008, 09:42 AM
Dave is as gay as anyone on this show
Maybe a lil more than that....
Dave is as gay as anyone on this show
It's the ass thing isn't it
09-03-2008, 09:43 AM
Among other things
09-03-2008, 09:44 AM
In Earl's defense he might not have seen Dave naked due the fact he's translucent
like a sweated onion.
edit: awkward foody reference sorry
09-03-2008, 09:44 AM
Fuck you Dave. It takes a bachelors degree for meteorology. To do sports you need to read well.
of course unless you're a hot chick, then nothing matters.
09-03-2008, 09:45 AM
fezzes knicknames from the ron n ron days-the gayture boy,fat back,oh the list... illget back to more later,company
09-03-2008, 09:46 AM
leave it to ds to bring it to the ron and ron old skool :clap:
09-03-2008, 09:47 AM
<embed src="" width="400" height="345" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br/><font size="1">
<a href="">Sports Editorial with Guy Guyerson - video powered by Metacafe</a></font>
Mark It Zero
09-03-2008, 09:48 AM
Black Canary is a great pull.
09-03-2008, 09:48 AM
hola buddays.
09-03-2008, 09:49 AM
hola buddays.
You're late.
Do you have a note from your parents?
Cleophus James
09-03-2008, 09:52 AM
another mandatory commercial break coming?
09-03-2008, 09:56 AM
we are all going to die.
09-03-2008, 09:57 AM
What's up with the Best Of?
Oh wait...Fez talks about his fear of death EVERY show.
Thaaaaaaaaaank you!
Cleophus James
09-03-2008, 09:58 AM
we are all going to die.
I disagree
09-03-2008, 10:00 AM
You're late.
Do you have a note from your parents?
How about my boss?
09-03-2008, 10:02 AM
if you went out a brought a house you clearly couldn't afford and it foreclosed...i have no pity for you
09-03-2008, 10:03 AM
sarah palin born in Idaho.
09-03-2008, 10:03 AM
glad to see my security blanket is back,:bye:misti
09-03-2008, 10:04 AM
I was born in Alaska.....:glurps:
09-03-2008, 10:05 AM
sarah palin born in Idaho.
Idapimp,get back to work
09-03-2008, 10:06 AM
I was born in Alaska.....:glurps:
I was born in Puerto Rico. At least you were born in a state.
09-03-2008, 10:08 AM
2nd amendment, aka the lee-mels amendment
Cleophus James
09-03-2008, 10:08 AM
I was born in Puerto Rico. At least you were born in a state.
Show me your green card, are your papers in order?!
09-03-2008, 10:09 AM
if you went out a brought a house you clearly couldn't afford and it foreclosed...i have no pity for you
Agreed. My mortgage was 12.5% and I never missed a payment.
I can't have much emphathy for those who get in over their haed with 5 - 8% interest rates.
09-03-2008, 10:10 AM
Show me your green card, are you papers in order?!
I assume you realize that Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory.
09-03-2008, 10:11 AM
I was born in Puerto Rico. At least you were born in a state.
I was born in West Germany. At least your country of birth is still a country.
09-03-2008, 10:11 AM
Idapimp,get back to work
09-03-2008, 10:11 AM
I was born in Puerto Rico. At least you were born in a state.
hola miguelnino,misti-where were you born?
09-03-2008, 10:11 AM
2nd amendment, aka the lee-mels amendment
does that ensure the right to go sleeveless?
09-03-2008, 10:11 AM
I was born in Puerto Rico. At least you were born in a state.Every Puerto Rican I know tells me Puerto Rico is part of the US...
I think its a visa thing.
09-03-2008, 10:12 AM
hola miguelnino,misti-where were you born?
i was born in the Bronx.. at lincoln hospital at 149th st
09-03-2008, 10:12 AM
I was born in Puerto Rico. At least you were born in a state.
hola mikey - como esta mi amigo. Juan es la persona a mi derecha. Mucho gusto.
(everybody make Mikeyboy feel at home:help:)
Cleophus James
09-03-2008, 10:12 AM
I assume you realize that Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory.
Touch a state to be a state. I need to see your docs!
09-03-2008, 10:12 AM
Every Puerto Rican I know tells me Puerto Rico is part of the US...
I think its a visa thing.
it is part of the US... they own us...
Mark It Zero
09-03-2008, 10:14 AM
Agreed. My mortgage was 12.5% and I never missed a payment.
I can't have much emphathy for those who get in over their haed with 5 - 8% interest rates.
I usually don't have too much sympathy for stupidity, but in our area, a lot of people got hoodwinked by crooked real estate agents and lenders. Its a very difficult thing when the mortgage company, real estate agents and other "experts" are telling you that the deal you are getting is a good one, especially when the climate in the real estate market in general was geared towards the kind of loans that were being offered and pushed on people.
I'll try not to start a huge debate here... ;)
09-03-2008, 10:14 AM
it is part of the US... they own us...
Have you heard of this...
The 13th amendment, which formally abolished slavery in the United States, passed the Senate on April 8, 1864, and the House on January 31, 1865. On February 1, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln approved the Joint Resolution of Congress submitting the proposed amendment to the state legislatures. The necessary number of states ratified it by December 6, 1865. The 13th amendment to the provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
I'd be willing to start a class action.
09-03-2008, 10:15 AM
it is part of the US... they own us...
It's not a country?
09-03-2008, 10:15 AM
does that ensure the right to go sleeveless?
(the right to bare arms?)
09-03-2008, 10:16 AM
(the right to bare arms?)
09-03-2008, 10:16 AM
09-03-2008, 10:17 AM
I think its a visa thing.
I blame American Express.
09-03-2008, 10:17 AM
It's not a country?
Puerto Rico is a self-governing commonwealth in association with the United States.
we get one person in congress to speak for us, but we donot get a vote in the passing of federal laws.
09-03-2008, 10:17 AM
Check out my pug family I stole from a new FBA budday.
<img src = "">
09-03-2008, 10:18 AM
I usually don't have too much sympathy for stupidity, but in our area, a lot of people got hoodwinked by crooked real estate agents and lenders. Its a very difficult thing when the mortgage company, real estate agents and other "experts" are telling you that the deal you are getting is a good one, especially when the climate in the real estate market in general was geared towards the kind of loans that were being offered and pushed on people.
I'll try not to start a huge debate here... ;)
Oh yeah, I understand where you are coming from - I was told you have $67K as a limit, and it was a different time I suppose.
My bitch is that to me it seems so easy to pay off a mortgage with the low interest rates most got lately. Obviously most of these people were not told this is what we determine you can afford; at least not honestly.
09-03-2008, 10:19 AM
Heya Tramps and Trousers, Just got back from MAACO. Some one took my bumper off my car last night while I was at work. 320$ Still cheaper than my 500$ insurance. And oh yes I will find the SOB that did it. Encyclopedia Brown is on the case.
09-03-2008, 10:20 AM
it was fuckin' clever and topical. so there.
09-03-2008, 10:20 AM
Puerto Rico is a self-governing commonwealth in association with the United States.
we get one person in congress to speak for us, but we donot get a vote in the passing of federal laws.
No wonder they want to be a State.
09-03-2008, 10:20 AM
They have no problem having their own Olympic and WOrld Cup Teams, but when it comes to Uncle Sam doling out the cash...
09-03-2008, 10:21 AM
ron should have 2 questions for Fez:
Why so cheap?
Why so gay?
09-03-2008, 10:22 AM
They have no problem having their own Olympic and WOrld Cup Teams, but when it comes to Uncle Sam doling out the cash...
there is huge debate in the pr community about becoming a state or becoming a free country.
09-03-2008, 10:23 AM
(the right to bare arms?)
Didn't Kenny Chezney write a song about that? The man is a poet I heard.
"No shirt, no shoes... " Brilliant.
09-03-2008, 10:23 AM
Didn't Kenny Chezney write a song about that? The man is a poet I heard.
"No shirt, no shoes... " Brilliant.
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Kenny is a poet! A pirate is who we are! :wub::wub:
09-03-2008, 10:24 AM
They have no problem having their own Olympic and WOrld Cup Teams, but when it comes to Uncle Sam doling out the cash...
i hate all the people like mikeyboy who live here but root for pr against the us (like how he went crazy when their basketball team beat ours).
09-03-2008, 10:24 AM
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Kenny is a poet! A pirate is who we are! :wub::wub:
Butt pirate, more like.
09-03-2008, 10:25 AM
Kenny Chesney= Jimmy Buffett
same act
09-03-2008, 10:25 AM
Butt pirate, more like.
You're a butt pirate?
09-03-2008, 10:25 AM
They have no problem having their own Olympic and WOrld Cup Teams, but when it comes to Uncle Sam doling out the cash...
and we have a HUGE membership in the military and we do pay taxes there
09-03-2008, 10:25 AM
it was fuckin' clever and topical. so there.
09-03-2008, 10:26 AM
there is huge debate in the pr community about becoming a state or becoming a free country.
You all should start by learning to use toilet paper first. Instead of wiping your asses on our produce.
09-03-2008, 10:26 AM
Kenny Chesney= Jimmy Buffett
same act
I see a lot of "no shoes" going on in both camps.
09-03-2008, 10:26 AM
Kenny Chesney= Jimmy Buffett
Both Suck Ass.
So true, Doc.
09-03-2008, 10:26 AM
Letterman is my man.
Drunky McBetidont
09-03-2008, 10:26 AM
Heya Tramps and Trousers, Just got back from MAACO. Some one took my bumper off my car last night while I was at work. 320$ Still cheaper than my 500$ insurance. And oh yes I will find the SOB that did it. Encyclopedia Brown is on the case.
fucking savages. steal a bumper off a car.
09-03-2008, 10:27 AM
You all should start by learning to use toilet paper first. Instead of wiping your asses on our produce.
Watch it. One of your friendly neighborhood admins is fake Puerto Rican.
09-03-2008, 10:28 AM
Letterman is my man.
I hope that that does go down if NBC shitcans Leno.
09-03-2008, 10:28 AM
fucking savages. steal a bumper off a car.
Maybe Primetime Sam Roberts can help find him...The True XM Wrestling Trivia Champ.
09-03-2008, 10:29 AM
He's a Jew, too.:wink:
09-03-2008, 10:29 AM
I see a lot of "no talent" going on in both camps.
09-03-2008, 10:30 AM
not to go off topic but I didnt want to start a new thread for a small point but they added/changed a channel on my line up that is for the better. Dont know if it existed before but XM 161 is now called Rock @Random. Its a pretty good channel. I can put it on in the dental office for a change of pace without a complaint.
Take a listen
09-03-2008, 10:30 AM
fucking savages. steal a bumper off a car.They didn't steal it. HAHAHHA! They ripped it off with there car. It was just hanging there like a wind chime. No note. Nothing. I've got it duct taped up right now. The lights work and all too. Just a real hassle.
Am I the only one who finds The Daily Show repetitive and not nearly as funny as it used to be?
09-03-2008, 10:30 AM
And oh yes I will find the SOB that did it. Encyclopedia Brown is on the case.
Make sure you run it by the boys downtown. They should have a few leads and check in with the crime lab.
Drunky McBetidont
09-03-2008, 10:31 AM
You all should start by learning to use toilet paper first. Instead of wiping your asses on our produce.
throw $5 into my poker account and i'll transfer it back in 30 min. :)
Drunky McBetidont
09-03-2008, 10:32 AM
tuddle talk is done. some guy named buckethead got the slot. started last night.
09-03-2008, 10:32 AM
Encyclopedia Brown is on the case.
It was that bastard Bugs Meany. Case closed.
09-03-2008, 10:32 AM
Am I the only one who finds The Daily Show repetitive and not nearly as funny as it used to be?
I still like John Stewart but Stephen Colbert gets shut off immediately.
09-03-2008, 10:32 AM
Watch it. One of your friendly neighborhood admins is fake Puerto Rican.
p.s. It was a joke. My favorite dishwasher at work is Puerto Rican.:wink:
09-03-2008, 10:33 AM
I still like John Stewart but Stephen Colbert gets shut off immediately.
I agree. He is annoying more than funny to me now. Someone brought his book on cd last road trip I took, and I couldn't last 15 minutes. It was real bad.
09-03-2008, 10:34 AM
It was that bastard Bugs Meany. Case closed.Bugs Meany? That sonofa-bitch. I bet he's not even old enough to drive.
09-03-2008, 10:35 AM
this one is good pease hold mix
09-03-2008, 10:35 AM
Am I the only one who finds The Daily Show repetitive and not nearly as funny as it used to be?
it's tiresome many different ways could they say "Bush is an idiot!" everynight :wallbash:
09-03-2008, 10:35 AM
I still like John Stewart but Stephen Colbert gets shut off immediately.
Interesting. I think Colbert does a better job at the whole thing than does Stewart. Maybe b/c he's playing a character, I don't know. Also, he's a fellow Charlestonian so he gets props, but that's beside the point.
09-03-2008, 10:36 AM
Butt pirate, more like.
Geno has Serious ass pirate problems. Perhaps he was the one that pillaged my bumper.
09-03-2008, 10:38 AM
John Stewart is the darling of the liberal media. The show is actually only watched by less than 800,000 people
Everone ohs and ahs but not alot of actual eyeballs
09-03-2008, 10:38 AM
Interesting. I think Colbert does a better job at the whole thing than does Stewart. Maybe b/c he's playing a character, I don't know. Also, he's a fellow Charlestonian so he gets props, but that's beside the point.
haha - maybe b/c Stewart's a fellow central Jerseyan
09-03-2008, 10:38 AM
the remix is right on sleeves website. if someone can link it.
'preciate it.
09-03-2008, 10:39 AM
"Earl, if Jesus comes back I want him to beat you to death with a garden hoe."
09-03-2008, 10:40 AM
Bugs Meany? That sonofa-bitch. I bet he's not even old enough to drive.
09-03-2008, 10:42 AM
John Stewart is the darling of the liberal media. The show is actually only watched by less than 800,000 people
Everone ohs and ahs but not alot of actual eyeballs
My politics probably lean that direction, but I would watch the show more for the wiseassedness of it. I think Stewart's pretty good at that stuff. He's also a pretty good ballbuster in his interviews.
09-03-2008, 10:42 AM
John Stewart is the darling of the liberal media. The show is actually only watched by less than 800,000 people
Everone ohs and ahs but not alot of actual eyeballs
if obama wins, Stewart and that douche keith oberman won't have anything to say everynight
John Stewart is the darling of the liberal media. The show is actually only watched by less than 800,000 people
Everone ohs and ahs but not alot of actual eyeballs
Gotta correct you on that one (
The Daily Show draws about a 1.1 rating, which translates to about 1.4 million viewers nightly.
The Colbert Show draws about 1.0 rating, which translates to just under 1.3 Million viewers.
For cable television, those are excellent ratings. Comedy Central is more than happy to put up with whatever they do.
09-03-2008, 10:44 AM, dont worry. I'll crown him good. Shove that goobery-ass hat right up his butt. Dont stop me. I'm on fire. He'll be reading next weeks crime blog by the time I'm finished with him. I'll dot his T and BLACKEN his eye.
In Alaska the age of consent is 16. This is not a case of statutory at all.
To mention it is just silly talk.
09-03-2008, 10:46 AM
not to go off topic but I didnt want to start a new thread for a small point but they added/changed a channel on my line up that is for the better. Dont know if it existed before but XM 161 is now called Rock @Random. Its a pretty good channel. I can put it on in the dental office for a change of pace without a complaint.
Take a listen
It just started popping up on my tuneselect. I wondered what was in the 160's.
09-03-2008, 10:47 AM
if obama wins, Stewart and that douche keith oberman won't have anything to say everynight
Here's grist for the mill so to speak - the Republicans win congress again.
09-03-2008, 10:47 AM
if obama wins, Stewart and that douche keith oberman won't have anything to say everynight
I don't think Olberman has much of a future in broadcasting anyway. He is not even in Minn./St. Paul this week.
He has manged to piss off the very people he is preaching to, and no other self-respecting news org will hire him after his blatantly biased 'reporting' this past year.
Expect him to end up on Direct TV with that other partisan loser from the last Presidential election as soon as this election is over, after GE closes down the money losing, controversal, MSNBC network.
John Stewart is the darling of the liberal media. The show is actually only watched by less than 800,000 people
Everone ohs and ahs but not alot of actual eyeballs
Yeah it doesnt take much to be a hit on cable.
Mccain fake earl? Obama is even more fake, so get over it earl.
Dave thinks that last Monday's interaction between Obama and his daughters was staged?
Seriously, you can't stage that with a 10 and a 6-year old. ESD is just wrong on this one.
09-03-2008, 10:48 AM
not to go off topic but I didnt want to start a new thread for a small point but they added/changed a channel on my line up that is for the better. Dont know if it existed before but XM 161 is now called Rock @Random. Its a pretty good channel. I can put it on in the dental office for a change of pace without a complaint.
Take a listen
Just gas everyone up and put on the Joint.
09-03-2008, 10:48 AM
Man does Earl bug me. What the hell is he talking about "bull-s." Please just keep him quiet in another room.
09-03-2008, 10:49 AM
the remix is right on sleeves website. if someone can link it.
'preciate it.
I think that's it. :drunk:
09-03-2008, 10:49 AM
I don't think Olberman has much of a future in broadcasting anyway. He is not even in Minn./St. Paul this week.
He has manged to piss off the very people he is preaching to, and no other self-respecting news org will hire him after his blatantly biased 'reporting' this past year.
Expect him to end up on Direct TV with that other partisan loser from the last Presidential election as soon as this election is over, after GE closes down the money losing, controversal, MSNBC network.
I don't think that that's his politics so much as the kind of guy he is. Read about how nasty the end of his time at ESPN was.
09-03-2008, 10:49 AM
Does Earl still say Pease Hode when you call in? I've never gotten him.
09-03-2008, 10:49 AM
Just gas everyone up and put on the Joint.
Thats for Friday's
09-03-2008, 10:50 AM
Oh, dont worry. I'll crown him good. Shove that goobery-ass hat right up his butt. Dont stop me. I'm on fire. He'll be reading next weeks crime blog by the time I'm finished with him. I'll dot his T and BLACKEN his eye.
Hey Chuck leave that hat out of it....I just got here!!!::smile:
09-03-2008, 10:50 AM
Man does Earl bug me. What the hell is he talking about "bull-s." Please just keep him quiet in another room.
Perhaps the room all the way in the back.
09-03-2008, 10:51 AM
Thats for Friday's
I have the 12th open.
09-03-2008, 10:51 AM
It just started popping up on my tuneselect. I wondered what was in the 160's.
I have an old station list card I just found It used to be WSIX regional country from Nashville. I'll take this
I don't think Olberman has much of a future in broadcasting anyway. He is not even in Minn./St. Paul this week.
He has manged to piss off the very people he is preaching to, and no other self-respecting news org will hire him after his blatantly biased 'reporting' this past year.
Expect him to end up on Direct TV with that other partisan loser from the last Presidential election as soon as this election is over, after GE closes down the money losing, controversal, MSNBC network.
Once again.....Ratings matter. From this summer (
NEW YORK - June 10, 2008 - MSNBC continued its ratings surge last week, with viewers flocking out of the “No Spin Zone” and to “The Place for Politics.” For the first time ever, MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” was the #1 show at 8 p.m., out-drawing Fox News’s “O’Reilly Factor” head-to-head among Adults 25-54. This is the first time since June 2001 that MSNBC has out-rated “The O’Reilly Factor” at 8 p.m.
Even if he's a pain in the arse, Olbermann makes them money.
09-03-2008, 10:52 AM
I have the 12th open.
I have an opening in my schedule at 4:20 :smoke:
09-03-2008, 10:52 AM
It just started popping up on my tuneselect. I wondered what was in the 160's.
I've always wished that there was a "What's in your tuneselect" thread.
It's not necessarily your favorite bands or songs,
just what popped up and made you want to hear it again, multiple times.
09-03-2008, 10:53 AM
Speaking of XM - does anyone know if Dave Grohl owns part of the company? He pops up on at least 3 stations - waaaay too often.
Mark It Zero
09-03-2008, 10:53 AM
See ya buddays!
09-03-2008, 10:53 AM
Hey Chuck leave that hat out of it....I just got here!!!::smile: bout the the hat comment. I was angry then. But you gotto understand, Bugs Meany rip off my car bumper. That bastard should pack a lunch then call my Mama, cause I'm about ready to hurt someone.
Great show buddies.. I played a few rounds of Tiger Woods 09 while listening.. I highly recommend it..
09-03-2008, 10:55 AM
I don't think that that's his politics so much as the kind of guy he is. Read about how nasty the end of his time at ESPN was.
Oh Yeah, I am aware of his firing there; Rupert Murdock responded that he had already fired him once when asked if he would want him on FOX News.
I have noticed a lot of Liberals upset that he is destroying credibility of MSNBC, (along with That other loudmouth Mathews), and I think the entire network is ready to fold; but they don't want to be seen at GE as trying to silence the Liberals before the election is over.
Anyway - Shows over and I enjoyed it, and chatting with you all.
09-03-2008, 10:55 AM
Once again.....Ratings matter. From this summer (
Even if he's a pain in the arse, Olbermann makes them money.
Add to that a lot of the "Olbermann's nuts" stories are coming from the NY Post, so they could be Murdoch hitting back at him for handing O'Reilly his ass regularly.
But, yeah, he is apparently truly a douche, and I expect him to flame out at MSNBC too.
09-03-2008, 10:56 AM
I have an opening in my schedule at 4:20 :smoke:
hope ya like jammin' too...:smoke:
09-03-2008, 10:57 AM
Great show buddies.. I played a few rounds of Tiger Woods 09 while listening.. I highly recommend it..
cool, but i would rather go a few rounds with Elin :laugh:
Add to that a lot of the "Olbermann's nuts" stories are coming from the NY Post, so they could be Murdoch hitting back at him for handing O'Reilly his ass regularly.
But, yeah, he is apparently truly a douche, and I expect him to flame out at MSNBC too.
I know a guy who worked with him at Fox Sports. He said that Olbermann was the best broadcaster he's ever worked with AND the most self-important asshole he's ever worked with.
Shoe fits...............
09-03-2008, 10:59 AM
good talkin' to ya buds! CYA :bye:
09-03-2008, 11:01 AM
fun thread,good show,have a positive day,c yas
09-03-2008, 11:01 AM
seeya pals!:happy:
09-03-2008, 11:04 AM
Once again.....Ratings matter. From this summer (
Even if he's a pain in the arse, Olbermann makes them money.
Come on - They get a ratings win in the week of the Democratic Convention, and half of the Liberals admitted they couldn't even watch him anymore after Wednesday evening.
Guarentee you that is the Last time MSNBC takes a prime time ratings hour on cable.
The Liberal faithful flocked to the network last week expecting it to help feed their ideas of right and wrong, and a great deal of them saw a partisan hack that offers nothing more than his own infomercial for Liberals. Apparently even die hard Liberals need truthful analysis and that is why MSNBC has tanked in ratings overall for the past year. They are a distant third from FOX News, and CNN overall.
Couple the fact that the worlds largest defense contractor owns them, their crappy ratings, and reputation, and it isn't hard to see how this movie ends.
If you don't agree with me I suggest that you compare me to someone from your past I have no knowledge of, or maybe tell me how stoopid I am for spelling like a guy who ran away from home at age 12 to escape child abuse and never finished his formal education.:nono:
If you don't agree with me I suggest that you compare me to someone from your past I have no knowledge of, or maybe tell me how stoopid I am for spelling like a guy who ran away from home at age 12 to escape child abuse and never finished his formal education.:nono:
I didn't make the initial reference to Shower Bench and I have no freaking idea what that second part is even referring to.
Trust me, you don't want a retarded board fight with me.
I didn't make the initial reference to Shower Bench and I have no freaking idea what that second part is even referring to.
Trust me, you don't want a retarded board fight with me.
Yeah cause you may throw out one item that thinks supports your point, when in reality olberman regularly gets his ass kicked and hes asking for more money than hes worth. Hes a bigger douche than o'reilly and thats saying a lot, dont defend him just because he shares your viewpoints cause he doesnt care, hes just taking on points that may get him ratings.
09-03-2008, 06:10 PM
It's been 20 minutes.
Give Redbeard a chance.
Fucking dicks.
Quoted for truth.
Jesus fucking CHRIST....
You guys are like bitter girlfriends sometimes.
What I heard was a studio full of laughing....
and you bitter mo's smashing it into the ground.
09-03-2008, 06:13 PM
Quoted for truth.
Jesus fucking CHRIST....
You guys are like bitter girlfriends sometimes.
What I heard was a studio full of laughing....
and you bitter mo's smashing it into the ground.
Quoting, just to say...
Let the bit get some goddam legs!
09-03-2008, 06:15 PM
Quoting, just to say...
Let the bit get some goddam legs!
What will it take to make them happy....? A fucking time machine to when they first started listening?
09-03-2008, 06:20 PM
What will it take to make them happy....? A fucking time machine to when they first started listening?
Just listen to the file library, ok?
Leave the new stuff to the big boys.
The Rider.
Board Gossip.
Guy Guyerson.
Winners, one and all!
09-03-2008, 06:23 PM
Just listen to the file library, ok?
Leave the new stuff to the big boys.
The Rider.
Board Gossip.
Guy Guyerson.
Winners, one and all!
and for the record... I wasn't just talking about dave stuff.
Fez can't seem to fart without you guys analyzing it.
09-03-2008, 06:49 PM
Just listen to the file library, ok?
Leave the new stuff to the big boys.
The Rider.
Board Gossip.
Guy Guyerson.
Winners, one and all!
I'm looking forward to the triumphant return of Fucktwat the Clown.
Don Stugots
09-03-2008, 06:51 PM
Fez' farts smell like onions and gravy today.
09-03-2008, 07:22 PM
Fez' farts smell like onions and gravy today.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrendous :)
Drunky McBetidont
09-03-2008, 07:38 PM
Why, cuz Redbeard's agent reads these threads? Don't want to scare redbeards people.
I liked redbeard better when he was called the midnight rider.
i see your point.
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