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Watermelon Samurai Therapy [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Watermelon Samurai Therapy

06-06-2008, 02:57 PM
I was bored. My wife had cut a big slice of watermelon, and sliced out all of the goodness, leaving a rind ring about 16 inches across. I stood it up on edge like a ferris wheel on the kitchen counter. I swung down into it from above with my super-sharp chef's knife, and it just kind of sagged open but didn't fall over. I proceded to hack it from side to side in small increments. The satisfying zing of the metal as it clipped through the rind was nice. It left little squares of rind all over my counter, but it was worth it. I didn't even hack the counter by accident.

I used to work in a pizzeria in high school. There was this cholo dude I worked with, who was really into the mexican gang thing, or so he thought. We had a 100 pound batch of dough on the cutting table, ready to make dough balls. Vato loco took a brand new serrated bread knife and tried to reenact the shanking scene from American Me on the dough. There was a dough scraper buried under the dough, and as he stabbed the knife into the dough, the tip caught on the dough scraper, and his clenched hand ran down the serrated blade, cutting his fingers to the bone. Boy did he have a stupid look on his face. The dough was ruined too.