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Debilitating Allergies [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Debilitating Allergies

Doctor Z
05-04-2008, 05:01 PM
I know the average person gets some sniffles or some itching around this time of year, but usually nothing that popping a claritin or benedril can't take care of.

But since around high school (about 10 years now), I've suffered from absolutely life-stopping allergies during the month of May. I've tried everything from over the counters, behind the counters, prescription stuff, nasal sprays, saline sprays, decongestants, you name it. NOTHING helps. The only option I haven't exhausted is allergy shots... but it's too late now for those to help me, because apparently they need to be taken on a monthly basis year-round in order to help. So taking shots in the middle of allergy season wouldn't do shit for me at this point.

Is there ANYTHING ANYONE can recommend to help alleviate this? Natural solutions? Foods? Vitamins? Any advice at all, I'd be willing to try. I have been blowing my nose and sneezing uncontrollably ALL day, and I don't even know how I'm gonna drag myself to work tomorrow. I can't stand it anymore.

Doctor Z
05-04-2008, 05:36 PM
Maybe this belongs in "Ask The Oracle"?

05-04-2008, 06:37 PM
never too late to start allergy shots.

zyrtec always worked wonders for me.

i get uncontrollable, and unpredictable nausea for a few weeks twice a year during the high allergy/seasonal change times. it's AWFUL and interferes with everything. so far nothing has worked to ward it off so i just deal.

Doctor Z
05-04-2008, 06:42 PM
Zyrtec is another one that I've tried and had no results with. Also, when I spoke to my doctor about shots, he said I'd have to wait out this season (since it's already begun) and start them when the season ends to see the results next year.

05-04-2008, 06:44 PM
Try Allegra, I was taking Zyrtec for a while and my Dr. switched me to Allegra, and it seems to work much better.

05-04-2008, 07:17 PM
Have you tried sinus irrigation with a netti pot? I hear it works really well if you have nasal allergies.

05-05-2008, 06:13 AM
Have you tried sinus irrigation with a netti pot? I hear it works really well if you have nasal allergies.

<3 the netti pot.
its really awkward when you start usuing it, but it really cleans you out.

05-05-2008, 07:06 AM
Have you tried sinus irrigation with a netti pot? I hear it works really well if you have nasal allergies.

My mother tried to get me to use a neti pot.

I wasn't buying it.

BUT, a similar (and less icky to me) solution is getting sterile saline nasal spray and irrigating as needed. (I like the brand name "Simply Saline" myself)

If you are looking for natural remedies, I know a lot of people who SWEAR by bee pollen and local honey. I think the idea behind the bee pollen is the same as an allergy shot.

Feel better, budday. I have year-round allergies myself, but they get worse with the introduction of pollen ... and EVERYTHING just bloomed.

05-05-2008, 09:33 AM
I was just wondering if you had seen an allergist, or if you have only seen your GP about this. A few years ago, I had such awful allergies, I was getting chronic sinus infections from them. It was awful. I saw both an ENT and an allergist. The ENT wanted to do sinus surgery.

However, I was able to avoid that because the allergist was able to pinpoint exactly what the allergen was. It happened to be mold, which my fella and I figured out to be in our apartment. It took a while but we were able to get the necessary repairs done by the landlord, and when the lease expired we moved.

I was so glad that I didn't go through with the surgery for something that was clearly environmental and able to be remedied. Certainly, every case is different, but perhaps if you are able to pinpoint exactly what is causing the problem, you may find your cure there.

In the meantime, good luck. And, I too, swear by "simply saline".

Doctor Z
05-05-2008, 07:15 PM
I did indeed go to an allergist last year actually, he's the one who told me about the shots and how they work. However, he did not test me to see exactly what I'm allergic to, so I think I'll have that done when I go back to him (probably some time this week).

Piuki--Just a side note... when you had mold in your apt, was it openly visible? or was it inside the wall? Because I fear I may have mold too. But can it affect you if it's basically sealed inside the wall?

05-05-2008, 07:22 PM
I take a shot of what i think is called aristacort once a year... Ive been healed since 1990....My Dr said it is a very heavy dose and I can only have one a year on May 10th...I suffered my whole life and it was a god send....Juggy

05-07-2008, 04:55 AM
... when you had mold in your apt, was it openly visible? or was it inside the wall? Because I fear I may have mold too. But can it affect you if it's basically sealed inside the wall?

Mold can affect you if it's inside your wall. Walls are not airtight.

Mold and dust are two of the most insidious of all environmental allergens. They're EVERYWHERE and they just make you suffer.

05-07-2008, 05:08 AM
I am allergic to:

Cockroaches (fucking GROSS)

So I am fucking miserable right now as well. I live on a canal and at the end of the canal, there is a huge nature preserve island thing loaded with tons of trees and weeds that the nice bay breeze carries directly to my house. I haven't been able to sleep the entire night and I have a HEPA air cleaner running right next to my bed. I think I might need to get a more heavy duty one.

We are replacing the carpeting with pergo and I'm hoping that will help. I ripped out the carpet in my office to prep it, and I swear to god, I never want to have carpet again. The amount of gross dust that came out of that carpet was amazing, and I vacuum on a regular basis.

05-07-2008, 05:17 AM
I am allergic to:

Cockroaches (fucking GROSS)

So I am fucking miserable right now as well. I live on a canal and at the end of the canal, there is a huge nature preserve island thing loaded with tons of trees and weeds that the nice bay breeze carries directly to my house. I haven't been able to sleep the entire night and I have a HEPA air cleaner running right next to my bed. I think I might need to get a more heavy duty one.

We are replacing the carpeting with pergo and I'm hoping that will help. I ripped out the carpet in my office to prep it, and I swear to god, I never want to have carpet again. The amount of gross dust that came out of that carpet was amazing, and I vacuum on a regular basis.

Replacing the carpet with Pergo will be the best thing you ever did.

Carpet collects dust, dander, mold, pollen, etc., and locks it in no matter how good your vacuum is. On top of that, you've got the chemical breakdown of whatever they made your carpeting (and the padding) from ... ewwwww. Whenever possible, ripping out carpet and putting in a different type of flooring, whether it's wood (Pergo) or tile, will usually help relieve a good bit of your allergy issues.

Also, be sure to get some dust masks for when you're doing the bulk of the carpeting removal ... it'll help the gunk not settle into your nose.

Lady Resin
05-07-2008, 11:56 AM
My hay fever kicked in a couple of weeks ago. Last year I found Benadryl Quick Dissolve Strips. It kicks in about 5 minutes. I recommended to somebody here and it help them. I just took one about a minute ago.

05-07-2008, 02:39 PM
I did indeed go to an allergist last year actually, he's the one who told me about the shots and how they work. However, he did not test me to see exactly what I'm allergic to, so I think I'll have that done when I go back to him (probably some time this week).

Piuki--Just a side note... when you had mold in your apt, was it openly visible? or was it inside the wall? Because I fear I may have mold too. But can it affect you if it's basically sealed inside the wall?

For me the allergist did a skin test. He basically pricked my back with a crap load of different allergens, and looked to see which got the fastest and most notable reactions.

The mold was not actually visible. We lived on the top floor of our apartment building and had leaks in the ceiling and around the windows. So, we figured the mold to be in the walls around those areas. They came in and scraped off the old paint, "cleaned the mold" (not sure what technique), and repainted. It definitely helped, though by the time we moved out there were fresh water marks, so they clearly didn't fix the leaks.

05-08-2008, 02:08 PM
So you aren't supposed to get allergies in the desert, right? ERRPPP, WRONG! 90 pokes and i'm allergic to 83 *ding ding ding* Back on the shots for me, i've never had asthma this bad and the 3 day migraine on the side of my head is not helping. I also got more steriods *i'll take pictures if i grow balls...that'd be frightening...but amusing...i'd bouce them...and sway them to and fro...and....ok TMI*, an advair 50/500 diskus, more inhalers, stuff for my nebulizer, and a pet on the head. Allergies are pretty rotten, but shots DO fix the problem, so I see the silver lining. I wish i could take benedryl, but that would land me another 12 hours of not waking up. I'm all about the Zyrtec-D. I've know way to many of the female folk whom have taken Clariden and gone....bonkers. Clariden has to be crazy pills. Not touching that with a 10 foot pole.

05-08-2008, 04:21 PM
So you aren't supposed to get allergies in the desert, right? ERRPPP, WRONG! 90 pokes and i'm allergic to 83 *ding ding ding* Back on the shots for me, i've never had asthma this bad and the 3 day migraine on the side of my head is not helping. I also got more steriods *i'll take pictures if i grow balls...that'd be frightening...but amusing...i'd bouce them...and sway them to and fro...and....ok TMI*, an advair 50/500 diskus, more inhalers, stuff for my nebulizer, and a pet on the head. Allergies are pretty rotten, but shots DO fix the problem, so I see the silver lining. I wish i could take benedryl, but that would land me another 12 hours of not waking up. I'm all about the Zyrtec-D. I've know way to many of the female folk whom have taken Clariden and gone....bonkers. Clariden has to be crazy pills. Not touching that with a 10 foot pole.

Every time my husband and I go out to Phoenix, I have to hit the OTC loratidine (which is the generic Claritin) ... my eyes start itching, my throat gets sore and I sneeze at every little breeze. (Damn desert grasses!)

Of course, now that Zyrtec is OTC, I may pick up a bottle ... when it was still prescription, that shit was a godsend.

05-08-2008, 04:31 PM

05-12-2008, 03:35 AM
I'm asthmatic and allergic to just about everything. I grew up on allergy shots which do work to build up your immune system. I haven't gotten shots in probably 20 years, but I think my body must have learned how to deal with allergens.

We have two cats and they don't bother me anymore, but my immunity is also animal specific. Its kind of weird, but if when I lived with roommates who had dogs I would have severe problems for a month or two before my body adapted. The weird thing is it'd be only for that particular dog. A neighbor's dog would still set my asthma off. It just shows how our bodies will adapt.

In the spring when I get bombarded with allergens I add Allermax ( to my vitamins and grab a saline nasal spray. Allermax is the only supplement thing that has ever worked for me, and I've tried them all. I hate to sound like a salesman but the shit actually works. It's not instant, it takes a couple of weeks to work, but once it kicks in I feel like a new man, and I can put the albuterol back in the fridge. $15 for 50 day supply is well worth a shot.

05-12-2008, 11:53 AM
migraine and anxiety from a combo of allergies and hormones have rendered me virtually useless today. especially after taking the meds that combat these two symptoms.


07-22-2009, 01:26 PM
ok, I'm bumping this thread.

has anyone done this?

(OK, I mean with the saline, not the coffee or bourbon)?

I see Thebazile78 said his mom wanted to do it, but has anyone actually used a neti pot?
I went to the Ear Nose Throat doctor, and he recommended Hypertonic saline to ease congestion. I figured it would be a spray, but when I went to CVS they showed me these Neti Pots. I see online people highly recommending it (after Oprah did)
but I'm wondering if anyone here has. It seems damn weird.

07-22-2009, 01:34 PM
ok, I'm bumping this thread.

has anyone done this?

(OK, I mean with the saline, not the coffee or bourbon)?

I see Thebazile78 said his mom wanted to do it, but has anyone actually used a neti pot?
I went to the Ear Nose Throat doctor, and he recommended Hypertonic saline to ease congestion. I figured it would be a spray, but when I went to CVS they showed me these Neti Pots. I see online people highly recommending it (after Oprah did)
but I'm wondering if anyone here has. It seems damn weird.

I used the Neti, it works good.
But I switched to this ( it's the same thing, but in an upright squeeze bottle.
I work construction, and when I'm eating a lot of dust at work, I'l flush my sinuses that night.
I use 8 oz. of distilled water with the saline packs, and heat the water in the microwave for 50 seconds before mixing it in the bottle.
I love it...

07-22-2009, 06:42 PM
I used the Neti, it works good.
But I switched to this ( it's the same thing, but in an upright squeeze bottle.
I work construction, and when I'm eating a lot of dust at work, I'l flush my sinuses that night.
I use 8 oz. of distilled water with the saline packs, and heat the water in the microwave for 50 seconds before mixing it in the bottle.
I love it...

that seems more convenient, although i understand its not as efficient; it probably good enough that way.

07-22-2009, 06:43 PM

I've been singing the praises of the Neti Pot for MONTHS now!!!


07-23-2009, 11:53 AM

I've been singing the praises of the Neti Pot for MONTHS now!!!


yanno, i did a search, and this was the only thread I found.
(damn admins who mess up searches....)

I'm glad you linked me to that thread.

07-23-2009, 06:11 PM
daily dose of allegra & singulair with a hit of alavert on a day i wake up with the sniffles. seems to do the trick for me. i've been on that combo for about 4+ years. honestly the biggest difference was moving out of the city to the mountains. the air is so much cleaner & i feel so much better. unfortunately i have to live upstate.