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Art Anticipation [Archive] - Messageboard


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07-01-2008, 06:07 AM
Waiting for work by one of your favorite artists is brutal. You have the regular anticipation where you just want the thing to come out, and then you have all the anxiety (atleast I do) over what you're reading about beforehand. Is this the time your favorite singer does a doowop album? Has your favorite author been writing a pop up book for 5 years?

What are you waiting on, and what are you thinking about it?

http:// CTOBER_7TH

The new Jolie Holland record comes out in October. She's one of the few people I will actually spend money to hear, and buy the album after I've already downloaded it. I'm nervous what moving to Brooklyn and thinking about Neil Young is going to do to her. I'm also a little aprehensive that it's only 10 tracks, although the best song off of her last album was the longest, so maybe 6 minute ballads work for her.

The Cut Man by Katherine Dunne
This book is never coming out. Dunne wrote the really great novel Geek Love in the 80's and has been working on the follow up since. From what I can tell it will explore similar themes to Geek Love but set in the world of boxing, which Dunne is an expert on. She's pretty much said she doesn't know if she'll ever finish it and chuckles at the (once again) pushed back delivery date of 2010.

League of Extraordinary Gentleman vol 3- Alan Moore
Alan Moore isn't getting any less batshit or unconcearned with the accissibility of his work. By the time Watchmen comes out he will be a whole other shade of crazy, so I'll bet LXG 3 is going to have some severe explorations of lit. forms and theory. Which is great, his neurosis make him a stronger writer.

Doktor Sleepless TBP Warren Ellis
I really like this series and think it'll make alot more sense when you can read it back to back. I also hope they throw some bonus material in, and maybe write another arc in the series. I think this title could stretch some continuity over a few arcs like transmet, but keep developing the distopian future and science ruminations.

07-01-2008, 07:46 AM
I feel like I'm always in a state of artist anticipation. By the end of this year Slayer should be releasing their final album. They have stayed pretty hardcore over the past 25+ years, so I expect it to be pretty brutal. I'm also waiting for Mastodon's next concept album about Czarist Russia. I really have no idea if it will be good, but I will definitely iTune it.

07-01-2008, 09:09 AM

July 15- Eddie Izzard
July 17- Jesus & Mary Chain
Sept 15- Squeeze
Sept 22- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds

Part of the fun of upcoming releases and concerts and movies *is* the anticipation! I like it when there's stuff to look forward to, it feels Christmasy!

07-01-2008, 12:13 PM
its painfull to wait 21 hours to hear Ron talk

sometimes its 69 0f hours like the weekends oh man then comes vacation weeks thats horible antici............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......................pation

07-01-2008, 12:23 PM
I always get excited when I hear Ry Cooder is putting out a new album, which he just did. & he's onna wicked hot streak in both performance & producing for others, like Mavis Staples!!!

I get excited about all kindsa stuff but I get most excited about DOING stuff, watching and listening to other artists is very rewarding then it makes me twitchy and anxious to do more myself, it's fulfilling to feel inspired!!! Kinda a creative vicious circle... but there's a lot to love in this world if ya take the time to look around!!!

07-01-2008, 12:25 PM
I've been waiting for Vonnegut to come out with something for like...forever.

07-01-2008, 12:30 PM
I've been waiting for Vonnegut to come out with something for like...forever.

He did!!!

07-01-2008, 12:34 PM
Thanks Bobo. Although it's not was Ive been waiting for, I'll probably pick it up.

07-01-2008, 12:44 PM
Thanks Bobo. Although it's not was Ive been waiting for, I'll probably pick it up.

For what U want, get a Ouija Board!!!

just sayin...

07-01-2008, 12:47 PM
For what U want, get a Ouija Board!!!

just sayin...

Thats how I got my last Fitzgerald short story.