View Full Version : Oil Worker Random Photo Album
08-24-2008, 08:08 PM
This is a place for CT and Jivin Oil Workers to put pictures only an oil worker would be able to take....
holding on for dear life...
08-24-2008, 08:14 PM
insert comment here
Brandon From Ohio.
08-24-2008, 08:38 PM
insert comment here
08-25-2008, 12:18 AM
Indeed a dual statement.
For the visiting West Virginians, it means do not stick your seldom used cock inside an alligator.
Fort the rest of us, it means do no touch/annoy the alligators.
Oilfield Canuck #3
08-26-2008, 10:00 AM
I just had a quick look through my truck laptop and here's a few I came up with. This is true oilfield type shit.
Here we have a wafer cone with coal jammed in it, this is bad for measurement as a true differential pressure reading cannot be determined.
This is what happens when the swabbing crew accidentally crosses a few wires in the RTU box, guess who gets to rewire this lovely mess.
Here we have a fisher FB103 complete with a McCrometer wafer cone, and an aircom RTD, this 2" metering shack is a cost effective solution for CBM gas measurement.Notice how the entire shack fits over the wellhead and pig sender.
Here we have some livestock inside the TEC fence that is designed to keep them out.
Enjoy the pics, I will post some more later.
P.S. Hey Jerry, notice how nobody scribbled on these pictures with MS Paint, this is what we call a normal post.
Oilfield Canuck #3
08-26-2008, 10:09 AM
Some more oilfield photos.
Here we have (from left to right) - a texsteam MX chemical pump, the downstream side of a Northstar Jr. meter run, an RTD, a fuel gas bypass takeoff point, a chemical injection point and a globe valve.
This is the same picture from a different viewpoint, notice the open bypass valves around the metering device. I was called to this location to investigate why the meter wasn't reading a high enough total. Guess the operator should have looked at his process before blaming the meter. Silly Operators.
This is the screen of my borescope, showing an internal view of a McCrometer wafer cone. Notice the coal build up. This won't do at all.
This is a 135 Hp concept screw type compressor. Smashing gas is the name of the game.
Oilfield Canuck #3
08-26-2008, 10:19 AM
Yet some more photos
Here is the annunciator panel of the concept compressor, crude but effective.
This is the power plant of the concept compressor, a Cat 3306.
Here we have the inlet scrubber, inlet dump leg, sight glass, suction pressure controller, suction scrubber high level switch, and the high and low pressure bypass regulators. Bonus points to anybody that can name anything I left out.
This is a riser, several wells join in together for compression. The black wrap is a cheap form of insulation called snake wrap. Note the pig catcher on the 8" line.
Here we are looking down the barrel of the pig catcher.
Here is a Kimray 230 SGT BP partially disassembled for repair.
Here is some asshole grabbing a valve and making a face. Note the hard hat, fire retardant clothing and the "safety" glasses. (I prefer oakleys to the shitty glasses you get from the safety department)
That's all for now folks, I hope you have enjoyed the oilfield type photos.
08-26-2008, 04:13 PM
08-26-2008, 05:39 PM
It was warm for a few days. the muskeg was soft. We almost lost the truck when it went through. And seeing how it was our only planetary for pulling rigs, we would of been screwed if we lost it.
Here is a winter road built over the muskeg. Driving on these for 2 hours and seeing only what you see in the picture over and over is very is tho. Ripping through the bush in a half million dollar truck thats over 100 feet long is a good time!!!
Moving rigs after or during rain is this much fun. which isn't fun at all :sad:
Sometimes pickers blow hydraulic hoses. Its fun to sit around smoking and taking pictures for hours upon hours.
Sometimes the Picker gets stuck...Even with tire chains
Roger Waters...This is one of my favorite pictures...I loved that show
Oilfield Canuck #3
08-26-2008, 06:49 PM
Nice pictures Trevor, the other day I racked up a $500.00 towing bill for my pickup, let's just say I was fairly stuck. Should've brought the quad I guess.
08-26-2008, 07:10 PM
in the trunk in case you get stuck. It adds traction.Nothing feels better than getting your truck unstuck. :) Ask a good samaratin to help push. Wear your lucky st Christopher mom does. :wink: :innocent:
08-26-2008, 08:07 PM
bring a car jack or 2 car jacks. find some small boards or small logs you can throw under the tire when stuck after you jack the tire out of the muck just enough for traction.Gravel over the wood adds traction to your muddy tire if you are smart enough to rock it out rather than peel out and scramble the rocks like a lawnmower kicking them out. If you are too macho you deserve to sit awhile. Take your time if possible. Offload some weight if that's the problem. I think in some situations a "come-along" ratchet cord will get you unstuck alone,without the jack.It's also safer since the truck can be off and in neutral,no danger. That would depend on having something sturdy to pull you out with like a tree to tie onto.Sure you could drive a very long stake in the ground,but then getting the stake out it is time consuming.Here's a strong=man trick if it's a life/death situation and you are alone. Strong ,long rope. Tie the rope at both ends to the tow areas ofthe front of the truck like it was a wagon.Take some cushioning matertial like a coat or shirt and wrap around the center pulling point of the rope.Turn the rope around your back just above your ass or as close to the top of your ass as is comfortable.Stretch the rope a few times gently to get the play out so you don't fall over. Dig in your heels,still leaning back facing the truck.Go to a sit down position.Find the best angle and traction you can from a low almost sit-down position so you are almost falling backwards yet still have enough leverage to gain a foot or half foot of pulling power. :help: Pile gravel ,beforehand,just in front of the stuck tires and power train tires.But pile the gravel HIGH in back of and against the tires so the gravel falls into the tire track/ditch/rut/gully giving more forward and backward traction for rocking.Granted,in really wet mud this is useless,and you need a more solid fill for the rut like wood planks,plywood,fencing,barbQ :devil2:grill grate,broken cinder blocks.:ohmy:
Oilfield Canuck #3
08-26-2008, 09:32 PM
bring a car jack or 2 car jacks. find some small boards or small logs you can throw under the tire when stuck after you jack the tire out of the muck just enough for traction.Gravel over the wood adds traction to your muddy tire if you are smart enough to rock it out rather than peel out and scramble the rocks like a lawnmower kicking them out. If you are too macho you deserve to sit awhile. Take your time if possible. Offload some weight if that's the problem. I think in some situations a "come-along" ratchet cord will get you unstuck alone,without the jack.It's also safer since the truck can be off and in neutral,no danger. That would depend on having something sturdy to pull you out with like a tree to tie onto.Sure you could drive a very long stake in the ground,but then getting the stake out it is time consuming.Here's a strong=man trick if it's a life/death situation and you are alone. Strong ,long rope. Tie the rope at both ends to the tow areas ofthe front of the truck like it was a wagon.Take some cushioning matertial like a coat or shirt and wrap around the center pulling point of the rope.Turn the rope around your back just above your ass or as close to the top of your ass as is comfortable.Stretch the rope a few times gently to get the play out so you don't fall over. Dig in your heels,still leaning back facing the truck.Go to a sit down position.Find the best angle and traction you can from a low almost sit-down position so you are almost falling backwards yet still have enough leverage to gain a foot or half foot of pulling power. :help: Pile gravel ,beforehand,just in front of the stuck tires and power train tires.But pile the gravel HIGH in back of and against the tires so the gravel falls into the tire track/ditch/rut/gully giving more forward and backward traction for rocking.Granted,in really wet mud this is useless,and you need a more solid fill for the rut like wood planks,plywood,fencing,barbQ :devil2:grill grate,broken cinder blocks.:ohmy:
I don't think you quite understand what Muskeg is like, I have seen guys fall in over their head, I've also seen quads and skidoos lost. Trevor wasn't exaggerating when he said the truck would have been lost. And the clay is sticker than shit. Numerous times I have been or have helped recover trucks so stuck they needed to be pulled out by D8 cats because nothing else would do it. Sometimes to the extent of needing floater pads hauled in ahead of time. Those are good tips for a car mildly stuck, but a 15 ton picker truck stuck in the mud isn't going anywhere without somebody bringing in the big guns. That said, I don't think there is anywhere I would rather work than the Alberta Oilfield.
But hey, sitting in the truck all day waiting for the cat to arrive is a hell of a lot better than working, especially when I have the newest CT and Jivin podcast to listen to.
08-26-2008, 10:09 PM
Of all the things i've seen in the plants this one i still laugh at
08-27-2008, 01:08 AM
:clap:The muskeg I have no experience with.I drove school busses but never wanted to drive big trucks.Others in my family love big trucks.I had 2 grandmothers who never drove,which I thought was a crime,yet it was accepted back then for women NOT to drive,back when few families could afford 2 cars(born inthe 19 teens & 1920). Yeah I was goofing a little with that last post.The size of the big trucks being the joke,and the terrain difference here "wuss-land" compared to Canada way outback. The good news is global warming will give you some nice warmer weather.Bad news is that the trucks will get stuck more from the thaws.Construction will probably be healthy for 100 years.:thumbup:
08-28-2008, 01:20 PM
Yeah muskeg is unpredictable stuff. around where we work, a while back, a guy fell through the muskeg one winter. He was in his truck and the whole thing went down and kept sinking, and it was beyond anyones control. its literally impossible using anything on earth to of brought the truck back up. He had a radio in the truck and they got his wife and kids to the location to say goodbye. He's still buirried.
A lot of the work is on the air weapons range which is federally owned and besides one of the biggest military bases in Canada. They have had tanks fall though the muskeg and thats where they stay. The reason is cause in summer, most oil wells or gas wells are created in the winter and piped in during winter when the ground freezes and you can drive 200 000 pounds on top of it. its very very very very rare to break through but it has happened. But yeah most wells during summer months are visited by hellicopter. Sometimes quads with tracks ratrher than wheels will work, but hellicoptor is often the only option.
I'll post some more pictures of my oilfield adventures. Chad is one of the rich guys who doesn't need to get dirty(look how clean looking his pictures are) But he's a smart oil worker. I'm just a dumb rig mover. So hopefully I get sympathy and applauds for doing the dirty work. even tho I;m sure Chad has to deal with bullshit too along with dirty messes, like I mentioned to him, I;m sure he rapes CNRL and Husky or Devon or any of the other oil companies around here. Chads a crook...But I also told him how he's the crook but he's not a dummy like me makming a company rich...I;m the douche who would be working for him making him rich...Thats bullshit. fuck you Chad. I mean that with respect tho. But yeah. fuck you.
08-28-2008, 01:27 PM
I was going to take a picture of my desk to show all my accounting stuff as a goof, but some of the shit you guys deal with is just too impressive to compare to.
Thank you oil workers.
Keep safe.
08-28-2008, 03:15 PM
I can;t find the pictures I;m looking for but found these. I have good ones that are cool but canlt find em. when I do, believe you me, you will see them. So here are a few more
Here is an oilworkers weekend. Oh. and those are all props. Wel half of it. I don't believe in illigal activity
The Environment is fine. ITS OK!!!!
The 8X8(thats 4X4 times 2!!!!) Think dump truck tires. those are the size of the tires on the trailer that truck is sitting on. the tires on the 8X8 are about 6 feet tall. That tens and tens and tens and tens of thousands of dollars worth of rubber. no lie
Holding a shiv for wireline. That guy looks kinda small next to the instrumental tools. hanging off the boom.
Its Akita 46 up at Primrose East waiting to be moved...its cold in the winter which causes Trevors genitals to become embarrasingly small...its hard to pee when its like that :(
Need to take a crap? well throw a bowl liner in, do your thing, push the pedal then push the ignite button to burn your waste. Remember to empty the ashpan at least once a week!!! oh. and don't piss in it or you can burn it out and wreck it...If someone told me that I wouldn't of pissed in the fuckin thing.
I WON!!!! But lost about ten times that since then...:(
So there ya go. I have I think its just 3 more I gotta find. They are good ones. But yeah you all take er easy. I thank The hosts of the show for sending regards to my buddy. Much appreciated. and again, to the rest of you for your kind words too. Its still a question from chest down...But only time can tell. We are all optimistic. But yeah theres some pics, I'll put those other few when I find em through my un-organized picture folder. PEACE
Love, Trevor
08-28-2008, 05:33 PM
I'm fascinated by what it would take to ignite and burn waste instantly.Seems a shame the downside is you can't piss in it too....I wouldn't be comfortable with that at all.So where do they expect you to piss?
08-28-2008, 06:51 PM
for some reason, after examining and reading all pictures and articles left here by our dear and sweet trevor....ive come to the conclusion that if i dont see Trevor on either Ice Road truckers or Dirty Jobs, then i might give up on television. can anyone argue that he would be the absolute prime subject for either of those shows? I dont know if where hes driving in freezing ass cold through the woods is the same as ice road truckers, but i know for a fact that his job is indeed dirty. anyone agree?
08-28-2008, 08:44 PM
Burning smells? very unpleasant? Time spent in the burning? Done with gas or electric pilot? Noise? Downtime between people NEXT ? Upsides and downsides? What would an astronaut have to do to use one?
Oilfield Canuck #3
08-28-2008, 09:11 PM
Burning smells? very unpleasant? Time spent in the burning? Done with gas or electric pilot? Noise? Downtime between people NEXT ? Upsides and downsides? What would an astronaut have to do to use one?
I'm guessing an astronaut would not want to use one unless they could use something other than oxygen for combustion (seeing as they have limited air).
for some reason, after examining and reading all pictures and articles left here by our dear and sweet trevor....ive come to the conclusion that if i dont see Trevor on either Ice Road truckers or Dirty Jobs, then i might give up on television. can anyone argue that he would be the absolute prime subject for either of those shows? I dont know if where hes driving in freezing ass cold through the woods is the same as ice road truckers, but i know for a fact that his job is indeed dirty. anyone agree?
All oilfield jobs are dirty, but it's run of the mill for you average Albertan. Ice Roads are further north yet, and have an even greater chance of breaking through, muskeg is more of a vegitation/mud/unidentifable liquids which is fun as hell to quad on assuming you don't fall through.
As Trevor mentioned, the frozen muskeg and rivers are awesome to get around on because you can get in heavier equipment or even make short cuts. Several places I have worked out near Drayton Valley take up to 3 hours to get to in the summer, but only 45 minutes in the winter due to frozen winter roads and the use of frozen rivers as roads.
08-28-2008, 10:34 PM
08-29-2008, 12:49 PM
alright. everyone is very interested in the toilet. the one you see, is inside of a garbage can. Theirs that room with the toilet, and the rest of it is for garbage and metal and has skids so the bed truck can move it around. The pictured one has LOTS of room. most are in the dog houses and you have maybe 2 feet MAX in front of the toilet. No room
So what happens is you put a bown liner in. Then you do what you gotta do (BUT NO PISSING!!!) And once your done you push the pedal in. the pedal opens the inside of the bowl and the bowl liner with contents fall into a metal bin below. At that point you let go of the pedal, the bowl closes, and you push the ignition button. The toilet fires up and it starts a big hot fire and burns everything long enough to turn into ash.
The smoke gets sucked out by a fan, inside a 3 or 4 inch peice of tube that goes up to the roof, or out the side(depending on the model). You can smell it a bit, but it doesn;t smell as bad as you think, That picture is of a clean one that wasn;t used yet at the time, but most are extremely dirty, full of mud, and you have to take your coveralls off before you get in due to the lack of room.
But there it is folks. The bowl liners and toilet has japanese writing all over them. those crazy people and there ideas. Its actually a good one cause its easy to dispose of the waste and such. I pissed in one once and wondered why it wouldn;lt ignite. aparantly I burnt the element out by pissing in it. But it was a runny diareah shit anyways so fuck em. Water requires the toilet to be dismantled if once it dries out it still won't light.
So yeah. it sucks to use it, but I've had to hug a tree and deal with misquitoes and other bugs while I;m trying not to get any in my coveralls cause theirs no toilet around and we're in the middle of the that gets fun in the winter when theirs 2 feet of snow in the bush and its 30 below and your trying to take a shit...yeah. its that much fun...fuckin oilfield.
Love Trevor
08-30-2008, 08:31 AM
I'm sure truckers are familiar with wide mouth bottles instead of waiting for a truck stop to go.I'd suggest that since dog walkers are forced to carry plastic bags for dog poop,that some type of portable ,throwaway container should be popularized for emergencies and OUTBACK style work areas.It might take considerable dexterity to open and close a resealable large plastic bag,but hell,I'd sacrificea whole hefty bag if I had to go bad enough,and the toilet paper...welllllll,goodbye underwear for awhile. The astronauts will have to figure it out for themselves.They just recently had toilet problems on the ISS International Space Station.The last shuttle mission sent them a fix. When you guys mention "QUAD" are you talking 4 wheeler /one man buggy style 600 lbs glorified motorcycle,or do you mean a 4x4 truck?
08-30-2008, 11:57 AM
hoppin an boppin :blink:,an burnin like shit :devil2:thru a Jap torture:flush: toilet,I like ta catch me some CJ & Drivin show on the SeriousXMradiator. :banning:
08-30-2008, 01:46 PM
in case you get the bright idea to change your oil once in 30k miles and youll being doing this too...yanked this out of a corolla in just under 2 hours, and had it the block cleared for the new short block in another 2 hours.
side note: the valve stem seals are not easy to decipher by the Toyota Repair Manual. the gold sided ones are intake, the silver sided ones are exhaust....i was close to having a big problem.
08-30-2008, 01:49 PM
in case you gett he bright idea to change your oil once in 30k miles and youll being doing this too...
What gay shop is that with no nude broads on the wall?
08-30-2008, 01:51 PM
What gay shop is that with no nude broads on the wall?
well, it is a gay shop, but there is a bikini calender on the side of the small box...sooorrey its not blatant and huge
08-30-2008, 02:09 PM
well, it is a gay shop, and there is a male bikini calender on the side of the small box, featuring close-ups of bikini-wrapped male junk...sooo huge
I couldn't resist clarifying this.
08-30-2008, 02:56 PM
I couldn't resist clarifying this.
hahaha, good edit
Oilfield Canuck #3
09-01-2008, 08:40 PM
Here come some more oilfield pictures from the great white north.
Here is the view out the windshield of my work truck on an average day, this was a cool storm I was driving into.
Here is some of my test equipment, the layout here cost around $5000, and can source static pressure, differential pressure, source and read mA, source and read RTD's and TC's, verify temperatures. Basically it can verify that your shit is accurate.
This is a portion of one of our compressor stations.
This is for Jerry, a quad and a snowmobile, for when the trucks can't get into location.
Emergency Protection for Cougars and Bears.
My not work quad, sorry for the blurry picture, it's a still from my video camera.
Just a nice view off one of our catwalks. (If you thought Right Said Fred, you are officially a fag.)
Oilfield Canuck #3
09-01-2008, 08:52 PM
Here are some pictures from inside a reciprocating compressor.
Here is part of the v-16 cat engine (twin turbo chargers) and a partial view of 1st stage. (this is a 3 stage compressor)
Here is a look at the pockets on 1st stage. Think of a compressor as an engine without spark plugs. Also to the left is the first stage inlet scrubber.
Here is a look at things from the compressor end, you can see all three stages, front and center in the picture is the lubricator.
A slightly different view of the compressor, notice the twin turbos on the engine.
Third stage scrubber.
Another view of the engine.
Here is a look at the compressor panel HMI, remember the crude effective annuciator panel a few posts back? This is a brand new fancy one. A lot of my job consists of programming these things to run all aspects of the compressor.
Here are the internal workings of the compressor panel with my laptop hooked up. I am in the middle of temperature verification and calibration.
This will give you an idea of scale, these two buildings my truck is parked in between each contain one of the compressors in the previous pictures.
09-01-2008, 10:15 PM
Got any pix of those "pig" things that scrape out crystallized crude from the big pipes?
09-02-2008, 04:32 AM
I do lawn :clap:tractors(Gumpy).I thought that's what you meant by a quad"4-wheeler".On Mars ,Oh 6:blink: wheels is better at breakneck speeds 300 :huh:yards per hour or so. THIS IS NOT A MARS PIC(it was taken on Earth not by me). This,however resembles some Mars beings,somewhat human-like, but not quite like us.There are others much more like us. :ohmy:
Oilfield Canuck #3
09-05-2008, 09:11 PM
Got any pix of those "pig" things that scrape out crystallized crude from the big pipes?
Ask and you shall receive, pigs in different sizes and forms.
09-06-2008, 05:33 AM
A few from my work
09-06-2008, 06:14 AM
:drunk:Some pigs should be made that can shoot or squirt:wacko: solvents out of holes at the site of the clogs or clotting(localized),or like de-icer on a windshield, out of spray-holes. You'll probably tell me it's already been done(a design and product). Inventing in my family goes back to the :king:Budweiser :drunk:clydesdale horses harnesses on those massive beer wagons. They had to be strong harnessesto haul all that pisswater:flush:. YouTube Comedian Elise Harris
Oilfield Canuck #3
09-06-2008, 07:56 AM
:drunk:Some pigs should be made that can shoot or squirt:wacko: solvents out of holes at the site of the clogs or clotting(localized),or like de-icer on a windshield, out of spray-holes. You'll probably tell me it's already been done(a design and product). Inventing in my family goes back to the :king:Budweiser :drunk:clydesdale horses harnesses on those massive beer wagons. They had to be strong harnessesto haul all that pisswater:flush:. YouTube Comedian Elise Harris
Actually there are such things as soaker pigs which do exactly what you just described, also certain styles will coat the pipeline with corrosion inhibitors or de-waxing solvents.
What's even cooler is the "smart" pig, which has cameras in it to look for blockages or breaks in the line, or tell you where it is if it gets stuck. The smartest of the "smart" pigs can be ran by remote control.
Also, Shaan, very nice pictures, I take it you repair turbines? I've worked on a few natural gas compressors driven by turbines, lots of fun to work on. Those and turbo expanders are the only places where I've had to put in ear plugs and ear muffs to protect my hearing, and it is still louder than shit. (Is shit loud?)
Dan 'Hampton
09-06-2008, 12:11 PM
Looking at these pics i'm starting to think I might be more of an accountant. And I don't like that.
09-08-2008, 01:18 PM
bad things when theres no oil...
09-13-2008, 02:29 PM
please change your oil....
underside again....
09-13-2008, 03:25 PM
I will heed your warning. * note:That's Picasso a dead artist
09-17-2008, 02:46 PM
NOO!! ive turned into a zombie!!! and ive multiplied!!!!
09-22-2008, 10:51 AM
10-03-2008, 01:16 PM
this big fuckin rat got into a heater/ac blower motor....and it smelled like an old cunt filled with bad taco meat and rotten onions.
Oilfield Canuck #3
10-03-2008, 03:31 PM
this big fuckin rat got into a heater/ac blower motor....and it smelled like an old cunt filled with bad taco meat and rotten onions.
So how did it taste?
10-03-2008, 03:42 PM
So how did it taste?
a little garlic, pepper and salt.....mmmmwuah! just like mom used to make
10-26-2008, 06:20 PM
this is a perfect example of lucky camera work....short but sweet, enjoy
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10-27-2008, 09:05 AM
buffalo bills at miami dolphins 10/08
Oilfield Canuck #3
01-11-2009, 03:41 PM
What I did with my Christmas vacation
Bad - Burnt down my snowmobile
Good - Shot a Thompson .45 AKA Tommy Gun
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