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LaBoob's Magical Colon-Cleansing Cocktail [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : LaBoob's Magical Colon-Cleansing Cocktail

04-17-2008, 04:08 PM

Since I've been posting here I've come across a lot of posts concerning intestinal health or intestinal problems. Working in the health food/vitamin industry for over 10 years, I've grown to appreciate the importance of a good colon cleanse, and advise anybody who is experiencing trouble with bloating, gas, constipation, bad breath or any other intestinal discomfort to explore colon cleansing in an effort to feel lighter, cleaner, more energetic, and better able to digest the nutrients in your food, as well as supplements.
***I want to make it clear that I am not a doctor, nor am I prescribing this regimen to anybody, I just want to share this cleanse program because I've refined it over the years and it's truly what works for me. People who choose to try it might need to adjust this program to suit their needs, their bodies, and their schedules. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns, or any health risks that you suspect might disable you from doing this cleanse.***

I like to do this when I have a week off of work to dedicate to the cleanse, so that I'm not trapped in my car or at work when I feel like I have to "go"... If you don't have a week, you might like to start your cleanse on a Friday afternoon so you have a whole weekend to see how your body reacts.
Start out slowly... The first few days can be intense. The regimen should start slowly and should increase in intensity at the pace with which you're most comfortable. For the last 2 or 3 days, depending on your comfort level, and at your convenience, you could enter a "go-big-or-go-home" phase - a more intense level of cleansing, if your body and schedule will allow it. It will take about a week after this for your body to return to normal... I've included some recommendations for an easy transition.

Colon Clenz by Natural Balance - just one of many colon cleansing products, but my favorite because it's very effective and simple. I used to work for this company, but, don't worry, I'm not a shill... they laid me off. I still recommend it because I've tried a ton of them and have found that even though a lot of them contain similar ingredients just mixed up in a different way, they work completely differently. These products work by increasing peristalsis (the contractions made by your intestines that push your food through). It can be painful, it can be uncomfortable, but very much worth it to feel better after your cleanse is done.
One that I would avoid: Nature's Secret Ultimate Fiber... why? It's very violent, and very addicting (addicting as in you can't poop without taking it, or it takes a very long time for your body to return to normal).
Colon Clenz, or any colon cleansing product you choose (should contain one or more of the following: senna, cascara sagrada, rhubarb, butternut, all of which increase peristalsis... For someone who wants to avoid the increase of peristalsis, simply avoid these products) will be the main focus of your cleanse. These are the products you need to try on a day when you'll be home and near the bathroom, because you never know how your body is going to react.
You can also choose to take only this product... a LOT of people cleanse this way. I really do advise against it, as I've found that adding the following below make the results far less harsh, much more efficient, and make for a smoother transition when your cleanse is done.

psyllium husk - a powdered version, when mixed in with water, will expand in your intestines and act like a sponge, scrubbing your intestinal walls and absorbing tons of toxins and waste, expelling it from your body. Don't take at the same time as any vitamins or medications, as they will most likely become absorbed and passed through, or just might not be as powerful as they should.
ground flax seed - grittier than psyllium, it is also a scrubbing agent that can help extract excess waste from your intestines... Psyllium absorbs a lot of water, so it can make you feel more bloated and can move through kind of slowly... ground flax compliments the psyllium, allowing it to move through more quickly.
aloe juice - (optional) isn't very tasty, but helps to lubricate your intestines and helps move things through more quickly. It's also very soothing on an upset stomach, and your stomach might be less than comfortable throughout your cleanse.
Probiotics - Acidophilus and B.Lactis are my two favorites... and I am a BIG FAN of probiotics. Probiotics have been getting a lot of play in the media since mainstream America has discovered them. Yes, they're found in yogurt, but they're fragile, and aren't as potent when combined with sugar, so if you're eating Dannon Fruit at the Bottom thinking you're getting enough probiotics, I'm sorry, but you're wrong... at least not enough for this cleanse.
Probiotics are live "friendly" bacteria that feed on "bad" bacteria living in our intestines causing us all kinds of grief when they grow too large in number. I recommend buying the most potent probiotic supplement from a company you can trust. Most companies will claim the amount of probiotics in the bottle at the time of manufacture, but a GOOD company will guarantee that amount at the time of expiration, to account for the fact that these are living bacteria and will die. I LOVE Kal's Active Acidophilus because it contains Acidophilus and B. Lactis (one inhabits the upper intestine and one inhabits the lower, and together they work wonderfully to restore a proper balance of bacteria in your intestine). And, since I used to work for this company, I know they go above and beyond as far as quality. Don't take at the same time as an antibiotic, if you happen to be taking one at the time of this cleanse, as the antibiotic kills bacteria without considering whether it's a "good" or "bad" bacteria.

For the most part, follow the dosaging information on the packaging these products come in, as far as how MUCH to take. However, since most of these products are NOT designed to be taken during an intense, one-week cleanse, you might need to take them more than once a day in order to get your time and money's worth during the life of your cleanse.
Day 1 - Start with the recommended dosage of your colon cleansing product as well as 1 heaping tablespoon each of psyllium and flax meal mixed in water or juice. Drink 8 oz of aloe juice. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Take the recommended dosage of probiotics twice a day.
Day 2 - Do the same as the day before, except one more tablespoon of psyllium and flax in the evening, or before dinner. Drink 8-16 oz of aloe through the day, as well as tons of water. Take recommended dosage of probiotics twice a day.
Day 3 - Add one or two more capsules (depending on your comfort level) of colon cleansing product, do one tablespoon of each psyllium and flax meal in the morning and the evening, drink 8-16 oz of aloe juice, and drink tons of water. Take recommended dosage of probiotics twice a day.
Day 4 - Increase colon cleansing product by one or two more capsules (again, depending on what's working for you), do one tablespoon each of psyllium and flax meal in the morning and in the evening, drink 8-16 oz of aloe juice, and drink as much water as you can. Take recommended dosage of probiotics twice a day.
Days 5-7 - Either continue directions from Day 4, or enter "Go-big-or-go-home" phase... which really just consists of increasing your colon cleansing product (if your body and schedule will allow it), and continuing everything else at about the same pace as before. If you are up for it, increase the psyllium and flax to one more tablespoon of each somewhere in the middle of the day. Drink plenty of water! Take recommended dosage of probiotics twice a day.

The objective of this week is to make the transition from stimulating your peristalsis to functioning as normally as possible, with a little help from some supplementation...
Days 1-3 - Discontinue use of colon cleansing product. Your digestion will slow and you'll find you won't go for a day or two... this is normal. Continue taking 1 tablespoon of psyllium and flax meal twice a day, along with plenty of water, and aloe juice. Continue taking recommended dosage of probiotics, but you can increase it to 3 times a day if you find you're not poo-ing.
Days 4-6 - Cut down your psyllium and flax meal to 1 tablespoon in the morning. You can discontinue drinking aloe juice. Continue taking the probiotic 2-3 times a day.
Day 7 - Eliminate all supplements, except the probiotic. Continue taking this until the bottle runs out, and then consider buying another bottle and taking it on a regular basis. It's one of the best things you can take for overall health, but mostly intestinal health.

-Throughout the entire week, keep your diet light. Eat light salads, some fish here and there, some cereal, and soups. Nothing there really requires any heavy lifting on the part of your stomach, and most of it will be easily digested.
-Consider taking a digestive enzyme with meals during this cleanse as well as after you're done. They assist in your body's ability to break down your food, as well as absorb nutrients from it.
-NOTHING IN THIS CLEANSE IS WRITTEN IN STONE... I don't follow this cleanse very strictly... it's just my guideline. If you find you simply cannot stomach taking that psyllium/flax twice a day, just do it once.
-Cleanse your colon again in about 6 months and continue to do it every 6 months, or, if you really hated this cleanse, consider doing it just once a year for a Spring cleaning. After 10 years of colon cleansing, my body tells me when I need to cleanse by making me feel sluggish and tired, sickly or weak, or always hungry. I will also cleanse when my life feels particularly out of control because getting your gut in order goes a LONG way in making you feel better in other areas of your life.
-Never take a colon cleansing product for more than 3 weeks. Your body can become dependant on it and you'll find you have a harder and harder time returning to normal.

PM me with any questions... I'm more than happy to answer any of them. I sincerely wish you all the best of health!

04-17-2008, 04:11 PM
note to self, never use Laboob's bathroom

04-17-2008, 04:12 PM
Omg, this doesn't sound like fun at all.

04-17-2008, 04:13 PM
note to self, never use Laboob's bathroom

haha, but I always have the best reading material...

04-17-2008, 04:13 PM
Thats alot of reading to poo

04-17-2008, 04:15 PM
Omg, this doesn't sound like fun at all.

Haha... I've said a LOT about colon cleansing, but I don't remember ever using the word "fun"!!!

04-17-2008, 04:16 PM
Thats alot of reading to poo

Sorry... I really just wanted to include EVERYTHING! I didn't want somebody PM'ing me a week from now complaining that I didn't mention something. I'm an overly-thorough ass.


04-17-2008, 04:17 PM
Mayo Clinic (

Proponents believe colon cleansing provides health benefits — by removing toxins from their bodies, and boosting their energy and their immune systems. But doctors take a different view.

Although doctors may recommend colon cleansing in preparation for a medical examination of the colon, most don't recommend colon cleansing for better health or to prevent disease. This is because:

* It's unnecessary. Your colon doesn't require enemas or special diets or pills to eliminate waste material and bacteria. It does this naturally on its own.
* It may be harmful. Your colon absorbs water and sodium to maintain your body's fluid and electrolyte balance. Some colon-cleansing programs disrupt this balance, causing dehydration and salt depletion. Long-term or excessive cleansing programs can lead to problems such as anemia, malnutrition and heart failure.

This has been around forever, and its always been considered a bad idea by medical professionals. Sorry, I'm not trying to be a jerk but its your health were talking about.

Melissa the Accountant
04-17-2008, 04:35 PM
This has never been something I got into, although I don't mean to sound dismissive. If it works for you and your doctor doesn't think it's hurting anything, hey, good for you. Bulldogcakes does have a point, though - giving yourself a "flush" can be kind of tough on the system.

I saw something about one of these on Penn & Teller a while back, about this syrup this guy was selling for a system flush. It was called Neera and he was selling it for like $40 a can. A while after I saw the episode, my boisterously gay coworker (at my previous job) started a "diet" in which he had one meal a day and the rest of the day he spent drinking a homemade syrup made with maple syrup, lemon juice, and liberal amounts of cayenne pepper. I realized it was a knockoff of this Neera thing!

BG coworker was a bit on the tubby side, a situation to which I was very sympathetic since I used to be overweight and managed to lose it through Weight Watchers. Like me, he wanted to lose the weight. Unlike me, he would rather give himself diarrhea and call it a cleansing ritual instead of eating less and exercising more. I remember I found this very funny at the time because I saw him walk by constantly on his way to the bathroom.

I know you didn't present this as a weight loss program or anything like that, it's just that it immediately reminded me of my BG coworker!

04-17-2008, 04:38 PM
Mayo Clinic (

This has been around forever, and its always been considered a bad idea by medical professionals. Sorry, I'm not trying to be a jerk but its your health were talking about.

I would have to aggree that excessive cleansing is terrible for your health... malnutrition, dehydration, as well as an electrolyte imbalance is definitely a risk, but I took that into consideration and put a very gentle plan out there.

If it were true that occasional cleansing were completely unecessary, then doctors would never recommend taking the occasional laxative. This is like taking a laxative... except it's a week long, comprehensive plan including natural fibers and natural herbs that increase your body's peristalsis for a very short period of time. Then it's back to normal... except it's back to better than normal.

There's obviously a debate btw the medical profession and the health food industry...who's ever to say what's right, definitively? All we (in the natural foods industry) can do is provide natural options. There are people out there who take products like Colon Clenz CONSTANTLY... this is absolutely unhealthy! I think this is who studies like this is targeting. It's really no different than binging and purging, or bulemia.

Also, it's all well and good if you have the perfect diet... but most people don't. Our foods are overly processed, we eat too much meat, and don't get enough fiber... and intestinal issues are statistically the #1 complaint from health food store customers. Doctors don't always know what's right.... I'm not saying what's right or wrong... I just know from experience that the occasional colon cleanse is NOT unhealthy, especially when used correctly.

04-17-2008, 04:45 PM
This has never been something I got into, although I don't mean to sound dismissive. If it works for you and your doctor doesn't think it's hurting anything, hey, good for you. Bulldogcakes does have a point, though - giving yourself a "flush" can be kind of tough on the system.

I saw something about one of these on Penn & Teller a while back, about this syrup this guy was selling for a system flush. It was called Neera and he was selling it for like $40 a can. A while after I saw the episode, my boisterously gay coworker (at my previous job) started a "diet" in which he had one meal a day and the rest of the day he spent drinking a homemade syrup made with maple syrup, lemon juice, and liberal amounts of cayenne pepper. I realized it was a knockoff of this Neera thing!

BG coworker was a bit on the tubby side, a situation to which I was very sympathetic since I used to be overweight and managed to lose it through Weight Watchers. Like me, he wanted to lose the weight. Unlike me, he would rather give himself diarrhea and call it a cleansing ritual instead of eating less and exercising more. I remember I found this very funny at the time because I saw him walk by constantly on his way to the bathroom.

I know you didn't present this as a weight loss program or anything like that, it's just that it immediately reminded me of my BG coworker!

Anytime someone is cleansing to lose weight my radar goes up. It's too close to anorexia or bulemia... and it's very dangerous!
I don't really believe in starving yourself for any reason, and I just plain don't have the will power to do it.

Melissa the Accountant
04-17-2008, 04:58 PM
Hey, the colon cleanse isn't my thing, but I know you aren't as extreme as my BG coworker was. And I do so love Fiber One cereal! :)

04-17-2008, 05:04 PM
[quote=Melissa the Accountant;1695847 And I do so love Fiber One cereal! :)[/quote]

and you've done Weight Watchers... so have you ever had the Fiber One/chocolate balls?? My mom introduced me to them and they're yummy!

04-17-2008, 05:09 PM
i cant get enough of the fiber one choc/oats bars.

Melissa the Accountant
04-17-2008, 05:11 PM
Whatwhatwhat? Now, I knew about the Fiber One no bake cookies and the ones that you make with brownie mix, but I didn't know about these chocolate balls.

Hey, this is still on-topic. We're still discussing things that aid in digestive health!

Melissa the Accountant
04-17-2008, 05:22 PM
i cant get enough of the fiber one choc/oats bars.

They are really good. So are the peanut butter ones. Almost like candy. I actually don't buy them that often because I have a tendency to snack too much on them. Candy with 9 grams fiber per serving can be, um, dangerous.

04-18-2008, 06:49 AM
Melissa your not helping with that your pic of California Pizza Kitchen. I love the Margherita Pizza from there, yum! Last time I was at that place was out in Vegas at The Mirage.

Melissa the Accountant
04-18-2008, 07:02 AM
I like a lot of their stuff, but I have another friend who is just as obsessed with them and sometimes we split the tostada pizza. Wow. I haven't been for a couple of months and now I might have to go this weekend. They're kind of a pain to go to because the closest one has crappy parking, and the other is way across town and it takes a long time to eat there.

Sorry for so completely derailing your thread about clean innards, LaBoob. :(

04-18-2008, 07:07 AM
I like a lot of their stuff, but I have another friend who is just as obsessed with them and sometimes we split the tostada pizza. Wow. I haven't been for a couple of months and now I might have to go this weekend. They're kind of a pain to go to because the closest one has crappy parking, and the other is way across town and it takes a long time to eat there.

Sorry for so completely derailing your thread about clean innards, LaBoob. :(

I just checked out their locations by me and they are all about an hour drive. I was just in Philly yesterday and of course they opened one there. Figures. Mother!

Boob & I derail everyone elses threads! lol Sorry Boob... carry on!

Melissa the Accountant
04-18-2008, 07:14 AM
I just checked out their locations by me and they are all about an hour drive. I was just in Philly yesterday and of course they opened one there. Figures. Mother!

Boob & I derail everyone elses threads! lol Sorry Boob... carry on!

They have one in that big mall in King of Prussia. My coworker and I were on a trip together last summer and ate there (she's my fellow CPK obsesser), then somehow we failed to navigate the 1,000 feet to our Holiday Inn and wound up getting on the turnpike by mistake. It was really stupid. At every opportunity we kept taking the wrong way. It was like we were in a sitcom or something. It took us like an hour to get back to the hotel, part of which I blame on the stormy weather, but seriously, it had to be mostly

04-18-2008, 07:19 AM
I LOVE the KOP mall! Ugh, good times!!! I wonder when they opened a CPK there? Hmmm

Ohhh, and I love WW chocolate chip muffins!

Death Metal Moe
04-18-2008, 07:23 AM
LaBoob's Magical Colon


04-18-2008, 07:47 AM
The occasional bender really cleanses the colon, too.

04-18-2008, 08:30 AM

04-18-2008, 09:32 AM
Boob & I derail everyone elses threads! lol Sorry Boob... carry on!

No worries! I think this thread is DOA anyway


I'm all about colon cleansing and maybe that's a 'lil weird but I am proud to have a magical colon that poops vanilla potpourri-scented cupcakes. :tongue:

04-18-2008, 09:40 AM
No worries! I think this thread is DOA anyway


I'm all about colon cleansing and maybe that's a 'lil weird but I am proud to have a magical colon that poops vanilla potpourri-scented cupcakes. :tongue:

I'm scared to do this cleansing, Boob!!!! I'd give anything for a vanilla cupcake right now but it'd have to be fat free and then whats the point.

04-18-2008, 10:01 AM
I'm scared to do this cleansing, Boob!!!! I'd give anything for a vanilla cupcake right now but it'd have to be fat free and then whats the point.

It's okay... it's really the same effect as taking a mild laxative, but you take it with a lot of fiber and for a whole week. The ingredients in a colon cleansing formula include herbs that have been used for centuries for the same thing... cleaning you out. Working in the field I've been in for so long, I am surrounded by people who are either doing this annually, are doing some other kind of ccleanse (don't even get me started on Parasite cleansing! YIKES!) or who are interested in doing it for the first time and I guess I forget that some people are weirded out by this kind of stuff and reluctant to try something a 'lil outside their comfort zone... but if someone took just the probiotic they'd see a huge difference in their digestion. If someone told me I could pick just one thing out of my daily supplement regimen that's what I'd pick; it's just so valuable to me.

I am going to be helping out in one of the health food stores I used to manage over the next few weeks, so it's going to be amazing to get back into a store and sell again. It's where my roots are and where my heart is, and it's going to feel amazing going home at the end of the day and know that I helped improve someone's life and health. Yay! :wub:

04-18-2008, 01:03 PM
can't you just fleet your shiet ?

04-21-2008, 12:27 PM
well, i went through with it.
it really works...


04-21-2008, 12:28 PM

04-21-2008, 01:40 PM
The only problem for me with these colon cleansers is that my expectations are too high.

After all the hype and cost, I'm not satisfied unless something like a boot or a bicycle is in the bowl after I'm done.

11-26-2008, 10:06 PM
This is a very good cleanse.

11-27-2008, 05:24 AM
I love Laboobs everyone should keep their colons clean...the backup within (especially since you all eat garbage..) causes so many other horrible things in your body that you normally wouldnt even suspect...we age from our colon up haha
i really believe your herb profile was a perfect one....

but i do have to mention what i use...bc i am hardcore....(as in this really messes up your plans if u dont schedule exactly when you eat)

for two weeks straight...without messing up NOT EVEN ONE MESS UP....this is what I do

Wake up, on empty stomach drink a giant pour of Sonne's #7 mixed with a massive amount of physillum husk (unflavored...the real stuff) dont eat for an it again around 8 at night and dont eat about 2 hours before hand and dont eat after......

you will be a different person entirely....

its bentonite clay which loses the crap (literally) from your intestinal wall and the husk is the driving force that in a way scraps it after it has loosened and helps expel it

11-27-2008, 05:33 AM
from the good dr steve (, and I mean ANYONE who has ever seen a colonoscopy knows that there are no "accretions" or other things stuck along the walls of the intestines. One quick phosphosoda prep (read my "Dreaded Colonoscopy" thread for an explanation of this) cleans you out, without any leathery concretions or anything else abnormal coming out, unlike the stories you'll hear from the high colonics and people wanting to sell you bowel products.

11-27-2008, 06:22 AM
:lol: Thanksgiving is a perfect time to bump this thread... We're all gonna need a little psyllium husk and probiotics to get past all the over-eating.

Wake up, on empty stomach drink a giant pour of Sonne's #7 mixed with a massive amount of physillum husk (unflavored...the real stuff) dont eat for an it again around 8 at night and dont eat about 2 hours before hand and dont eat after......

you will be a different person entirely....

its bentonite clay which loses the crap (literally) from your intestinal wall and the husk is the driving force that in a way scraps it after it has loosened and helps expel it

Thanks Britneypablo! I worked on perfecting that cleanse for about 11 years and it's truly helps me. Glad you likey.

Sonne's #7 is some hardcore shit, you're right. You crazy girl!

from the good dr steve (

Nothing wacky is supposed to come out during my cleanse. Just sayin'...

12-21-2008, 08:02 PM
I should try these colon cleanser ( as I was suffering from constipation. Thanks for your stuff.

01-02-2009, 09:48 AM
This is one of those topics that'll never go away.

People who believe in colon cleansing get laughed at by doctors. Those same doctors ALWAYS say "the body cleanses itself. If you really wanna clean yourself out or loosen any impacted matter, you can simply up your fiber intake or take metamucil".

Then you look at the ingredients for metamucil and it's the same stuff that's in "colon cleansers".
Psyillum Powder & Psyillim Husk.

(I probably didn't spell it right)

01-02-2009, 11:48 AM
Purging works pretty else am I going to become America's next top model? :flush:

01-02-2009, 02:14 PM
Having met you now LaBoob, this thread became oddly hot

01-02-2009, 02:38 PM
Having met you now LaBoob, this thread became oddly hot

Haha... ew.


And it was lovely to meet you, btw.

01-02-2009, 03:00 PM
That hunk of steak-made shit is really freakin' me out.