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08-22-2008, 07:42 AM
Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
August 22, 2008
Just a few days after this article was posted, Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov has told The Wall Street Journal that the studio is going to be reintroducing Superman. We assume this will be similar to how Louis Leterrier's The Incredible Hulk was a reboot of Ang Lee's Hulk. Here is what the article says:
Warner Bros. also put on hold plans for another movie starring multiple superheroes -- known as "Batman vs. Superman" -- after the $215 million "Superman Returns," which had disappointing box-office returns, didn't please executives. "'Superman' didn't quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to," says Mr. Robinov. "It didn't position the character the way he needed to be positioned." "Had 'Superman' worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009," he adds. "But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all."
The article also talks about Warner Bros. adapting other DC properties over the new few years. "By 2011, Mr. Robinov plans for DC Comics to supply the material for up to two of the six to eight tent-pole films he hopes Warner Bros. will have in the pipeline by then," it says. Those projects will likely be about single characters at first, and will be darker much like The Dark Knight:
With "Batman vs. Superman" and "Justice League" stalled, Warner Bros. has quietly adopted Marvel's model of releasing a single film for each character, and then using those movies and their sequels to build up to a multicharacter film. "Along those lines, we have been developing every DC character that we own," Mr. Robinov says.
Like the recent Batman sequel -- which has become the highest-grossing film of the year thus far -- Mr. Robinov wants his next pack of superhero movies to be bathed in the same brooding tone as "The Dark Knight." Creatively, he sees exploring the evil side to characters as the key to unlocking some of Warner Bros.' DC properties. "We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it," he says. That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well.
The studio is set to announce its plans for future DC movies in the next month. For now, though, it is focused on releasing four comic-book films in the next three years, including a third Batman film, a new film reintroducing Superman, and two movies focusing on other DC Comics characters. Movies featuring Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman are all in active development.
We'll let you know as soon as the studio has announced its plans for future DC movies.
No Brandon Routh, no Singer, etc.
I liked Routh as Superman...
08-22-2008, 08:11 AM
They should have just gone with the reboot from the get-go, but yeah, I really liked Routh as Superman, and I would have liked to have seen Singer get another crack at it.
08-22-2008, 08:35 AM
I know some people hated it, but i really enjoyed SR. Routh was really good, would have like to see another shot, especially if it was darker.
08-22-2008, 08:36 AM
Oh god, because of the success of the Dark Knight, how many "dark" super hero movies are we going to be seeing?
08-22-2008, 08:38 AM
Oh god, because of the success of the Dark Knight, how many "dark" super hero movies are we going to be seeing?
I think DC is gonna head down this route for most of their properties actually. They have the problem with getting past the whole "cheesie" part of adapting their properties to live action movies. Dark Knight is a good example of where they are going, I feel.
08-22-2008, 08:48 AM
Superman Returns was great. I thought it was very true to the comic book. Superman was never a dark character like Batman was. He has to deal with his inner emotions and I thought they did a good job of showing his pain in SR.
08-22-2008, 09:03 AM
Superman Returns was great. I thought it was very true to the comic book. Superman was never a dark character like Batman was. He has to deal with his inner emotions and I thought they did a good job of showing his pain in SR.
Yeah, a "darker" Supermn would be trying way too hard. That's just not the character. I enjoyed SR, but I think it suffered in trying to be fit with the first two films...and that nothing that big really happened. I liked Spacey as Luthor, but they really needed to step it up action-wise and make it something epic and they didn't.
Whatserface as Lois was horrid.
08-22-2008, 09:11 AM
Yeah, a "darker" Supermn would be trying way too hard. That's just not the character. I enjoyed SR, but I think it suffered in trying to be fit with the first two films...and that nothing that big really happened. I liked Spacey as Luthor, but they really needed to step it up action-wise and make it something epic and they didn't.
Whatserface as Lois was horrid.
I haven't seen SR since I saw it in the theater and just thought it was eh. Like Mojo, I thought keeping it beholden ot the first two was its biggest problem. That and super baby.
"HI Lois, I got this magic super power all of a sudden that I never had before or since to make you forget we ever hooked up, then went off into space. While I was gone, you had my child without knowing we ever had sex, and you don't have suspicions I may have done untoward things to you without your knowledge."
Doctor Manhattan
08-22-2008, 09:32 AM
I also liked Superman Returns. I thought Routh, Spacey and Singer did great jobs on it. Lois, her son and Cyclops, not so much.
I am shocked to read that it didn't "do well" in theaters (It cost $270 Million plus marketing and then made $391 Million before the DVD came out.)
A reboot will give them a chance to do Zod, and that is their chance for a dark story, Superman himself isn't dark.
DC, Please don't just do dark comic book movies just because that one did so well. Unless you get a great actor who dies right after filming (and another actor who beats up his mom:dry:) it's not gonna work.
08-22-2008, 09:36 AM
superman is just lame....really.
too bad they've made batman so reality based that a superman/batman movie seems nearly impossible.
08-22-2008, 09:49 AM
Lois Lane, the douche kid, and Cyclops did wreck SR for me also.
Bring back Routh, bring in a new director, and really show why Superman would spend his time protecting Earth. Ya need to show Superman doing some major damage with the power he has, maybe introduce Darkseid and his crew, and adapt some recent stories. I haven't read Superman since after Death of..., so I dunno if it is still kinda lame.
The whole "american way" has got to go also. It doesn't work nowadays, with almost everyone being unhappy and the countries morale pretty low. How the hell can they show why the hell Superman would even want to be on Earth, and why the hell he would even want to protect us?
08-22-2008, 09:58 AM
Routh was not the problem with that movie as for the other casting, yeah that sucked Im looking at Lois
The story should be simple as hell NO ORIGIN, Supes has been around for 80 years people know the story Just have him fight aliens or destroy an asteroid
Things can be "bright" and not cheesy going dark for Supes would be totally wrong
And keep the Music from the Movies as well that Superman's march gives me goose pimples when I hear it
08-22-2008, 09:59 AM
The whole "american way" has got to go also. It doesn't work nowadays, with almost everyone being unhappy and the countries morale pretty low.
They got rid of that in Returns.
08-22-2008, 10:02 AM
They got rid of that in Returns.
I know that. I hope they continue with it. I wasn't sure if that was still prevalent in the comics though.
08-22-2008, 11:24 AM
I hated Superman Returns because the story was shite. They could not have f-ed things up more if they had tried.
At the end of Superman II, Superman tells the President "I'll never let you down again." So what does he do? Superman flies off into deep space for 5 years leaving the Earth to fend for itself and letting his chick (that he was willing to give up everything for) twist in the wind and birth an illegitimate son.
That just isn't who or what Superman is or what he is supposed top be.
I also thought Routh was a bit too wooden as Superman. Spacey was really good as Luthor, but Routh just didn't have any presence on screen.
Tremendous disappointment for me.
Doctor Manhattan
08-22-2008, 11:29 AM
...At the end of Superman II, Superman tells the President "I'll never let you down again." So what does he do? Superman flies off into deep space for 5 years...
But that was because earth scientists thought they saw Krypton and despite the fact that he knew his world was destroyed he wanted to check it out...Well I guess that is a weak excuse.
Don Stugots
08-22-2008, 11:36 AM
i liked SR but thought it could have been better.
The whole "reboot" thing is just marketing nonsense kids with blogs eat up - "Casino Royal" was one, yet Judy Dench is in it. Pfffft
Proclaiming something is a "reboot" is effectively dismissing everything that came before as either "too dated" or just plain old "shit." How many times are they going to have to reboot THE HULK before they get a clue that people just don't dig a giant, CGI character that isn't voiced by Mike Myers.
I'm equally annoyed by the whole "we have to make things DARKER" mentality. These are kids movies that are no longer appropriate for children, except when it comes to Happy Meal toys or action figures.
Instead of looking to Marvel's example with regards to how they are going to brand and gobble and graft every movie onto each other, they should just look at IRON MAN as an example of a good movie that adults and children can both enjoy.
btw - with the exception of the casting of Lois Lane, I dug SUPERMAN RETURNS.
08-22-2008, 12:51 PM
A few things...
Doc Manhattan - Bale was totally cleared of any wrongdoing in that mother mess. he was questioned because he yelled loudly at her. HE NEVER LAID A FINGER ON HER.
The "look" of Superman Returns was great outside of Superman himself.
Routh was way, way, WAY too young to be playing Big Blue. Maybe not WAS to young, as there was a four year age different between when Bale started playing Bats and Routh playing Superman, but he LOOKED too young.
Bale played younger Bruce Wayne (pre-training) and older Bruce Wayne PERFECTLY. Routh looked like, quite literally, what SUPERBOY would look like..
I also didn't like the smaller logo design on the outfit. Threw everything off for me.
Superman is one character where there should be NO COSTUME DEVIATION between Comic Books and real life. I know the X-Men and Bats have "real world" implications why they wear their outfits... stealth and protection. Superman does not need these things.
I'm torn between casting an unknown and casting a known commodity for supes. Casting an unknown worked for Wolverine, but Bateman also works well as Batman (outside of the voice in TDK)
08-22-2008, 04:27 PM
i liked supes but like the don said it could have been better
08-22-2008, 04:31 PM
And enough fucking cheesy Lex Luthor. Give Supes an epic, world shattering villain like Braniac or Darkseid.
08-22-2008, 05:41 PM
The "look" of Superman Returns was great outside of Superman himself.
Routh was way, way, WAY too young to be playing Big Blue. Maybe not WAS to young, as there was a four year age different between when Bale started playing Bats and Routh playing Superman, but he LOOKED too young.
I also didn't like the smaller logo design on the outfit. Threw everything off for me.
Superman is one character where there should be NO COSTUME DEVIATION between Comic Books and real life. I know the X-Men and Bats have "real world" implications why they wear their outfits... stealth and protection. Superman does not need these things.
Forgive my hacking your quote apart, but...
I both agree and disagree on the look of Superman.
I agree that there was no reason to mess with Superman's costume; it was annoying and stupid. Why the hell would he have a smaller, puffy "S" on his chest, much less one that is laser etched with tiny Superman symbols? It was all Hollywood BS.
Outside of that, I thought that the movie 'looked' good. Nice sets, good feel to Metropolis, and I liked the new Fortress of Solitude a lot.
On the other hand, I didn't have as much trouble with Routh looking too young for the part. He was wooden, uninspiring, and too small physically, but I don't think he was too young. If anything, I think the previous versions (C. Reeve, S. Reeves, Welling, etc.) looked too old; Tom Welling looked OK at first but way too old as the series progressed. Obviously he is physically way older than a teenage Clark Kent, but he has really started to look it the last few seasons.
08-22-2008, 07:29 PM
And enough fucking cheesy Lex Luthor. Give Supes an epic, world shattering villain like Braniac or Darkseid.
I totally agree with ya!!!
I really hope they don't do another origin stuff again. All I want is an epic battle with Darkseid, Brainiac, or Doomsday.
08-22-2008, 07:54 PM
Lois Lane, the douche kid, and Cyclops did wreck SR for me also.
Bring back Routh, bring in a new director, and really show why Superman would spend his time protecting Earth. Ya need to show Superman doing some major damage with the power he has, maybe introduce Darkseid and his crew, and adapt some recent stories. I haven't read Superman since after Death of..., so I dunno if it is still kinda lame.
The whole "american way" has got to go also. It doesn't work nowadays, with almost everyone being unhappy and the countries morale pretty low. How the hell can they show why the hell Superman would even want to be on Earth, and why the hell he would even want to protect us?
They got rid of that in Returns.
I know that. I hope they continue with it. I wasn't sure if that was still prevalent in the comics though.
I agree with part of that, but not the part of doing away with the "Truth, Justice and the American Way" part.
Spacey was great as Luthor, so I won't mind if they continue with that. But "The American Way" is why Superman is so great. The scene where he goes up into orbit above the earth to listen for crimes, they should have had Superman hear an ambush going on against an American Army squad somewhere in Afghanistan, then he swoops down and helps the soldiers, instead of that whole cheesy scene where he foils the robber trying to take the woman's purse.
08-22-2008, 09:42 PM
The scene where he goes up into orbit above the earth to listen for crimes, they should have had Superman hear an ambush going on against an American Army squad somewhere in Afghanistan, then he swoops down and helps the soldiers, instead of that whole cheesy scene where he foils the robber trying to take the woman's purse.
but even if they did that supes would still save the old lady because she's defenseless and the army guys got firepower. i just am not a huge fan of the comicbook movie anymore after seeing spider-man 3 i was sad but if they make any comic movie like the last 2 batman movies i'll watch
08-23-2008, 04:02 AM
Please let Mark Millar script the new Superman movie
He wrote Superman Red Son, a "What If" story where Superman landed in the USSR and was the Soviet super solider throughout the Cold War.
What do you mean Superman isn't dark?
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Aside from the kid I saw nothing wrong with Superman Returns, I would appreciate the reboot, but there is only so much you can do with the character. I think this falls into the situation where Marvel characters were always based in the "real" world and for the most part are regular people with abilities. DC characters tend to be treated as gods, and make them less "approachable".
08-23-2008, 04:20 PM
A reboot will be awful for one reason and one reason only, another origin. I have said previously that the origin of the character wastes too much time of the 2 hours we have for a comic book movie. These characters are known we don't need explaination of how they arrived on the scene. Thats why I liked Dark Knight, no Joker origin.
08-23-2008, 04:44 PM
My thoughts on how to make a new Superman movie:
1. First and foremost, just call the movie "Superman." People know the name. No need for a dynamic title. Save it for the sequel.
2. How do you reboot it without it being an origin story? The same way Incredible Hulk did it. Show a beautiful opening sequence with new music reminiscent of the same amazing John Williams score showing some simple things: planet blowing up and ship escaping it, landing on Earth with Ma and Pa discovering it, shadowed shot (not showing complete Clark Kent) of transformation into Superman costume, newspaper headlines or what have you showing that he's an established hero.
3. The all important villain does NOT have to be Lex Luthor. Let the first scene be Luthor being put into the SuperMax prison after being foiled by Superman. Have the new antagonist be a wortht opponent where Superman has to use all of his powers. This means he's got to punch him! Go out on a limb and bring in someone like Darkseid or Brainiac with perhaps a minor villain or two thrown in to show how much Superman can kick ass.
4. Who do you pick for Superman? There's got to be an actor out there who's six foot two, 225, and can make himself a lovable country boy with a heart of gold then transform into a mighty hero who people look at with awe and wonder because of his great powers. Don't make the movie until you find him. Find someone who is as good or better than Brandon Routh's Clark and has the equal potential of Christopher Reeve's Superman.
5. Dark and brooding? We all know this is the completely wrong way to go. Metropolis is the apex of what a city is supposed to be with tall towers, impressive technology, and a hierarchy of societies. Almost a modern day take on the medieval kingdoms. Superman is the knight in shining armor of that city. His costume has that color scheme because it's noticeable and has a near patriotic feel and brilliantly stands out on purpose, standing as the symbol for truth and justice and not hiding his face like Batman, his antithesis. Batman is the anti-hero. Superman is THE hero.
6. Supporting cast is key. Lois never married anyone who can't live up to her dream man Superman. The only reason she married Clark is because he revealed he IS Superman so she fell in love with the person as a whole. So this means no husband and ESPECIALLY no kid. Spunky and a go get 'em attitude combined with a dark brunette knockout's looks is what she's all about. Jimmy is the guy who wants to be the staff photographer but all he gets stuck with is being a copy boy but still gets to tag along with Lois who has a heart for him. The Chief is always nearly ready to have a heart attack because of them. Ma and Pa are good old fashion clean country living folks who raised their son right.
7. If you're going to start over, commit to it and don't rely on the past but recognize what made it work. Like I mentioned before in my idea for the opening credits, use a score that captures the feel of John Williams' great piece but takes us in a bold new direction for the modern generation. There doesn't have to be a crystal technology Krypton, nor does their have to be kryptonite as a central focus. Let the Fortress of Solitude actually be a carved out mountain in the arctic. It doesn't have to have a giant golden key that opens a Superman-shield shaped door, but it can be a place of refuge where he goes to remind him of where he came from. Hell you don't even have to have the Fortress. We've never really seen Clark's apartment in Metropolis.
All of this has actually inspired me to see if I can write my own Superman script. Why the hell not? If they're looking to start over, maybe I can take a shot at it if I follow my own advice, however unlikely it may be that they'd take a nobody's script.
08-23-2008, 05:08 PM
My thoughts on how to make a new Superman movie:
4. Who do you pick for Superman? There's got to be an actor out there who's six foot two, 225, and can make himself a lovable country boy with a heart of gold then transform into a mighty hero who people look at with awe and wonder because of his great powers. Don't make the movie until you find him. Find someone who is as good or better than Brandon Routh's Clark and has the equal potential of Christopher Reeve's Superman.
6. Supporting cast is key. Lois never married anyone who can't live up to her dream man Superman. The only reason she married Clark is because he revealed he IS Superman so she fell in love with the person as a whole. So this means no husband and ESPECIALLY no kid. Spunky and a go get 'em attitude combined with a dark brunette knockout's looks is what she's all about.
Jimmy is the guy who wants to be the staff photographer but all he gets stuck with is being a copy boy but still gets to tag along with Lois who has a heart for him.
That should work.
08-23-2008, 05:10 PM
That should work.
08-23-2008, 06:48 PM
In my opinion, they should be relatively unknown actors. It's the best formula. Let them be seen as the characters, not actors we know portraying characters. Of course they have to be talented unknown actors that Warner Bros. is willing to trust with a project like this.
08-24-2008, 07:49 PM
Just wanted to say I'm putting my name in the hat for the reboot. I've written the story, will be writing up a treatment, and finally a script with a friend of mine and submitting it to Warner Bros. Studios. I'm completely aware I have a billion-to-one chance of getting my story picked, but I was really inspired and I figured why not.
I say for the new Superman we go full on retard
08-25-2008, 06:24 AM
I assume that they will get someone of similar age to Christian Bale. They wanna align the movies for an eventual JLA movie, so having people of similar age would make sense. Unless they go for Batman being the "mentor" aged fellow.
08-25-2008, 07:47 AM
My Superman Movie:
- Superman is an established hero, 30 years old.
- Origin is told in opening sequence much like Incredible Hulk combined with a few action scenes
- Lex Luthor is in Super Max (the prison setting for the Green Arrow movie)
- InterGang is the secondary villain with weapons supplied by an arms dealer named Granny who turns out to be a minion of Darkseid
A friend of mine who is a movie and comic enthusiast like myself are polishing the story to make it appeal to masses but still have comic book elements of Superman.
08-25-2008, 07:51 AM
Spicy, did you ever think about the idea that Doomsday and Bizarro are both creations of Luthor, with Bizarro being the "disregarded experiment" and Doomsday being the real deal?
Doomsday gets out after Luthor is in prison. Bizarro gets out later, but his story is more Frankenstein's monster than true evil.
Big Blue gets F'ED up, but Bizarro redeems himself by taking out Doomsday with himself. Superman then stops some unstoppable world-ending calamity that was set into motion by Doomsday.
08-25-2008, 07:57 AM
Spicy, did you ever think about the idea that Doomsday and Bizarro are both creations of Luthor, with Bizarro being the "disregarded experiment" and Doomsday being the real deal?
Doomsday gets out after Luthor is in prison. Bizarro gets out later, but his story is more Frankenstein's monster than true evil.
Big Blue gets F'ED up, but Bizarro redeems himself by taking out Doomsday with himself. Superman then stops some unstoppable world-ending calamity that was set into motion by Doomsday.
One critique: so Supes isn't good enough to beat Doomsday himself, but can do the clean-up work?
I say enough with the Supes dealing with world-wide calamities (i.e after effects of an eathquake or of Luthor fucking with kryptonite crystals). It's been done. Let's just see him kick some ass.
Speaking of which, had some interesting similar ideas ( the Superman reboot.
08-25-2008, 08:03 AM
Doomsday cannot be destroyed totally, and is the perfect villian.
As far as the reboot, I agree that Spicy said regarding age. I consider Batman Begins as a perfect origin movie, but Superman is known by everybody and the majority of people know how he came about. Keep it simple.
08-25-2008, 08:10 AM
One critique: so Supes isn't good enough to beat Doomsday himself, but can do the clean-up work?
I say enough with the Supes dealing with world-wide calamities (i.e after effects of an eathquake or of Luthor fucking with kryptonite crystals). It's been done. Let's just see him kick some ass.
Speaking of which, had some interesting similar ideas ( the Superman reboot.
I was running a play of "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" in my head with Superman and Doomsday battling to constant stalemates, and then Bizzaro just ramming into Doomsday and taking them both into the Sun, with Bizarro smiling and saying "Hello, Hello" while Clark looks on incredulously.
08-25-2008, 08:13 AM
IGN says Ottman's version of Williams' score "didn't live up"? Blasphemy. Ottman's retooling of the theme was oen of my favorite parts. LOVED that huge horn section. Hell, we played Ottman's version at the wedding.
08-25-2008, 08:26 AM
To expand on Bizarro taking out Doomsday;
The theme of sacrifice is explored in the movie.
Bizarro is just a total f-up.
Stopping Doomsday presents Supes with the "Neo Choice" - save the world, or save Lois. Something is happening to Lois that she's going to die. Supes has to make the choice to either stop Doomsday, or save Lois.
Because Supes is Supes, he chooses to save the world.
Bizarro sees what Clark is doing, and then decides to make the sacrifice himself in order to let Clark save Lois.
08-25-2008, 08:27 AM
I still wanna see a Superman movie wrapped around the Doomsday storyline.
I'm not much into comics, but I loved that story so had action, drama, cliffhangers and such a great ending to where the savior of the world dies protecting what he loves most.
how can you not enjoy that in a movie?
08-25-2008, 08:36 AM
To expand on Bizarro taking out Doomsday;
The theme of sacrifice is explored in the movie.
Bizarro is just a total f-up.
Stopping Doomsday presents Supes with the "Neo Choice" - save the world, or save Lois. Something is happening to Lois that she's going to die. Supes has to make the choice to either stop Doomsday, or save Lois.
Because Supes is Supes, he chooses to save the world.
Bizarro sees what Clark is doing, and then decides to make the sacrifice himself in order to let Clark save Lois.
Doomsday should be the mindless (nigh) unstoppable force if he's going to be villain. And that kind of character shouldn't be able to do such a "Choice" to Supes.
08-25-2008, 09:18 AM
Meh. I don't wanna see Doomsday just yet. Save that for a sequel.
Lets look at the list of villians he can fight.
I think a bringing back General Zod ( would be great, but maybe for a sequel.
Would love to see Metallo ( Maybe toss in Brainiac ( as his creator.
Maybe you could go the Darkseid ( route, with Darkseid trying to take over planets. You could introduce Bizzaro ( and Mongul (
08-25-2008, 09:23 AM
Doomsday should be the mindless (nigh) unstoppable force if he's going to be villain. And that kind of character shouldn't be able to do such a "Choice" to Supes.
I don't think he is talking about "you have to make a choice" a la the Joker in TDK; more likely it's an issue of circumstance. Lois is in mortal danger of some type, but everybody is in danger if Superman doesn't stop Doomsday. Supes chooses the greater good, Bizarro is inspired and takes on Doomsday to let Clark save Lois.
Seems to me it would be a valid plot device, although it might be seen as somewhat expected and not surprising.
08-25-2008, 09:24 AM
Spicy, did you ever think about the idea that Doomsday and Bizarro are both creations of Luthor, with Bizarro being the "disregarded experiment" and Doomsday being the real deal?
You actually kind of read my mind of what I had in store for the sequel if it ever came to be, but right now I'm focusing just on this story. The overall theme of this movie is Superman feeling he's the only one who can save the world but in the end realizes that even someone like him can need help. This will act as a catalyst for the Justice League movie.
08-25-2008, 03:19 PM
8 reason for a 1930s Superman movie (
Call me crazy, but I think this would be an awesome idea. Seeing picture from the Watchmen movie, some of the old school look and gritty feel of the world, I think it would be awesome to have a Superman placed in the 1930s/40s/50s. It would remove a lot of the corniness of the comic.
Whatcha think?
08-25-2008, 03:28 PM
One critique: so Supes isn't good enough to beat Doomsday himself, but can do the clean-up work?
I say enough with the Supes dealing with world-wide calamities (i.e after effects of an eathquake or of Luthor fucking with kryptonite crystals). It's been done. Let's just see him kick some ass.
Speaking of which, had some interesting similar ideas ( the Superman reboot.
loved the idea of doomsday eating the super kid
08-25-2008, 03:41 PM
Which would be better? A cast of all relatively unknown actors or leave that to the role of Superman?
08-25-2008, 03:48 PM
Which would be better? A cast of all relatively unknown actors or leave that to the role of Superman?
it really depends on the actor/actresses
some actors you just know who that person is in real life and past characters they've played in movies and cant get past that
and example for me is gary sinese, no matter how many times i watch csi ny all i think of is theres lt. dan
others can transcend that and you're able to forget who they are and believe that they are that character/hero/villan
when im watching bale as wayne/batman im not thinking he's bale the actor who's played this role or that role, keaton worked well in this way for me also, kilmer and clooney not so much
and even with ledger as joker i didnt think of him as dead or as ledger until they end when he said to bats we could be doing this forever
08-25-2008, 06:47 PM
Here are some people I'd cast, some with more than one possibility:
- Superman: Henry Cavill
- Lois Lane: Rachel McAdams, Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt
- Jimmy Olsen: Thomas Dekker, Paul Dano
- Lex Luthor: Daniel Day Lewis, John Malkovitch, Terry O'Quinn
Henry Cavill is on the Tudors and he's really impressed me. He's got the build and look, and I believe he could pull off the duality of Clark Kent and Superman.
08-26-2008, 05:38 AM
I liked Brandon Routh as Superman, liked Sam Huntington as Jimmy Olson, and Spacey. Everyone else stunk.
08-26-2008, 08:38 AM
I loved Sam as Olsen. Brandon had a great Clark but he seemed to be almost there with Superman. Lex was way over the top in my opinion. Since it's a reboot, they would completely recast, hence my fantasy casting of my own. It's funny because my choice for Superman was the actual runner up before Routh got casted. He was also the runner up for James Bond and Bruce Wayne for each respective franchise reboot.
08-26-2008, 08:41 AM
Maybe Routh was directed wrong by Brian Singer. Who knows, but maybe Routh is a pretty deep and emotional and angry actor. I got the feeling that Singer directed him to be this steel reserved emotion person, nothing bothered him until he was getting his ass kicked.
08-26-2008, 02:46 PM
- I'm finishing up the polished storyline with my writing partner as we speak and will soon be working on the script. We've created motives for each of the villains as well as a tie in to how Darkseid's motive lead to the destruction of Krypton.
- The actions taken in this movie will go into the next two which will be the second and third act of a three movie arc. The second will deal with death, the third with redemption and triumph.
08-27-2008, 03:16 PM
Anyone here good at writing for scripts specifically? I'm just not good with dialogue.
08-28-2008, 05:02 PM
Maybe Routh was directed wrong by Brian Singer. Who knows, but maybe Routh is a pretty deep and emotional and angry actor. I got the feeling that Singer directed him to be this steel reserved emotion person, nothing bothered him until he was getting his ass kicked.
That may have been what he was looking for. You never know, since Superman has amazing powers, he may have wanted to convey that until the end fight in the movie, it was all shooting fish in a barrel. It certainly makes Lex Luthor like more a genius for really testing Superman, but it doesn't do much for the character of Superman or Clark Kent.
09-02-2008, 04:23 PM
Okay, I just saw a video interview from G4 with current comic book writing hot commodity Mark Millar. After hearing his ideas and how passionate he is about doing the reboot, I believe no one is more qualified than him and I really hope it goes through for him. To be honest, I think the mysterious director he's talking about is none other than the man who brought Superman to the screen originally...Richard Donner.
<object width="480" height="418" id="VideoPlayer"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="VideoPlayer" width="480" height="418" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" /></object>
09-02-2008, 04:41 PM
Millar's great, I really hope they put aside the fact that he writes for Marvel to use his script.
09-02-2008, 06:15 PM
Here's an extremely well fan made trailer for a fake Superman movie called "Superman: Reborn." If Millar wants to make something on the grand epic scale of LOTR, he might go with something like this...
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
09-03-2008, 07:28 AM
Here's my design for the new Superman costume. The design is based off of the last movie's costume but no heightened "S" symbol and the red shorts have been replaced with a red belt that intersects with the gold belt that has been given a more traditional look.
09-03-2008, 07:44 AM
I agree that the shorts have to go. What about these?
Michael Turner's Supes Suit & Fan Update
09-03-2008, 07:52 AM
Actually, the McG design is what I kind of based it off of but I figured this was a good balance of traditional with modern without it being too outlandish.
09-03-2008, 08:01 AM
I always wondered why the suit hasn't been updated to show the more futuristic alien-like attire they wore on Krypton. I mean, the planet was dying, he was jettisoned with the suit of power, but it looks like simple cotton? Just never sat right with me.
Any of you remember when they were talking about the suit giving him power NOT being powerful himself and using the Sun to strengthen himself? That would have been terrible.
09-03-2008, 08:16 AM
That was J.J. Abrams I believe and his script (while having some original ideas) was just awful. If Millar does get the job and I hope he does, I'm sure he'll do some updating to the costume but not drastically as well as to some characters like Luthor and the way Krypton is seen. I think he was quoted as saying he'd take elements of "Superman: Birthright" which is alright by me.
09-03-2008, 03:04 PM
Okay, I just saw a video interview from G4 with current comic book writing hot commodity Mark Millar. After hearing his ideas and how passionate he is about doing the reboot, I believe no one is more qualified than him and I really hope it goes through for him. To be honest, I think the mysterious director he's talking about is none other than the man who brought Superman to the screen originally...Richard Donner.
<object width="480" height="418" id="VideoPlayer"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="VideoPlayer" width="480" height="418" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" /></object>
at about 3 minutes in theres a hot redhead in a green bikini
i gotta go clean up now
02-25-2010, 07:11 AM
Variety confirms... (again?)....
David S. Goyer, co-writer of The Dark Knight, will revamp Superman with a new film called The Man Of Steel. Can he do for Supes what he and the Nolans did for Batman? Spoilers ahead. Update: It's confirmed!
Latino Review reports that Goyer's been hired to write the script for the new movie, which will be called The Man Of Steel, in addition to helping to craft the story for the third Nolan Batman film. Sources claim Goyer pitched a Superman idea that gets the character back to the mid-1980s John Byrne era, when he was last rebooted and given a fun, splashy new attitude. Says Latino Review's source, the new version will be "Modern. Believable. Fun!". And no, Bryan Singer and Brandon Routh probably won't be back.
Adds the anonymous source:
Goyer's story involves Luthor and Brainiac. It is NOT an origin and assumes audiences already know about Lois, Clark, Jimmy and Perry. I know the Daily Planet is struggling due to the internet. And I know it sets up a huge Kryptonian mythology.
Update: Variety has confirmed this report. [Latino Review]
02-25-2010, 09:21 AM
And punt.
02-25-2010, 01:30 PM
At least the finally put a super villain in it. That was the problem with Superman Returns. He was basically fighting a guy that I could beat up.
02-25-2010, 05:28 PM
At least the finally put a super villain in it. That was the problem with Superman Returns. He was basically fighting a guy that I could beat up.
Should be Darksied.
02-25-2010, 06:01 PM
Should be Darksied.
Absogoddamnedlutely..... Half the Batman villain roster has been represented in movies, but after five shots at it in three decades the Superman movies never got over their boner for Luthor. Darkseid is too bad-ass a character to not have been in a movie yet. Fucking Ant-man will be in a movie first, that's just silly.
02-25-2010, 06:05 PM
I dont have a problem with Brainiac. Hes never been represented in the movies and can lead to alot more backstory on the Kryptonian Mythology.
10-05-2010, 05:54 AM
Zack Snyder to direct new Superman.
Zack Snyder beat out at least five other directors who were reportedly in the running to reboot Superman—including Deja Vu's Tony Scott and Moon's Duncan Jones —and has been chosen by Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures to direct the newest installment in the Man of Steel's big-screen franchise.
Snyder, who directed Watchmen and 300 and is nearing completion on Sucker Punch, confirmed the news to Deadline by saying:
"I've been a big fan of the character for a long time, he's definitely the king of all superheroes, he's the one. It's early yet, but I can tell you that what David and Chris have done with the story so far definitely has given me a great insight into a way to make him feel modern. I've always felt he was kind of awesome. I'll finish Sucker Punch and get right at it."
And we may have the villan:
Now that we know who'll be directing the Superman reboot, what do we know about the reboot itself? Only the most important thing—the identity of the villain who'll be the facing off against the Man of Steel as the film's big bad.
According to geektyrant:
David Goyer wrote the script for the film and it's rumored to have a connection to the Richard Donner Superman films as well. That connection is the villain ... General Zod.
10-05-2010, 10:38 AM
Zod would work. At least now Superman would have a reasonable enemy that's as powerful as him and that he might actually get to punch at least once in this movie.
10-05-2010, 11:07 AM
Ugh. Im over it. Same fucking bullshit. You have the fucking technology. Stop with the same fucking villains over and over. They made the same mistake making Luthor the main villain in returns. Superman has some great enemies. Like Brainiac, Doomsday, Bizarro and Darkseid. Unfortunately if the movies are the only way youve ever followed Superman, youd never fucking know it.
Thats why I LOVE Smallville. Not only do they take on more of the Superman villains, but they actually do them right and make them interesting. This General Zod may be great, but hes got big shoes to fill following Terrance Stamp. And considering you are trying to reboot the franchise, its something they shouldnt even consider. Batman Begins did it right starting with Scarecrow and Rhas Al Ghul. 2 Villains never before depicted in any Batman movies.
10-05-2010, 11:12 AM
Thats why I LOVE Smallville.
A caller today said they can't use the word kryptonite in Smallville. What do they say?
10-05-2010, 11:15 AM
A caller today said they can't use the word kryptonite in Smallville. What do they say?
10-05-2010, 11:16 AM
So... Clark gets weak around, "meteors"?
10-05-2010, 11:16 AM
A caller today said they can't use the word kryptonite in Smallville. What do they say?
Thats not true. They use the word kryptonite all the time.
10-05-2010, 11:16 AM
If you do Zod - Gerard Butler. End of story. has worked with Snyder before, fantastic beard, and would bring a different edge to Zod.
10-05-2010, 11:17 AM
This is also the last season, and his enemy??? Darkseid.
10-05-2010, 11:18 AM
If you do Zod - Gerard Butler. End of story. has worked with Snyder before, fantastic beard, and would bring a different edge to Zod.
While I get exactly what you mean here, find it important, and agree with your still made me laugh out loud reading it.
10-05-2010, 11:21 AM
A great Superman movie reboot will steer well clear of any Krytonian stuff.
10-05-2010, 11:21 AM
While I get exactly what you mean here, find it important, and agree with your still made me laugh out loud reading it.
I gotta give credit to Marc with a C for that one. We were discussing Freddy Mercury and he just said "superb mustache". It stuck with me.
10-05-2010, 11:23 AM
Although some may have a problem with this, hear me out:
Dwayne Johnson, blue contact lenses and a wig. Looks exotic enough to be alien. Would you buy him as Superman?
I'm not saying he SHOULD be Supes, but it was just a thought.
10-05-2010, 11:25 AM
Although he's too old at this point, Karl Urban may have been a good supes.
Liam Hemsworth, although now is Thor, may have been another good pick.
And honest to God, Anne Hathaway was born to play Lois. Her 99 in Get Smart was about as close to Lois you could get.
10-05-2010, 11:26 AM
Although some may have a problem with this, hear me out:
Dwayne Johnson, blue contact lenses and a wig. Looks exotic enough to be alien. Would you buy him as Superman?
I'm not saying he SHOULD be Supes, but it was just a thought.
I think he could pull off Superman but not Clark Kent.
10-05-2010, 11:30 AM
I think he could pull off Superman but not Clark Kent.
(that's where you insert that "I'm not Superman! JPG from SNL)
10-05-2010, 12:22 PM
If you do Zod - Gerard Butler. End of story. has worked with Snyder before, fantastic beard, and would bring a different edge to Zod.
butler would be freaking awesome as zod. especially the way he has been portrayed in the comic books over the last few years.
Although some may have a problem with this, hear me out:
Dwayne Johnson, blue contact lenses and a wig. Looks exotic enough to be alien. Would you buy him as Superman?
I'm not saying he SHOULD be Supes, but it was just a thought.
i don't see it, though he would be a perfect black adam.
10-05-2010, 01:02 PM
There was a dude on Heroes, I think the actor is married to Natalie from The Dixie Chicks. He'd make a good Superman. He's got the look.
King Imp
10-05-2010, 02:50 PM
There was a dude on Heroes, I think the actor is married to Natalie from The Dixie Chicks. He'd make a good Superman. He's got the look.
When Heroes first began, I said he had the perfect superhero look with his chin. Like Matty said though about Karl Urban, he may be too old for the role.
10-06-2010, 04:47 PM
When Heroes first began, I said he had the perfect superhero look with his chin. Like Matty said though about Karl Urban, he may be too old for the role.
Adrian Pasdar. At 45, way too old.
12-16-2010, 10:18 AM
If Tim Burton had been allowed to do Superman, his costume might have looked like this:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
01-30-2011, 11:15 AM
Here are some people I'd cast, some with more than one possibility:
- Superman: Henry Cavill
- Lois Lane: Rachel McAdams, Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt
- Jimmy Olsen: Thomas Dekker, Paul Dano
- Lex Luthor: Daniel Day Lewis, John Malkovitch, Terry O'Quinn
Henry Cavill is on the Tudors and he's really impressed me. He's got the build and look, and I believe he could pull off the duality of Clark Kent and Superman.
You got your wish, Spicy. Cavill's been cast as per Nikki Finke.
01-30-2011, 12:30 PM
doesnt look bad but i guess theyre going with a younger supes like with spidey
01-30-2011, 12:33 PM
i'd like to see spacey back as luthor.
but really, they should explore a Darksied/New God's storyline for the next movie. they could get a few movies out of that
01-30-2011, 01:24 PM
doesnt look bad but i guess theyre going with a younger supes like with spidey
they tried that. With Routh. It didn't work.
Barnaby Jones
01-30-2011, 02:16 PM
they tried that. With Routh. It didn't work.
That movie was boring, but Routh was really good!!!
Barnaby Jones
01-30-2011, 02:18 PM
Reeve was only 26 and younger than Routh when he first played Superman, so "going young" works!!!
And Superman Returns made almost $400 million, so that "worked" pretty well!!!
01-30-2011, 02:42 PM
That movie was boring, but Routh was really good!!!
i agree. i thought he made a good superman
01-31-2011, 06:04 AM
Butler would make a kickass Zod. Good call!
01-31-2011, 04:11 PM
i agree. i thought he made a good superman
he nailed looking like a christopher reeve twin
storyline sucked
01-31-2011, 04:12 PM
they tried that. With Routh. It didn't work.
yeh but this newer one seems almost like theyre going teenage supes and teenage spidey maybe early early 20s
01-31-2011, 05:42 PM
yeh but this newer one seems almost like theyre going teenage supes and teenage spidey maybe early early 20s
What? Cavill is OBVIOUSLY older looking than Routh. Routh looked barely 21. Cavill actually looks like an adult.
01-31-2011, 05:44 PM
CJ13, you think this guy:
looks younger than this guy?:
01-31-2011, 07:18 PM
I think they look the same age. Its just all Cavills promo pictures seem to have him with some kind of beard. At this point Im just glad they didnt use Routh. He was bland and boring. It looked more like he was trying to do a Christopher Reeve impression then actually play Superman.
01-31-2011, 07:56 PM
Margo Kidder as Ma Kent.
(unless she's dead)
01-31-2011, 08:58 PM
He was bland and boring. It looked more like he was trying to do a Christopher Reeve impression then actually play Superman.
and was that his fault or what he was told to do by brian singer? i don't know the answer either, but from the feel from the rest of the movie, i lean towards it being singers fault. i thought routh and spacey to be the only decent things from the movie.
01-31-2011, 09:00 PM
Reeve was only 26 and younger than Routh when he first played Superman, so "going young" works!!!
And Superman Returns made almost $400 million, so that "worked" pretty well!!!
400 million still doesn't mean a good film
Furie: I like that idea but I say they need to re-do the Superman movie the same way they re-did the Hulk movie. See the first one as a bad idea and remake the story.
Routh was not bad, but I could see way too many tips of the hat to Reeves.
Hell Routh looked like he could have been Reeves younger brother.
The script was bad. Spacey was the best part of the movie. He played a damn good Luthor.
I just hope they take out the whole 'Superman has a kid' thing and start fresh.
Besides, rumor has it that the success of The Avengers will give the thumbs up/down for Justice League.
01-31-2011, 09:05 PM
I like that idea but I say they need to re-do the Superman movie the same way they re-did the Hulk movie.
i actually liked the ang lee hulk MUCH more than the latest reboot. i'm probably in the minority in that though.
01-31-2011, 09:59 PM
i actually liked the ang lee hulk MUCH more than the latest reboot. i'm probably in the minority in that though.
You are.
Had they not had Bruce's dad suddenly be the super villain (and played BADLY by Nick Nolte) it might have been a better movie.
01-31-2011, 10:04 PM
You are.
Had they not had Bruce's dad suddenly be the super villain (and played BADLY by Nick Nolte) it might have been a better movie.
as opposed to the horrendous acting by liv tyler and the rest of those idiots and the epic fight scene with abomination (literally).
Barnaby Jones
02-01-2011, 09:34 AM
400 million still doesn't mean a good film
I didn't say it was a good movie!!! Superman is a boring old douche and any movie about him is going to suck, but to say the last one didn't work implies that it was a failure, and it was not!!!
Barnaby Jones
02-01-2011, 09:35 AM
i actually liked the ang lee hulk MUCH more than the latest reboot. i'm probably in the minority in that though.
Totally with you!!! That movie was really goofy at parts, but at least it tried to do some thing different!!!! Most of these comic book movies are dreck, but that one was interesting!!! Loved the split screen!!! Real "pop art!!!"
02-03-2011, 04:24 PM
CJ13, you think this guy:
looks younger than this guy?:
i fucked up when i made that post i just read the spidey thread and had that kid in my mind and not cavill
def he looks older
02-03-2011, 08:56 PM
and was that his fault or what he was told to do by brian singer? i don't know the answer either, but from the feel from the rest of the movie, i lean towards it being singers fault. i thought routh and spacey to be the only decent things from the movie.
I definitely think Singer takes a share in the responsibility for that. He seemed so intent on doing a Richard Donner type Superman movie (the music, the intro, using lost footage of Brando) that it wouldnt surprise me at all if he told him to just watch the original movie and imitate Christopher Reeve entirely.
I didn't say it was a good movie!!! Superman is a boring old douche and any movie about him is going to suck, but to say the last one didn't work implies that it was a failure, and it was not!!!
Just curious, have you ever actually READ comic books??? A Superman movie done right can be brilliant. They just have to find the right story and more important the right villain.
Totally with you!!! That movie was really goofy at parts, but at least it tried to do some thing different!!!! Most of these comic book movies are dreck, but that one was interesting!!! Loved the split screen!!! Real "pop art!!!"
After reading your opinions on Spider-Man this now makes me feel soooo much better. Ang Lees Hulk may possibly be the worst comic book movie of all time. Its a close race between that, Fantastic Four, Electra, and The Punisher starring Dolph Lundgren. The only part I agree with was the comic book cut scenes, I did think that was kind of cool.
02-03-2011, 09:01 PM
The script was bad. Spacey was the best part of the movie. He played a damn good Luthor.
Besides, rumor has it that the success of The Avengers will give the thumbs up/down for Justice League.
While I agree with you about Stacey I think the problem came in making Lex Luthor the main villain to begin with. When they made the original movies in the 70s I understood that move as they really didnt have the technology to do justice to characters like Brainiac or Darseid. So they really didnt have a choice. But even in Part 2 they at least brought Zod in.
Returns had all that tech at their disposal and instead they made the main villain a guy in a long coat with a piece of Kryptonite. Awful.
I cant believe they are waiting for Avengers to see if it makes money. Considering whos in it and the success of the movies leading up to it, its a slam dunk this movie is gonna a TON of cash. And as a Marvel fan even I know that Justice League would probably make even more.
02-03-2011, 09:41 PM
Superman blows because we've seen the same fucking thing for SEVENTY FUCKING YEARS. You couldn't pay me to sit through another iteration of Superman and Lois and Clark and disaster striking Metropolis.
Why can't they make a Red Son adaptation? Give me something new for fuck's sake.
02-03-2011, 09:53 PM
Superman blows because we've seen the same fucking thing for SEVENTY FUCKING YEARS. You couldn't pay me to sit through another iteration of Superman and Lois and Clark and disaster striking Metropolis.
Why can't they make a Red Son adaptation? Give me something new for fuck's sake.
Red Son was awesome, but I mean, besides Smallville, which compared to a movie budget is peanuts, when have we ever seen a villain like a Darksied or a Doomsday or even a Metallo in a Superman movie? The guys got some incredible villains, we just havent seen any of the truly impressive ones.
Barnaby Jones
02-04-2011, 05:33 AM
Red Son was awesome, but I mean, besides Smallville, which compared to a movie budget is peanuts, when have we ever seen a villain like a Darksied or a Doomsday or even a Metallo in a Superman movie? The guys got some incredible villains, we just havent seen any of the truly impressive ones.
And they'd all stink!!! Same variation of Metropolis is threatened, Lois is threatened, big battle, saves the day...SNORE. Superman is just a boring repeat!!! Yeah, I have read plenty of comic books, which is why I know he's so boring!!! The few good Superman stories wouldn't work as movies at all (like Red Son) because the average movie goer would be too fucking confused!!!
And yeah, that Ang Lee movie was some interesting shit!!! It's a mess, but at least it tried to take some chances and do something different with a character that is usually as boring as ol ' Super-dupe!!! You sure love yourself some shitty comic books!!!
Barnaby Jones
02-04-2011, 05:34 AM
After reading your opinions on Spider-Man this now makes me feel soooo much better.
Haahahahaahaha!!! Of course it does!!! You only like safe dreck spoon fed to you like you're still 8 and reading comic booky wooks under the covers!!! Awwwww!!! You truly are the Dilfer of this board!!!
02-04-2011, 08:41 AM
Haahahahaahaha!!! Of course it does!!! You only like safe dreck spoon fed to you like you're still 8 and reading comic booky wooks under the covers!!! Awwwww!!! You truly are the Dilfer of this board!!!
Not even close. I like comic books that change things up and try different variations on stories, but there are mainstays you cant and shouldnt try to get away from.
What exactly are you looking for? Superman comes to Earth and does what exactly? Stops people from littering? Youve got a guy with enough strength to move the fucking Earth, it only makes sense he should have to defend it from something strong enpough to destroy it. What was your other favorite comic book movie? Superman 4: The Quest for Peace? You mustve loved it when he took all the worlds nuclear weapons and threw them into the son. Sooo much better then fighting a threat like Darkseid. How pissed were you when it turned out he made that faggot blonde super villain with the long fingernail powers?
02-04-2011, 09:53 AM
Remakes only make us argue - is there any new fresh ideas left out there?
02-04-2011, 03:48 PM
I definitely think Singer takes a share in the responsibility for that. He seemed so intent on doing a Richard Donner type Superman movie (the music, the intro, using lost footage of Brando) that it wouldnt surprise me at all if he told him to just watch the original movie and imitate Christopher Reeve entirely.
Just curious, have you ever actually READ comic books??? A Superman movie done right can be brilliant. They just have to find the right story and more important the right villain.
After reading your opinions on Spider-Man this now makes me feel soooo much better. Ang Lees Hulk may possibly be the worst comic book movie of all time. Its a close race between that, Fantastic Four, Electra, and The Punisher starring Dolph Lundgren. The only part I agree with was the comic book cut scenes, I did think that was kind of cool.
punisher was bad
but lemme ask u this
do you count he-man as part of this discussion ??
cause if so i cant see anything topping that
maybe live action super mario
02-04-2011, 03:53 PM
While I agree with you about Stacey I think the problem came in making Lex Luthor the main villain to begin with. When they made the original movies in the 70s I understood that move as they really didnt have the technology to do justice to characters like Brainiac or Darseid. So they really didnt have a choice. But even in Part 2 they at least brought Zod in.
Returns had all that tech at their disposal and instead they made the main villain a guy in a long coat with a piece of Kryptonite. Awful.
I cant believe they are waiting for Avengers to see if it makes money. Considering whos in it and the success of the movies leading up to it, its a slam dunk this movie is gonna a TON of cash. And as a Marvel fan even I know that Justice League would probably make even more.
i think it would def make more
justice league has superman batman
avengers has capt america hulk thor iron man
as big as the avengers cast is popularity wise and mainstream wise supes and batman trump them easily
i know theres more to each but i was going with the ones most people know of even non comic fans
02-04-2011, 03:56 PM
Remakes only make us argue - is there any new fresh ideas left out there?
not lately
02-04-2011, 06:51 PM
When are we going to see a Kingdom Come movie for the love of god???
02-04-2011, 09:53 PM
punisher was bad
but lemme ask u this
do you count he-man as part of this discussion ??
cause if so i cant see anything topping that
maybe live action super mario
That Punisher movie was just AWFUL!
He-Man wasn't a comic book before it was a was the other way around.
02-04-2011, 09:59 PM
i think it would def make more
justice league has superman batman
avengers has capt america hulk thor iron man
as big as the avengers cast is popularity wise and mainstream wise supes and batman trump them easily
i know theres more to each but i was going with the ones most people know of even non comic fans
Maybe as a general fan base most people know Superman and Batman better because they've been around for close to 100 years. Spidey and X-Men, FF and all the Marvel universe for only about 50 years.
But the one thing Marvel has been trumping DC over is script writers. Batman movies (as in Dark Knight and Batman Begins) were nothing short of great. Best comic movies out there.
Superman Returns?
Jonah Hex? meh
now Marvel?
Xmen were good.
Spidey, same
FF, decent.
Iron Man? both were great to watch.
Even the 2nd Hulk movie wasn't as bad as the 1st one.
Yes we also had Daredevil (mediocre) and Electra (Garner in that tight red leather outfit.......................) and the 1st Hulk Movie
Now Green Lantern looks good, and Ryan Reynolds is a good actor. I hope the script is as good as the FX's look. This movie could help the DC cause in the movie market.
But right now I would say
Marvel- 7
DC- 2
02-04-2011, 10:05 PM
He-Man wasn't a comic book before it was a was the other way around.
The toys came with those little tiny comics, and the cartoon came after. Then normal comics after that.
Ryan Reynolds is a good actor
02-04-2011, 11:50 PM
punisher was bad
but lemme ask u this
do you count he-man as part of this discussion ??
cause if so i cant see anything topping that
maybe live action super mario
I dont because I never even knew He Man was a comic. I only knew of the toys and cartoon.
Also, the latest Punisher was godawful, as well as a Nick Fury movie starring David Hasselhoff. And Superman 3 and 4 was just total shit.
02-05-2011, 04:26 AM
Maybe as a general fan base most people know Superman and Batman better because they've been around for close to 100 years. Spidey and X-Men, FF and all the Marvel universe for only about 50 years.
But the one thing Marvel has been trumping DC over is script writers. Batman movies (as in Dark Knight and Batman Begins) were nothing short of great. Best comic movies out there.
Superman Returns?
Jonah Hex? meh
now Marvel?
Xmen were good.
Spidey, same
FF, decent.
Iron Man? both were great to watch.
Even the 2nd Hulk movie wasn't as bad as the 1st one.
Yes we also had Daredevil (mediocre) and Electra (Garner in that tight red leather outfit.......................) and the 1st Hulk Movie
Now Green Lantern looks good, and Ryan Reynolds is a good actor. I hope the script is as good as the FX's look. This movie could help the DC cause in the movie market.
But right now I would say
Marvel- 7
DC- 2
No one watches the Watchmen?
No V for Vendetta?
So the Losers are just losers?
Who was Constantine?
Where's the Road to Perdition?
Who's in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
What the heck is The Spirit?
Is your favorite color Red?
02-05-2011, 04:34 AM
No one watches the Watchmen?
No V for Vendetta?
So the Losers are just losers?
Who was Constantine?
Where's the Road to Perdition?
Who's in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
What the heck is The Spirit?
Is your favorite color Red?
Thanks...I totally forgot about those movies. I was more focused on the mainstream comics and hero's
Watchmen could have been so much better. Instead most people were all about Captain Blue Penis.
V for Vendetta....absolutely did the book justice (no pun intended)
Constantine, same thing. Loved that movie.
League of X.G.....Ah-BOO. Bad script...bad FX...horrible movie.
Didn't see any of the others, but I downloaded Red and will be watching it soon. I look forward to it.
02-05-2011, 09:27 AM
Thanks...I totally forgot about those movies. I was more focused on the mainstream comics and hero's
Watchmen could have been so much better. Instead most people were all about Captain Blue Penis.
V for Vendetta....absolutely did the book justice (no pun intended)
Constantine, same thing. Loved that movie.
League of X.G.....Ah-BOO. Bad script...bad FX...horrible movie.
Didn't see any of the others, but I downloaded Red and will be watching it soon. I look forward to it.
The Spirit and The League sucked. I havent seen the Losers or Red. The rest were good.
03-27-2011, 12:03 PM
Amy Adams is Lois Lane. (
08-04-2011, 06:09 AM
Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have provided the first look at the new "Man of Steel," revealing star Henry Cavill as Superman in the film from director Zack Snyder.
The film also stars three-time Oscar® nominee Amy Adams ("The Fighter") as Daily Planet journalist Lois Lane, and Oscar® nominee Laurence Fishburne ("What's Love Got to Do with It") as her editor-in-chief, Perry White. Starring as Clark Kent's adoptive parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent, are Oscar® nominee Diane Lane ("Unfaithful") and Academy Award® winner Kevin Costner ("Dances with Wolves").
Squaring off against the superhero are two other surviving Kryptonians, the villainous General Zod, played by Oscar® nominee Michael Shannon ("Revolutionary Road"), and Faora, Zod's evil partner, played by Antje Traue. Also from Superman's native Krypton are Lara Lor-Van, Superman's mother, played by Julia Ormond, and Superman's father, Jor-El, portrayed by Academy Award® winner Russell Crowe ("Gladiator").
Rounding out the cast are Harry Lennix as U.S. military man General Swanwick, as well as Christopher Meloni as Colonel Hardy.
"Man of Steel" is being produced by Charles Roven, Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Deborah Snyder. The screenplay was written by David S. Goyer, from a story by Goyer and Nolan, based upon Superman characters created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster and published by DC Comics. Thomas Tull and Lloyd Phillips are serving as executive producers.
King Imp
08-04-2011, 06:51 AM
Why is Perry White black now?
Oh, and I hate the suit. It looks silly.
Also not feeling the look of the actor. He just doesn't look Supermanesque to me.
08-04-2011, 02:41 PM
Why is Perry White black now?
Oh, and I hate the suit. It looks silly.
Also not feeling the look of the actor. He just doesn't look Supermanesque to me.
Seriously. He looks like a villian... Not Supes.
08-04-2011, 03:57 PM
looks like evil superman
08-04-2011, 03:58 PM
Why is Perry White black now?
Oh, and I hate the suit. It looks silly.
Also not feeling the look of the actor. He just doesn't look Supermanesque to me.
same reason harvey dent was played by lando
07-21-2012, 11:12 AM
The embed isnt working...
07-21-2012, 05:06 PM
best part was some of the comments and one guy goes
didn't know supes was on deadliest catch
07-22-2012, 02:00 PM
New Superman movie looks just amazing.
The tone feels right.
12-11-2012, 08:21 AM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
12-11-2012, 09:32 AM
fuck that looks good
12-11-2012, 11:19 AM
I cant wait for this.
12-11-2012, 02:00 PM
Can't wait.
12-11-2012, 02:23 PM
If the same director as Watchmen is doing it than I'm in. Watchmen looked amazing.
12-11-2012, 03:26 PM
Shit it looks so good. God I hope it is. That'll mean the Justice League movie will be on like Donkey Kong.
King Imp
12-12-2012, 08:04 AM
While I am psyched for this movie and it is one of a rare few that I would gladly pay the ridiculous theater prices for, I really do hate these trailers that show split second scenes where you can't tell what the hell is happening.
12-12-2012, 09:50 AM
While I am psyched for this movie and it is one of a rare few that I would gladly pay the ridiculous theater prices for, I really do hate these trailers that show split second scenes where you can't tell what the hell is happening.
isn't that better then a trailer the reveals the whole fucking movie?
12-12-2012, 10:31 AM
isn't that better then a trailer the reveals the whole fucking movie?
King Imp
12-12-2012, 03:16 PM
isn't that better then a trailer the reveals the whole fucking movie?
Only if it's a comedy as they always show all the funny parts and by the time you see the movie you realize there are no laughs left.
Judge Smails
04-14-2013, 06:02 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
04-15-2013, 03:57 AM
hard to see but it looks like zod is wearing a bane mask
04-15-2013, 07:24 AM
They should make this one
04-15-2013, 09:07 AM
god that would have been terrible
although he woulda made an excellent bizarro superman or the drunk superman in #3
04-15-2013, 12:33 PM
hard to see but it looks like zod is wearing a bane mask
Its this... (
04-15-2013, 02:59 PM
what the fuck is that ?
Judge Smails
04-15-2013, 03:39 PM
what the fuck is that ?
Kid's General Zod Halloween Costume which was leaked by some costume company.
04-15-2013, 04:43 PM
that's not any form of zod I remember
04-15-2013, 05:03 PM
Now I can finally complete my Night's Watch costume.
04-15-2013, 06:50 PM
Now I can finally complete my Night's Watch costume.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Holy shit this might be an amazing movie.
04-16-2013, 05:12 PM
04-16-2013, 05:27 PM
god fucking damn I'm pumped for this movie
04-17-2013, 01:36 AM
Looks like a great movie.
As much as I liked the Christopher Reeve movies... I always thought there was a bit too much humor. Otis bumping in to shit while John Willams scored plenty of oboes and clarinets. Hated that.
This new movie looks much more serious. I'm pumped.
04-17-2013, 04:44 AM
Looks like a great movie.
As much as I liked the Christopher Reeve movies... I always thought there was a bit too much humor. Otis bumping in to shit while John Willams scored plenty of oboes and clarinets. Hated that.
This new movie looks much more serious. I'm pumped.
both movies are perfect for the time they were made in
neither movie woulda worked if u flipped em time wise
04-17-2013, 05:01 AM
Not a big Superman fan but I'll check this one out. I don't think I've even seen any of them other than part 4, which I loved when I was about 8.
04-17-2013, 05:44 AM
Not a big Superman fan but I'll check this one out. I don't think I've even seen any of them other than part 4, which I loved when I was about 8.
that was the worst of the Chris reeves ones
04-17-2013, 07:06 AM
that was the worst of the Chris reeves ones
It borders on the worst comic book movie of all time. Its actually pretty remarkable that they were able to make one even worse than Superman 3 with Richard Pryor.
King Imp
04-17-2013, 07:09 AM
Now THAT is a fucking trailer! :thumbup:
04-17-2013, 08:11 AM
It borders on the worst comic book movie of all time. Its actually pretty remarkable that they were able to make one even worse than Superman 3 with Richard Pryor.
Superman 3 was the worst. Superman 4 was bad, but they had to come back from so far away after the 3rd movie--people were so disappointed and had very little faith in the 4th movie.
04-17-2013, 08:47 AM
This clip from the trailer already makes this movie 100x better than Superman Returns...
He actually fucking punches something!!!
And look what else was snuck into the trailer!!!
04-17-2013, 09:00 AM
I can't see what's in the green circle what's it say ?
04-17-2013, 09:07 AM
I can't see what's in the green circle what's it say ?
04-17-2013, 09:08 AM
hard to see on my phone
thank u kind sir
04-17-2013, 09:09 AM
It's awesome! But shit, I'll I'm gonna' do for a month and a half is fixate on wanting to see this movie. Son of a bitch.
06-16-2013, 08:28 PM
Does anyone have the bit where Ron talks about how if Superman was real, and he saw Superman beating up a bank robber, he would attack Superman because he would side with the bank robber over an alien?
07-20-2013, 07:10 PM
Warner Bros. has just revealed plans for their own DC Cinematic Universe with the announcement of a Man of Steel sequel that will feature none other than Batman! Snyder took the stage at the Warner Bros. panel to announce something and brought up actor Harry Lennix to read a special message.
"I want you to remember, Clark," Lennix said, "in all the years to come. In all your private moments. I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember, the one man who beat you."
And with that famous speech from The Dark Knight Returns, Snyder unveiled the logo below. No further details were announced but WB has revealed that Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane will return along with the Man of Steel himself, Henry Cavill. (
07-21-2013, 05:46 AM
hopefully it does not suck
and bale already said he's out as bats
any suggestions for who takes the cowl ?
07-21-2013, 06:00 AM
hopefully it does not suck
and bale already said he's out as bats
any suggestions for who takes the cowl ?
There is absolutely no way this will not suck. If there was ever something made for children, this is it. It may as well be animated.
07-21-2013, 08:57 AM
probably sell a lot of dolls though.
07-21-2013, 10:14 AM
The movie I AM LEGEND predicted this, like, five years ago.
07-21-2013, 01:08 PM
There is absolutely no way this will not suck. If there was ever something made for children, this is it. It may as well be animated.
Really??? Considering it was originally written by Frank Miller and it will be the springboard from which Justice League is made I seriously doubt it. If it was a Batman / Superman team up then I would think so, but fighting each other? No way. And personally I dont care if Bale is Batman or not. Ive got no problem with them using someone else for this and the Justice League movies.
They kind of set this up at the end of Man of Steel with the government not trusting him and trying to spy on him with their satellites. It only makes sense that with what happened to Metropolis that Batman would consider this guy a threat.
07-21-2013, 06:46 PM
ronnie b LOVES this idea
07-22-2013, 08:28 AM
Really??? Considering it was originally written by Frank Miller and it will be the springboard from which Justice League is made I seriously doubt it. If it was a Batman / Superman team up then I would think so, but fighting each other? No way. And personally I dont care if Bale is Batman or not. Ive got no problem with them using someone else for this and the Justice League movies.
They kind of set this up at the end of Man of Steel with the government not trusting him and trying to spy on him with their satellites. It only makes sense that with what happened to Metropolis that Batman would consider this guy a threat.
I'm not much of a dc guy
is Gotham and metropolis in the same universe ?
07-22-2013, 09:16 AM
I'm not much of a dc guy
is Gotham and metropolis in the same universe ?
Yea. Its like NY and Chicago.
07-22-2013, 01:56 PM
Yea. Its like NY and Chicago.
I know they've done suoerman and batman crossover stuff before but I always thought Gotham and metropolis were sposed to be the same city
07-22-2013, 04:14 PM
I know they've done suoerman and batman crossover stuff before but I always thought Gotham and metropolis were sposed to be the same city
They have different names, silly pants.
07-23-2013, 03:12 PM
They have different names, silly pants.
yes but I thought they were both supposed to be a New York clone not existing in the same universe
07-23-2013, 04:22 PM
yes but I thought they were both supposed to be a New York clone not existing in the same universe
Yeah, I was just being silly. I think they be versions of ny, but from very different periods in time.
07-23-2013, 07:22 PM
I know the original movie had Metroplis as NY and its supposed to be the biggest city, just like NY, but for some reason I always pictured it as Chicago. Maybe because Smallville was in Kansas and I always thought the two werent extremely far from one another. Gotham was an island like Manhattan with lots of bridges and tunnels, so I pictured that as NY.
07-23-2013, 07:26 PM
I know the original movie had Metroplis as NY and its supposed to be the biggest city, just like NY, but for some reason I always pictured it as Chicago. Maybe because Smallville was in Kansas and I always thought the two werent extremely far from one another. Gotham was an island like Manhattan with lots of bridges and tunnels, so I pictured that as NY.
I always pictured the opposite. Batman just seemed more like he'd roam the rooftops of Chicago with the organized crime elements and Superman was flying over New York with the more global implications of the villains he fought and New York being a globalish city.
07-23-2013, 09:23 PM
I had always thought Gotham was NYC and Metropolis was LA. No idea where I got it from.
08-22-2013, 06:33 PM
Ben Affleck is going to be the Batman that takes down Superman.
Way to totally screw the pooch on that one Warner Brothers. Avengers 2 is going to kick their dick in.
08-22-2013, 08:50 PM
08-23-2013, 05:25 AM
Ben Affleck is going to be the Batman that takes down Superman.
Way to totally screw the pooch on that one Warner Brothers.
Maybe Affleck will re-invigorate Batman the way he did the Jack Ryan franchise. Oh, wait...
08-23-2013, 08:13 AM
Maybe Affleck will re-invigorate Batman the way he did the Jack Ryan franchise. Oh, wait...
well he did have great success as daredev....
can't do it
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