View Full Version : Punisher: War Zone
I finally saw the trailer for this.
The fact that they casted Pullo from Rome (Ray Stevenson), no offense to Tom Jane, means this movie will own. The guy from The Wire as Jigsaw is also a good choice.
Expectations for the secondary Marvel character movies are generally pretty low. But I think this one will be more Iron Man than Daredevil.
At the very least, it'll be a bloodbath, from the trailer. Definite R rating.
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08-27-2008, 11:39 AM
Jesus Christ, that first trailer is gory as hell. Looks like it could be entertaining, though.
08-27-2008, 11:54 AM
i want the old punisher guy.
he was sexcellent.
08-27-2008, 11:57 AM
i want the old punisher guy.
he was sexcellent.
Then this news is especially for you Friday. Enjoy! (
i want the old punisher guy.
he was sexcellent.
He may be sexcellent, but he's not killerific.
Nobody kills as well as Pullo.
Let old punisher do another Christiana Applegate romp movie.
08-27-2008, 07:10 PM
Jesus Christ, that first trailer is gory as hell. Looks like it could be entertaining, though.
my thoughts exactly
that would have to be a nc 17 rating, no ??
Seriously...the more I think about this, it's the best fit, in terms of casting, for Punisher.
If this movie blows, I'd almost guarantee it won't be Ray Stevenson's fault.
Now, if they can just tap Vorenus aka Journeyman (Kevin McKidd) to play Thor as was originally rumored, Marvel would be on to something
Basically, I'll watch anything these two do now because of stupid Rome.
08-28-2008, 01:52 AM
From the trailer the movie looks pretty good. Just have to wait and see. Just from the trailer it looks like jigsaw is born the same way the Joker was born in the first batman movie.
Just hope they create jigsaw like they did in the comics. I recommend if anyone wants to read a good story with the birth of jigsaw read Punisher: year one.
Only bad thing for this movie, the director Lexi Alexander, was kicked off the movie. Don't know for sure what happened, but on her web site she was giving updates. Recently that has stopped and their is no meantion of the movie on her site. So that could be sort of bad news.
Also this is not a sequal. It is a redo. Because in this one they have Frank lose his family in NY.
All this and I can't wait to see it. Might have to take off from work to see it...speaking of work I better get started.
08-28-2008, 03:02 AM
i want the old punisher guy.
he was sexcellent.
Dolph Lundgren?!
I loved Tom Jane in the original role, thought The Punisher was one of the better, more violent, darker, in more gritty comic book flicks to come out at the time, but Ray Stevenson taking over the role could be a good thing. The first trailer posted here is BADASS! You know this film isn't going for anything but over the top glorification of just peoples' heads exploding when shotguns are fired, etc. But, I think they can pull it off if some sort of acting-dialogue-plot is brought into it, it's kind of sad to say that, but actions flicks never really were going for an Oscar, haha.
08-28-2008, 05:39 AM
I'm pretty excited about this movie. I want a Punisher movie to be totally brutal, and the trailer looks to deliver. I mean.....what's cooler than stabbing a chair leg through someones eye socket? :clap:
As for the previous movie, Thomas Jane did a good job. the fight scenes were pretty good, specially with the Russian. I dug when he stabbed the shit out of that guy, and then stuck the knife up through his throat. That shit was awesome. John Travolta wrecked the movie for me.... Hate that fucker.
From the trailer the movie looks pretty good. Just have to wait and see. Just from the trailer it looks like jigsaw is born the same way the Joker was born in the first batman movie.
Just hope they create jigsaw like they did in the comics. I recommend if anyone wants to read a good story with the birth of jigsaw read Punisher: year one.
Only bad thing for this movie, the director Lexi Alexander, was kicked off the movie. Don't know for sure what happened, but on her web site she was giving updates. Recently that has stopped and their is no meantion of the movie on her site. So that could be sort of bad news.
Also this is not a sequal. It is a redo. Because in this one they have Frank lose his family in NY.
All this and I can't wait to see it. Might have to take off from work to see it...speaking of work I better get started.
I was actually searching around a little bit for info on this movie last night and the Lexi Alexander being fired rumor is supposedly false.
There's a few people that have since corroborated that she's still in on editing.
It is a complete reboot, though...and from what I understand, part the theory of rebooting was that they wanted to go the extra mile to make a lot of the stuff look like the comic book, so I imagine Jigsaw looks pretty good...I know Frank looks dead on.
There's been a ton of awful rumors floating around about this movie, but none of them really seem to have been corroborated.
From the trailer, it looks pretty hardcore.
John Travolta wrecked the movie for me.... Hate that fucker.
Oh, leave that poor Scientologist alone! :lol:
08-28-2008, 09:37 AM
I didn't realize that they were doing a reboot for the Punisher too. I thought the new movie was going to take the first as basic origin but use a new actor and make things a little more brutal. Looks like they are going back to the comic book 'shootout in the park' origin and tagging on some hardcore violence. Wow.
08-29-2008, 08:25 AM
i had a dream last night that Pullo was chasing me and i escaped but then ended up being tortured by Vorenus. except i looked like gabrielle anwar.
it was weird.
i think i need to stop watching these trailers and be happy i am finished reading American Psycho.
i think i need to stop watching these trailers and be happy i am finished reading American Psycho.
So, did you like it overall? Day after tomorrow's the due date.
08-29-2008, 08:32 AM
So, did you like it overall? Day after tomorrow's the due date.
i did. and i feel like i should read it again. but i need a break ... some parts were pretty brutal. i will post more in the thread later.
i think i need some Jane Austen now lol
i had a dream last night that Pullo was chasing me and i escaped but then ended up being tortured by Vorenus. except i looked like gabrielle anwar.
it was weird.
i think i need to stop watching these trailers and be happy i am finished reading American Psycho.
08-30-2008, 02:14 AM
this movie looks fucking sick!!!!!!!
i'm a huge HUGE thomas jane fan & i did like the first move, but holy crap this will erase any memory of it. i was really disappointed to find out he wasn't going to continue with the character, but this is a whole new angle & i really hope it's for the better.
Ok, so I saw this movie tonight.
There were literally five people in the theater.
Now, here's the's a bad movie. There is barely a semblance of a story (especially in the first hour), the acting is pretty awful (except for Ray Stevenson), and it was badly, badly written.
But the level of gore and violence is unfuckingbelievable.
It is absolutely ridiculous how crazily violent this movie is.
And I'm by no means a gore fan, but I was genuinely impressed by it.
So that's the one reason to probably go see this.
But the more I thought about it, the more I would just describe this movie as very comic booky.
Comic Books (at least the Marvel ones) generally have a lot of stereotypical type of characters, the dialogue is hacky, and there's some really bad one liners. If you took an issue of an old Marvel Punisher comic and transcribed it completely to film, it'd kind of look like that.
The problem is, that it doesn't make good cinema. But there's something to it, that at least makes it a little bit different than a typically bad movie.
I don't think they were trying to make a serious, reflective Punisher movie, like was being tried (and failed at) in the Tom Jane one. It was pretty much, let's just throw out a basic kind of comic booky plot and dialogue and stage gory violent scenes.
So I could see this catching some type of B-movie cult audience down the road, because of that.
But make no mistake. It's bad. But there's some interesting stuff to it.
Death Metal Moe
12-05-2008, 06:35 PM
I'm gonna get my pal to rip me the DVD eventually just to see all the violence. That 1st trailer in this thread peaked my interests.
12-05-2008, 06:47 PM
I'll wait when it comes on HBO
I'm gonna get my pal to rip me the DVD eventually just to see all the violence. That 1st trailer in this thread peaked my interests.
I'll wait when it comes on HBO
Both are probably good bets.
It's definitely visually appealing (and horrifying), but it's not a greatly constructed story.
Although, from what I understand, quite a few of the comic book nerds who were fans of the book actually thought they did a decent job with it.
I never really read it, so I don't have much of a frame of reference.
The movie got panned on Rotten Tomatoes (18%), but almost every bad review was because of how gory it was.
That's the thing, can you watch the trailer for this movie, and not expect a gorefest??? I have to think that anyone who was going to see it knows this going in, and are watching because of it.
Critics baffle me...of all the things that they could have easily targeted in this movie that were bad, they pick that?
12-05-2008, 08:18 PM
How does the violence in this one compare to the last Rambo movie?
12-06-2008, 04:59 AM
I haven't seen the last installment of The Punisher but this one was fucking awesome. However, a lot of people on this board hated Shoot Em Up and this movie is a lot like it. But if you loved Shoot Em Up like I did, you'll fucking love this one. SICK KILLS and one of the funniest kills you'll ever see (that you won't expect). Ray Stevensen is badass.
one. SICK KILLS and one of the funniest kills you'll ever see (that you won't expect).
Rocket launcher shot at that guy from the acrobat gang while he's mid flip??? That had me cracking up for at least a solid 10 minutes. That kill alone made the movie worth it
12-06-2008, 06:00 AM
Saw the movie also yesterday afternoon...(missed the last hour of the show..DAM IT)
It is ok. Not a great movie, and not a great comic book movie. Violent as hell. Bloody as hell too. Ray Stevensen was good as the Punisher, just felt they gave him too much emotion. The Punisher is a brooding unfeeling character. Their were scenes in this movie where I thought the Punisher was going to shed a tear...which can not happen. Their is also some other things that happened that was out of character and sort of ruined the character. I don't want to give anything away in case others still want to see it.
The writing for the movie sort of sucked. It could have been so much better. Why do they have to make a hooky comic book movie, why not just do a sort of murder mystery. Also they need to have more of a spectacular ending. I am not talking about the ending battle, but have a more creative way to end the great build up between the Punisher and Jigsaw.
Jigsaw was sort of hooky. But better then Travolta in the last movie. And Jigsaws brother..was ok, but they way he talked and with that bad Brooklyn accent, it was annoying.
When I went to see it around 2:40 in the afternoon their was about 10 people in the theater. I think this will be a bomb at the box office. Sort of wished the movie would do ok so maybe they can do another one but just better.
Is it better then the previous 2? Better then the Dolph one, but about the same as the Thomas Jane one. Again very violent and bloody, which was good, because I don't want to see a PG-13 Punisher movie, the character calls for a R.
Might go see it again if I have time, maybe get a better feel for the movie a 2nd time. If you are a Punisher fan, you will like it. If you like action movies, you will like it. If you don't know squat about the character or looking for a real good movie, you will hate it.
Don't like the fact that the Punisher kills a FBI agent.
Don't like the fact that the Punisher just walks down the subway stairs, all dressed up with guns and the death skull, and no one notices
Why couldn't they just have a flash back scene where Jigsaw becomes jigsaw. Rather then fall into a glass shredder. That would of been better.
Don't like the fact that micro dies they way he did. The Punisher would of figured out a way to save both him, the wife and little girl.
Don't like the way Jigsaw dies. Should of done something more to fit the Punisher.
Loved the flash back scene of his family dead in the park.
Liked they way they did the soap character.
Last scene at the very end was sort of ok, just should of done something a little more Punisherish.
Your second comment in the spoiler tag, boobieman, I agree with 100%.
That's another thing that really made me laugh about this movie.
I wonder if this movie plays a lot better going into it looking at as a dark comedy, because there's some really ridiculous things that are kind of funny.
12-06-2008, 06:18 AM
I went into this expecting something awful, but I was pleasantly surprised. The homing missile kill was fucking great. The punch through the face was AWESOME. The beginning scene where Punisher takes out a whole Italian family within 15 seconds was sick. The unnecessary adding insults to injury that the Punisher did was great. This is just a fun movie to watch. I literally wanted to clap so many times during this movie (same thing during Shoot Em Up).
12-06-2008, 06:19 AM
I haven't seen the last installment of The Punisher but this one was fucking awesome. However, a lot of people on this board hated Shoot Em Up and this movie is a lot like it. But if you loved Shoot Em Up like I did, you'll fucking love this one. SICK KILLS and one of the funniest kills you'll ever see (that you won't expect). Ray Stevensen is badass.
i loved shoot em up. i thought it was a lot of fun. i think the odd thing about it was just the great actors they got to play the roles. people might have accepted it better if it had unknowns in the lead roles. i think the casting took people away from what kind of movie it was.
12-06-2008, 06:22 AM
i loved shoot em up. i thought it was a lot of fun. i think the odd thing about it was just the great actors they got to play the roles. people might have accepted it better if it had unknowns in the lead roles. i think the casting took people away from what kind of movie it was.
I felt Shoot Em Up was more like a ride. It was so much fun. The only movie you'll see where main character uses a carrot to kill someone. I also thought all the actors were GREAT in this movie, including Clive Owen.
12-06-2008, 06:26 AM
Some of the killings made me laugh. But I think that is because I read the comic and have almost every single issue that the Punisher is in or about. Sort of like your own private joke with the movie. But again if you don't read the comic or know anything about the character, you will look at this movie and go WTF?
The kill in the kitchen, when he picks the little girl up, hold her on his shoulder, then just points the shot gun and BAM blows the guys head off. That made me chuckle.
The jumping guy off the roof rocket, that was great.
But after that what do they do for the big kills, he just shoots Jigsaws brother..nothing special.
They way he kills Jigsaw was sort of nothing. I liked the burning him but nothing really too it. Also one thing I did not like, he is beating the crap out of Jigsaw, then stops and uncut the wife and little girl. I expected something like Jigsaw to get the upper hand and do something, and then a spectacular kill, but no..just goes back to kicking the crap out of him. The way the Punisher punches the young kids face in, at the kitchen scene, that should of been the way he kills Jigsaw. That would of been better.
12-06-2008, 07:39 AM
Some other ways they could of done some great kills. If anyone read the slavers storyline in the MAX titles. In the issue, the Punisher takes the scumbag women and starts to throw her into a shatter proof glass window. Not to break the window but to break the frame. After like 10 or 20 throws into the window, she is a bloody mess, it gives and she goes...fuckin great.
When they showed the hotel in the movie, with all the guys with guns, I thought they would of done what was done in the Suicide Run story line in the old comic. In the comic, the Punisher walks into the hotel, where he planned a whole bunch of explosives. He then has a dead man's switch connected to the explosives. He lets everyone know it, and then he starts blowing away the scum. Some of the bad guys are trying to kill the Punisher, while others are trying to prevent him from being killed, because if he gets killed, he will let go of the switch and blow up the building. So they are killing each other. At the end of the comic, there is one guy left and with no more ammo, the Punisher blows it up anyway, just to kill one guy.
That would of been a great ending to the new movie..ah just thinking about it.
12-06-2008, 04:31 PM
Punisher finished 8th on Friday's box office....1.63 million..not good.
Guess this will be the last of any Punisher movie. Ah...did not want the character to go main stream anyway.
12-06-2008, 06:11 PM
On HBO... this movie would be a helluva catch.
Trekking out to the theater to see it? Meh.
12-07-2008, 04:37 PM
I really liked the 1st one.
12-07-2008, 05:54 PM
Punisher finished 8th on Friday's box office....1.63 million..not good.
Guess this will be the last of any Punisher movie. Ah...did not want the character to go main stream anyway.
thats it ??
what was it up against ??
12-08-2008, 01:45 AM
Punisher was the only new movie opening wide this weekend. Also this week end is one of the worst movie weekends.
It finished 8th with a total of 4 million...according to
That is really bad....damn...again I guess their will be no more Punisher movies.
12-08-2008, 07:45 AM
Was this movie SUPPOSED to be a blockbuster? No marquee-level actors. No musical/band tie-in. No draw.
It was low budj all the way. The ticket sales reflect that.
Was this movie SUPPOSED to be a blockbuster? No marquee-level actors. No musical/band tie-in. No draw.
It was low budj all the way. The ticket sales reflect that.
It was a 35 million budget movie . They probably were hoping for 40-45 mil when they signed off on it.
It wasn't suppose to be a big blockbuster.
They likely won't even crack 10 now.
12-08-2008, 05:26 PM
It was a 35 million budget movie . They probably were hoping for 40-45 mil when they signed off on it.
It wasn't suppose to be a big blockbuster.
They likely won't even crack 10 now.
so why waste the time for a 5-10 mil profit ??
i know theyd prob want more but if they were only hoping for that then fuck it
just re watch the thomas jane one
12-08-2008, 05:47 PM
I loved it. Highly entertained.
12-09-2008, 01:57 AM
The thomas Jane Punisher movie only made 30 million. The DVD sales is what saved it. The DVD sales were 30 million.
Might go see it again this weekend. if I can free up time from Christmas shopping..AMAZON her I come.
12-09-2008, 05:17 AM
It was a 35 million budget movie . They probably were hoping for 40-45 mil when they signed off on it.
It wasn't suppose to be a big blockbuster.
They likely won't even crack 10 now.
For the longest time this was going to be released straight to DVD and it was only relatively recently they opped to shift it to theaters. Probably would have been smarter to do the DVD route with some bullshit hype..."THE PUNISHER FILM SO VIOLENT WE COULDN'T RELEASE IT IN THEATERS" or something goofy like that. I guarentee that kind of push would have made the DVD make way more in its first week than the film's entire box office.
12-09-2008, 08:59 AM
The new punisher movie totally has that made-for-dvd feel. Some movies just look amateurish... this is definitely one of them.
12-09-2008, 09:02 AM
The new punisher movie totally has that made-for-dvd feel. Some movies just look amateurish... this is definitely one of them.
A lot of action movies these days, people are just gonna wait for the blu-ray and watch it on their surround sound in their favorite chair. I'm still a movie goer and loved this on the big screen. Nothing says good times at a movie like a room full of people cheering when The Punisher kills a room full of people in a matter of seconds.
12-09-2008, 12:08 PM
A lot of action movies these days, people are just gonna wait for the blu-ray and watch it on their surround sound in their favorite chair. I'm still a movie goer and loved this on the big screen. Nothing says good times at a movie like a room full of people cheering when The Punisher kills a room full of people in a matter of seconds.
John Rambo anyone? This has a very similar feel to that film, right down to the suspect dialog and the intense and graphic violence.
03-28-2009, 04:02 PM
Finally saw this flick today. There was some definite need for suspension of disbelief, but a great movie nonetheless. I mean for a Saturday afternoon movie, watching on the big screen, having a couple of drinks, and having been a serious Punisher fan in the 80's & 90's, it was a really good movie.
It wasn't the best movie I have ever seen, but it was a lot of fun and brutally violent. Way better than the last version and a lot closer to the Punisher character.
05-17-2009, 11:31 PM
i just watched this movie tonight. i can't even begin to describe how badly it sucked.
05-18-2009, 12:06 AM
i just watched this movie tonight. i can't even begin to describe how badly it sucked.
I can't even understand how anyone finished watching this piece of shit.
05-18-2009, 01:33 AM
Yes the movie is bad. The action was good and Ray Stevensen was good. The rest of the actors were down right dog shit. LBJ is unwatchable...Jesus...he can't fake an Italian accent and act. The chick was useless too.
Had high hopes for the movie, but I just think the comic can not transfer to the movie screen. They have to stop trying to make a comic book into a movie. Just use some of the plots from the comic and make a movie around that. I mostly blame the writing and the directing. The writing sucked, and the acting sucked. Some of the fights were great. The whole end scene in the building was done well. Just did not like the way Jigsaw gets it in the end. Should have been more punishesk.
Then again maybe I should be happy that the movies did not make blockbuster totals, I like that the comic is not mainstream and have to fit all audiences. To me The Punisher is a great character and my favorite comic.
It could also be me, I thought wolverine: Origins sort of sucked balls...but that is for another thread.
Death Metal Moe
05-18-2009, 06:01 AM
I saw it a few weeks ago and thought it was actually pretty good.
You're not watching The Punisher expecting academy award winning performances. Yes, Jigsaw was a little over the top and dumb. Yes Looney Bin Jim was kinda exaggerated. Yes the interaction between The Punisher and the little girl felt forced at every turn.
But you watch this movie for one thing: The fucking action. He killed people in a variety of ways, brutally and methodically. That is what you go to this movie for, and they delivered on that.
I had my problems with this movie too but overall it was an extremely gory shoot-em-up and that part of the movie was well worth sitting through the other shit.
05-18-2009, 09:15 AM
I agree that stevenson was pretty good for the role and some of the action scenes were cool to see but the writing, acting, and flow of the movie was just awful. I wasn't expecting to movie to be a "good" movie in anyway, but I expected it to be more than what it was. The rocket launcher to the guy extreme walking/flipping could have been one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.
05-18-2009, 09:18 AM
Yea this movie was bad. Some nice action parts, specially with that one roof jumper, but some of the really bad shitty scenes (frank crying at tombstone with lame dramatic music) took me out big time.
Death Metal Moe
05-18-2009, 09:31 AM
Well you KNEW they were gonna throw in a "Frank at the family grave" scene but to the writer's credit, they limited that to 1 scene. The only other weird emotion we got out of him was his awkwardness with the little girl.
The rest of the time was pretty much the killer we love.
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