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R&F XM Listening Thread for 8/8/2008 [Archive] - Page 2 - Messageboard


View Full Version : R&F XM Listening Thread for 8/8/2008

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08-08-2008, 08:52 AM
Woo Hoo! My competition is going on strike!!

08-08-2008, 08:53 AM
natural peanut butter and lingenberry jelly on whole wheat.
and a glass of milk

lingonberry's the best! but jelly's for fags...and god hates them.

08-08-2008, 08:53 AM
Did you shave your legs, nancy?

Of course not, dummy.

Just his pussy

08-08-2008, 08:54 AM
lingonberry's the best! but jelly's for fags...and god hates them.

I always put jelly on a cock before eating.

08-08-2008, 08:54 AM
I am sooo glad I just switched to Verizon...

08-08-2008, 08:54 AM
Am I the only one who hates the Franklyn song?

08-08-2008, 08:54 AM
Of course not, dummy.

Just his pussy

you guys are just jealous you didnt have a reason to wear your banana hammocks.


08-08-2008, 08:55 AM


08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
Am I the only one who hates the Franklyn song?

Should they switch to Drown Cuban Drown?

08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
I've seen black scuba divers... not many but they're out there.

08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
No wonder you dont want it.

I've got left over pizza.

so jealous....

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
I always put jelly on a cock before eating.

Do you have room for another mod quote?

08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
I am sooo glad I just switched to Verizon...


08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
President Palmer guy fro 24....big time scuba diver

Drunky McBetidont
08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
earl and franklyn should have a black off and see who gets served.

08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
Black Earl vs. ESD in UFC II with special Judge Greg Hughes.

08-08-2008, 08:55 AM


I have a synchronized boner.

08-08-2008, 08:56 AM
you guys are just jealous you didnt have a reason to wear your banana hammocks.


Fuck that. I used to rock the banana thong. Backwards.

08-08-2008, 08:56 AM


Oh hell yes.

08-08-2008, 08:57 AM
Go from Franklyn's song to Coldkay.

I need an elderly person to punch, stat.

08-08-2008, 08:57 AM
lingonberry's the best! but jelly's for fags...and god hates them.

it's actually Swedish Lingonberry Preserves .... if you want to get technical. :wink:

08-08-2008, 08:57 AM
President Palmer guy fro 24....big time scuba diver

Is that the CW's version of 24?

08-08-2008, 08:57 AM
I have a synchronized boner.

OK, I did actually laugh out loud at that. Good show!


08-08-2008, 08:57 AM
Fuck that. I used to rock the banana thong. Backwards.

you know what better than that.

Jock strap backwards. Better than a diaper too.

08-08-2008, 08:57 AM
had to step out for lunch...any mention of anc?

08-08-2008, 08:58 AM
Am I the only one who hates the Franklyn song?


08-08-2008, 08:58 AM


where are their bewbies?!? :ohmy:

08-08-2008, 08:58 AM
I have a synchronized boner.

ewww. Who are you synchronizing it with?

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 08:59 AM
it's actually Swedish Lingonberry Preserves .... if you want to get technical. :wink:

08-08-2008, 08:59 AM
where are their bewbies?!? :ohmy:

i like em like that. why the hate?

08-08-2008, 08:59 AM

08-08-2008, 09:00 AM

08-08-2008, 09:00 AM

I have ze pigs in blanket.

08-08-2008, 09:01 AM
i like em like that. why the hate?

no hate... just preference, sir.
i'm a boob girl.... what can i say...

08-08-2008, 09:01 AM

Keep the lovely blondes coming!

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 09:03 AM
i'm a boob girl.... what can i say...


08-08-2008, 09:04 AM
it's actually Swedish Lingonberry Preserves .... if you want to get technical. :wink:

i get mine from ikea. i was just looking for an excuse to borrow lines from gvac and shirley phelps roper. :)

08-08-2008, 09:04 AM
great pics nate! i posted that first one in the hot chicks thread this morning :smile:

08-08-2008, 09:05 AM
no hate... just preference, sir.
i'm a boob girl.... what can i say...

NO your not.

Your actually pretty witty.

08-08-2008, 09:05 AM
where did he get this cake from in Brooklyn.

08-08-2008, 09:05 AM
i get mine from ikea. i was just looking for an excuse to borrow lines from gvac and shirley phelps roper. :)

hahahaha! that's where we purchased it too..... :p

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 09:06 AM
I hope Franklyn gets Beanie cup eligibility because of the cake!

08-08-2008, 09:07 AM

08-08-2008, 09:07 AM
where did he get this cake from in Brooklyn.

08-08-2008, 09:08 AM
Somehow I think Dave is in the wrong here

08-08-2008, 09:09 AM
I can't fuckin' stand Franklyn. Just the way he just talked down to Dave with that tone.

08-08-2008, 09:09 AM
NO your not.

Your actually pretty witty.


DON'T tease me like that..... it's been years..... yummmm

08-08-2008, 09:09 AM

Why do you think she loves this girl?

08-08-2008, 09:09 AM
"Why do you focus so much on Paltalk?"


08-08-2008, 09:10 AM
I dont get these fights.

08-08-2008, 09:10 AM
I can't fuckin' stand Franklyn. Just the way he just talked down to Dave with that tone.

He's a smarmy douche.

08-08-2008, 09:11 AM
Paltalk is more like an interactive lobotomy!!!

08-08-2008, 09:11 AM

I need to stop there on the way home now.

08-08-2008, 09:11 AM
Why do you think she loves this girl?

she looks so tasty! lol

Drunky McBetidont
08-08-2008, 09:11 AM
just go after franklyn on valid points related to the show dave. like how he is radio poison and brings the show to a sudden halt numerous times

08-08-2008, 09:12 AM
chack the shrek record?

08-08-2008, 09:12 AM
"i complain at meeting and things dont happen" you dont even work there

08-08-2008, 09:12 AM
I am not in the mood to listen to much of this today. I have a fresh new episode of The Best Show on WFMU ready to go.

08-08-2008, 09:12 AM
He's a smarmy douche.

My oldest known friend does the same thing. He'll talk shit, but when he is confronted about it he throws his arms up like:
"WHOA WHOA! Take it easy! Don't Get All Angry! I didn't invoke this. Look everyone. He is starting with me!"

08-08-2008, 09:12 AM
Somehow I think Dave is in the wrong here

usually a good bet.

08-08-2008, 09:13 AM
He's a smarmy douche.

he really isn't though.

but i won't attempt to defend him on a message board.
i am happy to be his friend in the real world.
he is a fuckin hard worker and he does a lot for the show.

08-08-2008, 09:13 AM
He's a smarmy douche.

And Dave is a loud non smarmy douche

Edge = Even

08-08-2008, 09:13 AM
I believe dave... Franklyn seems slick... but what do i know

08-08-2008, 09:13 AM
chack the shrek record?

$122 million in its first week

08-08-2008, 09:13 AM
Why do you think she loves this girl?

Good God! Look at the size of those thumbs.

08-08-2008, 09:13 AM
"i complain at meeting and things dont happen" you dont even work there

Yeah, why is he even in the meetings? Why is he on the air every day? He doesn't work there, and he's not an intern, right????

08-08-2008, 09:14 AM
just go after franklyn on valid points related to the show dave. like how he is radio poison and brings the show to a sudden halt numerous times

No. Because Ron controls when Franklyn comes on the show, so you're really going after Ron at that point.

08-08-2008, 09:14 AM
Why doesn't Ron just be quiet and let them talk it out? Just saying.

08-08-2008, 09:15 AM
Yeah, why is he even in the meetings? Why is he on the air every day? He doesn't work there, and he's not an intern, right????

Did you hear Ron say "He is working on a project for us" Seems like that's why he was there

08-08-2008, 09:15 AM
Yeah, why is he even in the meetings? Why is he on the air every day? He doesn't work there, and he's not an intern, right????

he is in the meetings at the request of Ron because he does a lot of outside film and production work for the show.

08-08-2008, 09:15 AM
he really isn't though.

but i won't attempt to defend him on a message board.
i am happy to be his friend in the real world.
he is a fuckin hard worker and he does a lot for the show.

He seems like a real stand up guy, and a positive guy. Dave is driving me fucking insane with this stirring up shit act he's doing.

08-08-2008, 09:15 AM
Dave needs to sit down and relax. Sometimes I think this is a work.

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
just go after franklyn on valid points related to the show dave. like how he is radio poison and brings the show to a sudden halt numerous times


08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Sigh...I'm just crossing my fingers that Dave doesn't feel the need to put something in his ass to defend his position.

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Dave is really stressed right now... he needs to go take a break.

and franklyn is very condescending

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
$122 million in its first week


08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
don't sell yourself short dave you're not half're whole stupid!

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
nate1000, you should get pics of cherry petite. :glurps::lol:

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Dennis Johnson was the lynch pin of those Celtics teams. Also Dave has lost his effing mind

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
wow ESD is acting like a dick.

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Franklyn just knows how to maintain his cool!!!

08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Good God! Look at the size of those thumbs.

I'd definitely let her plant one in my ass. :blink:

Drunky McBetidont
08-08-2008, 09:16 AM
i love that dave just called himself half a fag. lol:tongue::laugh:

08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
he really isn't though.

but i won't attempt to defend him on a message board.
i am happy to be his friend in the real world.
he is a fuckin hard worker and he does a lot for the show.

Maybe, but he comes off as a condescending asshole.

08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
See ya buddays. Enough of this.

08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
Dave should punch him in the fuckin face... Franklyn is a fucking douche.

08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
Dave is really showing his ass. What a needy puss.

08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
Dave hates Franklyn for thinking he's better, but didn't he just claim to be 1000X better than Franklyn????

08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
Dave needs to sit down and relax. Sometimes I think this is a work.

I smell a work on this one

08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
This shit is corny, from everyone involved in this conversation from the top down.

Take it easy everyone, and have a great weekend. :bye:

08-08-2008, 09:18 AM
this is too cringe to be real.

08-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Franklyn does a lot for the show. Much at Ron's request.

08-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Franklyn should punch him in the fuckin face... Dave is a fucking ass hole.


08-08-2008, 09:18 AM
too bad dave missed franklyn saying "earl's with our guest"

08-08-2008, 09:18 AM
"We all hate him" is a broad statement.

08-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Just muzzle Dave already.

08-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Ron beat me to it.

Pitz was never valuable.

08-08-2008, 09:19 AM
I'd definitely let her plant one in my ass. :blink:

and I am a fag?

08-08-2008, 09:19 AM
"We all hate him" is a Board statement.


08-08-2008, 09:20 AM
and I am a fag?

Get with it dude. We stopped questioning Jeff a lonnnngggg time ago.

08-08-2008, 09:20 AM
franklin doesnt belong on the air, he sucks...

08-08-2008, 09:20 AM
esd= capt queeg

it was the strawberries

08-08-2008, 09:21 AM
I'll say it again.

Dave weaseled his way onto the show and gained a position.
Now he's upset at seeing Franklyn doing the same thing.

As for Franklyn being condescending,
it reminds me of Dave pestering Earl.
He knows it upsets him, so he keeps it up.

08-08-2008, 09:21 AM
Yeah, why is he even in the meetings? Why is he on the air every day? He doesn't work there, and he's not an intern, right????

Why is Lilly in the meetings, she isn't an intern, she doesn't work there. Why was Pitzy there before being hired? He wasn't a intern, he didn't work there...

08-08-2008, 09:21 AM
I know this isn't breaking any ground but Dave is fucking crazy

08-08-2008, 09:21 AM
he didnt get the O&A plug

08-08-2008, 09:21 AM
i have to laugh at Davey correcting Franklyn's grammar.
that was too funny.
bizarro world!

08-08-2008, 09:22 AM

Don't speak for me I like Franklyn. (I am now in my "I hate Dave and I want to beat him with a sock full of pennies" phase.......In a month I will be in my "Dave is the man" phase)

Edit Ronnie is pissed

08-08-2008, 09:22 AM
Ron sounds seriously at the end of his rope with Dave.

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
GO Ron!:furious:

08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
now Dave got Ronnie pissed... Dave needs to got get soe sleep or something

08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
wow - Ron is pissed for real I think.

BetIdon't - I agree Big Ass Fight prep in motion.

Could be another Producer fight off.

08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
Dave is lookin to get shit canned. It doesnt make sense. Anything he is saying.

Chip Vaughn
08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
What's happening now??


08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
ESD's walking such a fine line, and I don't think he appreciated it until just now when Ron chewed his ass out.

It sounds like some of what he's bitching about is bitching about the decision to involve Franklyn with the show and that's Ron and Fez's decision.

08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
Oh no. Daddy's yelling. I'm scared.

And, for the record, my cock would be in boxing girl's mouth when her giant thumb entered me. Not gay.

08-08-2008, 09:23 AM
Dave is Joe McCarthy. I have names on this piece of paper. Can we see the piece of paper? Um, well, no...

08-08-2008, 09:24 AM
he didnt get the O&A plug

i think the internship is over now though, so maybe it doesn't count.

Dave's 'sources' and his explanations are WAY too third hand to hold up.

08-08-2008, 09:24 AM
franklin doesnt belong on the air, he sucks...

If you're listening to this exchange and the only person you can bust on is Franklyn then you are a fucking moron.

I'll say it again.

Dave weaseled his way onto the show and gained a position.
Now he's upset at seeing Franklyn doing the same thing.

As for Franklyn being condescending,
it reminds me of Dave pestering Earl.
He knows it upsets him, so he keeps it up.

I'm maybe not so negative about Dave as are you, but there's a lot of truth in your statement.

08-08-2008, 09:24 AM
i have to laugh at Davey correcting Franklyn's grammar.
that was too funny.
bizarro world!

Next category:

American History.

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 09:24 AM
wow - Ron is pissed for real I think.

BetIdon't - I agree Big Ass Fight prep in motion.

Could be another Producer fight off.

Franklyn & Louis CK VS Dave & the Rider!

08-08-2008, 09:25 AM
ESD didn't weasal into the show, he is picking up for Fez's lackluster efforts the last year or longer

08-08-2008, 09:25 AM
dave is so retarded.

08-08-2008, 09:25 AM
Next category:

American History.


followed by politics.

08-08-2008, 09:25 AM
the midnight rider needs to make a return

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
Dave needs a nap.

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
ANC give Dave a beer quick!

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
esd is being mean spirited.

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
dave just stop.. please man..

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
Time to tranq Dave and send him to the loony bin.

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
hilarious that franklyn yelling about not changing his voice was a totally different, more real voice.

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
Sounds like the only thing that Dave want to hear is "Dave I fucking hate you and wish you were off of the show."

08-08-2008, 09:26 AM
I don't know what the backstory is, but I can't believe that ESD's is yelling about Franklyn's accent.

08-08-2008, 09:27 AM
Dave should not ever make fun of anyone with an accent.

08-08-2008, 09:27 AM
ESD didn't weasal into the show, he is picking up for Fez's lackluster efforts the last year or longer

Yes he did He weaseled his way to a job first then took over the show .

08-08-2008, 09:27 AM
Why is Lilly in the meetings, she isn't an intern, she doesn't work there. Why was Pitzy there before being hired? He wasn't a intern, he didn't work there...

Because Lilly is hot.

I thought Pitzy was an intern?

Oh, and Dave needs to shut the hell up.

08-08-2008, 09:27 AM
Time to tranq Dave and send him to rehab.


08-08-2008, 09:28 AM
Dave is a fucking lunatic

08-08-2008, 09:28 AM
Why does dave always use McFly as the example of gullibility?? Marty McFly never seemed that naive to me.

08-08-2008, 09:28 AM
Ronnie should seriously go to break and come back with only him and Fez in the studio.

08-08-2008, 09:28 AM
Color me.....Marty McFly......gullable????:wacko:

08-08-2008, 09:28 AM
i am saying we go ahead and color Dave dooophthah ... or whatever he said.

08-08-2008, 09:28 AM
i think the internship is over now though, so maybe it doesn't count.

defending your boyfriend? :innocent:

08-08-2008, 09:28 AM
bye buddies worktime:unsure:

08-08-2008, 09:29 AM
ESD didn't weasal into the show, he is picking up for Fez's lackluster efforts the last year or longer

He was refering to his original hiring

08-08-2008, 09:29 AM
Because Lilly is hot.

I thought Pitzy was an intern?

Oh, and Dave needs to shut the hell up.

bronx johnny, mooch. The show always has people that don't work there and aren't interns.

Ron made it extra clear the Franklyn is there because he wants him there. So to question why he is there is to question Ron, and when Dave did that Ron went Philly on his ass there a minute ago...

08-08-2008, 09:29 AM
Ronnie should seriously go to break and come back with only him and Fez in the studio.

The show should be Ron and Fez and Get rid of the rest of the idiots(Dave) that are running the show into the ground

08-08-2008, 09:30 AM
Ronnie should seriously go to break and come back with only him and Fez in the studio.

Forever and ever and ever.

And maybe talk about websites and stuff....late at night.

08-08-2008, 09:30 AM

08-08-2008, 09:30 AM
Fuck franklyn....

I feel so bad for dave right now cause he is trying to protect someone....

But I swear on my tits that he has every right to feel the way he does.


If I were him I would have punched him out long ago.

Drunky McBetidont
08-08-2008, 09:30 AM

me likey bijou:wub:

08-08-2008, 09:30 AM
defending your boyfriend? :innocent:

yeah. that must be it.


08-08-2008, 09:30 AM
The show should be Ron and Fez and Get rid of the rest of the idiots(Dave) that are running the show into the ground

You are the fucking worst.

08-08-2008, 09:30 AM
I hope Ron does his Bijou Phillips impression when they leave.

08-08-2008, 09:30 AM
she looks so tasty! lol

She does.

Chip Vaughn
08-08-2008, 09:31 AM
what's happening now??


08-08-2008, 09:31 AM
This only confirms my suspicion that Paltalk has far more of a negative than positive effect on the show.

08-08-2008, 09:32 AM
Fuck franklyn....

I feel so bad for dave right now cause he is trying to protect someone....

But I swear on my tits that he has every right to feel the way he does.


If I were him I would have punched him out long ago.

this is exactly what i was thinking hearing him talk about it

08-08-2008, 09:32 AM
Fuck franklyn....

I feel so bad for dave right now cause he is trying to protect someone....

But I swear on my tits that he has every right to feel the way he does.


If I were him I would have punched him out long ago.

Dave's all-time fight record would fall to 2-13 if he were to try that.

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 09:32 AM
ANC what's happening now?

08-08-2008, 09:33 AM
She does.

wow who is that

08-08-2008, 09:34 AM
I dont know why...I want to just listen to Bijou Phillips talk all day. I love her!!!

08-08-2008, 09:34 AM
wow who is that

Keeley Hazell

Best natural tits ever.

08-08-2008, 09:35 AM
I shut off the show. Not gonna listen to it.

Not only is Franklyn giving smarmy tone and attitude towards dave, like a fucking douche coward does, but RON is all against Dave too. Ron should shut the fuck up, and let the two of them talk it out. He only added to the problem, because he was egging Dave on also.

To me, what I hear from Frankly is a guy that I would tell to shut his fuckin' face and if he continued to act up I would crack his pussy ass.

And Ron, I would tell him to shut the fuck up and let them talk it out. His egging on didn't help.

I have never met any of you, so I gotta go by what I hear on the radio.

08-08-2008, 09:35 AM
You are the fucking worst.

Everyone has an opinion. Mine just happens to be that this shit on the air everyday is running the show into the ground. You on the other hand do not have objectivity about Dave. YOU married him.

My opinion is as valid as yours

08-08-2008, 09:35 AM
half way through the show...17 pages

08-08-2008, 09:35 AM
ANC what's happening now?

Outside grabbing a smoke. The situation continues to be discussed outside.

08-08-2008, 09:36 AM
It seems I've missed something. :huh:

08-08-2008, 09:36 AM
Everyone has an opinion. Mine just happens to be that this shit on the air everyday is running the show into the ground. You on the other hand do not have objectivity about Dave. YOU married him.

My opinion is as valid as yours

You just kick people when they are down..... I generally go right over you and your posts... but this one caught my eye.

08-08-2008, 09:36 AM
I dont know why...I want to just listen to Bijou Phillips talk all day. I love her!!!

cause she sounds like a 9 year old girl?

08-08-2008, 09:36 AM
I shut off the show. Not gonna listen to it.

Not only is Franklyn giving smarmy tone and attitude towards dave, like a fucking douche coward does, but RON is all against Dave too. Ron should shut the fuck up, and let the two of them talk it out. He only added to the problem, because he was egging Dave on also.

To me, what I hear from Frankly is a guy that I would tell to shut his fuckin' face and if he continued to act up I would crack his pussy ass.

And Ron, I would tell him to shut the fuck up and let them talk it out. His egging on didn't help.

I have never met any of you, so I gotta go by what I hear on the radio.


08-08-2008, 09:36 AM
I shut off the show. Not gonna listen to it.

Not only is Franklyn giving smarmy tone and attitude towards dave, like a fucking douche coward does, but RON is all against Dave too. Ron should shut the fuck up, and let the two of them talk it out. He only added to the problem, because he was egging Dave on also.

To me, what I hear from Frankly is a guy that I would tell to shut his fuckin' face and if he continued to act up I would crack his pussy ass.

And Ron, I would tell him to shut the fuck up and let them talk it out. His egging on didn't help.

I have never met any of you, so I gotta go by what I hear on the radio.

you sound like you have a lot of anger within, darlin. :wink:

08-08-2008, 09:37 AM
Who's the punk band? The guy that was speaking sounded like he was getting his shot on Meet the Press

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 09:37 AM
Outside grabbing a smoke. The situation continues to be discussed outside.

Get back in there immediately! Please

08-08-2008, 09:37 AM
Outside grabbing a smoke. The situation continues to be discussed outside.

make sure you take notes and post them.
we want as much 2nd and 3rd hand information as possible!!


08-08-2008, 09:37 AM
I shut off the show. Not gonna listen to it.

Not only is Franklyn giving smarmy tone and attitude towards dave, like a fucking douche coward does, but RON is all against Dave too. Ron should shut the fuck up, and let the two of them talk it out. He only added to the problem, because he was egging Dave on also.

To me, what I hear from Frankly is a guy that I would tell to shut his fuckin' face and if he continued to act up I would crack his pussy ass.

And Ron, I would tell him to shut the fuck up and let them talk it out. His egging on didn't help.

I have never met any of you, so I gotta go by what I hear on the radio.

they should really just do this off-air.

08-08-2008, 09:38 AM
bet franklyn tries to hug bijou and dave flips out.

08-08-2008, 09:38 AM
wow who is that

right click, properties.....

Franklin reminds me of that one guy everybody knows who would hit on your wife/ girlfriend the second you left the room. Just slimy and in desperate need of an attitude correction in the back room.

08-08-2008, 09:39 AM
Isn't having a five year plan sort of not punk rock?

08-08-2008, 09:39 AM
make sure you take notes and post them.
we want as much 2nd and 3rd hand information as possible!!

Hahaha I'm staying out of it. It has nothing to do with lil ol me.

08-08-2008, 09:39 AM
PAD data says Shane West--his wikipedia says he is a 'singer and actor,' so i'm guessing he played Darby Crash from the Germs in a movie.

edit: it also says his name is Shannon Bruce Westgarth Snaith. That's a name right there...

08-08-2008, 09:39 AM
you sound like you have a lot of anger within, darlin. :wink:

that first shitty phone call really changed him

08-08-2008, 09:40 AM
Fuck franklyn....

I feel so bad for dave right now cause he is trying to protect someone....

But I swear on my tits that he has every right to feel the way he does.


If I were him I would have punched him out long ago.

My only issue is that Dave isnt making sense. Plus in a corporate enviroment he has to learn to ignore those you dont like. It only hurts you in the end. You have to learn how to Smile to someones face and just be better than them. Your never ever going to liked by everyone you work with and someday Dave will be up against it with someone and he cant handle it like this.

That all being said this show is not the proper venue to air this all out if it is a real issue. I like both guys so I hope it gets figured out.

08-08-2008, 09:40 AM
Everyone has an opinion. Mine just happens to be that this shit on the air everyday is running the show into the ground. You on the other hand do not have objectivity about Dave. YOU married him.

My opinion is as valid as yours

Well that'

08-08-2008, 09:40 AM

blackgeno's point was ron egged dave on and then was pissed that dave was riled up. it's like giving a little kid sugar and being pissed they're hyper because of it.

08-08-2008, 09:40 AM
You just kick people when they are down..... I generally go right over you and your posts... but this one caught my eye.

How am I kicking someone who is down? I stated an opinion about the show. One of the people I complained about was Dave. That upset you Take a look at the consensus in the thread Its that this shit on the air is not good for the show. I see no need to start a fight with you. So lets agree to disagree and I will move on.

Im sorry you skip over my posts they're usually quite good.

08-08-2008, 09:40 AM
wow who is that

I dated her in high school.

Baby DEW Year
08-08-2008, 09:40 AM
that first shitty phone call really changed him


08-08-2008, 09:41 AM
I shut off the show. Not gonna listen to it.

Not only is Franklyn giving smarmy tone and attitude towards dave, like a fucking douche coward does, but RON is all against Dave too. Ron should shut the fuck up, and let the two of them talk it out. He only added to the problem, because he was egging Dave on also.

To me, what I hear from Frankly is a guy that I would tell to shut his fuckin' face and if he continued to act up I would crack his pussy ass.

And Ron, I would tell him to shut the fuck up and let them talk it out. His egging on didn't help.

I have never met any of you, so I gotta go by what I hear on the radio.

What do you "gotta go" by what you hear on the radio? You've listened to the show long enough to know that you can't go by what's on the air.

While I met some of the people, I don't really know any of them. So all I have to go on is the radio, but I do know that it's radio. As a result, we don't know the full story. Some people do.

As for Ron, he's trying to make great radio. When this drama comes up, he has always egged it on to get great radio.

If they want Ron's true opinion they should raise the issue off-air.

08-08-2008, 09:41 AM
Isn't having a five year plan sort of not punk rock?

Correct! That would be Communist...

Drunky McBetidont
08-08-2008, 09:41 AM
the girl does get it on in fashion. hubba hubba

08-08-2008, 09:42 AM
Everyone has an opinion. Mine just happens to be that this shit on the air everyday is running the show into the ground. You on the other hand do not have objectivity about Dave. YOU married him.

My opinion is as valid as yours

You just kick people when they are down..... I generally go right over you and your posts... but this one caught my eye.

How is Dave down? He probably has every reason in the world to hate Franklyn, but who cares? Dave will outlast Franklyn because he brings WAY more to the table and is WAY more talented. Dave will be fine if he plays it cool...not freaks out and comes off like he cant work with certian people. Franklyn can not beat out Dave for anything.

08-08-2008, 09:42 AM
Is this just a setup for Dave's inevitable leaving of the show?

They would need someone strong to replace him...

...someone like the old Fez.

08-08-2008, 09:42 AM
It should have been handled off air. Ron could have put a stop to it, and asked them to step out. It wasn't even good radio anyway. I don't give a shit whose show it is. It's just corny.

I don't have anger issues, but when I see people ganging up on someone I get fuckin' pissed. You don't like what I am typing, go ahead and block me. I don't care what you think.

08-08-2008, 09:42 AM
I dated her in high school.

you lie!

08-08-2008, 09:43 AM
I shut off the show. Not gonna listen to it.

Not only is Franklyn giving smarmy tone and attitude towards dave, like a fucking douche coward does, but RON is all against Dave too. Ron should shut the fuck up, and let the two of them talk it out. He only added to the problem, because he was egging Dave on also.

To me, what I hear from Frankly is a guy that I would tell to shut his fuckin' face and if he continued to act up I would crack his pussy ass.

And Ron, I would tell him to shut the fuck up and let them talk it out. His egging on didn't help.
I have never met any of you, so I gotta go by what I hear on the radio.

This is what Ronnie does. Listen to the old Gail O, Shirely Phellps Roper and other issues in the file library.

08-08-2008, 09:43 AM
Ditto to what Eli just said - Anthony Cumia made the best remark about this show I've ever heard and I've never gotten wrapped up in the (seeming) drama since... still a great show, I just have a new perspective. "It's just like wrestling"

08-08-2008, 09:43 AM
you lie!

I do. :lol:

08-08-2008, 09:44 AM
It should have been handled off air. Ron could have put a stop to it, and asked them to step out. It wasn't even good radio anyway. I don't give a shit whose show it is. It's just corny.

I don't have anger issues, but when I see people ganging up on someone I get fuckin' pissed. You don't like what I am typing, go ahead and block me. I don't care what you think.

so... so angry... :bye:


08-08-2008, 09:44 AM
Fuck franklyn....

I feel so bad for dave right now cause he is trying to protect someone....

But I swear on my tits that he has every right to feel the way he does.


If I were him I would have punched him out long ago.

Yeah because punching him would be the mature adult way to handle the situation

08-08-2008, 09:45 AM
I want a face full of Bijou!!!

08-08-2008, 09:45 AM
I do. :lol:

aww... i just noticed we have the same join date :wub:


08-08-2008, 09:45 AM
Isn't having a five year plan sort of not punk rock?

Well, I guess if at the end of the plan, you commit suicide, it's still punk rock.

08-08-2008, 09:45 AM
that first shitty phone call really changed himfunny stuff.:lol:

08-08-2008, 09:46 AM
right click, properties.....

Franklin reminds me of that one guy everybody knows who would hit on your wife/ girlfriend the second you left the room. Just slimy and in desperate need of an attitude correction in the back room.

I didnt know who she was when eli posted the picture that is Friday's sig i didnt recognize her so im lingering looooooooooooooooonger on my listening thread post from a week ago

08-08-2008, 09:46 AM
Why cut the song off? It wasn't going to be a 20 minute epic.

08-08-2008, 09:46 AM
How is Dave down? He probably has every reason in the world to hate Franklyn, but who cares? Dave will outlast Franklyn because he brings WAY more to the table and is WAY more talented. Dave will be fine if he plays it cool...not freaks out and comes off like he cant work with certian people. Franklyn can not beat out Dave for anything.

Really a dildo in the ass and characters that sound the same is talent?

08-08-2008, 09:47 AM
Well, I guess if at the end of the plan, you commit suicide, it's still punk rock.

Good point.

Also. Just so you know.

They're coming.

08-08-2008, 09:47 AM
Why cut the song off? It wasn't going to be a 20 minute epic.

Just to piss you off.

08-08-2008, 09:47 AM
It should have been handled off air. Ron could have put a stop to it, and asked them to step out. It wasn't even good radio anyway. I don't give a shit whose show it is. It's just corny.

I don't have anger issues, but when I see people ganging up on someone I get fuckin' pissed. You don't like what I am typing, go ahead and block me. I don't care what you think.

Geno, a few threads back I did some things to you that were stupid and immature. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and I would like to have a cup of coffee with you sometime.

08-08-2008, 09:48 AM
What do you "gotta go" by what you hear on the radio? You've listened to the show long enough to know that you can't go by what's on the air.

While I met some of the people, I don't really know any of them. So all I have to go on is the radio, but I do know that it's radio. As a result, we don't know the full story. Some people do.

As for Ron, he's trying to make great radio. When this drama comes up, he has always egged it on to get great radio.

If they want Ron's true opinion they should raise the issue off-air.

But this show, most of what you hear is real. More so than any other show in history of the world. I experienced the aftermath of MikeyD and Fez a couple years back and it felt 100% real at that time. And history has shown that it was.

08-08-2008, 09:48 AM
It should have been handled off air. Ron could have put a stop to it, and asked them to step out. It wasn't even good radio anyway. I don't give a shit whose show it is. It's just corny.

I don't have anger issues, but when I see people ganging up on someone I get fuckin' pissed. You don't like what I am typing, go ahead and block me. I don't care what you think.

People can ignore your posts. But they can't "block" them.

08-08-2008, 09:48 AM
Really a dildo in the ass and characters that sound the same is talent?

I have said it before he's more like the wacky morning zoo stunt guy

08-08-2008, 09:50 AM
Really a dildo in the ass and characters that sound the same is talent?

i think people forget that dave is a producer...i'm sure he does a ton of stuff behind the scenes and is probably very good at his job or he wouldnt be there...he doesnt just go on the air and shove things up his ass

08-08-2008, 09:50 AM
Really a dildo in the ass and characters that sound the same is talent?

I have said it before he's more like the wacky morning zoo stunt guy

Are you not entertained?

No one is saying he has the magic of old Fez, but at least he's trying.

08-08-2008, 09:51 AM
No sleep would drive a person crazy. when my daughter was very young she didn't sleep at all. and for 6 months i was totally sleep deproved and was a ticking time bomb

08-08-2008, 09:51 AM
i think people forget that dave is a producer...i'm sure he does a ton of stuff behind the scenes and is probably very good at his job or he wouldnt be there...he doesnt just go on the air and shove things up his ass

yeah he also gets it peed on and branded

08-08-2008, 09:51 AM
aww... i just noticed we have the same join date :wub:


you know what that means. :wink:

08-08-2008, 09:51 AM
i think people forget that dave is a producer...i'm sure he does a ton of stuff behind the scenes and is probably very good at his job or he wouldnt be there...he doesnt just go on the air and shove things up his ass


08-08-2008, 09:51 AM
Are you not entertained?

No one is saying he has the magic of old Fez, but at least he's trying.

Entertained no not in the least

08-08-2008, 09:51 AM
Really a dildo in the ass and characters that sound the same is talent?

Kinda sorta. Dave is funny. I'll leave it at that.

08-08-2008, 09:52 AM
you know what that means. :wink:

Absolutely nothing?

08-08-2008, 09:52 AM
i think people forget that dave is a producer...i'm sure he does a ton of stuff behind the scenes and is probably very good at his job or he wouldnt be there...he doesnt just go on the air and shove things up his ass

I'm sure he's a good producer but some people act like he's the second coming of Carlin

08-08-2008, 09:52 AM
tizzy :happy:

Drunky McBetidont
08-08-2008, 09:52 AM

somebody needs some more bling. who could it be???

08-08-2008, 09:53 AM
isn't board gossip for a select audience ALL the time?

08-08-2008, 09:53 AM
Isn't having a five year plan sort of not punk rock?

U R correct, Sir...Not even a 5 minute plan!!!

08-08-2008, 09:53 AM
Absolutely nothing?

Dude - don't cock block me.

08-08-2008, 09:54 AM
Quick, somebody get Pixie to marry Mooch so he gets his green card. It's the only answer.

08-08-2008, 09:55 AM
Good morning buddys...Lets start over....:smile:

08-08-2008, 09:55 AM
Hey - Earl can get his celebrity photo now.

08-08-2008, 09:55 AM
How is Dave down? He probably has every reason in the world to hate Franklyn, but who cares? Dave will outlast Franklyn because he brings WAY more to the table and is WAY more talented. Dave will be fine if he plays it cool...not freaks out and comes off like he cant work with certian people. Franklyn can not beat out Dave for anything.

uh wut :blink:

08-08-2008, 09:55 AM

somebody needs some more bling. who could it be???

OOOooOOO board gossip betidont.


08-08-2008, 09:55 AM
Good morning buddys...Lets start over....:smile:

Hey--it's a little early for a listening thread.

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM

..have a nice weekend all!!

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it is

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
But this show, most of what you hear is real. More so than any other show in history of the world. I experienced the aftermath of MikeyD and Fez a couple years back and it felt 100% real at that time. And history has shown that it was.

I'm not saying it's all a bit. But you do know that it's also not all real. Unless you have some background information,which 99% of the people here do not. We can't know exactly what's going on.

For instance, it's apparent that the ESD v. Franklyn thing is real. But I don't know who is in the right. I don't know Franklyn's personality based on what he says on air. We don't know what ESD is like from what's on the air.

SIDE NOTE: No one should call into the show with what Casey says, guys.

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
NY Daily News headline...

"Chong Time Wrong!"

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
um. If Casey wanted that brought up she is more than capable of bringing it up, idiot caller.

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
fuck you whoever just called in.

08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
fuck you whoever just called in.

the caller is a fucking moron

08-08-2008, 09:58 AM

..have a nice weekend all!!

I shall be spending my weekend, as I have the past 40 weekends, looking for her.

08-08-2008, 09:58 AM
Oh my fucking lord what a team poor Ron has to deal with.
I could not work with that team without coming total uncunted day in and day out if I was Ron.
Dave has just outed his poor wive what a clown.

Franklyn for EP cardholder#1:lol:

Drunky McBetidont
08-08-2008, 09:58 AM
franklyn should give dave a handy and we can move on

08-08-2008, 09:58 AM
ESD's not a one stunt guy. Come the fuck on.

I don't know if he's in teh right or wrong on this, but man's got talent and has brought a lot to the show.

08-08-2008, 09:59 AM
ESD's not a one stunt guy. Come the fuck on.

I don't know if he's in teh right or wrong on this, but man's got talent and has brought a lot to the show.

agreed... that caller sucked

08-08-2008, 09:59 AM
I just laughed at the way Dave delivered

"Oh, you Henry Highroad."


08-08-2008, 09:59 AM
Hey--it's a little early for a listening thread.

Listening thread.HA!!!!.I just learned how to get friends and post pictures....:tongue:

08-08-2008, 09:59 AM
Henry "High Road"


also when franklyn yelled and his real voice came out...perfect.

08-08-2008, 10:00 AM
fuck you whoever just called in.