View Full Version : OLD CANDY...
04-24-2001, 09:46 PM
anybody remember a candy called was white chocolate with rasberry goo inside.i called ron and fez a while ago about this.and after i was mocked for about 10 mins. about makin it up a women called and said she still knew where to get it.well anybody else got any good ones?
"official pimp of"
"get in the cage,grandma"
-Baby Chanel
04-24-2001, 09:58 PM
I remember that. It was only out for a little while, tho'
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04-24-2001, 10:01 PM
yup i think they banned it for some reason.i wish i could find a pic of the wrapper for a sig pic
"official pimp of"
"get in the cage,grandma"
-Baby Chanel
This message was edited by skullcrush on 4-25-01 @ 2:04 AM
Angelo from da Bronx
04-25-2001, 10:53 AM
I remember I used to eat a bunch of those candy cigarrettes.
04-25-2001, 01:21 PM
I found a place in England on the web this morning that still sells Skull Crushers. Lost the link, I'll have to search it out again.
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04-25-2001, 03:15 PM
I remember that conversation, skullcrush, and I was frustrated because I was in the car and couldn't call in to back you up on that... I distinctly remember those! I used to poke they eyeholes out with a toothpick to make 'em bleed before I ate 'em. :)
Anybody else out there remember Slow Pokes? I loved those things and my mother never wanted me to have them cuz they kept sticking to my teeth.
The Blowhard
04-25-2001, 03:38 PM
Loved those Marathon Bars!
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[/b]"I can see clearly now the brain is gone" [/b][i]
05-01-2001, 09:25 AM
bubble gum-- bazooka, big buddy, bubble yum, big league chew.
lollipops -- astro pops, charms pop, tootsie pops, blow pops.
remember zots, candy buttons, and candy cigarettes cigars and candy necklaces. original jolly rancher sticks 10cents. bottle caps
This message was edited by jafter on 5-2-01 @ 10:35 PM
05-01-2001, 07:32 PM
talkin about big league chew,remember the green chew that looked like spinach?it was for popeye gum
"official pimp of"
"get in the cage,grandma"
-Baby Chanel
05-01-2001, 07:44 PM
Gotta love the dot candy on the paper strip, Fun Dip, Sugar Straws, and of course Pop Rocks!
Piddlers and BJQ's
do it better....
05-01-2001, 08:07 PM
EMB, you named some of my faves, but the sugar straws were Pixy Stix!!!
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05-01-2001, 08:13 PM
Oops sorry JJ that was what I called them when I was little. Thanx for correcting my stupid ass. LOL :)
Piddlers and BJQ's
do it better....
05-02-2001, 06:11 PM
JJ, the little ones were pixie stix and then the had the super ones about 2 1/2 feet long in a thick plastic tube.. Keep you wired for hours.....
Fun Dips were good.
Heckler, remember the original jaw breakers in the box I believe pan ferrara was the company. They also made red hots.
05-07-2001, 01:13 AM
Well...where to start...
ok the better candy mentioned...Marathon Bar
They did stop making it...but from all popular commentary...the Cadbury Curly Wurly bar seems to be indentical
as for Skull Crushers...geez that one was easy... enjoy!
As for me...the perfect old candy...well there are too about pb maxx which is recent old...or then again the reggie bar the old school old. Personally I really miss when Watchamacallit was made without caramel or Bromo candies like Fizz hard candies which fizzed and frothed when you got to the center...and they came in long strips of individually wrapped candies.
swedish fish best when your
joe poo rulz
EMB yer my hero! Those are my fave candys, especially the dots on the paper and I also LOOOOOOOVe those little bubble gum nuggets that came in mini fruit juice cartons (i think theyre called juice bars)You can only get them at the beach around here, but apple juice and pink lemonade were the best! Damn! =)
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If you put a tin can to your ear you can hear the subway.
05-07-2001, 06:54 PM
good lookin out the problem is gettin them sent too america
"all i want in this world is freedom and roastbeef"
-crazy lady from h.b.o
05-07-2001, 08:35 PM
Aww Gwen anytime babes! I also remember those wax tubes that had juice in them. I don't know if that's what you were talking about. I had a frozen snowcone tonight too...ahh more childhood memories. :)
Piddlers and BJQ's do it better....
05-08-2001, 04:27 AM
I once knew a girl who snorted a 2 foot long pixie stick... Hmmm i wonder why she turned to coke?
--Big Man on Campus--
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05-08-2001, 04:43 PM
i just remembered whin i was really young,like in the early 80's my sister used too get bubble gum that looked like a little records.i think the wrapper might have even been real group covers.anybody remember this?
"all i want in this world is freedom and roastbeef"
-crazy lady from h.b.o
05-08-2001, 08:39 PM
No one seems to have mentioned this...
"Sugar Daddy". It's a big rectangular hunk of caramel on a stick. I drool on myself while eating it, because all the saliva required to eat one runs down the length of the bar, out of my mouth, down my chin, and all over myself.
Humiliation by candy. Is there anything better?
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The Blowhard
05-08-2001, 09:26 PM
What about "Hot Tamales" and "Lemonheads"?
And how can I ever forget "Turkish Taffy"? You would throw it down on the sidewalk to crack it into small pieces.
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[/b]"I can't believe it's not butter"[/b][i]
05-08-2001, 10:17 PM
Alexander The grape.That was gross.I liked Pixie Stix better known as Diabetes in a Straw.How about Reggie bars? Dinasaur Eggs by Willy Wonka? What is the deal with old people and Root Beer barrels?
05-09-2001, 08:42 AM
"There's no sugar in pixie stix." - Bart Simpson
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05-09-2001, 05:25 PM
boston baked beans
"all i want in this world is freedom and roastbeef"
-crazy lady from h.b.o
05-17-2001, 06:14 PM
wow,remember red hots
[I'm the unofficial babychanel]<img border="4" src="babychanel"width="6"height"5">
05-17-2001, 07:01 PM
I don't think anyone mentioned "Good N' Plenty"...that was the closest you got to Candy Masochism...they didn't taste very good, having perfectly cobined the two wonderful flavors of Licorice and Ass, but you couldn't put them down. The white oneswere better than the purple ones, though. Just like light brown and yellow M&Ms are the best M&Ms of all.
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05-17-2001, 07:09 PM
i always hated candy corn.but every year i gotta eat a bag before halloween.candy corn byBRAKS
"all i want in this world is freedom and roastbeef"
-crazy lady from h.b.o
remember flying saucers candy
filled wafers that tasted like
holy commui
joe poo rulz
05-18-2001, 02:01 AM
pez is so old and it's still around, in fact i went to Adventure Land and won a Kerrmit the frog dispencer.
05-18-2001, 02:06 AM
razzles the gum that looked like bottle caps
also,wax shaped bottles that you had to bite of the top and drink the juice out of them,I forgot the name of them..
The Blowhard
05-19-2001, 01:06 PM
There was a great candy bar in the 70's called "No Jelly".
It was a delicious peanut butter bar, but it just vanished.
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"One million posts by June..HECKLER"
05-19-2001, 01:56 PM
I was given a shitload of candy for my birthday, but among them wree Peanut Chews. I'd never had them before because, basically, they look like old people candy. But they're damn good.
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05-19-2001, 02:40 PM
peanut chews are the shit.also,bit-o-honey
"all i want in this world is freedom and roastbeef"
-crazy lady from h.b.o
Iris Junior
05-24-2001, 05:34 PM
One word-JUJUBEES!
05-24-2001, 06:12 PM
i think after todays show,you cant say that anymore
"jon benet wasn't that hott without make up on"
Iris Junior
05-24-2001, 07:02 PM
Ooops-so sorry.
The Blowhard
05-26-2001, 01:14 PM
What ever happened to "Zagnut" and "Caravelle" bars?
"Back off Beaver, you little creep"
Iris Junior
05-26-2001, 04:38 PM
Beetlejuice ate all the Zagnuts.
The Blowhard
06-26-2001, 11:21 PM
I wish "Turkish Taffy" would come back. I need to break more teeth.
"My dog told me to kill you"
06-27-2001, 04:20 AM
Favorites are:
Lemon Heads/Alexander the Grapes/Cherry Chans
Push pops
Fun dip
Big League chew
Those waz bottles with the watered down kool aid in them.
Red Laces
Caramello (I was right in the middle of a caramello when I found gold! I watched way to much TV growing up)
This wasn't a candy but it still pissed me off. Remeber in the mid eighties hostess had the great idea to put out there snack cakes with a bite missing from them? The story was a bear had bit them in the factory or some shit. Even as a kid I used to think"Hey wait a minute! I spending the same amount of money and getting 3/4 of a cupcake. What kinda bullshit is this?!"
"What?! Huh?! What will come out no more?!"
06-27-2001, 07:27 AM
Big League Chew was great cause it totally made you feel like a baseball player.
Did anyone actually like Fireballs? They were more an annoying candy than anything else.
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<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool."-Almost Famous~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">
07-23-2001, 02:29 AM
heckler that one was for u!
pantera made me a cool sig,but i didnt know what to do so PanterA entered my account and got it to work. :)
07-23-2001, 09:09 PM
Bolster Bar.
It's what today's Clark Bar aspires to, but doesn't reach.
F Wad
07-24-2001, 08:36 AM
my favorite was zots a hard candy w a fiiling that fizzzled in your mouth
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07-25-2001, 01:51 PM
Hey!remember fun dip, with the stick you can eat!
07-25-2001, 01:51 PM
wax gum
This message was edited by babychanel on 7-25-01 @ 5:59 PM
10-03-2001, 09:11 PM
Since it's one of my favorite times of the year, Halloween, let's talk about candy! What's your favorite?
Reese's Pieces peanut butter cups!
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Emb- peanut butter cups are among my favorites, along with my juicebars of course, but I just found a new candy (well not new, but new to me) that is extra tasty: 100 grands! Yum!
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"If you put a tin can to your ear you can hear the subway" - Deez
Some excellent choices there, ladies. I pretty much love anything chocolate, unless it has nuts in it. YUCK!
I'll never understand why someone would ruin a perfectly good batch of brownies or a cake or candy or anything by putting nuts in it. I hate 'em!
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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I too dislike nuts immensely. The only nuts I like are pecans, but only in pralines and cream from 31 flavors.
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"If you put a tin can to your ear you can hear the subway" - Deez
Know what's really weird? The only nut I like is peanuts, but I hate chocolate and peanuts together. It's a total stand alone taste, for some reason. And I love Toasted Almond ice cream, yet hate almonds. Don't ask.
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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10-04-2001, 06:25 PM
Gwen, RP PBC totally rocks!
Nuts are pretty good in some candy bars like Snickers, or PayDay. I hate walnuts! Ewwww they're even worse in brownies. I also hate coconut in candy bars but I like coconut alone. I'm nuts (hardy-har-har) like you GVAC.
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The Blowhard
11-04-2001, 09:07 PM
I REALLY want a Zagnut Bar!
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pootertoot inc.
RF Godfather
11-05-2001, 01:58 AM
NErds, Bazooka Joe, Fun Dip and Pez were the best.
What ever happened to WHATCHAMACALLITs?
New sig thanks to WWFallon.
i only breezed this thread so i dont know if either of these were mentioned but.. 1) those damn waz lips things we got on halloween. when ever i got one.. id gag just thinking about putting it in my mouth.. it tasted like ear.
2)i think it was trident for a while had a gum with like goo in the middle. i remember it cause i found a piece the other day in an old box from when i was a kid.. im a scared to eat it..
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Special thanks to WWFallon for the sig pic
The Blowhard
11-14-2001, 11:30 PM
Still looking for a Reggie Bar.
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11-15-2001, 06:26 AM
Pez, Fun Dip, Nerds (all Willy Wonka candy rules!), those gum cigarrettes, pixie sticks.
"Sit on my face and tell me that you love me
I'll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too!"
Alice S. Fuzzybutt
11-15-2001, 04:56 PM
I remember my 4th grade teacher went off on us about "Lik-a-Maid" and those sugar-filled straws. She was convinced we'd get pneumonia if we accidentally inhaled the sugar.
No wonder they invented Ritalin!!
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The Blowhard
11-18-2001, 12:14 AM
Once I bought a pixie stick that was as long and thick as a broom handle. I finished it off in a few hours. I blame the American Dental Association! ;)
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The Blowhard
11-28-2001, 11:23 PM
I was in a Chinese store and saw a package of "Make You Happy In Tummy And Smile You"..what the hell? :)
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11-29-2001, 08:55 AM
i really liked shark bites (i think that's what they were called). my grandma would buy them all the time, but i think that they were pulled off the shelf for some reason.
see ya, diane
12-18-2001, 01:40 PM
i just had peanut brittle for the first time since i was a young it was good
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This message was edited by skullcrush on 12-18-01 @ 5:43 PM
The Blowhard
02-24-2002, 10:17 PM
My friend claims he still has a "Reggie Bar" in his freezer. If true, we are talking biohazard here! LOL
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"I don't wanna be a pinhead no more, I just met a Nurse that I could go for".
The Blowhard
06-01-2002, 08:13 AM
The greatest candy for a movie had to be "Milk Duds".
Chewy, long lasting, and great for throwing, especially when wet.
A Dingo ate my sig pic!
I remember Chocolate Babies.
Hmmm... i wonder why they discontinued that one?! :P
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i was also addicted to Gatoraid's Gator Gum.
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06-02-2002, 04:06 AM
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Thanks Gameguy!
06-02-2002, 04:07 AM
I remember Chocolate Babies.
I love the "Chocolate R&F Babies"
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Thanks Gameguy!
06-02-2002, 02:44 PM
Fizzies...they looked like smarties but when you put them in water they...Fizzed. Exciting, but didn't taste like anything.
Just Get It Done!
I loved Marathon bars (they had a ruler printed on the back of the wrapper) and Charleston chews (with the vanilla or strawberry center).
<IMG SRC=""><br> ® Made By Christy ¯
06-02-2002, 06:01 PM
I was just going to start a thread about this, I'm glad I found it. Anyway, I am sitting here eating some FunDip which I haven't had in forever and it got me thinking about candy I used to love. I also loved Ring Pops, Blow Pops, Swedish Fish, and Pixie Sticks.
On a side note: I also loved candy cigarettes and Big League Chew (gum like chewing tabacco)...think of how we were being targeted to smoke! It's crazy now that I think about it!
"If you've got them by the balls their hearts
and minds will follow."-John Wayne
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"God I want you so badly
I wonder this
Could tomorrow be
So wondrous as you there sleeping
Let's go drive 'till morning comes
Watch the sunrise to fill our souls up
Drink some wine 'till we get drunk
It's crazy I'm thinking
Just knowing that the world is round
Here I'm dancing on the ground
Am I right side up or upside down
Is this real or am I dreaming"
Sister of the FAQ princess and down with it too!
06-04-2002, 06:21 AM
Anyone remember Gatorgum?
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07-04-2002, 10:57 PM
Ok, i found this <P> And went on google and found this site/thred. But the link for the Skullcrushers candy didn't work right. I tried cutting off the last bits and finding the candy on the site my self, but it was like a heathfood type site and didn't help :( Did anyone else have problems with the link? Would someone please help me find this candy or e-mail this poor fella. <P> (P.S. Oh, and take a look at too ;) <P> <P>
--"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."--
07-07-2002, 05:02 PM
I looked at, and saw...
We're gonna make a prediction...
Candy Foam will be the biggest thing
since Pop Rocks.
Meet Candy Foam
This odd item wins our coveted
"Most Unnecessary Candy of The Year Award."
When you shake the Candy Foam canister and press the button, tasty candy foam comes flowing out of the nozzle. (If you ever sucked whipped cream from the canister, you get the idea.)
Filling you mouth with Candy Foam is an odd sensation and you look like a psychedelic mad dog.
Yes, we love this new candy. And if you're as warped as we are, you will too!
<img src=""><br>
<b>Here Billy Staples... Free Food Fooorr Youuuu....</b>
07-07-2002, 05:02 PM
I looked at, and saw...
We're gonna make a prediction...
Candy Foam will be the biggest thing
since Pop Rocks.
Meet Candy Foam
This odd item wins our coveted
"Most Unnecessary Candy of The Year Award."
When you shake the Candy Foam canister and press the button, tasty candy foam comes flowing out of the nozzle. (If you ever sucked whipped cream from the canister, you get the idea.)
Filling you mouth with Candy Foam is an odd sensation and you look like a psychedelic mad dog.
Yes, we love this new candy. And if you're as warped as we are, you will too!
<img src=""><br>
<b>Here Billy Staples... Free Food Fooorr Youuuu....</b>
07-07-2002, 05:32 PM
Anyone remember the MARATHON bar?? it was around 10 inches long with provided the sugar high i needed to get through 4th grade.
07-07-2002, 05:53 PM
how about the wax harmonica's... They were tasty for a while and i believe i must have swallowed a bunch of that wax, I almost always swallow my gum...
they may have come out only around halloween?
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The Blowhard
01-05-2003, 08:00 PM
Skullcrush come home!
The Chairman
01-06-2003, 05:23 PM
Gold Rush Bubble Gum (yellow gum pebbles that came in a sack with a yellow string.)
Bazooka Log and Bazooka which came in the rectangular flat package the size of a baseball card and was that size and came ingrape, apple, regular and cherry.
pancake gum. looked like a pancake and even came with a little mapple syrup package
star dust (like pop rocks)
cherry chans - like alexander the grape and lemonheads(changed to cherry clan cause they were considered sinophobic)
bottle caps (you can still get these)
bubble gum cigars - pink owl, banana and mint
Big Mouth - lollypop, large jawbreaker with gum inside
and my favorite...
Big Jaws. sweet jawbreakers with the bubble gun gobstoppers, the best, made by fleer but discontinued. They came 2 in a pack.
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thanks ADF for the "alt" SigPic!! (c) gsheld 2001
slanted and enchanted...
01-06-2003, 07:04 PM
Two words....Reggie Bar. I never knew whats in it bot I couldnt get enough of therm. The left New York when Reggie did.
01-08-2003, 02:55 PM
dont worry good buddy im here.skullcrush is back to make that empty feeling go away in the hearts of all my insane board brothers and sisters
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