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08-31-2008, 12:34 PM
I know there was a loose gathering of people over at FBA that played so I just wanted to see if any were over here. I was going to see if any of you were picked for the Wrath Of the Lich King beta test and hook up in game to play.

Look up Deathstump on alliance side

Or hell just post here if you play.

Death Metal Moe
08-31-2008, 01:13 PM
Desmondtutu - 70 Undead Priest (

Missgradenko - 70 Blood Elf Warlock (

HORDE 4 LIFE! Alliance sucks balls.

Durotan server.

08-31-2008, 03:10 PM
Alliance isnt so bad just so many of them, horde side is more fun though, I just wanted to see where everyone is, what servers, and if anyone had the WOTLK beta to group with.

08-31-2008, 03:16 PM

Greyacre will pwn you. I live for pvp


I also have a bunch of alts, some alliance, some horde.

08-31-2008, 11:26 PM
70 Blood Elf Hunter (

70 Tauren Druid ( (Feral. Healing is for pansies.)

Taking a break until at least the expansion. My job sucks horse dick and I can't find a guild to raid with on my horrid schedule. Maybe I'll be back if I don't find something better to do, which I'm sure I won't.

09-01-2008, 08:35 AM
Speaking of WoW, my gnome lock (Fezzy) was killed the other day by some Belf (Obeyfez) in EoTS. I couldn't believe it when I saw the name....first time I ever saw another show reference.

09-01-2008, 08:48 AM
I play on the windrunner server. My main toon is Noduh an undead warlock. Geared for deamonology but dables a little in the other talents for some usfull dps as well.
I havn't come accross any rf references but the virus is spreading most of the players in the guild listen to R&F or atleast know of them with my constant onliners and references from the show as we go into battle.

For aliance i play on the antonidas server Nightelf Druid and hunter alkura is the hunter and dindre is the druid

Da Fish
09-01-2008, 10:32 AM
I've always have been somewhat interested but it sounds too complicated/ too time consuming.

09-01-2008, 10:43 AM
i'm on scarlet crusade realm

4 70s

Death Metal Moe
09-01-2008, 12:14 PM
I've always have been somewhat interested but it sounds too complicated/ too time consuming.

You can play it now and then but you'll find it hard to do anything at 70 if you're not ready to do things with 10 and 25 man raids.

Its a fun game but I'd suggest just sticking to your life.

09-01-2008, 12:18 PM
Im getting close to 70 and up until 60 was able to do things preaty much on my own now its starting to take a small army to accomplish anything meaningfull. I do still atempt things solo but after i die a few time relize how futile that is

Death Metal Moe
09-01-2008, 12:33 PM
Im getting close to 70 and up until 60 was able to do things preaty much on my own now its starting to take a small army to accomplish anything meaningfull. I do still atempt things solo but after i die a few time relize how futile that is

I can pretty much solo to 70, you are probably in the wrong zone.

09-01-2008, 12:36 PM
its not the zones its the side quests with the really good payouts I'm workin helfire now will be going to zangramarsh next im only level 65 right now

Death Metal Moe
09-01-2008, 01:03 PM
its not the zones its the side quests with the really good payouts I'm workin helfire now will be going to zangramarsh next im only level 65 right now

Oh well yea, those are group quests.

Dude, fuck the gear at this stage anyway, it's all going away. The game begins again at 70 and you'll be collecting gear from instances, then moving to heroics and eventually Kara and 25 man content.

Just get to 70 now, don't worry about a nice green chest piece or new weapon at this point. It will all mean exactly dick at 70.

09-01-2008, 01:56 PM
Im not doing too much for equip but there was that one item that just fit the bill. i end up disenchanting most of what i pick up. Im just trying to complete all the quests i can in each zone. to level up i suppose i should avoid all the group quests fro now they take too much time.

09-01-2008, 06:21 PM
Oh well yea, those are group quests.

Dude, fuck the gear at this stage anyway, it's all going away. The game begins again at 70 and you'll be collecting gear from spending all day, every day in Alterac Valley.
Fixed, and a big part of why I'm not playing anymore :furious:

Death Metal Moe
09-01-2008, 07:30 PM
Fixed, and a big part of why I'm not playing anymore :furious:

I never do PVP, it blows. Always hated it. Theres no need to do it for healers.

09-01-2008, 07:40 PM
yes there are some seriously unbalanced character setups out there and after getting my toons ass handed to me over and over again i finally adapt and conqure. I understand when playing pvp im going to get killed alot but there are the rare times i manage to unleash a major asskickin on a large group of people. It would be nice if the servers could place people in the bgs based on combat ratings and such then just tos my sorry ass in with a bunch of jucie monkey but it doesn't happen so some times i get squished and some times it's still fun and a changeup from stickin pigs with a dagger for hours on end :)

09-01-2008, 07:46 PM
Would anyone be interested in mabye starting a guild on an undertermined server were all us people could congregate and do two damage until our eyes pop?

09-01-2008, 10:33 PM
I never do PVP, it blows. Always hated it. Theres no need to do it for healers.I hate it too, but the season 2 gear (and even more the season 4 non-set pieces) is better than anything you're going to get in Karazhan, especially for classes that don't depend a whole lot on hit rating. Unless you have a group of people who like to run instances over and over, you're better off farming honor.

09-01-2008, 10:37 PM
I got 2 70s on the Gorefiend server. WOW is a great game, but the population is so spread out its hard to play with anyone you meet who plays the game.

Death Metal Moe
09-02-2008, 04:03 AM
I hate it too, but the season 2 gear (and even more the season 4 non-set pieces) is better than anything you're going to get in Karazhan, especially for classes that don't depend a whole lot on hit rating. Unless you have a group of people who like to run instances over and over, you're better off farming honor.

I know that hunters and rouges really benefit from the PVP stuff early on at least. But what ranged class DOESN'T depend on hit? Or even Melee? Hit is the most overlooked stat and probably the most important. If you're not hitting your target you're wasting swings of a weapon and you're wasting cast time and mana of a spell.

I always jewel for hit until my gear makes up for it with built in stats boosts.

Death Metal Moe
09-02-2008, 04:05 AM
Would anyone be interested in mabye starting a guild on an undertermined server were all us people could congregate and do two damage until our eyes pop?

I have to be honest with you, not really interested in starting AGAIN. I've spent so much time getting a 2276 unbuffed healing bonus on my undead priest I'm not going to start from scratch somewhere else. My 70 Warlock isn't even epic geared, I'd rather do that then start another toon from 1. Plus I already have a druid to level 46.

09-02-2008, 04:35 PM
I have my pimped out epic geared shaman. Elemental epic gear, Enhancement Epic gear, Resto Epic gear.
I just FINALLY got my mage some Kara gear and some T-5
I have a Tauren hunter at 28
A Blood Elf Pally at 25

and now Im in the midst of working on my 59 Warrior trying to get him to 70 cause on my server theres ALWAYS a shortage of tanks for dungeon runs.

Could I be possibly any more lame-er ??

09-02-2008, 04:56 PM
I really only do PVP anymore. I even designed my own talent spec (arms/protection to get mortal strike and death wish along with last stand and concussion blow) for my warrior to maximize his stun abilities (stop kiting) and survivability. All my macros are set up to make me as lethal as possible.

Yet, I am a warrior and still get kited to death

09-06-2008, 07:30 PM
only one toon 70 nightelf hunter named Ramone in madoran relm..i Raid Black Temple, and have made the time chest run in ZA. only wow dorks like me think that makes any sence. i have S spec gear and BM gear set and decent pvp gear 400 res only one brutal piece gotta work on that. Fav pet is my ape named Frunkis, had him since i was 30. i love my guild but id love to do a relm change and get us 202 fans together. i hate raiding and making R&F refferances that are really funny go by without a chuckle.

09-07-2008, 12:25 AM
Yeah I do the same and feel like Im talking to myself sometimes.

So you made the timed ZA runs ? Got a bear mount yet ?
Those are so fucking cool.

Death Metal Moe
09-07-2008, 04:49 AM
I felt kinda pissed because when I joined new guilds after my RL friends stopped playing, NO ONE was as far in ZA as we were! We had got to Hexlord and no one was even past the Dragonhawk guy which was totally gay.

My server kinda blows, there's probably like 2 guilds in BT, but I did Gruuls and Magtheridon for the 1st time a few weeks ago.

09-07-2008, 07:38 AM
dragonhawk is kinda easy if you have a uber pally tank and a uber mage. a shammy with fire resist totems wouldnt hurt but fire resist gear for a pally tank and a real strong mage is all you need no one else should move the hawks..if your interested i can break down the fight. not to brag we downed him in 3:04 the pile of bones on the NW corner is a safe zone no bombs there. Kill one hatcher let the other open all his hawks. continue that way till there are no more hawks. we use only use 2 healers but they have to be real strong to pull that off. normally CoH priests is what you want. then its straight tanks and spank
gruuls is baby. mags just need clickers with no lag. the move to SSC and TK isnt a hard one either. let me know if you need help

09-07-2008, 08:23 AM
Oh well yea, those are group quests.

Dude, fuck the gear at this stage anyway, it's all going away. The game begins again at 70 and you'll be collecting gear from instances, then moving to heroics and eventually Kara and 25 man content.

Just get to 70 now, don't worry about a nice green chest piece or new weapon at this point. It will all mean exactly dick at 70.
And all that gear will be useless come the expansion in a couple months, all signs point to a november 4th release date.

You will like wrath of the lich king expansion, its first quest rewards equal weapons given out in most dungeons and the death knights fucking rock. If it was me I would just concentrate on getting to 70 and go on the occasional gear run, trust me once you hit 68 and can kill in northrend all that gear will be obsolete.

Would anyone be interested in mabye starting a guild on an undertermined server were all us people could congregate and do two damage until our eyes pop?

There was a FBA guild already started on lethon but I didnt see very many people on so I quit playing as much, still have a 62 hunter just sitting over there doing nothing now.

Death Metal Moe
09-07-2008, 09:48 AM
dragonhawk is kinda easy if you have a uber pally tank and a uber mage. a shammy with fire resist totems wouldnt hurt but fire resist gear for a pally tank and a real strong mage is all you need no one else should move the hawks..if your interested i can break down the fight. not to brag we downed him in 3:04 the pile of bones on the NW corner is a safe zone no bombs there. Kill one hatcher let the other open all his hawks. continue that way till there are no more hawks. we use only use 2 healers but they have to be real strong to pull that off. normally CoH priests is what you want. then its straight tanks and spank
gruuls is baby. mags just need clickers with no lag. the move to SSC and TK isnt a hard one either. let me know if you need help

I know how to kill Dragonhawk, my new guild doesn't. The lead up to Dragonhawk is way harder than he is actually. But to their credit they know how to do Gruuls and Mag, we just need more of our regulars we can count on to go in there.

Looking forward to going into The Eye and Mout Hyjal as soon as possible. My gear is good enough. Hell, I have 2276 unbuffed healing.

Death Metal Moe
09-07-2008, 09:51 AM
You will like wrath of the lich king expansion, its first quest rewards equal weapons given out in most dungeons and the death knights fucking rock. If it was me I would just concentrate on getting to 70 and go on the occasional gear run, trust me once you hit 68 and can kill in northrend all that gear will be obsolete.

I'm not looking forward to the expansion for 2 reason.

1. All this gear they make you fight for will become useless with the 1st round of Northrend greens you get as you said. That pisses me the fuck off, why did I waste months of my life getting every piece of badge gear in the game just to replace them with quest reward items that every jackoff will have?

2. Every dipshit is gonna have a Deathknight and it's gonna be fucking lame. If it was something special it would be cooler, but everyone is gonna have one. FUck that, I'm going to work on getting my priest uber again before I even look at a Deathknight.

09-07-2008, 01:18 PM
I'm not looking forward to the expansion for 2 reason.

1. All this gear they make you fight for will become useless with the 1st round of Northrend greens you get as you said. That pisses me the fuck off, why did I waste months of my life getting every piece of badge gear in the game just to replace them with quest reward items that every jackoff will have?

2. Every dipshit is gonna have a Deathknight and it's gonna be fucking lame. If it was something special it would be cooler, but everyone is gonna have one. FUck that, I'm going to work on getting my priest uber again before I even look at a Deathknight.

Yeah the gear issue makes it where I rarely bother going to raids anymore since as soon as the new expansion comes out the gear is useless, I can get rep rewards and almost accomplish the same thing. And blizz has been saying a new expansion is going to come out almost every year now so the high level instances mean shit. I play on azjol-nerub with 2 level 70s and I rarely go on raids with the guild, mainly cause they are average at best and think that wiping on a kara run is ok and they still take 2-3 days to clear when most good guilds are clearing them in one run.

Yeah everyone will have a deathknight but they have to at least have a level 68 to get one so that will weed out quite a lot of kids, I would say hold off bitching about them until you play one cause they are fucking amazing.

Oh thats something else they do away with in the expansion, +healing and +damage gear, now its all just +spell power buff, it may work out in the end but right now all my gems do no socket bonuses because they took all that shit away, that was needed on my druid.

Death Metal Moe
09-07-2008, 02:11 PM
Wiping in Kara is not an option. If you can't do Kara, just stay out of ZA, Mags, Gruuls, TK, Mount Hyjal, even some of the harder heroics. Wow, I've never been in Kara longer than 2 days to tell you the truth, and that was with a few too many pugged people than we chose to have.

I will say that the Prince fight sucks dicks because of the Infernal drops. You could have the best group and a couple bad drops wipe the party. But I have hardly ever left Kara without killing him.

09-07-2008, 02:41 PM
not entirely true about gear being obloslete..T4 would equal green 74 gear. T5 75 green gear. thats how BC was handled

09-07-2008, 03:17 PM
not entirely true about gear being obloslete..T4 would equal green 74 gear. T5 75 green gear. thats how BC was handled

thats just great, my Merciless gear will be good for what? 3-4 levels?

09-09-2008, 12:32 PM
not entirely true about gear being obloslete..T4 would equal green 74 gear. T5 75 green gear. thats how BC was handled

Ok you add in how long it took to get that gear and its going to be replaced in a weeks time? I would equate that to being useless since most people took weeks or months to get that gear.

Robot Jones
10-03-2008, 03:25 AM
I'd love to be part of a 202/R&F guild. We should set it up on a pvp sever so we can watch each other's backs while we're lvling. Let me know if this gets past the planning stage.

11-13-2008, 04:21 PM
My gnome mage dinged 70 two weeks ago, just in time for Wrath of the Lich King, which I am currently installing. Anyone else? Anyone? Bueller?

If you guys decide to get a guild going, let me know.
DPS? I bring it.
H2O? I bring that too.

Death Metal Moe
11-13-2008, 04:30 PM
My gnome mage dinged 70 two weeks ago, just in time for Wrath of the Lich King, which I am currently installing. Anyone else? Anyone? Bueller?

If you guys decide to get a guild going, let me know.
DPS? I bring it.
H2O? I bring that too.

I'm installing Lich King as I type. I actually went to a Gamestop at midnight last night, what a motherfucking waste of time.

In front of me are about 7 guys just going ON AND ON about the game in ways that made me bored. "Ya know, they really nerfed the Pally in this last patch....blah blah blah."

Behind me was a young couple who was obviously there to get the game for HIM, because this dumb bitch would not stop COMPLAINING about EVERYTHING. "I don't understand what the big deal is, I'd never stand in line this long for anything. I thought this was gonna be a quick stop, why are we on this line." SHUT UP YOU CUNT. Jesus, fuck off. Go sit your narrow ass in the car and txt your equally useless girlfriends for a few minutes.

Problem was their credit card machine wasn't working properly so they had to validate EVERY credit or debit transaction. What a crock that they didn't make a line for people like me, and others I hear complaining on line that had pre-paid for their games weeks ago, in hopes that it would be faster. Gamestop already has my fucking cash, there should be a fucking window you walk up to, give them a receipt and you walk away with your copy.

That's the last time I ever pre-order ANYTHING, especially from them, or ever bother to go to a midnight release. Fucking lame shit. It was so late I didn't get to install it at like 1 am and I was so busy today I didn't get to play it until now.

Death Metal Moe
11-13-2008, 04:31 PM
And for Christ's sake, will SOMEONE play the fucking Horde?!?!? Come on gutter, a Gnome?!

I have an undead priest, an blood elf warlock and a taurn druid, all 70, all on Durotan. Look me up if you want to play for the right team. :devil2:

11-13-2008, 04:52 PM
i dunno if i am gonna get wotlk. i am on an euro server (long story) and i think i would have to get a euro version of wotlk.

or, does anyone know how i can get my shit transferred to america?

We can do an alliance guild and a horde one

11-14-2008, 04:20 PM
And for Christ's sake, will SOMEONE play the fucking Horde?!?!? Come on gutter, a Gnome?!

I have an undead priest, an blood elf warlock and a taurn druid, all 70, all on Durotan. Look me up if you want to play for the right team. :devil2:

but, but, but I LIKE being adorable while kicking major ass. I have been meaning to try out the dark side, tho. When I do, I'll come to Durotan and look you up.

My gear isn't very impressive, but here's my mage, Clairdeloop ( Meantime, Blood and thunder, dude.

11-15-2008, 01:58 AM
Apparently theres been reports of a lvl 80 on a EU server.

WTF?? The fucking expansion just came out the other day ?

01-03-2009, 03:12 PM
this is very old news but...

Death Metal Moe
01-03-2009, 08:36 PM
Eh, I just don't play the game like that. The people that took off work the day after it was released, staying up all night to start leveling. The people who sit in front of their comp for 8 hour shifts leveling. The people who are online every night to Raid and get gear.

I'm just not willing to spend THAT much time, I already spend too much at the level I play. I'm more than happy with the slow progression I make and never seeing the top end game content.

01-03-2009, 09:23 PM
Right now end game content is a cakewalk though. If you haven't downed every boss in the game (cept 3 drake Sarth), then you're simply just not a raider. Blizzard wanted to make Naxx an intro to raiding after the clusterfuck that was Burning Crusade, and they succeeded IMO. Maybe even a little too much.

But no, I'm not one of those complete psychos that took off work or anything when it came out either. I actually went out of town the weekend it came out.

01-03-2009, 09:31 PM
I wish this thread was in English.

Death Metal Moe
01-03-2009, 10:38 PM
I wish this thread was in English.

WTF? Nub!

Death Metal Moe
01-03-2009, 10:42 PM
Right now end game content is a cakewalk though. If you haven't downed every boss in the game (cept 3 drake Sarth), then you're simply just not a raider. Blizzard wanted to make Naxx an intro to raiding after the clusterfuck that was Burning Crusade, and they succeeded IMO. Maybe even a little too much.

But no, I'm not one of those complete psychos that took off work or anything when it came out either. I actually went out of town the weekend it came out.

eh, I took my time to 80. I'm a Raider, just not a crazy raider. Im more than happy to take my gains slowly, in between doing all the other stuff in my life.

I'm a little concerned that Blizz made the game TOO easy. I took on just about any elite kill, by myself as a Priest, in my badge gear up to about level 75s. That's crazy. I 3 manned the Ampitheater of Anguish tonight, that's fucked up. And we were never even CLOSE to being in trouble. I popped a mana pot ONCE. I didn't get to all my other "oh shit" tricks.

I hope I am wrong as I start moving toward Heroics.

01-04-2009, 01:47 AM
eh, I took my time to 80. I'm a Raider, just not a crazy raider. Im more than happy to take my gains slowly, in between doing all the other stuff in my life.

I'm a little concerned that Blizz made the game TOO easy. I took on just about any elite kill, by myself as a Priest, in my badge gear up to about level 75s. That's crazy. I 3 manned the Ampitheater of Anguish tonight, that's fucked up. And we were never even CLOSE to being in trouble. I popped a mana pot ONCE. I didn't get to all my other "oh shit" tricks.

I hope I am wrong as I start moving toward Heroics.

Yeah, if you had even halfway decent BC gear leveling was really easy. I solo'd almost everything until I got to Icecrown (although I was a BM hunter. Probably coulda done that naked.) and heroics aren't nearly what they were in BC. There are a few bosses that do present a little bit of a challenge, but trash is still the AoE-fest it was in 3.0 BC. Blizz says that'll change when Uludar is released, but what Blizz says and what Blizz does are usually two different things.

Wait, you say you play too much and you're just now hitting 80? If that's the case I should just go kill myself right now.

01-04-2009, 04:57 AM
I hope I am wrong as I start moving toward Heroics.

what's the difference between heroics and raiding???

For nubs that never played the game

Death Metal Moe
01-04-2009, 06:18 AM
Yeah, if you had even halfway decent BC gear leveling was really easy. I solo'd almost everything until I got to Icecrown (although I was a BM hunter. Probably coulda done that naked.) and heroics aren't nearly what they were in BC. There are a few bosses that do present a little bit of a challenge, but trash is still the AoE-fest it was in 3.0 BC. Blizz says that'll change when Uludar is released, but what Blizz says and what Blizz does are usually two different things.

Wait, you say you play too much and you're just now hitting 80? If that's the case I should just go kill myself right now.

Oh I just meant I know how much time I dedicated to the game at my slow play speed and I'm not overly happy with it. Just a personal preference.

Death Metal Moe
01-04-2009, 06:21 AM
what's the difference between heroics and raiding???

For nubs that never played the game

Heroics are just 5 man instances set to the Heroic setting. Harder trash, harder bosses that usually have a different strategy now, and of course much better loot plus the tokens form each boss you can buy stuff with.

A Raid is 10 or more players and there are certian instances that can only be done with 10, 25 or even 40. Those are much harder and I don't like them because its really hard to get 40 different players all doing the same thing for too long. People always drop group and you're stuck finding more in the middle of the run. Annoying.

01-04-2009, 07:28 AM
Ramone in the madoran relm 80 hunter with the rare loque'nahak spirit beast camped 3 weeks to get him named him norton. i have a guild of over 400. for my 2 cents heroics can be harder than raids. naxx is harder than kara was but Heroics are harder than old heroics

01-04-2009, 08:08 AM
Ramone in the madoran relm 80 hunter with the rare loque'nahak spirit beast camped 3 weeks to get him named him norton. i have a guild of over 400. for my 2 cents heroics can be harder than raids. naxx is harder than kara was but Heroics are harder than old heroics

Still don't get it.

what's the highest level you can achieve?? 99???

Death Metal Moe
01-04-2009, 11:05 AM
Still don't get it.

what's the highest level you can achieve?? 99???

The highest level you can get to right now is level 80. Creatures that are no more than 8 levels below you give you experience when you kill them, but you get more from them the closer they are to your level, or over. Elite creatures are stronger and give more experience and usually better loot.

Only problem is you do quests for experience to get to level 80, but then at level 80 you really begin the game again. Only level 80 characters can go into Heroic level dungeons, which give much better loot. So you're not fighting to level up anymore, now you're fighting to get the best armor, weapons, rings and trinkets to put on your character to make it even more powerful.

Another problem is everytime you kill a boss in a dungeon, there's just a random chance that one of a number of rewards will drop off of it. So you could possibly NEVER see a piece of gear you know drops off a boss. Some GOOD news is on Heroic settings, these bosses drop tokens that can be spent for gear at a vendor. That always takes longer but is a sure thing, and it's the old level 70 badge gear that my priest is still mosly geared up in. I haven't done any Raids or Heroics with him yet, not sure if his old gear is good enough to get me in there to start getting better gear, but it's done me well so far.

Death Metal Moe
01-04-2009, 11:08 AM
Ramone in the madoran relm 80 hunter with the rare loque'nahak spirit beast camped 3 weeks to get him named him norton. i have a guild of over 400. for my 2 cents heroics can be harder than raids. naxx is harder than kara was but Heroics are harder than old heroics

Gratz, but that's the kind of shit I'm not willing to do for this game. Not shitting on you for doing it, but I just can't be bothered anymore. My guild was small, but we used to do Zul Aman every 3 days no matter what. We always suffered from poor attendance on Raid nights and people who weren't willing to help grow with the guild. That's the biggest problem with the game. Everyone wants to join a Raiding guild but no one wants to HELP BECOME a Raiding guild. They just want to jump into an already existing situation and just benefit without doing much of anything.

I fucking hate that.

01-16-2009, 05:33 PM
Ramone in the madoran relm 80 hunter

Grizzlebee on Madoran 80 hunter. if I see you, I'll /wave.

01-17-2009, 03:43 PM
Yeah DMM, they made the game easy for anyone with halfway decent gear, my druid who is decked out in PVP gear breezed through most of it and my warrior seems to be making it through fine with his instance gear.

Over all I like it although Im not sure I will ever get the DK up to 80, I am hoping they open a couple more areas in the updates.

Death Metal Moe
01-18-2009, 08:27 AM
Yeah DMM, they made the game easy for anyone with halfway decent gear, my druid who is decked out in PVP gear breezed through most of it and my warrior seems to be making it through fine with his instance gear.

Over all I like it although Im not sure I will ever get the DK up to 80, I am hoping they open a couple more areas in the updates.

It disappoints me to see that I was able to heal a a group all the way to the last boss in Heroic Violet Hold my 1st try. My Priest is in 80% of the gear I had at 70. The main reason we didn't kill the last boss was our Shaman was drinking right under where the boss spawned and he like 2 shotted him.

I like being challenged a little. I like the fact that you may have to learn a strategy. I even don't mind teaching guys in PUGS to get it done because now they know and in the future things will go smoother when everyone on a server knows the fights in instances and RAIDS.

I am hoping the next large patch gives us something challenging, most of the stuff now doesn't seem that hard. I still haven't been in any RAIDS but the 5 man content I've run into so far isn't impressive. Dropped Heroic Drak Tharon Keep in like a half hour on our 1st try, just pathetic.

01-18-2009, 10:20 AM
Yeah some of it is too easy but they made it that way to placate the numerous kids that play and suck. I remember when running MC was an accomplishment, running KZ wasn't a big deal and I only did that like three times cause it was boring.

I'm not sure when the next patch is coming out but they need to make it challenging at least, I have solod most elite quests on both characters.

BTW if anyone is on azjol nerub look up sindar or kixxer

01-18-2009, 10:22 AM
you must be ridin a bloody crazy train pal, but I been the Prince of Darkness since 1979

Death Metal Moe
01-18-2009, 10:23 AM
Yeah some of it is too easy but they made it that way to placate the numerous kids that play and suck. I remember when running MC was an accomplishment, running KZ wasn't a big deal and I only did that like three times cause it was boring.

I'm not sure when the next patch is coming out but they need to make it challenging at least, I have solod most elite quests on both characters.

BTW if anyone is on azjol nerub look up sindar or kixxer

Yea, the little 13 year olds need all their top Teir gear or they'll cry and will stop playing. Fucking alliance scum.

01-18-2009, 02:42 PM
While the content as a whole is disturbingly easy, there are always the achievements to go for. Many of them only require 5 people with a functioning cerebral cortex, but a lot of them are pretty tough. The rewards are pretty cool too because I really like the proto drakes. The black one for the Heroic Raid achievements is even one of the rare 310% mounts.

01-18-2009, 03:55 PM
Yeah, I just hit 80 and I'm still in some of my 70 purples. A lot of the boss fights as well in some of these new dungeons have been rehashes of other bosses. The void boss in Nexus is similar to the Curator in Karazhan. The only good thing about the new expansion is they didn't do what they did with BC. When you went to Outland, the green quest items immediately replaced your gear. I felt sick when my lv 60 purple I recieved raiding Molten Core got replaced by a 61 green quest reward.

Death Metal Moe
01-18-2009, 07:16 PM
Yeah, I just hit 80 and I'm still in some of my 70 purples. A lot of the boss fights as well in some of these new dungeons have been rehashes of other bosses. The void boss in Nexus is similar to the Curator in Karazhan. The only good thing about the new expansion is they didn't do what they did with BC. When you went to Outland, the green quest items immediately replaced your gear. I felt sick when my lv 60 purple I recieved raiding Molten Core got replaced by a 61 green quest reward.

Yea, but that's good and bad. Sure, it hurt to see your purples traded right in for greens, but the flipside of that is I didn't really get ANY new gear until like 77. I like getting new shit eventually.

01-20-2009, 06:26 PM
Yeah, I just hit 80 and I'm still in some of my 70 purples. A lot of the boss fights as well in some of these new dungeons have been rehashes of other bosses. The void boss in Nexus is similar to the Curator in Karazhan. The only good thing about the new expansion is they didn't do what they did with BC. When you went to Outland, the green quest items immediately replaced your gear. I felt sick when my lv 60 purple I recieved raiding Molten Core got replaced by a 61 green quest reward.

Yeah it seems they over compensated for people bitching about that last time, most of my mid level pvp gear is still good until you hit the heroic instances.

I would be lying if I didnt say I was a little disappointed with this expansion, its less than challenging and should have been harder.

07-17-2009, 06:08 PM
hey, anyone got any cool WOW characters to discuss??

Death Metal Moe
07-17-2009, 06:35 PM
hey, anyone got any cool WOW characters to discuss??

Don't mock us, we've got enough against us playing this game.

07-17-2009, 08:07 PM
And to think, I thought another thread was gayer than this.

08-17-2009, 05:17 PM
Needs to be posted here too I suppose

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

Death Metal Moe
08-17-2009, 05:19 PM
Need is a very strong word.

Death Metal Moe
08-17-2009, 05:38 PM
Have any of the players here been going into Trial of the Champion, the new Instance/Raid?

If you haven't check the loot table for Regular 5 man. There is A LOT of fucking awesome gear for those of you who can't Raid a lot and every boss drops purples, on regular. So at the very least with a disenchanter you can get piles of Abyss Crystals which are part of the top level enchants.

Just a heads up. I haven't been part of a group that could finish Heroic 5 man ToC yet and haven't even thought of asking my guild to try the 10 or 25 man Raid. They have their own probelems filling Naxx.

08-21-2009, 11:36 AM
Level Cap Being Raised To 85!!!!!!!!

08-21-2009, 11:48 AM
well i looked it up since there wasnt a link that i saw and...

Death Metal Moe
08-21-2009, 12:07 PM
Eh, I've read a lot of that stuff. I'll believe it when I see it.

08-21-2009, 02:26 PM
Eh, I've read a lot of that stuff. I'll believe it when I see it.

There's nothing "leaked" about it anymore. It's 100% official, confirmed by Blizzard this afternoon at Blizcon.

08-21-2009, 04:28 PM
i actualy just got done with TOC 5 and 10 man... im a tauren warrior weeee!!!!!

08-21-2009, 04:40 PM
I've never played World of Warcraft or even seen it.

Is it the video generation's version of Dungeons and Dragons?

08-21-2009, 06:05 PM
I've never played World of Warcraft or even seen it.

Is it the video generation's version of Dungeons and Dragons?

11-17-2009, 06:25 PM
i hit 80 and dont know what to do next... no one want me on their raids or dungeons because im undergeared. how the fils am i supposed to get properly geared if i am not allowed to go on runs?

Death Metal Moe
11-17-2009, 07:42 PM
i hit 80 and dont know what to do next... no one want me on their raids or dungeons because im undergeared. how the fils am i supposed to get properly geared if i am not allowed to go on runs?

You now need to run Heroic 5 man instances. Also, do yourself a HUGE favor and do regular Trial of the Champion up in Icecrown. GREAT gear and you can run it over and over again. You can only run a heroic once a day.

As you run heroics you get gear from bosses, badges to buy gear later and reputation as you wear tabards from the 4 different Northrend factions that give them out.

This is how you get gear to be good enough to get into Raids.

Lastly, make sure you get exalted with The Sons of Hodir, that shoulder enchant is very important.

Edit: Can you craft yourself or can friends craft you any better gear than you have on? You may have to do a little farming to get shit but it's level 80 epics are worth it. Make sure you are properly enchanted and gemmed as well.

Section 8
11-22-2009, 06:52 AM
Misteriosa, what server are you on? I have friends that are on multiple servers. If you're on one of them, I can ask them to help you. Or, if you happen to be on my server, I can help you.

11-23-2009, 04:18 AM
Saw this for the first time yesterday, even though it's way old.

I laffed and laffed and laffed.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

11-23-2009, 06:43 AM
You now need to run Heroic 5 man instances. Also, do yourself a HUGE favor and do regular Trial of the Champion up in Icecrown. GREAT gear and you can run it over and over again. You can only run a heroic once a day.

As you run heroics you get gear from bosses, badges to buy gear later and reputation as you wear tabards from the 4 different Northrend factions that give them out.

This is how you get gear to be good enough to get into Raids.

Lastly, make sure you get exalted with The Sons of Hodir, that shoulder enchant is very important.

Edit: Can you craft yourself or can friends craft you any better gear than you have on? You may have to do a little farming to get shit but it's level 80 epics are worth it. Make sure you are properly enchanted and gemmed as well.

ive been trying to do the daily h's. im a resto druid so i find that im being judged by a harsh healing stick. it also doesnt help that my gear is shit and the tank wants to aggro the room while running out of my LoS. :dry: i say it at the beginning, "if i can't see you, i can't heal you". also im a LW and crafted the chest piece im wearing for heals.

ive also been farming the reg ToC's when im allowed in a group. there isnt a lot of heals/dps leather being dropped tho. My SiL has been helping me along as she is an established 80 Hunter. some of her former co-workers are established too and have been helping when they can.

Misteriosa, what server are you on? I have friends that are on multiple servers. If you're on one of them, I can ask them to help you. Or, if you happen to be on my server, I can help you.

im on bloodscalp and regularly get my ass handed to me by the enormous amt of horde on that server. my toon's name is Siduri and im an alliance n.elf druid. im dual spec resto/dps (moonkin). hope your guys are not horde :o

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 06:51 AM
Oh you're Alliance? Well then, fuck you.

11-23-2009, 06:52 AM
Oh you're Alliance? Well then, fuck you.


Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 06:54 AM
Just kidding.

Have you made sure that you've received most of the upgrades you can get out of regular instances before moving onto Heroics? Sorry if that seems lame but it's necessary.

My main is a Tauren druid, so I know the class well. I'm a healer, just lends to my play style better. I have 2 healers but Druid healing is just so much easier now. Are you sure you're rotation and approach to healing is correct? You may want to look on the WoW forums for tips if you're having trouble keeping people up. Don't forget too, it's not ALWAYS you, it could be the DPS pulling aggro or asshole tanks. But if it happens a lot it's probably more likely something you're doing too.

11-23-2009, 06:58 AM
im working my HoT casts hard and am the bestest of friends with my nature's swiftness+healing touch combo. tranquility has save my butt many times :o

run my toon name thru the wowarmory so you can see my gear. any ideas for stat improvement?

edit: i do not use macros

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 07:33 AM
I don't use macros either. My main deal is to keep 3 stacks of Lifebloom on the tank at all times. Then put Rejuvenation when needed and fill in with Swiftmend or other heals when needed, but that HoT baking on the tank at all times really helps, try that out.

You have A LOT of greens on, and you have a lot of gear that isn't even level 80 stuff, even if it is just green or blue. That is your main problem right now.

You also have very few things with gem slots and you have few enchants that aren't armor kits, but to be honest most of your gear isn't worth wasting gold on enchants yet.

I would say 1st is to look up the mats for a Wispcloak and find someone to make it for you. Good healer back. Also, you can have a tailor make you cloth stuff better than you have one. The Hat of Wintery Doom comes to mind right away, it has a Meta gem and regular gem slot and is something I kept on my druid until I could find a decent leather head. Until you can get instance drops you're gonna have to hustle a little to either buy mats or farm mats to make some of this stuff. My priest is a level 450 tailor and I made belts, cloaks, heads, etc. for my druid until I could get appropriate drops.

Just for fun, my druid is Utterdisdain on the Durotan server. Took me a long time to get all that shit, check her out.

I also suggest you get Altas Loot, a free add on. It will show you the regular and heroic drops for all instances and Raids. This can help you see what drops will possibly come out of particular instances so you can concentrate on getting groups for those instances more. After all, if you're gonna waste time playing at least go in a place that may drop stuff for you.

Your feet are ungemmed. Get a 19 Spell Power gem in the right away. 23 is too much money, don't waste it on those feet. Your bonus healing is way too low, find spell power stuff pronto.

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 07:35 AM
Another quick tip. If you're looking at gear and have a choice, ALWAYS get the shit with Mana per 5 and Spirit on it. Your mana regen is extremely low too. I bet you find yourself out of mana a lot. Intellect is important to give you a deeper mana pool but Spirit is just as if not more important to a healer. Just an FYI. I have to bake some cookies but I'll see if I can give you more direct advice later today or tomorrow.

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 07:39 AM
Last tip before I punch out is get exalted with the Sons of Hodir. They are a faction up in Storm Peaks. You are unfriendly with them right now but their entire 20-30 quest long chain begins with a quest called 'They took our men!" in K3, a camp in lower Storm Peaks.

Make sure you do it all if you haven't yet, then do their daily quests when you can, everyday. It's a great source of income and you get their shoulder enchants, something very necessary in the game.

Great part is if you haven't done their stuff yet, you will get more gold for completing the quests at level 80. Also with the way your gear looks there's a chance to get possible upgrades.

AND GET A RELIC! Even a shitty green one, you don't have a relic equipped! Also, you seem to have Melee DPS trinket on, that isn't helping your spells in the least. Change that please.

Section 8
11-23-2009, 02:32 PM
Since you are a healer, you might want to get the mod "Healbot". You can get it from . Doesn't cost you anything, I use it when my Shaman is Spec'd for Healing. There is a lot of options in setting it up, I'm sure that it will help you.

I just checked with my friends, not one is on the same server as you, sorry.

Section 8
11-23-2009, 02:42 PM
Also, check wowwiki for healing druid trinkets. I just put "healer trinket" in search and there was a list of about 8-10 trinkets with A-F ratings.

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 06:05 PM
I don't like healing bots personally, but to each their own. I kinda like not using them because then I can heal from any computer.

I do suggest Decursive though. It displays ever part member as a small square and then it lets you use your ability to remove poison by just clicking it for example.

I was looking through some of the stuff you can have crafted. I would get these made.

Frostmoon Pants (

They are cloth but they are better than your level 75 pants right now. When you get then put this on them

Brilliant Spellthread (

Then these are cloth as well and will be expensive to get but consider having a tailor make these for you:

Moohshroud Gloves
Moonshroud Robe (

Just take Serrah's Star off, it's a Melee trinket, put ANYTHING else on.

Keep an eye on the auction house. If this ring gets to a decent price buy it or have a friend craft it

Titanium Spellshock Ring

Put this gem in your feet and pretty much anything up to a level 200 item:

Runed Scarlet Ruby (

Anything above that is usually worth the 23 spell power gem.

Get that Glyph of Frenzied Regenration off, it's a tanking glyph.

And please, get a relic from SOMEWHERE.

Shit, sorry. My toon is in Feral Combat right now so I can't show you her healing gear on Armory.

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 06:14 PM
OK, right now you need to get your bonus healing above 1000 and your mana regen above 350 or so Misteriosa or you'll have no chance of healing anything heroic very well. You still need to get into regular instances I think.

Getting the mats together and the gold to get upgrades will take some time too.

I had this mace on my druid for quite some time

Titansteel Guardian (Misteriosa)

And I had an Inscriptor make me this:

Faces of Doom (

There is A LOT of spell power cloth and leather that falls in regular ToC, which with a little tweaking you can get into a lot. Get in there pronto and roll on anything with spirit and spell power.

Good luck.

Bob Impact
11-23-2009, 06:23 PM
Quick and easy idol

Bob Impact
11-23-2009, 06:24 PM
btw just popped off the PTR... the random LFG is going to do wonder towards getting people gear... it'll be weird to see how it works when its not populated with people rolling full T9... also, the new instances are epic.

11-23-2009, 06:44 PM
Since its your first character I agree about dumping the gold on crafted gear, even though it all gets replaced fairly quickly. We all went through it when we were new and we all have to do it each time a new expansion gets released. Gold's also really easy to make now and unless you're one of the people into collecting mounts and pets (I'm at 96 mounts and 91 pets. I really should kill myself) its really not very useful and may as well use it to gear up.

As a druid don't be afraid to wear cloth. Druids and priests gear very similarly and blue/purple cloth > green leather.

11-23-2009, 08:10 PM
When I hit 80, I kept questing until I got all the Northrend quest achievements. Good way to make lots of gold and to bore yourself to tears... You definitely need to unlock all the dailies though and start grinding for rep.

Like Moe said, get AtlasLoot and run regular TOC until you get every drop that's good for your class. Also, start grinding rep with all the factions. Check AtlasLoot and grind for rep that'll get you some blues/purples worth wearing.

The best thing to do though is get in a guild. A well-geared group can practically 3-man heroics now, so you can have your guildies carry you through while you grab all the loot they don't need.

I had no idea how much there was to do once I hit 80. Maxing out professions, grinding rep, raiding, pvp'ing (which I don't do much of), making gold, getting geared, learning how to play your toon, achievements. It starts to feel like work after a while, but it beats the hell out of levelling.

11-23-2009, 08:13 PM
Oh you're Alliance? Well then, fuck you.

Nice :) For the Horde :)

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 09:49 PM
Nice :) For the Horde :)

May your blades never dull.

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 09:51 PM
I don't want to over emphasize gear because it's so necessary. BUT...

the most important thing you can do is KNOW YOUR CLASS. Getting a good rotation and knowing all your OH SHIT buttons is more important that getting purples. And I mean that, I've seen epic players fail with bad builds and bad rotations and then people in mostly blues outshine them.

You need the gear to get base stats but there's nothing that can substitute knowing your class. Concentrate on that as well.

Death Metal Moe
11-23-2009, 09:56 PM
Funny Warcraft story:

At dinner tonight I was explaining WoW to the person. She had heard someone in a foreign country dying while playing some game online and didn't understand it.

So I begin to explain to her that the game is World of Warcraft and it's deceptively easy to get hooked on. I start to explain the journey to 80, how the game begins again after 80, the Raids, the long hours, the wasted months, the purchasing of in game gold and gear for actual money in the real world.

After about 5 minutes she starts to laugh and says it sounds like I'm talking about actual addiction.

I wish I hadn't been.

11-24-2009, 01:09 PM
Funny Warcraft story:

At dinner tonight I was explaining WoW to the person. She had heard someone in a foreign country dying while playing some game online and didn't understand it.

So I begin to explain to her that the game is World of Warcraft and it's deceptively easy to get hooked on. I start to explain the journey to 80, how the game begins again after 80, the Raids, the long hours, the wasted months, the purchasing of in game gold and gear for actual money in the real world.

After about 5 minutes she starts to laugh and says it sounds like I'm talking about actual addiction.

I wish I hadn't been.


How long have you been playing, I played Ally side since beta but once BC and Blood Elves were introduced I have been the hordes bitch. Also My ally side guild made me go holy on my priest and I was quite unhappy about it considering I had been a shadow priest forever and I was in a PVP guild, but a new leader came in and made it a raiding guild instead. Honestly it was so upsetting when that change happened.

We would world PVP all the time at least 2 times a week were were in Thunderbluff or UC having a great time and then our guild leader left for the Peace Corps so he turned it over to his friend. I like raiding and all but once you get the PVP stuff in your blood it's hard to turn it off. I am better off in the long run however Horde side is better. Funnier more laid back people and also players that are really skilled, for some reason the Ally side always feels uppity and self absorbed or something.

Death Metal Moe
11-24-2009, 01:52 PM

How long have you been playing, I played Ally side since beta but once BC and Blood Elves were introduced I have been the hordes bitch. Also My ally side guild made me go holy on my priest and I was quite unhappy about it considering I had been a shadow priest forever and I was in a PVP guild, but a new leader came in and made it a raiding guild instead. Honestly it was so upsetting when that change happened.

We would world PVP all the time at least 2 times a week were were in Thunderbluff or UC having a great time and then our guild leader left for the Peace Corps so he turned it over to his friend. I like raiding and all but once you get the PVP stuff in your blood it's hard to turn it off. I am better off in the long run however Horde side is better. Funnier more laid back people and also players that are really skilled, for some reason the Ally side always feels uppity and self absorbed or something.

I started playing right around the time that WoW episode of South Park aired. Internet says that was 1st aired October 4th of 2006, so not long after that I bought the game. So I've been playing over 3 years now. I was doing the original WoW at 1st. Im not sure if I was playing before or after BC was out but if it was after I didn't initially buy the expansion because I didn't have a toon that was even close to 70.

I started out with a human paladin and just go so fucking bored I scrapped it at about level 31. Just deleted it. My friends were playing Horde so I went over there and my 1st 70 was a Blood Elf Warlock on Durotan named Missgradenko. (The Police rule)

Now I have 3 80's, I'm a healer at heart. My priest was my main but then I leveled a Druid and it became my main, much easier to heal with. Maybe it's the class, maybe it was my play style but she's just easier to heal with.

I never, ever got into PVP. No idea why, but it wasn't my bag. It does suck that you liked it and then things changed. I say, it's your fucking time and 15 dollars a month, get out of that guild and find one that fits your needs if you're not happy healing Raids. I got EXTREMELY bored sitting in 25 man Raids 4 nights a week, it's fucking lame. I can understand why people would love PVP, no commitment, but it just never interested me.

I used to dedicate way too much time to the game, I'm very happy that I don't anymore. I do end up logging in for awhile when I'm home but I don't watch TV, what else is there to do on my at home nights?

It's a fun game, way too easy to get addicted to, but otherwise is fun.

11-24-2009, 05:17 PM
I never, ever got into PVP. No idea why, but it wasn't my bag. It does suck that you liked it and then things changed. I say, it's your fucking time and 15 dollars a month, get out of that guild and find one that fits your needs if you're not happy healing Raids. I got EXTREMELY bored sitting in 25 man Raids 4 nights a week, it's fucking lame. I can understand why people would love PVP, no commitment, but it just never interested me.

What could be boring about jumping up and down and running in circles while listening to the sounds of crunching food for the better part of 4 hours?

I've taken a break from my toon the last few months (80 Warlock named Zentraed on Baelgun). I didn't realize how much time I was spending playing the game until I tried to occupy myself for a week without it.

11-24-2009, 05:22 PM
its pilgrim's festival or whatever this week. horde have been owning SW this week.

im tired of dying for the nite

Death Metal Moe
11-24-2009, 05:35 PM
its pilgrim's festival or whatever this week. horde have been owning SW this week.

im tired of dying for the nite

I love your server, ours is the complete opposite. Alliance heavy. Very weak.

Are you on a PVP server?

Death Metal Moe
11-30-2009, 06:24 PM
Hey Misteriosa, did you check out any of our suggestions? How's the druid healing going?

Not sure if it's a game wide thing but Drak' Tharon Keep is the Heroic Daily today, very quick, very easy. You should try it out if you're at home.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 07:33 AM

Icecrown Citadel here we come! Actually, here other people come, my toons aren't in Raiding guilds, but at least heroic dungeons will drop Triumph badges, which means I can earn higher level gear from the badge vendors, at least.

Very interested to try out the new looking for group interface that is supposed to fill groups across servers within your battlegroup. This may help me get my warlock geared, I made 2 healers because DPS is so hard to get into runs, but everyone needs a fucking healer and tank.

Looking forward to getting in the game sometimes in like 3 fucking days, patch day is ALWAYS an abortion. Don't plan anything tonight, lol. Unless of course you want your toon trapped in an instance when the server goes down for emergency maintenance.

12-08-2009, 07:35 AM
good to know... how my toon's gear progress?

12-08-2009, 07:37 AM
Hey Misteriosa, did you check out any of our suggestions? How's the druid healing going?

Not sure if it's a game wide thing but Drak' Tharon Keep is the Heroic Daily today, very quick, very easy. You should try it out if you're at home.

its going slowly. now that the patch rewards PUGs more, i think i'll be allowed into instance groups. so far, i can get people through hVH with no probs. its a good instance to start with, IMO.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 07:55 AM
its going slowly. now that the patch rewards PUGs more, i think i'll be allowed into instance groups. so far, i can get people through hVH with no probs. its a good instance to start with, IMO.

For sure, Heroic Violet Hold is a very fast instance, depending on the random bosses you get, and you get to the last boss for purple drops pretty quickly.

I suggest you get the Atlast Loot add on, it will let you look at all the instance loot tables so you can kinda plan what you might need.

I haven't looked at your toon in a couple weeks. Were you able to get any of the crafted pieces we suggested? That will help you out a lot. So will enchants and gems. You can get an blacksmith to make you a belt buckle pretty cheap that when applied adds a gem socket to it permanently. Just slap a +19 Spell Power slot in it, and at this point every available slot you have. You need spell power bad, just makes everything you cast more powerful.

Good luck. Feel free to PM me with any specific questions or just ask me in this forum. I'm no top raider but I have been a fairly successful druid healer for awhile now, I think I can help you out. :king:

12-08-2009, 08:15 AM
i was looking at some of the crafted items. they are expensive as hell, at least 2k g on mats alone. my server prices are fucking insane. also, i wanted to know if these are alli pieces you are suggesting or horde ones (im alli)... i was trying to check some of them out and im having a hard time finding a tailor w/ those patterns.

also what gem has the +19 spell power? im having a rough time finding that too

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 08:21 AM
i was looking at some of the crafted items. they are expensive as hell, at least 2k g on mats alone. my server prices are fucking insane. also, i wanted to know if these are alli pieces you are suggesting or horde ones (im alli)... i was trying to check some of them out and im having a hard time finding a tailor w/ those patterns.

also what gem has the +19 spell power? im having a rough time finding that too

The items are the same on both sides, there's very few items that are Horde or Alliance specific. The stuff I talked about is just part of that specific profession. But each server and each faction side progress differently so maybe yours isn't as far along. Not sure, but I didn't feel the things I suggested to you were hard to come by in the least. There should be plenty of maxed out tailors and leather workers.

The +19 Spell Power gem is a red gem called the Runed Scarlet Ruby. At least on my server you can find them for under 30g a piece which makes them great for lower level gear that you will replace eventually. There's a +23 one but it's usually closer to 200g a pop and not worth wasting on lower level stuff. My rule of thumb is any Teir piece or epicgear over level 219 is usually worth the 23 SP gem.

Have you been looking into the Sons of Hodir rep? The dailies will also help you build gold fast. Plus that shoulder enchant is worth the work.

12-08-2009, 08:26 AM
ive been grinding the hodir rep. spent a whole weekend getting them to like me. i think im honored with them now. and ill keep an eye out for that gem. the inflation there is just retarded.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 08:32 AM
ive been grinding the hodir rep. spent a whole weekend getting them to like me. i think im honored with them now. and ill keep an eye out for that gem. the inflation there is just retarded.

Yea I do know that everyone's economy is different, and that sucks. If you have time, you may have to farm stuff. You know you can get your own leather, but getting cloth from humanoids and other things as you are around the world will help too.

I guess at this point you should try to get Utgarde Keep, Nexus and Violet Hold runs, all Heroic of course. Those are the easier Heroics, usually fast and you might get upgrades in there. At the very least you will get Triumph badges which you can buy gear with. You can also trade them for the other, lower badges to get rewards from the other vendors in Dalaran and the ones up near the Argent Tournament.

Do you have any rep with any of the big factions in Northrend, like The Kirin Tor or Wyrmrest Temple? Are you wearing one of their tabards as you do Heroic runs to earn rep? Look into that too. I can't suggest enough getting Atlas Loot, for free, to plan out a strategy in the game. Wear one specific faction's tabard that has gear you need until you get their the needed rep level, then switch to another one.

If you have any specific questions let me know I'll see if I can help. Most of this shit is the same on Horde and Alliance.

12-08-2009, 08:35 AM
i usually run with my kirin tor tabard. i also have the wyrmrest tabard. my cloak is kirin tor, even tho its still blue. i was gonna post my toon link, but i think the armory is down right now.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 08:43 AM
There are 2 more tabards you should eventually get. The Argent Crusade which is basically under Dalaran in Icecrown, and The Knights of the Ebon Blade, which requires you to do a short quest chain to unlock. They are up in the Northwestern corner of Icecrown.

But don't worry about that just yet. Look up their loot tables, see who has leather stuff you can use and plan that out. But for right now you're probably doing OK. I think Wyrmrest has the head enchant you want though, so look that up. There's one that gives spell power and mana per 5, that's the one you want.

It can be a slow process at times but once you get your spell power over like 1000 or so I think you will find healing a little easier. 1200 to 1500 and you'll be doing very well. 2000+ and you're gonna start Raiding.

12-08-2009, 08:55 AM
I'm sitting here twitching like a crackhead waiting on the servers to come up. I hate patch day.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 09:03 AM
I'm sitting here twitching like a crackhead waiting on the servers to come up. I hate patch day.

You know it's gonna be a mess even when it comes back, just plan something else for today. I'm gonna try to get online later but I'm decking the halls at my house, planned this today because I knew the patch was coming and that day is always a no play day basically.

12-08-2009, 10:46 AM
im gonna miss almost all of the winter festival section. :down: i think im gonna get 2 days in and them im gone until Jan 5th.

Section 8
12-08-2009, 10:52 AM
From patch notes:


Commendation Badges which award reputation with various Wrath of the Lich King factions can be purchased with Emblems of Triumph in Dalaran. Each badge costs 1 Emblem of Triumph.
Gaining reputation with the Ashen Verdict in Icecrown Citadel will grant players access to upgradeable rings from Ormus the Penitent. Players can switch between the type of ring (melee/caster/tank/healer) at any point in the upgrade path for 200g.
The following reputations have been sped up by roughly 30%:
Argent Crusade
Alliance Vanguard
Horde Expedition
Kirin Tor
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Sons of Hodir
Wyrmrest Accord
Sons of Hodir quests now give more reputation overall.
Top-level helm and shoulder faction-related enchants are now available as Bind-on-Account items that do not require any faction to use once purchased (they still require the appropriate faction level to purchase).

12-08-2009, 10:54 AM
anything on druid status in this patch?

Section 8
12-08-2009, 11:00 AM

Prowl: This ability no longer has multiple ranks and penalizes movement speed by 30%.
Rebirth: The cooldown on this spell has been lowered from 20 minutes down to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.
Rejuvenation: The base duration on all ranks of this spell is now 15 seconds.
Tranquility: The cooldown on this spell has been reduced to 8 minutes, down from 10 minutes.
Eclipse: This effect will not activate again within 15 seconds of either type of Eclipse effect firing, in addition to the existing 30-second cooldown for each type of Eclipse. In addition, Eclipse now grants a 40% critical strike chance to Starfire and 40% increased damage to Wrath, up from 30%.
Force of Nature: Health on the treants has been increased.
Feral Combat
Predatory Strikes: The Predatory Swiftness buff from this talent now has an 8-second duration.
Gift of the Earthmother: Redesigned. This talent now increases spell haste by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the base global cooldown of Lifebloom by 2/4/6/8/10% instead of its previous effects.
Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the damage your pets take from area-of-effect damage by 90%, but no longer applies to area-of-effect damage caused by other players.

Druid Glyph Change:
Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation: This glyph allows for the druid's haste to reduce the time between the periodic healing effects of Rejuvenation.

Druid Bug fixes:

Glyph of Hurricane: Now modifies the spell tooltip on Hurricane to indicate the spell also applies a movement slowing effect.
Hurricane: When cast from Bear Form, Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form, this spell will now channel properly instead of stopping the channel as soon as the shapeshift is cancelled.
Infected Wounds: This ability is no longer considered to be in the magical defense category; therefore spell hit no longer applies to its activation. Tooltip error corrected.
Nature's Grace: The tooltip now correctly indicates that it will not be activated from periodic spell critical strikes.
Swipe (Bear): Tooltip corrected to display 8 yard range.
Rejuvenation: Druids will no longer get a more powerful spell error message when attempting to overwrite a Rejuvenation they cast.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:01 AM
From patch notes:


Commendation Badges which award reputation with various Wrath of the Lich King factions can be purchased with Emblems of Triumph in Dalaran. Each badge costs 1 Emblem of Triumph.
Gaining reputation with the Ashen Verdict in Icecrown Citadel will grant players access to upgradeable rings from Ormus the Penitent. Players can switch between the type of ring (melee/caster/tank/healer) at any point in the upgrade path for 200g.
The following reputations have been sped up by roughly 30%:
Argent Crusade
Alliance Vanguard
Horde Expedition
Kirin Tor
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Sons of Hodir
Wyrmrest Accord
Sons of Hodir quests now give more reputation overall.
Top-level helm and shoulder faction-related enchants are now available as Bind-on-Account items that do not require any faction to use once purchased (they still require the appropriate faction level to purchase).

Well, don't I feel like a complete douche bag. I got 5 different 80's to Exalted with Sons of Hodir and 2 toons Exalted with all of the major factions in Northrend including The Kaluak. I should have just waited for this fucking patch. Fuck me.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:02 AM
anything on druid status in this patch?

There's a lot of nice shit this patch, I always check MMO Champion ( news, but they also have the patch notes as well.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:03 AM
OK, I'm starting to twitch a little too. The fucking game needs to get turned on so I can at least do my cooking daily on my 3 80's.

12-08-2009, 11:05 AM
Rebirth: The cooldown on this spell has been lowered from 20 minutes down to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.
Rejuvenation: The base duration on all ranks of this spell is now 15 seconds.
Tranquility: The cooldown on this spell has been reduced to 8 minutes, down from 10 minutes.

THANK YOU!!!!! :clap:

and i think i found my next glyph!

Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation: This glyph allows for the druid's haste to reduce the time between the periodic healing effects of Rejuvenation

Section 8
12-08-2009, 11:06 AM
It's not just you... A buddy of mine has 7 level 80's and he's been banging his head against his desk for the past couple of hours.

There's a LOT of wasted time there with all of those toons, just in running the dailies alone...

12-08-2009, 11:07 AM
aaaaaaaand i just got saved lots of time in rep lvling :happy:

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:09 AM
It's not just you... A buddy of mine has 7 level 80's and he's been banging his head against his desk for the past couple of hours.

There's a LOT of wasted time there with all of those toons, just in running the dailies alone...

I'm sure this felt worse for people who did original WoW and then suddenly all the Burning Crusade shit came in. I know I've heard that was a rougher transition than the last BC to Lich King one was.

I'll survive, just feels like all that shit was a waste of time now that they've made it so easy to get rep and other things.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:10 AM
aaaaaaaand i just got saved lots of time in rep lvling :happy:

Quite you.

12-08-2009, 11:12 AM
Quite you.

or i could be quiet.... :tongue:

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:16 AM
This is very good news for people like you Misteriosa who haven't earned Exalted with those factions.

Also, I was reading all the low level things they are changing, it's gonna make leveling a toon more bearable. Kinda makes me wish I had waited to get my Shaman to 49 and my Paladin to 44. I'm just a day late and a fuckin' dollar short on all fronts in this game now.

12-08-2009, 11:19 AM
oh good. i have a lvl 22 pally sitting in SW and i couldnt bear going thru the lvling processes again. ive been wondering if i should go Ret with her.

Section 8
12-08-2009, 11:19 AM
I got into the game about 6 months before WotLK, so I don't know about the base to BC adjustments, but I will confirm that BC to WotLK was a pretty seamless affair to me.

I only have one level 80 right now. I've got a mage that in the past 2 weeks I've raised over 25 levels (being unemployed with friends that have level 80's that are unemployed work wonders for leveling a toon).

It seems to me that they are trying to make it easier for the casual WoWer to progress rapidly, but still giving the hardcore WoWer something to shoot for.

My big question is this: Will there be massive farming runs in the new Icecrown Citadel 5-mans?

12-08-2009, 11:22 AM
I've got a mage that in the past 2 weeks I've raised over 25 levels (being unemployed with friends that have level 80's that are unemployed work wonders for leveling a toon).


ive been considering asking my unemployed SiL to lvl my pally for me. im just afraid that i wont learn the class properly if i did that.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:23 AM
I got into the game about 6 months before WotLK, so I don't know about the base to BC adjustments, but I will confirm that BC to WotLK was a pretty seamless affair to me.

I only have one level 80 right now. I've got a mage that in the past 2 weeks I've raised over 25 levels (being unemployed with friends that have level 80's that are unemployed work wonders for leveling a toon).

It seems to me that they are trying to make it easier for the casual WoWer to progress rapidly, but still giving the hardcore WoWer something to shoot for.

My big question is this: Will there be massive farming runs in the new Icecrown Citadel 5-mans?

The Vanilla WoW to BC move was SEVERE. You walked into Outlands and replaced purples with green quest rewards. It REALLY fucking hurt. They learned from that move and BC to Lich King was much better. I had most of my Epic 70 gear on my priest until about level 76 or so before quest rewards were better than it. Made it a lot easier to deal with.

I love how they are making casual players more part of the game. I used to Raid 4 times a week, I'm not willing to do that anymore. The game just isn't worth all that free time. It is however a great game and a nice distraction. So I'm glad these things are being put into place for us.

And of course there will be farming runs. Expect ToC part 2.

Section 8
12-08-2009, 11:24 AM
oh good. i have a lvl 22 pally sitting in SW and i couldnt bear going thru the lvling processs again. ive been wondering if i should go Ret with her.

You need someone to power level you. Take you thru the same instances over and over again. Like I said in my above post, I PL'ed my mage over 25 levels in 2 weeks. We just have one level 80 going thru and tearing shit up, while up to 3 other lowbie toons get the XP and loot to split. This past weekend (ok from Thursday to Yesterday) I leveled from 35 to 60 doing this. If you have a lot rest XP saved up, you can level even faster.

It's a shame you're not on my server/guild. We'd help you out.

12-08-2009, 11:28 AM
when i hit 70 and went to northrend, the change in gear quality was huge. my first quest reward added 75 stamina and 45 intellect to my stats. outland is pretty much dead. its really hard to get instance runs there too

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:30 AM
oh good. i have a lvl 22 pally sitting in SW and i couldnt bear going thru the lvling processes again. ive been wondering if i should go Ret with her.

Yes, level Ret, then move towards whatever build you want closer to 80. That's what I'm doing, Ret gives you the killing power you need to solo a lot of stuff and the Mail and Plate armor, along with heals, give you the survivability.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:30 AM
You need someone to power level you. Take you thru the same instances over and over again. Like I said in my above post, I PL'ed my mage over 25 levels in 2 weeks. We just have one level 80 going thru and tearing shit up, while up to 3 other lowbie toons get the XP and loot to split. This past weekend (ok from Thursday to Yesterday) I leveled from 35 to 60 doing this. If you have a lot rest XP saved up, you can level even faster.

It's a shame you're not on my server/guild. We'd help you out.

Gotta love Scarlet Cathedral and Zul' Farrak runs, lol. Having one level 80 run you is great too because all drops are yours.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:31 AM
when i hit 70 and went to northrend, the change in gear quality was huge. my first quest reward added 75 stamina and 45 intellect to my stats. outland is pretty much dead. its really hard to get instance runs there too

That's how it was for my warlock. She was always my last priority behind my druid and priest so she was in shitty gear. When I finally got the time to level her, the Northrend upgrades were just amazing.

Section 8
12-08-2009, 11:38 AM

Mine isn't... :glurps:

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:38 AM

Mine isn't... :glurps:

Fuckin' jerks! Mine neither!

12-08-2009, 11:41 AM
i have a tauren druid sitting on Mauradin. here is her armory link

she's weaksauce.

Here is Siduri. i left her in balance spec with that gear:

and the guild im in is pretty much empty, so you can say i soloed to 80.

12-08-2009, 11:42 AM
is bloodscalp up?

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:45 AM
i have a tauren druid sitting on Mauradin. here is her armory link

she's weaksauce.

Here is Siduri. i left her in balance spec with that gear:

and the guild im in is pretty much empty, so you can say i soloed to 80.

Get Siduri ANY other weapon, something with Spell Power. Get a one hander with an off hand or a staff or something. Just get greens off the auction house cheap until you can afford better or can get a drop. I forget your healing gear, any improvements to that?

12-08-2009, 11:47 AM
but i was leveling my maces when i signed off :down: i cant remember what diff about the healing gear. i think the purples are the same on both.

Section 8
12-08-2009, 11:47 AM
Bloodscalp isn't up yet...

My server just came online...


Section 8
12-08-2009, 11:52 AM

Server's up, but taking forever to get on...

Too many people logging at the same time

12-08-2009, 11:55 AM

Server's up, but taking forever to get on...

Too many people logging at the same time

it'll be ok.. you can spend the time with us until things cool down. i have to wait until i get home... :down: hopefully ill be able to sign on....

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 11:58 AM
Well, it says Durotan is up.

Later! FOR THE HORDE!!!!

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 12:11 PM
Well I'm back. Realm is up but I sat at the loading screen for like 5 minutes so I gave up for awhile.

It's gonna be like this all night. I should probably plan some actual human contact instead....


Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 12:29 PM
OK having the load screen load all the way and not let you in is actually worse than just having the server completely down. It's a fucking tease.

12-08-2009, 12:42 PM
give it another hour. i dont plan on signing in until about 7 server or so

12-08-2009, 12:51 PM
but i was leveling my maces when i signed off :down: i cant remember what diff about the healing gear. i think the purples are the same on both.

Unless you want the Master of Arms achievement don't bother. As a druid you'll either be a caster who shouldn't be hitting things or in bear/cat form where your weapon skill doesn't matter. I still can't believe they took away leveling weapons on banished mobs either. You used to be able to walk to the first boss in Shadow Labyrinth and just go AFK whacking away at him. No more :down:

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 12:55 PM
Unless you want the Master of Arms achievement don't bother. As a druid you'll either be a caster who shouldn't be hitting things or in bear/cat form where your weapon skill doesn't matter. I still can't believe they took away leveling weapons on banished mobs either. You used to be able to walk to the first boss in Shadow Labyrinth and just go AFK whacking away at him. No more :down:

Ahh so THAT'S why she had a shitty melee 2 handed mace on, lol.

Only reason to bring up your weapon skill is if you go Feral. The weapon skill actually makes a difference. When I got Marrowstrike, I had to up my Polearm skill. I got between 10 and 15% extra crit by bringing it up near 450.

It is extremely lame though for a Druid because as Dirtbag said, attacking as an animal form doesn't up your equipped weapon skill, even in melee combat. So you're stuck attacking lower level mobs in regular Tauren or Night Elf form until you get it near max. I wasted 2 to 3 hours one night doing this, fucking sucked. The pay off was about a 50% crit chance when all is said and done but it was painful and a real waste of time.

12-08-2009, 12:57 PM
this game is fuckin queer.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 01:02 PM
this game is fuckin queer.

But you can get hair gel in the game, I swear. And you can ride around in Epic IROCs.

You should check it out.

12-08-2009, 01:03 PM
But you can get hair gel in the game, I swear. And you can ride around in Epic IROCs.

You should check it out.

oh shit!

no way they sell that shit at the mall?

12-08-2009, 01:04 PM
From wowwiki (

Weapon skill with the equipped weapon has no effect. Instead, the natural weapons always have the maximum weapon skill for their level. Unless you're an achievement whore like me you wasted those hours. The increase in crit rating you saw was only applicable in caster form.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 01:25 PM
From wowwiki (

Unless you're an achievement whore like me you wasted those hours. The increase in crit rating you saw was only applicable in caster form.

Well if that's true it's very fucking lame.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 01:28 PM
oh shit!

no way they sell that shit at the mall?

A busy man like yourself is probably fairly busy tanning and lifting. I suggest doing it all online. You can go to their website, buy a license for the game, download and install it all from the comfort of your home gym.

I got ya covered brah. The game is a decent distraction after you're done banging the 3 chicks you brought home from the club that night. But once summer hits, you're probably gonna be too busy to play. You can just put your account on hold and turn it on during those less busy months.

Bob Impact
12-08-2009, 01:32 PM
I think one thing got hit already here, but the Hodir rep grind should be a LOT easier now. As for the LFG interface... if it's half as good as it was on the PTR it's gonna RULE on live. I was waiting no more than 5 minutes per random heroic group on the PTR which obviously has less people than the battlegroups. Makes life a lot easier for those of us on low population servers. and Moe, don't get too excited about those badges, the new latest and greatest are Frost not Triumph, the Random dungeon will give you 2 per day so after you get your 2-3 things from Triumphs its going to be a LONG haul to T10 without raids.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 01:33 PM
I think one thing got hit already here, but the Hodir rep grind should be a LOT easier now. As for the LFG interface... if it's half as good as it was on the PTR it's gonna RULE on live. I was waiting no more than 5 minutes per random heroic group on the PTR which obviously has less people than the battlegroups. Makes life a lot easier for those of us on low population servers. and Moe, don't get too excited about those badges, the new latest and greatest are Frost not Triumph, the Random dungeon will give you 2 per day so after you get your 2-3 things from Triumphs its going to be a LONG haul to T10 without raids.

Oh I know, just means I can get the stuff with Triumphs on all my toons now. Not sure if that's good or bad, just keeps me busy.

12-08-2009, 01:35 PM
A busy man like yourself is probably fairly busy tanning and lifting. I suggest doing it all online. You can go to their website, buy a license for the game, download and install it all from the comfort of your home gym.

I got ya covered brah. The game is a decent distraction after you're done banging the 3 chicks you brought home from the club that night. But once summer hits, you're probably gonna be too busy to play. You can just put your account on hold and turn it on during those less busy months.

why are you being so nice to me bro?

are you some kind of pickle swallower?

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 01:37 PM
why are you being so nice to me bro?

are you some kind of pickle swallower?

No sir, I'm a non-threatening straight internet brah. It's the Christmas season, just being nice for once. I'm usually a sarcastic ass.

Bob Impact
12-08-2009, 01:37 PM
True, but you will at least be able to get some plus an awesome pet from the random heroics. Plus you need to buy the badge version of T10 before you can get the upgraded version so at least everyone is in the same boat.

12-08-2009, 01:37 PM
No sir, I'm a non-threatening straight internet brah. It's the Christmas season, just being nice for once. I'm usually a sarcastic ass.

go bake something while i pound out your broad.

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 01:38 PM
go bake something while i pound out your broad.

I actually love baking. :tongue:

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 01:39 PM
True, but you will at least be able to get some plus an awesome pet from the random heroics. Plus you need to buy the badge version of T10 before you can get the upgraded version so at least everyone is in the same boat.

And a new rep grind.

Woo hoo....:annoyed:

12-08-2009, 03:56 PM
From wowwiki (

Unless you're an achievement whore like me you wasted those hours. The increase in crit rating you saw was only applicable in caster form.

my name is Siduri, and im an achievement whore... :down:

Death Metal Moe
12-08-2009, 04:41 PM
Well I was in the game. Dalaran was Lagaran as always. Got my warlock into the new Dungeon Finder thing, it loaded me into a possible Utguarde Keep, then dumped me out. Seems that "Additional Instances cannot be launched" message is popping up again. Oh how I missed that awesome message! Love it when instance servers are capped.

I don't think I'll be logging on for the rest of the night, and if I do, I'll just level my paladin.

12-08-2009, 06:37 PM
yeah.. all the instances are locked/dead/ whatever.

dal is skippy as all hell. im done there for the nite...

12-08-2009, 07:29 PM
my name is Siduri, and im an achievement whore... :down:
Welcome to the club (

12-09-2009, 06:55 AM
Just wanted to give a heads up. If you buy or download a mobile authenticator you will get a free Core Hound Pup non combat pet. I DLed my app for the iphone a few months ago but didn't use it until last night and a very cute present was waiting for me.

Also the new patch is pretty interesting. How do you guys feel about the "Quest Helper" feature they added?

I am of two minds. Going out and Dling a quest helper app is one thing, a player has to go the extra effort and want to be helped, but having wow give you one makes me feel like they are just spoon feeding new players.

12-09-2009, 07:12 AM
so thats what they did. i was wondering wth was happening to my quest log...

Death Metal Moe
12-09-2009, 08:09 AM
I love what they did to the low level toons. Making mana regen higher until level 15, the quest helper (now I don't need the add on), all of it.

The most painful part of this game is leveling an alt, whatever they can do to make that better is great in my mind.

My buddy and I keep saying they should make you level one 80 on a realm and after that, ANY class can be started at 55 just like DKs. It would help with the tank/healer shortage if you ask me.

12-09-2009, 08:26 AM
I love what they did to the low level toons. Making mana regen higher until level 15, the quest helper (now I don't need the add on), all of it.

The most painful part of this game is leveling an alt, whatever they can do to make that better is great in my mind.

My buddy and I keep saying they should make you level one 80 on a realm and after that, ANY class can be started at 55 just like DKs. It would help with the tank/healer shortage if you ask me.

I love how they no longer give you bread and water when you are lvl 1. You know I think I still have my lvl 1 water and bread in the bank.

That is a great idea. Although I just rolled a shammy, and learning to play her has been just as much fun as lvling so if you start 55 I would hope the "starter" quests would be geared to helping the player learn to play their chosen class.

It is shocking to me just how many people don't learn to play, I mean wow isn't rocket science but knowing how to do basic healing or tanking correctly shouldn't be too much to ask.

12-09-2009, 08:27 AM
I love what they did to the low level toons. Making mana regen higher until level 15, the quest helper (now I don't need the add on), all of it.

The most painful part of this game is leveling an alt, whatever they can do to make that better is great in my mind.

My buddy and I keep saying they should make you level one 80 on a realm and after that, ANY class can be started at 55 just like DKs. It would help with the tank/healer shortage if you ask me.

holy shit. fuck yes. can you write that to blizzard? please?

Death Metal Moe
12-09-2009, 08:34 AM
Of course a concern is you won't learn your class as well starting at 55, but they did it with DKs and yea, a lot of people level their toons and still don't know how to play them. They don't know what buffs to keep on themselves, they don't know how to spec, they don't know all their "OH SHIT!" buttons, they just suck. I don't think letting us have toons at 55 would help or harm that.

Bob Impact
12-09-2009, 05:16 PM
Of course a concern is you won't learn your class as well starting at 55, but they did it with DKs and yea, a lot of people level their toons and still don't know how to play them. They don't know what buffs to keep on themselves, they don't know how to spec, they don't know all their "OH SHIT!" buttons, they just suck. I don't think letting us have toons at 55 would help or harm that.

Personally I think DKs were REALLY bad at the beginning of WoTLK but that's basically evened out now... that said, I think my favorite part of the game is leveling alts (80 Priest, Shaman, Pally, DK for me, 71 rogue too)

12-15-2009, 10:28 AM
Just found this thread. I play on Icecrown as Alliance. Is there a Ron and Fez guild on any server? I think I'd be willing to even switch factions to play with some fellow Ron and Fez fans.

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 11:17 AM
Just found this thread. I play on Icecrown as Alliance. Is there a Ron and Fez guild on any server? I think I'd be willing to even switch factions to play with some fellow Ron and Fez fans.

There is no Ron and Fez or even O&A faction that I've seen stick together for too long. So I'd say just keep playing with whoever you've become friends with on your server, even if you are a filthy Alliance toon.

12-15-2009, 11:21 AM
your alliance hate makes me sad :glurps:

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 12:57 PM
your alliance hate makes me sad :glurps:

Sorry, I just never really liked that side. I took a human paladin to 31 back in Vanilla WoW, back before Burning Crusade, back before it was so fucking easy to level toons. Got so bored with it I completely deleted the toon, went Horde. My friends were over there so it was even more tempting. Actually, my original pal who was into the game had a Raiding Alliance 60, and even he dumped that toon and went Horde. I mean he didn't delete his toon, his account was banned for power leveling, but that's another story.

The point is, Horde rules Alliance Drools. :innocent:

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 01:04 PM
It's too bad you're not Horde on my server Misteriosa, what you need is to dual spec to DPS and have friends or a guild run you though Heroics, letting you have any and all upgrades that you can use for both specs until you're good enough to Heal them, then run them as a healer as well.

My 3 friends and I have done this with many friends in the past as we collect emblems. We're at the point right now where all we do is put tank, healer and 2 DPS into the Dungeon Finder, get a quick 5th and speed through dungeons like demons. We did Heroic Azjol-Nerub in under 15 minutes yesterday. We can do H Halls of Lightening and H Utguarde Keep in about 20 minutes. We're even getting the hang of Occulus. H Trial of the Champions is another great place.

Once you get all the upgrades out of there you can start Raiding, which is where I am now. I'm just collecting emblems on my druid, then after I'm done with that I have to decide if I want to join a Raiding guild or move on to my other toons. Not sure I want to dedicate that much time to the game anymore.

12-15-2009, 01:38 PM
i bought this game because of you moe.

you fuckin queers seriously like this?

12-15-2009, 02:27 PM
There is no Ron and Fez or even O&A faction that I've seen stick together for too long. So I'd say just keep playing with whoever you've become friends with on your server, even if you are a filthy Alliance toon.

Yeah I noticed that as well, when I had my second shoulder surgery I leveled a NE hunter with an OnA guild but I dont think they are even around anymore, I may just move the hunter over to my main realm since hes like 65 or so with good gear.

12-15-2009, 02:29 PM
My 3 friends and I have done this with many friends in the past as we collect emblems. We're at the point right now where all we do is put tank, healer and 2 DPS into the Dungeon Finder, get a quick 5th and speed through dungeons like demons. We did Heroic Azjol-Nerub in under 15 minutes yesterday. We can do H Halls of Lightening and H Utguarde Keep in about 20 minutes. We're even getting the hang of Occulus. H Trial of the Champions is another great place.
Patch 3.3 made Oculus a joke. I got pugged into it the other night on my warrior and got the Make it Count ( achievement without even trying. I did the Glory of the Hero on my hunter back in March and that one took a few days with good players in my guild.

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 03:32 PM
i bought this game because of you moe.

you fuckin queers seriously like this?

Joey Joey Joey, give it time my man, give it time. And the game kinda restarts at 80, it's a whole new ballgame then.

Just level a little and let the WowCrack enter your system. You'll be under it's effects in no time my tanned man.

12-15-2009, 03:49 PM
i am dual spec'ed to dps. no one is interested in pulling me along for that. only heals gets the acceptance. heals are highly sought on my server, dps , not so much.

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 03:54 PM
i am dual spec'ed to dps. no one is interested in pulling me along for that. only heals gets the acceptance. heals are highly sought on my server, dps , not so much.

Yea, Heals and Tanks are always sought after on any server. Same story all over the place.

Well if you don't have the ability to have peeps help you along then you're gonna have to do it the old fashioned way. You are basically going to have to earn your emblems through the dungeon finder and get upgrades that way. If you fail at a few, so be it, get down whatever bosses you can and then leave. Take upgrades as they come if they come in Heroics, you can still benefit from them at your point.

It does suck to not have friends or a guild to help you out alittle, you may want to ask around or even just ask in trade if anyone is willing to help a healer meet her potential. So few people want to heal just someone saying they would want to is a bonus, you may find people to help you out if you say you will stay heals for them.

12-15-2009, 03:59 PM
lets hope. i seem to only be meeting some SERIOUS douches on the server lately. its discouraging, really. :down:

12-15-2009, 05:27 PM
lets hope. i seem to only be meeting some SERIOUS douches on the server lately. its discouraging, really. :down:

Awww (((( big hug)))) this is the main reason I switched to Horde. The Ally side on Draenor even if you are in a good guild is full of douchy people I have no clue why but it was rare to find help of good advice on ally side.

We should pick a random server and all roll something fun and start a Ron and Fez guild it would be super fun.

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 05:33 PM
[2. Trade] [Death Metal Moe]: WTB [Titansteel Bar] PST with price...

oh sorry, I just had a flashback.

12-15-2009, 05:37 PM
i've never played this game yet i find it fascinating to read about, though i understand about 1/8 of what is being said. i wish i had a decent computer so i could play shit like this.

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 05:39 PM
i've never played this game yet i find it fascinating to read about, though i understand about 1/8 of what is being said. i wish i had a decent computer so i could play shit like this.

They made the game so that a wide range of computers, from gaming comps down to much more basic comps, can play the game. Of course it won't look as good on basic comps but it is possible.

But as with everyone who shows interest about the game, I always say


12-15-2009, 05:46 PM
lets hope. i seem to only be meeting some SERIOUS douches on the server lately. its discouraging, really. :down:

What server on you on? I have a few friends spread across a few servers that may be able to help if you are there.........

But moe is right, healing is at a premium always, if you heal they will take you anywhere.

12-15-2009, 05:55 PM
i've never played this game yet i find it fascinating to read about, though i understand about 1/8 of what is being said. i wish i had a decent computer so i could play shit like this.

I've been playing it on a 3.5 year old laptop. It doesn't take a lot of horsepower if you just turn down some of the options.

Download the trial and get someone you know to help you get started.

12-15-2009, 05:57 PM
I've been playing it on a 3.5 year old laptop. It doesn't take a lot of horsepower if you just turn down some of the options.

Download the trial and get someone you know to help you get started.

i got my laptop back in '04. got a few upgrades about a year ago. but my sound doesn't work at all, and i don't have internet at home. so it's just wishful thinking.

Death Metal Moe
12-15-2009, 06:00 PM
I've been playing it on a 3.5 year old laptop. It doesn't take a lot of horsepower if you just turn down some of the options.

Download the trial and get someone you know to help you get started.

DO NOT download that fucking Trial. And Im not even joking at this point, this game gets outta hand fast, just stick to whatever other forms of entertainment you like.

Unless you think spending 2 hours farming Rhino meat in the Borean Tundra sounds like fun.

12-15-2009, 08:32 PM
What server on you on? I have a few friends spread across a few servers that may be able to help if you are there.........

But moe is right, healing is at a premium always, if you heal they will take you anywhere.
im on bloodscalp, alliance
DO NOT download that fucking Trial. And Im not even joking at this point, this game gets outta hand fast, just stick to whatever other forms of entertainment you like.

Unless you think spending 2 hours farming Rhino meat in the Borean Tundra sounds like fun.

how did you know what i was doing :o

sleep time :bye:

Section 8
12-15-2009, 10:40 PM
I just wrapped up farming [Small Egg]s for people trying to give Greatfather Winter some Gingerbread Cookies...

20G for 5 eggs...

I farmed 100 in a half hour...

Me likey gold!

12-16-2009, 07:29 AM
that was such easy gold.

no one wants to go to redridge to farm dire condors for easy egg drops. they have a drop rate of like 65%.


Death Metal Moe
12-16-2009, 07:38 AM
how did you know what i was doing :o

sleep time :bye:

Lol, we've all been there. I drop into my Feral spec and jump into bear form. I've taken down groups of like 20 Rhinos at a time, it's sick. And I'm not even tank spec, I'm DPS in that spec.

LOVE my Druid, she's the best.

And forget about healing, what a breeze compared to my priest.

Section 8
12-16-2009, 08:35 AM
that was such easy gold.

no one wants to go to redridge to farm dire condors for easy egg drops. they have a drop rate of like 65%.


I farm mine over in Azuremyst Isle... Lots of Wildkin and sometimes you get a quick triple respawn and pull 3 eggs in 10 seconds.

Death Metal Moe
12-19-2009, 02:10 PM
I have to say, they MUST have recently increased the amount of quest experience you get in Azeroth because I have gone up like 4 levels in 2 days on my Blood Elf Paladin. It's fucking insane. I'm just motoring through Tanaris, Ungoro Crater, Felwood and now into Winterspring and/or Western Plaguelands.

It's fucking crazy. At this rate I'll be in Outlands by early next week and 80 before New Years.

Suspect Chin
12-19-2009, 04:42 PM
Anyone found Mr. T's Mohawk Grenade yet?

Death Metal Moe
12-19-2009, 04:55 PM
Anyone found Mr. T's Mohawk Grenade yet?

Yea, weeks ago. They put a guy near the starting zone of Alliance and Horde toons a long time ago.

No idea where the Alliance one is because Alliance sucks horse cocks but the Horde one is south of Orgrimmar near Senjin village.

Suspect Chin
12-19-2009, 05:02 PM
Yea, weeks ago. They put a guy near the starting zone of Alliance and Horde toons a long time ago.

No idea where the Alliance one is because Alliance sucks horse cocks but the Horde one is south of Orgrimmar near Senjin village.

Cool. I've never played the game, I just saw the commercial.

12-19-2009, 06:51 PM
Anyone found Mr. T's Mohawk Grenade yet?

There is one right on the edge of the Draenei starting zone, he is fishing by a little hut by the water.

01-07-2010, 07:02 AM
i had my first run in with the new dungeon finder program. i heart it. i ran more dungeons last night than i did since i turned 80 in november.

and yes, i want that pug :o

01-12-2010, 06:40 AM
ive been running dungeons like a mad woman.

how do you think my progress is going? Siduri (

im thinking about respecing my resto so that its less balance heavy. :unsure:

Death Metal Moe
01-12-2010, 06:53 AM
ive been running dungeons like a mad woman.

how do you think my progress is going? Siduri (

im thinking about respecing my resto so that its less balance heavy. :unsure:

Your gear is A LOT fucking better even if most of it is cloth. Who cares at this point, you needed spell power BADLY.

1st thing is gem that head.

2nd thing is yes, get some of those points of out Balance. You have points in stuff that only helps attack spells. Get those 3 points out of Starlight Wrath and those 2 points in Improved Moonfire. Those are attack spells and are of no use to you as a healer.

To tell you the truth, with the instant cast nature of a lot of important druid healing spells, I debate the usefullness of Nature's Swiftness, but that may be up to personal play style.

But with the points you freeded up you can get down to Master Shapeshifter in the Resto tree which is a free 2% healing bonus in Tree Form now.

You're on the right track now, much much better. Now you can continue to run dungeons in the random and feel confident you have enough juice to heal almost all 5 man heroics. As you are, you can start replacing cloth with leather and hopefully getting some better trinkets. There's a nice straight spell Power one in Heroic Halls of Lightening to keep your eyes on.

Good luck.

01-16-2010, 05:15 AM
new armory features!

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Bob Impact
01-16-2010, 06:57 AM
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Death Metal Moe
01-18-2010, 09:14 PM
Let's see if this works.

Here is my main.

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Death Metal Moe
01-18-2010, 09:15 PM
And here's the newest 80 added to my family of toons. Just dinged today.

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Bob Impact
01-19-2010, 02:17 AM
Here's Sarah:
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

and my DK:
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

01-19-2010, 02:49 AM
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Bob Impact
01-19-2010, 02:57 PM
Holy achievements on the Hunter.

01-20-2010, 01:16 PM
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="588" width="321" frameborder="0"></iframe>

My two characters, if you have ever seen me in game then you know Im not nearly as big a dick as I think I am.

Mainly play the warrior simply because the new arms tree is so much fun but the druid heals fine since they nerfed the balance tree.

01-20-2010, 01:54 PM
i had my first run in with the new dungeon finder program. i heart it. i ran more dungeons last night than i did since i turned 80 in november.

and yes, i want that pug :o

I agree that dugeon finding system is great, it has gotten me almost all the gear I have on my two characters lately, although I have cheated a bit by having the GFs kid run a ton of instances on both.

I have the pug on kixxer and almost there on sindar, I think

01-22-2010, 05:29 AM
im having a hard time searching for equipment upgrades since the new features were put in place on the armory. maybe im just not looking in the right place.

any suggestions on what i could be doing wrong? :down:

edit: nevermind. the arrow feature is back now... :o

Death Metal Moe
01-22-2010, 06:32 AM
The Dungeon Finder is great but still not fool proof. Problems I'm having with it:

1. People's attitudes are terrible and sometimes leave if you wipe once on a bad fear or other honest mistake. Sometimes they leave just because you're not moving fast enough.

2. It feeds you shitty instances a lot, I've been in Halls of Stone more times than I care to count.

3. The finder doesn't really seem to match up similarly geared players. You'll have a 4700 gear score DPS grouped with a 3500 gearscore healer.

4. A LOT of people leave after the boss they were looking to get to didn't drop the item they were after. If it's a DPS their role will get filled almost instantly again, but if it's healer or tank you may be in for a wait again.

5. I guess this may not be the finder's fault but there's a real shortage of tanks it seems. 9 times out of 10 I'm waiting for a tank these days. I guess people rolled healers when there was a shortage but now there's a tank shortage.

6. Sucks when 4 people from the same guild are doing runs in the random because they have a super majority to vote you out if you do anything wrong or get mouthy for any reason, even a justified one. They could vote you out if your gearscore is too low if they felt like it really.

It's really just piss poor attitudes in groups that annoy me more than anything, but overall the dungeon finders is a HUGE help. My pally's healing set went from like a 3200 gearscore to almost 4000 in a week or so just picking up gear as I went. Have most of a tank set in the bank and my DPS set went up quite a bit too.

It's not perfect, but it's so much better than it used to be.

Death Metal Moe
01-22-2010, 06:36 AM
Oh and another thing, the default loot setting when you go into the place is set so that you can't roll on certain armor. For instance, there's a cloth caster head that drops off the 1st boss of regular Utguarde Keep. I had that head for awhile as a druid even though it's cloth, but it was the best head I could find at 1st.

The default loot system sets it so that a druid can't roll on cloth because druids can use leather. It's supposed to help stop ninja looters but in the end it ends up fucking a lot of players who would use lower armor just to get by until they could find suitable pieces. And since you can't trade across servers, once someone else has it they can't trade it. Most times people select to disenchant it anyway if there's the option available, so it's a shard already even if they could trade it.

01-22-2010, 07:08 AM
so THATS why i cant roll on certain items... mystery solved. :o

now for the healers:

does it seem like we get all the blame if a group/raid wipes? why wont the tank accept that they can sometimes overaggro and cant hold it? and why is it that people forget to protect the healers? :down:

is my frustration misplaced? am i just being oversenstive? am i just plain wrong?

i know im not the greatest healer, or even a really good one, but i sure as hell cant be responsible for ALL of those wipes, can i? :down:

Death Metal Moe
01-22-2010, 08:57 AM
so THATS why i cant roll on certain items... mystery solved. :o

now for the healers:

does it seem like we get all the blame if a group/raid wipes? why wont the tank accept that they can sometimes overaggro and cant hold it? and why is it that people forget to protect the healers? :down:

is my frustration misplaced? am i just being oversenstive? am i just plain wrong?

i know im not the greatest healer, or even a really good one, but i sure as hell cant be responsible for ALL of those wipes, can i? :down:

Healers do get blamed for a lot of the wipes, it sucks. It's just the way it is. Every tank expects a healer to keep them up through whatever amount of mobs they take on themselves. No one knows if they're defense capped, they might not be. They might just suck at their job.

A LOT of Death Knight tanks suck balls, flat out. The player decided to make a "free tank" they get at level 55 and start tanking, but they suck. They don't understand their class and Blizz nerfed a lot of stuff on DKs making it hard for them to hold multiple targets.

The old rule of thumb is this:

If the tank dies, it's the healers fault
If the healer dies, it's the tank's fault
if the DPS dies, it's their own fault

That's not ALWAYS true, but a lot of the time it works. The fucking DPS just LOVE to go balls out the second the tank pulls a group and that just fucks most pulls up right from the get go. Now that the DPS is dropping their high threat/high DPS shit on the target, the tank is fighting to get good aggro hold, and if the tank can't get it back, the mob bounces all over the place. Now it's hard for everyone to pick them up.

So if a DPS dies, tell them "watch your aggro." They need to download Omen, a DPS metering program that warns you when you are overtaking the tank's aggro.

If your tank dies and he accuses you of sucking, ask him what his defense is at. If he sayd 540 or around there, then he's defense capped or at least enough for 5 man heroics. If not, then out them for being the one who sucks. Also low parry and block for toons who use shields can hurt a group too. There's also nothing wrong with just saying "Slow down a little, I'm not your guild healer, I'm just a random person and I'm not comfortable with your pace. If you don't like it, vote to boot me and sit in Que for another 10 minutes for another healer." Don't forget you are in a position of power as a healer, use it to your advantage. Fuck them.

So yea us Healers get the blame a lot because it's easy to point out "You let my health go down to zero" but there's so many things at play that it's not always you. I know I just have bad nights from time to time but it's usually not me.

Just remember all that the next time someone tries to point the finger of blame at you.

01-22-2010, 02:36 PM
:glurps: All this WoW talk makes me miss the game.

Bob Impact
01-22-2010, 02:42 PM
The reason there's a lack of tanks is the same reason i stopped tanking randoms... it's a fucking NIGHTMARE. Nothing will turn you off from tanking faster than a paladin in ret gear trying to heal you through Heroic FoR because their ret gear score is high enough to get in.

01-23-2010, 08:39 PM
so THATS why i cant roll on certain items... mystery solved. :o

now for the healers:

does it seem like we get all the blame if a group/raid wipes? why wont the tank accept that they can sometimes overaggro and cant hold it? and why is it that people forget to protect the healers? :down:

is my frustration misplaced? am i just being oversenstive? am i just plain wrong?

i know im not the greatest healer, or even a really good one, but i sure as hell cant be responsible for ALL of those wipes, can i? :down:
There are times its the healers fault but a lot of time a bad tank is to blame for not holding aggro, we wiped in Halls of Stone 8 times and partly because none of them knew the fights but mostly because of a bad tank, I had to keep screaming at them to get away from each other during krystallus. Then at the Tribunal of Ages we were toast, the tank(waaaaaay under geared, I dont know how he got in) could never keep aggro once all the waves started in and once the healer had one good heal she was dead. That was his fault since he knew better than to tank that, the moron even had some greens still on, I want to say his gearscore was mid 3k, hell if I had my tank gear on kixxer I could have done better and I havent tanked an instance in two years!

Death Metal Moe
01-24-2010, 07:37 AM
I had a tank go for the Dwarf event, then right back to the end guy on HoS. It was fucking great. We were in and out of that place in 15 minutes. I really am starting to get sick of the amount of times they feed you HoS so it was a pleasure to just down 2 bosses and get 4 emblems with the random completion reward.

Suggest it next time you do HoS to speed it up.

Bob Impact
01-24-2010, 08:09 AM
People still do the other two bosses?

Death Metal Moe
01-24-2010, 08:12 AM
I usually do them all, yea. It's SO fucking annoying, especially the pulls before the Maiden boss. NO ONE wants to LoS those fucking dwarf casters walking around before her hallway so it's just chaos for about a minute as the tank tries to get them all aggroed to him and I heal my roots off.

I just recently discovered doing the 2 bosses then getting out trick. I'm the healer and healers don't usually "drive" an instance ya know?

Bob Impact
01-24-2010, 08:18 AM
I usually do them all, yea. It's SO fucking annoying, especially the pulls before the Maiden boss. NO ONE wants to LoS those fucking dwarf casters walking around before her hallway so it's just chaos for about a minute as the tank tries to get them all aggroed to him and I heal my roots off.

I just recently discovered doing the 2 bosses then getting out trick. I'm the healer and healers don't usually "drive" an instance ya know?

You can though, if you say it 90% of the time the tank will do it. Nobody wants to lose the healer so if you say "let's do 2 and get out" theres a good chance it'll happen.

Death Metal Moe
01-24-2010, 08:23 AM
You can though, if you say it 90% of the time the tank will do it. Nobody wants to lose the healer so if you say "let's do 2 and get out" theres a good chance it'll happen.

Oh yea, I will from now on. To be honest I've done all bosses so many times with friends and randoms I didn't even know you could do the 2 and out. I'll suggest that from now on, fuck them. Unless someone REALLY needs drops off the other bosses I'll just bail on them, fuck it. I fucking hate that place.

I gotta start healing more on my Pally though, did a H OK with him the other night, was shocked his gear could handle it. My buddy's tank is fairly diesel too.

01-24-2010, 08:39 AM

It seems that it really is better to just clear the entire place, especially if you're not a Tank/Healer and will just have to sit in LFG for 15 minutes. I think the biggest problem is most people are already at the point where they just do one a day for their Frost emblems and want to get out ASAP.

With Halls of Stone I don't mind doing the whole thing because the escort event is the biggest pain in the ass in there, especially if you're carrying two 900 DPS scrubs, and you have to do it to finish. The other two bosses are just a little bit more time.

For some reason the finder loves me and I get Azjol-Nerub almost every day. Personal record is 7 minutes start to finish.

Death Metal Moe
01-24-2010, 08:58 AM

It seems that it really is better to just clear the entire place, especially if you're not a Tank/Healer and will just have to sit in LFG for 15 minutes. I think the biggest problem is most people are already at the point where they just do one a day for their Frost emblems and want to get out ASAP.

With Halls of Stone I don't mind doing the whole thing because the escort event is the biggest pain in the ass in there, especially if you're carrying two 900 DPS scrubs, and you have to do it to finish. The other two bosses are just a little bit more time.

For some reason the finder loves me and I get Azjol-Nerub almost every day. Personal record is 7 minutes start to finish.

When I see that AN load screen I always smile, even more so than UK at this point. AN is insanely easy and fast now, 3 bosses in 15 minutes on average with a half way decent group. Even better with someone who can disengage the 2nd spider boss and do that cool trick.

Bob Impact
01-24-2010, 11:58 AM
Whenever I see the an loadscreen I do a little dance. Same with toc and fos

Death Metal Moe
01-24-2010, 01:17 PM
Whenever I see the an loadscreen I do a little dance. Same with toc and fos

You mean like an in game dance or a RL dance?:unsure:

Bob Impact
01-24-2010, 01:23 PM
You mean like an in game dance or a RL dance?:unsure:

RL dance... this one:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Death Metal Moe
01-24-2010, 01:29 PM
RL dance... this one:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I answer your overused internet fad with am overused meme:

Bob Impact
01-24-2010, 01:39 PM
I answer your overused internet fad with am overused meme:

I counter your overused internet meme with another overused internet meme subtly poking fun at myself in the process, thereby creating a vortex of overused memes, invalidating the shame I should feel.

Death Metal Moe
01-24-2010, 01:46 PM

02-11-2010, 04:32 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>