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WiiWare launch - Today! [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-12-2008, 05:37 PM
WiiWare is Nintendo's 'download exclusive' full-length Wii games.

They launched it today with five titles.

-Final Fantasy Chronicles: My Life As King
Supposedly a cross betwee Final Fantasy and the Sims...SquareEnix is going to create downloadable content outside of the base game that can be purchased individually for like $2-$5 over the Wii Shop Channel.
Price - $15 (or 1500 Wii Points)

Some weird multiplayer games where you use the WiiMote to pop bubbles.
Price - $7 (or 700 Wii Points)

-Defend Your Castle
Structured around the WiiMote like pop, you use it flick off invaders who are attempting to invader your castle.
Price - $5 (or 500 Wii Points)

A giant fantasy world adventure where a some character tries to save the world from some evil thing and has the power to use the wind to assist him. Sounds stupid, but has gotten awesome reviews.
Price - $10 (or 1000 Wii Points)

-VIP Casino Blackjak
Basically like every other Virtual Blackjack game
Price - $7 (or $700 Wii Points)

-TV Show King
Multiplayer trivia came focused on TV that utililzes the Miis, and is likely to get downloadable content and question packs as the thing progress.
Price - $10 (or 1000 Wii Points)

Interesting...I'm going to check out the Final Fantasy game and TV Show King. I've been looking for a good trivia game for the Wii to play when I have people over. If they give regular downloadable content for it, it could be awesome.

The rest of the stuff doesn't really pique my interest.

05-12-2008, 06:16 PM
We want Strong Bad!

05-12-2008, 06:17 PM
Wii want Strong Bad!


05-12-2008, 07:11 PM
wow I might have to go try this right now.

05-12-2008, 08:05 PM
hmm cant figure out how to edit my post o.o but anyhow here's a direct link to the strong bad wii site you can also play them with the mouse if you have no wii

05-13-2008, 09:23 AM
Ok, so I got the Final Fantasy game, and TV Show King.

Here's my impressions so far.

TV Show King is interesting, but a little rough around the edges. It's formatted similar to Scene It on XBox in terms of the way you play and the scoring, but it's obviously not as visual. It uses the Miis, though, which is a nice touch, and looks like it'd be a fairly fun party game, although Scene It is much, much more put together and I'd prefer that. Still, for $10, it's a nice pickup. The categories are similar to trivial pursuit style selection, and there's varying degree of difficulty. No visual add-ons, or video clips, or anything. Straight trivia.

The Final Fantasy game, at least from what I can tell, is basically SquareEnix's take on the Sims. You build a town, commission adventurers, workers, and manage it from day to day. You manage the money, draw up plans of defense, etc...the graphics are solid on this, and so far I'm liking it, but I'm only a couple days in. Again, though, it looks like a bargain for $15, but the jury is still out on it.

One thing about the WiiWare is that you inevitably are going to have to buy more memory to stash stuff. The Wii has a 512 MB hard drive, and these two games, combined with the three NES games I have on there, basically have sucked up a good portion of it.

05-26-2008, 05:56 PM
I just downloaded Dr Mario and think its worth the $10 but a lot harder then I remember the original being. Anyone else planning on getting this? It's got some quick and easy to use online play as well as a new game mode called virus buster inwhich you can use the ir control to munipulate the falling pills. Good stuff all around.

08-11-2008, 07:32 PM
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People was finally released today. Didn't get time to mess around with it too much but what I did see was very funny. It's 1000 wii points.

08-12-2008, 05:14 AM
One thing about the WiiWare is that you inevitably are going to have to buy more memory to stash stuff. The Wii has a 512 MB hard drive, and these two games, combined with the three NES games I have on there, basically have sucked up a good portion of it.

512mb???? That's it? Everyone tries to fuck you. A mini SD card is the size of a fingernail and can hold 4 gb, cheap fucks.