12-15-2001, 08:46 AM
What are your opinions of this song?
I think it's a really, really great bluesy song, and it's fast becoming one of my favorite Neil Young songs, but the circumstances in which it was written are... unsettling to me.
For those of you that don't know, "Let's Roll" are Todd Beamer's last words before hanging up his cell phone on Flight 93.
The song begins with a Nokia phone ringing before launching into a groovin' blues hook.
Opinions? Comments?
<img src="http://tenbatsuzen.homestead.com/files/zenpsycho2.jpg">
I think it's a really, really great bluesy song, and it's fast becoming one of my favorite Neil Young songs, but the circumstances in which it was written are... unsettling to me.
For those of you that don't know, "Let's Roll" are Todd Beamer's last words before hanging up his cell phone on Flight 93.
The song begins with a Nokia phone ringing before launching into a groovin' blues hook.
Opinions? Comments?
<img src="http://tenbatsuzen.homestead.com/files/zenpsycho2.jpg">