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proof some refuse to assimilate... [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : proof some refuse to assimilate...

03-25-2008, 06:45 PM;jsessionid=E082001DF5A442A8B2629E8AD8D4FEC0 ?contentId=6118214&version=9&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

"I don't think it's right. I have the right to speak whatever language I want … They knew we were Mexicans," she said. "They shouldn't have hired Mexican people."

1. Sounds like she can put a sentence together in english...

2. It is not a "right" to speak any language you choose. This is OUR country...with this mentality the country would have never made it...speak english or GTFO.

3. She is pregnant too....going to she gets some gov't $$$ and stops working after the kid....


03-25-2008, 06:47 PM
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03-25-2008, 06:51 PM
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good point sir, good point.


03-25-2008, 06:54 PM

03-25-2008, 06:55 PM
2. It is not a "right" to speak any language you choose. This is OUR country...with this mentality the country would have never made it...

Wait, you mean the country that's always been filled with immigrant enclaves that largely spoke only their native laguages until the generations born here assimilated? Who is the "our" in THAT equation?

There's no official language. There never has been. We've always been a nation of many tongues. That's OUR country. Tough shit. If you don't like it, you can leave.

Finally, the article clearly indicates she speaks both. She's not refusing to speak english...she wants to be able to speak spanish with people she works with.

03-25-2008, 07:00 PM
Wait, you mean the country that's always been filled with immigrant enclaves that largely spoke only their native laguages until the generations born here assimilated? Who is the "our" in THAT equation?

There's no official language. There never has been. We've always been a nation of many tongues. That's OUR country. Tough shit. If you don't like it, you can leave.

partially true, many were refused employment and MANY of the immigrants of old(russian, german, italian, etc) refused to speak their native languages in public, as they felt it was disrespectful, they may have kept language in private or their own businesses, but not in public and not in the presence of people who only spoke english.

She is CHOOSING to speak spanish, watch the video, she speaks very good english, she is simply CHOOSING to disregard company policy.


03-25-2008, 07:05 PM
partially true, many were refused employment and MANY of the immigrants of old(russian, german, italian, etc) refused to speak their native languages in public, as they felt it was disrespectful, they may have kept language in private or their own businesses, but not in public and not in the presence of people who only spoke english.

She is CHOOSING to speak spanish, watch the video, she speaks very good english, she is simply CHOOSING to disregard company policy.


It's a stupid, unacceptable policy. She wants to speak spanish with the people she works with. Who cares? If she needs to speak english, she clearly can.

And your little anecdote is completely wrong. Why do you think there are still so many ethnic and national enclaves and neighborhoods around this country? Because that's where most immigrants generally end up and mostly use their native languages. That's how it's always been. If they stick around, their children are the ones who assimilate the most since they're born and raised here.

03-25-2008, 07:28 PM
It's a stupid, unacceptable policy. She wants to speak spanish with the people she works with. Who cares? If she needs to speak english, she clearly can.

Company says it is UNACCEPTABLE, for her to speak a language aside from english. Maybe that is due to the necessity of maintaining a safe workplace, and maybe it is because supervisors need to be able to understand everything an employee says.

And she can clearly speak english, so it is only polite of her to do so to comply with company policy.

What if Ron and Fez decided to speak only spanish from now on, would XM have the right to fire, suspend, or otherwise discipline them? They should be able to speak what ever language they want, right?

She's pregnant too, great another childbirth supported by the good people of the USA.

In my line of work I run into allot of russian immigrants on almost a daily basis, they feel it
is disrespectful to speak russian in the presence of americans, and even refuse to speak russian while on the phone when americans are around, they feel it is rude.

Asian immigrants teach their children english only in many cases.

My non english speaking ancestors were german and polish, they all refused to speak their native language in public, and my grandparents only know a few words of their ancestral tongue, why assimilation.


03-25-2008, 07:33 PM;jsessionid=E082001DF5A442A8B2629E8AD8D4FEC0 ?contentId=6118214&version=9&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

1. Sounds like she can put a sentence together in english...

2. It is not a "right" to speak any language you choose. This is OUR country...with this mentality the country would have never made it...speak english or GTFO.

3. She is pregnant too....going to she gets some gov't $$$ and stops working after the kid....


Do you do anything other than pick on first-generation immigrants on this board?

03-25-2008, 07:45 PM
Company says it is UNACCEPTABLE, for her to speak a language aside from english. Maybe that is due to the necessity of maintaining a safe workplace, and maybe it is because supervisors need to be able to understand everything an employee says.

And she can clearly speak english, so it is only polite of her to do so to comply with company policy.

It's "polite," but completely not necessary. She can speak english, so if someone wants to speak to her in english, boom, problem solved. They don't NEED for her to speak english at all times. If they can regulate that, then why couldn't they then just decide to ban slang as well? Or how about they decide there are only specific things someone can say? Maybe they'll decide you can only speak in certain volumes, since speaking too loudly or too softly could be a "hazard." Or how about they decide when and where people can speak on the job altogether?

What if Ron and Fez decided to speak only spanish from now on, would XM have the right to fire, suspend, or otherwise discipline them? They should be able to speak what ever language they want, right?

Completely nonsensical comparison since R&F job is based completely and totally around them talking into a microphone.

She's pregnant too, great another childbirth supported by the good people of the USA.

Don't be an ass. She's not allowed to hae a child? She's clearly working, or at least trying to work, but seemingly because she's foreign and is able to speak more than english, her being pregnant is questionable by you. That's just pathetic on your part.

In my line of work I run into allot of russian immigrants on almost a daily basis, they feel it
is disrespectful to speak russian in the presence of americans, and even refuse to speak russian while on the phone when americans are around, they feel it is rude.

Except it's not rude. Why would it be rude if you can't understand THEIR phone conversation. They're free to feel that way, but there shouldn't be any obligation for them to do so just so non-Russian speakers can feel better understanding a conversation that has nothing to do with them. If they're not talking to someone who can't speak Russian, who cares what language they're using?

Asian immigrants teach their children english only in many cases.

Which is exactly what I was already talking about.

My non english speaking ancestors were german and polish, they all refused to speak their native language in public, and my grandparents only know a few words of their ancestral tongue, why assimilation.

Basic survival is going to require some english being spoken in professional and business situations. New immigrants, however, are unlikely to completely master english since it's not their native tongue and it is very difficult to master a language fluently without extensive studies. Their children will by being raised here. Being raised here allows them to speak better english and better english gives them means or confidence to move our further from the native communities.

All of this is moot, however, since this women clearly speaks english. Do you really have a problem with people who can speak languages other than english? If you're out at arestaurant ad you hear people having a conversation in another language, do you get angry?

03-25-2008, 07:48 PM;jsessionid=E082001DF5A442A8B2629E8AD8D4FEC0 ?contentId=6118214&version=9&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

1. Sounds like she can put a sentence together in english...
2. It is not a "right" to speak any language you choose. This is OUR country...with this mentality the country would have never made it...speak english or GTFO.
3. She is pregnant too....going to she gets some gov't $$$ and stops working after the kid....

You're an fucking asshole..

03-25-2008, 09:23 PM
eh, seems like a silly rule, but i guess it is their right. one problem i have is when she says "She also said that her coworkers who don't speak Spanish have not complained to her about her speaking another language." well, they wouldn't, they'd go to management. i've been in management and fielded complaints about co-workers switching to spanish as soon as a non-hispanic co-worker entered the room. it can be a very exclusionary thing.

if they do have people that don't speak english at all it would be hypocritical for them to act like it's now a problem.

03-25-2008, 09:47 PM
i've been in management and fielded complaints about co-workers switching to spanish as soon as a non-hispanic co-worker entered the room. it can be a very exclusionary thing.

So can suddenly not talking, leaving, changing the subject or talking quiet and hushed if someone comes near or into the room.

03-25-2008, 09:47 PM
So can suddenly not talking, changing the subject or talking quiet and hushed if someone comes near or into the room.


03-25-2008, 09:50 PM
Which is why this largely seems like a ridiculous workplace rule. It sets a terrible precedent. Obviously, employees aren't free to say whatever they want on the job, but this goes far beyond disciplining someone for vulgar or threatening comments or something along those lines. This is trying to control basic communication.

03-25-2008, 10:11 PM
Next thing you know, a couple of Ron & Fez fans won't be able to speak "showisms" to each other at work.

03-25-2008, 10:20 PM
One thing I have noticed is hispanic speaking people who flock to this country tend to make a neighborhood their own. That's fine. There are sections of brooklyn that are incredibly polish. Look at china town. I've noticed though when I was dating my ex, who was hispanic, her grandparents lives in Passaic. When I would go into Passiac I felt like a foreigner. Not one drop of english was muttered. None of the signs were in english.

I don't know what point I'm trying to make. Get rich or die trying?

03-26-2008, 12:49 AM
3. She is pregnant too....going to she gets some gov't $$$ and stops working after the kid....

proof you're a racist dickhead.

03-26-2008, 01:06 AM
It's a stupid, unacceptable policy. She wants to speak spanish with the people she works with. Who cares? If she needs to speak english, she clearly can.

And your little anecdote is completely wrong. Why do you think there are still so many ethnic and national enclaves and neighborhoods around this country? Because that's where most immigrants generally end up and mostly use their native languages. That's how it's always been. If they stick around, their children are the ones who assimilate the most since they're born and raised here.

i disagree. i think people should speak english in the work place. one of my best friends has been dating a columbian girl for 3 years. whenever they go out with her friends they always speak spanish and he doesnt understand. it pisses him off so much. that is one of the few things they fight over. (that had nothing to do with this argument i just wanted to throw that in there) i think if you come to america from anywhere you need to learn how to speak english first.

its the governments fault. if they created a law for a national language this would never have been a problem.

03-26-2008, 03:10 AM
Which is why this largely seems like a ridiculous workplace rule. It sets a terrible precedent. Obviously, employees aren't free to say whatever they want on the job, but this goes far beyond disciplining someone for vulgar or threatening comments or something along those lines. This is trying to control basic communication.

like i said if they're hiring folks who don't speak english, it's a silly rule. but if the people do speak english i think it's the employer's right to require them to speak that common language on the job.

and as for the whispering, talking behind someone's back, that's not likely to go on for 8 hour shifts, everyday, whereas it is common (in my personal experience) for fluently bilingual workers to cut out other workers who didn't speak spanish. i also don't think it's inherently a hispanic thing. if i got a job in mexico or italy or germany and there were other americans working there i could definitely see falling back into english even if i were fluent in the 2nd language, especially if it was a language my supervisors didn't share. i'd have no problem in that instance either being forced to use the common language of the area.

03-26-2008, 04:14 AM
This is OUR country...

"From the East the West Coast..."

03-26-2008, 04:19 AM
Hola Amigos !!!

03-26-2008, 04:34 AM
I have worked at a few restaurants where the staff is mostly hispanic so a lot of spanish and broken english is used. I also live with a guy from Tokyo and a guy whose mother's first language is spanish so he was raised bi-lingual. You either adapt and pick up some of the languages around you or you get pissy. It really isnt hard to deal with other languages as long as you dont walk in close minded.

As far as what keithy was talking about during part of my time at one restaurant I played on a soccer team with the staff in a league that was 99.99 percent hispanic (spoiler alert: I was the .01) and the only english used was on my team. The first game I played in the other team used the strategy knock down the gringo. Only problem was I had learned a bit of the slang used from my teammates and I was bigger than most of the guys out there. After I "took out" one of the guys (he ran head long into me to try to hurt me and bounced off injuring himself) the other team came over and in perfect english apologized and said they were just trying to test me out.

After that rambling mess is I guess my point is that a lot more people are assimilated than you may think, but if you were in a position where you and a friend learned a language pretty well, but were by yourselves in the country that spoke it, wouldn't you speak your native language to each other?

Perhaps we should throw a unity party to bring the languages together.

03-26-2008, 05:07 AM
proof you're a racist dickhead.

like that needed to be proved any further

03-26-2008, 05:14 AM
Hola Amigos !!!

Careful or Earthbrown will have you BANNED. Sorry I don't know how to say it in Spanish but I was born into an Italian family and my disrespectful grandparents spoke only Italian, even around me. My grandparents were born in Italy and my grandmother was pregnant with my father when they moved to this (oops, I mean OUR) country so she was probably just looking for a government handout according to Earthbrown. And my grandfather fought for this (oops again, I mean OUR) country in WWI but I guess Earthbrown would still have had him deported sicne he spoke with everyone in Italian.

03-26-2008, 05:33 AM
I'm learning to speak Algonquin.

But seriously, if you are pissed at Spanish speaking people, you are a dope who refuses to learn. Yes, it would be easier (for us) if they learned English, and most are. Yes, it's enabling when there are Spanish speaking schools and other such government institutions that discourage people from learning English. But in the end, why should you give a fuck? It's a free country. Speak any fucking language you want. If someone doesn't understand you, try a different one. Right now, more people speak English in this country, so it'll be easier to get around if you speak English. It's not the official language, but what the fuck does that even mean? Do you want to force people to do what you do? Forced assimilation is Fascism. You redneck, racist pricks preach your Americanism. Well Americanism is Capitalism. Free Market Economy. Guess what, if there are a lot of Spanish speaking people (consumers), and you speak Spanish, you're going to make money. So start studying and make some dinero. How fucking hard is it to learn conversational Spanish. Everyone in this country took at least one year of it in school. I took four years of French and I can understand at least the basic Spanish conversation. Take a look at the classifieds and see all of the job opportunities for someone who can speak Spanish. My wife works with two people who are nowhere near as good at their job as she is, but are there because they speak Spanish. Better yourself, learn another language, and stop being a closed-minded fuck.

03-26-2008, 05:40 AM;jsessionid=E082001DF5A442A8B2629E8AD8D4FEC0 ?contentId=6118214&version=9&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

This is OUR country...

I honestly couldn't give a shit if people don't assimilate, but more importantly I always get a bit worried when I hear something like the above.

Dougie Brootal
03-26-2008, 05:44 AM
maybe we should all learn spanish.

03-26-2008, 05:58 AM

Es Bueno!

03-26-2008, 06:00 AM
I heard that Spitzers prostitutes all spoke Greek ... should we deport them?

03-26-2008, 06:02 AM
I heard that Spitzers prostitutes all spoke Greek ... should we deport them?

Speaking of brown

03-26-2008, 06:04 AM
I heard that Spitzers prostitutes all spoke Greek ... should we deport them?
Yeah, kick em out the back door,

03-26-2008, 06:07 AM
Yeah, kick em out the back door,

03-26-2008, 06:09 AM
one of my best friends has been dating a columbian girl for 3 years. whenever they go out with her friends they always speak spanish and he doesnt understand. it pisses him off so much.

Your buddy is dating a columbian girl and he's got complaints?

Are you sure he's not gay?

03-26-2008, 06:13 AM
Your buddy is dating a columbian girl and he's got complaints?

Are you sure he's not gay?

Not as much coke as he expected?

03-26-2008, 06:13 AM
proof you're a racist dickhead.

like that needed to be proved any further

True, it's just this amnesty that OUR board seems to have granted them that's still the big question.

03-26-2008, 06:15 AM
proof some refuse to assimilate...

When earthbrown grows up... he's going to be so angry he'll die of the stress.



03-26-2008, 06:37 AM
]I have worked at a few restaurants[/COLOR] where the staff is mostly hispanic so a lot of spanish and broken english is used. I also live with a guy from Tokyo and a guy whose mother's first language is spanish so he was raised bi-lingual. You either adapt and pick up some of the languages around you or you get pissy. It really isnt hard to deal with other languages as long as you dont walk in close minded.

As far as what keithy was talking about during part of my time at one restaurant I played on a soccer team with the staff in a league that was 99.99 percent hispanic (spoiler alert: I was the .01) and the only english used was on my team. The first game I played in the other team used the strategy knock down the gringo. Only problem was I had learned a bit of the slang used from my teammates and I was bigger than most of the guys out there. After I "took out" one of the guys (he ran head long into me to try to hurt me and bounced off injuring himself) the other team came over and in perfect english apologized and said they were just trying to test me out.

After that rambling mess is I guess my point is that a lot more people are assimilated than you may think, but if you were in a position where you and a friend learned a language pretty well, but were by yourselves in the country that spoke it, wouldn't you speak your native language to each other?

Perhaps we should throw a unity party to bring the languages together.

Don't even try it Jauble..You're to damn modest ..How does, Mel's diner, The Peach Pit and Hostess at the Restaurant above Cheers (Fallon a little help?) sound for a resume? And don't forget your "work husband" Mayday Malone?

This particular strategy trabajos almost every single time..Did they try the one where they cuchillaron you with a shank? Yup, you could bet your ass that'll stop you in your tracks..

I'll bring the pinatas..Oh yeah, and I'll pick up a few dozen Ichiro Bobble Head Dolls for your roommate..

Dougie Brootal
03-26-2008, 07:12 AM


dad? is that you?

03-26-2008, 08:00 AM
i disagree. i think people should speak english in the work place. one of my best friends has been dating a columbian girl for 3 years. whenever they go out with her friends they always speak spanish and he doesnt understand. it pisses him off so much. that is one of the few things they fight over. (that had nothing to do with this argument i just wanted to throw that in there) i think if you come to america from anywhere you need to learn how to speak english first.

its the governments fault. if they created a law for a national language this would never have been a problem.

The woman that this thread is about can and does speak english. She just wans to be able to have conversations in spanish with some of the people she works with.

Heather 8
03-26-2008, 08:05 AM
This is OUR country...

Please to be defining who "our" is.

On second thought, never mind. If I wanted to be subjected to racism and ignorance, I'd hang out with my family more often.

03-26-2008, 08:34 AM
And she can clearly speak english, so it is only polite of her to do so to comply with company policy.

What if Ron and Fez decided to speak only spanish from now on, would XM have the right to fire, suspend, or otherwise discipline them? They should be able to speak what ever language they want, right?

She's pregnant too, great another childbirth supported by the good people of the USA.

In my line of work I run into allot of russian immigrants on almost a daily basis, they feel it
is disrespectful to speak russian in the presence of americans, and even refuse to speak russian while on the phone when americans are around, they feel it is rude.

Asian immigrants teach their children english only in many cases.

My non english speaking ancestors were german and polish, they all refused to speak their native language in public, and my grandparents only know a few words of their ancestral tongue, why assimilation.


First of all, your Ron and Fez example is absurd. It isn't even necessary to explain because I give you the benefit of the doubt that you're intelligent enough to see that.

Secondly, you write that your russian collegues don't speak russian with each other out of respect. You obviously haven't spent much time among people whose native language isn't english. I have. Everytime people, who share a common first language that isn't english, get together they enjoy to speak in their native tongue. Respect has nothing to do with it. No one is hurt when this happens.

Thirdly, your point about immigrants refusing to speak their native language in public. Maybe (a word you seem to use liberally), just maybe, the occasions they did speak their native language in public they encountered people with your attitude and, hence, had a big problem to deal with. People in ethnic neighborhoods DO, in fact, speak in their native language when they are together. Thats simply an observational fact.

And finally, your whole point seems to be that immigrants should only "speak" english. Well, my friend, you should go to your local community college and take an english grammer course so that you can properly "write" english. There are so many mistakes in YOUR english that it makes me chuckle. Thanks for making my day.

03-26-2008, 08:56 AM
Your buddy is dating a columbian girl and he's got complaints?

Are you sure he's not gay?

I completely understand where his friend is coming from. It's rude to speak a different language with friends when someone who doesn't grasp the language is around. Especially when it's between friends. It sucks to be out of the loop and hear bits and pieces of conversations and your name occasionally brought up and you have no clue what context it was.

And in my case, they all could speak english fine. Better than they could speak spanish. They just wanted to "preseve" 'their' culture. All born in America with parents born in America mind you.

Mike Teacher
03-26-2008, 09:12 AM
Q: What if your life depended on knowing the language of the country you were living in?

03-26-2008, 09:17 AM
Q: What if your life depended on knowing the language of the country you were living in?

Then I would have been screwed several times over.

03-26-2008, 09:31 AM
I completely understand where his friend is coming from. It's rude to speak a different language with friends when someone who doesn't grasp the language is around. Especially when it's between friends. It sucks to be out of the loop and hear bits and pieces of conversations and your name occasionally brought up and you have no clue what context it was.

But she's Columbian.

If I were fucking a South American girl, she could speak what ever fucking language that she wanted, as long as I got to look at that ass every day.

Dougie Brootal
03-26-2008, 09:37 AM
But she's Columbian.

If I were fucking a South American girl, she could speak what ever fucking language that she wanted, as long as I got to fuck her in the ass every day.


03-26-2008, 09:58 AM
But he's Columbian.

If I were being fucked by a South American tranny, he could speak what ever fucking language that he wanted, as long as I got to be pounded bareback in the ass every day.

Extra fixed.

03-26-2008, 10:07 AM
Q: What if your life depended on knowing the language of the country you were living in?

Then I would have been screwed several times over.

Twice for me.

Dougie Brootal
03-26-2008, 10:16 AM
Extra fixed.

i can always count on you, you sexy man-beast!

03-26-2008, 11:39 AM
But she's Columbian.

If I were fucking a South American girl, she could speak what ever fucking language that she wanted, as long as I got to look at that ass every day.

I was dating a cuban girl. She left me in part because I wasn't hispanic. She's now with a Puerto Rican and her family is so happy she's with someone who "gets the culture". I'm sorry, but there is no culture to get. Some people just try to grab at things to make them unique despite being so removed from it.

03-26-2008, 12:25 PM
i disagree. i think people should speak english in the work place. one of my best friends has been dating a columbian girl for 3 years. whenever they go out with her friends they always speak spanish and he doesnt understand. it pisses him off so much. that is one of the few things they fight over. (that had nothing to do with this argument i just wanted to throw that in there) i think if you come to america from anywhere you need to learn how to speak english first.

its the governments fault. if they created a law for a national language this would never have been a problem.

OR learn how to speak it once you got here. I agree with what you are saying. If I went out with a woman who did not speak english outside of the office it would be a short romance.

I always said if you have to go Germany to work for a few years...or Spain....or Japan....would you learn the language? Of course you would.
If you come here to america to LIVE, why not show us the same respect??

03-26-2008, 12:26 PM
When earthbrown grows up... he's going to be so angry he'll die of the stress.
dad? is that you?

If I were fucking a South American girl, she could speak what ever fucking language that she wanted, as long as I got to look at that ass every day.
I thought you were female..Only because guy's don't normally hate me as much as you do..But either way, Q to the T to the mother fuckin' F..

Q: What if your life depended on knowing the language of the country you were living in?
Watch What you say...Your Political future could be on the line..

03-26-2008, 12:35 PM
I always said if you have to go Germany to work for a few years...or Spain....or Japan....would you learn the language? Of course you would.
If you come here to america to LIVE, why not show us the same respect??

Sometimes it's not a matter of respect...somtimes you just can't learn the language very well. I spent years living in Panama, France and Thailand. In each location I tried to learn the languages. Couldn't hold anything beyond a barebones "business" conversation if my life depended on it.

And that's the thing...people talk like the immigrants coming here, especially from down south, mostly don't try to learn ANY english at all. That's simply not the case.

03-26-2008, 12:44 PM
I recently went to a daycare and there were two babies in the corner speaking fluent gibberish to eachother. It was absolutely disgraceful. I brought it to the attention of the daycare manager who did nothing. These babies are being brought up in a world where they think it's OK to speak gibberish outside of the playpen. If you come into my country you damn well better be speaking english, I don't care if your vocal skills are still being developed.

What is this world coming to?

03-26-2008, 12:48 PM
I always said if you have to go Germany to work for a few years...or Spain....or Japan....would you learn the language? Of course you would.
If you come here to america to LIVE, why not show us the same respect??

I love how everyone acts like once you hit the age of 25 that learning a new language is easy.

"Oh, just learn English! Its so easy."

I thought you were female..Only because guy's don't normally hate me as much as you do..But either way, Q to the T to the mother fuckin' F..

I commented in another thread how you were growing on me. I actually find you funny most of the time now.

03-26-2008, 12:58 PM
I dont like when people speak hayseed and yet surrounded by them here in the South I've managed to survive

03-26-2008, 01:05 PM
I have been trying to learn Spanish for the last year and a half and, quite frankly, I butcher the hell out of it when I speak. I travel to South America for business and thankfully the people that I encounter have been extremely tolerant with me and actually make an effort to communicate with me in my native language to overcome MY shortcomings. I have been extremely lucky not to have encountered Earthbrown's counterpart in my travels.

03-26-2008, 01:07 PM
I have been extremely lucky not to have encountered Earthbrown's counterpart in my travels.

They probably live "up river".

03-26-2008, 01:33 PM
English is one of the more difficult languages to learn.


03-26-2008, 02:00 PM
English is one of the more difficult languages to learn.


Just look at some of the young posters on this board. It's sad.

03-26-2008, 02:10 PM
English is one of the more difficult languages to learn.



I have 2 years of learning Spanish in high school and 6 years work experience. I employ 4 Mexicans and we speak on a daily basis. I choose to speak their language because it is easier for us to communicate that way. I do encourage them to speak English for their own benefit. They are trying, but is really difficult for them to learn and for me to teach.



There are many more. Very difficult to explain.

03-26-2008, 02:16 PM
How bout if she waz speaking sign language to her co-workerz. Wood der be a problem with dat? Like if she waz deaf or sumthing.

03-26-2008, 02:36 PM
How bout if she waz speaking sign language to her co-workerz. Wood der be a problem with dat? Like if she waz deaf or sumthing.

The man is sassy, but he has yet another point as to why this is such a stupid and biased regulation at this place.

03-26-2008, 02:38 PM
At my last job the entire warehouse crew was latino. Mostly Dominicans and Puerto Ricans, with a few Guatemalans, Mexicans, Costa Ricans, etc. When I needed something I'd ask in my piss poor Spanish and they'd reply in their Spanglish. We kind of met in the middle.

Hey, we were both trying.

03-26-2008, 02:42 PM
When I needed something I'd ask in my piss poor Spanish ng.

"I need-o the toilet-o plunger-o again!"

03-26-2008, 04:01 PM
Mostly Dominicans and Puerto Ricans,

And there was no warefare and hatred?

03-26-2008, 04:07 PM
And there was no warefare and hatred?

He knows of what he speaks.

03-26-2008, 04:19 PM
C'mon - we all know they only speak their native language so they can call us assholes right in front of us, rather than waiting until we leave the room!

BTW - what's the Spanish word for "douche"?

03-26-2008, 04:21 PM
C'mon - we all know they only speak their native language so they can call us assholes right in front of us, rather than waiting until we leave the room!

BTW - what's the Spanish word for "douche"?

La Stankfoota

03-26-2008, 04:40 PM
There's no official language. There never has been. We've always been a nation of many tongues. That's OUR country. Tough shit. If you don't like it, you can leave.
Do you think there should be no official language?

03-26-2008, 04:51 PM
I was dating a cuban girl. She left me in part because I wasn't hispanic. She's now with a Puerto Rican and her family is so happy she's with someone who "gets the culture". I'm sorry, but there is no culture to get. Some people just try to grab at things to make them unique despite being so removed from it.
I wouldn't go so far as to say there's no culture to get, but I really resent the wannabe 2nd and 3rd generation Americans with hispanic ancestry who grasp at anything that separates them from mainstream English-speaking society. Maybe I'm biased because I dated a psycho Colombian for 1 1/2 years who took any chance she could to point that the way they do things in Colombia is better. Is it?

03-26-2008, 04:59 PM
Do you think there should be no official language?

No, I don't see the need for one. For one, we don't have anything even close to the necessary infrastructure to enforce such a thing.

03-26-2008, 05:01 PM
No, I don't see the need for one. For one, we don't have anything even close to the necessary infrastructure to enforce such a thing.

Besides, they talk kinda funny down there south of the mason-dixon line.

03-26-2008, 05:05 PM
No, I don't see the need for one. For one, we don't have anything even close to the necessary infrastructure to enforce such a thing.

but how will we know what language to speak without the government telling us?

also, if we make english the official language, we can start putting spics in jail for speaking spanish! yea!!!:smoke:

03-26-2008, 05:12 PM
You know we're NOT really speaking English. We're speaking a form a slang-english. That's why there was the American revolution, cuz the language was not of the mother land and they tried to enforce their wills among us.

03-26-2008, 05:12 PM
No, I don't see the need for one. For one, we don't have anything even close to the necessary infrastructure to enforce such a thing.
I've been to Quebec and Wallonia. Believe me, we don't want a bilingual state. I speak 3 languages and I wish more Americans spoke at least 2, but we should not accept a second language in this country. I don't see what infrastructure we need to "enforce" it. No citizenship tests (or any other governmental tests) in languages other than English. I'm pro-immigration, but they knew what country this was, so they need to do the right thing and stop giving xenophobes a reason to want to throw them out.

03-26-2008, 05:17 PM
So what's the story with the metric system?

03-26-2008, 05:44 PM
I commented in another thread how you were growing on me. I actually find you funny most of the time now.
:ohmy:I nearly missed it..It warms my heart to know that I am able to bring a smile to the Underdog's face..Vegas had the over/under at 1000 posts..I blew that shit out of the water..Can I PM you a list of boardmates who need some convincing? Thanks underdog you made my night...he likes me, he likes me....:wub:

03-26-2008, 05:48 PM
I've been to Quebec and Wallonia. Believe me, we don't want a bilingual state. I speak 3 languages and I wish more Americans spoke at least 2, but we should not accept a second language in this country. I don't see what infrastructure we need to "enforce" it. No citizenship tests (or any other governmental tests) in languages other than English. I'm pro-immigration, but they knew what country this was, so they need to do the right thing and stop giving xenophobes a reason to want to throw them out.

Screw the xenophobes. I have no problem with a mutli-lingual country. It's the way of the future.

03-26-2008, 06:24 PM
Screw the xenophobes. I have no problem with a mutli-lingual country. It's the way of the future.
Name a bilingual country where one of the language groups isn't markedly disadvantaged. I'm thinking of Canada, Belgium, the United States, anywhere in Africa, or any other bilingual country on this rock. Find an exception and I'll humbly concede

03-26-2008, 07:49 PM
Name a bilingual country where one of the language groups isn't markedly disadvantaged. I'm thinking of Canada, Belgium, the United States, anywhere in Africa, or any other bilingual country on this rock. Find an exception and I'll humbly concede

I don't think it'll ever work perfectly. Nothing works perfectly. But it's just the way things are going, and at the pace it's going, we won't really notice it happening. It'll just happen. It's pretty much impossible to make any country as big as this one have just one language. It's never been like that.

03-26-2008, 10:00 PM
Screw the xenophobes. I have no problem with a mutli-lingual country. It's the way of the future.

what do you base that on? i don't see it. heck, with the global economy i see more homogenization internationally and one lingua franca dominating all others more and more in the years to come.

03-26-2008, 10:10 PM

03-27-2008, 04:36 AM
what do you base that on? i don't see it. heck, with the global economy i see more homogenization internationally and one lingua franca dominating all others more and more in the years to come.

I agree that that is the future, but it won't be English. It'll be some mashup of English and the multitude of other languages present in this melting pot of ours. It's already happening. The English we speak now isn't what was spoken even 50 years ago. Sure it's basically the same but we use a lot more words from other languages now and the incorporation of net/text speak is changing the language at an accelerated rate. Watch any Japanese television show and count how many English words they use. That's happening to English as well. I used to be a big nerd when it came to correcting people's grammar. That was until I realized that language is alive and ever evolving. Language works if it conveys something, regardless of it's rules, and I believe that we'll all find some way to converse with each other no matter what version of English or Spanish or Esperanto we speak.

03-27-2008, 07:22 AM
I agree that that is the future, but it won't be English. It'll be some mashup of English and the multitude of other languages present in this melting pot of ours. It's already happening. The English we speak now isn't what was spoken even 50 years ago. Sure it's basically the same but we use a lot more words from other languages now and the incorporation of net/text speak is changing the language at an accelerated rate. Watch any Japanese television show and count how many English words they use. That's happening to English as well. I used to be a big nerd when it came to correcting people's grammar. That was until I realized that language is alive and ever evolving. Language works if it conveys something, regardless of it's rules, and I believe that we'll all find some way to converse with each other no matter what version of English or Spanish or Esperanto we speak.


03-27-2008, 07:26 AM matter what version of English or Spanish or Esperanto we speak.

Anyone caught speaking Esperanto
Is thought crazy or headed for jail
There's peace in the wilds of West Texas
Where the sun and the sky prevail

03-27-2008, 07:38 AM
Reminds me of the time I was visiting Scotland and one of the street vendors had a sign that said "American Spoken Here".

03-27-2008, 02:18 PM
Judge sentences Hispanic men to learn English (

Are you happy now Earthbrown?

Dougie Brootal
03-27-2008, 03:57 PM
Judge sentences Hispanic men to learn English (

Are you happy now Earthbrown?

that actually doesnt seem so bad. its not impossible to do and i would think learning a new language is exciting.

03-27-2008, 04:36 PM
I wonder if the banner ads for this thread are driving earthbrown insane.

I hope so.

03-27-2008, 05:23 PM
I wonder if the banner ads for this thread are driving earthbrown insane.

I hope so.

I know they're pissing me off.


03-27-2008, 06:26 PM
i never meant to imply that english would be that universal language (and don't think i actually did).

04-14-2008, 05:52 PM
I know I'm dredging an old thread here, but immigrants from South Asia have wildly different cultural and religious beliefs that most Americans. They also have a skin tone that would be more likely to anger racist xenophobes than the relatively lighter skin of Mexicans. Yet, 25 years from now, I'll bet that the per-capita income of Indian-Americans will be higher than Latin-Americans because they speak english from birth. I agree with the point that we're moving towards a stained-glass global language, but in the meantime it behooves us as a whole to speak one language. Just something to think about.

Mike Teacher
04-14-2008, 06:02 PM
There is one area where, essentially, worldwide the de facto language is english.

04-14-2008, 06:07 PM
There is one area where, essentially, worldwide the de facto language is english.

why cant we all just learn Esperanto?

04-15-2008, 05:21 AM
There is one area where, essentially, worldwide the de facto language is english.

Yeah, for pilots and flight controllers

04-15-2008, 06:37 AM;jsessionid=E082001DF5A442A8B2629E8AD8D4FEC0 ?contentId=6118214&version=9&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

1. Sounds like she can put a sentence together in english...

2. It is not a "right" to speak any language you choose. This is OUR country...with this mentality the country would have never made it...speak english or GTFO.

3. She is pregnant too....going to she gets some gov't $$$ and stops working after the kid....


I'm happy everyone in this thread called you for the racist you are. Take your nationalistic paranoia elsewhere. Doesn't Sean Hannity or Mike Savage have a messageboard?