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Wii Fit [Archive] - Messageboard


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04-02-2008, 08:44 PM
Comes out for the Wii in was released in Japan a while back and supposedly caught fire big time.

Basically, it keeps accurate details on your weight and BMI using a device bundled with it called the Wii Balance then offers stuff from strength training to yoga to cardio activities to participate in using the board and WiiMote...all in a similar vein to WiiSports, but much, much more in-depth and with over 40 activities.

Full description article is here:

Expected to retail at $149.99.

I'm very interested in seeing how this is received...this could be another one of those changing points in the Nintendo vs. Microsoft vs. Sony war for supremacy.

If this thing seems well put together, and judging from the Japan reception of it and the fact that Nintendo's the developer (they've done the best with the system so far over the 3rd party developers), it will be, I'll take a look at it.

04-03-2008, 09:43 AM
I've been waiting for this. I really wanna check it out, but the $150 price tag is a tad steep, so I dunno if I'll be picking it up.

04-03-2008, 09:53 AM
I've been waiting for this. I really wanna check it out, but the $150 price tag is a tad steep, so I dunno if I'll be picking it up.

Actually, the site I was reading off of (IGN, of all places), had some bad info...there's a new post saying it will be under $100.

My guess is either $99.99 or $89.99

04-20-2008, 07:54 AM
One of the guys over at IGN took an extensive trial of it. Sounds like it's going to be the real deal from his review:

If it's in the $90-$100 range as they're now saying (as opposed to the original tag of $150), this thing could be a monster.

Melissa the Accountant
04-20-2008, 08:15 AM
That sounds really cool. We have a Wii and I'm sorry to say we don't play much with it - part of the problem is our tiny living room and part of the problem is the fact that I spend most of my free time on the internet or working on craft projects. But this sounds worth taking a look at.

04-20-2008, 11:58 AM
I've pre-ordered it.

04-20-2008, 12:25 PM
There's apparently some talk that the Balance Board will be used to develop future skateboarding, surfing, skiing, and other types of games of that nature.

Apparently it's so complex it picks up the smallest shift of your weight and direction.

05-19-2008, 04:40 PM
Fuck this game...I was at GameStop today, and asked if it was true they stopped doing pre-orders...

The guy tells me that not only are they not doing them, they're only getting in 12 in-store units during the first shipment, because of all the pre-orders, and that at least 50 people had called today asking about the game.

Good luck finding this thing...I picked up DDR instead (actually, I've read a couple places that say it's more aerobic than Wii Fit).

Wii Fit is going to be the GTA IV opening...that's my radio psychic.

05-19-2008, 06:45 PM
Fuck this game...I was at GameStop today, and asked if it was true they stopped doing pre-orders...

The guy tells me that not only are they not doing them, they're only getting in 12 in-store units during the first shipment, because of all the pre-orders, and that at least 50 people had called today asking about the game.

Good luck finding this thing...I picked up DDR instead (actually, I've read a couple places that say it's more aerobic than Wii Fit).

Wii Fit is going to be the GTA IV opening...that's my radio psychic.

DDR has a workout mode in it, I haven't tried it because I was busy trying to get past the beginner level. I also heard Wii Fit tells little girls they are fat and makes them cry :smile:

05-19-2008, 06:59 PM
DDR has a workout mode in it, I haven't tried it because I was busy trying to get past the beginner level. I also heard Wii Fit tells little girls they are fat and makes them cry :smile:

Yeah, it's primary measurement is BMI (although I think you can track your weight), so if you have some muscle mass for your age, it'll record you as being overweight, because it can't tell
the difference.

To be fair, most of what I hear is positive about Wii Fit....DDR is more aerobic (although, the reviews say Wii Fit has a good aerobic set up), but it's also a lot harder to figure out...Wii Fit you can jump right in to, plus it has the yoga and strength training.

I played DDR for a while tonight...the workout mode basically keeps statistics. You can either set it for a certain amount of time, or a certain amount of KCal burned.

It's just bizarre that Wii Fit will not be available anywhere for a while because it's THAT popular.

I guess you have to give it to the Big N...they know how to market, and watching creepy Matt Lauer gyrate like a robot has all the housewives running out to buy this thing.

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05-20-2008, 03:48 AM
According to UPS, my Wii Fit from Amazon should be arriving today.

And then I'll get in great shape, and everyone will like me.

05-20-2008, 07:42 AM
Sam Goody is still taking pre-orders for anyone interested

Might not last long: .htm

05-22-2008, 04:05 AM
My Wii Fit arrived yesterday, and I tried it out this morning, before my run.

First, I hate that it uses BMI as a key component of your fitness. I'm in pretty good shape right now, but according to my BMI (approx. 27), I'm overweight. And then it sets your Wii Fit Age, using that BMI. So my Wii Fit age is 49. I felt like Fez when Ronnie accuses him of being in his 60's.

Putting that aside, it was interesting. My weight is a little less than what my scale says (a little under 211 as opposed to a little over). It checked my center of balance and that's off (to the left and to the back). Clearly, center of balance is important to the exercises on the board. I did about 4 yoga stretches, and each stretch requires the user to maintain a certain level of balance measured by a sliding bar (or a spot in a circle) and keeping the bar/spot within a certain range. Not easy when you're say, staning one one leg with the opposing foot resting on your thigh and your hands in the air.

I only tried the yoga today, but I think I'm going to like this as an additional tool in my exercise box.

Melissa the Accountant
05-22-2008, 04:49 AM
My Wii Fit arrived yesterday, and I tried it out this morning, before my run.

First, I hate that it uses BMI as a key component of your fitness. I'm in pretty good shape right now, but according to my BMI (approx. 27), I'm overweight. And then it sets your Wii Fit Age, using that BMI. So my Wii Fit age is 49. I felt like Fez when Ronnie accuses him of being in his 60's.

Putting that aside, it was interesting. My weight is a little less than what my scale says (a little under 211 as opposed to a little over). It checked my center of balance and that's off (to the left and to the back). Clearly, center of balance is important to the exercises on the board. I did about 4 yoga stretches, and each stretch requires the user to maintain a certain level of balance measured by a sliding bar (or a spot in a circle) and keeping the bar/spot within a certain range. Not easy when you're say, staning one one leg with the opposing foot resting on your thigh and your hands in the air.

I only tried the yoga today, but I think I'm going to like this as an additional tool in my exercise box.

Okay, so now you have me kind of excited about this. We have kind of an awkward, cramped living room area but now I can tell I'm going to be sitting here all day trying to figure out how I can rearrange it to make room to play Wii Fit. We have the Wii. We just hardly use it because of our stupid living room.

05-22-2008, 05:06 AM
Okay, so now you have me kind of excited about this. We have kind of an awkward, cramped living room area but now I can tell I'm going to be sitting here all day trying to figure out how I can rearrange it to make room to play Wii Fit. We have the Wii. We just hardly use it because of our stupid living room.

One of the things we couldn't change about our the area where we have the Wii fit is the ceiliing. We're in the basement and the drop ceiling can't be changed. So I can't reach my arms all the way up, so intead I reach up and bend my arms.

So I'm not getting the full benefit, but it's better than nothing.

05-22-2008, 09:37 AM
I'm really tempted to buy this. My Wii is at my parent's house, so I wouldn't be able to play until then anyway.

05-27-2008, 05:17 AM
Some additional Wii observations:

1) The Wii Fit Age is less influenced by BMI and more influenced by the results of some balancing tests. My Wii Fit Age was 49 on Thursday, but Sunday and yesterday after doing really well in two balancing tests, my age was 35 and 37. However, today my age was 47, because I was very shaky while standing one one leg.

2) The sides of my quads are super sore, after doing some yoga and strength exercises followed by some balance games on sunday. This was part of the reason I was shaky in my balancing tests today. Any attempts to do squat like motions leads to some sharp pain.

3) The Wii balance games were fun, although difficult. One was a soccer goalie game, balancing one way or another to head but balls. The other was a slalom ski game, balancing to hit gates on the way down hill. I sucked at both, but got somewhat better as I played.

05-27-2008, 02:00 PM
I love it. Make sure if your on carpet you put the extensions on the balance board so you can get correct readings.

I completely ignore the BMI, its such an archaic system and basically useless.

If you can find it, anyone should buy it. The game has great replay value and it certainly gets you off your ass

05-27-2008, 02:36 PM
I'm really tempted to buy this. My Wii is at my parent's house, so I wouldn't be able to play until then anyway.

Why don't you just go downstairs to the living room and take the wii up to your bedroom? I'm sure you're parents won't mind.

05-27-2008, 03:24 PM
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05-28-2008, 09:41 AM
Great video, Dola

05-28-2008, 10:01 AM
Hot! Very nice video. She spins that hula hoop like she's riding a cock.

05-30-2008, 07:12 AM
picked up a wii fit at 9am this morning after waiting on line outside nintendo world for 3 hours. very very sleepy. i'm sure once i wake up from my nap we will have a lot of fun with this thing. it better be worth it. (not that i had anything else to do today anyways)

05-30-2008, 07:39 AM
DDR was like a total body workout. Ive seen the commercials for this Wii thing and it's pretty sad, this is how people have to resort to working out?

$100+ to feel like you're losing weight.

05-30-2008, 07:45 AM
DDR was like a total body workout. Ive seen the commercials for this Wii thing and it's pretty sad, this is how people have to resort to working out?

$100+ to feel like you're losing weight.

I don't think the commercials show everything you can do.

I'm not saying its just as good as say running, lifting or going to the gym. But it does help.

I've been lifting and running 3-4 times a week, and now I use the Wii Fit for yoga, and some aerobic/strength exercises. And after I did those exercises for one day, I was sore in a number of places afterwards. And I have gradually been getting more flexible and balanced because of the yoga.

It's not the end all, but I think it's a tool to use to help diversify my regime.

05-30-2008, 07:50 AM
I'm just saying that the average person doesn't exercise so they think just using the Wii is going to solve all of their problems.

05-30-2008, 07:53 AM
I'm just saying that the average person doesn't exercise so they think just using the Wii is going to solve all of their problems.

They think that about every exercising/diet thing that gets news. If you do Atkins, you're set. If you have the Ab Roller, you're set.

But as with everything, you need a system that include health eating, and different types of exercise to help overall.

05-30-2008, 07:54 AM
I'm just saying that the average person doesn't exercise so they think just using the Wii is going to solve all of their problems.

n/m . . . What Eli said.

05-30-2008, 07:58 AM
I'm just saying that the average person doesn't exercise so they think just using the Wii is going to solve all of their problems.

I agree that it's true the average person doesn't exercise.

However, I'm all for anything that will get people off the freaking couch! The ease of use, small size and lack of arms to hang clothing on once you give up on the treadmill (or stairmaster...or stationary bike ... or whatever...) and the relatively low price for the Fit are huge pluses in my book.

The NY Times rated it in this article:

Fitness for Every Body: O.K., Avatar, Work With Me (

(I actually like the way that the article was written. The testers ranged from your average couch potato to fitness enthusiasts, so there was a good bit of diversity in their feedback and their experiences.)

05-30-2008, 01:05 PM
i'm really excited about the yoga & the balance part. when i was in physical therapy for my torn acl balance was the main part of what we worked on. the aerobic aspects that they show seem really slow & not that great, but its something different. you always gotta change things up & keep them fresh to keep you motivated.

05-30-2008, 02:08 PM
DDR was like a total body workout. Ive seen the commercials for this Wii thing and it's pretty sad, this is how people have to resort to working out?

$100+ to feel like you're losing weight.

I picked up DDR a couple weeks ago for the Wii and it's a fantastic workout.

But the Wii Fit does work, too.

The problem is that I think a lot of these people that pick it up will try it out and when they realize that it really DOES involve a lot of the same tenets as normal exercising -- repetition, daily use, working out for a set amount of time -- a lot of people are going to put it on the shelf and it will be a $100 waste.

But it is an excellent supplementary exercising tool.

05-30-2008, 02:13 PM

05-30-2008, 03:56 PM
ok #1 holy crap this thing is rough
#2 my balance is shit - the thing actually asked me if i trip when i walk

05-30-2008, 05:24 PM
ok #1 holy crap this thing is rough
#2 my balance is shit - the thing actually asked me if i trip when i walk

I go the same messages the first day I tried it. I've gotten a lot better though.

Don Stugots
05-30-2008, 05:33 PM
Mine ships in a few days. I can't wait, it looks like fun.

05-31-2008, 12:36 PM
it hurts to laugh

06-06-2008, 09:21 AM
Lucked out and found a copy of it this morning.

Started out this morning with some of the aerobics (the games are ridiculous, but they do get your heart rate up), and a few of the yoga poses.

It's a pretty impressive game so far.

06-06-2008, 09:43 AM
my balance is shit - the thing actually asked me if i trip when i walk

Meet Your New Personal Trainer: Can the Wii Fit get your sorry, lazy ass into shape? (

Balance is an oft-overlooked skill that's a vital asset in any sport. The Japanese are obsessive about it: It's at the heart of sumo, for instance, and it's the secret to Ichiro's unorthodox hitting approach. Sadly, I discovered—after trying out several of these games—my balance sort of sucks. The good news: My failures drove me back to the yoga and strength-training sections of Wii Fit, where many of the drills are designed to address this shortcoming. After doing a round of the more balance-focused exercises, I played the games again to see if I'd notice a difference. I did.

Keep trying. You'll get better.

06-09-2008, 11:04 AM
I unlocked the boxing sim today.

Easily the best of the aerobic exercises they have, although I haven't unlocked the third panel under advanced step yet, so we'll see.

The problem with the aerobic exercises is while they do get your heart rate up, they just feel stupid to do. When you get to the Island Run, do you really want to run in place for 15 minutes? I'd rather just go outside or play DDR.

But I want to stress that they do work, though...there's just other things I prefer.

The strength training in fantastic. First, I'm so glad this reintroduced me into doing jackknifes as opposed to sit-ups or crunch, and I definitely think it works better. Second, the exercises they choose hit a lot of areas and muscles that people wouldn't think to work on.

And the yoga is equally as good...there's been some complaints by people who've analyzed it that since the instructor can't really tell you if you're doing it right, people could potentially hurt themselves, but honestly, if you balance properly, within the board's guideline, it would be pretty hard to not do it right combining that with the instructions given.

And the balance stuff is fantastic and a lot of fun.

All in all, I'm very impressed with it. Obviously there are some limitations to what they can do with the aerobic stuff. I think if they come out with a Wii Fit 2, they might want to go more of a Tae Bo route, incorporating a lot of fast paced interaction between the balance board and the WiiMote and nunchuck.

The boxing kind of scratches the surface of that.

On a side note, did anyone notice they remixed a Legend of Zelda song (the theme for the dungeons from the SNES) for the Yoga, or am I just really really nerdy for actually noticing that?

06-22-2008, 11:45 AM
I'm seriously thinking of getting this, what does everyone think of this now that you've had it a while, does it help? I am thinking of using this in addition to other things, for me anything that motivates and makes exercise fun is worth it.

06-22-2008, 11:48 AM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

06-22-2008, 01:39 PM
I still don't have one of these things. I might call in one of my connections for a hookup soon.

06-22-2008, 01:49 PM
I still don't have one of these things. I might call in one of my connections for a hookup soon.

Sign up for Wii Fit on Wiialerts.

I got like twenty e-mails saying they were in last week.

06-22-2008, 01:53 PM
I'm seriously thinking of getting this, what does everyone think of this now that you've had it a while, does it help? I am thinking of using this in addition to other things, for me anything that motivates and makes exercise fun is worth it.

The one thing I've noticed from reading some of the blogs on it, and having used it, is that it makes people more conscious of their health.

By in large, most of what I read says that people who have it are eating better, and trying to be more active.

Most likely, because the Wii Fit encourages you to do a body test each day, so you're basically weighing in each day and seeing the effects. And in a lot of people's case, they probably don't have a concept of their weight, because they don't weight themselves.

In that respect, it's a big psychological boost to people.

As a tool (even though I haven't used it in a week or so), the yoga and strength exercises are solid. The aerobics is a little light, but again...from everything I keep reading, the Wii Fit is putting people in a state of mind where they're going out and walking, or jogging, or doing cardio on their own.

All in all, I'd say it's worth it.

06-22-2008, 02:56 PM
The one thing I've noticed from reading some of the blogs on it, and having used it, is that it makes people more conscious of their health.

By in large, most of what I read says that people who have it are eating better, and trying to be more active.

Most likely, because the Wii Fit encourages you to do a body test each day, so you're basically weighing in each day and seeing the effects. And in a lot of people's case, they probably don't have a concept of their weight, because they don't weight themselves.

In that respect, it's a big psychological boost to people.

As a tool (even though I haven't used it in a week or so), the yoga and strength exercises are solid. The aerobics is a little light, but again...from everything I keep reading, the Wii Fit is putting people in a state of mind where they're going out and walking, or jogging, or doing cardio on their own.

All in all, I'd say it's worth it.

I like the idea that it can do that for people. I wouldn't use it as a defacto weight loss thing, but just something else I can use to help get in shape. Seeing various videos and reading blogs on it also it seems perfect for that it looks fun to do while you do it.

06-22-2008, 02:57 PM
Sign up for Wii Fit on Wiialerts.

I got like twenty e-mails saying they were in last week.

I signed up for wiialerts, I definitely cannot find the wii fit anywhere in the stores or online except through ebay for a lot more money.

01-14-2009, 10:40 AM
Anyone using?

Judge Smails
01-14-2009, 10:41 AM

01-14-2009, 10:42 AM
I just started.

01-14-2009, 10:42 AM

01-14-2009, 10:55 AM
Whattya think?

I had to laugh at my first body fitness test- I am 6'0 and weigh 190 #'s. So I go through the fitness test and wait for my results. Yeah- apparently I am significantly overweight for my height and the WII Fit ballooned my MII guy into a Cartman-sized doughboy. Ouch!

Thing is, I've been regularly working out with weights for well over a year now and consider myself to be in pretty good shape- big in the shoulders and arms, and small in the waist, with little body fat. I also play hockey 2-3 times a week, whiich serves as my cardio regimen. Guess I need to turn some of my muscle into lighter fatty tissue to get back in line with the program. Thank god- these workouts were a pain in the a$$.

Thanks, WII FIT!

Edit: Thanks for the merge. I did try to search for an existing thread, but got no matches. Maybe I searched wrong.

01-14-2009, 10:58 AM
Whattya think?

I had to laugh at my first body fitness test- I am 6'0 and weigh 190 #'s. So I go through the fitness test and wait for my results. Yeah- apparently I am significantly overweight for my height and the WII Fit ballooned my MII guy into a Cartman-sized doughboy. Ouch!

Thing is, I've been regularly working out with weights for well over a year now and consider myself to be in pretty good shape- big in the shoulders and arms, and small in the waist, with little body fat. I also play hockey 2-3 times a week, whiich serves as my cardio regimen. Guess I need to turn some of my muscle into lighter fatty tissue to get back in line with the program. Thank god- these workouts were a pain in the a$$.

Thanks, WII FIT!

Anything that relies upon BMI as an indicator of health is going to be wrong a lot.

Other than that, I like it and use it all the time.

01-14-2009, 11:02 AM
Anything that relies upon BMI as an indicator of health is going to be wrong a lot.

Other than that, I like it and use it all the time.

Yeah. that's why I laughed.

I just worry about the eleven year old girl, who jumps on this thing and gets told she's fat, based upon something as unreliable as BMI.

My wife, who teaches aerobics and has stronger core muscles than I ever will, won't go near the thing.

01-14-2009, 11:22 AM
Yeah. that's why I laughed.

I just worry about the eleven year old girl, who jumps on this thing and gets told she's fat, based upon something as unreliable as BMI.

My wife, who teaches aerobics and has stronger core muscles than I ever will, won't go near the thing.

I think it's great if you can't make it to a gym and need to diversify your work outs. My legs, lower body, and back are much stronger because of the Wii.

Plus, I had a Wii Fit age of 28 the other day. So I can't hate it that much.

01-14-2009, 06:26 PM
It's definitely a solid workout if you do it right. Last summer, I alternated yoga and strength training every night and was in phenomenal shape. I restarted using it last week then got sick, so I plan to start again as soon as I shake this (planning on monday)