View Full Version : Week of 6/23 Podcast
The Week of 6/23 podcast is now available through the RSS feed (iTunes for most) or the website:
anything good on the show is completely by accident
detailed astrological breakdown of ct & jivin
lots of listener feedback on such topics as: drunkenness, asshole moves, psychiatry, and more
the "science" of mars
... and a whole lot more
Interact with the show! Call the CT & Jivin Suicide Prevention Hotline at 718-312-8492 and leave us any feedback on topics we discussed, suggestions for future segments, or anything else!
The visual aids to work as a companion to the final segment are originally located in this thread:
I'm also quoting them here:
Most people are so shallow they won't dig into this or get it or believe it.I helped find life on Mars by designing the Mars rovers 1987.There are people on Mars like us who wear clothes and hats.Tons of animals coexist peacefully.Fossils lay all over the place from rovers pics.I saw animals from 32 years ago in Viking pics since 2004.they cover up life on Mars because nasa is more military that most people will ever understand.Avoid space race.There's techno on Mars that WE want bad. Nice show.I enjoyed the porn talk.I'm 50 in Delaware.R&F/O&A & Jimmy fan
contact : Jerry Lehane III (302)731-9930 My info is mostly on Mars and ghostwriting for mass,movies,music,sci-fi You are already familiar with Star Trek and Predator. Sam & Than were stupid enough to blow me off wnen I called in to their lame show. This last one is 32 years old from Viking missions.
06-22-2008, 05:26 PM
Fuckin eh. this looks like a good one
06-22-2008, 06:17 PM
Sunday Morning Next Week Fuckos,you're Fuckin Up My Personal Radio Schedule.
;-) Winky Eye
Linger Longer!!!!
06-23-2008, 05:49 AM
Another B side I'd point out that got huge was "Into the White" by the Pixies. Of course, it was one of their best songs, but it didn't make the album because douchebag Charles Frank Black Francis Thompson didn't want another Kim Deal song on a Pixies album (by the way, the new Breeders album, "Mountain Battles", is really good.)
And a band from Weezer's era that's stayed good is Radiohead. In fact, "In Rainbows"might be their best yet.
And, oh, Weezer was never that good anyway.
Oilfield Canuck #3
06-23-2008, 12:12 PM
Radiohead, really? They have some good songs,even some great songs, but I would say that In Rainbows was awful, if I wanted to take ecstasy and jerk off it would be a good soundtrack, but really I would say they only ever had one or two good songs an album. Just my $0.02. They are talented, but a little too far out there.
I never said weezer was great, my main point was that their old stuff does hold up.
Yes, and Clutch does still rock my socks off to this day, I guess I just forgot to include them because you never hear them on the radio.
06-23-2008, 01:58 PM
Rick in sarasota,is by far my favorite caller. He's damn funny,but essentially everything that has been done has been done, its the delivery.
Halo is one of the best first person shooters not cuz it was amazing or broke new ground. It was just damn good.
Sin city,nothing new.Infact a lot of the stories in the sin city series are the same shit over and over but the artwork and overall style is the hook.
So if WALL.E is a good movie then fine. But if you're gonna do get smart then suck my dick
06-23-2008, 05:36 PM
Alright I need to comment on Gerry with a J or a G. one of em. That was good shit. I read the post he made originaly but that call was something else. He needs to contribute more. I've gotta say he has been the most interesting person to ever be part of the show. NONE of what he said was boring. Blew my mind. Its cool to hear a show where you get to be part of hearing callers and people be contributed and known with the show. I've heard ron and fez and O&A for just over a year now and it would of been cool to hear how they got involved with the show and how it all started. blah blah blah I know.
And on the whole music thing, is there really any new bands post 2000 that can hold up the test of time? 90's was really a lot of shit, but you still had good bands pumping out tunes that to this day will last forever.
And I have a big fuck you to send out. Ozzy's Black rain is a wicked album. Ozzy has always kept the same sound, but your a flacid STD stained penis for dissing his new shit. He was my first concert and although I'm not as hardcore Ozzy as I was back in the day, I'd still crank his new/old albums front to back and enjoy every fucking beat.
Love, Trevor
06-23-2008, 11:03 PM
I post many more pics and info about life on Mars at Above Top Secret (ATS) message board. (302)731-9930 I'm glad you contrasted the official nasa whitewash with my abundance of detail. I can explain how nasa masks the images and more of why...politics,military,religion,scary to kids,space race,techno etc. Compare my pics to nasa press we found Sand,actual no wait a few years...ICE. Before I show you dragon heads,think serpents and 4-8 ft long,some legged,some not,triangular heads,kamodo dragons,iguanas..not the mythology types of giants,no wings,no fire...instead they vomit frothy acid to disable prey or opponent,like spitting snakes,aiming for the eyes. This is a fossil,meaning you can see it because it's still and soesn't blur from movement in pics. live dragon,nasa wiped out the eye detail,so mentally draw in eyes in the white ones are harder to see since they move and blur. Dead one easier to see
06-23-2008, 11:35 PM
You will have to work a little harder to see them ,but the wide mouths open should show you. Now I have to show you the dragons with humanoid faces.The fossil version is rare. They are like MEDUSA. I have more and better for later.
Dan 'Hampton
06-24-2008, 02:24 AM
Hah this guy is great. Too early to look at those pics though. CT you gotta get "Jaworski guy" to cut some promo's for you guys. It's all in his delivery.
06-24-2008, 09:13 AM Want some more WATER/ICE kiddo ? What flavor?
06-24-2008, 02:46 PM
Mars Anomaly Research page Skipper site Mars humanoid face looking at the sundial on the Spirit rover. The skull in my estimate is a humanoid dragon skull with the jaw horns missing. Don't get stuck in thinking about Earth animal models because it's rocky and different circumstances there.Imagine tusked/horned animals. On a crawler/digger animal the chin becomes a scoop or shovel,and the horns on the jaw or chin are for defense and digging.Many nasa scientists are kept in the dark about these animals.The military controls and masks the info first before the scientists see them,so some scientists are not at all compromised with knowing about them in the first place and never bothered with the moral connundrum of shutting up.They aren't allowed to know,and those that do are hushed/silenced.They have a gag order to jpl /nasa employees threatening JAIL/FINES/LOSS of CAREER(along with the unmentionable BLACKLISTING).I'm not a nasa employee or former employee so that doesn't apply to civilians like me who have a clue. Ron and Fez interviewed me about 4 years ago with my LIFE on Mars info when they were in Wash DC before XM.
Mike Teacher
06-24-2008, 02:53 PM
I cant see a thing with all the damned skulls blocking everything.
How do you think the life on Mars will react with the Life we are sending there?
Meaning, I'll bet we left a few germs on some of the things we've landed on Mars, and maybe they'll evolve and thrive so when they take that first picture of the next lander it will show a six fingered claw grabbing at the camera.
06-24-2008, 05:34 PM This cliff is crawling with life,yet most people can only see rocks. I could find 20 more in the same pic,but you can see maybe 2 or 3. Play along at home.
06-25-2008, 05:36 AM
My mind has officially been blown
06-25-2008, 05:41 AM
Who would have thought that so much of life on Mars would look like plain old rocks?!
This one looks like Lincoln. I bet he's their President.
I hope he doesn't go to the theater.
06-25-2008, 07:58 AM This cliff is crawling with life,yet most people can only see rocks. I could find 20 more in the same pic,but you can see maybe 2 or 3. Play along at home.
How do we blow this conspiracy wide open?
Bastards at NASA.
I wonder what the Mars people eat? I bet they like rocks. Yum yum.
Dan 'Hampton
06-25-2008, 08:15 AM
All these pics prove that the elephant man wasn't a freak, he was a martian.
06-25-2008, 09:21 AM
To address the qtip/eargasm thing...
Have you guys ever tried one of those ear cleaning kits? It's ear wax softening drops and this blue bulb thing that you fill with water and spray a stream of warm water deep into your ear. Feels damn good too.
06-25-2008, 12:58 PM
I love how all the platforms there are oout there Jerry chooses CT & Jivin
Oilfield Canuck #3
06-25-2008, 01:19 PM
I think all of the other platforms rejected him.
Dan 'Hampton
06-25-2008, 05:19 PM
I love how all the platforms there are oout there Jerry chooses CT & Jivin
He knows untapped talent when he hears it.
06-25-2008, 06:18 PM
Moon Dragons This looks like the most common Mars dragons ,so this is all tentative. It could be pictorial bleed over like radio bleed,where images mesh together and contaminate each other.So it can only be verified by other people independently. My comp could be loaded with so many Mars faces that they get blasted on to non-related pics randomly. If these faces do exist on the Apollo 11 1969 pics for real it will be amazing. Tentative,very.
06-25-2008, 06:31 PM
I cant see a thing with all the damned skulls blocking everything.
How do you think the life on Mars will react with the Life we are sending there?
Meaning, I'll bet we left a few germs on some of the things we've landed on Mars, and maybe they'll evolve and thrive so when they take that first picture of the next lander it will show a six fingered claw grabbing at the camera.
There's so many dead things on the ground,even humaoids,that I wondered why they don't get buried.I think the diseases are kept in check by the UV rays being less filtered than on Earth,and sterilizing to a greater degree there. I see no plants on the surface,except some small animals lick rocks for perhaps mosses or salts.I guess nasa masks out evidence of small plant life also.Some plants must be somewhere to feed them all with the Earth food chain model in mind.
Dan 'Hampton
06-25-2008, 06:42 PM
Yeah I need to sleep, I think I just saw one of his Moon Dragons.
06-26-2008, 05:44 AM
There's so many dead things on the ground,even humaoids,that I wondered why they don't get buried.I think the diseases are kept in check by the UV rays being less filtered than on Earth,and sterilizing to a greater degree there. I see no plants on the surface,except some small animals lick rocks for perhaps mosses or salts.I guess nasa masks out evidence of small plant life also.Some plants must be somewhere to feed them all with the Earth food chain model in mind.
They eat rocks!
I've already figured it out. It makes no sense for NASA to hide the plant life but not hide the mass graves of snake martian people. I bet NASA is also lying about the atmosphere and that it is breathable to humans. Why are they stopping us from colonization?
Maybe they are in a secret alliance with the snake martian people?
06-26-2008, 06:00 AM Other people will have to confirm if they see what I see. Maybe I'm the only one on Earth who can see them.
06-26-2008, 01:36 PM
Debit quote>They eat rocks!
I've already figured it out. It makes no sense for NASA to hide the plant life but not hide the mass graves of snake martian people. I bet NASA is also lying about the atmosphere and that it is breathable to humans. Why are they stopping us from colonization?
Maybe they are in a secret alliance with the snake martian people?
Accounting since 1998 <end of debit quote It's a lot to explain in a few sentences about Mars plant life ,especially for people who have been fed wrong info for so many years without some entity trustworthy enough to verify stats and claims. The color of the sky is still a bone of contention between the conspiracy theorists and the mass media. You can find many threads on a site called "Above Top Secret" where some exchange info on many topics,besides Mars. What I know about Mars is just tip of the iceberg stuff.There's so many questions I have unanswered about the second highest popuated planet we know exists. The top right head is a nasa fake.Behind it ,masked out, is a real ugly face.The lower left is a rock face cliff stone carving in Arizona as a warning to avoid caves of the canibalistic snake people. Lizards with pincer mouths. CT & Jivin should get a laugh at this,representing how they all stare at the camera,transfixed by the rovers and some have freaky human-looking faces,which is unnerving.....I designed the movie creature called PREDATOR,and I'm not squeamish. live humanesque -faced DRAGON. See the horns on the chin?
06-26-2008, 04:38 PM
Jerry, is that you in the last picture? I guess more specifically, is that you in a photoshopped straight jacket?
06-27-2008, 05:48 AM
.....I designed the movie creature called PREDATOR,and I'm not squeamish.
What was Arnold like? Did you work on Predator 2 as well?
My friend loves that movie, but I don't think it holds up.
06-27-2008, 06:30 AM
.....I designed the movie creature called PREDATOR,and I'm not squeamish.
What was Arnold like? Did you work on Predator 2 as well?
My friend loves that movie, but I don't think it holds up.
I'm a ghostwriter.I just drew the monster with descriptions and wrote some lines for Arnold to deliver 1987,and it was just after his soldier pic,so I wrote,start the movie in jungle and begin it like a "TYPICAL" Arnold Military/renegade soldier movie,then twist it to sci-fi. This would be for the Makers of ALIEN movies to give ALIEN a running rival/opponent/natural enemy (got the idea from Godzilla movies and Mad mag SPY vs SPY) with the priviso to attract ALIEN makers that"Alien always wins in the end." So I realized even then that Sigourney would age and the same old would get tiring for the excellent ALIEN monster franchise. I wanted to get in on that action and steal part of the act,insuring immortality in sci-fi history.I get no money/credit/royalties.I'm invisible and move around mass media in this way to ADD to what's already been done.I'm a "copy artist"/ imitator,and few would go to the trouble to work for no payoff.That's why my ideas get done,because they will work well for others to take the credit....silver platter. What if i showed up at your job and said sssssssssssssssssh take the week off,I'll cover it for you and no-one will know. Hello JPL nasa /I create JOBS .Hello Star Trek/Jobs for you guys. Hi Aliens creators,I love your slipping this under the door...and uh..Arnold S in the first movie for the set-up. I don't expect you to see these animals>>>>>>>>> Nasa hides them with masking>>>>>> Hi Classic rock musicians,here's some Grammy tunes for ya poppin fresh>>>>> Copyright in your name as soon as possible.This is a gift and a tribute.Big Fan. Therefor I create jobs and am good for their economy.I keep people working at what they already do best.
06-27-2008, 12:48 PM
:thumbup::wallbash::thumbup:I came up with the pyramid builders scenario used in late movie,also took the idea of Pred 1 from Star trek death match "the GORN" a lizard headed body builder that fought Kirk as part of a ritualistic game by overseers.Since I ghostwrote for Trek(1987) I also borrowed from 1960's episodes and aliens,story lines.I had nothing to do with the recent movie,but I liked what I saw.I wanted them to fight like samurai and the dreadlock look was borrowed from a 80's poster called RASTA warrior,which you can google in images.I never met Arnold,just fed him some lines like"You ugly mother-fucker" "come and get me PUSSYFACE" which was some pretty comic book stuff. Likewise I geare-out predator with those visuals of morphing/infra-red/3 focuslaser dots/the lovable face/arm plate with gadgets/ejextor blades/blade frisbee(spin-off from my ST BATLETH)<< copying Batman logo.Mini-nukes. Shoulder aiming device.Mimic-sound-digital voice/lions roar (stolen from the dragon roar in "The MUNSTERS" and the Darth Vader ship sound from Star Wars.The scarring symbol ritual was mine and the LOGO which is Kanji(my invented symbol and tribute to the stick figure of an ALIEN),like a tilted top capital "T". Mark of passage after killing one in combat.Blood of the vanquised(which is acid and makes instant scar tissue,much like East Side Dave's ass). :clap::help: :laugh:
06-27-2008, 01:59 PM
:thumbup::wallbash::thumbup:I came up with the pyramid builders scenario used in late movie,also took the idea of Pred 1 from Star trek death match "the GORN" a lizard headed body builder that fought Kirk as part of a ritualistic game by overseers.Since I ghostwrote for Trek(1987) I also borrowed from 1960's episodes and aliens,story lines.I had nothing to do with the recent movie,but I liked what I saw.I wanted them to fight like samurai and the dreadlock look was borrowed from a 80's poster called RASTA warrior,which you can google in images.I never met Arnold,just fed him some lines like"You ugly mother-fucker" "come and get me PUSSYFACE" which was some pretty comic book stuff. Likewise I geare-out predator with those visuals of morphing/infra-red/3 focuslaser dots/the lovable face/arm plate with gadgets/ejextor blades/blade frisbee(spin-off from my ST BATLETH)<< copying Batman logo.Mini-nukes. Shoulder aiming device.Mimic-sound-digital voice/lions roar (stolen from the dragon roar in "The MUNSTERS" and the Darth Vader ship sound from Star Wars.The scarring symbol ritual was mine and the LOGO which is Kanji(my invented symbol and tribute to the stick figure of an ALIEN),like a tilted top capital "T". Mark of passage after killing one in combat.Blood of the vanquised(which is acid and makes instant scar tissue,much like East Side Dave's ass). :clap::help: :laugh:
Wow, that is amazing!
I wish I had your creativity. Stupid accounting job.
How did you get into showbiz?
Do you need an agent or have to join the writer's guild?
06-27-2008, 02:35 PM
Here's a link to the Egyptian looking statues/cliff of Mars .Op rover 2007 victoria crater st vincent cliff.'
06-27-2008, 02:36 PM
:smoke:I called in to Than & Sam with the hope of getting an interview,2 months or so ago and was told they were not interested in the PREDATOR movie by a female call screener.I did not mention that I was the creator to the call screener.By playing my brief phone call you have openned up many more listeners to the life on Mars info,much like:tongue: Ron & Fez did years ago when they had me phone in my info.They were just as skeptical.Likewise Craig:lol: Coleman gave me air time on his podcasts.A radio show in Canada also interviewed me twice called X-Zone Radio with:king: Rob McConnell.Crazy Jen interviewed me over the phone,but it was a prank set up by :drunk:Perrynoid which never aired because I was onto the gag.The Hideout:wacko: never responded. O&A never gave me air time.Morning Central Radio (Cleveland?):glurps:gave me an interview but were more negative,and their audience wasn't interested.The Space Show:surrender: with Dr. David Livingston doesn't consider me a credible source because he can't see anything in my images himself(he's in his 60's).Our local news station hosts :devil2:scoff :thumbdown:at my info,since they are very traditional.Coasttocoast am never wrote back.Most newspapers/mags/corporate mass media gives me :flush:no reply.The Disclosure Project at least talked to me on the phone for over 10 mins :clap:(Steven).Jeff Rense:wallbash:,no reply.
06-27-2008, 02:44 PM
I like sci-fi movies with less gore and more Star Trekky gadgetry and not so claustrophobic a set of scenes.But,like the second album from music groups,there's continuity,and the series benefits as a result of "cult-building".I just thought how it's a disadvantage without dialog from the Predators.Maybe that can be addressed in future movies.
Oilfield Canuck #3
06-27-2008, 02:51 PM
:smoke:I called in to Than & Sam with the hope of getting an interview,2 months or so ago and was told they were not interested in the PREDATOR movie by a female call screener.I did not mention that I was the creator to the call screener.By playing my brief phone call you have openned up many more listeners to the life on Mars info,much like:tongue: Ron & Fez did years ago when they had me phone in my info.They were just as skeptical.Likewise Craig:lol: Coleman gave me air time on his podcasts.A radio show in Canada also interviewed me twice called X-Zone Radio with:king: Rob McConnell.Crazy Jen interviewed me over the phone,but it was a prank set up by :drunk:Perrynoid which never aired because I was onto the gag.The Hideout:wacko: never responded. O&A never gave me air time.Morning Central Radio (Cleveland?):glurps:gave me an interview but were more negative,and their audience wasn't interested.The Space Show:surrender: with Dr. David Livingston doesn't consider me a credible source because he can't see anything in my images himself(he's in his 60's).Our local news station hosts :devil2:scoff :thumbdown:at my info,since they are very traditional.Coasttocoast am never wrote back.Most newspapers/mags/corporate mass media gives me :flush:no reply.The Disclosure Project at least talked to me on the phone for over 10 mins :clap:(Steven).Jeff Rense:wallbash:,no reply.
So everybody is crazy except for you?
can someone summarize this please there is no way in hell im reading all of this
Oilfield Canuck #3
06-27-2008, 03:15 PM
can someone summarize this please there is no way in hell im reading all of this
CT and Jivin dedicated the last podcast's science section to a crackpot claiming to have pictures of life on Mars. Now he is bombarding the forum with some crappy photos, amateurishly edited in Microsoft paint claiming there are rock dragons and fraggles on mars, and it is annoying the living fuck out of me. Oh and he also ghost wrote every movie and tv show ever produced and likes emoticons even more than dschef.
Oilfield Canuck #3
06-27-2008, 03:21 PM
I ghost wrote "From Russia With Love", it was my idea to star Sir Sean Connery and have him shoot down the helicopter using an AR-7, here is the schematics I sent in to the real producers.
06-27-2008, 03:24 PM
Read ( and/or kill yourself
06-28-2008, 07:07 PM
Read ( and/or kill yourself
nice find haha
06-30-2008, 09:34 AM
I ghost wrote "From Russia With Love", it was my idea to star Sir Sean Connery and have him shoot down the helicopter using an AR-7, here is the schematics I sent in to the real producers.
From Russia With Love or the intricate plans of Wile E Coyote?
07-07-2008, 04:56 PM
I'm scared for the future of this message board now.
And I'd LOVE to cut some promos! For reasons that I just can't understand, I get giddy like a little school girl whenever two douchebags on the Internet play a recording of me.
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