View Full Version : im calling the cops!
06-28-2008, 11:54 PM
so im out front smoking (if ur following along then i was going against the fact im quitting)
and some guy stumbles out of the park
he quite obviously goes up to my neighbors front stoop and stops when he realizes im standing like 30 feet away
he then starts walking at high speed passing me
hes like 10 feet away and im all
ey hows it going
he then keeps walking
from demeanor hes obviously on one
so i call the cops
now im not into racial shit but its a black guy dressed all in black
and im like how the f dont i call the cops on this one
was i right in doing so?
06-28-2008, 11:56 PM
you know, you shouldn't be so mean to Earl.
he is just trying to make a living and honor his hero, Scottso with a forty.
and he is socially awkward. you should know that.
06-28-2008, 11:56 PM
Ehh, probably not. Better safe than sorry, I suppose. If you thought you or your family would get hurt, than I guess so.
Did you call the cops and just say "There's some black dude........around me".
Cause that's kinda fucked up.
06-29-2008, 12:00 AM
no i said there is a suspicious character walking around dressed in all black
if he hadnt looked like he was going to walk straight into my neighbors house then i wouldnt have had a problem with it
but he was pretty blatent in his intentions of ripping em off
06-29-2008, 05:53 AM
I call the cops all the time... but I used to live 1 door down from a bar, and my neighbors were really rowdy. They had a fist fight once in the street in the middle of the night. My neighbors next door at the time were really young and would blast their music at all hours of the night and because we were so close it literally sounded like it was in my bedroom. I woke up at 2am once to "ya makin' me craaaazaaaay...ohhh baaabaaay" once and immediately called the police. They could hear the music through my phone.
I always preface my calls with the fact that they're non-emergency, I just need some assistance.
Yours sounded like an emergency, which is my favorite phone call to make (as long as nobody's really hurt) because it's so exciting. It feels great calling the cops... feels like justice.
06-29-2008, 07:37 AM
Have we learned nothing from Franklyn (
My answer to your query would be at what point did you call the cops?
You say he was walking away at a high rate of speed, so by the time the cops got there, he'd be long gone. And theyre not gonna CSI the front stoop.
I think if I was in your shoes, I'd just let my neighbors know.
Maybe they know the guy, whether he's good or bad.
My point is that there's very little the cops could do for you in this instance.
06-29-2008, 09:07 AM
Reverse story - A few years back we had a group of kids (white if it matters) hanging around in the woods behind our house. They were taking lumber from a building site a few lots down, and I didn't think much about it at first except that they were maybe building a fort or something and that the asshole contractor was getting what he deserved for fucking up our flooring.
But then one day I get a good luck at these "kids" when they came out of the woods. Turns out they weren't kids at all; they were a bunch of young Charles Manson looking fuckers in their late teens or early twenties. To top it off, one of them was carrying a satchel like he was a burglar in a 60's sitcom.
So I called the cops. First time I'd ever called the cops in my life, and I was kind of feeling like an asshole for doing it. Turned out, though, that they were a problem, and that the police had been looking for them. They were meth heads and had been breaking into all kinds of shit.
After it was all over, I got to talking to my neighbors about it (they were black, if it matters). They had seen them too, but just assumed they were friends of my kids so hadn't thought much about it.
06-29-2008, 12:54 PM
racist profiler
06-29-2008, 01:35 PM
I live in a development that is 75% retired snow birds(go figure, retired people in Florida). Most of them come south in October/November and go back north in April/May. So a majority of the homes are empty half of the year.
I was out washing my girlfriend's car when I see 3 youths(white) peeking into a window of the house down the way. I didn't think anything of it. A little while later, 2 more youths(black) walk up to the door and stand there for 3-5 minutes. When they saw me watching them, they took off. That then made me a little suspicious.
We have a retired cop that does "security" in the development. He pretty much snoops around. I've walked out to my car in the morning and seen him hiding in the bushes.
I walked down to our security guys house and told him what was going on and he checked out the empty house. Turns out someone had broken into the house and the word had gotten out. Hence the people lurking around.
1. I was a hero to the retirees. They brought me cookies.
2. It never hurts to check. Better safe than sorry.
3. When you call the cops, do you call 911, or do you just call the police station? I've always wondered.
Alice S. Fuzzybutt
06-29-2008, 02:27 PM
Not too long ago someone I know saw a suspicious character peeking into car windows. There had been a rash of car break ins in our neighborhood so she called the cops. I don't know what wound up happening but the car break ins have magically stopped.
06-29-2008, 02:47 PM
I used to bartend, one night we had a couple (young white couple) steal a womans purse. Since I had been serving the thieves i gave the police the descriptions. About 3 weeks later i was dropping my then wife off at work and I saw , who I thought was the young male thief, so I called the police. They ended up catching the guy at a nearby wal-mart. Turns out he wasn't the guy who took the purse from the bar but had actually been stealling from stores. But he looked very damn close to the thief from the bar.
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